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Domain Objects :- 1. process Request(...

) Pattern- It will follow

Elevator - Here is the State factory pattern to create the one of the child
1. Floor Button(will contain the list of floor object of strategy based on parameter(can
buttons in elevator) be configured in property file)
2. elevator Request it will contain the elevator Direction Based Strategy -
requests in ascending order if direction is UP 1. It will check the current State of elevator,
otherwise it will contain in descending order
2. If Elev is in Idle state, it will place the floor
if direction is DOWN.
Request in list named as Elevator Request.
3. Current Direction(UP or DOWN)
Else call Elevator Request Manager to place
4. current Floor the request in set(Tree based) pending
5. current State(Running/Idle/Maintenance etc)
3. If Elev is in Running state, it will get the
Here is the behavior current Direction . If it matches with Elevator
6. run(...) :- It will process the elevator Request Request direction and current floor is less
till it is empty. if list is not empty, it will set its than Elevator Request floor it will place the
state to Running , set the direction based on request in floor Request list. Else call
comparison of it current Floor and any Elevator Request Manager to place the
request in elevator Request and print request in set pending Requests I have
running . Tt will also check the each elevator chosen the Tree Set so that request can be
Request in list elevator Requests in stored in in order of time and does not
sequential order and check if it is equal to contain duplicate entries
get current Floor(). If yes print "Reached
4. Process Request(...)
Floor" + current Floor. Else make the state
Elevator Request Manager- This will place the
as Stopped
Elevator Request in some data structure like list.
7. set Current Floor() :- Whenever elevator Here we wil two classes Downward Elevator
reach to any floor , it will call this method to Request Manager and Upward Elevator Request
set the current Floor. Manager
8. Open Door() 1. process Request(...)

9. close Door() 2. process Pending Request(...) This method

will start the thread that will keep on running.
10. reset() This will again use the Direction Based
Button - Strategy. This will poll the pending Requests
1. Floor Button (Button inside elevator to place to pick the requests in the same direction
elevator request) until the last request in that direction. Once
2. Direction Button(Button outside elevator to all the requests are picked , it will remove the
call elevator) requests from pending Requests and put it in
Elevator Request elevator Request and call run method on
1. Floor Number elevator. To pick the move direction , it will
pick the direction from first request under
2. direction pending Requests(it already contains the
3. time request in time order)
Controller/Business Objects :-
Elevator Controller - For handling http request
and delegate it to Elevator Request Manager
1. process Elevator Request(..)
2. process Floor Request(..)
Elevator Schedule Manager - To place the
request we can use different kind of strategies
like time based, direction based etc. Here i will
use Direction Based Strategy. Here is the
Direction Based Strategy

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