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Stout 1

Bra ndon Stout

Professor Miss

UWRT 1102 - 001

02 Aug 2017

"Clean" Renewable Energy

What does one think when hearing the word "clean"? Waste management,

chemical safety, and maybe pollution control perhaps. These are only a few

examples on what could come to mind when thinking "clea~ ~mi-p-ra:s:a-?~

Y't81S of.keepi~ -w,-r:s:qct oi.mdi ngs clean;-but tbey:a:t e also e xa11tp!e6 gf keapiege,
c.J,, eic~~le i5 ~~~ Co-tho\1ck~ ,,., 4S ~y "''l h .. ~ tpcA- \v'\ <lii+.\
..diay. EMm;:.~~ part io hurniog fossil fue ls in dler to "cleaR", pretty
. on.~
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~ ntradieting situati,on. Even something as simple as vacuuming or doing laund"ry \ c..l~

contributes to burning fossil fuel3/due to the need of electricity to power such

devices. Imagine the amount of CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) being consumed by our

atmosphere every day/ just from human activity alone. There are many unclean acts '" v,1\-\ ic'-'\

humans take partj,{ But out of all, the amount of CO2 being thrown into earth's

atmosphere tops them all. The air is polluted and the atmosphere is infested, this

res1:JltS iR elimate change, which is also the main contributor to the infamous global

warming. If society does not do their part in keeping a "clean" earth, there will be

rough consequences for aJJ to endure,, until there is no earth to "clea~ /

A natural occurrence of earth's atmosphere is known to be the greenhouse

effect, which1:akes place in keeping our planet warm enough in order to sustain

livability Sunlight passes through the atmosphere, hear-is then reflected back-to t'J .
M11io koit1ifl'.) :Ot ttas ~eOv c ec k, o.-.el S?, ~ ~ t:C> 11'?_3
spa ce, and..,wanns the-earth's surfaceYFr=om the surface, some heatJs then radiated tJdtl!MI h@:1 /
M<RY.~~ :
Stout 2

hack in the atmosphere, the heat is then absorbed by ween house gases inc\luding .. ~ ... ,...
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carb on d1ox1de (Co2). Bemg th t:.Re g1ee11hoa:,e effect is already a natural
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occurrence of earth, human activity disrupts the effecttluman activity refers to the

burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas. This causes more greenhouse

gases (Co2) within our atmosphere. Which under the greenhouse effec~eeti;' will

increase the earth's temperature at an accelerated rate. The more human activity is

produced, the acceleration of climate change will increase. Everything humans do

attributes to burning fossil fuels, cooking, cleaning, bathing, commuting are only a

few examples. These daily activi~ es more than double~ the Co2 in the ~tmospher;:____ ,A ,.,, , .1 A
lo re\? ~ ii\~ 0.. ~ ~(Ju<e,, ~~ or;
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compared to its natural state~ paiRt a bette1 ~ Y'as or gas burn ea
~1~ (' Hbw J/-li"J, Cu~" p;1t><;ela1r
uts, poun.ds of-carbon dioxide into the atmosphere fcffects of Global, Dec.2614) 1
~ is 1"h, ~ C>t. TWU>5f\-c.ft....,
Now imagine between every human everyday, how much ttrcrt-pu~ out ~ets jHst say

moFe than enottgh to malte a quite noticeable impact on earth..-

Global warming spiked its acceleration around 50 years ago. Drastic events

happening all over the world gained researchers attention as polar caps melting,

heat waves, droughts, floods, severe storms, health issues, agricultural impacts, and

more happening all around humanity. These events only took one simple action _ I,, t\
A U';ti~ ~ ~ L; '-'e Gi\tf, Mi /\A '()J ~r-J.. I 1
from society, human activit_f.Wken aekiRg in depth into these events~one will
e,cho.>~h~ ~ -c.h
notice how much impact they have onltilliRB humanity. The polar caps melting

along with the tremendous amounts of rain in some regions, cause global sea levels

to rise. Risen sea levels have a huge effect on the lands natural water storage. The

same water storage for which humans obtain water from, also flooding c(}~
r ( \\ ((
regions where roughly half the world's populations live fliiffccb ef Gleem;

Stout 3

-0c.2614). While regions will be floode ~ others will be droughty. Everyone knows
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droughts are fflt&, due to living organisms need mg water ('-'!ii~t i;:_dmg plants.

Which causes issues to the agricultural community like farmers. HumaJ need food

as well as water, and the food needs water to live, without it humans will become ( ii -~~~
~ '0.$ @\O..-C.fA ti" ,-au~"'-'
sick and ill upon developing other health issues. Even the use of dirty fuels'<vithin

homes have adversely affects on human health as well (-Bomestic Use, Nov.2017) .

Everything together results to an unlivable world; created by an uncivilized society.

So, one can conclude from this brief that if current trends as humans continue, , 1 l /"\.
1-bte, 1-t:> clCQI'\ ~ ts c,~+.e(\,o.\ tt) o.~" r
humanity will die off before earth~1ib1 i11 hs1 society needs to come to realization 0\. ~L~ C'
or ~t ,1 o
for humanittye;'future generations. \ l; ~ (_ )
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Societies over the years have become very selfish. Selfishness Fefes to be
uncivilizedYtowards humanity. Society became lazy, and people do not want to work

for anything anymore. ~ S>Me!:l argue that this happened due to technologyi work
.. smarter not harder. But while technology is there to make life easier, it has also

made life harder. Society became very dependent on matters that are not necessary
sx.h "~ +edw>\oe'l ~.,.ic..
for a livable world.Vas well as lftcking tko"skill and knowledge to survive. This brings

multiple issues for our generations that will inherit earth. Unless today's generation

puts humanities future into consideration, society will become lost only to digress.

So how does society move forward in transitioning to a cleaner earth? The answer is

simple! "Clean" Energy.

If earth is to become cleaner and greener, society must utilize clean energy.

Clean energy is also considered renewable energy, which are naturally replenished
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resources such as sunlight, wind, rain, and heat fReAewabk energy, wid). These
Stout 4

resources are apart of the bigger solutions for earth's survival, but there are also

simple ways everyone can help as well. Society-irto believe6that going green is

unaffordable. Going green in everyday life actually saves money at home and work,

which our grandchildren's grandchildren will appreciate us f.1 livi11g sustainably

( \\ 10 \0Q.~~,,)
flQ Wn,.,, April 3QQ6). Save energy and save money, by unplugging appliances
uhen ~OJ \J..>~'r\
when not being usedYWa,h clothes in cold water, 85% of energy used in washers

goes to heating the water. Dry out clothes on a drying rack instead of using a drying
machm.Save water to save money, by taking shorter showers. Speaking of water,

stop purchasing bottles of water. Invest in a purifying water filter and reusable~ )
L\\ to u.)4.1c:, '(
water bottle instead. This will save more money while protecting the environment!/

If possible, walk or bike to work. Less gas equals fewer emissions into the air and
~ ,, lO ~ ~,, ~
more money for better health-f-1 Vh1y:,, ~ 20~ : All of these examples are easy

and cost efficient in transiting to a better life on earth.

Taking these steps are also the first steps among the larger solutions of clean

energy. All the savings one made during the transition can be invested into

technology designed to improving the environment. There are ranges of

technological approaches to reducing greenhouse gas emissions (Investigating,

2017). One approach that is rapidly growing through America ~ the production of

electric vehicles. Many industries produce electric vehicles, but one industry stands
l ,())i 3tJ,l-created
out severely upon the rest, known as Tesla. Tesla is aR-iin
~ by a group

of visionaries with one soul purpose, to ma? the first initial steps towards a

cleaner greener humanity (Tesla Changes, July 2016). Tesla began their vision with

the production of electric cars that are comparable to conventional vehicles but with
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Stout 5
zero emissions. ThJ?y ~ew iA~ uch a power of influence to humanity-to be able t~

g(8,w into more than an automobile company Now they are known as a corporation

dedicated to energy innovation through the use of technology and design. Not only

do their vehicles produce zero emission, but their manufacturing plants produce

zero emissions as well. Tesla influenced many to support their vision, in such that

Tesla began producing ion batteries, solar panels, and other clean energy sources to

sell to other manufacturers around the world, as well as residential areas. Even if
~ idn't want a vehicle, then consider making your home powered from clean

energy by Tesla (Tesla Changes, July 2016). Tesla made a tremendous step to

globalize clean energy, which if one ~ ; ~Ag,C green, can invest into an

industry as Tesla can gain a great vehicle while helping the world in going green.

O~~~ower plants provide society power by burning fossil fuels. Replacing the
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plants with renewable energy source( is a no brainer. .+:er eJtam13le, wiAd tYreine.5 or
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!-6h5t panels. But why do industries still resort to burning fossil fuels? 'The aoswer is
~ ~ -
~iffipl8, .~rdabili1- The argument of affordability is always the excuse to not

transition to clean energy. Though in reality, clean energy is more than affordable.

Tesla already has proven the ~ dability as well as easy everyday changes society
Cfa>. e-'l~'t is no+ o ~ ~c.\e_
can part take in. Not only is it affordabt'e, but also money is being saved at the same

time. This is a well-known fact, but if it is so well known, what is holding society up?

Funding is putting society behind., which societ 1=eceivEl6 f.uodins froRHhe

g9ElrAFRCRl The U.S. government does not make global warming or the

environment a priority. In the fiscal year (FY) of 2015, half of the U.S. funding went

to military, social security, and unemployment The U.S. funding is split into two
Stout 6

spending's, discretionary and mandatory spending. In FY 2015, $598.49 billion went

to military and $1.25 trillion went to social security and unemployment (Federal

Spending). Which the Department of Energy's proposed budget sets only $1 billion

for coal tech research and development. Since 2009, the agency committed over $4

billion, but roughly $5 billion in the course of 6 years, is very little compared to half
the funding (over $1 trillion) going to other places. Also, out of i/facilities on the

funding list, 5 of them had financial issues (Clean Coal, Oct 2016). It is safe to say

the U.S. can afford cuts in these areas, but humanity will never gain the governmen~ or
~ support unless they are influenced and convinced.

How is such a power like the government influenced? By another power of

influence, the people of society. When populations grow into a society working
llt"f'O?'''tk. k ~ k-- ve sb, o:c'(:al,lc
together, they become a force t;bat is kara ~0 en~ak. For earth to become greener and

cleaner, it has to start with the people of society. There were a few easy examples

mentioned earlier on how people can make everyday green and clean; this is where

it begins. From there happens a domino effect to bigger industries as Tesla, then

industries to society, society to humanity. But for the dominos to be lined up, people

need to place the first ones for society to follow. The more dominos people place, the
larger industries become, awareness will grow, influence is heightened,4fteft the

government convinced to change priorities. This knowledge and way of life will be

passed through generations to inherit earth, where.they will proceed to a greener

An a,e,e-i'to.n N:Nelf~+- Q-uc'l.. ~ ~A-\"'-\tt'\ L 5c-;d ;~ 6(.~.J.-
world, thus halting global warming. Just remeH~be-t)t he goal is not to live forever,
but to create something that will (Quotable Quote).
Stout 7

Works Cited

flc ~ 1 _ ,,\ Bradford, Alina. "Effects of Global Warming". Live Science, 17 Dec. 2014,
l,, e,no:: n )
e.c. :3
(''Q0o+a.b\t'' )~ Chuc~ Palahniuk. "Quotable Quote"., 6 1

r~~l, / Federal Spending: Where Does the Money Go". National Priorities, 0MB, National Priorities Project, udget-basi cs /fed e ra I-budget-101 /spending/

((1cslo. '' J Jesus, De Cecille. "Tesla Changes One Word in Mission Statement and It Already Says a Lot''., Earth and Energy, 15 July 2016,
mission-statement-an d-it-al ready-says-a-lay/

(-Jo'1.c(..: Clcut'') oyce, Stephanie. clean Coal: Fact or Fiction". Inside Ener9y, 11 Oct 2016, 2 016 /10 /11 /clean-en ergy-fact-or-f1ction /

(2~~-A , A~\; Rah ut, Oil Bahadur; Ali, Akhter; Behera, Bhagirath. "Domestic Use of dirty Energy and its Effects on
~ &_ , Human Health". International Journal ofSustainable Ener9y, Nov 2017, vol~6, issue 10, articl~ a.'l..
Q,\, - . . l i ~'H ., \:7 I
("~~It.'' ) Renewable energy". Wikipedia, energy

( ~ -,s~\, \ ~ Ross, Martin T.; Sullivan, Patrick T.; Fawcett Allen A. De pro. "Investigating Technology Options for
~ f,. r-ick.) Climate Policies". Ener9y Journal, 2 Oct 2017, Spc.lssue2, vol38, article

( \1 \ 0 llb.lS") "10 Ways to go Green and Save Green". World Watch, 18 Apr. 2006,
\... y- - \ /go green save green/
..:i, \, G rt'.E:r\ '10->"".:c'. &ec..-\- ~ ~ \, o,,,i Gc'-~n~ CP---Q~ i csF
J~ :r .

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