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AIRCRAFT DYNAMICS AND AUTOMATIC CONTROL AIRCRAFT DYNAMICS AND AUTOMATIC CONTROL DUANE McRUER IRVING ASHKENAS DUNSTAN GRAHAM PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY ora apyogh © 1 hy Pct niet Dr rind th Ue ttn Sein by PREFACE, Pht ctrl oy stoms dsiline tha brings get the cumpnent Aoanie characteretin of aiealt apd Aight coatralers to frm the "pst sna characte ofthe hide ner the acto of feb ‘outa Creates 1 a ceed tot band age Ue ets monographs apd course of atracion that brat thee tes hate Ato emphasis hei spin, The eta Uk of ook co area stalaiy and contrat eback cont systems Oot scion homere, that theres eld that compre bth of thee Sabjeets and that ah vesting of either ane can elo inate the oer "The purpose ofthis ck et preset an intograte, anal teat ment of the dfs ofthe hice (the contol clement) and it ght cotrl sytem, The book fae been writen hy nad for einer ronerne with the nnatae of irre demas and he sees of cert ight controls Such tes ae at Irae a ld poe Eight "lan they acm kr to rernin pertinent as ln thee are et std mre advaneed sernnstoa whi ‘Not long apo he Untelivtul. mathematica equipment of sila stability and Hight contol analyte enerally essed. he physou "by to peor all the design ad trades eaeuations that might be ‘eed desired Nowadays quit the opposite tution exsts lecanse ‘vances in bth analog nd gta eomputation allo coer of ‘rien that a one tne would have boon feet as bring to te ‘Senmog. At a conteguenc, the sna physical meets now often "secod hi ental grup what he ea compute mas pony freee is understating or sppreiation, This ean lead» an excomiel pal proach ts deni shih sila to the one we by “prt” signers on mone sears ago The airplane stay and costal ‘ropes wor evaluate only in igh tet. od Might contrl equipment ‘rasa dep witht a fentesive Cll cae eng. A diference, Gt csune, er the abuteactions saved, fn rparleas of the eta Sind compesiy of our mathematical model bey remn just bat ‘wheres the physical equipment and the sire are the beta of out ‘tstractions, Views in thew terms, ton grat liane om @namercl mpi apeoach to design ie no bettor an may ene worse than the pia empiric ofcaner days undated by compe pinouts fu stp chart renting, the malt sated wh © ec Problenvha iste emnce, wat dow al men or thir easom se have tly vanced an soa epoch to ight control system vgn ad have summaried an ecele caleton ffir atl interonmected tchnyes that ate ae ray dpi the carat acto eames st problems Whew stall amp cither vith pencil and. paper or ong compar als. thes techniques eable one to aan high Teel igh dpa ert ih «mini sf ets ac able fie eta Intent of toma wpe desig hr feet f ofan problems and for the das of th rst eae of the poblems that nat incite occ in th conte eg pees While we have td a be ax dedntve as posal on the bjt sivrath and Aig cotta dais at the proeares tat are Einposed to acm anni ght onto ston tee, the ‘ope for nk hae kao be Ht to beep inthe cies of oe tle. The nena niation ha eon accomplice primal ons the srt gl dy Bano excl ‘plas he ry oflincar omen coricent stems The fn both ther Hiitatbn vere mate tomer acta sine the texie inane aint nvr ste of Hight contol ae aut fuciating aeudenically alae fen important peatielly: We shod hasten to remark. vrser Chat reualee ofthe number of mode oF rns prt. lira sans to comporaiey tow oder preteen ie apeesiouanewee“Tey frovide oxi nem 4-4 lope of iting ease sf a Umit cane. oath bor mach of apse ae sarin of comptes pemens, With al goings nae theory the extn ofthe lta nase pene opel ai Sscedinary evar am fete. Ths hme iors ery fara {theory of fist appnonimtion shih hs the at sire tat on onecpaly seine inc ety Farther ae patel mater itis ourabwrvtion that the yest nat ofthe psa problems aivraft Hight eotol which ae ssrpile to mathematil eaten Arevinfacts hun to ers a ret approsintion hy eaten "This bok hava genealogy Tuite predcanes ae dhe re a ‘Brea of Seomeatis lun propane nthe ay I at Nvenop Area The ssa sus a the rept of tess oles indus dvondeprtments goverment lntoratri an cugincenng Scns prmpel the nal st of the Naval Stem Command inspiring age rom the pronnt vor Contract Now nS.) oan tn prvi vie and a apt fr tao the vomer nami of the Aine,” Bercy of Aoronauties Report AB ‘eptember 152; "Automatic Pgh Cnt Stes or Med ica Boreas oF Aeronautics Report AEGIAVA. Apel Vt. Ayah son 1 te mere data al eae rr those a: ben fed ere ee present a satay ew ft rather Han tsi Furthermore, in one to pine a integatedteatment. we have Included material that partly eis the fst the Hara os tutes volun: Method Seas Psd iy Fighe Control Sse” Bur fort AAL-AT Aare 1802 Cone ‘quently eis Bake wl inthe mai, nape the abe She oles ff the Burra of Aconaatios re ‘We ate dtd ts many prope al ganas Fr thi itn ln the peearstion of thi tnt Fit tml frente the Naval Mie Sestems Command (ASC), which sje the pcpaaton of meh the manueript The NASC pect tonitr, ach Cader. wi Heal supporter continually inte andausons to gt te job doe st patient and wndersaning in pte of eas that pete [tthe set seem to dnc We to oe majo dt a selena Sota Techland eer. wha have exitally review va ‘enione and purtione af the smamuecyt and have feed Erte ad suger fr ts improvement. Fie I thie gr Rotor Stapleford nf So-teme Teco wh has pos thes he Sok several tn enesning Ie pocha fr clarity ads hee forerin Roberta. Wosdosk of thir Fir Fight Dynan Lars tory. who thoroghly reviewed several chaps wi alr tb, HOR Hopkine of the Rorat Aierfe Ftalshent.. Faro seviowcd Chapter Imig tans hell snare an ery sree ‘Mee he of his atenitw mati She hero at Contra. Dr Salon. Abas of Thompaw-Rano Wks le fade « somber of coreting wil slarleing marke reat ts the tory presente a Chapter I. fon which we ate sor gratis Rosa (Oc Atak the Alt Fre Flight Dynes abate mae avaiable to-ne hi tibingrphiy he istry af flack stile. Cary Toye Systems Terrogy es rope forthe clk al pretation of the date coataeed in Appendix A. articular eluate further de tothe publics taf of tems Tol wh ll Joo ae hurt prepare the marsript for pablaton a eel te their Publications Manager. Sanit Pai. whove netics tent to every de mom ech ps ote Toss thne who hp et her are eerste bacon Most important. of cots, are our mane calles n he iat ent sand astomatie canta commit who orginal work ket bore Wo have trl to acolyte the i pein refrees to th pls Mtratare. ei evident frm eho fasta “grat deal of Ue work sumac here was ingly secomplta forthe Control Cetera Branch ofthe Ait Faroe Fight Dynamics Labor tory. In fst some ofthe material appearing here for the fst Aine Trae on unpub aot prepazed i the sts of werk sponsored by the United Stator ir Fore We mist ale wehnowledge oor fe colleagues at Northrop Airc, Warren Kovenot and eter Tradl ho were among the atthiera the ald Bator Dynan of Ue Aire folhme owe pets of Chaptos 4,5 and are bce, Fal wlth {0 achoonindge var prenit oe pact Systems Techlogy overdo WA. Best, TS. Doran, D. E. Johnston, H.R Jen, W. A doh, 1.6, Hotiann, J.D. MeDunwet, RUA. Peters, Red. Wash, DH. Weir, an J. Wolkoviteh fr thee several onal ntributions tothe material presets inthe allo ing pos "The motes that is bok may pose ean in large prt be atest to all of these prople Any fete aee the responsibilty of the autor ‘We hope that this work wil prove hath istrative atl wef tet tho ike antes wh to bp mle the fight control sytem deg roles a tar erin of snr Duane Meftue HanshoeneCaifornia Irving Anbenas Methane, Clifrnia Duwstan Graham Fetmaary 19 oe Prof st of Figaes ist of Tae 1 Intrusion and Anteedents 1H Otlne af the Vatume: A Goble fr the Reale 12. A Deaton of Pit Contd Ea. Why Foedback! 1-4 Karly History ofthe Sob of Aiea Dynamies 15. Bans Mistry of Automatic Might Conta 1.8, The Joining of Cntr! Technolgy and Dyamic nals 2 Mathematical Males of Line System Elements 2A. Intretion 22. Laplace Traneermation 23, Resjunee Determination 24. Simplied Methods to Obtain an Approximate fom 1s Unfactoed Tran Fo) 25, Partial Fraction Confit Ration 24. Weighting Function and Modal Response CoeSisents 4, Tine Veetor Reprnntatians ir te Weighting Punetion 28 Trantor Foniton Motels 2.9, Representation of Tanner Funtions 210, The Combining of Transte Puneione 13. Feodhek Systm Analy 34. Intradtion 82, Conventional and Thne-Dinensional Rovt Lous 55. Bode Root Lice and General Bae Diagram 3-4. Simplified Sytem Charteris and tea Approsioate Factors 85, Analg of Mulldop Vehicular Conta Systeme 436, Sensitivity of Chal Tanp Rovte to System Parameter Variations Vebile Rauaian of Maton aa 41 Intlastion a8 42. Newtons Sted Law and Refine ames 2M 463, Expansion ofthe Inevtial Ferees and Moments HEL Bspmnion ofthe Gravity Fon 415. Linareatin of the Ine ad Gravitational Componerte 2 46, Expansion of the Aenasnamic Fores and Monte 280 2 Expanion ofthe Diet Thrast Fore “48, Complete Linearized Bautine of Maton 2 460, Desert uf the Dinaional and Novia anginal Dyan " 5:1. Intralot Lantana Eatin of Maton 58, Contol Input Taner Petione SA. Example Transfr Fonetionn, Bose Forms, and Tine Respona fora Conventional Airplane oon 8.5, Two Dearer uf Freed. Sort Pv Apposinations 907 3.5, Three Drare of Pesdons Ph Appresiations 3 5-7 Hovering Equntions of Maton, Conta opt. Transfer netics sal Meal espns ne 5 Hxanpie Truster Functions, Hale Korma, ane Respro for Hovering Vehie a9 6: Gust Dap Tranter Patios mu SL, Approximate Factors cH 1512, Apprsinate Maal Response M6 8. tatrtion 2 6621 Recaption snd Purine Simplification ofthe Lateral Egntions of Mots a0 463, Cont Lapa Transr Buetions a 64, Example Tranaor Functions, Bote Forms, and Time esponin fo Conventional Airplane 20 65, Two Deyre of Frvdom Dutch Rell Spovainations 37 60, Thee Dranc of Freedom Dutch Holl Approximations 371 63. Thaer Drage of Feeednm Spiral and Rall Subuense Ayremimatie mu ‘and Tine Resor 6.10, Unt It Tomar Potions G1, Coupling Nuevas 6:12, Apprsionate Factor lomentary Lanta Poole Conte TL. Rear of Pie Angle ad Pith Rate tothe Heat 12 Frothack of Spel Beret the Elevate 8, Fobark of Angle of Atack ta the Hewat F-4 Feodhack of Normal Avebrathan to the vator 81, Feedback of Bank Angle and Rolling Vlei th Alero 2, Fredhack of Other Quantities tthe Aeron 83, Fredlack of Heading Ange tthe Ridder 4. Pollack of Vauhg Vet tthe Rr '$5, Feolluck of ii to te ter {2 Meson Phas ad Operational Re ‘An Approach to leah Reypieannt for Sprem Des 144 General Fordbusk Control Systm Conslerations Fight Contol 15, Baws for Compromim in Sletng Crooner Region Ingots and Hatem Performance Ameoment 10.2, Resp to Deterministic Hopes 1.8, The Deserglon of Rano Prose Wt, Anaytcal Despion ail Catalog of Spo Ravine 10.5, Properties of Random Proves wth Ganesan Amplit Dicibatone 10.8, Response of bine 107, Gompater Meth 208 1 Maltiaop Hight Contra Systems 12, Enwatil Peodbacks 13. Longitudinal Appouch Contra System 11, Later Dietiona til Conte Sy 155, Condon A. Stability Derivatives and Traafor Funston Factory for Representation Anat 3. Hhmonte of Probability Supplementary Biblageaphy for Aieraft Dyratios and tonic Conte on rs a LIST OF FIGURES 1.1, Custos and auguentation ofthe theory ad practice of tvtormti onc cont of seat 1.2, Graphical tine of the value showing istrratoaehip 1.3, Ato mrface mine ystenn Mock diagram 1-4, Ae ts surface minal ate erie Mok digea, 153, Staplied lonitndinal oon cose guano and conta 1.5, Guiaexjontral dichotomy 1:7, Diagrammatic plan of Sperry automatic plat LS, Simple theeanteattteds contra lltrting the canes of 1, Sawn seth of Spor maine Ln, The val “ 112 The V2 22. Springamna damper systern 23. Elneatal ft onder syste cormsponding to compinents of the eghting anetion 24, Tine histories aad the goerating time vests fer a secon 2.5. Tow eotore and a plbyon of fives for secoodanler 246, Time vectors and veetor polygune for second-order syste onmadeed ana tt degre feed ete 2.5, Blk dngrao of the mping.maeedaaspe stern 2S. Linear mopitdee vo dei val £9. The oplane thay fora gerne! Bude diagram 2210, Proprio he jor Bode amplitude rat for tent and seconde lp [Asgnpotes ofthe jo Bode phase fr Hist and semionee lags Propertos of the Beale amplitade 1 a a ms 38, Amplitude ratio departures for Boe estan secon ‘nde pes ‘Amplitde ratiodepaetnes for jen the, st and second ter ples Phase anges for jo- We, ata secon order yes ‘Thoeombining of the trate functions feted elements Blok agra representations ofthe summer, dierent, and taken point Mathematical Mock diagram of the opting. Fdlckeynem Mek digtom identtin Reduction of the amity faback sytem lock diagrana lement hs ener snge hn ate. Sih bap line fac stem Graphical reptesrtation fon anton factors (Gntour maps al aguante fora pole and ero Anale meantcrcat contin in rot sus contin Neaative eouck arnt an integrate, Rot Ine fo stoner stem 69) ‘The honetee vw ofthe surface of a) Ns Root lots fr nit anes sooner sate, fash de ol Contourasapal ogre curves for) Het 1) Taometrie shen of the mle oft) Note) ‘Nsrentanerftck contol with lead oot linus racer sytem with Bu Gio) = mle 2 Conon ap a sagan eves far le) (2 1) Conventional tat Toone wl ome yew of the sla (ioc by epee Blok dageat of «think eevomechanisn Rout Inew far unitntineratorthitonder aye, Ge) se airs Gant map ating cueye oe fate) lee Ne named er ofthe ste for) = we + AN Rout fe spe soso Action coating the wal ani the axis of iain ‘Bu aa jn ade disgranes fs) Ko {Bae and jorBole diarame: Ge) Klat 1) de ad eoeetional wt as rte) Kel) A Ste jo Bone dram ww 29, 238 an, 9, cu Boe an jo» ode dingeame fr le) = tls) + Ulet Detersination ofthe magnitude of complex wots hy de compotion Bode and conventional rst leo ir Os) = AU) + Not ‘Bote ant jr diagrams: 9} — Kise) =H ons Bode rot lous for 6s} — Klas + 14) = 1) Sat for led op rts igh frequeney portion of ro as Potential save along vais lines inthe ¥ plane eaary feadbac sytem (pen ant cloweL-op asymptote pts trating the Alevelpment of equivalent systems Chae oop syste with vow teaner fet (aia) W fle diagram hementarymultop vehicular conta ys Matis ek digrat for general lio conte oyster Equivalent bok diagram forthe wetem: f= 9y ts-0 ‘The Ip cours ivoleo nthe ater. yh —2 Conn loop etna Ugtration fin mst and modal response cueeint talesaton, ung vetoes rt the complete et oeus otto pertriaton metas fr gain easily SGeometne ilstritions of pe and eto sity vectors Srstem sve for uit aaron thine sytem Vehcleiaed axis exten ud tation Aw scplane in two dimetonal acekerated fit Contrijeta secelestiom aay duet pteing ad planing CGouigetal aeeleration slong Xie to saving aa sl slipping inea slots’ ommponeats ofa element of re defo a shunt elodty having componente Pst Pe Pipl ad lyse eee Angulr morvatuay change dato soa tation Airtime plane uf smite Orientation of yravity vector th XYZ layed axis nla oitation al Renton of sects Trnsfamton box fe singe rotation Relatunay beter eine gravity dive amd ‘rece ai yee es og lative to KY, Bar a0 431 a a ‘Tranformation boxer for eationshipe betwen vchile ‘arene gravity direted an seine xed ix eto. Definition of rial ypace and rally dete tating as sytem Origin of ody ux tue rate B.hand of ing Lift and dra acting onan sirlane “rintation of elative wind with bay Sxed X12 ase tera it a drag acting om ah aelane ‘ui downs deay following a ange af attack input Rolling gst, ‘Thrust alignment notation Diretion of stabity anes with rexpet tothe mative wid Alvin he sendy Akt and disturbed ight conditions| eration of i drag, and pitching moment with change in fara velocity aration oft and drag with change in we et of wing bening om ol ange of attack Tift drag acting on the wing al the horizontal ti ita drag chanson he honaontal tai due ta pling ‘The weft on acrorlstie distortion de to flag Hex vans Tift "and drag changes om horiontal tall di to pitshing Lift and mone cote dang due to variation in Reason of thrust at fro and moments 1uftand snment hangs dv to sure desta Focoe accompanies motos Distortion eet dr to 8 oon aking from ol rate pertains, Ber ofthe rudder detection et of th arn deletion, 9, ‘Threw of sonrentinal slrplane Wad for the mune Examples of contolinpit Bale pte fe & caneational set Anal compat ssoed of time Rison for ue cet ‘ett, conventional sipne Tin vector dari or he airplane example 2 55, Comparisons of complete thee degre of fnedom al ont eto (two depo of eedom)conta-input transfer anton tl esponsn 58, Companion of compete and approximate phugoid (three sieges of feolom) eontelinpet transfer functions and Beam of it duet VTOL sirerat [Example contig Bale pts and ime responses fr & hovering airplane ‘Time vector diagram forth hovering irplane Example of wast Bode plot for a smvenional sean Example of egw Hode plots fra conventsna airplane hg pertrbations in space Ruder input Bode plots fora conventional irplane Alero iat Bode los fra conventional ipa Time history of lateral motion to rader and ier inputs ‘imevector diagram for wconventonal aiplane Comparisne betwen compete three and wo degree of Areedom dutch il nppoaimate Bode amplitudes 156, Compas tetwsen complete Ue degree of feedom and Atel call approsination thre gree uf tiem Bore ‘ample rates org, (63. Example af alder costing Bode ple and sine pone fora hovering airplane Example of aileron contrainpat Bae pte a time responses fr hovering airplane Tinevector diagram for «hovering vehicle 610, Bote plots fr ling eat py pat (611, Bode plot tse gue (3) ton 612, Responses of «convention airplane to get inpats TA. Poetack af leat tion quai 72. System survey of piteh aioe (F-+3,) cone este for elliehared aie 78. Sytem sarees of pitch atttnde (9-=0,) contd stem al TA. Syatem surrey of pitch atte (70,9 cone stem System srvey of pitch atte (6+) cont ster or low short period damning se Seatom survey af patching relay’ (g-» 8) conta stem foro short pei damping ase eating a low fener “drop aw au 330 31 ane 08 a 28 a8 4a Sse aurve of pith atte an ste +) cont spitem for oe shore pra dep sae System survey of pte attade (8°) fee sven with “tek” ae Sot ave of pte ati and rate 1, 20, System surver af itch atte [J ) cna stony Be ing VTOL aterat ot helicopte Statem sve of pte atte an rate (+8) control sate fr hovering VTOL sical ot Hlopter Prtch ate eomtnd with 9, Kgl — KS, + Ka Oa Staten survey of sited (a 28) com ste fe sem saree of ange of attack +) conta spstem Staten aurveyofangle of atarkatiiode and ate tad =) Sratem sureey of wormal acleation (ey, 2) contol systen for chert pernd sprosiation Srotem sarees showing aesirometerUasatin ( on normal screation ana (3) jute aurey of normal seein (4,, +4) ¢ Sestem arses of ati f=.) contol astern Sestom sever of alte atl alte ate th =) Soom save of rll ace (9 =) cat stem for ‘ical with woo rag characte oll ain conte for sip aieame (PIT 2) tete Chri Gj) Bote aiagratn of Kyl 14) for al cont Seaton saves of rll stitude and ental sete for HT = IiPe = WT Bode lo) lingam ofl ata and ol ate, +) ented spite for HT, Ty = WT Sot sree of ya atk (y+) contol stem Sesto serif rate (7-9) emt sper Step finetan nse = we Syetem sarees of “wnt yaw rate F—2)eomol stem for aera with lyn Ky fl conta som ese irate # ~8,) AL, System survey af washeLont™ yaw rate (+) conta stem Sor aireraf with lee at 42, Sate are of sei tite (+, com artem 18 818. stem survey of ileip atte and rate Yl hoe) 15, Sytem sure of oie acekeraton +6) cant seem ith ea tg heen ss 2. Brolin of ight contel seinen ww 83. Prony single ap igh entra stem ine 4. Splits ois nemo ight eon astm Bd {68 Peto “snghomor hu ight coal seston witht A, Protas "sngleneate ang fight control sate witht feelforward ant command inp Femes st rhe oa 0 sis wos Variation of minim salve fr fg rit with stem Replacement of noir lements with deserting fanetion A nonlin fet and dsivatve wth west ta the Input 10 the sont Weihting ineton pase tera Sostem mirser fo oh Rete The phaseunznjleed ap damping rat eeationsip fee ity Ke} apt actin Mean st he eal bw pm titer ig tet funtion st stand wrangenent Unit ane it fnetion Anemembie of rndom proses IMgsratin for wena prota deity faneton Plot ofthe probity ety distin of the am of sine waves of equa ampli tite gna = ‘Nbinple tram charset | mati np sytem ‘Tat ited int spectrom an stoner sevomeeh 1W.LL Msimising the ulin ero in the prone af nae Wa12 The teaieat ang of «random pss Fred hy psig ithte sie thr ler 10418, Simpl Lock diagrac fo gidanes of ing le the ert plane ‘Simulation diagram; Homing mise ‘Steps required to cleat ran ua Aiet (nomad) mth 10.18, Interchange of impute and outputs on integrators and onfelent potentiometers 1.1 Response fitorert ea be generat fo the imp sponses ofthe mae sjint system smlation 1w.ts, Muied adit sytem nation dered fo the sna tion agonal este Lngitatnal augienter schanieatin without DLC Longin augratersechanization with DLC V3. Type y= 3, Bude diagram mith a high wee mode 1A. A baie aechinization of owt erdback aceceaton lon saw rate 113, A hase mrchaniation of ewan fedbcks: equaled 1.6, Longitudinal ontal tem for verte phn: approach 7. Bloke diag of longittinal sotrl for approach and UR Derivation of eae of clin signal hy meme of comple rnentary Aering 14.9, Teosegmont le path 110, Bole plots of eletatr input tramfor finetions for the 1.1. Block gran of advanced sytem TE12. Bde rot los for atte lop che 11S. Bode rot las fr beatn deviation lop Soro 1114 Transient reponse fora step deviation command, de 118, Taco ceepraon fra tp gst lp 118, Tenet respons fers ey wy at ipa 1.17 Airrftaitade exeursone reiting fm pits tracking the tease Probability P, of encountering turbulence wedance prabailit fry, Bank angle control sytem (9) = 8, r= 9, guivalent block iagram for bank angle control sytem representing the lop elma quence r= xy 9} = 11.22, Tine histor of lateral thins to eon ple fap reapome bythe ose Es 6 08 v9 ou ar ‘ os 8 0 oon 2 The B18 Srstem survey of washed-out yaw rate (7-20) conta “Tine history of ile induc lateral mons with washes ct yaw rate contr wyters on ‘Time history of sdeap sind lateral motions with aahed-oat sa rate conta ster wa Srstem survey of fects of wash-out yaw ante (¢—> 8) feedback on tank eng t sero numerator (8) Complete bak angle contol system Stem survey of bank angie command (yy) fystem with wash.ont su rte mer Ino Bonk angle conrel apse nese The ADA) The C47 (De8, RAD) The Des The NCE The V4 Theltia The 2B, the Bristol Fighter ler diagram Mean apd meanaquare eas for the mstangular density Normal dent funtions ‘The staan form ofthe normal probity density Fanetion sed Prizm) =) 10 LIST OF TABLES Sekced Bars taceations in te Fiedlack Conte of Fundenental Propweties of the Laplace Traenfirmation au Comet Traslormaton Pur ad Pte ht Tins Respunse Paral Fito Coho Simin ofthe Representation Spe Tray Fanos ginal Soclinnsons tally Devvatve Stability AxieSoter) ae Lateral Nominal Stability Dervatives Stability oe Bods Asi Sete) om onaitiaal Dien Stay Daisatives (Stl Avie Sten) aM Lateral Dinevsional Stability Derivative Pannicters (stati or Boy Asis Sostene 2 git Chatty Transer Function Caiients anginal ieee Tranter” Pacts Nunwrator Gtente 2 Lata Gust-Lapat Tour Eoncton Numerator € icata or the Teeter Pea Ph Pains of Mat a onal Cpt Suntan fr esata Tht Sunny of Convemnal Aeplane Lingtatina Aya ante Factors ma ultatice Inpactaner if Nortal Aisume Stability Parsters tv Hangin levator: Inyt Tense tion Quantities os Summary of the Cooonventional AiteraftLongtudi Appminitate Paetors Given in Tab 38 a0 Aponte Lona! “Factors for Cnomsvatinnl [ete Canto pat Trt Bonet Convent 8 a3, Lateral Gattnpt Trae Punthon Numeratore sm ateral Comping Nesterstor lor Aeron und Rder Pps 10 Steumary of Conventional Aiplane Lateral Appeoxiate Qualtatve Importane of Normal Airfame. Stalaity Parameters Later, Aeon and de fp, Trane actin Quantities 0 Summary ofthe Unconventhinal Art ten! Appos Irate Fats Given in Tae wm Appmsimate Lateral Fartors for Unouncetional Aiea a8 Lamatadinal Motion Aerrne Outpt amd Acting Aateral Motion Aifene Output and Acting Qountities 458 XISTOL Aieaft Minion Mision Phase Mati 8 Mion Pha Forcing Function Structire 1 Stops tnd Consreatons Tnveve in the Brolin f Sprcfcations amt Sandan Applicable tothe Design, In alltel Operation of tomate Control av Salil Fight Conte Stem Inputs: Apion Point and Source 340 Summary of Spl Pane Deserts la Charcte Description of Simp Peiotie Kunetions aw Desert of Hardon Sienale Ba Some Properties fa Gaara Random Pros Comput fram the Autoorrlation Function the Power Stra Danity Uongitutnal Operational Futons Cavern Angmenta tion Weqimente aon Longin Competing Sretmna on at Opera Fanti Govseing Ang roenathin Roglemente on Uateral Dieta Competing Spates ws Lngitutinal Exuatinn, Tanner Fanetions, ar Comping Numerator forthe Lane Apgeaach Example vas Shr Peso Esuatins nn Tensor Faetons Ps Purposes and (Quatre Regirnente for Langton DEX Parameters or Lanting Appt Caguetion 640 Umaituinal Tranter Paavo or the DOS Laing 1.10, Cleo Teatfor Futons for Lagitinal Approach Cnet Sytem LIL, Hector Involved in Selecting a Unique Closure Seance L12 Paetors Involved in Hank Atsitude Shem Lao Care AL Stability Devivatives and Tivtlor Function Pastore for the P80 2, Stability Derivatives and Tranfer Funeton Fass fr the Fos A. Sabaty Dsiatvos and Trane Function Factor or the DCL) Act, Stality Deviation and Tranfor Feta Factors for the car bes nap) Staliity Devatives and Trasfor Funetion Putor or the pes A, Stability Dvvatves and Transfer Function actors fr the A, Stability Derivatives and Transfer Function Factors for th Vat AS, Staley Dvivatives ant Transfer uncon Faso or the hw AW, Stall Deveatioes an Trane Function Factors fr the 128, the rst Fighter Ba, Propet of Somme Pity Dist B2, Sequence f Fils und Suess BS. Pawns Tring BE Prob of Varae Fxsvling Val # Standand Deviations Grater han the Mean on ™ MURCRAFT DYNAMICS AND AUTOMATIC CONTROL HAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION AND ANTECEDENTS We now know’ mth of mounting into the ar ad, 1 thinks are not key to know more ‘The seis cn serve mo ue til we etn guide tem aa they ean get ho varie tile anon withthe Yo goctee height than mecan fetch without till we ae ahune the toe ‘he highes mountain! Te cronome oe mitary vale of any vehi depen foarentlly on Ite ait to verse «comtalable path Ute it st of depart tad te detination or “targets” Abataetl, the shi fea serity sector Se space than a detion in whic iis going and poe wth whi is going thre, The tne integral ofthe velocity nector tthe path, Bach {pe hile, however Se made to mee and ear Ina eet oon tl ts nations may le abject to constraints. Mes forthe sont of {he path rare viele and dpe the consent. The » tafe ‘sap. sconstrained to move ang track the conta at spoil te merely ape eonto The tain ot tered, An automo oe ship on the other hand, he constrained to move othe race of fe Tun othe wea, mast he need an wr Airetaft share with sibmarines aa trpedon an onan fvedom fron constant, andthe probe of the conto of aerate are of uousual complet We do indeed "know ‘eto of nating nt th an” at ho ston of the ene font ail reies tt sii nd diigece ‘An aeronttiealvebile or weapon tatem contains spatial sss, iad guidance and contol devices {pos all subse in the humane pilot) hose purpose i isto develp thredimerlonal ight path ore Ion appropriate to sterng so ast rach a destination o ang and then toencctethowe commas by antag or mifsing the frees forthe fehicl x) an to maintain oF modify the vehity veto. Thc loss an ite purpose oe "on to he romped ‘halite of am aera that ead to sake ie rit chan a the di tion yu of is veoityverton ate refered oa sity, hile {hee a expedition th which the Year may Be bere are ered rae a toas the qulticef on Sait tn stay unaecelrated ight pth posible: manewers ae made with cont Te path fa aera Hower isnever tabu rs wheter through the nteevention of the human piot‘or by means of gutmatis ont) saiiy ts actally secre wth the mechanised, «pp hy whi cause and ‘ect sesems ate modied to sceune crt deable popes Formation about the ret for ont) ed back for rlueted to the int and is sed to modify the ete. Typical of feback eon sed of reponse an te acura in fll ig the fete of ist ett spe ner Als type hove, os teary hunt" onl, The pr advenage ofeach a send tsigh gin It ei nao gamle tal an igh gar ab iro the sept ofthe soto to ys gals Therefore, » dig indi to explo te pent mlvanages of fecack i compa to mie fbi betwen the dais ope that might be werd andthe posing danger of stone ‘rtaence Theoret seroma exprneters had. bop to achieve “in rent taal it edn) sad we mano us Cah Pena, Lena Coote. and Langley, punord ths wala Aired how tose the nore th ane cso ule on nal stabi ith geet to the lve wi and to nse wi Heras to achive “aera sae, rad bene sear tt swnigrtions thle smut af chabert say were pri ars a teoing ums t eg pet Uy st Speaking efor the Wntcrn Sot of Engin in 101, illae Wr sd "New slay hw fw to constr j ‘hich whew een hugh thesia sent spe ill on stl the itt wigetsnnes ut la tat othe eins aa of he finer ween ala ow tub eines and screws of Sackett power sone het plansatsurtaning ed Inuit t alee sad ses el confronts tent ote yy pa tem When this one fete ha bes mere ots the me of lag machi wil ave asd fo sl ie ius are uf minor ipo ‘While this statement was somewhat optimistic wich epee othe tae ‘ot nove conseening aos and propels, tthe Wright inobers themselves soon dicorered, whe eoret dis eset an thee i ‘so doubt a al shat sable tba contol characterises wee ae ‘ery lat features of the Set serofu sieplane to be develope Hf ‘uy generally agrosd that the papal cosetation uf Wifbur nd dO Meike Za ron Ot Mr 1. Me ra) vile Wright as thse sgn thatthe frstating search fr in Wert stabaty might wel be abandoned on Ue operator weee pro ‘a uth aucealy powerful cont with wich to balance a te, {eth the human plo, operating on fedlack ign, cou se the ‘onttos ta staiie a nearly sable ora eres wna irr ‘alumna he Wright brothers i not this language, ad ede he rection of the ewental character ofthe agp ns an eee ina Feeack sontrot up csme eomparatively reat ‘White the fet oat feck count spsem for an aipane actualy amtedate he Bove crs ght hy sore that evade, and Thu remvnateation of completely stone cont of plane i That tsk pace mor tha 0 Sear goin T9L4. the means rmplave arcu atiactory yang oats 0 He agra themes tn to {Rech neil stabiors and antoratic pits wer. a Best age npc ars They sett have mae progres wih nim mont [mathematics unt afer the end of fe 183015 ae The madern sew of the dani of crt aed their control stems fn terme the eats reponse of the nti sep (fediae) ‘hxc can br traced fom ite sare by wea of thre eprate bras GFteceal know tee eonlaenee ad the recent advance al Stgmentaion of the subjet fore Fig. -), Duin Tonah the fst ignanen of sera a thet eumotvibn'shisor he deena state ier to teers nt oe entire of tami or proprio the wabing se rr ae Cae deeop numa etic cote sane Sth This esin stefan! hay fe SIMMS oP tie umuendedrntn ted the srs rope to TREE canoe ater, Ont therbed. aged SIR Wt War Heh have sets tr it ep eles and nc mer te vbw ee Eeatlne gu enact te, ined si and peer: ve seme iid he mar Tihesye ef pat fa he eign ome sped pte ST Rae tect adore Ys frit erin eee Frode wu dvcopmet at oan ae rg the Tee stonomate aight come tone Tr Sot oft wa he su ttn oe oy th win ply om shih tect Curia igh otros ds a Thre asbeena xpi owt he rie experi sith tatcnatl matte Tar ten ne by ath te ging “Sule ofthe pte ane sous aati of apr net ad tchniqus, Farther the mathematic theory haa weed for The dmaiaton,tteprtation, a extrapolathn ofthe roving mabe bf ele of phil experiments Tic to the deeripment, exprstion, and demonstration of mathe uf salts and aputheels for aieaft automate fight contol ayitems that thie monograph eer. Ist teat on design at eater ‘tie tothe cnsitemtion ofthe ects vein and equip eater nthe deuanie perforce ofthe aeten, Where pool, the eppinse tn treating the cements of the after the lamest eatin, Thos "teatinn ited to the repos ofthe agplane to ekrator mon, athe than to the camer in aifow over etal al othe pt fat Charutrstin of ate ro eater tha ete eorsdration of te tories asting om the gimbal The elie onside ar the one that ie eae than the Haid whieh they operate bt Which ae acted a Urgent Ha decal Forces This ne icles a latthe llo ing peo shies Hetcopere Vertical takeoff and landing ie Ground efit machines Hoo boats Contos neha dintint frm guidance. taken toe the abject of fnteee, For thin ramon it ll entinatily le pombe to consider the sos in meng woeinate aye fed in the while ad fo eid ‘he codinate axis transformation nied to bes the vehi moth inn for example, x one ayatnn xen he cart, Whe he ogi sf the muviagcondinae yatem i ita “equi” alate of otton long a toninaltaectors. he eqiatings of motion of the wv can lineation fr sl yerturbtione ad he erie vations will hase onnast sonticionte: Thon iti peal to ae the coven trnger fetion tals forthe nani of the veil, an ll the anal techniques for the sady of linear feedback apstems ca be ronght leat othe peblems "Akhough ters ae & muna of torn teetonts of the aii sul eontel of eral al of which emphasie the sete approach tthe ag hry. Nee Yes Wen ly Baim Fig Ws Non ‘oi Ya, So an a ee eet State ey Mon Eine ond of ne cd on Sete fs. So Ye TL linearize dynamics that Isto be aap hee, and here ako very Wide seletion of bth teoductory text ad more advanced tetis Afomatiefedback contol? there has been rors lsk feng Sigieant treatment af thowe subjects in concert and thereto wo pre Introuetion tothe area betwee these fel Tea Fact thatthe meth ‘servomesharism apne canbe ured ae 8 power tol nthe tay of ‘icra dynamics, and additonal, thatthe characteristic of ieaft Sd thee onto! systems provide srev of both le and compe ‘role that are Hy eo cary the sent ol ebac setem en Sat he may have rnd cancetion with the customer examples of Fete puniion conte, seed seglation, pros cont snd inst ‘montation. The son tat fous il sr to ri np tte ‘existing technica dvipines and Co make mare rei ast: vos ‘ofthe rss contained in scattered ngincoring tee Btratee wih ts mow fair ony toa smal group of speci eid a eclectic Vt. taking fon seal eke wha best apes and sits hat attesting a the mine tine, to pene {nied eetnent Where a eopetely nied view isnt fuse, the Alominane thee sat atl the tar theme is sontrapost, This the conviction af the authors that ons the mos hong we stating ofthe dane ofeach wement ba aiuble bai fo rstem “yates. Whe digital and annoy computes ar now genealy walle to proce “soto,” even a heal of altuna ma eee show the designe ha to obtain the sat atisators havior ae to ai “plein surprises whe the machinery fs il sf thi encom ta the mathenatkal ntalpsae of iret feck ctrl stm i ‘hte throghowt she eeatnen here OF cone. sinsaton and Hh testing are rake tots the dveoponent of wrt cone epetems but toan extent a ood theory ka aruar of ae atte fr experience, sid the adertanding which (ener ey anaes i Sarveat to the beat tet. may sen, mene, that a need hor is anraistie eae practical aie foelark ctl syste Inevitably inclade nonlinear erat: Phe els that are acer ji ite use Reatreions that asymp in the ase af iat thot ae soe og. H M. Jame. BN aH. Tey 9 Sere Teno, Sera tin 1 MMos Sota of ee Spe nowhere aac ae sovere a might be imagined In pat, thse lecane Iowan appreximatinns often have m stantial sult n prt case fotback, i il tends to neti” the ape Finally Ht may may’ nat be tre. nx George Santayane si that ‘hone who cannot remeater the pt ace condemned trea,” ‘href enh eth thene mo thatthe history athe preset abject ean Ives ith cotederble prot, Ite erent pom knowlege onsderation tha om evstly mistakes tight have Ion ase th Tater appreciation of th dienes that onlronte preston inestiga treo the peoblans of ight conta 11, Outline of the Volume: A Guide forthe Reader ‘Te subj ofthe flac contol of Hight has a cuslerle ssp sd tare and there fs canon appech te ts nderstanding he ftadeats sill typials have acquted 8 waste ledge of the {heory uf Hat fetck apes and of the dani stality of raft and thei resgnne to ont substi epenent sujet “he Uackaroun of the typial reader proband se ao ge of operational or Laplcetetnfrm techni Tor the mltion a ‘rdiary bora fle equations ith constant sedate. cones tional revo anal techaiques such ax the rot Toes and foxes reeyonse methods. rsponuecalelations with either deterministic ‘anos inputs andthe dering function snethod forthe ret ment ‘eammon contol ater onlbartis. While many of three mater frereviened here ble than apps the pace ers an te ra ‘nent is moines asa tretin to the mente of the thee Te rear further ees to have some aeuaintance the dynemies tig aden ath He not. tet peaking, nervy to have Stil the djsiniy of alert Aghia the Inter jet test he ‘ob nto th» pine na dared nth the conventional Tete Figure 12 is graphical ropearattin of the tin or this clan ‘The book Ini thin Bet chapter, with efit of cnt ppropsnte ta arvonatiel vehicles ai distinction tetveen conta fant guidance Thi fll by» biel aanary ofthe nantes of feotack for contel and an ntadton to none of the ert exanpler of feck contr. Historia sketees ofthe seveloment of ical “iynamiesabiy’ and contra, practi! astematie ht cnt sens, tnd eediack wpe anal omplte the nto, (Chapter 2 compris a teview if hate aspects of ppd snatematce ertinnt to the sonstrcton ad woe of Herat mathematic! tel of eer and hei ctrl apatens. The Lape toc ht ad 49) vss, Sostctins on Tsing ‘he transfer facta mode, which ply’ ach prominent pt tr, ae Aiea in deta and conederae emphatie te placed on graphical repnesentatione and graphical constructions While the Spel onder isateamed aly to have conaerable fiat with ths materi ‘> that he ould able to move ahead spy hs kl to find that Gertin matters such sa tne ator ad the otaltate reponse (0 plrnomil fate ate ete hers ina onigae way that psi a bak rou for suloequent development The mater of Chapter 3 fen cunensd aan! of the particular ‘opie in fsa system anys om which the reine of te mone tepivstrngs depends ere th oar ll i nt onl a Yesiew othe Foot krae method andthe conven open lope lo get Feeiency opunie methods Int an the pracattion ws cement of untied servoaualiis meth hat a complete gonealetn ot the nigraphical analytical techniques, The lr wll alo Rd ere xpoation of tltloop anabose procedures particulars appropriate to the atade of reicular contol apsems and. Gals 9 incon sositivity, iting the swmecton tstworn gain sensi andthe nla reponse cofiients Wine verte or rigesetor) ofthe rater spon. Tin chapter inc of the ton vial etre othe vole case many of the techniquen, nd spill tei highly oganined comcetion, are not explained in the conventional textloks ot Hoo ‘eedback eter aah ‘The ai se i can im Chapter 4, a which the equations of ‘motion of aeronautical teks are deep run fie pine. Ue sow there that thes auathas ca be Unareed about «nominal ight Path ad that whe thie ight path Hes be plane of pete Te Uipertrted reid, the equtions ean normals be separated into tv indperdent set the logit sation andthe lated ations “This rmpliation ss Uh has for the vn ofthe sre pat ofthe Daler ofthe dco, Sil with Ucintention of stung the ice ner acti onto: the dengan damien of the sieraftlone ae explored i Chapter 3 The traf Suction forthe aicral's espa to cond are vole som he equations of mation, and approzivaefacoe fe the monet Ad denominator ate presen ere of coe inthe equations, Although approximate factors for parts ofthe characteristic onetione (denominator of srpanes have een known for about 30 year ewe afew yar ago That «smile drain of the muertos was ‘leveloped, and sila appeach to VEOL aireraft hus only een se ‘fal eee more rent Here agai, the proentation sa Chapter 3 Apart coseraly frm the conventhnal practice heeaue ithe or mo ‘tention tp to tranaerfnetion factors hex ext ad the Alevelopments ssiaraed shore repeennt «pact f hewn speach ‘of thin volume (Chapter 8 doc fr the Interal tons what Chapter 3 does forthe Aongitadinal tions ‘The tatment i exactly ara lho the teats ar lifer Ics of he datinto twee hep mete sth serra degre of feedom, cu In Chapters 7 an the deans ly uns to the feck control st isplanes and beiopters. The ality ad eponse of wehlees oer ‘omtnucosy etve contol arr somidred with the neumption of eel Proportional eontol Le. po acount Is yt take ofthe pte inp: frelon such ae Igy which insiably are associated ith real ers sopliers ari ataatoes The poe a edie ste fone ‘ofthe Kanga! mations ar canst bn Chapter 7 while similar [esencation om deal fosthack systems for conta ofthe Intra tne Iimade a Chapter (Chapter i on the abjoet of gener teurents,speciatons and testing: These wets ate preset inthe sontent of ea proceat catlneBimphase ks peed on the oneces of atonal utes the etl elation of the requirement fm hes iin. Fhe rep ments Dat derive fm aconderation of Hight contol stems to fe. Tak eves ae also tented at length In Chapter 0 the eects of inp ai surhaners are rete a erformaace consideration Up to that piste np othe ster ae onset ltl snipe tet sale ch ean implaeo sine trave. Now the influence on dag of consdeing the stu of the ingats and distbanees is itroduced forthe fist tie. coals the ints ad dstarbances are appeontsted by either determinate gals ‘more eamplioted han the mies previ onsite, here tele tatare deus i tm pastas terms. The Ae probally: denaity fneion ani theses peobabiieydtution futon ae even "heir sein system performance ealalatons i explain sone detail forthe case In whith the signa ae Gata dibation and are atonar Tn at vase convenient alelation uf the prfrtanee of lina systems ca be eared oa inthe Frequeny domain by making mr ofthe power and eramapectea density fuetins, Te “transient onl “and adjoint tect, which under the computer appre to mre onmplex problems re as intraee ‘Fnac of the materia of all the prviows chapters is used in isons of ogiteina and lateral atom ight stl eters (Chapter TL. The lature of reqivments and of injeriectons in the omponents i particlarly pointe ot, Mullop Bight onto esteme fof weveral types are tate a iuseativ eames A Ue ei uf the book are to appendices and & bbiogaphy, The Ubhiggrphy supplements thie back hy piling refers to tose sspets of aterat damier and autonitle control that are not ex fensvay treated here Teves voll ait al other higher order smunie ees, component and dexrptions of fight contol systems ‘The fst appendix prevents tations of amie charastertce for seme rpreertative alert and the seo serve as if intetion fe probaly theory. 1-2, A Delition of Flight Contr 1 ie not suprising that, shen comsidered in det, the altace or physica atbates af ax aevanicl seh ot weapon system a its ‘ements are interrditd a almost to pele dae af sy one xyes ofthe syste withot simultane treating mat ote others SU ultimately Lewamen ror fo stake out deine domains tha fan be treated mone or has isa. This an He ecm ome yenvealiy i other factors and etic nthe stem san be tm ‘ered either pearson ly nition separated rom thea “Aa fs step in separating automatic lh ontralare fom ater supets of the overall erate hile or weapon reste, i Is hee ‘ty to distinguish cont from guidanor Cofortnately the bundy Tetwoen these to erat it som iherenty sharp Broa lal Finettal, operational and equipment interactions tat they may share fea practical matter, homever the flowing debaitaon ra eeu teed (Guidance: he action uf determining the outs dep, elatve to same reference sett, tb falloved hy vie Control: The deeelopreat and apploation to « vhile of props ‘ste fren ud mamente bat T'Bautli some equllium state of vehicle motion (operating pit cnt. 2. Restore distri sehice to ts euibrium (operating int) state andor telat. within dav Iii Aepartre trom operating point mito tation}, ‘To apply those dofiitons to «spec example, coir the at ta surface misile system shown is Fie 1-3 In this Bure the Hock i Sil ith capital Inter aque brackets are net simple transl functions relating outpts to inp, but instead re mata operations Wisrenily apparent tha the complet sytem, when viewed inthe loge Iscompliated ard analstialy intractable, However, tuo major types of looper seen to be peesnt oe a see of ner Ips vein the oe Ime of lrframe mation quantities: the other a tet lop fontaine {he hint teasformations require to generate the relative erent tion betwen target abd vehi, ad sled thigh a gsmetry sens snd computer tat generates Right path commande Hy ue of the deh nitons given above, te show posible to sparse the gua a the ono ares teat erm the matric erate shown ithe Hl Migr FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEM ote parenthetical, that aa abstract fethondl ptr, eater than ome dre in tera pial eqlpoent, prefers at this bee eg in Pigs 13, the Euler angles. 0, and, nl ax tenner able motion, were obtained trom a stable platfnt, the equipment Would have to be consider a par uf the Aight vont! sete yet {0 control Further i aften poole to formolate guidance problem ach A eran avoidance and approach to a runway on & lenkart beam ‘thou incelsing ore that linear spptvaination to the kinetic franafrmation inthe guidance lp: the, with ingle natble eae. {on guthnee problems can be considered te ior extensions to the tiem of fight cota “The exception rn hoe eases in which there ane important dui Interactions letreen the coneol nat guidance ape, The somplen lags of Hig. 1-3 can ho ampli hy specifying the general ype af tuitanc to be weed and defining deal ste atate “ject Te Als steady tate contin rah then te vad a perting. pint, ‘nd ll of the eyuntins diated by the Lock agra of Fig. Ua Tinearzad about thee operating pints. A simplified blak igen, ‘emphasizing the sete dyatiy fore suitable fer dy smi anal ‘a Gialy edison, Figure shows liareed Heck dogs (ered fom Fig 1) that rete perturbed units when he sec i on straight ln olson course with the target and operating set strait tel Bevel ht condition Face 1a) reat when the login fentel ystems bloke digram ix ren waste Hight pt ange ‘/insend of thing vec, g, ad plnging velocity, a the ton Lip reniehe roy ts dak patton pains ete Surene >| ol | : Ss sal Fig. 13 make apt an nga dtintin 8 Ce eee 5 Tih see mote yunee mane eae ehh te al fy reference axis sytems are necessary), while the guidance loop involves Te a ‘siege anormal thn gl he wei and erg ones oye) | ‘co far many leet detente ee eng {site fum getaTaer stds det sor oan ' ‘Sits ape one fhe antic ht te ee is i {ihe nc opating ace eon tert oe ta i ‘ar, borer, that there als prude path weil ach te rere i i ‘Mie an ating ssh reared ae an se = i ‘tol, therefore, is logically considered to be a part of the domain of fight GUIDANCE DEVICES AND GEOMETRY (KINEMATICS) BLOCKS SONGS AIRE TROT ‘Laremac FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEM Beaemnuem Bem tso GUIDANCE DEVICES @ GEOMETRY BLOCKS LONGITUDINAL FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEMS ariales Her the gsomstry rstonshpe are showin singe Hock, hile the Right contol sytem portion of the dlagatn separated inte factional dividone Figaro 1() ges one sep further and shows single cloelop fight contol nfstens Mock withthe geometry Mack {woken into to parallel channels oth ding in Fig. 1-5 anne unity lynn forthe georetry sear and the sompates, Figure 1-5 emphasis the fat that the gmt block cotsns a time-varyiog pester (1/3), wher the time arable, appa ‘expels. The magnitude ofthe paruaeter defines the hati Hegre St dynamic intometion letcen the fight contol andthe pula When the ratio tine:sime-tgn, fe vey smal the sk name llfet ofthe guidance sts tet ald uty alle path to the "owe op ight conta stem Le mt en thier, whe cera worthy of conidrstio, doe mot compete the pile enn ay Dette int acount a ju anther lap inthe ph ental gto, Ot the other hand a t]r approhes wit the geoetry blk sain a proaches infty and the dane interactions between ui and Might contrl may eve the most prominent fentoe of oyster pr formance TT she conieetins exemple inthe dieusons sve re setea ine fora variety of guidance tte types i oun that danse ud fontro an interact mony three wags, Thee a iaseated a Pig Lo connection betwen the two parte a ganee and conte dato ‘Thetnteration with apatng pnt sal asst the eaamp shore, isthe stating pint i te development dageaans, such as he ce shown whi emphasis the dynes, Guidance syste eles Tinting inva he charter of parila pal mechaaatione and, i any event. elite only 0 sonitons ented the ral ier {heer Falls dye iaturactin betnen ence and cara ee bl im homing guidance, ad eve the the teat ight ntl the target i cloe.‘On tae nae Hao be lar that nea eonatant tpprosinations to Aight conta and yuidence ystems can be rete sempletlysepartely as far their dynamics are conserved, forall ‘uidence wen except Sal “honing” muneuvers Therefore. partie ar operating point straight aa level ight ened aad pb Sees in honing manewsers gt, the subject af unto ca be separated from geidance and the synthe of aati Might cont systema canbe sti in ite ight. 18. Why Foote ‘The ght control systems in igs U9 tw 13 ate, quite apace shown as feck stems a wile portion of ach eat fed Ih ” som anettttaeeitints | nouvervens wast boop] OMe Sante aM = mate 30 ny Saccigesmatas | um bE 72M o300unOW Lust Sate soroenognye an any | Mound Sey csrieammiearemy | uaiod’, bel supa outlet Bae aammnrusoud ‘onvemnco OUEAOD NIIIS i q ae g S/he z . & | B33 e #£/28 E & las nad |) eo BzE, : . : nae clei | 2888 | (| as so g28 | aie ges” 5 . fo ees ‘ THe 233 2 2 § /ze8,| | 728 | BLE mS & a liege : - 5 soae 3 zt g gage g 33 i s 0 a Go mothe input, EMetive Aight ete wytemsinvanably are feeck estes, fr ner pant fess on i ineention had imately produced satictrs, inne sable siret the dsndvantage of upenlop, te manteach, come) Would probably ail plate is gee forthe wntol at ight, Open esp conta ave pngramn and eat. Ti prope operation pence n the computation uf an appropiate pogrom maintaining the calibration ofthe controled werent abject cote. Ing sone spocathns the appropriate progam iv oten of sostderabe complete fs most notable eaters ofthe nitrates npn to ontol that ‘Shanges ware th sped, atte, ad owing ‘The advantage of fick contol are 1. The provision of wai, 2. Theailjuctment of dyna espns inci 1 Redetion of gs 1. Provision of desi of specie commandespinie tl hia spss ae eegards he ipoonement of way ad the duction of the eff of veil nose oping fers 8. The suppeemio af uncanted inynte and itera 4. Tho suppression ofthe eft af ariatons a uneertaaie i the harateristis ofthe cntoled semen eedtack can make an unstable sytem stab, (team, of cour, ao snake stable sate unstable, «set to which meal have trent caso to retrn late Uortanately rset eevee by them selves. Atte very best they are tet tables heading al tne oatinnovs eoreetions must be made inorder tof stag and ee ‘conse: Otherwise, and this expecially tre of mare congue Astron may Hart an apeioially vegent motion ath a le oe pilots sometimes cll he “graresud ora silat dtarbane ay Initiate weakly damped of peas divergent units tn the nllng ‘ang, end pitching degrees offen, I i fo the nepal of any. mh Aicenciosin stability tht te class of uronic ight sont sen Inown as stability augmenters and entomatie pots ate placpally eedack can improve tho sped of esponaadmay be wad 3 a to tlc ome desired omreepoenne between the inpt and Sa ofthe system, The series of figures that have been prestted have served to crphasie the Tact that ono of the purpose f the ight conte system {st flow the commands generat iy the idan stem, Rap ad sccurateeesponse to command, so thatthe comma ight path a ‘matey the astual Bight path, fr example, is mae posable ot it largely enbanced by the fedback of aiealt motion quatre These (20 Fendscks have bee strate ant ae dete he Bgres to omg the ght contra sate Te isnot only he eae that the (etack) tight contol stem wil improve the sped of rene at accuracy following etna at Je hl al tea to suppres the effet of distrhaners such tthe tines ig, 1-8, ae well asthe eect of phere (ust) ditrbanesisteated in "hanges in the charactrstien of the vehi’ response tse, Ts arent the ast rounns for emp Fedak Te avers tat typ tally iyi atospherie tarbatoee mbih tends to upset it al to er its igh pach, and the respon ts tol ay ver wl olen changed by the cosine af fel the rls af somes, ned nae ‘eight sped or lite ‘Some of the eae Fnaninate fallusk control aside fom water love controls which were hoon in antiquity, were ape Felts ime movers Thea were primasily designs! to gut ot tansy In ape bce of itunes sch az chang the led. o changes the responee ofthe machine to contol wach ae change in peed he same thru setting caine fa increase fn team presar, The ‘arly governrs neue some a he rere practical advantage feck Dnt they alo tee to display the lest dateantage a tedeacy hunt or osellate. "The phenomenon of nating of engine porerots mt ‘ated a mumber of authors to stud the ati of fede eontol ‘stems ad oly the foundations of mathematical theory af he ay Jet. Among the eulet of thew snceatigntne an the phys J Maxwell tho in is own paper on the abject sence his abit: Aiseover the eteria or the stl of higher onesies Late sone othe examiner uo set the aubjeet “Te Citron of Dynan Stat forthe Adasoe Price Bos Contest 177 The pre Dy Ed. Roath? who emsiered not only governors Wat the sbi of seneal motion of rid dios His stein that eld cnet bal forthe investigation of th dame stl of aieraft avd for many ‘ears provided the pity toot for the study of fesback cota 1-4, Karl Mistry othe Subjet of Aireraft Dynamics .W, Lanchester was theft to invstigite anally the dy stabtty of area Before the urn ofthe entry he capita with ilder models an sie the properties of the sli to 8 snp the Wal My of ste, Fst a! Pholy eT $8.1, Routh Stby of Ore Star of Mot, Mase, Loa ae ‘et of equations for mation in the plane of gymmetey. He elle the esting Bight paths pid.” hat pss to th ay Inthe serof the Bs power! ight, 148, Bryan and Willing mote conventional mathematical cto, graded the Beenie ‘cqations of mation that have een the funtion of sie of dye ‘ability a respons to contol ever Mn Later the theory of bt ‘ho fog and lateral moths was prosnted by. Bryon ® Th it Euler uations forthe genalsoion of rg dy ere consid for ‘all departen fom stray otaght git ofan aitplane with plane of symnacey. Under thew wnmptons the quatsons were shen be ‘epsrabl into to groupe of thee each, On group elated the tation Sariabios inthe plane of semmetrs. le the ether goa felt te notion variables ont ofthe planet mney, Nelther peop eomeained ny varia oentins i thet so tht heal he rated entre purely. The separate grup of equations weve val he apneic ‘orlonptutival and the “asec or fatal eyoations. iter Sequence ofthe asunption of sal perturbations was tha te a ones ‘nthe aeplane could be shown to depend on erin consanto “stabi Aervatces," as thes were elled: evan suggested that these might be ‘determined experimental ‘Aveary as 1012, Batsow and Mele Jone, a the National Physical Latoratory in Great Bein, ad taken ap Bryan's sugestion a hal Aleveoped some a the nnd tunel teshrighes for measuting the sabi Aesvative of model, They reported he ols thei itil fot the Following fer showing ho fours fhe totam ould be reed the mathematical sli fr the res rss ofl ipa for which ther had meu oe east al th desratiest In oth Innguage and tation thi eport ie Yhroughls meen tig be wet ssa text on the dvi stalility of srplanes ey The theory and the expecta prtiee were subsoquenty extended by the orgal investigators ad oss. Raison condee the sabi ‘of moe complicated mation ach acting Pht a rated the motion ot dict aeshipe. He provided comprehensive aero of the cnet Jn 1202 Hansa, who advised the National Physical Laboratory in 1914, needed Baietow's wind tunel tchnigus as the methot of Beyan and Bairstow forth cleulathn of dynam stabi in the Cita Stes He solaborated on the Bt repr of the Unite States National [Advisory Committe for Aernaates which was concerned ith the fe ‘one of sera to pute Get altel the stab deviates of ‘rating peopled th rthns ofan arplane with the elevator eee ‘The model measifement” or eaeaaton™ of particular stably devon. tives entinoe to attace attention, and oneal effet as ade to measure deietires, ve mations, and he rsp to ntl in fall sale Hight tests ‘The seferners given in the folate ave nly ‘peal. not eomperensive, More dais are given in he histor !ppende othe 4 pape hy Milward asonnts ofthe work of the Baitish pioneers ae prosntd in several omtibution tothe ‘Centensry Journal” of the Raval Aeron Soviet: patenars the omes by A.V. Stetens, Sie Harry Garmur Maser, and Tt Metin Wood, By 108, when the suve’ hy B, Mell Jones appeared in Duss’ Aeiynanie Theory. the cla! approach of Brat a Barstow as ‘vel estate Lt as very tle tm. Revue of the fll cle expr ments hd fe to the contietion that the theory of nieve tons vs petcl for the prediction ofthe tbligy of motion the ine history ofthe motan flowing a distr a eespone to the applet ‘of conta. The effet of variations tm the ronfiguntion of yea ane had been teaced a ther infence the deren othe alt in terms of ability of motion. Furthermate, these tens wee ppmeited not onlyn temo the oltinsto speiicmueicl examples nut more general a east n part ae approximate stave tre of the dominant eral tty derivatives Melvil Jones hime, spesking of complete lutions to the equations of motion and a approsinate alton to the salty quate uation, vated the state fais flowing wor In pte. the complete of the experimental and theoreti stevctre its undoubtelly teye that the te of ii, al lations of this Kind are very Hetle aoe hy any It few earch Workers I fact rate for anyone actly engaged upon the desi tal eomtructin of aeons to make diet wo of ov] oma tions oF evn to be fie wth the metal by which the ate Ina. ta mg oe pinion ithe diel of computation thick has presented deers of aeopnes fom making oe of the Thoueh he proses... wil sf worked corrects, give the dnl snener regained it 0 nvulttht Ht not ea to trace the en etio Detweon the fal aoever and the separate characteris of the lane which are repented the sak desvatves che With gant the response to spi disturbances no sonenient means of tracing thie connection fa yet heen devine; ut whe the frm of the soto of the quar fr [the frequen ao Aamping factors of the fee modes] in ral fig al that tr ‘ited, the omission of certain tere, which are then relatively wh Important. allows sich deastie smpiatione toe mute that he recon beeen suse ad eet ea spay with eomprtive ‘The stuation was ardly alter during the est tem years In pte sf the introduction of the method of operator. whish dif reduce the [ator of eompatathn. alin spite nf earns forts to make the tee nique astm and genera x onal hy inteaacng nntimensona 2 stain 2 and by summarising information on the stabi: fctone fa ouveniat chart and arbor, inspite of arate expostion of the thor designers of airplanes tontinved te dain dynumnle stats ay ‘Neverthelo,reearch continued a «pace that was accerate hy the dren of the wa. and some inproveentsnere mae the uta Ingo ea. the importance of wag)inlag inerfeence and ome ts ‘onthe stability derivatives, he fect of soy balance fee contol {the maton, the raps fo particular motions of pater contol Sich as sper. a the ante of changes in ekg on character ‘tthe maton, The point of iow then carn. Noweres, not permit one (vith ery rate and som fogten exeepttny to case the esponce othe rp une the continua ath f the sono, je. ws enc satem. The controls were, ln invasions 1 Five, as the oatnt sae, Fe, {restrain onl by aeeodynamic hinge wont Iter yeeros well '. Progammed, be moved at stp function of time suchas step sorramp fein ora sth pase may have ben not ony theft that the eaelations wer boron but alo that the seumptine ofthe nals appear unseat which Alscourage te ase iden. The stably of ated notion with ‘he controls fed free an the repute to grammed ental tins ere ad ae dette terest insertion ith the dani ‘nila. bt ie oident that the human sam moras plat Hs Ui operating the conta more oe continua: The sip pala is at eament lat ayatem that inves a human plot or anatomic {ioe This view dnt como to geralyaeceptd unt ater the war, fa the wndemtanting of sovenient ane of tracing he section ltween the response to spc dates, auch a the opraton ofthe fontroe atthe ehamnteitic of the airplay tht ae preety ‘the varias derivatives wan oan even late date 15. Baey Mistry of Atomic Fight Control ‘The development of entomato ight, ike the deelopmen of aipanee themaeves, prose for longtime withthe heme of very hile ‘eoretia oiad, Sie Hiram Mas (1840-1016) was » protigons Inventor, a 180 when he med his attention to the design an snstrtin of heavier ‘than ait ing machine, he prope fo mur tential stat ‘by means of servo dive ad automatic Twdneh Me devine hat ae kesered in Maxim's bok snare strated there by a potogeaph the installation saan apne ane suprisingly meen it concept ah execution A stramdriven, pendulous, srt! gyroscope was made to operate a salvo that parted steam to nr eyinder™ The motion of he Piston {rove the elevators and he feedback ink fom the piston repositioned the srrmoperated valve body a0 ae to clas the valve. Th penile this ‘eytosuple apparatan for astomatieally string ibe) tachi ta ‘vertical dieetion” i Indstinguisable fom the levator cont portion ‘ot automati plot of mach more rent date, Easily recognizable ee the ‘ements of an automate it antl stem: the wens (astoeope). ‘heamplier vate and the cate mrfae ostonng wero, Cac fess ofthe yng machine for which the pyrosopi oneal was devine five in disaster when the aircraft Hed off the tacks designed to me ‘tranit, tured over and was destroyed, Manin, who fl tha hs spi fontibtion was to be the development of iting surfaces and Pouce plant, thowpht thatthe pint abot ie and power had nen proved ed ‘he inventor turned his erg nother destin. Sill Inthe rinetenth eetuey, however, must gyrosopie fo tuck conta of the “fight” path was demonstrated by Ladwig Obry ‘0 Anstrin, who in 1804 ited a cour hoping zr a a improve iment for the nava torpedo invented iy Robert Whitehead in T8H8 (Whitehead torpedo hall an eutomatie depth coat) Ae ater the ytosnple ailiaton of shia wanted, an, although forthe next rine ‘pening ot a completely diferent rasp, wav them sttampt at gronopie wontol of am artft. In 140-10 De Sperry atempted to ake a gsrsepie “stable” for an wean Ts wits rhIly moanted engine drven wheel with ite spin ant verllea Te would have opposed rang motions with thing ogee, ed ie seem, Ht wes apparntiy never Ioght tots heen af te Tock of ‘cee of the plane i whic i es installed ha serve the ‘Betweeg 1L0 il 1812 De, Spey ad sso Laenoe develop an sm H, Curtis, an albeketrie nwa, ia silane eliging #0 Ateoaxi atomatie pt, Roller contact on 4 go plato, measuring the bank a pitch angles, stent vst ces which eomected he silos an elewator fo propelleticen “ar tur.” a nation of (he srtnes repitionsd the contactor segment fo, aoe is 1, The machine wav anced tthe pci Oetler Le. In 198 the sveaft and ie automatie pil were citer aft ces psa yy the Ae Cla ot Bante Lawrence Sperry de « dranati deen sletin faa ight ox he Heat ait song the Seine nthe ‘eit Pari, tng up the cock of he Cast yng eat, Reet ie Feak wale Niwa, — | seers noe “ti ne cece Heats ute tion 4 . os Anau eae. var don 4, i 119 ea al ee ees ‘lati, Akemi, 3, amtantin an Bak ang ile deetinw, —Spenry “ie sate (28> hong his hams over his Head. while hi mechanic walk ot ahs the wing A photrgraph ofthis wmanial even he ben epic 1 Balas ant hy Ricardo, asiong others A siilar demonstration nan plates farearly the next yearin New Voek, ut thes the aterat wa overt dnd extensively damages hy wind Delo the demonstaton of Por Foxmance cou be at satiny ome “This rt automat plot war ined as an itera staiic. other words it wa intend co sappy staliity, as we now se, “arth ‘ily, toalerae that were often decent in this rand, Othe iv etars ‘were parsing the sae gals i the at and ther mean. The fac of angie of atta and angle of sideup, sped, anginal ‘oem aeeeaton, it ad Wax at ae wll a ate une, ‘ere al td singly and sometimes i amination, lake" inate piper deseibad sme of his ows experiments in Groat Britain, wile ‘ou has sketched some of the history af srl developments ote continent of Europe (ee Table Ll} However, none ol these ersinal Jnventors was sues enough for hin dvi to pane inmelstly i ‘The design of sera mle giant strides during the 1911918 war ‘and it ws fund tha sufieae stalty forthe hasan plot we eo ‘oe supptiod hy stable choice of the ie and sap of the sense races, Actually, nan alrerafe ere ti unstable nt none 0, and, with referee to the ground, Ue hum pilot peered the tabizing and control Sinton of the (feedback wot an ie Ee ana Pts Rl See ery Sab gh 7, No 8 78 an 2%, 1 (29> systems Neither aril statitizes nor automatic plots were found to Ie particularly wsetal the tained warplanes They, In fet dg ppesced from view. Under the ever of matty sere, Rome; the evelopment of she automati plot was gontinwd for pose np ion (opts sireratt; tn 1917-1918 Lawrence Srey compte the fonstrtion and test of an arial tng for the Unite Stator Nave 4nan advatoed sersom the geil tarda wos even remuely contd Ly radio, Thecus ofthe projec, however cane to late tomo ‘ing omy Worl Warf. Fellowng th war. wd uty tr oe roc applications, the Sperey Gyroseope Company hed, by. re leveled an automatic pit for pile commereal transpose (are Pig. 1.7). Hcept forthe grasp reftencetat compra she ten row dictional and vertical gyeoropn and the fat that proied for Gone bt all hive aerate une tie automate pt tea any ofthe featres of he orginal one uf 1910-1013, Bete reals howwees, ‘ere jest around the cure, Im 198 the ptoeype of the AB automatic plot mas under constr Yon, feature pae-moontil gyros with psa pees ood ‘hee anis control with proportional hydrwuc evox When Wiley Pet, ising the Soeety factory sai, he dite hat installed i Lockheed Vega 5:C2" During the perind dy 13-22. 1889 Pons ag lone, ae «ron tho-mold reo 7 days 18 hous. he peeesmance drab of the automatic pet, which allowed the kan plot fo forthe navigator’ funtion ad even to nap in ght pled x com siderable role i this fet. Tho prototype automstic galt wed by: Wey ost together with his airplane, the "Winnie Mae are in the atonal Avconuatiea Colleton ofthe Sthsoninn Inia in Washington Te A2 automatie plot came into wsprad nse among the anes tring the 1990 This was de partly to its demonstrated telat ‘ely becuse the panel mouated struments then coming ite extenas ‘efor routin operations der low vlity conditions sup le yromopic rafrenes (an ovis etonomy in ose and weight) and partly boats siphnes had ables a runge. perfomance st tale Dilber atttive. Tho A2 wae Sat itedaced to alte sree on "he Boving Mode! 247 in 154. Hee dfet, ian, wer ave tow sight and fove. 1 wat not designed fr maneuvering. nett this automate plot provi for sot sueace defections Spey Acti oe aks pe 30 Inte ae tht woe proportional othe darts om the renee Satan Apo oan gen by ears ang then nana the recy ore to th trot fee Fi 13) comnp of gringo sient empyema rata of tomate eno sat bt ee he Senay snd by he omer of ears ‘rt ogy thes pl ine 123-087) meat iar vena it Svelopmnts were under in rea Han hong thea thre wt ton of ay ent nde wh “ta hs nt eh a vader eet an a I) ens the th td he deg wrest eat dig Te ek ‘Ses sng ie gyorg bate vo pc oem th ‘ote an slevsae yume ow rose pate sve, An ‘Sc ain ne wit snl Caio the Ral Awash Ream (RAB) oyna I 7 rot deste tea heatonate i inet! mapmaing ad suagets it perio ore the Sperry thn tai design (Pg. 10) fr apptationsreiing manvnscry I abo shoe the comsiderhleaojusintane of the ators ith the Ur, thos tnd concinions of Ui aleages atthe Rosal Aeeaft Exabchment tho Ba been engaged in the stacy ofthe dum tbl of ipa ‘The ction of the automat lt nat carly explained in thaw tems, Infact the methods of dynarte taal anayse had een applied i the tsa of the RAE Bight conta guipment fm L240, late fee rate were ever puso inthe open erator Following in the fovstepe of Baiston’® and Glover and using 3 rethod devebged by SB: Gates! who tpl it the ancune RAB. ES teria reenter 31 Reporte WA 487 an 494, Garner in 126, made an analyse of the Interallireetionl motion of an aiplsne ter the inflacne of feedback, fontro Gates assumed tat the sono were move searing torres Ins. proportion fo certain ontpat variates and thelr dexfeaties He also sivas that god sabity wast enough, sine It was rental tho to consider the amples of the serra tas af motion, With Simi assumptions, Garner eae the stalility of the under ‘notion andthe transient motion, felling anil distance, under ‘the infence ofthe Feedback cont syste, It was specify pte ‘out that the movement the controls mit be megane we made thor ‘the human) plot or hy some achanial means. Carer hen Farther Ind the wit and ison to peor a the hata treatment for “lag Inthe application af entrls and ws abl to point toa qualitative cone ‘silo between bis analytical rls and Might tests of an Al (eutomatie) rider control that ba aprile reaction lag, Shel ter Garner's eprt a farther contrition by Conley apperet whieh Proposed more elaborate mtede uf taking ito acount te ine la i ‘theapplicaton of contra. Hath pure te delay an a weonner ag sere steely rete. Tt now seems surprising thatthe pages are not given moto prom Inoue in account ofthe development ofthe theory of tomate conte systems: Perhaps they ner simply to fa he of thei tine, Prva, ‘on the other hand, was only 4 Great Britain, where automatic Right ‘ontrl system development as the resonsity of «government ‘esnarch stalehnent, that i mae thought toe desable to make he ‘pons ealcwlations in sont with the devin of praca ryteoe, In apse ofan apparently adequate tory. howese, say ints Meee the carl ight tra ofthe RA Maye 1V automat pio sou 19942 A solution to the prbles woe apparently aot found 9 analysis or simulation, The pile tsappeared wien the autoplbts ere neal inthe larger sire for which they wer intended, no doubt betas a the Inger inerin aa slower erp ofthe malt-ngined hombers ‘Comprehensive detail of euboaquent Retsh automate pi eveop ent (187-1917), wall ap comments on Ameria and Germaa efforts sre sot Fort in the report ly Hopkin sal Duan folded there isthe cM story of the oniquelyconceved Mask VLE autopilot, In this vie the tlerator wer move i espnse to srpeed ero ander ate, whie the ‘ikerane were aetaated ty combination of yn aa ol signals deere lava ve gyrncpe, Theres was ie Calevlaion cowed tha the Sablity prperin of Us arrngenat should have hen suislacton {sine they were Utortnately albvngh the permanente eather was good, in Gry Roh ae an som iat a hw se the elevator, reponding to detected changin the sped and iter ‘ate, caused vnknt changes in pitch tite, Tse wer are eno it forme cass thatthe aeration othe fl om case the egies to-stap momentary. Later, the matter was investigated theoetialy by Neumark andy Swiworth and Hopkins! They were quite able t0 entity the source of the Bical ado ao that the calelation Ahmping factor alone was tilt to care satsactory perfor lance: At the Royal Airrft Establishment slr eaelatone wet nade Toth by hand ad with sorehanoa ferential snare, Ver few of ‘the results, however, wete pulsed, The understanding of reson to ‘specie dstrtaners that Cates hl srvsnd, nd fot wbich Be Mell ‘Tones had elle, was thus only moder ead Thverstngs, be 1985 the Greman fir of Siemens had developed an ‘levator contol that sucesafll sed a arp efetece ander fomtol with uve ofthe casist magnetic compte teins Hysrntic posting eves war empleo more the surfaces, bt the key eat {both cae was the wae of zat goo feck, The ruler “toure fontral” was an ldependent sit, I Germany i wae ane ato the Ingest and heat sitplaes would require a compete auteatie pilot bot tht practically al salad nn tachies cu a oo the of a course contol =| ‘The mis of Siemens aa Askania Lek developed thie-axnautenatie pilot hat ineluded a edpendent nse conto tring the wat they concentrated on the paduetion of the ag-aste units Eventually snore than 80 pacent of the area ithe German Air Force wot ‘quipped with dna astnate stalies, Aachen diagram ofthe it BE tatty, sa ce ek pie ee Bo pope, ale ted paso digas nn apronimatedessibngfanetions for fst a hyterse ov expe the iterons ota om the eton ‘of the uitomatie cout of thewe ad ther iperfcton in he system ‘ch as quantized signals, and be pated to the tse of rudimentary Simulator as meas for exploring the eet of none eulpment ‘haracteritio ia pct, ter, during the war, the Germans inte Ue at-rate principle inthe Siemens K-29 and Asia PRE12 fighter course contol, id so Jn the expernental Ptin thee asi automate pt Here the wees sce made to move at arate proportional ete rat of hs axis tation eased Lia rte gy, Damping winnie Meena the sgn inthe eta f the Semen and Aslania vats at y aes Alesign of the gyros to pickup component of angular aerkatha ih the eas of the Path design. No foedack unit measured the output ‘the wevon) All hese of thee contol pater were alte Wc be appreciated, even from this abeiatel arcu, that ai plane automatic pot development proeeded quite Independent {Germany fm its cons inthe United States ann Great Bein, Sone in of how might hae evolved ean be obtained from Dudenaen eeciplion of 4 threat, raterate automatic fight contd system ‘seal ln 1953 ht has ope extent on deeeopment xi ‘ut just before the tna eps of Hiers ras 6 bee sing to mote ithe sae ln of Lyfe in hich the Dunbar stile appre shat spear fram Anptcas emp, tracing he istry of antomatie pot development says that course control wae sly added after the more diet proien of stalliing the azera ite and wll vas accompli Hie erman tractor fo constant Ao-eoeet him From the Grtan point of ew the cttse eomteo cate ft "The Germans were ao, of couse, ery ston in the development of| thts aloft and aes The Vo Hyg Lomb Ml «contentions fsronase (elevator aid etd) automatic lt with elite and coms [ms hn Gee Fig. 1:11. A alr mee counter determined whe the Sal dive sold begin. Tn spite of tin many way, very advanced technology the V2 (At simply used tm fee gyro: the master contol tt ae agate” Hai eo, eas Monette au Rota de gen” afb sgt Se. Se ato by Hh tn, Dy SEA, toga wad A. We Qk, Hier of Geman Eo sei Bs aa SAR "md ‘por it wren A 8 Sy (7) Qe Se al (=== osneceer ovo a =H » > conta bye 970 to sono sae and ol, a the “yesticnt” t contol pte ke ‘ans of hydra evo-diven vines in the exh! bat of the ocel gine (ce Fig I-12) A pitch manewser a preprogrammed an Tu tras cut of hy an lnegrating aecleonter, Provide was ide for Imonitorag and oeecting the sours with x radio Ina. The gyro ahd ‘ane erangement was sonnet smile tothe one evo woe te fees (1982) Dy the ponene KH. Goddard forthe contol of Me tokens” Boginsng in 191 there an conse amount of atv in the United Stat nine at the development of slr automatic pilots instly capable of accepting maneuvering commande ther fom the human pt of fom seme othe anno of gvidane information auch ssa bombs. Tho ft of thse "all eleetee” automate plots was the {Dh Life far H. Gabon, Bae So «38 (-, bait hy the Minnoapoissoneywell Regulator Compan Iw Installed in al the Ameria feng bomber such ns the BT, the 24, andthe H.29, In the (1 deviations rom the refetene atte i tite, roland yaw were meqsred with vertial aod dictions! gyro open atin the Serty A2 den, tut the amplied signals were appt te tetical ponitning arvomotor driving the elevators, ern and ‘ddere. The automate pleut was specially designed omer the sierafe to wommands oinating im the bomber» operation of the Tombaght, a a anle-kno tm conta ad Inter a “formation tick.” tras proved forthe ple. Bretton cutout in then ws one ofthe rove fester of thi automatic pt. The eetecally driven wpincopee sere ot intended to be used ght instruments. Tater in the CA 639) (1045), a umber of improvements were intrsed nung the addon ‘fe ane ate go ial to the der, ‘Te uolt woe cosy followed in ne by the General Etre design, ‘ons, ad whish iret from the C-1 in te design ly in that the "ettaly driven grrneopen vere elon the patelnennted Aight este ‘nunts and in that krtokauie positioning servomotor provid the final sage of poser ampieation, At fs he controls were mere ten lent one fr rach ia, bt later «single ah tr contal es nt ‘le Thin nutri pt as notable fries fight wight (74310 to that Ht wa etal for eaallaion in fighters and ight attack ai "The Sperry Gyroscope Company ako developed an etic atomic silt ding the war, the Tt bade waster of wovel features auch ay fab servo, su, nota, equaling puts that proved for pha ac anes of the neve aclating tgols, The servos were ekroiewae Ute ath Joe eedask. This was thaoght to hem desea feature ‘hat, ince contrl wuraceeffctiveon and aerodynamic hinge tome wary immu the sane way with speed an altade, the slow np espn sith fry fedlack should tend to be imei wth Aight onion Kari ght tt in a Faicild 22 wre eneouasing. Ua Fortunately, ae ture out i prsctio, the delete eft of eta ‘able rition ud etree fiat to arcu stiaactory operation the lr irate uch a the BME “Laberate,” for which the ator nate pt was intended, ‘The Eelipn- Pheer Divison of the end Corporation tga work on the “ute” compe 1D ad, about 1943, todd automatic rain ctrl fom the Huxgate cops i the aleletrie Pl (A-10) tito, This equment lite the very titeone necesity of fe ‘ently reting te resto gyro by eference tte agai com fst The Tel alo extent a yaw rate gx niga fod to the rade tntomtiesychroniation 20 that cull be magaged in any wttade te a computed up-levator sgl in tens Somewhat later onsteable fre wus expend i digi ante nate pilots opel for ger areas Lea? induced the PS 40) automatic pt about 1950 In the the probe of apps power “mplietion for he coral suelace posting sos was solved ith Inet ponder itches "The se of thas untested ich el tively hear equipment sch ao eletroie @ rotating power amphier= inl provid fr high psforanee servomechanie a compact ti Tihteight package, The gore eerncrs, howrse, wee the cn ‘entional vera! andretinaligyrsape and th neers hat con Jenade unser autanatc ntl wove Roe bythe photon of ‘inbal lack" This probe wer attacked iy Westinghownt” and the Isteumcatation Lateratory atthe Masset lait af Technol MIT)! hth of whom coset aloratory model of Byte pane {Natit woman wing diflen nde ange dere edn topes Trnpovements were sho mide in proving for guitane tiene Immeciatie afer the war the Sorry Gfrorope Company trough ot tnd Hens ntntce the PEW Bot of the 3-12 automatic pl these were euiped with approach couples, nd the Bridi apter hd ‘svtomntiethrete contra arte control of ised the aps {he unas. In Engl the Smiths re bro oat he alee ‘atcsate SED automatic pt ad apptoac coupe ‘ll the elements ofa mesers auton lt were now at ban, ae in 1047 the United States Air Forer All Weather Fising Dison C4 oer E. Len equip with « Sper automatic pot ant approach coupler and Bendy throttle voted mse raat demonstration of Some automate tight Taking of fom Stephens, Now all ‘nthe evening of September 21. He heogh the night ers Stic and fn the next day at Bro Nortom so Kalan Fra the tine the rakes wer lead fr the ew ol nl he ang al a oimplete, no uinan band osc the coma, The weet ado tation, need. fap mig, lading gear postion, and the Hal Appleton of wheel bres were all accmpish automaticaly fom 65: Maer, “Gee Tee Tp” Fin ety a, 8 sp tae MT tacomaie Contd Spt for trac MI totrmnetate Ea rogram steed on pane ead, The compete automation of ate Aight mere tbe at hand, Avast seria the performance an the prosper lyin 1948 ‘While the development of astomati pilots yp 10 had in genera ben raponnive to the nes of pst tsa hie such etre as single ob ten conto erection eatoat sutomatie i atest Seria, rate gro fedbacks compas i, ad approach sovpling ‘eved wef primes in some appiatony in many ease the nee intro ona the eel benteredity avalie sl retains not been they were reputed for any patie arpa, The aetomatic plot wa aman oniveraally rund tes aul fat hanya oe fem of equipment: the day haan yet arid when a atone lt ‘ould deaigned for @apeie wipe Ii taking Into account, ht ‘com the begining aril ant yin featren if the miso The Aleplane aul of the desig oe cota stem Perhap beau ofthe iris rests fru peal sig of he ight conta pte in mie an the autem achieved ith that appt, fd certainly, in part, becuse the postwar generation uf jt altplanes thnost Invariably eed mone for of atality augmentation whose partials mature wanuften dictated by the nique sonfigustion or miso the whic, the mbt emo design pete ater ae toe ae {areal enumeration of wuerat te tae al Junctions toe pe Feemed by ech spate Thsatraton nthe meters of design wan ‘one of sever that, together radially shang the natu work tomntie taht conta 1-6, The Joining of Control Technolgy and Dynamic Analysis While the mathematical tol for performing anaveee of tomatic Aight control sytem Tor irre ha exit in Ioat a riers form before the war of 1058-185, thor hs en eon to mark Hat they di not seem to Be much tse. The work nf Gat, Carer ‘Conley sen to tae eo ee Togaten Opp even thigh tea Inte into English, does not sem to have ata mach atten, while Minors’ paper on the stein of shige was ay wey own Ht ‘id not se to inspite other workers oo ima ine, There ad 2 appeared, hese and there, papery or mnogepth othe thea af serv Imechainn the regulation of prime moreen” process contol the of +P} exaty where Fe) fethe tamara Ye ean) or example, 1 Fa) let at + be then i f= Hono 1 the derivatives of ft) ane Haplace transformable, they have Laplace transom given by An) = eR — F044 219) S17) = #Fe)— Foe) JOH) 22) Sf = ere) — 70s) — fos for pat) = 8h) — 2704) —sho4)— Jes) — fos 222) ‘ands forth, Ui ofthe inital value thon to ecaluat the dsivatves forth example poco as fllos ‘ej Ce sins 0) 4m 0a ia fe) = Bm ofa?(0)] = bina 9 a - nO eT earache pe * ‘ese /(0)~ Hh nia eae ofthe hed deivative wl be in fy = in ooo) — fs inlet ~§] [sees Ka 38 For the ntl value ofthe auth eva, gl tnt — 90s) Fos “ie | mg BA et oH ey) an aoe ‘as checkpoints and to enhance opps grasp ofthe litres ‘tw spon, Alo, several deviates ca Ut combina into a Macleans ck (© sv an appcsaaton the na ope, Te Mh 109 = 90), 10) 0) = em For the example wove thi series won be y= aa st yt fn KE a at og ] ‘Tie tna responteerson of the Malan ees wmpplements the “Machin sroe devel later for the seater The Final Value Theorem ‘he final value ebeoem equator te Fab of tne Seton, approaches init to tha of the faneton sa) 4+ approach tne Olioway there mat be sore retitione othe apiaton of this orem ha thee were oh that forthe iii wali Far example, a ic) hat has pole inthe rght hall plane or onthe aad of iin (hot allowed te the itil value thre iv Hae to a J that fae ‘no Bal Flac, So, i ation tothe reirment shard withthe hit ahve theca i Unt the fonction ft) being vated at f= ad lia deceaive are Laplace tana ii lon neessry to opel tha the eto ae analytic a the axis Honsinres af the tie baplane, Then wth thew tition Lim oF} = i fe) em) Using the previous eample and asming that Fs sn ps he ight al-plane oF onthe iayiary ax, we aia Kk im) ~ i 2a Bal) lira there i! Sia ll higher dvivatoes aba have sm Gl vals, Asatte example ener K roi = eat) = Sepa ‘ie etal value theorem gives f0) = 0 ut the aplication of the le theten tnd ff]. nat ple beause «has pole at ‘Neorg on the imaginary ae) Homer. fa pote the deviate LH dows havea final al res in.) — ti a 22) eee taal ie urge, ine the theorem woul show that), Fi) a all he higher Aevatives ae sero aut gos to inty st apparent that fae "spproximated for large val of by £ cea) In ation to giving the typeof partioular answers tata above ‘he inital and ial vale tore hay” berg ba for eta Using the nitive feng thatthe steady state te rep e dete rie lngely ry the behavior of #() at stall rluee of the complex ro cory feoquene. 4, and thatthe tee esis at smal ales oft depen Inno Plat argevalen of Thiessen a helpful concep lteong ‘he estrone ofthe two undtyig throrema son he kept thar ‘nl whenever its Ae ease in pit, consider distinction betwen the so Bade sil rot les gaits A rep tenor, or ane offsite teas if ore than ane power ee pect may bento tie T= et (e04) rhe fecal yey Lad lat cea ML RT th 23h As tuted Big 3-0, se the fit wpe kg 2-4) in the vn Joes form, with rot lets gain; the sod (By 235) in Boe ers ithe ode wan, K- Amarin thatthe na ale theorem pia itisray tose thatthe Bose gui the final ale, fr f= Bi 0) = (235) ‘Te too ews gn, onthe other hand, i connote with the ina re ‘sons, Ts ln fact, he fis nonaer derivative at Fe ano a | im 0°) = est Mundy Stte Response Caleaations by Muclaurn Sevee In the st arti of ee ection 4 Macau sti having te as the Yariabie us sed to derlop an expression fr the Initial reponse of sytem, In this arile« Maclarin meres ull again be se bat in the ‘ratafrm damn and to evolve ah approxination to the steal ate spun, sa real of the tao developments apposinate expressions for toch che intial ap a phase of response enn be ota det from the polynomial ain form of Fe) without ftoing As showa in press part of this chapter, the eutptof an eewnt then excited by som apa ie given by Xu) Yo) = 2 4 Dae maxi 28) 68 she Y(t the tansirm ofthe ota response, that of the ip od Wa) — Niele) en rato of psoralen # eta all the ‘stom characterises 1 Is) i exe fn Maca seen i, the mre wll converge for tall wan of 2 rere wie) 2 oO] EV sew ee eater al ne OE Gg ee (239) where awe 6, ~ LEM _ rye, ae ean Maliplyng the sere by Xe) to give the ontpt transform, He), we Vio) = CNb) = CAN) + CeANLG) Sores Cypatls| ee 2) "This expression i valid in tho elon neat # = 0, where The seis com ergnts Revogiing ta ‘A ‘se Bi tha th seis fr the ont tanaon edaces Xe) 0 qos) — 10 Fo = stn) estan) ~etan) =~ =e 4] loo, so 4a} £ OEIC, +O = ea 1 a nti of gher onder fine Fneions (which coeur at f= and hence have ao effet om lng ae gore, he ners teeta w= ee Gut) CN EC + rhe the pines denote dftentiton with respect ts. Thi serie fa ali onl at shoe tines coraponding to «> 0, Le. the neighbor {governed hy the final vahw hore, and all of the seston of the theorem apply. Ae a practi matter the serie i suitable to die the eady-tate componente of « tytem response. peouming wither that ‘he erent have ded away oat they have hee orn ered (oa) ‘The C's hal ell general opal esont coins nthe opi casein which tho rete commun input and ite stem er thse comtiients ate the well dows error oun uf coentona servo anal ‘A lah be expected, the el ven by Bq, 2-42 the fnced whe tion fora system subjete to @ power wre inp. The tanent som ponent of thosoltion na ahd althoughalthe oto terns having tine variations ential ith thee of the owe eis it are give the relation, Huse poner series ape handy devi to dete nach things a ideale comin gna derived fon emp data average lfc rar factions which he stationary characte aout 8 time-varying mean, et, the respons series hoe na ws "To compete the discuss of the espunse serie, the Bet ow output response socficints wll be developed form general syste For this rps eH) have the forme Wi bbe thet bob ba 2-48 the numerator i lined tue the sane order asthe Aleumlaatae to inte sich Fran ase a inp ton sed op ‘Pechnps the omplest ary to generate the ried Maclurin seve for functions like those of Bg, 2.43 spy to dide the denne into the numertor. Beeause the detomintor i of the form [1 + this cage ready accomplished Dye expanding (i sol-? ae 20) —"*+, and thet multiplying hy the numerator polyoma Procedng in this way, we Bd that mina phe cayenne va taesebas + (Braet tay = (Ffte tae + - oo | es) Putting this rool fa 8 somewhat diferent fon, which i often caer tore with we obtain ro ome (o) braze Arympttes for 2 Order Lop, 6 (e) Breahpoints tor 2 Order Phose Asymotores ie: 41, Aap fh joa a et ti 0 -20dbisecade | | | we 2 lo) Amplitude Ratio tor 1 Order Lag, Slrel* say TBO = 400 /secase (e) Anplitade Rava for 29 Oraer Lag, Glee) —— ps Amplitude Ratio Depart NN Lh rt ul (eee THT e219, Ampiteeraie dpe «08 JMRCRAFT Drasucs AND AUTOMATIC CONTROL Mopess oF taxes THI. 7 Fiat oraer | | | rH fot t= ‘rats that accuse show the “departure for bath the Bod ad sx digrai aswell ax the aetual 21 cares forthe Boe dngraae fintorder and acund-onder factor, afoot Bigs. 213,214, a2 15 2:10, The Combining of Transfer Functions A goat advantage is enjosed hy the tener function representation wien the autpat of one ofthe elements or aubnyreme i th Ip to ‘other thon the simple abeystemn taneer funtion mode re eal ‘Combined ato the transfer function of the whole system, Th, a alten Shun, the transeranction othe caeaded elements inp the prt ‘tthe tra funtion of ho inva seen, W should be clr that the maltiplication uf concatenated transfer functions, astraed a Fig. 2-10, 5 carried ont on the ple ae agra ly empl auperpoing the poke and ator of the compose tanaer Fantom On the jee and aoe diagram the individual transfer funoton factors are eprint a gant proportional tthe lg ‘ha of the rngntade ad an ane, fone soa that complex mr ‘ro maltipied together liplsng ther magtude ad aia tele hale itcan be appreciated thatthe mulation of unter fantins {seria cut fy the non othe logarithm magnitude eaves to tether withthe aditon ofthe poe angles Sins the apr trasafomation isa nea operation, we ca justly ‘he eof smtners ad diferent inthe Mock diagram which aot ho the trate function of system lmenta ony bo coained, The ae ‘enti, set tak pinta ropa arte in Bi. 2.17 With the rule for combining the tame fanetins of cascaded niente and the se ofthe ibs for the summer, diferent and aka tel pal to ede lock ingramsina carey of wap rane [SF ec diagram sgeras The alot of Hock dhgram alga a Isto hy ehowing that to dierent eonSgurations eprvet he sate teanaformed equation, For example, the aye of Fig. 22 cond be represented in lok diagram frm the coniguetin displayed in Fi 2s The me prt algorithm ofthe ck aga algebreof fokback stom nthe serie of atte dled Figs 210 and 2-20, Figte 2230 shows the apeial case whieh the feedback tamer Fneton, Gy Sanity: The eof the sent of Figs 2-19 ae 20 allows the ri tio of the digram of Fig. 2-18 co the guilt for shown Pe 3- Figure 221 shows the goveal Hose digram of feedback control (106 te wey Xl pp tle) Hil ge 28 Kish xa ae xh ta ie jis) xy) Blaex(alevisl 218) HSI-Ws) a #7 Se ete ae «07 ‘yotem and the drme ue to desert she veal pats and [gshriedereation ofthe else eran fete fs he trunfr fantos ofthe several Mocks inthe forward pathy td the feck path ig ar often known or reel found fred on, tt both the etorinpat and the oatpatiput tamer ftir invelee x denominator that sppente aa | G.Thun the problem inherent in inet feedback system soul to find the fatter of 1-4 nd ‘er formation skate cher sate auch tothe dal te tome socfcienls, whan given the openloop ehurctritis, The teams to aesomplsh this ae discard inthe nest chapter. «109 CHAPTER 4 FEEDBACK SYSTEM ANALYSIS The early development of automatic ight cota en rely restgied that the dytumie prem of vehicle contr col tot te masteed by eatand te tecaiyuee ot eget rae of hut tytone wa freer developed at then applied to an acrningy wide Tange of Bight contol problems. here was matic interplay betwee ‘hers and practin whee in any rar strat ald main prove tech the lapiration forthe theoretical developments ated the exnples pectic appiation. Inthe inferening yeas, « large unter of bth intratory and advanced tests Have teen wtitten onthe tubjct of feellack contol festoms. Iti auumd tht the rader vil almady have acquninted Tinslf with the ontents of one or more of thew texte? In ore allow connected account of our subject, weve. nent to Fee Init sme ofthe suathematical and pial Unser om which rat ‘Thin chapter contntes in sequence from the as eich diese the ‘Saactoszation of lyse aptome and system chtente by teats of ‘oof thee etnente of ear fear contol ape hoor ede eundente the ltr discon of Bight contol ater All of them topes ate volved wth to soars whch, fr Bina constentcodllent apeteme tpided ty” theaing-loop. assem shown in Fig.) sms of ve catia eye 1, Delineation of ominal apap apse haracteriion ‘Thi ordinarily stare with the difrntal equations whlch deseibe {he seminal controlled ekement adobe or more of the eontrler natin, This tage la coneded cen ane oF more nominal ‘pelo transfer functions. Ge, are aval, in factored frm, {er father aati, 2 Determination of nominal clined ap trae faetions, Gute tl lh fom the oot toner ton Cl). 4. Galion of nominal clet-bop ayes pons fr pertinent 4, Drormiaton of the changes in Ge) ating from the expected ‘tviatonin the controller an contd element eharactertien. {Conder ote eect je pte retina ede loop tba. "The topic onside inthe eat two atin are wowed th Step for singe lop systema. The sila ata of mato afteoe taken ap in Seton 8-5, Resa calelation (Step 3 have aad been {rete sn Chapter 2 and eevve further attention ia Chapter 10, Tech igus fr accomplishing Sip 5 are dscns in Section 36 fr both ‘Sngle loop and mltkp systems The scum of Steps Vand 4 is Tor the most put deferred to mbmeguent chapter "The fe ep, the delineation of the pets baruteitin in tere ‘ot n transfer function, Gl) tlt cay for Heat mene’ Stetems becuse transort ted can he ane to coneet the fete ‘erential equations to algebra equations "The equation forthe ingle op rate are as Follows opetleop tana fneton 6 Fg) phe Hg St ‘o) 2, Hiatt) a 0 Term at ets) Rie uation fantom: tay eat) TT lsd Cal Bg)" TO) Hoda) FOTN a) af. it wa Al pyc ew cay voip transfer funtion: Repl Ble, Tsvt+y) iggy tO Ray TG) Bd Hat) EMOTE Od ‘This conetson pert the intermediate stp in an anal sequence leg, the reduction of simultaneous equations sing Cramer's ele and tremor fonction development, manipulation, and combination) 0 be ‘ried ot wang algbene Toms, Met auch for iter are, oa bn spprosimated by, rate polyno This th delineation f opel Rosie exception of ppm Factoring hich ao apart of Step 2) The acc ssp tn the alin muence—given Cl). ind) ois cy the sti oe Ee na of Sto an “Trivial nay sor, a grata fort has to devote to Sing inetd for performing tho operation that se fective ad atthe mabe ‘ne prom ni sicily separated wuss, fered to as the "wt hte” andthe reqvensy reponse” The intent here i to show the iterlathoshipa letwoem the methods and to preset = "unod™ teh that fx more sist and lie than ther mtd yoy self Bw of et “netion weal ky rece he featur of the nt evs etd th {hee densions (where gin isa densin| and thea dsess the we of the to pivipal logarithm plots Only then aka ne epusee the onnectins hte the eos ad pint 0 the antag of tba ‘sina 1-2, Conventional and Thre-Dimensonal Root Laces Equation 2.5 express the fact that in a system with feedback the poles ofthe shau-oop tanaer fnetion or root of thy owed op Br ATEE, 0, Pr 1 C0890) Con! Sten Dynan Meare nz characternti equation ae one at hte vale ofthe complex var Gg) ws Bocense the funtion lb self complex number, 6 en ite i plas oF Fg 33, [ate 0 = eM, km OL Be (85) whch rogues the rimatancour atisfation of Tees HBesdl S Se) where fale al mshi am = ste and op {ap} Then the cw tontons cape by Eyes 7 and 38am won! (Sys en) ET tm 20 opg x + $20 logy #4, — 2 ogy Zp, ~ Plage = UB (8-12) ‘shih in shorthand fra Ines vas + Sth0 Sm Figure 42s how a sy pt othe plane the idl Fctone ‘the open fneton ea be grapes repeal ts vets: Not From the weotnotry of the dag that, when fasts ae ees iy westrs draw fom the angus tothe toot pin te anes hiny be measred veneclacrs oon a beta he thon the ton cas is +0) or wae Seay (62 Bl fo, The vectors roms the singularity tal psi pits inthe plane can te represented By Hnomagitude and nese (phase surven Eo Imugnitude curves for Broder factor are costa leh ithe {plate for whic e+) 0 [ey some maaan thr, fee constant. Ifthe logarithm talent the ase fr the mage Ieasre, the pote for ple and aero shows useful syne form, ‘ol malipicstion operations involving more than one sugary bee ‘sina. There fala a convenient tein later ith other analysis techniques Comeguents. the omagntade plats fr stoner factors sve corstucted for sonetant vals of 20 hy ile Pll = Maan ‘or 2 lois — (shan Th ol 4 tien of conentsc sete te shoun ln Fg 33. 1a maaitue is consered a dinensn tea trod along asx perpericlar to the plane of the paper then the Hhomagnitie hc shown wok occur at heights appopeate to the mag nitude aiasion ‘The eomayaitade lok ace thus eontaur maps of ‘lace Hat rnc Y0.4 point for poe ores to» pot Tor 420 ‘The hoargument curves forthe Bestar factory are py aight les, eng rails from the orn which oat atthe peo Toetion nthe span, These arash In Fl 3: When more thas one pole or ero it prewat, the oferta fanetion| con be represented as contr map Dy aing logarithmic magnitden ff the avert poles al aero moat to roptesent the lfhand se of eq 312 Paina eal magni throes he lane ace then joined toImake the contour The argument ne ar ond sir adi the ange cantesution ofeach plea neo 0 a to rpcen the le ad ade of Eq 9-10 und then fining pointe for whi thewe a eal us a)4 Poe 2) azero ‘The hourgumnt ios ate abray# orthogonal to the cotout Hines #9 tht they ate along the gradvat Several examples of auch mepe are sete ate i thi eto Tn the rot Ines method the soot of the characterise equation cfd with emigeaphialehkues bse onthe rete rpreetatin ‘tthe factors in sw attempt ta deere a ck off a) — Ue are y choiga ea value of «apne on the ple) nd ibagining the veetore down to hip! from each f the eto pew and zero Figure 34 illtates the age vocararement convention i rust Tous tonstrtna Wha tal pot i tscorered hat satiate the phase fenditon of Fy. 310, 4 posse root ation Heated. Ta pcp {Bis proedare repeated a avBient umber of ties, delineates the Tieus of al pone shed kop pat. The secs in the mei ond the pits a the Has core sponding tthe sation of the mayastde toditon, Leg. 3.1L particular vale augue ton? "Athoush the root foes cane found using the septs process nine above: one of the st -attrctive features of the wethal ie us ris *24) “Se pall +3) Eto, * $4," (Po, * bop 05} That lange agente of the Jaw ea he fou yap rot Toes owstrtion rk, hh dt see the wash fr satisetor til points. Theres wih apple) a atin of rth olson Ave rveapitlated, witht pre floms 1. The total water of spare Brunke ini (he total mame of een rahe if the hws terms on the opel ser, a () tvches apm point a nity te are acetic "ht orgiate at «pin nthe real Weg SY (aaa) sd which emake angles with the el asi of fa- oo PH oaake ae Be 5. Theat ewan the alas is along alternate nent connecting real poland nro (rte pint at ny), When «x prnitiv orgie, ‘the Toca exten the intervals in which there aco foven total amber of yes and ern tothe ight ofthe inter, The tangent othe lean at para fom a pole ot wr at a sexo ave given by (ener poles and rere) seca eagle = — (gee yl an ae) = Aegean — ( (een ange he brabuway of the fous foam the ral axis fr i senso sero) be ete where the not change in ange coud ya etc diplaement ofthe til point ite Dw pits corespond da) Bl) 8. At Junction pide (wht the route sothns) the tangent 10 the beaches ofthe bess are ell spaced er 2x rad — 3 dere {The retin in which the Toews moves for fneeasng owt the pint, the leur, is shown bythe entation of the matty Ss w Aaa ; af ein dct uf the ut te constant equi to the sams of che opentoop pos. Then branes ening tthe lee sunt ho “haanced” by ache eng to the nih When =, the sm ofthe rata the same content ad to The lous cone the imaginary axis when I le) has pe imaginary sont, Tis comes to the netral salty condition in att ly the Routh-Murwite eterna or anlar tn or stay, and {indicted bythe vanishing of tho igiary yt ofthe inverse pen aio : [Biel] ne tetaioetiotne en 12, When a complete tof lowed. op ots x aailalefor ae rae of thse mots may’ bead inthe sume fuon ar peuple [urpoe of contining the pt of the bros, au sonengune fr example the reaut of Rule 9 ray he utaned by wing ule 8 in conection ith say complete set of ele loop rt 12. The pf of the gave ofthe Sols ult the ns of the product uf the negatives of the ope. loop pols, Py, ahd tines te product of the nepaivs ofthe ope kop ts, we I The application of the rule for the consti af rst lai can now been tet; ET as) tw illustrated with the aid of several ple example The ae chown sa to clarity the inteodaction to the ued eta Beample 1 Rrstorder oyster, ‘The openlop funtion Ia Ge) we and te oly rot of + le) = 0 ie ahora trivially found to le =e. The chsh tetion i RTs GER unt if necessary, the weghting fnetion oF Jada reas cold be finn hy the lnerse Laplace transformation using Table 22. Suppo c Le) however, thatthe agsbra were nots ean ad we mute to spy the techniques dessert so fe. The contour sap ofthe funtion Ie ba Aeady boon peste Fg. 3:4) The poo plo ie simply © pole St the origin, aod the tae of Kuler | to $ tellus Une the rt Locus SHhonnn Fig 20Ghaaonlyone brane that bes ang the negative rea aie Tete the rg and he point at nin, Rul 6t09 might vk Utarenotnecrmary Rae 10 sndicaterthe algebraic eeu alread derived ‘and inde Eq 3-11 may he ed to obtain the se rel. The cond Top root are acta slong the oes at adil dan fm the otgin sult the aia comtant «The closed rots ae marked los the lots for veal vals of the gain. A compari of Fig, 3-0 th Fig 28a) shame that the lows of rts, athe withthe positon of the tlomal-bop rote for ceced values of the gin constant, wis the arnt ‘hing athe erterion angle contour (> i this eae] marked ih the intesetions af the appropriate magnitade contour, 1, There ome brane ofthe lac. 2 The loon symmetrical about the real ax 3. The lon originates on the open ple 4 The locas terminates on & plnt ot Init and ie amptotie to a line that originator at 9D ad makes an angle wih the ral sah of 65, The rot lous east inthe interval betwen the ple ant the point teint where there one a aber) pe tothe ght (090) be 2) cas 1m Fig. 3.4 gan isa parameter slong the les Aertel, a a watetine a The watrin Nith w= 2 that tthe ve acho tthe coed the renee plane reference plane, is enti frit cept the melee, We shal nari tae the Iter viet Example 2. Coiesumerston acon: onder om ‘Cones ow the eodhack ssntem israel in Pig. 33, The os loop fametion bse hy the expen Wi prs fv the quate Forel Pe 39 Rat a na Ae Jong ae the ga, oe than pt the roots are rel, while, when ‘> pl the ots ae complex conjugate, ‘Th rot leas forthe fonction mae tp} presented ia Fg. 3.0 for «> 0, The upplicaton of Rules 2,5 and 6 sesightorward, The breakaway pot oinedos with tho ongin of the high gain anonptotes which mak angles of +90 and 4-270 degre wit the ral am that ales ad ye the ame rn for thn particule robe. T ft, th high guin eeymptotee aro the Joes inthis ease. The breakaway Condition fan sample af the juntion pint (Ral 7), and it son that the tangents of oth the coaing and the parting fos ranches are ‘equals spaced over 360 degre. Talo tay to ee that, a ho beak thay plat, Ble leads to a a te : BOB en Lb ro ‘his an example ofthe Mowup of the snaity vector at maltteder tke topie that wl be dicuatd snore fly ltr. “The appieaton of Rae 10 for = 2) to nt lowd-op roots whieh ace compas in that they have the ue opet lop gn extremely fay fr thi example rca the ame of the rota pad here ae 2 only to rote present. The selection of oe then Smeal apts the other fea points labeled mand xin Pig. 2.9, Spee vals for the gains mast be found using By. 211, althoogh one ean, of coarse tolvothocharactersioequatonat vinous vues of gala ia ts eenenary ample, Ako, dhe gun at breakaway il be 4 ound, a alone ‘ote, by the cond fr to equal ta "The sontour map for the Fanetion Ip) with p = 1, preontd Sn Fig 8:10, The foun of roots ientife with the —180.dezren angle contour which les etween the poles and haves the ral aula at the Yrenkasy pity — J. The loan approaches the pits at infty alg te to asympttes, Points on the Toes corvesponiag to los Toop roots fr partic vale of the pin ate niente Uy the ne sections of te magi contours with te oe. The va teat (-20dB, +1248, 468.008, ~64B, 12 a8) comspond, in deste tweature, the inven of the guin fe = yas hb cas e201, heii swat fe = te "he metre ew ofthe surface correspon to the transfer fines ates 1) presented in Fig 3-1, Several contours constant ang snl constant napnitude ay sow on the surface, Remembering that the nctease ing om 2 et atartng the referee plane ‘tinny nd moving dn, we cans Rt the chs np nota the nteretion ofthe 0 gee angle eontou athe vaterline moe Adovail from the pes toward each other, eosece atthe sale pit Sand then slit ape and continue dol (ae Example 8. Secondonle system with «ze Figure 12 shows another sun-onder watem feadlack conteollr which in thie one, contalte a fratoner lad. The ss lop characte: shih has he ote “Thos wl complex fe @ <5 45a eal for « > rom Rules 4 andthe tal axe to the leo the ae ian to bt on the rot lus wth oe of the lone op ple terminating om the 470 ‘the athe proeeds to infty aking the —Iadegree (negative Real tn high sun agpote Bue, 4 oy _ ade 8) a indicates a rendenvons of tro complex rots at 4 = 2: The rots tart ir joumey Into the complex pine along pathoays tangent tothe linaginay axe by Rae oe 8 Ae ahown in Fi. 313, pathway be ‘omsidering th equation for the rot loss ae developed Uelow. The tatenet i) = 1 meen fo a aan cane eas i comple, Hg, 8 cab een veo ae cas. to [BS] 9 = mizionte an ne feet Ci) “hae negro Bs 8.10and 1, Bsn 321, in prt can be wery abet hen equations for the soot Joews are dest This poling By. 3.21 tothe cae tha 1a io 323) 1 tm bate +21 Im fo ote ~ jo +2) = Im otis $51 4 oH — I] bolot + tes = 08) alte + ~s)=0 wo al tet “The lr soation fr — 0) thet of the nes along the ol wx ie ‘he ae teil, ent at git aie lgwee 14 te the comtour map for the function fe) ~ (2 5 sith ~ 1 It rpmaene the eiition ofthe tithe nalts an he ang canes of ou the poh of Fg. 3a) Ina atthe ‘tigi ae of the serv of Fig. 51) hated at» = Aan, ‘Sout the Ince of rut i raced the == epee angle stan mi ant «16 > car igi 3.5 is a catanay noetie vow ofthe mfae epeseted by the contour snap of Fig 3:14 The vw shams aplaizes the Fal aS te caviteet he eo a the vincent in pea de the poles ‘tthe ori conventional thes al given Bg 8-13 to show Unter the seu pti uf the le that early be he il on he Isometre view. On hse pte the change i maiiity ofthe sets > nin changes is apy Starting with the open-top pole tthe oni Sith ethene nitly very Mle sift the rote vith se the dope of the pea very ster aa le verti ovens pros «128 lo salt hoot displacement By the toe gin of Ion rahe the a has only pogroms slong an ae Of deers in he fiat view (ce Fig, 1a) Froth pa mere factor of four (L2 AB) over the ots a the et the way othe rereesas pont where thes ‘Slee, Then avery small atonal insert ain separates her ‘ey rapid ws the one travels alg the asytaptote tothe pola at Int ile the thee ese op rot ied tard the keto of thezer. Thorgia of high nition eonina in the botnet ‘ho tec the sft felatively fat thee: Nate apn ow the ces this ae, he poi a infinite sample 4 Ustaumcntorthintondr aston igune 3-16 shows the Hock dna of thie we vomechanin, ¢ : aa al Pig. 16, Blok daa of inet seonedhnin ‘he ele fmetion inthis ese Tw roe hae ‘Wil, in pip, itil possible tale the arate eg lggbraialy the jb now lithe woe ditt and converse, the ‘Mvantages the se met are mow me pron the Sane ‘higher vk stem, te alcine actrng of the harueterte fant can ony be done wth eeettve nner ta, nd the taphicl ethos pally cme at tei he rot Inu fr the spoof Pig 8-16 6 shown in Fg. 3-1. Rus 1. and ae wat find the ranches of the Tos the rel a islet invoked to dctnmine the ogi othe anymptter and ee angles ‘hat thee tnake th the eal ax Biter Re Te Rae ny be oe 0 Aetrnin the eakaway pot Him mve TR) woo {ale says hat hore the four branches area gt nigh to ne anther [le It shows weve the lacus cross the imaginary aye = cas) ©.0.0 - Loci of Reo Rote @ Loci of Compton Conjogote Roots ‘ [Uo this, the Routh-Hurwite tality eter requeesule = A) = For stay, otha the value ft ain at this pint alo eta | "ole 10 cau te wed to determine the justo of the hid ot hen the sin ic jast soon eo peace neta onlay staat and Re 12 cubic the angle to be found rail To obtain the sation fr the Toews By, 3.20 appli slo a balliy a= I) = fF & at + 200+ De + abi «130 A> WEB Beek ee Ate fee maniglations the ter equation ca hep St the cow Seta for foe a hyper ex jetny oe Le ) Lagan Furhigher andr apateas the bes equation bene xteedingl plea that they are at to ipl nie the sworn teat tthe moe nalts cli Wihthe cise = 1 — the eontour may ofthe opto fanetion ihr in Fig 8.18 The hes of rat course, tn ang the age ‘onto is coresponding oY an 50 deze, a inginary aie we the gai ent «ele as tha 3B Te ett tai fo the onset af intality fac — X08) — 20 293 0B. get oan wometrc view of the srce repre the contour nap of Fi 348, particular leur ve hate he yan ere the edo ton dat ave eveny ang the aes repel {wodinctiot, Ina the conet hap rote move age data lone the lane for asl nent au, here Che sre ks Has wer the sla: bee, the emt move aed at all fr sommprativey increments in gies Bot tissu snr anereaton for he lst exaple te asvited ith the concept of itis,” ta whi weal ete xan 8, Cowetzasion of the sine examples 13 ‘ea fal exanpl of the oot ae, he He si ovina ll be oneal to nto that ha Ir than the gin (or Bxarple 1a Restore lea sab ae Te all theater ae gen in ig $30, Far these ts parton Fang worth smarking thatthe waiion nf the ane fal pat t,t sabtracton frm all the apes per ad sero doe nate the fromtry of the locus He rete es the abo ‘oo Hal comment he oot ee met i the technique al tn ond the dow fatewn but a To factor any polynomial. irr have to epresnt nerpstinely the umerator std desonaator {tthe rane eto fa ppc after, dor have 0 be iain” I x} and to ae any penmsae whowe factors ave Lown ahs ae) an it and i any parater (hich appear fwisomils wove inflacece we nh Ho race, We eam pt the pe Blo) Sle) 0 i O~oren-1008 zen0s Kesn (61 System wit saga pola & z0r0 Glel= Sn a pole & zoo Gis)= METH von om watt Le of rer r(2522) cone Bhat Rewer (2) Sytem wih two sles ot) For (ap) eompie a BewsPewtegt0e neon feecate ee oe Fore (6) System win lone 8 assand order gale ts)= 2-4, Mode Root Lavoe and Generalized Bode Diagvane 5 snes ser that ea lees in tes wlan re pas angles Tver ll some fequre four dimensiaoe oe two plots each of thee daensioe, Tuo] vo ead 2 Gta oa Te contour maps preted i he ae ma pl vows of atc pts, tees the ont sins eet “how Isjgn ea. Cafortwaael. sch contetions are pracy inate, en for tkakertey complicated ase. Conse, the tail pte ft coset one the rot kan plan vw th com yatibe acts of guin contour interstions masked ach bre: eve {hs contraction, which rontaine only the most esental informatie fon be ted whut automatic omptation Tyolain ne eompete infra ithe naa, he grape euoments ran be ld to one pt of thee ae ew pls of to Alanon the ea and tga prt of, and aan taken to liner romevte. That to ays me sul Bs lately ach to ot J and = 1 ruse tas al ales along tei ef the re of mach plots cored plate: The simplest aed sat pact fi whee ¢— 1+, Tia Fa eamtant. In Bode plat form thee tHe, jot. sited Rade. aml $- Hele diate all of whieh hav en deri in Seton 2, Tithe analyse of chose systems objctive 2 fad he on ‘Thin way accomplisbed i iter of tu way by teat ofthe hart Bose pts. The Besta ore det pre 5s fnd the omihns mde which 6s) — 1. The second proce ith the fit involves sep: fa] development of rapa repestation of the cs op Seton aad deoomposton [this lol Joop orm in ie aeons pe, The pes the lol Ieop fonetion are The rt of the shart squat, Rath operations ca be life y uving the se tof ple examen dt ample 1. Pst-onernyton, ‘Consider th sen of Fig. 3.3 with the open-top Fanta Gs) = Kf “The ounce of Fig 7 ie aymmetie around the eign Neto in ‘ertcl plane contin the real ax would appear an Fig 3-2, a ml a nection ina vet! plane eontaning te ane of gins, 6135 4 oa (er iat When the alycoss ae distorted wo thst 2 l(a + ptt ‘gsi logy |-m).the iran ofthe sgt diagrae stated able 25 Tem athe nl I often happens ae the cave ete that on {he branch errespndings to the ston coins the nrg eal axis sh ea l= ah a ay at. he Pk ‘vay real or occ in complex eomtate pis, tej Be ingen ‘eumetial alt the origi "The pt Tor usgtive neqenties Te the uo ofthe plot far pntive ete, hen to mpeepne the hate plot © ction e on the lant “jo. Thin ine nig 322, wha it eee that ot nl Gio} and (je, have the mae axpoten: tn tis ese ane ‘hmseves deat atthe sore gona pt of Felon a lll also eine withthe twa serial ones fora =a ands fo, Uw the pot of Fig 3.22 the elect of welding the Rose’ ot jer Bae representation ofthe constant would to sift the we plot up thovivan anoont 29 Ly, As rapt tthe ele ree in Thin of coure has the hae appearance as moving the teed ine Wocan therefore entity postions of the geod in with vals ofthe tonstant. When the ine # high the gain constant. Ry ictal when the zero tine st low tcp to igh yan, When te plot hn on seilogarhnic py. the tune fet Kye i pleted ty taking the line with —20aBiderde slo interset the ero ine hee the valu o the pendent vara on fhe Toguithiic sale 4136 | Be st) . 180° | AGt-e} numerically eal te valu of A. Not ht. ths example: the phase ta ofthe jo Bae pa sas —W degren wei the phase ante of he Ct tial ~ 16 ders, That ht ahold be os lal Teen made evident in the contour map of Fig. Sta) and the Kometi ‘While iis wimohat ike using aa elephant gu to kill a Bea, we ea to the plot of Fig 322 to emnstat the to nets of determining {hecho rts fn the loathe pots Using the det mc itisscen tha the condita a) 1 Ise where the rod ine intersect the {me lo and 2 Glo) = 180 deers. Sie. this ase the angle stern fata oe the whole ange ofthe lt. each Intesetion of eter ine with the gta ingame represent land: Ihop actor e-+ K) on alteroatively, a slow np rot, 4K. Thin esi of sure, posisely the sae asthe ope lead obtained by treats of gba and the rot los eto, The Bode i nc at fo bea emt leur plot wherein the negative of the Toot ven ts a anetion of sain Thies the spot example ofthe su-aled Bae fot cast Te devompasition method of using the lithe pt an be ins seated a fos Gey fonts 6 fi se fin, en Therefore, the asymptatesaf the else op function rang the esol Lontanitde 1) ie whe) Trg nd lon the sane asyptote 2 the opel Tunetion wen (small. Starting fr the ot re "quency end, where Ge) > 1nd high fees ewer) = {howe asymptote at be pj taeda ther. They Intersect at f= Ko This the, i the asrmptotie out diagram if the sed top Fanetion tng It le shows hy the ashe lines Fa, B28 fon the asin Ky This coed ny fon vay hereon aw fie a Item 6of Table 4, with an invereetne eostant PK. the ye ot the else op faction. 17 =~. the rot of the charter Iii uation, ade hace disse forte fourth ine There hint on sample 2 Unit Figure 8.28 shows the e-Bade and jis ligrans forthe stem of Fig 88 with p — 1 Soveal posible potions of he sera le fortesponding to ath aw an elt high valves uf the ann are Inari on hedge, Clad ots he tal asa ated the intersections of the sertB line withthe gma diagram, whee (Gia) ~~ agree Oath portion ofthe sz digg lt wee = Wand o = |e therefor of ate terest, ‘he dagen slows te separate rea ots ark ith uate) for hw valu of exin the {sin incest, the ntti pte hone pte mone toad exch ter aod coalesce atthe lea iin thesia igran. As the fin further erat eal touts nett fact Wo the rote hav cone compl, "The mec pod aia h high eegueneyamonpotecan Be projected sas to mre tn pt her ther esa shag nthe pe ofthe samp appoint ot {fom ao to so able "he fe shows this sonst ndash! Ke This ls np sep ppeaiasion nop pr a en tier afer Teton ith damping ato Een aa adapt trial fear. ata te ie rr ene) Then the sof he rte the wm of the pole, Shee sate wd np arping nti il be Ey = does 138 lettles Jociotles 7 Tien y A complete wot bes in which the mites of the mote pat sina Bude nea inate, the cet ofthe combed lures deed abve: Teen Py 324 for he cae hese Sie uly. tshepe goer The steno eso Fi, 39 Sa gven fr compurion a contin : Asin rt xample tela ofa ons oe ih hat parton the ede dng for ohh & Gea) 10 degree Thee rune Ting wed Bre’ ed tga he aka pn ren hi pat the Ba ot ae te sac le we se Sins the cen sharetoratn st prea a Ky ng ea i the ray and oy ase ap athe ml Imp factors, f+ at or ans Ize than that for Breakaway: there ne to somes uae damping vai fs a & engi onjugat rots, hich ing at Cx iver by the damped natal fiegaeney. yy his elementary 19 N ee me * system the ues of ony 98 sin coinces ith the hh frequeney asymptote of [jnlay atl estiyolation ck 10 the akaway pia, This ran {ordinate}, the chaedbeip undampert natural fequensy. ev, i road ae ‘he abc of Bratch 3. The damping atin the ther hand ho cannot be conse dimensions instead, iF must tented as rameter and noted. ang the po AU brava’ i of cour, Atcnally Lat it decrees agin iteane Por the carrent example Fein nt fe. = peu a i rely obtain Tr more completed problems than tht obs the lsd op complex reseldoobtane assy seated here, Roe shew, reo {ovsappenentary ecniqus tte rogeled One suk techie the ‘ited Ie ogra, wish canbe rail stated by this example Is in the numeri version ofthe example, the viable» changed to 10-5 ph then he oetlogp fonction beso a re es a) te “This shit into conse toa sift she nin of one hal nit to the If The addition ofthe lngethne mprevtatiogs ofthe jo Bode Invent diagram of the Godiidual factors sede the secon Ignite characterise stati in Fig 3-25. The negative an of the Bde gui, Kis taken into acct My making the pase age 180 grea at low frequency. The phase ale contbntine ofthe othe trate fanetonfator exactly ner, tht a eal appreciate that the angle terion ie satis over the whole range of, This of one, ft be expete, snes Fig. 25 (ea representation ofthe setion {hough the tensor faneion surface of Figs, 3-10 and SL at =} Ser the ung is toys IS deves. forthe magetae terion, the heute shows that thewe io ntretion of the sero Kine and the Ingntue plot for KI, but a naan aK exer, eee isan inter ‘eton. Th teraction motes along the actual mgt curve (ith the deyartare applied t the asymptote) tae the Fiat ns the gin [Bis tnrease. Atypical dntesciton ison hy ee square. The te Aivency, ft ch this interetion eeu Lethe taped frequen Ue eleedloop root For the roe In hie = 4 the ineatetion fev 12 and the lowed Factor eae writen incr of the meal part, Ye and imaginary part fo (at P+ = o> CP ample 8, Sevoa-re wpe with ae he a Hote and jorBle digraie for the wytem of Pigg 32 are penta in Fig 320, Theevnenvonn pint om the al aul saa ancte ty he extremum ofthe [tool b,whene Gla) ~~ {lyre Al the near ncllation of the 2420 an the rose np pale [Sita sain is awn hy the clowel:hop sermpte plo which eo Steucted pseeting rors bath ed The tro af the opentop fant x cat Amplitude Roto Phase -270| = tin) Log Seoie Sheetinop Tien "The enmplcesppaination Theor, bas Spprgcte baat tors ach af the musts soerpening ‘AI pin ew tn st for Wesaway the rote ae comple (Le ing the vas prt oe 2.1), Te mages tes Teer are rly found Wy desrption, ot expe a Fg. 327 Erevan of gi: yal yA sery alc ait ‘after lage sme wth ty et tein ge Shectbop etnyote nner ith she ope op seta, TAs fogs a as lor se the gai of int so fr we e228, Baa jt diagram fr i) = KH) HI fy befor inten th np joy lt Tater vet he 1 Cenge nso Tiss 0 area eK, oe eosin tothe csc bgp aan atral fegteney sy nd 9 AB] tae hey example wate wth the appre of te 2. the asp [fy lt forthe low pene hit al ress ibe ar, serait a ope change forthe ger gi eur athe hse lop aged natal Teese a, She npn ato a on he a he ote ehcp. wh inimical tere =e = 8 Catering the above dat tute into common presentation resus inthe Bode wnt las of Fig 3-28 Th nance thereon corespo tothe simi numer ones the conventional oat loos that ab Sasan The chen natural frgueney fe preted ang Bane 1 us Ist-enl Istyeil WK 6g In On this branch Gi iv a parameter. At brekawvay. where the gui i Heya. Brune U reecvones with iv mivor image (with which © ches the Bode ot tw uns the dpe poste jms aking the al ax ae Branches 2 air sane 4 Uaitumorstor thinner =ystean When the a-Boe and jorBode digroms forthe apo of Fig 3:16 @-2 ‘ave contro, Hey appear asin i. 2.20 The sade pint a which the 6 tral rts coakuce tid then break aay. becoming sumplesconjugten, ie ron athe Toca mininuan of tho (0) dlgram whore {G2} ~~ degre Te gra la so that tthe vale "pendoon poke, The pnt wt which the bcos of routs examen the axis of asia i reogeaed athe egueney’ where 2 jn) 180 degree su the pin equ i ead by Sapetion. (This correspon tothe San tin a he ea gin tr te ple (0) Conventional Root Locus ee ea) 32 tla a sonia oth a a) = BUY Ly Ms 2.08 in tr nar) sof | | - ~ £6621 £081 The o-Bele and jorBae plo show without effort the Ineakaway ints tthe condition for marginal aii, Tse hmprtant pote ro usaly only tina determined by alma stews eta The lesion of he sha la rts fora yal vl of he za ty gain le deterned hy dey af the chal lop etn ‘The low feguenes aermptote esp ane sls he email tine. andthe hh fequeney aepmptte les along he igh frequency neymptte a the opt tae At the seen at whieh thetypicalseroB tne intntcta the (--ayy sve whee 9) 10 ayers, there ta elow-bnp real pol, with agate 1/2 The negative spe of the asenptle appoint nto changes 6 ect hy — 20 dB, With the eof tie change (erase pe) Frequency a0 nt fntareet the hw fequeney exymptote, Tht Inter ‘soon given the unpre of the elo og quaratie actor, ‘nah damping at chon tay be determine fom the au of the -Aguin, the eoal-oop rots for & given value of gan are competle “stern by simple operations othe laine pote witht the ecm of repetitive al ad etre malatons, When sever ich ins, the Boe rst los of Fi. 1-30 ruts ee — Lal FS) he branches ane again numbered ‘eatin mot es son i Fig ‘Now that the several examples have bem worked out esi both rventoaal sd Ge) gale tats to fd to hes ps fe the eva op syste, it shoud be apparent thats peal atte, ‘he feck souls pen can be mle either wag: Each eth flocs, however, present sone difiultie when wed alone, For instance, the aati of teakaway points ll he tos compatile with « siren gain ts taous in conventional nat hens: the determination of hwy qudetie factors wring the hgarinie tote ean, be “qual reamed decompoition na cmpee ppc al anny sifted Boos nant be construct, Eotunitels. the exter ent "epret of one tchnique taal strong pst ofthe thers that the ‘aitheds tend to be highly supplementary. Consequently, for mang [ctieal problems i interés of tevhnigues often provides the most {Mfective aad efeintsaation, nce the est the spose of a gven poten at example proviles the emplee wn to lutte some of the posto joint ws Beanple 3 Consider an oped tracer aneton given iy if 104673) ao TB noy — NCeeF Mone — 2001.5 ET ROTI HOF = SAIS ‘Te rst stepin the salt frthe lmtp the constrain of the aaymptotie (oy plot (Fi. 231). The partes fn the eymptote of [—ejlgy ae then added, in the immediate eeion of ‘romero tabla the value of theo Wal tt, = kk Potins of the clowdLloop anympttie plot for Mtg san then be fond ineting 1. The oe feequeney anymte, 1-2, which extends from ver to 44 2. Amid aguenes aspnptote with a ~2 dBbcude pesos ie irom 4.1 the fee (73 ofthe emp ame 3. Anather midsrequney asymptote, staring at cand hang & aloe of = 20dBjderde,reeting the 4D ABdeae creme dae fo "he comple aero 4. The high frequency asymptote. extening back fom f with @ og of 60 dB decade, At tie tage only ase lwp Eat aoa noe asymp tote (the to noid) uve for ea of thet compen omainig to Ue found, To Sint the msng intermediate nyaptate TT the smplst predate et onan nah of the rot Is And lve fr the rot whe = I6h [A= his i shown in Fl 3.32, whew the hgh frqueneclowr-bep fast ou to hes? 21012416) (186 "The sha of N86 forthe wasp nat ua cymptate [Ceri asymetote [6 ou apna ¥ 150) frequency cteblisher the yint © on the Nigh fequeasy’anpmptote of Wg, 3.3, The fia interment yp then cna roe | {ith le of 8) ajdvade. Ls ftersceton ad ith the 20 dB) cade aymptote from determin the value of the Boal wadaypet fatal frequency, BE. This undamped natural frequeney ean ab be found ung the pric of the ruts rlatinahip (ve 18, Hq 3:18) "Phe fact that alle rote must wun to —S by Rae 1 sued te determine {ral forthe ast remaining damping ath, Th he inal res for the ‘one: Laop rar Fanetion _ oft 4. (ent 1 TeFeaF TIGRNE + OETA TY (of6o — (BN3a}186) 4 1) ‘The co-op tana enetion oltaned ag thi etre aphid prover conpate favorably withthe mare presse reso a Tams ama aozean > N30) — [20022041039) = 1} Utaned hy fstoring the stastertie equation, The nue dir ier re of eure een ely ofthe guia pace inven te not fondant. "This last example nly tas the eee ane adoption an elcic vdorpoint Hn which all avilable fodback ate analy Metis ae wae in sont ha hae sep the eer at {ho the betwee the rove rot ens atthe Cl) Rogue ow are extvoely os. Thr have brea enphased Dy the contour Inapeand the mate hom wth wo oto mgmt {Gt ogc po except fr the distortions acompaning te we | Inputhne abe tele Such "dion non matte of co ‘niece to arr the very alberta yer propertsa {hited ty the (Inge pt: Hrs not consti anyehing Flare "The common how revered y the vaio foro of the open op ‘rant fontion hae tron in polenta hers Fist mn be cxpremed a Ooh 0) ~ Gea + jo) = (0, mp = = Bja,0) He.) ean) here [6te, ait = C%a, 0) 4 Fe. tant YEO) He 0 TE 1) an 4 sven In 4} = Ia te, + 25) ‘Hove G(s) bam analyte fetbn for all vale af «except thow that sorresponl to plea and zen Camaequenly, a) and Un Hs), oe the real and inasiary components in Has 3-24 and 3 25, ley places ‘sation nthe two variables and in all eon of the plane deve Sf nyelarten The, ® 1uye,o = & ee, + & v0 — vive.n)~ Zv@,0 + F001 ave FH ie,09 =0 Flafaie. el <0 Vyfe,0) =0 dant While Io [te obey Laplace's extn, a ‘Thi pte cat the theoreti Ins fo tho se flat in the hometie pot, The fact that Laplior’s equation eo desevley Wide verets of psa pemonicna signee hat physi anaes be ‘oe to help dtineate the contortion Ietween the varios forms of ‘ans fnetion representations?” 1 one such analgs cosir the pane asa inite set of wn formiy comiting restive tateal, The up loap poles ad srr «an thon represented as point sources and sinks of canoe plac a the pole and nero lation, with stvngth proportion tthe der of the porte. Atay pot a he shee the penta fe, ara ‘vnunet to the teil i) aiting at some efeence pt ay il be ou 6) on 20 noc a (325) Sina, the earn f ng across a path etwen thee plate willbe oe 9 — an reli einen eaten athe casey to that the nes of constant current inthe «pane corexpond to lines of fonstane phase. Hy appving this analogy to the elementary thinkarder sytem, the tree polos would he represent a unit sure of eurent Texted at feo) me, al =, a ahown in Fie 335. Thos figure aly shows the rel that would tine iy measuring the pote along the 2 Jv axes, and log the lise «= (8 + ju — Big, From Bay, 326 0s “Spent tht these potential funtion re proportion tothe open Iegaithiieanpitade ratio plots ors =o, and (—§ + ANT Fle cncept thatthe ainasa tin Uncar tater than snide one ‘They comespond dirty so mtn throng the saa of Fig. 3-1 Lines of constant penta frm the sonata ga ines othe costae snap of Fa. S16 the inargument curven, wt is of eostant phase, ‘omespond ta constant eure How inn? 3-4 Simple Sytem Charaterisin and Literal Approsimate Factors Io alt al it control peoblens the oped transr Fontes fare uf ey igh ee, with dont ethan, me often af the ‘nde f ad cesta a age 20 The techn denis In the precios aethone oil apply and in evernag eto the anata dig of Bight sontel systems, But inevitably the pice ‘of compleity in analars a retin i the psd apecaton of ‘he wtialnturafa probe, nl a aownpansing ninth ght into potential slatios, Frtunatel there ate tro counters avilable, ‘Tra ae the concept the implied or equivalent sata that lira approxiate ftom Both concept an be conser nt patil reality the appletion ofthe foe ays techs sumarizk hove “A impied sytem i, in ones, & lower onder appraination to 8 higher order system hat eva or petal condition itr appro inate factors ane apprinate expressions for teat fanetion pk td co interme the baie parimters of heaps, dnd ony a fos rather than ax marbere Thr tnt Inport apgiaton tn fight controle for icra rst Fnetios, or lich the aproinate faetrs an expen that relate th poly al 2a» with the stabi Areatoes and foetal peopertin of the voll warps of (58

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