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Diagn Interv Radiol DOI 10.5152/dir.2015.


Turkish Society of Radiology 2015 PI C TO R I A L E S S AY

CT findings in acute peritonitis: a pattern-based approach

Antonella Filippone ABSTRACT

Roberta Cianci Many inflammatory and infectious entities may acutely affect the peritoneum causing a thickening
of its layers. Unfortunately, several acute peritoneal diseases can have overlapping features, both
Andrea Delli Pizzi clinically and at imaging. Therefore, the awareness of the clinical context, although useful, may be
Gianluigi Esposito sometimes insufficient to identify the underlying cause. This article provides a specific computed
tomography-based approach including morphologic characteristics of peritoneal thickening (e.g.,
Pierluigi Pulsone smooth, irregular, or nodular) and ancillary findings to narrow the differential diagnosis of acute
Alessandra Tavoletta peritonitis.
Mauro Timpani
Antonio Raffaele Cotroneo

omputed tomography (CT) became an important tool in the detection and charac-
terization of acute abdominal involvement with the development of multidetector
CT (MDCT) scanners. This technology makes the acquisition of isotropic data possible
and affords the capability of performing high-resolution multiplanar reconstructions (1).
Thus, CT imaging is often the initial modality in acute abdomen in a significant proportion
of patients, and radiologists should have a high level of suspicion in detection and interpre-
tation of peritoneal abnormalities.
As a wide variety of acute peritoneal diseases may present with similar clinical features,
the clinicians ask the interpreting radiologist to provide a concise and focused differential
diagnosis. However, several specific entities may manifest with overlapping CT findings.
This article provides an overview of MDCT appearances of acute peritoneal diseases based
on the peritoneal thickening pattern and a detailed analysis of the associated findings.

Peritonitis: definition, clinical features, and etiology

Peritonitis is an inflammatory condition of the peritoneum; it may be infective or nonin-
fective. Intra-abdominal infections have two major manifestations: bacterial peritonitis and,
its late but localized stage, intra-abdominal abscess. Bacterial peritonitis can be classified
as primary and secondary peritonitis. Primary peritonitis is usually defined as a diffuse bac-
terial infection of the peritoneal cavity occurring without loss of integrity of the digestive
tract. Secondary bacterial peritonitis is defined as an acute infection of the peritoneal cav-
ity, usually resulting from perforation or anastomotic disruption of the digestive tract (2).
Sometimes secondary peritonitis may arise from acute abdominal inflammatory conditions,
peritoneal dialysis, and systemic infections such as tuberculosis.
Noninfective peritonitis may result from sterile involvement of the peritoneum such as
in eosinophilic peritonitis (3) or encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis (4). It may also be due to
From the Department of Neuroscience and Imaging chemical peritoneal irritation as in biliary or vernix caseosa peritonitis.
(A.F., G. dAnnunzio
University, SS. Annunziata Hospital, Chieti, Italy. The clinical diagnosis of peritonitis is based on acute abdominal pain, abdominal tender-
ness and guarding, fever, tachycardia, nausea, vomiting, and bloating; laboratory data such
Received 13 February 2015; revision requested 11
March 2015; revision received 7 April 2015; accepted as leukocytosis and acidosis are supportive.
15 April 2015.

Published online 31 August 2015

Normal vs. pathologic peritoneum: CT appearance
DOI 10.5152/dir.2015.15066
On MDCT, normal peritoneum appears as a fine, thin structure, and therefore it is hard-
This is a preprint version of the article; the final version
will appear in the November-December 2015 issue of ly detectable. The pathologic involvement produces a thickening of the peritoneal layers,
the Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology. which become easily noticeable.
According to the type of peritoneal in- tion. Furthermore, the use of CT-pattern ap- though less frequently, the irregular as well as
volvement, it is possible to identify three proach cannot exclude a careful evaluation the nodular patterns may be seen in several
different patterns. 1- Smooth uniform pat- of the ancillary CT findings (e.g., free intra- types of acute benign peritoneal diseases.
tern: peritoneal thickening is regular and peritoneal air) that significantly contribute In these cases the appearance of the greater
of uniform thickness and shows a smooth to make the correct diagnosis. omentum and the small bowel mesentery
interface with the omental fat (Fig. 1). 2- The smooth uniform thickening is the prev- may help to avoid false diagnosis of malig-
Irregular pattern: peritoneal thickening alent pattern in most cases of acute peritoni- nancy. As a matter of fact, in neoplastic dis-
shows a nonuniform thickness with focal tis, whereas the nodular pattern is relatively eases the omental involvement ranges from
segments being thicker than others; the rare. Malignant lesions such as peritoneal subtle, larger discrete nodules to a diffuse
interface between the thickened perito- carcinomatosis, peritoneal lymphomatosis, continuous mass, otherwise referred to as
neum and the omental fat appears rough and mesothelioma show nodular thickening omental caking (6). Similarly, the involvement
and irregular; focal thicker segments as the prevalent pattern (5). Nevertheless, al- of small bowel mesentery by focal nodules or
show an obtuse angle with the peritone-
um (Fig. 2). 3- Nodular pattern: peritoneal
thickening is absent or minimal; the pre- a b
dominant finding is well-defined nodules
of soft tissue attenuation which are indi-
vidually seen along the peritoneum and
are outlined by the adjacent omental fat;
nodules typically show variable diame-
ters with some larger and others smaller
in size (Fig. 3).

CT pattern-approach of
Figure 1. a, b. A 65-year-old man with hepatitis induced liver cirrhosis, fever, and abdominal pain. Axial
contrast-enhanced MDCT image (a) and schematic drawing (b) show smooth, uniform thickening of the
Inflammatory and malignant diseases of
peritoneum (arrows) due to spontaneous bacterial peritonitis.
the peritoneum can have a similar appear-
ance. Moreover, different causes of peritoni-
tis can show similar CT findings. Therefore,
a b
a CT pattern-approach may represent a fur-
ther useful diagnostic tool for correct image
Before describing this approach, it is im-
portant to understand that the awareness of
the patients clinical history and presentation
is essential for an accurate image interpreta-

Main points

Acute peritonitis presents with nonspecific clinical Figure 2. a, b. A 34-year-old man with HIV infection. Axial contrast-enhanced MDCT image (a) and
and laboratory features. schematic drawing (b) show irregular thickening of the peritoneum (arrows) due to proven tuberculous
To date multidetector CT represents the best
imaging modality to evaluate patients with
acute abdominal pain. In this setting, radiologists
should be aware of CT findings indicative of acute a b
peritoneal diseases.
CT pattern-approach, based on the detection of
three different patterns (smooth regular, irregular
and nodular), may represent a useful diagnostic
tool for a correct image assessment.
Starting from patients clinical history, the analysis
of CT peritoneal pattern together with the
associated ancillary findings is the clue for correct
image interpretation and differential diagnosis.
When using this approach, radiologists may
accurately differentiate benign peritoneal
diseases from malignant ones and may define the Figure 3. a, b. A 42-year-old immigrant woman from Ethiopia. Axial contrast-enhanced MDCT image
underlying pathology. (a) and schematic drawing (b) show nodular thickening of the peritoneum (arrows) due to proven
tuberculous peritonitis.

Filippone et al.
masses is common in malignancy. Accord- The intraperitoneal spread of PID can cholecystectomy era; its incidence has in-
ing to the literature, metastatic cell growth cause perihepatitis, which is an inflamma- creased up to 0.9% following the introduc-
occurs at natural sites of fluid accumulation tion with smooth thickening of the perito- tion of laparoscopic cholecystectomy (13,
(7). The lower small bowel mesentery near neal covering of the liver. In women with 14). The clinical picture is determined by
the terminal ileum is one of the natural sites PID, perihepatitis associated with right up- the amount and rate of leak of bile into the
where tumor initially deposits. Therefore, the per abdominal pain is known as FitzHugh abdominal cavity. The clinical scenario com-
terminal ileum is a critical area to evaluate Curtis syndrome (9, 10). It has been demon- bined with history and MDCT location of
when searching for evidence of peritoneal strated that hepatic capsular enhancement intraperitoneal fluid should raise the suspi-
metastases (8). Different from malignancies, implying perihepatitis can be present in cion of biliary peritonitis. Loculated fluid is
the omental involvement is uncommon in women with PID without right upper ab- often located in the projection of the cystic
acute peritonitis whereas the small bowel dominal pain (9, 11). This means that hepat- duct seat, at the hepatic hilum, and in the
mesentery can be frequently involved. ic capsular enhancement can be one of the subhepatic space. A slight smooth perito-
Several different entities characterized useful ancillary CT findings for diagnosis of neal thickening is noticeable in diffuse bil-
by diffuse and localized acute peritonitis acute PID, regardless of association with iary peritonitis.
will be discussed in the order of frequency, FitzHughCurtis syndrome.
according to the peritoneal thickening pat- Wet type tuberculous peritonitis
tern. Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) Wet type tuberculous peritonitis is
Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) characterized by large amounts of free or
Smooth peritoneal pattern is a primary infectious peritonitis due to an loculated viscous fluid (15). On MDCT, a
infection of the ascitic fluid typically caused smooth peritoneal thickening with pro-
Localized peritonitis secondary to acute by Escherichia coli, Streptococcus, and Kleb- nounced enhancement suggests the
abdominal inflammatory condition siella, commonly occurring in patients with wet-type tuberculous peritonitis, when
Appendicitis, diverticulitis, or Crohns hepatic cirrhosis (prevalence of 8%27%).
disease may be responsible for a localized Clinical criteria are positive culture of ascit-
peritonitis. Usually localized peritonitis is ic fluid, neutrophilic count of at least 250
characterized by a small sized fluid-like col- cells for mm3 in the ascitic fluid, and no ob-
lection surrounded by smoothly thickened vious intra-abdominal source of infection.
and enhancing peritoneum abutting the in- SBP may be caused by the combination of
volved gastrointestinal (GI) tract; these find- long-term bacteremia due to deficient de-
ings are associated with increased density fense mechanisms in the host, intrahepatic
within the adjacent mesentery. shunting, and decreased bactericidal activi-
ty that occurs in ascites (12).
Peritonitis secondary to perforation of Although the diagnosis may be based
the abdominal viscera exclusively on the clinical scenario and the Figure 4. A 69-year-old woman with sudden onset
Perforation of the GI tract frequently history of cirrhosis, the referring clinicians of abdominal distension and severe abdominal
pain, initially localized in the right inferior
leads to emergency conditions that require often request a MDCT to confirm the diag- quadrant then diffuse to the whole abdomen,
surgical management. Free fluid and air in nosis and, mainly, to exclude a malignant associated with nausea, chill, and leukocytosis.
the peritoneal cavity represent the hallmark peritoneal involvement. The key MDCT fea- Axial MDCT image shows free intraperitoneal
air (asterisks), ascites, smooth pelvic peritoneal
findings at CT. Peritoneal thickening can be tures are represented by smooth thicken- thickening (arrows), and bowel wall thickening
considered in the context of peritonitis sec- ing of peritoneum that involves the whole (open arrows) indicative of peritonitis caused by
ondary to a GI tract perforation, if present abdominal cavity, with a relative sparing of intestinal perforation.
along with extraluminal gas associated with mesenteric folds, associated with gross as-
segmental bowel wall thickening, abnormal cites (Fig. 1). Diagnosis can be confirmed by
bowel wall enhancement, perivisceral fat combining the peritoneal pattern thicken-
stranding, and free fluid (Fig. 4). ing with the clinical data.

Pelvic inflammatory disease Biliary peritonitis

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is char- Biliary peritonitis is a relatively uncom-
acterized by smooth uniformly enhancing mon condition, often neglected and uni-
peritoneal thickening associated with pel- formly fatal if left undrained. Rupture of a
vic fat haziness. The fallopian tubes exhibit pathologic gallbladder or rupture of biliary
an even greater degree of wall thickening ducts or cholangitic abscess secondary to
and enhancement and are filled with com- obstruction of biliary tree are known caus-
plex fluid, which usually indicate pyosalpinx es. Blunt trauma is another cause due to
(9). Frank tubo-ovarian and pelvic abscess- gallbladder injury, while extrahepatic bile Figure 5. A 32-year-old woman with acute pelvic
es are indicated by the presence of a thick- duct injury contributed to few reported cas- pain and leukocytosis. Axial contrast-enhanced
walled, complex fluid collection that may es. Iatrogenic biliary injuries are feared com- MDCT image shows a right tubo-ovarian abscess
(black arrows) with fluid collections surrounded by
contain internal septa and a fluid-debris plications, which were reported to occur in smoothly thickened and enhanced peritoneum
level (Fig. 5). approximately 0.2%0.3% during the open (white arrows).

Multidetector CT findings in acute peritonitis

combined with free ascitic fluid and thick- ed with soft tissue infiltration of omentum
ened strands with crowded vascular bun- and/or mesentery. Gastric and/or bowel
dles within the mesentery. The omentum wall thickening may also be seen (Fig. 7).
shows the typical smudged appearance These findings combined with high periph-
characterized by ill-defined soft tissue eral eosinophil count should raise suspicion
densities (15) (Fig. 6). The smooth perito- of eosinophilic peritonitis. An endoscopic
neal thickening pattern coupled with the evaluation of upper GI tract with biopsy
typical omentum and mesentery appear- usually confirms the eosinophilic infiltra-
ance differentiates tuberculous peritonitis tion of the gastric wall.
from peritoneal carcinomatosis (5). Fur-
thermore, all ancillary CT findings, such Vernix caseosa peritonitis
as splenomegaly and calcifications of the Vernix caseosa peritonitis (VCP) is a rare
Figure 6. A 54-year-old woman with HIV infection
spleen, involvement of the ileocecal wall, complication of cesarean section caused by
presenting with fever, general ill health, and
retroperitoneal and peripancreatic lymph- spillage of amniotic fluid or vernix caseosa abdominal pain due to proven tuberculous
adenopathy with a hypodense center and into the peritoneal cavity. The diagnosis peritonitis. Axial MDCT image shows ascites
ring-enhancement, are deemed sugges- should be suspected in any patient present- and diffuse abdominopelvic smooth peritoneal
thickening (arrows), associated with a smudged
tive of tuberculous peritonitis. The diagno- ing with post-cesarean delivery acute ab- appearance of the omental fat (arrowheads), soft
sis still requires a high index of suspicion domen. Vernix caseosa can result in a pro- tissue strands with crowded vascular bundles in
based on clinical history that is essential found systemic inflammatory response that the small bowel mesentery (asterisk) and caseous
lymph nodes (open arrowheads).
once the suggestive findings have been necessitates maternal laparotomy and may
demonstrated by MDCT. lead to erroneous resection of intra-abdom-
Nowadays, when speaking about tuber- inal organs. Diagnosis is often difficult due
culosis, it has to be considered that Myco- to lack of awareness of the condition and
bacterium tuberculosis is one of the com- may only be made following histologic ex-
monest pathogens known to cause immune amination. The characteristic intraoperative
reconstitution syndrome in HIV-positive pa- finding is a cheesy white exudate that coats
tients receiving highly active antiretroviral the visceral organs, which are not inflamed
therapy, with reported incidence varying themselves (18, 19). Histologic examination
from 8% to 43% (16). In these cases abdom- of the cheesy exudates is the only way to
inal tuberculosis refers to the involvement diagnose VCP. The principal symptoms of
of the digestive organs, mainly abdominal VCP are generalized severe abdominal pain,
lymph nodes, liver, pancreas, and spleen. pyrexia, peritonism, and elevated white cell
Intra-abdominal lymphadenopathy is the count. MDCT reveals intraperitoneal fluid Figure 7. A 51-year-old man with clinical acute
commonest, and the only feature in more collections and multiple small abdominal abdomen and an increased white cell count
than half (55%) of the cases (17). In most abscesses. Increased awareness of this con- with eosinophilia. Axial contrast-enhanced
MDCT image shows a diffuse smooth peritoneal
cases (80%90%) tuberculous adenopa- dition is crucial so that it may be considered
thickening (arrows) with ascites associated with a
thies show a characteristic appearance in- in the differential diagnosis of post-cesar- stratified ileal wall thickening (open arrowheads).
cluding internal low-attenuation caseation ean acute abdomen thereby avoiding the Endoscopic biopsy of the stomach demonstrated
or liquefaction, and peripheral contrast unnecessary removal of healthy intra-ab- increased number of mucosal eosinophils,
confirming the diagnosis of eosinophilic
enhancement (17). Additionally, multiple dominal organs. gastroenteritis and peritonitis.
centimetric hypodense lesions are often
seen in the liver and spleen. Peritonitis is a Irregular peritoneal pattern
rare manifestation of tuberculosis-associat-
ed immune reconstitution syndrome. When Encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis
present, helpful features suggesting the di- Encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis (EPS)
agnosis include minimal, smooth peritone- may be idiopathic or secondary to chron-
al thickening, inhomogeneously infiltrated ic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. Clinical
omentum, associated ileocecal disease, and features include recurrent abdominal pain,
necrotic lymph nodes. nausea, vomiting, abdominal mass, bowel
obstruction, and weight loss. It is charac-
Eosinophilic peritonitis terized by a diffuse inflammatory process
Eosinophilic peritonitis is a rare condition resulting in widespread peritoneal fibro-
of unknown etiology characterized by eo- sis. CT hallmarks are a thin irregular peri-
sinophilic infiltration of the GI tract, involv- toneal thickening, the presence of small Figure 8. A 45-year-old man on continuous
ing subserosal layer. It is often associated bowel loops congregated to the center ambulatory peritoneal dialysis with complaints
with peripheral eosinophilia and an allergic of the abdomen encased by a thick mem- of weight loss, persistent nausea, and abdominal
diathesis (3). MDCT findings are character- brane, loculated fluid collections or gross discomfort. Axial contrast-enhanced abdominal
CT scan shows fluid within abdomen surrounded
ized by a slightly smooth thickening of the ascites, peritoneal and serosal bowel wall by thickened, partially calcified parietal (arrows)
peritoneum with ascites that is not associat- calcification, and calcifications over liver and visceral (open arrowheads) peritoneum.

Filippone et al.
a b

Figure 9. A 52-year-old HIV positive man with Figure 11. a, b. A 41-year-old woman with a history of long-term intrauterine device (black arrow, b)
abdominal pain, low fever, and anorexia due to and mild fever, abdominal pain, and leukocytosis due to proven pelvic actinomycosis. Axial contrast-
proven tuberculous peritonitis. Axial MDCT image enhanced MDCT images (a, b) show intra- (arrowheads, a) and extra peritoneal (open arrowheads, a)
shows irregular peritoneal thickening (arrows) masses with strong enhancement in the solid component and minimal ascites (asterisk, b).
and a smudged involvement of the omentum
(arrowheads), associated with caseous lymph
nodes (open arrowheads).
cillary findings including thickening of the tures, the radiologist has to consider tuber-
ileocecal wall, splenomegaly, and splenic culous peritonitis as an alternative diagno-
calcifications may assist in guiding diagno- sis to peritoneal carcinomatosis (5, 15).
sis in the proper clinical scenario (Fig. 9).
Abdominopelvic actinomycosis
Nodular peritoneal pattern Actinomycosis is a rare infection which
manifests with abscess formation and
Peritonitis caused by abdominal viscera dense fibrosis and involves the ileoce-
perforation induced by malignancy cal region, ovary, and fallopian tube (22).
Different from benign peritonitis, nodu- Pelvic actinomycosis is usually associated
lar peritoneal thickening is the hallmark of with a history of long-term intrauterine
peritonitis induced by GI tract perforation contraceptive device use. The common CT
due to primary or metastatic neoplastic finding is a strongly enhancing solid mass
bowel involvement with peritoneal spread. with a tendency of violating normal ana-
In fact, peritoneal carcinomatosis may be tomic boundaries. The strong contrast en-
Figure 10. A 31-year-old immigrant woman from
Ethiopia with high fever, abdominal distension due to a primary abdominal tumor, such as hancement is due to the presence of gran-
and severe abdominal pain due to proven gastric or colorectal or pancreatic or ovarian ulation tissue. Ascites is usually minimal
tuberculous peritonitis. Axial contrast-enhanced cancer (20), or an extra-abdominal tumor, or absent (22). These features may raise
MDCT image shows diffuse nodular peritoneal
(arrows) and mesenteric (asterisk) thickening.
such as breast carcinoma, melanoma, or concern for neoplastic disease which has
lung cancer (21). Usually diffuse peritone- to be considered in the differential diag-
al involvement is characterized by parietal nosis. Combining clinical history (pain, leu-
capsule, spleen, and posterior peritoneal and visceral nodular implants which cover kocytosis, long-term history of intrauterine
wall (4) (Fig. 8). Although peritoneal thick- and encase the small bowel loops, leading device) with CT findings of an infiltrative
ening and calcifications are also seen in to obstruction, and occasionally to perfo- mass showing dense contrast enhance-
pseudomyxoma peritonei, certain perito- ration. Colon adenocarcinoma can lead to ment without significant ascites, pelvic ac-
neal tumor deposits, and peritoneal me- perforation proximal to the mass. The most tinomycosis should be considered before
sothelioma, combining all CT findings with commonly involved segments to perforate planning surgery (22) (Fig. 11). Moreover,
the appropriate clinical setting (i.e., small include the sigmoid colon and the cecum tubo-ovarian abscess is usually more solid
bowel dysfunction with abdominal pain (21). On CT, identifying signs of perforation in actinomycosis than it is in PID.
and progressive loss of ultrafiltration in in the setting of irregular colonic wall thick-
patients with peritoneal dialysis) allows an ening and infiltrative pericolonic soft tissue Conclusion
early, reliable, and noninvasive diagnosis can favor the diagnosis.
of EPS (4). Assessment of peritoneal thickening pat-
Fibrotic fixed type tuberculous tern may help to differentiate peritonitis
Dry or plastic type tuberculous peritonitis from malignant peritoneal involvement.
peritonitis Fibrotic fixed type tuberculous peri- Indeed, smooth uniform thickening is the
Dry or plastic type tuberculous peritonitis tonitis, characterized by omental mass prevalent pattern in inflammatory involve-
is characterized by caseous nodules, fibrous formation and matted bowel loops and ment, whereas nodular pattern is common
peritoneal reaction and dense adhesions mesentery, may show a nodular peritoneal in neoplastic diseases. In case of a smooth
(15). When an irregular peritoneal thicken- thickening pattern (Fig. 10). These findings pattern, radiologists can accurately identify
ing pattern is seen, tuberculous peritonitis make the differentiation from neoplastic the underlying pathology by considering
should be considered if associated with peritoneal involvement challenging. Thus, the results along with ancillary CT findings
omental smudged pattern and enlarged this condition represents a great mimicker. and the clinical data. In acute peritoneal dis-
caseous lymph nodes. Moreover, other an- However, when supported by clinical fea- eases presenting with uncommon irregular

Multidetector CT findings in acute peritonitis

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Filippone et al.

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