Ladder of Inference

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As I was reading about the assignment, it was really hard to choose a certain conflict to start a
deep critical analysis on it. I thought this was due to (may be) I am living a peaceful life free of
such problems which may need this kind of analysis. However, after going through the articles
about problem solving tools and thinking about them deeply and thoroughly, I discovered that it
is not that I do not have complex problems, I am not used to using problem solving and critical
thinking techniques before (Joe Lau, Jonathan Chan, 2017). Thus, I am grateful to learn and
practice such important techniques here.

A conflict:
A new controversial topic has aroused here in my country when a representative from the
parliament suggested a new law, to penalize any citizen who will name his new born babies by
foreign names. The penalty is up to 1000 pounds and 6 Months at prison. And, yes, I am not
joking! Does that law is a real necessity that the country needs and it is built on facts and good
reasons or it is a ridiculous law that only suppress personal freedom?

In this assignment, I would like to get a deep analysis from the representatives view , applying
the Ladder of inference technique (The Ladder of Inference). Thus we can analyze the real
problem, whether the representative is jumping to an action or not. I will also use the 5 whys
technique (5 Whys) to deepen the analysis.

Identifying the process on the ladder:

The ladder of inference represents the thinking process that we go through. It is consisting of 7
process: Reality and Facts, Selected Reality, Interpreted reality, Assumptions, Conclusions,
Beliefs and Actions. (The Ladder of Inference).

In our case, it is clear that the representative is suggesting an action that should be built on
other six stages of thinking process. Are there facts, reality, good interpretation, plausible
assumptions, deductive conclusions and plausible beliefs to get to this action to reach that
action or not? Let us find out. But first, let us look at the representatives words and reasons
before deeply analyzing the situation.

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