7 Powerful Secrets To Getting Stuff Done PDF

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Reading time: 4-6 minutes.

Its early in the morning.

Your alarm goes off.

Beep, beep, beep.

You open your eyes, feeling groggy and disoriented.

Still half-asleep, you try to figure out whats going on.

Then you remember

Last night, feeling particularly inspired, you decided youd get up early and go for a run be-
fore you start your day.

Ahhhh shit.

Your bed feels so warm, so comfy, like a little cocoon.

You close your eyes again. You know you have to make a decision.

You can take the easy way out, hit snooze and go back to sleep

Or take the highest road, put on your running shoes, and head out the door.

The choice is yours and only yours What will it be?

Every single day, were faced with countless little decisions like this one.

In these moments, we have to decide between whats good for us and whats easy, com-
fortable, safe.

Individually, most of these decisions are fairly inconsequential.

But together, they add up. They compound.

And its the sum of all these micro-decisions that determines our destiny.

Consistently take the higher road and youll achieve your biggest goals, reach greatness,
and maybe even change the world.

Take the easy way out too often and youll live a life of mediocrity, constantly disappointing
yourself Until one day, you look back in regret, wondering What if?
Imagine for a second that there was a switch in your brain that would allow you to efficient-
ly smash through your daily to-do list, eat only foods that are good for you, and never skip
a workout again.

How would your life be different then?

You, my friend, have the power to become the massive action super human that gets
massive results.

In order to harness that action taking power you must increase your willpower and self-dis-


By implementing the strategies Im about to share with you. Use them consistently, and
you will acquire superhuman willpower, extraordinary self-discipline, and the ability to take
massive action and get massive results.

#1 Meditate like a Zen Buddhist Monk

Kelly McGonigal Ph.D, who teaches a class on The Science of Willpower at Stanford Uni-
versity, ranks meditation as the #1 way to increase willpower.

She says, Practicing mindfulness meditation for a few minutes each day can actually
boost willpower by building up gray matter in areas of the brain that regulate emotions and
govern decision making.
Ive personally been meditating every day for the past 8 years, and its the single-best
habit Ive developed since I got into personal development and optimal living.

If youre new to mediation, I throughly recommend using the guided meditation app called

#2 Take the Magic Pill of Exercise

The more I research the benefits of exercise, the more I see it as a magic pill.

Not only does it increase our fitness and mental performance, improve our mood and
sleep quality, reduce our body fat percentage, anxiety levels and likelihood of becoming
sick Its also been shown to improve our willpower.

In a 2006 study by Oaten and Cheng, participants were given free gym memberships and
personalised training programs. The study participants who regularly exercised reported:

Significant decreases in perceived stress, emotional distress, smoking, alcohol and caf-
feine consumption, and an increase in healthy eating, emotional control, maintenance of
household chores, attendance to commitments, monitoring of spending and an improve-
ment in study habits.
Even 5 minutes a day will make a difference but I recommend shooting for at least 30-60
minutes, 4-6 times a week.

Find something you love (ie, if you hate running on a treadmill, DONT do that), have fun
doing it, and work on making it a regular part of your life.

If you dont like exercising, its not because youre not made for it. Its because your irra-
tional mind is simply getting used to this new habit. So keep pushing yourself for at least a
month or so until the habit has become enforced and sooner than later you will be craving
for your next work out! Keep fit. Its important!

#3 Harness the Power of Accountability

Admittedly, accountability isnt the sexiest word in the English language. But the concept it
represents is extremely powerful.

The idea behind it is that when were left to our own devices, its easy to come up with ex-
cuses not to do something.

Im tired, I dont feel like it, its too much work, its too hard.

Blah blah blah.

Lets be real. 99% of it is just excuses our small self makes to stay comfortable and avoid
stepping into greatness.
The solution is simple: build structures in your life that will hold you to a higher standard
and that will prevent you from coming up with excuses.

When it comes to finding your perfect accountability buddy, its extremly important that you
DO NOT use a friend or somebody you know closely as your accountability buddy.

The reason being is that you need an individual who understands the inner working of your
mind and also who will seriously kick you up the arse when you fail to meet your goals, as
when done right this will begin to subconsciously programme your mind to associate mas-
sive amount of pain to not taking action. Therefore, your friends would not be the best per-
son to ensure this happens.

My advice is to always hire a coach, who is qualified in NLP (Neuro-linguistic program-

ming), to hold you accountable. As at the end of the day, its their job to ensure you get re-
sults and even you fall off course, they will be able to come up with tailored made NLP
strategies to snap the pattern your running in order for you to maintain your action taking

#4 Unleash Your Inner Conquistador and Burn the Ships

In 1519, a Spanish conquistador named Hernan Cortez made a bold-as-hell, history-
changing decision we can all learn from.

He sailed from Spain to South America with a fleet of 11 ships, and upon arriving to the
new land, realized that his troops would have to fight the natives in order to claim the land.
His men were tired, malnourished and out of shape from the long journey across the At-
lantic. Many of them didnt want to fight.

Cortez knew they had to do this. He ordered everyone to go on the beach, and once he
was the only one left on the ships, he proceeded to burn them all (!).

Now his men had no option to retreat. So they gathered up all their strength and courage,
fought, and claimed the land that is now known as Mexico.

Pretty damn bold, right?

Now, how does this apply to you?

If you have a big project to complete, and youre struggling to discipline yourself, burn your

Engineer a situation that will prevent you from retreating and that will force you to get into
action mode.

For instance, I created my first business at the age of 17 which was within the clubbing
events industry. I had no previous experience what so ever when it came to promoting an
event. However, as I put all my money down on hiring out a venue that I could not afford I
knew it was vital that I had to sell 200 tickets within 2 weeks.

At that point, I had yet to build any of the content or marketing material.

But since I had burned the ships. I had no choice but to go out there and promote the
event like crazy. And I did. It sold out.

Moving forward, Ive decided to use this strategy for all my major projects, and I highly
suggest you do the same. Its astonishing what we can do when we take away our escape
#5 Remove Temptations and Distractions
All humans are subject to temptationits just in our nature.

And in todays world were surrounded by more temptations than ever.

Google gives us access to all the information in the world within a few seconds. YouTube
is filled with funny, entertaining, and interesting videos. Our Facebook newsfeed gets up-
dated every few seconds. Our smart phones are full of apps and other cool things.

Knowing this, its imperative to figure out a system to bulletproof ourselves against all
these distractions.


First, identify what are your common distractions are.

Second, build a structure to mitigate them.

Here are a few of the particular strategies I use:

-Using Freedom, a web-app that allows me to block out my internet for a set period of

-Using Stayfocusd, a Chrome web-app that allows me to block out chosen websites for
certain parts of the day..

-Putting my phone on Airplane mode while working.

-Keeping only healthy foods in my fridge/cupboards.

Once the temptations are removed, you can direct all your willpower to doing great things
instead of fighting the urge to procrastinate yet again.
#6 Eat the Big Ugly Frog First
Another discovery Roy F. Baumeister PhD made during his research is that we only have a
finite amount of willpower each day.

Our willpower is at its highest at the beginning of the day, and progressively decreases as
we go about our business.

Knowing this, we want to engineer our day so as to do our most challenging tasks in the
morning, when we are fresh and rested.

In his book The 4-Hour Workweek, Tim Ferriss talks at lengths about Paretos Law (also
known as the 80/20 rule) which states that 20% of our input creates 80% of our output.

Every morning, get clear on what your 20% is. If youre not sure what that 20% is, its gen-
erally the most uncomfortable/challenging task you have to do all day. Once you figure out
what it is, roll up your sleeves and get it done.
#7 Eliminate Unnecessary Decisions

When asked about his productivity strategies, President Barrack Obama said, I dont want
to make decisions about what Im eating or wearing because I have too many other deci-
sions to make.

As Baumeiseter found, every single decision we make during the day dips into our
willpower reserves. Therefore, we need to cut down the number of decision we make to a
minimum, and focus on the most important ones.

I personally have the same breakfast (superfood smoothie) and lunch (mixed green salad
with a chicken breast and a half-cup of quinoa or beans) every day. I never spend more
than 15 seconds deciding what Im going to wear today. And Im learning to empower my
team to take more decisions without seeking my approval.

As you go through the day, try to pay attention to where you are getting hung up in your
decision process.

Try to eliminate or minimize all the unimportant, and preserve your brainpower for what
truly matters.
BONUS: #8 Create Powerful Habits, Rituals and Routines

Building on the last point, creating rituals is a great way to remove needless decision-mak-
ing from your day.

Once something has been turned into a habit, you dont even have to think about it. You
do it without using any of your willpower.

Every morning, I start my day with the same 60-minute power routine to get me in an opti-
mal physical, emotional and intellectual state.

Each step of the ritual is carefully choreographed for optimal results, yet it requires no
willpower on my part because its engrained in my ritual.

Look for all the ways you can routinize your life, and youll gain the double benefit of hav-
ing better habits while conserving more of your willpower.
BONUS: #9 Hack Your Mind with the 5-Minute Rule

Our mind can be our greatest ally and our greatest foe.

The trick is to be aware of its inner workings, both its strengths and its weaknesses, and
optimize around them.

One of our minds greatest flaws is that it often struggles to get things started. But once
were in flow, its easy to keep going.

If youre struggling to get started on some work you have to do, or to start your daily medi-
tation/workout, make the following deal with yourself: youll do it for just 5 minutes.

Answer one email. Run 1 time around your block. Meditate for 5 minutes.

From personal experience and discussing it with others, Ive found that 80 to 90% of the
time, once were in motion, we end up continuing well past the 5-minute mark we had de-
cided on.

This is truly a Jedi Mind Trick we can use on ourselves.

One of my coaches once told me, our human spirit is the greatest gift weve been given.

That human spirit is what built magnificent cathedrals, explored far-away lands, and creat-
ed world-changing technologies.

That force is inside of you, its inside of me; its inside all of us.

And its your duty to put it to good use. For yourself, for those around you, and for the next

You, my friend, have been bestowed with some unique gifts, talents and passions. You can
do things that no one else in this world can do. Seriously.

And we need you to rise up and shine. To be a beacon of light, love and inspiration for

So please take the teachings Ive shared with you today seriously.

They will change your life. And you, in turn, can go out there and change the world.

Follow your heart and take action my friend!

Tim Han
Qualified NLP Life Coach

P.s. My purpose in life is to assist you in becoming the best you can be. Thats why I
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