Inversion Exercises

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Rewrite each sentence. beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same. a) Tony was not only Tate, but he had left all his books behind Not omly was Tony tare, bur he had left all his Dooks behind. b) Thad no sooner gone to bed than someone rang my doorbell. No sooner ¢) Thave seldom stayed in a worse hotel Seldom. 4) T have never heard such nonsense! ‘Never ¢) Isealised only thea that I had lost my keys. Only then f) The economic situation has rarely been worse Rarely, 2) The manager not once offered us an apology. Not once. 1h) You should not send money to us by post under any circumstances. Under no circumstances, i) I understood Hamlet only after seeing it on the stage Only after seeing Hamlet ) The embassy staff lite realised that Ted was a secret agent. Little Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space, Asking for advice ‘You don't happen to know how this computer Works, (DusisuC 2 @ had I bought it @), J regretted spending so much money! I haven't even got an instruction manual. (4) did 1 completely fail to understand the instructions, (5) then T accidentally threw the manual away. Now I'll never understand it, oO. - I said to myself. (7) amy weekend, I thought, but then I remembered you. You've done a course on computers. (8) 2 Let's look at it together, (2). . and try to understand it. You press this button first, (10), 2 Then (11), this little light, and a message that says ‘Error’. It shouldn't do that, (12), 2 You can fix it, (13) 2 Don't éo that! This label says: (14) should an unqualified person remove this panel’. Well, you are unqualified. a5), 2 What do you mean, do it yourself! D| Aareyou = Bisit © do you D isnt it | ANo sooner B After Not only DAs soon as. 3)) A that Bou c and D than 4)| ANot only B Seldom Not once Only then 5) A than B but Cx D and 6) Acant I B won't C will T Dcant 7) AT goes B Goes it C Goes there D There goes | A isn't it B haven't you C didn't you don't you 9)| A do we B don't it C shall we aren't we 10)| A don't you Bisn'tit can't you —_D won't you 1p| Acncomes Becomes on —€ it comes on _D comes it on 12)| A does it B should tC shouldn't it D won't it 13)| A isn't it Bdon'tyou C can'tyou iD can'tiit 14)| ANotoaly B Oslythen —C Never D Under no circumstances 15)| A isn't it B are you € don't you —-D aren't you 11 Write new sentences with a similar meaning beginning with one of these words and phrases. (A) only if barely only with -tarely at no time little 1 A new film has not often before produced such positive reviews. Rarely. film. prodaced. such positive. reviews... ‘The public was never in any danger. He only felt entirely relaxed with close friends and family. ‘The match won't be cancelled unless the pitch is frozen Tdidn’t know then that Carmen and I would be married one day. He had only just entered the water when ir became clear he couldn't swim. Now do the same using these words and phrases. (A) only once onlyin on no account hardly nor only —_not for onc moment 7 You must not light the fire if you are alone in the house. 8 There was never any competitiveness between the three brothers. 9 T wasn’t only wet through, I was freezing cold. 10 Thad only ever climbed this high once before. 11 The audience had enly just taken their sears when the conductor stepped on to the stage. 12. He has only been acknowledged to be a great author in the last few years. ‘Complete euch sentence with two to five ‘words, including the word in bold. ‘oui et thre on tine you av naw wall Only you -lesve row wl you eo here fs soon asi gan bed, enaseep. inte bed than oases. leit nates the time ul twa fc ete twas ony she! drank he mik hat rasa twas sour ig Oni ater Inae dunk he min itt were you. woud buy 8 compute. you Wor uy a compute ‘ony rates the serach on my ca! when Iockee otee —Ony when! looked cisely the ecaten on mycar ‘Trey hed no daa was the wong an ite the wrorg Wn There's no way lean ete at he aor. can inraway aie arper. Wa coud cnly go hero te by taking a ahr ut could Oni by tahnga shortcut ackess, bu shes also tle wre Dont apenthe door on ary account while mou fheuld Onn aceaun itinadteatsee now lat was oul tae saves so ong reaiced Has ‘wan, wou have sayed 9 ong ‘navn ater such dec aod anyunere Nowhere uth eticous ood sl aper ts Box under any Croutons. ths boc ‘nas never enn sucha farce dog before betore Newer sun atone 609 remembered my hey on ater Ihac close he doo: remember Oriy ater nai Cased ne oor ny toys have Heraiy ever wewere yours ‘Change the sentences so that they use inversion. For example: ‘We had hardly arrived when Julie burst into the house. = Hardly had we arrived when Julie burst into the honse, 1, Joba had never been to such a fantastic sestaurant, 2. Tin no way want to be associated with this project. 3. They had no sooner eaten dinner than the ceiling crashed onto the dining table. 4, Thad scarcely finished writing my essay when the examiner announced the end of the 5. Tseldom leave my house so early, 6. People rarely appreciate this musician's talent, 7. We would understand what had happened that night only later. 8. They had met such rude people nowhere before, 9. He understood litle about the situation. 10. The children should on no account go oa their own, EXERCISE 2 REWRITE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES USING INVERSION. 1. The gang didn't know that the police had them under surveillance. Little 2. We won't consider you for the basketball team until you grow up. Not until 3. Nobody has won so many matches for his team since 1994, Not since 4. You will not be allowed te enter the auditorium under any circumstances once the play has started. Under no circumstances 5. He would never play in front of a live audience again. Never 6. Amy had not enjoyed herself so much since she went to the circus as a child, Not since 7. [have never seen such a terrible performance of Hamlet before. Never before 8, They only realized the painting had been hung upside down when someone complained at reception. Only when 9. Thad been in the room for a few minutes when I realized that everyone was staring at me. Only after 10. He discovered that he had injured his knee when he tried to run, Only when 11. The new park was hardly finished when vandals destroyed the flowerbeds. Hardly 12. You shouldn't sign 2 contract you haven't read thoroughly under any circumstances. Under no circumstances

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