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Parachute Journal

The design for the box was chosen and it would look something like this.

A smaller box may be needed as this may be too big and heavy.
The things required are:
- Egg
- Small box
- Stockings
- String
- Bubble wrap
- Fabric
- Scissors
- Stapler
- Ruler
- Book
- Pencil
A new person had joined the group which meant that there would need to be
another parachute. The diagrams were also drawn and everything was planned

There would be three rectangular parachutes: a small, medium and large one.


The three parachutes
were made; one was
made with a garbage
and the other two with
fabric material and they
were all attached to the
box with strings.

The parachute made with the garbage bag was changed to a circular shape in
order to have a better outcome. All three parachutes were attached to the box
and was dropped without an egg to know how to best record data and find the
best place to drop it.

The big rectangular parachute and the circular parachute was each dropped 3
times and the egg did not crack.
The last parachute was dropped 3 times with the egg and it cracked all three
times. The box was also dropped by itself with an egg and no parachute to test
how well the box worked and the egg cracked.

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