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Be an Inspiration to millions

I believe that everyone faces challenges in life. Some of it causes us fear and
discomfort as were being push to move forward in bigger ways. Challenges are part of our
daily lives. God gave us challenges to make us stronger. It is often our most challenging
moments in life that offer us the greatest opportunities to grow and expand. Sometimes
we want magic to solve our problems right away. But what if this challenges can be the
windows to bigger opportunities? Let me tell you about some inspiring story of a boy who
became an inspiration to millions.
Imagine being born with no arms. No arms to wrap around a friend; no hands to
hold the ones you love; no fingers to experience touch; no way to lift or carry things. How
much more difficult would life be if you were living without arms and hands? Or what about
legs. Imagine if instead of no arms, you had no legs. No ability to dance, walk, run or even
stand. Now put both of those scenarios together no arms and no legs. What would you
do? I know you have a little idea of this boy whom I talking about. His name was Nick
Vujicic, who was born with no arms and no legs. Despite of his condition he didnt let this
stop him from living his life and conquering challenges probably more than anyone else.
Nick Vujicic experienced being bullied in school. He even attempted suicide at the age of
10 after he was once badly bullied. He asked God why it should be him. At the age of 15,
Vujicic realized God did have a plan for him, though he didnt know what that plan was,
he said he needed to give that plan a chance. Nick Vujicic is now a certified accountant
and the CEO of Life without Limbs a non government agency that motivates and
inspires people from all over the world, proving that he did not let his disabilities stop him
from living his life and achieving his dreams. Remember his saying The challenges in our
lives are there to strengthen our convictions. They are not there to run over us.
Be persistence and be brave enough to overcome challenges because we dont
grow when things are easy. Remember that the moment you give up is the moment you
fail. There are important lessons to be learned from every challenges you have conquered,
or failed at. I was motivated how Vujicic overcome and turn his challenges into an
opportunity to inspire millions of people by his story and Im one of it. I strongly believe
that all of us can overcome and turn our challenges to bigger opportunities. If you fail
never surrender it just a sign that you are not perfect learn to start over again.


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