Does Love Conquers Hate

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Does Love conquer Hate?

The other day I saw a bumper sticker that I just have to comment on. It read, Love
conquers Hate.

That may be a popular idea, but its not true. Love and hate are choices of the
individual and in order for hate to be conquered by love in the world, every
individual on the planet would have to decide to choose to love.

But even more important, love doesnt conquer. To conquer denotes seizing an
area by military force, or to take control of a place by force of arms. Or it means to
defeat people in war, or to win a victory over a people in war. It can also mean to
master something difficult, such as overcoming a difficulty, problem, or illness.
Love takes control? It uses force to attain its agenda?

Can love overcome hate? The Bible says light dispels darkness, and that God is
light. And there is no darkness in Him; He is the Creator, the originator of light and

A lack of complete, accurate knowledge may lead us to think and believe that God
can do evil, such as kill or destroy, but this is simply wrong teaching or ignorance
of the truth. Right teaching and instruction are the remedies to this kind of belief

Meanwhile, hate is too strong a word when it comes to defining the human
emotion expressed. The properly used word would be dislike. Hate is the action of
one bent on absolute destruction, whereas dislike means to feel repugnance or
distaste towards something or someone. And once again, its an emotion based in
fear due to wrong teaching or ignorance.

Fear then is the real enemy, for from it rises prejudice and doubt, and it can be a
great motivator to stir up the masses. What saddens me most though is when I see
it being used in Christian circles to motivate people.

And finally, to truly be prejudiced requires a person to make a decision or a choice

about a subject, person or group of people without a full knowledge on the matter.
It is to pre-judge a matter, person or persons without having all the facts or truths
concerning the situation.
The word of God says in 1st John 4:18 that love casts out fear. It doesnt attack it,
destroy it or conquer it. It casts it out, like when you throw out the trash, its no
longer in your house, because you threw it out. Gods manifested love does the
same thing. It throws that fear out of your house, your mind. So unless you chase
the trash man down and take back your garbage, its gone from your life.

A literal of 1st Corinthians 13:1-13

If I would speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but do not exhibit
God's love in my thinking and actions, I become like the sound of copper being
beaten, or the clanging of a cymbal.
And if I spoke forth a word of prophecy, and if I have a knowledge of all
mysteries and all understanding of those mysteries, and if I have the believing to
remove mountains, but do not manifest God's love in my thinking and actions,
then my thinking and actions are of no profit.
And if I give away everything that belongs to me, and if I push my body to
serve others, to the extent of burning myself out, but do not exhibit God's love in
my thinking and actions, my thinking and actions are of no profit.
Actively manifesting God's love in my thinking and actions gives me the
ability to be long-suffering, patient, and kind.
Actively manifesting God's love in my thinking and actions gives me the
ability to not be desirous of another persons possessions.
Actively manifesting God's love in my thinking and actions prevents me
from me acting out of self-glory or egotism.
God's love manifested does not act unseemly, or with moral depravity, it
doesn't look out for just itself, it is not easily roused to anger, it does not judge
others by thinking evil of them.
It is not glad at the sight of injustice, but rejoices with the truth;
It looks beyond the sins of others, believes all things spoken of in the
Word, hopes for all things promised by God, and bears up against all things cast
at it. Any act or thought that is done with God's love never falls short, or
becomes empty or void of power; but if there are prophesies, they shall be
finished; if there are tongues, they shall end; if there is knowledge, it shall be
done away.
For the knowledge we have obtained by experience is imperfect, and thus
we prophesy imperfectly;
but when that one who is perfect returns, our imperfection shall be cease
to exist.
When I was an infant, I spoke as an infant, I had the mind of an infant, I
reasoned as an infant; but when I became a man, I advanced beyond the things
of the infant.
For the fact is, we see him at this time as an enigma, like were looking in
a blurry mirror, unable to discern the countenance, but when he shall return we
shall see him face to face; now at this time, the knowledge I gain by experience is
imperfect, but when he shall return I shall have a knowledge of him which is
complete and perfect, even as he has always had a complete and perfect
knowledge of me.
So now at this time and until then, we have the ability to believe as Jesus
Christ believed, we have the hope of his return, and we have God's love
manifested to us and in us; and these three truths abide eternally; but the most
important of these is exhibiting the love God has for us and loving others with
that same abiding and perfect love.

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