Menu Costing Lenana - 1

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Number of Portions: 1 Cost Menu@ 20% Food
Serving Size: Cost per Portion: 163.38 VAT
Unit of Measure Per Person: Cost per Recipe: 163.38 CL
argin per Portion: 653.50 Proposed Selling P
Actual Selling Pric
Actual Food C
Yield% = Edible Portion after Trim PP = Purchase Price per Volume EP = Edible
mmon Yields use these tools: Produce Yields Fruit Yields Fish Yields

Recipe Quantity (EP) Yield Costing

Ingredients Quantity PP / Unit Unit Yield %
Tomato, sliced 0.120 Kg 67.67 Kg 95%
Sliced crispy bacon 0.030 KG 1070.80 KG 80%
2 Boston Lettuce Leaves mediu 0.160 Kg 51.72 Kg 90%
3 slices of Toast 0.090 Kg 68.97 Kg 100%
Hard boiled egg 1.000 Pc 8.73 Pc 100%
Mayonaise 0.030 Kg 219.94 Kg 100%
Chicken,shredded** 0.100 Kg 508.62 Kg 100%
French Fries 0.080 Kg 73.28 Kg 100%
Ketchup, Mayonaise 0.170 Kg 114.33 Kg 100%
Overhead 5%
Total Costs

** use meat from chicken

legs, see Ceasar Salad

Toast bred and let slightly cool

Spread 1 TBS moyonaise on on slice of toast

Layer with some torn lettuce leaves, tomatoe slices, half the chicken,and a
slice of bacon
Put 2nd slice of toast on top and repeat
Cover with 3rd slice of toast
Cut into triangles and secure with tooth stick
Arrange on plate and serve with French Fries on the side
Menu@ 20% Food Cost: 816.88
VAT 16% 130.70
CLT2% 16.34
Proposed Selling Price 963.92
Actual Selling Price 950.00
Actual Food Cost 20.35%
me EP = Edible Portion Cost
Spice Yields

Costing Recipe
EP / Unit Cost
71.23 8.55
1,338.50 40.16
57.47 9.20
68.97 6.21
8.73 8.73
219.94 6.60
508.62 50.86
73.28 5.86
114.33 19.44
Number of Portions: 8 Cost
Serving Size: Cost per Portion:
Unit of Measure Per Person: Cost per Recipe:
Margin per Portion:

Yield% = Edible Portion after Trim PP = Purchase Price per Volume E

For common Yields use these tools: Produce Yields Fruit Yields

Recipe Quantity (EP)

Ingredients QuantityWeight Unit
Whole Chicken leg,skin on 1.000 Kg
Cibatta bread 0.600 Kg
6 sprigs fresh Rosemary,leaves picked,choppe 0.01 PCS
Olive oil,salt,pepper 0.075 Kg
Thin slices of bacon 0.250 Kg
Garlic clove,crushed 0.003 Kg
Anchovy fillets in oil,drained 0.200 Kg
Parmesan 0.200 Kg
Crme fraiche 0.250 Kg
2 Lemons,juiced 0.140 PCS
Boston Lettuce leaves 0.900 Kg
Extra virgin olive oil 0.200 Liter
Overhead cost 5%
Total costs

Preheat oven to 200C
Place chicken legs in a roasting pan with the pieces of torn-up bread. Sprinkle with Rosemary,
drizzle with olive oil and season with salt and pepper

Mix well and lift chicken legs up to the top, above the bread.Pop the pan into the pre-heated oven
Cook for about 45 minutes.Take pan out and drape the bacon on the chicken and croutons, cook
for another 15- 20 minutes until everything is crispy. Remove from the oven and allow chicken to
cool down slightly
Blend anchovies and garlic to become a pulp. Whisk in parmesan,crme fraiche and lemon juice.
Stirr in 3 times as much virgin olive oil as lemon juice. Adjuste seasoning

Pull the chicken meat of the bones and tear it up roughly with the bacon and croutons
Wash,spin-dry and separate lettuce leaves. Tear the up and toss with chicken, croutons,bacon an
Serve on plates and scatter with parmesan shavings
Make sure you use the white cutting board for the chicken
Desinfect cutting board & knife with boiling water after use
Thoroughly wash your hands after handling raw chicken

Cost Menu@ 20% Food Cost: 927.43

185.49 VAT 16% 148.39
1,483.88 CLT2% 18.55
741.94 Proposed Selling Price 1,094.36
Actual Selling Price 1,000.00
Actual Food Cost 22.27%
hase Price per Volume EP = Edible Portion Cost
Fish Yields Spice Yields

Yield Costing Recipe

PP / Unit Unit Yield % EP / Unit Cost
560.34 Kg 100% 560.34 560.34
17.24 Kg 100% 17.24 10.34
17.24 PCS 80% 21.55 0.22
819.83 Kg 100% 819.83 61.49
301.72 Kg 100% 301.72 75.43
344.83 Kg 95% 362.98 1.09
129.31 Kg 100% 129.31 25.86
2,155.17 Kg 100% 2,155.17 431.03
206.90 Kg 100% 206.90 51.72
60.34 PCS 100% 60.34 8.45
25.86 Kg 100% 25.86 23.28
819.83 Liter 100% 819.83 163.97

ad. Sprinkle with Rosemary,


pan into the pre-heated oven

e chicken and croutons, cook
the oven and allow chicken to

me fraiche and lemon juice.

Adjuste seasoning

the bacon and croutons

h chicken, croutons,bacon and


he chicken
r after use
w chicken
Number of Portions: 8 Cost
Serving Size: Cost per Portion: 44.51
Unit of Measure Per Person: Cost per Recipe: 356.07
Margin per Portion: 178.04

Yield% = Edible Portion after Trim PP = Purchase Price per Volume EP =

For common Yields use these tools: Produce Yields Fruit Yields

Recipe Quantity (EP) Yield Cost

Ingredients QuantityWeight Unit PP / Unit
Ripe large tomatoes 0.800 Kg 68.97
Fresh Basil leaves 0.7 Kg 17.24
Mozarella Di Buffalo 0.200 Kg 956.90
Balsamic Vinegar 0.100 Liter 205.17
Olive oil 0.050 Liter 819.83
Sugar 0.020 Kg 63.79
Overhead cost 5%
Total costs


In the sauce pan bring balsamico to a boil, add sugar,reduce to thickness,leave to cool

Wash tomatoes and cut into slices,cut Mozarella into thin slices
Layer alternating slices of tomatoes and mozzarella on plate adding a basil leaf between

Drizzle the salad with Olive oil and reduced balsamic vinager

Menu@ 20% Food Cost: 222.54
VAT 16% 35.61
CLT2% 4.45
Proposed Selling Price 262.60
Actual Selling Price 450.00
Actual Food Cost 10.86%
ce per Volume EP = Edible Portion Cost
Fish Yields Spice Yields

Yield Costing Recipe

Unit Yield % EP / Unit Cost
Kg 100% 68.97 55.17
Kg 100% 17.24 12.07
Kg 100% 956.90 191.38
Liter 100% 205.17 20.52
Liter 70% 1,171.18 58.56
Kg 90% 70.88 1.42

ess,leave to cool

asil leaf between

Number of Portions: 8 Cost
Serving Size: Cost per Portion: 55.08
Unit of Measure Per Person: Cost per Recipe: 441
Margin per Portion: 312.12

Yield% = Edible Portion after Trim PP = Purchase Price per Volume EP = Ed

For common Yields use these tools: Produce Yields Fruit Yields Fish Yields

Recipe Quantity (EP) Yield Costing

Ingredients QuantityWeight Unit PP / Unit Unit
Button Mushrooms 1.000 Kg 215.52 Kg
Onion , chopped 0.200 Kg 68.97 Kg
2 Garlic cloves, crushed 0.012 Kg 224.14 Kg
Beef Broth 0.100 L 172.41 L
Heavy cream 0.100 L 498.28 L
Butter 0.050 Kg 2378.12 Kg
Fresh Baguette bread 2 PC PC
Overhead cost 5%
Total costs


Brush Mushrooms and slice

Melt butter in a frying pan, add onion and garlic and fry until soft over low heat

Add mushrooms and fry until mushrooms start loosing water

Add stock and heavy cream and cook until mushrooms are done and sauce has

Serve in deep bowls with sliced baguette bread on the side

Menu@ 15% Food Cost: 367.20
VAT 16% 58.75
CLT2% 7.34
Proposed Selling Price 433.29
Actual Selling Price 450.00
Actual Food Cost 14.35%
Volume EP = Edible Portion Cost
Fish Yields Spice Yields

Yield Costing Recipe

Yield % EP / Unit Cost
100% 215.52 215.52
90% 76.63 15.33
95% 235.94 2.83
100% 172.41 17.24
100% 498.28 49.83
100% 2,378.12 118.91

Number of Portions: 10 Cost
Serving Size: 2.5 Cost per Portion: 77.32
Unit of Measure Per Person: DL Cost per Recipe: 773.24
Margin per Portion: 309.30

Yield% = Edible Portion after Trim PP = Purchase Price per Volume EP = E

r common Yields use these tools: Produce Yields Fruit Yields Fish Yields

Recipe Quantity (EP) Yield Costin

Ingredients QuantityWeight Unit PP / Unit Unit
Beef Broth 2.500 Liter 172.41 Liter
Bay leaves 0.01 PCS 331.90 Pcs
Carrotes 0.250 Kg 68.97 Kg
Onion 0.250 Kg 68.97 Kg
Leek 0.250 Kg 34.48 Kg
White cabbage,shredded 0.200 Kg 34.48 Kg
Ground beef 0.400 Kg 603.45 Kg
Overhead cost 5%
Total cost

Cut peeled carrots and onion into small cubes (brunoise)

Wash leek and and cabbage, cut into thin slices

Season ground beef and form into small balls

Bring beef broth to a boil,add vegetables, bay leaves and beef and simmer covered

Menu@ 20% Food Cost: 386.62
VAT 16% 61.86
CLT2% 7.73
Proposed Selling Price 456.21
Actual Selling Price 450.00
Actual Food Cost 20.33%
Volume EP = Edible Portion Cost
Fish Yields Spice Yields

Yield Costing Recipe

Yield % EP / Unit Cost
100% 172.41 431.03
100% 331.90 3.32
80% 86.21 21.55
90% 76.63 19.16
70% 49.26 12.32
90% 38.31 7.66
100% 603.45 241.38
Number of Portions: 12 Cost
Serving Size: Cost per Portion: 169.94
Unit of Measure Per Person: Cost per Recipe: 2,039
Margin per Portion: 679.77

Yield% = Edible Portion after Trim PP = Purchase Price per Volume EP = Ed

r common Yields use these tools: Produce Yields Fruit Yields Fish Yields

Recipe Quantity (EP) Yield Costing

Ingredients Quantity Weight Unit PP / Unit Unit
5 Garlic cloves, crushed 0.015 Kg 224.14 Kg
Carrots 0.200 Kg 32.76 Kg
1 large Onion 0.200 Kg 68.97 Kg
3 Bay Leaves 0.005 Kg 793.10 Kg
Rips Celery 0.100 Kg 17.24 Kg
Red Wine 0.750 Liter 862.07 Liter
Beef stew cubed (shoulder or neck) 1.500 Kg 603.45 Kg
Stew 0.00
All purpose flour 0.060 Kg 113.79 Kg
Carrots 0.200 Kg 32.76 Kg
White button mushrooms 0.500 Kg 215.52 Kg
Onion 0.200 Kg 68.97 Kg
Garlic 0.010 Kg 224.14 Kg
Tomato paste 0.070 Kg 409.48 Kg
3 Bay leaves 0.005 Kg 793.10 Kg
1 bundle fresh Thyme 1 Pcs 17.24 Pcs
Beef stock 1.000 Liter 172.41 Liter
Potatoes,boiled and mashed 1.000 Kg 73.28 Kg

Overhead cost 5%
Total costs
For the marinade Combine the garlic, bay leaves, carrots, celery, onions and wine in
a large bowl or container. Add the beef; cover and let sit in the refrigerator at least
4 hours or overnight.
For the stew: Remove the beef from the marinade. Strain the vegtables and bay
Combine thefrom
leaves garlic,
thebay leaves, and
marinade carrots, celery,
discard. onions
Reserve 2 and
cupswine in marinade.
of the a large bowl or
container. Add the beef; cover and let sit in the refrigerator at least 4 hours or
the oven to 180`
Coat a large, wide pan or Dutch oven with olive oil and bring to medium-high heat.
Sprinkle the beef with salt and toss with the flour
Add the flour-coated beef to the hot pan, but be sure to not crowd the pan; you will
need to work in batches. Brown the meat well on all sides, 12 to 15 minutes.
Remove batches from the pan to a baking sheet.
Add the garlic, onion, carrot, and mushrooms and stir-fry until fragrant and lightly
golden, add the tomato paste and cook 1-2 minutes, deglaze with wine and the
reserved marinade
Add the beef. Stir to combine and cook until the wine has reduced by half, 1 to 2
minutes. Add enough of the beef stock to just cover the surface of the beef. Toss in
the bay leaves and thyme bundle. Cover the pan, bring the liquid to a boil and put in
the oven.
Cook the beef for 2 hours. Remove the pot from the oven and skim off any excess
grease from the surface of the stew. Portion and serve or freeze

To serve, arrange hot mashed potatoes and stew on a hot deep plate
Menu@ 20% Food Cost: 849.72
VAT 16% 135.95
CLT2% 16.99
Proposed Selling Price 1,002.66
Actual Selling Price 1,000.00
Actual Food Cost 20.06%
r Volume EP = Edible Portion Cost
Fish Yields Spice Yields

Yield Costing Recipe

Yield % EP / Unit Cost
90% 249.04 3.74
80% 40.95 8.19
90% 76.63 15.33
100% 793.10 3.97
80% 21.55 2.16
100% 862.07 646.55
100% 603.45 905.17

100% 113.79 6.83

80% 40.95 8.19
100% 215.52 107.76
90% 76.63 15.33
100% 224.14 2.24
100% 409.48 28.66
100% 793.10 3.97
100% 17.24 17.24
100% 172.41 172.41
80% 91.59 91.59

Recipe: Spaghetti Bolognese

Number of Portions: 10 Cost

Serving Size: Cost per Portion: 135.97
Unit of Measure Per Person: Cost per Recipe: 1,359.74
Margin per Portion: 543.90

Yield% = Edible Portion after Trim PP = Purchase Price per Unit EP = E

For common Yields use these tools: Produce Yields Fruit Yields

Recipe Quantity (EP) Yield Costin

Ingredients QuantityWeight Unit PP / Unit
2 Garlic cloves, crushed 0.006 Kg 344.83
1 large Onion,chopped 0.200 Kg 86.21
3 Bay Leaves,dried Italian herbs 0.001 Kg 793.10
2 cm Ginger grated 0.030 Kg 172.41
1 Red chilli, halved, seeds removed 0.010 Kg 103.45
Ground Beef (stewing beef) 1.000 Kg 603.45
Tinned tomatoes 0.800 Kg 172.41
Beef broth 0.500 Liter 86.21
Pasta, uncooked 1.000 Kg 124.31
Parmesan cheese 0.100 Kg 3017.24
Fresh tomatoes, skin removed,cubed 0.500 Kg 68.97
1 bundle fresh Thyme 1 Pcs 17.24
Overhead cost 5%
Total costs

For the Bolognese sauce
In a large casserole-type pan stir-fry onion,garlic and ginger until fragnant. Raise heat to
high and add the ground beef. Saute, stirring frequently and breaking up any large lumps
and cook until meat is no longer pink, about 10 minutes

Add the tinned tomatoes and the beef broth. Add herbs, bay leave and chilli.Cover and
simmer over a gentle heat for around an hour and a half,stirring occasionally.

When the sauce is done, discarde bay leaves, thyme and red chilli.
Portion and freeze or serve
In a large pot, add the pasta to rapidly boiling water and cook for 11 minutes. Drain
leaving a smaal amount of cooking waterin the pot. Add pasta to the pot and butter. Heat
through thoroghly

Arrange pasta in hot deep plates and and sauce. Sprinkle with parmesan and serve

Menu@ 20% Food Cost: 679.87
VAT 16% 108.78
CLT2% 13.60
Proposed Selling Price 802.25
Actual Selling Price 800.00
Actual Food Cost 20.07%
ice per Unit EP = Edible Portion Cost
Fish Yields Spice Yields

Yield Costing Recipe

Unit Yield % EP / Unit Cost
Kg 100% 344.83 2.07
Kg 90% 95.79 19.16
Kg 100% 793.10 0.79
Kg 90% 191.57 5.75
Kg 90% 114.94 1.15
Kg 100% 603.45 603.45
Kg 100% 172.41 137.93
Liter 100% 86.21 43.10
Kg 100% 124.31 124.31
Kg 100% 3,017.24 301.72
Kg 90% 76.63 38.31
Pcs 100% 17.24 17.24

nt. Raise heat to

any large lumps

chilli.Cover and

minutes. Drain
and butter. Heat

san and serve

Number of Portions: 1 Cost
Serving Size: Cost per Portion: 224.80
Unit of Measure Per Person: Cost per Recipe: 224.80
Margin per Portion: 899.21

Yield% = Edible Portion after Trim PP = Purchase Price per Volume EP =

For common Yields use these tools: Produce Yields Fruit Yields

Recipe Quantity (EP) Yield Costi

Ingredients Quantity Weight Unit PP / Unit
Beef tenderloin 0.200 Kg 603.45
Olive oil 0.020 Liter 819.83
Mixed Boiled Vegetables 0.150 Kg 120.00
French Fries 0.080 Kg 60.34
Fresh Thyme 0.010 Kg 17.24
Pepper sauce 0.050 Kg 172.41

Overhead cost 5%
Total costs

Blanche French Fries at 160` for 2 minutes and remove from oil and augment
temerature to 180`

Season Tenderloin

Heat butter in a skillet pan and add Tenderloin

Meanwhile heat cooked vegetables and pepper sauce

Cook Tenderloin as per guests order (Rare, Medium Rare, Well-Done)

Finish to fry French Fries at 180` until golden brown and crispy

Arrange tenderloin and vegetableon a hot plate

Serve French Fries and pepper sauce on the side
Menu@ 20% Food Cost: 1,124.01
VAT 16% 179.84
CLT2% 22.48
Proposed Selling Price 1,326.33
Actual Selling Price 1,300.00
Actual Food Cost 20.48%
ce per Volume EP = Edible Portion Cost
Fish Yields Spice Yields

Yield Costing Recipe

Unit Yield % EP / Unit Cost

Kg 80% 754.31 150.86

Liter 80% 1,024.78 20.50
Kg 70% 171.43 25.71
Kg 80% 75.43 6.03
Kg 80% 21.55 0.22
Kg 80% 215.52 10.78


nd augment


Number of Portions: 10 Cost
Serving Size: 3 Cost per Portion: 185.37
Unit of Measure Per Person: PCS Cost per Recipe: 1,853.70
Margin per Portion: 741.48

Yield% = Edible Portion after Trim PP = Purchase Price per Volume EP = Ed

ommon Yields use these tools: Produce Yields Fruit Yields Fish Yields

Recipe Quantity (EP) Yield Costing

Ingredients QuantityWeight Unit PP / Unit Unit
Ground Beef 1.200 Kg 603.45 Kg
Egg,beaten 1 PCS 8.75 PCS
Onion, finely chopped 0.200 Kg 68.97 Kg
Mini Buns 30 PCS 25.86 PCS
10 Boston Lettuce Leaves mediu 0.080 Kg 51.72 Kg
Onion,sliced 0.200 Kg 68.97 Kg
Mayonaise 0.100 Kg 219.96 Kg
Tomatoes,sliced 1.200 Kg 67.67 Kg
French Fries 0.800 Kg 73.28 Kg
Ketchup,Mayonaise 0.170 Kg 219.96 Kg
Overhead cost 5%
Total costs

In a large bowl, mix the ground beef,onion,egg, Worcesterhire sauce and season
Form the mixture into 30 hamburger patties of 40gr each (Freeze or continue for
serving )

Heat oil in a skillet and grill patties 4 minutes per side,or until done

Slice mini buns into half, spread bottom part with mayonaise and layer with lettuce
and 1 tomatoe slice

Put one hamburger patty on top and add one tomatoe slice and some lettuce

Put the top part of the bun on and secure with a tooth stick
Arrange 3 mini burgers pp on a plate and serve with French Fries on the side
Menu@ 20% Food Cost: 926.85
VAT 16% 148.30
CLT2% 18.54
Proposed Selling Price 1,093.69
Actual Selling Price 1,100.00
Actual Food Cost 19.86%
r Volume EP = Edible Portion Cost
Fish Yields Spice Yields

Yield Costing Recipe

Yield % EP / Unit Cost
100% 603.45 724.14
100% 8.75 8.75
90% 76.63 15.33
100% 25.86 775.86
90% 57.47 4.60
80% 86.21 17.24
100% 219.96 22.00
80% 84.59 101.51
100% 73.28 58.62
100% 219.96 37.39
Number of Portions: 1 Cost
Serving Size: Cost per Portion: 244.33
Unit of Measure Per Person: Cost per Recipe: 244
Margin per Portion: 977.33

Yield% = Edible Portion after Trim PP = Purchase Price per Volume EP = Ed

For common Yields use these tools: Produce Yields Fruit Yields Fish Yields

Recipe Quantity (EP) Yield Costing

Ingredients QuantityWeight Unit PP / Unit Unit
Lamb Chops 0.180 Kg 586.21 Kg
Salt+Pepper 0.030 Kg 215.52 Kg
Potato Boiled & Mashed 0.050 Kg 68.97 Kg
Baby Spinach 0.050 Kg 17.24 Kg
Olive Oil 0.050 Kg 758.62 Kg
Butter 0.020 Kg 2378.12 Kg
Mix Steamed Vegetables 0.100 Kg 86.21 Kg

Overhead cost 5%
Total costs

Menu@ 20% Food Cost: 1,221.66
VAT 16% 195.47
CLT2% 24.43
Proposed Selling Price 1,441.56
Actual Selling Price 1,400.00
Actual Food Cost 20.70%
Volume EP = Edible Portion Cost
Fish Yields Spice Yields

Yield Costing Recipe

Yield % EP / Unit Cost
100% 586.21 105.52
100% 215.52 6.47
100% 68.97 3.45
100% 17.24 0.86
70% 1,083.74 54.19
90% 2,642.36 52.85
92% 93.70 9.37

Number of Portions: 8 Cost
Serving Size: Cost per Portion: 173.50
Unit of Measure Per Person: Cost per Recipe: 1,387.99
Margin per Portion: 693.99

Yield% = Edible Portion after Trim PP = Purchase Price per Volume EP = Edible P
or common Yields use these tools: Produce Yields Fruit Yields Fish Yields

Recipe Quantity (EP) Yield Costing

Ingredients Quantity Weight Unit PP / Unit Unit
Cooked cold jasmin rice 1.500 Kg 129.31 Kg
Peanut oil 0.15 Liter 129.31 Liter
8 garliccloves, peeled and crushed 0.040 Kg 344.83 Kg
Boneless Chicken Breast, cut into slice 1.200 Kg 560.34 Kg
Eggs 4 Pcs 8.91 Pcs
Spring Onion, sliced thin 8 Pcs 25.86 Pcs
4 TSP (Palm) sugar 0.030 Kg 63.79 Kg
6 TBS Thai Fish Sauce 0.090 Liter 98.28 Liter
2 TBS Oyster Sauce 0.030 Liter 98.28 Liter
Peas 0.500 Kg 38.79 Kg
Cucumber, sliced 2 Pcs 68.97 Pcs
Lime, cut into wedges 0.12 Pcs 60.34 Pcs
Overhead cost 5%
Total costs


Toss cold rice to separate grains from any clumps

Heat Peanut oil in a large skillet over medium heat, add garlic and toss until fragnant

Add Chicken and stir fry for about 1 minute

Make a well in the middle, add eggs and scramble for 1 minute, add spring onion and
peas, add rice and toss all ingredients together

Add sugar, Oyster Sauce and Fish Sauce and heat everything through. Be careful that the
chicken does not become dry
Serve with cucumber and lime wedges

Menu@ 20% Food Cost: 867.49
VAT 16% 138.80
CLT2% 17.35
Proposed Selling Price 1,023.64
Actual Selling Price 1,100.00
Actual Food Cost 18.38%
EP = Edible Portion Cost
lds Spice Yields

eld Costing Recipe

Yield % EP / Unit Cost
100% 129.31 193.97
100% 129.31 19.40
90% 383.14 15.33
100% 560.34 672.41
100% 8.91 35.62
100% 25.86 206.90
100% 63.79 1.91
100% 98.28 8.84
100% 98.28 2.95
100% 38.79 19.40
100% 68.97 137.93
100% 60.34 7.24
Number of Portions: 12 Cost
Serving Size: Cost per Portion: 73.66
Unit of Measure Per Person: Cost per Recipe: 883.95
Margin per Portion: 294.65

Yield% = Edible Portion after Trim PP = Purchase Price per Volume EP =

For common Yields use these tools: Produce Yields Fruit Yields

Recipe Quantity (EP) Yield Cost

Ingredients Quantity Weight Unit PP / Unit
White sugar 0.250 Kg 125.00
Eggs (yolks and white separated) 5 Pcs 8.73
Lemon, zest & Juice 1 Pcs 125.00
All purpose flour 0.080 Kg 113.79
Baking Powder 0.025 Kg 84.48
Ground Almonds 0.250 Kg 2060.34
1 heaped Tsp ground cinamon 0.008 Kg 521.55
1 pinch of ground nutmeg & cloves 0.002 Kg 517.24
1 Tsp ground ginger 0.008 Tsp 240.52
Carrots, peeled,finly grated 0.250 Kg 32.76
Icing Sugar, sifted 0.300 Kg 155.17
Limes, zeste & juice 1 Pcs 51.72

Overhead cost 5%
Total costs

Beat Sugar and Egg Yolks together with 2 TBS of hot water until fluffy

Sift in flour and baking powder, add almonds, spices and carrots and mix well

In a separate bowl, beat egg white wis a pinch of salt until stiff. Gently fold into cake
mixture and scoop cake mixture into a prepared cake tin.
Bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 50 minutes. Leave cake to cool in the tin
for about 10 minutes, then turn out on a rak and allow to cool

Mix all icing ingredients together with 2 TBS of cold water and spread generously over the
top of the cake. Allow icing to dry before portioning and serving or freezing

Menu@ 20% Food Cost: 368.31
VAT 16% 58.93
CLT2% 7.37
Proposed Selling Price 434.61
Actual Selling Price 450.00
Actual Food Cost 19.20%
e per Volume EP = Edible Portion Cost
Fish Yields Spice Yields

Yield Costing Recipe

Unit Yield % EP / Unit Cost

Kg 100% 125.00 31.25

Pcs 100% 8.73 43.66
Pcs 100% 125.00 125.00
Kg 100% 113.79 9.10
Kg 100% 84.48 2.11
Kg 100% 2,060.34 515.09
Kg 100% 521.55 4.17
Kg 100% 517.24 1.03
Tsp 100% 240.52 1.92
Kg 80% 40.95 10.24

Kg 100% 155.17 46.55

Pcs 100% 51.72 51.72


l fluffy

d mix well

fold into cake

to cool in the tin

nerously over the

r freezing

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