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Geho Info for sales representatives

Volume 17, No. 4, August 2007

Geho Heatbarrier design for energy savings in

alumina double digestion at Hindalco, India

Introduction solution at temperatures of 145C.

However the monohydrate Boehmite will
Hindalco Industries Ltd. has awarded digest at temperatures of about 240C.
Weir Minerals Netherlands b.v. with an In the current situation (called single
order for two Geho triplex piston digestion), all the bauxite slurry
diaphragm pumps, model TZPM 250, (including trihydrate and monohydrate)
Heatbarrier design. Part of the order is is pumped into the high temperature
further to rebuild the existing two TZPM digester. This means that all bauxite will
500 and two ZPM 700 piston diaphragm be heated up to about 240C, including
pumps into Heatbarrier design. The new the thrihydrate Gibbsite which already is
pumps and rebuilds are ordered to allow digested at about 145C. In fact this
high temperature digester feed for the means unnecessarily heating Gibbsite
Sunshine project at the Renukoot Plant from 145C up to about 240C. High
of Hindalco. energy savings will be realized if this
unnecessarily heating can be avoided.

Energy savings in the process

Energy saving is getting more and more

attention within minerals plants
worldwide. Especially in the alumina
production process, which is a relatively
high energy consumer, substantial
savings can be achieved.

Hindalco Industries Ltd. has decided to

do so and started with the modification
Geho pump house at the Hindalco site.
of their digestion process under the
name Sunshine project. Design and
The process engineering are done by Alcan.
The process will be changed from single
In the current situation the two Geho
digestion into double digestion. This
TZPM 500s and ZPM 700s are used for
means that all bauxite slurry will first be
pumping bauxite slurry from the pre-
fed into the low temperature digester. At
desilication tank into the digester.
this temperature of about 145C the
There are two types of alumina in
thrihydrate Gibbsite will be dissolved
into caustic soda. The harder
Gibbsite: Al2O3.3H20 extractable monohydrate Boehmite will
Boehmite: Al2O3.H20 not react yet and stays unsolved.
After this first digestion stage the slurry
The thrihydrate extractable Gibbsite is will go into pressure decantation. The
digested readily into caustic soda overflow of pressure decantation,
cotaining the pregnant liquor with the Weir Minerals Netherlands as
dissolved thrihydrate Gibbsite will be dedicated partner
separated and goes into the flash
vessels in which temperature and There were various reasons which
pressure will be reduced. Subsequently justified a site visit of a small delegation
the dissolved Gibbsite alumina will be of Geho specialists:
recovered from the liquor by The first double digestion application
precipitation of crystals. for piston diaphragm pumps
worldwide and the related future
The underflow of pressure decantation opportunities.
only contains unsolved monohydrate To discuss the issues related to the
bauxite. Only this part of the slurry retrofit work and supply of new
stream will be fed into the second (high pumps.
temperature) digester where it will be The tight schedule on site.
heated up further to about 240C. The Knowing that successful operation
energy will be saved by avoiding heating also depends on slurry behaviour for
up thrihydrate Gibbsite bauxite to this which the pumps need to be
high temperature. designed.

The pumps This kick-off and clarification visit to the

client has already taken place. From the
In the current situation the existing fruitful meetings both parties have
Geho TZPM 500s and ZPM 700s learned that successful result will be
operate at a slurry temperature of about maximized when both parties share
90C 100C. In the new double their knowledge and experience. The
digestion application the pumps will be client has experienced that we are not
placed after the first digester where the only a pump manufacturer, but also a
slurry temperature will be about 145C. dedicated party with unique knowledge
This temperature is above the maximum and experience.
allowable diaphragm temperature and
therefore we apply our Heatbarrier
design which keeps the hot slurry
temperature away from the diaphragms.

The existing triplex single-acting, TZPM

500 pumps and both new triplex single-
acting TZPM 250 pumps will be
equipped with our proven Heatbarrier
design. In this design the pump valves
will be located at some distance from
the diaphragm housings. The inter-
connecting horizontal dropleg pipe is
water-cooled and fitted with a separator Geho Heatbarrier design.
that minimizes heat-loss.

Because of the layout of the pump

construction, the existing, duplex
double-acting ZPM 700 pumps will be
Weir Minerals Netherlands b.v.
rebuilt with a vertical design dropleg, P.O. Box 249, NL-5900 AE Venlo
similar to those in operation successfully Phone: +31(0)77-3895200
for gold autoclave feed applications. Fax: +31(0)77-3824844
Both designs will limit the temperature at Website:
the diaphragm housings to an allowable
Copyright Weir Minerals Netherlands b.v.
level of about 80 100C.

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