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Code Effect

PEPPERONI PIZZA 1000 food bonus

COINAGE 1000 gold bonus

QUARRY 1000 stone bonus

WOODSTOCK 1000 wood bonus

UPSIDFLINTMOBILE Accelerates your Chariot Archers

DIEDIEDIE All enemy units die

BIGDADDY black sports car with a rocket launcher

STEROIDS Buildings and units are created instantly

King Arthur Changes all birds into Dragons

PHOTON MAN Create a guy in a white suit with a quick- fire laser gun

E=MC2 TROOPER Creates a guy in a white suit with a slow- firing nuke gun

Big Momma Creates a White Sports Car

POW Creates baby with rocket launcher

Stormbilly Creates some sort of walker

GAIA Gives you control over nature (but lose control over your own civilization)

KILLX Kill player X

HOYOHOYO Priests are faster and stronger

NO FOG Removes the fog of war

REVEAL MAP Reveals the map

MEDUSA Transforms villagers to Medusas

DARK RAIN Turns a Bowman into a Composite Bowman which turns into a tree when not moving

BIG BERTHA Turns Heavy Catapults into Big Berthas

Code Effect

BLACK RIDER Turns Horse Archers into Black Riders

FLYING DUTCHMAN Upgrade your Catapult Tiremes/Juggernauts into Flying Dutchmen

die die die Win the battle

HARI KARI You lose the game

RESIGN You resign

HOME RUN You win the game

ICBM Your Ballistas and Helepolis have a 99+1 range

JACK BE NIMBLE Your catapults and stone throwers fire villagers, cows, etc.

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