1 List of Terms

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List of physics terms Modul Pecutan Akhir SPM 2009

Bahagian Pendidikan Teknik dan Vokasional




Physical quantity A quantity that can be measured
Kuantiti fizik Kuantiti yang boleh diukur
Base quantity A physical quantity that cannot be defined in terms of other
Kuantiti asas physical quantities
Kuantiti fizik yang tidak dapat ditakrifkan dalam sebutan
kuantiti fizik yang lain
Derived quantity A physical quantity that is derived by combining base
Kuantiti terbitan quantities. This can be done by multiplication or division or
Kuantiti fizik yang dihasilkan daripada gabungan kuantiti
asas secara pendaraban atau pembahagian atau kedua-
Precision / Consistency A measurement is more consistent when there is a smaller
Kepersisan deviation among the readings.
Suatu pengukuran adalah lebih konsisten apabila terdapat
sisihan yang kecil antara bacaan-bacaan
Accuracy The accuracy of a measurement is how close the
Kejituan measurement is to the actual value of the quantity being
A measurement is more accurate when the reading is closer
to the actual value
Suatu pengukuran adalah lebih jitu apabila bacaan itu
lebih hampir kepada nilai sebenar
Sensitivity The ability of an instrument to detect small changes in the
Kepekaan physical quantity that is measured
Kebolehan alat mengesan perubahan kecil pada kuantiti
yang diukur.
Error The difference between the reading obtained and the actual
Ralat value
Perbezaan antara bacaan yang diperoleh dan nilai sebenar
Systematic error A systematic error is an experimental error that will produce
Ralat sistematik readings which are either always higher or always lower
than the actual value that is being measured.
Ralat sistematik ialah ralat eksperimen yang akan
menghasilkan bacaan-bacaan yang sama ada sentiasa lebih
besar atau sentiasa lebih kecil daripada nilai sebenar yang
sedang diukur.
Random error A random error is caused by uncertainties in a measurement
Ralat rawak that will produce readings that could be higher or lower than
the actual value that is being measured.
Ralat rawak adalah disebabkan oleh ketakpastian dalam
suatu pengukuran yang akan menghasilkan bacaan-bacaan
yang lebih tinggi atau lebih kecil daripada nilai sebenar.

List of physics terms Modul Pecutan Akhir SPM 2009
Bahagian Pendidikan Teknik dan Vokasional


Parallax error Is a random error which occurs when the eye of the observer
Ralat paralaks is not directly above the scale of the instrument, causing the
line of sight to be not perpendicular to the scale
Ialah ralat rawak yang berlaku apabila mata pemerhati
tidak tegak di atas skala alat pengukur, menyebabkan garis
penglihatan tidak serenjang dengan skala itu
Zero error Is a systematic error where the instrument does not show
Ralat sifar zero reading when it is not taking a measurement.
Ialah ralat sistematik di mana alat itu tidak menunjukkan
bacaan sifar semasa tidak membuat pengukuran
Manipulated variable A physical quantity which you control and change for the
Pembolehubah purpose of investigation in an experiment
dimanipulasikan Kuantiti fizik yang dikawal atau diubah untuk tujuan
menjalankan penyiasatan dalam suatu eksperimen
Responding variable A physical quantity which changes in response to changes to
Pembolehubah bergerakbalas the manipulated variable
Kuantiti fizik yang yang berubah disebabkan oleh
perubahan kepada pembolehubah dimanipulasikan
Fixed variable A physical quantity which is kept constant throughout the
Pembolehubah dimalarkan experiment
Kuantiti fizik yang dikekalkan malar sepanjang eksperimen



Linear motion Motion along a straight line
Gerakan linear Gerakan sepanjang satu garis lurus
Scalar quantity A physical quantity which has only magnitude
Kuantiti skalar Kuantiti fizik yang mempunyai magnitud sahaja
Vector quantity A physical quantity which has both magnitude and direction
Kuantiti vektor Kuantiti yang mempunyai magnitud dan arah
Velocity The rate of change of displacement
Halaju Kadar perubahan sesaran
Speed The rate of change of distance
Laju Kadar perubahan jarak
Acceleration The rate of change of velocity
Pecutan Kadar perubahan halaju
Distance The total length of the path travelled
Jarak Jumlah panjang lintasan yang dilalui
Displacement Displacement is the shortest distance from one point to
Sesaran another point along a specific direction
Jarak terpendek dari satu titik ke titik yang lain mengikut
satu arah tertentu
Inertia The tendency of an object to resist change to its state of rest
or motion.
Sifat semulajadi sesuatu objek yang menentang perubahan
kepada keadaan asalnya sama ada pegun atau bergerak

List of physics terms Modul Pecutan Akhir SPM 2009
Bahagian Pendidikan Teknik dan Vokasional


Newtons First law An object will remain at rest or motion with uniform
Hukum Pertama Newton velocity along a straight line unless it is acted upon by an
external force.
Suatu objek akan berada dalam keadaan pegun atau
gerakan dengan halaju seragam sepanjang garis lurus
kecuali dikenakan satu daya luar
Newtons Second law The net force on an object is proportional to the rate of
Hukum Kedua Newton change in momentum.
Daya bersih pada suatu objek berkadar terus dengan kadar
perubahan momentum
Newtons Third law To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
Hukum Ketiga Newton Bagi setiap tindakan terdapat satu tindakbalas yang
mempunyai magnitud yang sama dan bertindak pada arah
yang bertentangan.
Momentum The product of mass and velocity of an object
Momentum Hasil darab jisim dengan halaju bagi suatu objek
Principle of conservation of The total momentum of a system is constant if no external
momentum forces act on the system.
Prinsip keabadian momentum Jumlah momentum suatu system adalah tetap jika tiada
daya bertindak pada sistem itu.
Force A push or a pull that can change the size, shape or velocity
Daya of an object.
Suatu tolakan atau tarikan yang boleh mengubah saiz,
bentuk atau halaju suatu objek
Impulse Change of momentum.
Impuls Perubahan momentum
Impulsive force A large force that acts for a short period of time during a
Daya impuls collision or explosion
Daya yang besar yang bertindak untuk masa yang pendek
semasa suatu perlanggaran atau letupan
Weight The force of gravity which is exerted on it by earth.
Berat Daya tindakan gravity ke atas suatu jasad.
Mass The amount of matter in the object.
Jisim Jumlah kuantiti jirim di dalam suatu objek.
Free fall Free fall occurs when an object falling under the force of
Jatuh bebas gravity only without being affected by any other external
Jatuh bebas berlaku apabila suatu objek jatuh disebabkan
oleh daya gravity sahaja tanpa kesan daripada sebarang
daya luar.
Work The product of force and the displacement along the
Kerja direction of the force
Hasil darab daya dengan sesaran dalam arah daya itu.
Energy The capacity to do work.
Tenaga Keupayaan melakukan kerja.

List of physics terms Modul Pecutan Akhir SPM 2009
Bahagian Pendidikan Teknik dan Vokasional


Gravitational field The region in which an object experiences a force due to
Medan graviti gravitational attraction.
Kawasan di mana suatu objek mengalami daya yang
disebabkan oleh tarikan graviti
Potential energy The energy of an object because of its position.
Tenaga keupayaan Tenaga yang dimiliki oleh suatu objek disebabkan oleh
Elastic potential energy The energy of an object when it is stretched or compressed
Tenaga keupayaan kenyal Tenaga yang dimiliki oleh objek yang diregang atau
Kinetic energy The energy of an object due to its motion
Tenaga kinetik Tenaga yang dimiliki oleh suatu jasad disebabkan oleh
The principle of conservation Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can be
of energy transformed from one form to another, but the total energy
Prinsip keabadian momentum in a closed system is constant.
Tenaga tidak boleh dicipta atau dimusnahkan tetapi boleh
berubah bentuk ke bentuk yang lain. Jumlah tenaga di
dalam suatu system tertutup adalah tetap.
Power The rate at which work is done or energy is transferred.
Kuasa Kadar melakukan kerja atau pemindahan tenaga.
Elasticity The property of an object that enables it to return to its
Kekenyalan original shape and dimensions (size) after an applied
external force is removed.
Keupayaan bahan untuk kembali ke bentuk dan saiz asalnya
apabila tindakan daya yang dikenakan dialihkan.
Hookes law The extension of a spring is directly proportional to the
Hukum Hooke stretching force provided the elastic limit is not exceeded.
Pemanjangan spring adalah berkadar terus dengan daya
regangan dengan syarat had kenyal tidak dilampaui.
Elastic limit The elastic limit of a spring is the maximum stretching force
Had kenyal which can be applied to the spring before it ceases to be
Had kenyal suatu spring adalah daya maksimum yang
boleh dikenakan pada spring itu sebelum ia hilang
Force constant (spring The force constant of a spring is the force per unit
constant) extension.
Pemalar daya (pemalar Pemalar daya spring ialah daya per unit pemanjangan

List of physics terms Modul Pecutan Akhir SPM 2009
Bahagian Pendidikan Teknik dan Vokasional



Pressure The force acting perpendicularly on unit area of a surface.
Tekanan Daya yang bertindak secara normal pada seunit luas
Atmospheric Pressure The pressure which is caused by the weight of the thick
Tekanan Atmosfera layer of air (atmosphere) above the earths surface.
Tekanan yang disebabkan oleh lapisan tebal udara di atas
permukaan bumi.
Archimedes principle An object that is completely or partially immersed in a
Prinsip Archimedes fluid is acted on by a buoyant force which is equal to the
weight of the displaced fluid.
Objek yang direndam atau separa rendam dalam suatu
bendalir akan dikenakan oleh satu daya julangan yang
sama dengan berat bendalir yang tersesar oleh jasad itu.
Bernoullis principle In a steady flow of a fluid, the pressure of the fluid
Prinsip Bernoulli decreases when the velocity of the fluid increases.
Dalam suatu pengaliran bendalir yang mantap, tekanan
bendalir itu berkurang apabila laju pengaliran
Pascal's principle The pressure applied on the surface of an enclosed liquid
Prinsip Pascal is transmitted uniformly throughout the liquid
Tekanan yang dikenakan pada permukaan suatu cecair
akan dipindahkan dengan seragam ke seluruh cecair.
Law of flotation The weight of an object floating on the surface of a liquid
Hukum apungan is equal to the weight of the liquid displaced by the object.
Berat objek yang terapung adalah sama dengan berat
cecair yang disesarkan
Hydrometer An instrument that measures the relative density of
Hidrometer liquids.
Alat untuk mengukur ketumpatan relatif cecair.

List of physics terms Modul Pecutan Akhir SPM 2009
Bahagian Pendidikan Teknik dan Vokasional



Temperature The degree of hotness of an object
Suhu Darjah kepanasan suatu objek.
Heat Energy transferred from hot object to a colder object.
Haba Tenaga yang dipindahkan dari objek yang panas ke objek
yang lebih sejuk.
Thermal equilibrium Two objects are in thermal equilibrium when the net rate
Keseimbangan terma of heat transfer between them is zero.
Dua objek berada dalam keseimbangan terma apabila
tiada pemindahan bersih haba antaranya
Heat capacity The heat capacity of an object is the quantity of heat
Muatan haba energy required to increase its temperature by 1oC.
Muatan haba adalah kuantiti haba yang diperlukan untuk
menaikkan suhu objek itu sebanyak 1oC.
Specific heat capacity The quantity of heat energy required to increase the
Muatan haba tentu temperature of 1 kg of the substance by 1 oC or 1 K.
Kuantiti haba yang diperlukan untuk menaikkan suhu 1
kg bahan sebanyak 1 C atau 1 K.
Latent heat The heat absorbed or the heat released at constant
Haba pendam temperature during a change of phase.
Haba yang diserap atau dikeluarkan pada suhu yang
malar semasa perubahan fasa.
Specific latent heat The amount of heat energy required to change the phase
Haba pendam tentu of 1 kg of the substance at a constant temperature.
Kuantiti haba yang diperlukan untuk mengubah
1 kg bahan dari satu keadaan fizikal ke keadaan yang
Specific latent heat of fusion The quantity of heat energy required to change 1 kg of the
Haba pendam tentu pelakuran substance from solid to liquid without a change in
Kuantiti haba yang diperlukan untuk mengubah
1 kg bahan dari pepejal ke cecair tanpa perubahan suhu.
Specific latent heat of The quantity of heat energy required to change 1 kg of the
vaporisation substance from liqiud to gas without a change in
Haba pendam tentu temperature.
pengewapan Kuantiti haba yang diperlukan untuk menggubah
1 kg bahan dari cecair ke gas tanpa perubahan suhu.
Boiling A process where a liquid changes to vapour at a constant
Pendidihan temperature known as the boiling point.
Proses di mana cecair berubah menjadi wap pada suhu
tetap yang dikenali sebagai takat didih.
Boyles law The pressure of a fixed mass of gas is inversely
Hukum Boyle proportional to its volume provided the temperature of the
gas is kept constant.
Tekanan bagi suatu jisim tetap gas berkadar songsang
dengan isipadu apabila suhu adalah tetap.

List of physics terms Modul Pecutan Akhir SPM 2009
Bahagian Pendidikan Teknik dan Vokasional


Charles Law The volume of a fixed mass of gas is directly proportional
Hukum Charles to its absolute temperature provided the pressure of the
gas is kept constant.
Isipadu suatu jisim tetap gas berkadar terus dengan suhu
mutlaknya apabila tekanan gas itu dikekalkan tetap
Pressure law The pressure of a fixed mass of gas is directly
Hukum Tekanan proportional to its absolute temperature provided the
volume of the gas is kept constant.
Tekanan suatu jisim tetap gas berkadar terus dengan suhu
mutlaknya apabila isipadu gas itu dikekalkan tetap



Reflection of light Reflection of light occurs when a light ray is incident on a
Pantulan cahaya mirror and changes its direction of propagation
Pantulan cahaya berlaku apabila suatu sinar cahaya
ditujukan pada suatu cermin dan arah perambatannya
Laws of reflection 1 The incident ray, reflected ray and the normal at the
Hukum pantulan cahaya point of incidence all lie in the same plane.
2 The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of
1 Sinar tuju, sinar pantulan dan garis normal di titik
tuju berada pada satah yang sama.
2 Sudut tuju sama dengan sudut pantulan
Refraction of light The change of direction of propagation light when it
Pembiasan cahaya crosses the boundary between two materials of different
optical densities.
Perubahan arah perambatan sinar cahaya apabila sinar
itu melintasi sempadan antara dua medium dengan
ketumpatan optik yang berlainan.
Laws of refraction 1 The incident ray, refracted ray and the normal at the
Hukum pembiasan point of incidence all lie in the same plane.
2 Snell's law : The ratio (sin i) / (sin r) is a constant.
1 Sinar tuju, sinar biasan dan garis normal di titik tuju
berada pada satah yang sama.
2 Nisbah (sin i) / (sin r) adalah suatu pemalar
Apparent depth The distance of the image formed by refraction from the
Dalam ketara surface of the water.
Jarak dari permukaan air ke imej yang dibentuk oleh
Real depth The distance of the object from the surface of the water.
Dalam nyata Jarak dari permukaan air ke objek

List of physics terms Modul Pecutan Akhir SPM 2009
Bahagian Pendidikan Teknik dan Vokasional


Total internal reflection Total internal reflection occurs when light travelling in a
Pantulan dalam penuh denser medium towards a less dense medium is totally
reflected when the angle of incidence exceeds the critical
Pantulan dalam penuh berlaku apabila cahaya yang
merambat dalam medium yang lebih tumpat kea rah
medium yang kurang tumpat dipantul sepenuhnya apabila
sudut tuju melebihi sudut genting
Critical angle The angle of incidence in the optically denser medium for
Sudut genting which the angle of refraction in the less dense medium is
Sudut tuju dalam medium lebih tumpat yang
menyebabkan sudut biasan dalam medium yang kurang
tumpat menjadi 90o

Convex lens Converges parallel light rays to a point

Kanta cembung Menumpukan sinar-sinar selari pada satu titik
Concave lens Diverges parallel light rays from a point.
Kanta cekung Mencapahkan sinar-sianr selari dari satu titik
Focal length The distance between the principal focus, F and the
Panjang fokus optical centre, O of a lens.
Jarak antara fokus utama, F, dan pusat optik suatu kanta



Wave motion Wave motion carries energy from one place to another
Perambatan gelombang place in a medium without the transfer of the particles
along the medium.
Wavefront A wavefront is a line or plane where the vibrations of
Muka Gelombang every point on it are in phase
Transverse wave A wave in which the vibration of particles in the medium
Gelombang Melintang is at perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the
Longitudinal wave A wave in which the vibration of particles in the medium
Gelombang Membujur is parallel to the direction of propagation of the wave.
Amplitude The maximum displacement from its equilibrium position.
Period The time taken to make one complete oscillation
Frequency, f The number of complete oscillations made by a vibrating
Frekuensi system in one second
One complete oscillation A complete oscillation may be referred as the movement
Satu ayunan lengkap of a vibrating system from one extreme position to the
other and back to the same position.
Wavelength, The wavelength is the distance between successive points
Panjang gelombang of the same phase in a wave.

List of physics terms Modul Pecutan Akhir SPM 2009
Bahagian Pendidikan Teknik dan Vokasional


Damping Damping occurs when an oscillating system loses energy
Pelembapan due to frictional forces.
Forced oscillation Forced oscillation occurs when a system oscillates under
Ayunan paksa the influence of an external driving force.
Natural frequency The frequency of a system when it oscillates freely.
Frekuensi asli
Resonance Resonance occurs when a system oscillates at the
Resonans maximum amplitude when the driving frequency is equal
to the natural frequency of the system.
Reflection of waves Reflection of waves is the change in direction of
Pantulan gelombang propagation when a wave strikes an obstacle.
Incident waves The waves moving towards an obstacle.
Gelombang Tuju
Reflected wave The wave which has undergone a change in direction of
Gelombang Pantulan propagation after reflection.
Angle of incidence The angle between the direction of propagation of the
Sudut Tuju incident wave and the normal
Angle of reflection The angle between the direction of propagation of
Sudut pantulan reflected wave and the normal.
Law of Reflection The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection
Hukum Pantulan
Refraction of waves Refraction is the change of direction of propagation when
Pembiasan Gelombang the speed of a wave changes as it moves from one
medium to another
Diffraction of wave Diffraction of waves is the spreading of waves as they
Pembelauan Gelombang pass through an aperture or around the edge of an obstacle
Principle of superposition The sum of the displacements of all the component waves
Prinsip superposisi at the point.
Coherent waves Waves of the same frequency and are in phase.
Gelombang Koheren
Interference Superposition of two coherent waves constructively or
Interferens destructively
Constructive interference Occurs when two waves that are in phase superimpose
Interferens membina to produce a wave with crests and troughs of maximum
Destructive interference Occurs when two waves that are out of phase superimpose
Interferens memusnah to produce zero resultant amplitude
Antinode A point where constructive interference occurs.
Node A point where destructive interference occurs.
Sound wave Sounds are longitudinal waves produced by vibrations
Gelombang bunyi such as the vibrations of the diaphragm of a loudspeaker,
guitar string and tuning fork.
Loudness The intensity of a sound as heard by an observer (depends
Kenyaringan on the amplitude of the sound)

List of physics terms Modul Pecutan Akhir SPM 2009
Bahagian Pendidikan Teknik dan Vokasional


Pitch The pitch of the sound is an indication of the sharpness of
Kelangsingan a sound (depends on the frequency of the sound)
SONAR Sound Navigation and Ranging (SONAR) is a system
used to detect underwater objects or to determine the
depth of the water by means of an echo.
Electromagnetic waves Electromagnetic waves are propagating waves in space
Gelombang elektromagnet with electric and magnetic components.



Current Current is the rate of flow of electric charge
Ampere, A SI unit of current
Coulomb, C A unit of charge
Electric field An electric field is a region where an electric force acts on
Medan elektrik a particle with an electric charge.
Potential Difference Potential difference is defined as the work done to move a
Beza keupayaan unit of charge from one point to another in an electric
Ohms Law The electric current flowing through a conductor is
Hukum Ohm directly proportional to the potential difference across the
ends of the conductor, if the temperature and other
physical dimensions remain constant.
Ohmic Conductor Material which obey Ohms Law
Konduktor Ohm
Non Ohmic Conductor Material which do not obey Ohms Law
Konduktor bukan Ohm
Resistance Resistance is defined as (potential difference)/(current)
Effective Resistance The effective resistance is the combined resistance in the
Rintangan berkesan circuit.
Electromotive Force (e.m.f) The total energy supplied by a cell when one unit of
Daya gerak elektrik (d.g.e.) charge flows through the cell.
Internal Resistance The resistance within a cell due to its electrolyte or
Rintangan dalam electrodes
Electrical Energy Energy supplied by a source of electricity (cell / battery)
Tenaga elektrik when current flows in a closed circuit.
Power Power is the rate of transfer of electrical energy
Power Rating The power rating of an appliance denotes the rate at which
Kadar kuasa it consumes electrical energy at a certain voltage

List of physics terms Modul Pecutan Akhir SPM 2009
Bahagian Pendidikan Teknik dan Vokasional



Electromagnet An electromagnet is a device in which magnetism is
Elektromagnet produced by an electric current. It is a temperory magnet.
It acts as a magnet when the current is flow and ceases to
be a magnet when the current is switched off.
Magnetic field A magnetic field is a region in which a magnetic materials
Medan magnet experiences a force.
Catapult field The resultant field produced when a straight wire carries a
Medan lastik current in a uniform magnetic field.
Direct current motor A direct current motor is used to convert electrical energy
Motor arus terus into rotational kinetic energy.
Electromagnetic induction The production of an electromotive force in a conductor
Aruhan elektromagnet due to a changing magnetic flux.
Induced e.m.f. An emf produced in a conductor when there is a changing
D.g.e. teraruh magnetic flux or cutting of magnetic flux by the conductor
Induced current Induced current is produced in a circuit when there is a
Arus teraruh changing magnetic flux or cutting of magnetic flux by a
Faraday's law The magnitude of the induced e.m.f is directly
Hukum Faraday proportional to the rate at which a conductor cuts through
the magnetic flux.
Lenz's law Lenz's Law state that an induced electric current always
Hukum Lenz flows in such a direction as to oppose the change in
magnetic flux.
Direct current Current which flows in one direction.
Arus terus
Alternating current Current which flows back and forth in two opposite
Arus ulang alik directions
Transformer A device which steps up or steps down the voltage of an
Transformer alternating current.
Step-up transformer A transformer that steps up voltage
Transformer injak naik
Step-down transformer A transformer that steps down voltage
Transformer injak turun
Ideal transformer A transformer where the output power is equal to the input
Transformer unggul power and the efficiency is 100%
Transmission of electricity The transmission of electricity from the power station to
Penghantaran elektrik consumers (industries and residential areas) by electric
National Grid Network The national grid is a network of electrical cables
Rangkaian Grid Nasional connecting electrical power stations to consumers of

List of physics terms Modul Pecutan Akhir SPM 2009
Bahagian Pendidikan Teknik dan Vokasional



Thermionic emission A process of emitting electrons from a hot metal surface.
Pemancaran termionik
Cathode ray A beam of fast moving, high energy electrons
Sinar katod
Semiconductor Materials whose resistance is between those of good
Semikonduktor conductors and good insulators.
Doping The process of adding a small amount of impurities into
Pendopan the semiconductors.
n-type semiconductor Semiconductor where the majority charge carriers are free
Semikonduktor jenis-n electrons
p-type semiconductor Semiconductor where the majority charge carriers are
Semikonduktor jenis-p holes
Semiconductor diode A p-n junction device which conducts current in one
Diod semikonduktor direction only
Forward-biased A diode is forward biased when the p-end is connected to
Pincang ke hadapan the positive terminal of the battery and the n-end is
connected to the negative terminal of the battery.
Reverse-biased A diode is reverse biased when the p-end is connected to
Pincang songsang the negative terminal of the battery and the n-end is
connected to the positive terminal of the battery.
Rectification To convert alternating current into direct current using
Rektifikasi diodes
Half-wave rectification The process of rectification using a diode which allows
Rektifikasi separuh gelombang current flow in half of a cycle.
Full-wave rectification The process of rectification using four diodes to allow
Rektifikasi penuh gelombang current to flow in a complete cycle and in the same
Smoothing Capacitor A capacitor that is used to smoothen the output voltage of
Kapasitor perata a rectification process
n-p-n transistor A transistor which consists of a layer of p-type
Transistor n-p-n semiconductor sandwiched between two layers of n-type
p-n-p transistor A transistor which consists of a layer of n-type
Transistor p-n-p semiconductor sandwiched between two layers of p-type
Logic gate A logic gate is an electronic switch with one or more
Get logik inputs and only one output.
Truth table A truth table shows the results of every possible output
Jadual kebenaran given every possible input.
AND gate A logic gate where the output is 1 only when both inputs
Get DAN are 1
NOT gate A logic gate that inverts the input
Or gate A logic gate where the Output is 1 except when both
Get ATAU inputs are 0

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Bahagian Pendidikan Teknik dan Vokasional



Nucleus The small core of the atoms which contains the protons
Nukleus and neutrons
Nucleon Protons and neutrons
Proton number, Z The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom
Nombor proton
Nucleon number, A The total number of protons and neutrons in an atom.
Nombor nucleon
Nuclide A nuclide is one type of nucleus with a particular proton
Nuklid number and a particular nucleon number.
Isotope Atoms of an element which have the same proton number
Isotop but different nucleon numbers
Radioisotope Isotopes with unstable nuclei
Radioactivity Radioactivity is the spontaneous disintegration of unstable
Radioaktiviti nucleus into a more stable nucleus with the random
emission of radiation.
Radioactive decay Radioactive decay is a process where an unstable nucleus
Reputan radioaktif becomes a more stable nucleus by emitting radiation
Alpha decay A radioactive decay where an alpha particle is emitted
Reputan alfa
Beta decay A radioactive decay where a beta particle is emitted
Reputan beta
Gamma decay A radioactive decay where gamma rays are emitted
Reputan gama
Half life The time taken for mass or activity of a radioactive
Setengah hayat substance to become half its original value
Atomic mass unit (a.m.u) The atomic mass unit (a.m.u) is used to measure the
Unit jisim atom masses of atomic particles.
Nuclear fission A process involving the splitting of a heavy nucleus into
Pembelahan nuklear two lighter nuclei and several neutrons at the same time
Chain reaction A chain reaction is a self-sustaining reaction in which the
Tindak balas berantai neutrons produced in a reaction can initiate another
similar reaction.
Nuclear fusion Nuclear fusion is the combining of two lighter nuclei to
Pelakuran nuklear form a heavier nucleus
Nuclear reactor A nuclear reactor produces tremendous amount of energy
Reaktor nuklear through nuclear fission.


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