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CHAPTER 26: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Peripheral airways (< 2mm diameter, non-cartilaginous)

Characterized by airflow limitation that is not Bronchiolitis is present from early disease with a
fully reversible. pathological increase in goblet cells in
Airflow limitation is usually both progressive and inflammatory cells in the airway walls.
associated with an abnormal inflammatory With disease progression, fibrosis develops along
response of the lungs to noxious particles or with an increase of collagen in the airway walls.
Lung Parenchyma (respiratory bronchioles, alveoli and
It is a general term that covers variety of other
disease labels
Chronic obstructive lung disease (COAD) In emphysema:
Chronic obstructive airways disease Elastases destroy elastin resulting in
(COLD) dilation and destruction of the
Chronic Bronchitis or Emphysema respiratory bronchioles and alveolar sacs
Airflow obstruction with a reduced FEV1/FVC and ducts.
ratio of >80% of predicted normal, a diagnosis of There is a loss of the alveolar wall
COPD should only be made in the presence of attachments and peripheral
respiratory symptoms (breathlessness or cough) airway.
Respiratory disease including chronic bronchitis
are more common in areas: Emphysema- abnormal enlargement of the air
high atmospheric pollution spaces distal to the terminal bronchioles
In people with dust occupations (foundry FORMS:
workers and coal miners) 1. Centrilobular emphysema
Highly industrialized- highest incidence o Dilation and destruction of the
of COPD respiratory bronchioles and
alveolar sacs and ducts.
PATHOLOGY o Predominates in COPD
2. Panacinar emphysema
Affect 4 different compartments of the lung and
o Destruction of the whole acinus
all are affected in most individuals to varying
o Predominates in patients with
- antitrypsin deficiency
Central airways (< 2mm diameter, Cartilaginous)
Pulmonary vasculature
Bronchial glands hypertrophy and goblet cell Vessel walls thicken in the course of diseases
proliferation occurs. along with endothelial dysfunction.
Results in excessive mucus production Vessel walls become infiltrated by inflammatory
(Chronic bronchitis) cells (macrophages and lymphocytes)
Chronic Bronchitis There is an increased vascular smooth muscle
- Defined as a chronic or recurrent w/c can lead to pulmonary HTN.
cough with sputum production on Advanced disease: there is an emphysematous
most days for atleast 3 months of the
destruction of the vascular bed and collagen
year during atleast 2 consecutive deposition.
- There is a loss of ciliary function with
increase in inflammatory cells
(lymphocytes, macrophages, and
later in disease, neutrophils).
ETIOLOGY Inflammation
COPD is characterized by chronic inflammation
Tobacco smoking
throughout the airways, parenchyma, and
Most important and dominant risk factor in the pulmonary vasculature.
development of COPD but other noxious particles Increase neutrophils, macrophages and T-
also contributes (chemical fumes, irritants, dust lymphocytes (CD8+)
and gases). Increase eosinophils- during exacerbation
A persons exposure can be thought of in terms Cause release of inflammatory
of the total burden of inhaled particles. mediators and cytokines such as:
Leukotriene B4
Cause (normal) inflammatory response in the
Tumor necrosis factor-
Cause tissue destructions and impaired repair
Damages by lungs.
mechanism due to the exaggerated response of
Proteinases and antiproteinases imbalance
the smokers.
1-antitrypsin-deficient are individuals are at
Imbalance proteinases and antiproteinaces in the
increased risk of emphysema
Oxidative stress
Lead to imbalance between proteinases and
PATHOGENESIS OF COPD o Lead to lung destruction
Increased production/ activity of proteinases
Inflammation Proteinaces and Oxidative stress
Decreased production/ activity of
The main proteinases, proteolytic enzymes
(neutrophil elastin) are released by macrophages
and or neutrophils.
Genetic factors
Age ( at w/c individual begins smoking) The antiproteinases inhibit the damage caused by
Total pack years the proteolytic enzyme.
Current smoking status 1- antitrypsin or 1 proteinase
Natural aging process of the lungs inhibitor- main antiproteinases
Male (chronic bronchitis) o Inactivated by cigarette smoke
Occupation o Decrease by oxidative stress
Socio economic status Oxidative stress
Airway hyper-responsiveness and allergy Imbalance of oxidants and antioxidants exist in
Passive exposure to cigarette smoke may also COPD with the balance in favor of oxidants.
contribute to respiratory symptoms and COPD by Contributes to the development of the disease
increasing the lungs total burden of inhaled by:
particles and gases. Damaging the intracellular matrix
Tobacco exposure is quantified in pack years Oxidizing biological molecules- cause cell
No. of cigarettes Promoting histone acetylation
Total pack years = smoked per day X no. of There is a link between oxidative stress and the
20 yrs. Of smoking poor response to corticosteroid seen in COPD.
Corticosteroid must recruit histone
deacetylase to switch off the
transcription of inflammatory genes.
In COPD, the activity of histone deacetylase is Excessive mucus production distension of the
impaired by the oxidative stress alveoli and loss of their gas exchange function
Reducing the responsiveness to Pus and infected mucus accumulate,
corticosteroids. leading to recurrent or chronic viral and
Cigarette smoke also impairs the function of bacterial infections.
histone deacetylase. Primary pathogen- usually viral but bacterial
infection often follows.
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Common bacterial pathogens
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Physiological abnormalities of COPD Moraxella catarrhalis
Mucus hypersecretion Haemophilus influenzae
Ciliary dysfunction
Airflow limitation and hyperinflation Bronchiectasis
Gas exchange abnormalities A pathological change in the lungs where
Pulmonary HTN the bronchi become permanently dilated.
Systemic effects Common after early attacks of acute
bronchitis during w/c mucus both plugs
Mucus hypersecretion, ciliary dysfunction and and stretches the bronchial walls.
complication In severe infections, the bronchioles and
Enlarged mucus glands alveoli can become permanently
Cause: damaged and do not return to their
Hypersecretion normal size and shape.
Squamous metaplasia of epithelia cells The loss of muscle tone and loss of cilia can
Results: Ciliary dysfunction contribute to COPD because mucus has a
1st physiological abnormalities in COPD tendency to accumulate in the dilated bronchi.
Cilia and mucus- protects against inhaled
irritants w/c are trapped and expectorated. Airflow limitation and hyperinflation
Cigarette smoke Main site: Fibrosis and narrowing (airway
Cause persistent irritation remodeling) of the smaller conducting airways
exaggeration in the response of these (<2mm diameter).
protective mechanism inflammation of Compounded by:
the small bronchioles (bronchiolitis) and Loss of elastic recoil (destruction of
alveoli (alveolitis) alveolar walls)
Inhibits mucociliary clearance causes Destruction of alveolar support/
further build up of mucus in the lungs. attachments
Macrophages and neutrophils Accumulation of inflammatory cell mucus
infiltrate the epithelium and and plasma exudates
trigger a degree of epithelial Spirometry- measures the degree of airflow
destruction. limitation
o Together with Emphysema- progressive destructive
proliferation of mucus enlargement of the respiratory bronchioles,
producing cells , leads to alveolar ducts, and alveolar sacs.
plugging of smaller 2 main consequences of adjacent alveoli:
bronchioles and alveoli 1. Loss of available gas exchange surfaces
with mucus and increase in dead space and impaired gas
particulate matter exchange
2. Loss of elastic recoil in the small airways, vital Dilation and progressive right ventricular
for maintaining the force of expiration, w/c failure (cor pumonale)
leads to a tendency for them to collapse Pulmonary edema- physiological changes
during expiration particularly. subsequent to the hypoxemia and
Increase thoracic gas volume and hyperinflation hypercapnia
of the lungs. o activation of renin-
BOX 26.1 angiotensin system
o salt and water retention
Gas exchange abnormalities o reduction in renal blood
Occurs in advanced disease flow
Characterized by arterial hypoxemia with or
Systemic effects
without hypercarbia.
Abnormal distrib1ution of ventilation and Systematic inflammation and skeletal wasting
perfusion within the lungs and create the limit exercise capacity and worsen prognosis.
abnormal gaseous exchange. (COPD) Consequence/sequelae:
Pulmonary HTN and cor pulmonale Osteoporosis
Develops in COPD after gas exchange Depression
abnormalities have developed. Normocytic and normochromic anemia
Thickening to bronchiole and alveolar walls Increase risk of cardiovascular disease
resulting from chronic inflammation and edema Elevated levels of C-reactive protein
leads to blockage and obstruction of the airways.

Alveolar distension and destruction

Distortion of blood vessels associated with


Increase BP in pulmonary circulation

Reduction of in gas diffusion across the alveolar

epithelium low partial pressure of oxygen in
the BV (Hypoxemia) due to an imbalance
between ventilation perfusion.
Chronic vasoconstriction increase in BP
compromise gas diffusion from air spaces into the
Chronic low oxygen levels polycythemia
increase blood viscosity
In advanced disease, persistent hypoxemia
develops along with pathological changes in the
pulmonary circulation.
Sustained pulmonary HTN thickening of the
walls of the pulmonary arterioles associated with
pulmonary remodeling and increase in right
ventricular pressure within the heart.
Consequence of high right ventricular pressure
Right ventricular hypertrophy
CLINICAL MANIFESTATION As obstruction worsens,
hypoxemia increases pulmonary
A diagnostic COPD should be considered in any Right ventricular strains leads to right ventricular
patient who has symptoms of : failure.
Cough Right ventricular failure
Wheeze Characterize by jugular venous
Regular sputum production or exertional distension
dyspnea Hepatomegaly
Or a history of exposure to COPD Peripheral edema
Spirometry- confirm the diagnosis
** All of w/c are consequence of increase in
Clinical features systemic venous BP

Progressive disorder Recurrent lower respiratory tract infections can

Clinical features: be severe and debilitating
Bronchitis Signs:
Emphysema Increase in volume of thick and viscous
sputum (yellow or green and may
Chronic bronchitis contain bacterial pathogens)
Squamous epithelial cells
Exhibit excess mucus production and degree of
Alveolar macrophages and saliva
bronchospasm resulting in wheeze and dyspnea
Pyrexia may not be present
Hypoxia and hypercapnia (high levels of carbon
Cardiorespiratory failure with hypercapnia occurs
eventually severe, unresponsive to treatment
Has a productive cough
result to death.
Physical exertion is difficult due to dyspnea Emphysema
Sometimes referred to as blue bloater
Increasing dyspnea even at rest
Blue bloater- tendency of the patient to retain Minimal cough
carbon dioxide caused by a decrease Sputum produced is scanty and mucoid
responsiveness of the respiratory centre to prolong Bronchial infections is less common
hypoxemia that leads to cyanosis and peripheral Referred to a pink puffer
Pink puffer- hyperventilates to compensate for
Lose the ability to increase the rate and depth of
hypoxia by breathing in short puffs.
ventilation in response to persistent hypoxemia
- The patient appears pink with little
Decrease ventilator drive abnormal
carbon dioxide retention and little
peripheral or central respiratory receptors.
Increasing frequency of exacerbations of acute
dyspnea triggered by excess mucus production Breath rapidly (tachypnea)- respiratory centres
are responsive to mild hypoxemia and will have a
and obstruction as the disease progress.
flushed appearance
In severe cases
Chest diameter is often increased, Patient is thin and has pursed lips in an effort to
compensate for a lack of elastic recoil and exhale
giving classic barrel chest.
a large volume of air.
Hypoxemia is not a problem unless the disease is
Progressively dyspnoeic, without exacerbation INVESTIGATIONS
triggered by increased sputum production.
Lung function test- assists in diagnosis
Cor pulomale will develop eventually.
Leading to intractable hypercapnia and Spirometer- measure lung volumes and flow rates and
respiratory arrest categorise the severity of COPD.
Forced expiratory volume in the firs second of
2 ends of COPD exhalation (FEV1) - main measurement

Blue bloater
Pink puffer Other test:
Vital capacity (VC) - volume of air inhaled and
Additional specific problems exhaled during maximal ventilation.
Forced vital capacity the volume of air inhaled
Obstructive sleep apnea hypoapnea syndrome and exhaled during a forced maximal expiration
(OSAHS) after full inspiration.
Acute respiratory failure Residual volume (RV) the volume of air left in
the lungs after maximal exhalation.
Sleep apnea syndrome
Airflow obstruction
Frequent or prolonged pauses in breathing FEV1 less than 80% of that predicted for the
during sleep deterioration in arterial blood patient
gases and decrease in the saturation of Hgb FEV1/FVC less than 0.7
with O2

Hypoxemia Bronchitis Emphysema

VC Decrease Decrease
Accompanied by pulmonary HTN and cardiac
arrhythmias premature cardiac failure RV Increase Increase (higher)
Acute respiratory failure Total lung Normal Increased
Occurred if the PaO2 suddenly drops and
there is an increase in PaCO2 that decreases
the pH to 7.3 or less. RV increases in emphysema due to air being
Most common cause is acute exacerbation of trapped distal to the terminal bronchioles as well
chronic bronchitis with an increase in volume as in total lung capacity.
and viscosity of sputum. Smoking increases the normal deterioration in
Impairs ventilation and causes more severe FEV1 over time from about 30 mL/yr to 45mL/yr.
hypoxemia and hypercapnia. FEV1 and FVC detect changes in airways greater
Signs and symptoms: than 2mm in diameter.
Restlessness <2mm:
Confusion 10-20% of normal resistance to flow
Tachycardia Severe obstruction
Cyanosis Extensive damage to the lungs by the
Sweating time LFT detect abnormalities.
Hypotension LF deteriorate with age even in the absence of
Eventual unconsciousness COPD
Use of FEV1/FVC overdiagnosis in the elderly
And underdiagnosis in patients under 45 years
Testing should be carried out after a dose of
inhaled bronchodilator to prevent diagnosis or
overestimation of severity.
Chest radiographs
Reveal differences between the 2 disease


Flattened diaphragm with loss of peripheral

vascular markings
Appearance of bullae
Indicative of extensive trapping of air.


Increased bronchovascular markings

Cardiomegaly with prominent pulmonary

Table 26.3

Table 26.4
TREATMENT Triple therapy- if the patient remains
breathless or has exacerbations.
Stable COPD
Long acting oxygen therapy Short acting bronchodilators (Short- acting B2 receptor
Patient with severe COPD and hypoxemia agonist or short acting antimuscarinic)
Box 26.2 Rapid relief
Box 26.3 Low incidence of SE
Most patient with COPD are considered to have Inhaled treatment is as efficacious as oral agents.
irreversible obstruction, in contrast to patients There is a little benefit in giving more than 1 mg.
with asthma, but significant number do seem to Effect lasts for 4 hours and they should be used
respond to bronchodilators. as required for symptom relief.
Used before exercise to improve exercise
Smoking cessation In COPD, parasympathetic (vagal) airway muscle
Smoking is the most important factor in tone is the major reversible component.
the development of obstructive airways o Inhaled anticholinergic drugs- reverse
disease. this vagal tone and have a bronchodilator
All patient should be encouraged to stop effect.
If contraindicated, all patient who are Long acting bronchodilators
planning to stop smoking should be Include LAMAs and LABAs.
offered: Tiotropium
Nicotine Replacement therapy o Has a 24-h duration of action
(NRT) o Reduce exacerbation rates
Varenicline o Increase exercise tolerance
Bupropion o Reduce rated of hospital admission.
Use to reverse airflow limitation High dose bronchodilators
Respiratory function test- assesses Patient with distressing and debilitating
effectiveness. breathlessness despite maximal inhaled therapy
Patient may experience improvement in may benefit from higher doses ( inhaler or via
exercise tolerance or relief of symptoms nebuliser)
(wheeze and cough). Patient should have their initial therapy
Initial empiric therapy with SABA- optimized.
prescribed when required, for the relief
of breathlessness and exercise limitations Theophylline
are recommended for initial use.
Weak bronchodilator but useful in physiological
If patient remain breathlessness or have
effects in COPD
exacerbations despite SABA then
Increase respiratory drive
maintenance therapy is recommended
improve diaphragmatic function
improved CO
FEV1 > 50% predicted: LABA or
The use should only be considered after a trial of
short-acting with long-acting bronchodilators.
FEV1 <50% predicted: a
Initial therapeutic trial of several weeks should be
combination of either LABA and
carried out.
Persistent nocturnal symptoms (cough or Mucolytics
wheeze)- night time used of long acting Benefit in stable COPD if there is a chronic cough
theophylline. productive of sputum.
Factors that affects its clearance:
Cigarette smoking Antibiotics and immunization
Viral pneumonia Prophylactic antibiotics have no place in the
Heart failure management of COPD.
Concurrent drug treatment (macrolides) Vital if patient develops purulent sputum
It is being investigated in low concentrations for For acute infective exacerbations of bronchitis
its ability to reverse the decrease in histone o Supply of antibiotics to keep at home to
deacetylase activity associated with oxidative start at the 1st sign of an exacerbation.
stress. Initial routine sputum cultures
Benefit in reversing corticosteroid resistance. o Unreliable in identifying the pathogenic
Corticosteroid Normal pathogens:
Patient with COPD has a poor response to S. pneumonia
corticosteroids. H. influenzae
Have a largely steroid-resistant pattern of M. catarrhalis
inflammation. Usual antibiotics used:
It is postulated that the oxidative stress of COPD Co-amoxiclav
inhibits the mechanism by w/c corticosteroid, Amoxicillin
acting through histone deacetylase, switch off Erythromycin
activated inflammatory genes. Doxycycline
Long term benefits: If the infection follows influenza, Staphylococcus
o With moderate-to-severe disease aureus may be present
o With an FEV1 <50% o Antistaphylococcal agent (Flucloxacillin)
o Who are having exacerbations requiring Sputum Cultures
treatment with antibiotics and oral o If the infection is considered atypical in
corticosteroids. presentation or if the purulent sputum is
There is a reduction in the number of still present after 1 week of treatment.
exacerbation o Identify pathogenic organisms
o Increased risk of pneumonia Reduce hospitalization and the risk of death in
There is no inhaled steroid is licensed for use in the elderly with chronic lung disease and should
COPD except when used with LABA in be offered to those with chronic airflow
combination devices. obstruction.
Oral steroids in stable COPD. o Single dose of pneumococcal vaccine
Maintenance oral therapy- o Annual influenza vaccinations
o If oral steroids cannot be withdrawn after
a short course prescribed to treat an Acute exacerbations of COPD
exacerbation. Acute worsening of the disease.
o Lowest dose should be used. This exacerbation can be spontaneous but are
The patient should always assess for often precipitated by infection and lead to:
osteoporosis and the need for osteoporosis Respiratory failure with hypoxemia
prevention. Retention if carbon dioxide
Patient over 65 years receiving maintenance
therapy automatically receive prophylactic
treatment for osteoporosis.
Bronchodilators Mismatch between ventilation
Treat the increased breathlessness that is and perfusion.
associated with exacerbations. The goal is an initial oxygen saturation of
Can be given by metered-dose inhaler (MDI) or between 88% and 92% to avoid
nebuliser. respiratory acidosis but to allow enough
B2- agonist can be given with or without an oxygen to be administered to overcome
anticholinergic agent. potentially life-threatening hypoxia.
The initial concentration should be 24-
Antibiotics 28% and then titrated to oxygen
Treat exacerbation of COPD associated with a saturation.
history of more purulent sputum. Arterial blood gases should be
Choice of antibiotics is dependent on: monitored.
Local policy IV hydration
Sensitivity pattern During an acute attack, pyrexia,
Previous treatments hyperventilation, and excessive work of
First line agent: breathing can result in an inability to eat
o Aminopenicillin or drink leading to dehydration.
o Macrolide with increased activity against Chest physiotherapy
H. influenzae or oxytetracycline Mobilized secretions
Promote expectoration
Corticosteroids Expand collapsed lung segments
Short course of oral steroids Nebuliser 0.9% NaCl has been also
o Benefit FEV1 used to help.
o Reduce the duration of hospitalization Doxapram
Patients managed at home have increased Largely superseded by non-invasive
breathlessness w/c interferes with daily activities ventilator support.
and all those admitted to hospital should be As a continuous infusion at a rate of 1-4
treated. mg/min
Prednisolone 30 mg every morning given for 7- For patients with
14 days. Acute respiratory failure
Carbon dioxide retention
Other treatment Depressed ventilation
IV aminophylline Uses:
If there is an inadequate response to Stimulates respiratory and
bronchodilators vasomotor centres in the medulla
LD and MD should be carefully chosen. Increases the depth of breathing
Oxygen therapy Slightly increase the rate of
Improve hypoxia breathing
Predisposition to carbon dioxide Arterial oxygenation is usually not
retention will be present. improved because of the increased work
Administration of high concentration of of breathing induced by doxapram.
oxygen can lead to an increase retention Has narrow therapeutic index
of carbon dioxide and respiratory Side effects:
acidosis. Arrhythmias
Due to loss of hypoxic ventilator Vasoconstriction
drive Dizziness
Harmful if used when the PaCO2 is Use a concentrator w/c converts ambient
normal or low. air to 90% oxygen using a molecular
Treatment of hypoxaemic and cor pulmonale Tubing from the terminals delivers
Cor pulmonale- if the resting PaO2 drops below oxygen to the patient, who wears a mask
8 kPa or uses the more convenient nasal
Treatment is symptomatic and involves managing prongs.
the underlying airways obstruction, hypoxaemic o Should be long enough to allow
and pulmonary edema that develops some mobility.
Peripheral edema
o Thiazide or loop diuretics (reducing PATIENT CARE
respiratory drive)
Hypoxemia Pulmonary rehabilitation
o Oxygen- promote diuresis Read the book
All patient should be assessed for the need for
LTOT. Stopping smoking
Once a decision to quit has been made, it is the
Domiciliary oxygen therapy degree of dependence rather than the level of
Aim: improve oxygen delivery to the cells motivation that will influence the success rate.
Increase alveolar oxygen tension NRT, bupropion, varenicline
Decrease the work of breathing
to maintain a given PaO2 Nicotine replacement
Can be given in 2 ways: Table 26.5
1. Intermittent (short burst) Stimulation of nicotine receptors in the brain
administration and subsequent release of dopamine.
Increase mobility and capacity for o Leads to reduction in nicotine
exercise and to ease discomfort withdrawal symptoms.
Most benefit in patient with Act as coping mechanism, making cigarette
emphysema smoking less rewarding.
2. Continuous LTOT Doubles smoking cessation rates compared
LTOT for atleast 15h/day- with controls (either placebo or no NRT),
improve survival in patients irrespective of the intensity of adjunctive
with severe, irreversible therapy.
airflow obstruction, The strongest evidence is for the use of
hypoxemia and peripheral patches and gum.
edema The choice of product and initial dose is also
Box 26.5 influence by the degree of tobacco
The main aim of treatment is to achieve a dependence.
PaO2 of atleast 8 kPa without causing a Heavy smokers (15 to 20+ cigarettes a day or
rise in PaCO2 of more than 1kPa smoking within 30 min of waking) requires
o Achieve by adjusting the oxygen higher NRT doses.
flow rate
Oxygen can be prescribed as oxygen
cylinders but 15h/day at 2L/min requires
1340L cylinders a week.
Long acting Nasal spray
Long acting transdermal patches- most Useful for people who smoke 20
suitable for people who smoke regularly. or more cigarettes per day.
24h-patch, worn overnight- better for SE:
people who crave nicotine first thing in Sneezing
the morning. Burning sensation in the
o Can cause insomnia or vivid nose
dreams The SE usually wears off after a
o Removed before bedtime or a day or two.
16h-patch used instead. Sublingual tablets
Heavy smokers should be started on the Dissolve under the tongue
high dose patches Useful for people with denatures
who have difficulty using nicotine
Short acting gum.
Gum Hourly use should be
It is important to chew nicotine recommended.
gum correctly.
The gum should be chewed Bupropion
slowly until the taste becomes Antidepressant
strong and then allowed to rest Use in smoking cessation
between the cheek and teeth to Inhibits neuronal noradrenaline and
allow absorption. dopamine uptake
Nicotine gum is not a good choice Reducing tobacco withdrawal
for people with dentures or other symptoms by increasing CNS
vulnerable dental work. dopamine levels.
Encouraged to use 10-15 pieces Treatment should be started while the
of gum a day. (one piece an hour) patient is still smoking with a target date to
Lozenge stop smoking set during 2nd week of use.
Dissolve in the mouth and Total treatment period- 7-9 weeks
periodically moved around, until Initial dose: 150 mg daily for 6 days,
completely gone. increasing to 150 mg twice a day thereafter
One lozenge per hour is (with atleast 8 hours between doses)
recommended during the initial As effective as NRT and intensive behavioral
period of use to provide support.
adequate nicotine absorption. Better result if used in combination with NRT
Inhalator Not be used in patient with a current or
Useful for people who miss the previous seizure disorder or in patients with
physical act of smoking. Bulimia
Nicotine is absorbed via the Anorexia
buccal mucosa, peaking in 20-30 Bipolar disorder
min. Severe hepatic cirrhosis
User should puff on the inhalator Or those taking MAOIs
for 2 min each hour, changing the
Inhibits CYP450 enzymes = inhibit
cartridge after three 20 min
metabolism of other drugs
Insomnia (avoid bedtime dosing)
Headache Dominiciliary oxygen therapy
Dizziness 15 hr treatment of the day.
Allergic reactions If an oxygen concentrator is used, limited
Taste disorder mobility can be gained by installing atleast 2
Seizure terminals for the unit with long tubing between
the terminal and nasal prongs.
Varenicline Theres a fire risk if they used LTOT while
Oral selective partial 4 B2 agonist at the smoking.
neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. Carbon monoxide present in tobacco smoking
Alleviates the symptom of craving and binds to Hgb and forms carboxyhemoglobin, w/c
withdrawal, whilst reducing the rewarding decreases the amount of oxygen that can be
and reinforcing effect of smoking by transported by the blood and will partially or
preventing nicotine binding to 4 B2 completely negate the beneficial effects of LTOT.
receptors. The long term, chronic nature of COPD may leave
Result higher abstinence rate a patient with a fear of exercise as this will cause
Not be sustained after 12 months. dyspnea (breathlessness).
Recommended as an option for smokers for Ambulatory oxygen cylinders can be used to
smokers aged 18 or over wishing to quit. encourage mobility and increase exercise
Should be started 1-2 weeks before stopping tolerance during travel outside the home.
Abnormal dreams
Increased risk of depression and suicide
Individuals who develop agitation, depressed
mood or suicidal thoughts are required to
seek medical advice.
Combination therapy involving varenicline
and bupropion (either with each other or in
conjunction with NRT) is not recommended.

Use of inhaled therapy

For individuals suffering from obstructive
airways disease with a degree or reversibility
Correct use of inhaled therapy is a vital part
of overall management.
More rapid onset of the B2 agonist to relieve
Regular administration must be stressed.
Incorrect use may lead to subtherapeutic

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