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AxiUm Training


- click on name tab; only pulls up assigned patients

- Once patient is selected, access to insurance company in their patient card
- Folder on right = patient card; includes a lot of information. Most importantly it will give you

appointment history of the patient. Quick way of accessing appointment status of patient.
o Paperclip is any attachments in the record. (Access via patient attachments on main

Tabs: Consultations, consent forms, letters, financial, referrals, clinical info, non
axiom records, audits, ortho.
This is where you would access letters both to and from patients.
o Note with blue phone next to paperclip; notes made by front desk and automatic


- Patient options. Allows you to organize what is visible. May want to add mobile number
into it; talk to front desk to have it added. We cant add anything to patient card.
- Quick access to patient records: To remind yourself to get note signed off, double click on
patients name. They will show up on right hand column. If you check the box next to their name
they will stay in the right hand column until you uncheck the box. Helps you keep track of any
pending things. Once you are done, just unclick the box. End of the day, axiUm clears anything
not checked off. Allows quick access to that record.
- If a student is assigned to a patient and there is an asterix, means that student is the primary

Personal Planner Icon

- Click assigned patient and click search . Gives list of all patients assigned to you.
- Unapproved tab is very important; everything must be approved by faculty. Must be on top of
getting unapproved items signed off
o Can sort it by patient. Click on patient name tab it is sorted by that. Can sort by date or
type. Best is to sort by patient. If you highlight patients name, right click, select patient
it will take you to patient chart.
o Periodically check this list; weekly basis
- Assigned forms tab, hit search.
o Sort by description, can see treatment plan audits send back to student that need to be
- Overdue pts tab
o Every patient has to be seen once every 45 days, there are times a patient cannot come
in within 45 day window. PCCs responsible for booking in a timely manner. If recall
patient, they may show up on the list, but are sorted as recall so that is ok.
o Excuses = they go away for the winter, you are waiting for a medical consult.
o If recall patient has caries, PCCs will update from recall to active status

How to plan a code, complete it, and how recall shows up

- Enter EHR
o Plus sign, create a new record,

double click
o Procedure tab at bottom
o Dental treatments circle
o Full list tab
o Search for category you are looking
for (i.e., diagnostics, preventive,
restorative, etc.)
o Ex. Diagnostics; clinical oral
evaluation tab, periodic oral

o Select and click planned

o Blue means unapproved
o To get it approved, click on the blue number at the bottom of the screen. A window will

pop up with all of the unapproved items

(Patient Approvals window)
o Under details; NEVER CHANGE DISCIPLINE. The only thing you will change is the location.

- Tx History tab
o Most recall
should have
periodic oral
eval and
prophy. If its
not there, add
it as we
above and
contact PCC so
they can
approve it.
o After saw patient and completed procedure, click on
the planned procedure
o Check it is the right provider and date of service
o Change status to completed, never touch discipline, only change location.
o Once you press OK, for recall it will automatically show up, enter recall code (ex 03M)
o Multiple codes are tied to it. If complete periodic exam and prophy, just add it once and
X out the second one because dont want a second one.
o Recall status should be UNSCHE
o Clinic area should be left blank

o When all fields appropriate, click folder with plus

Double click on recall under TX History (ex. L. Manley 06M RC in green font), verify that it is correct and
the clinic is blank.

- If you X out by mistake, you can right click the patient in rolodex and click Patient recalls and
the recall window should show up.
- Students can not delete or modify, we can only add recalls.

NOTE: The methods should be used for planned recall codes or simple restorations. Students in general
should not use the Tx History tab to plan anything. We will be using the Tx Plan tab which we will use in
the Tx Planning Course.

Requesting an appointment
- Call patient, identify when you are available, chair is available, patient is available. Right click,
add planned appointment.
o Look up chairs:

Go to scheduler
Click on chair tab

and check 1North; if dont see chairs, check UConn Dental

If you need to book out of discipline, must be approved by Dr.
Lepowsky, Dr. Shree, Dr. Duncan, or PCCs. NOT the faculty on duty
that day.
Look for multiple dates; chairs will be assigned in order of request, so you may
not be able to get the chair you request. But once it is booked in the system into
your schedule, call the patient and confirm that it works for them.
Can toggle between your weekly schedule and the chair availability for the same
- Choose discipline under Tx discipline (i.e SPERIO or SPROSTH), apt code is 3hr
- Make sure clinic is blank
- If partials or CD, choose SPROSTH. Choose discipline that best suits needs of patient.
- Example Note: Schedule 8/2/17 at 9am in perio
- Hit Accept

If planning on doing an operative, right click, add planned apt, same screen shows up. Status will be a P
instead of an RC.

- The appointment should show up in your schedule in about 24-48 hours. If it still doesnt show
up, ask the front desk.

- Make it a habit to call your patient the day before and remind them of their appointment.
- (if you call a patient and they didnt answer and you left a message, you can put that in a note
we need to document contact notes if there is an issue contacting them that may lead to a letter
or inactivation of a patient).

If a patient cancels and calls you to tell you

- You must contact the front desk and let them know.
- Write a note in the chart that the patient called
- If the patient calls the front desk, it will show up as an X on your schedule.

Booking in OMFS
- Physically go to the oral surgery clinic, tell the front desk staff there. I have a patient that needs
to be schedule on such and such a date and they will book the patient for you.
- Only one you dont add a planned appointment. It wont get booked if you do.

- Go to tool box , instead of chair, select book, hit accept. Then

go up to the book with arrow , click on OMFS clinic, then click active window and can see
oral surgery schedule.

Blocking out with your night clinic credits

- Amail all PCCs just in case

- Date and session you want blocked out
- They will check database and block you out accordingly
- Shows up in royal blue

Audit with PCCs

- Enter EHR
- Planned under planned tab on right
- Completed under completed tab on right
- If they want to see notes there is a notes tab
- Narrow down your search based on these different
- If go to notes tab and scroll up, can look at what
was done on a specific date.
- These just help so you arent scrolling through the
entire patient record.
- Notes are not in chronological order; they are in
the date they were approved so be careful when
- Everything tab; everything done in axiUm has a
digital footprint. Nothing is ever deleted. If you scroll through you can see everything including
planned codes, assessments, things that were deleted (this tab is used by faculty but not as
much by us)
- Station view; shows mostly the same things but not the deleted things. Most students use this
- Conditions Preexisting; any charting that is done for the patient in the odontogram will show up
under pre-existing conditions.
o If you hit site, it will show you tooth by tooth what was charted for this patient.
o A = assessment
o E = Existing


- Envelope on the bottom of screen

o Blue = unread emails
o Red = high priority email; first email that shows up

- Send to groups; click plus box

o Click ellipses
o Example PCC
- Have a folder from Dr. Sree and from your PCC

- Out of Office:
o So your PCCs know that you are not here. (Do this on both your Amail and Email and
who to contact if that is the case)

o Click

Operative AxiUm

- Competency assessment forms will be here

Go to forms tab, click on , drop down menu: Caries risk assessment form and caries competency
assessment narrative. This is the form you use before doing competency assessment. Only form that
doesnt need to be approved. Want to have this competency before you do a caries removal to describe
the caries; clinical finding, how far into DEJ, radiographic lucency, how far is it extending into tooth
structure etc. could be clinical or clinical and radiographic or just radiographic findings.

Ask faculty to fill out evaluation form

under Evaluations.

Discipline: SOPER

Can add CARREM for competency under


Add a treatment note:

Code: GEN1 (click ellipses next to code, click plus sign next to General, double click General.

Medical History

EHR Forms tab

, drop down menu: MEDHX

If patient has been in before, go in and review the medical history. Whenever you see a patient if there
are changes to the medhx you are going to update it. If patient has never been here before you can add
the MEDHX.

There are a few questions that are absolutely mandatory to fill out; everything above physician line

- Take vitals and click on the line and fill it in

- Ask patient for height and weight; if they refuse you have to indicate it via the dropdown menu

When it comes down to the physician line;

- Do you see a physician on a regular basis? based on what they answer, maybe they see PCP or
cardiologist etc, try to get all of the names of their providers.
- Update it in a way you know what specialty the physician is, their name, their phone number
and their location.
- The remaining questions should either be a yes or no. Dont leave anything blank.
- Differentiate between true allergy and adverse reaction, so document what the reaction was
- Use popup boxes to get detailed medical hx of patient
- Once youve filled out all the allergies/adverse reactions, this is the only form that patient signs
o Patient signs for medical history
o Once you have filled out the form, go over it again with your patient and it must be
signed chairside.
o Click Sig. Required

Hard/Soft Tissue tab (under forms)

- Dont leave blank

- If there are lymphnodes, where they were, how big they were. A lot of these have popup boxes
where you can add more information. Make sure when you document lesions you are very
specific and detailed.

- This form needs to be signed off with faculty who did exam with you. Must be doctor who was
with you.

Detailed MedHx/ROS tab under forms

- Nothing can be left blank here

ASA/Med Mgmt tab under

- IMPORTANT. Pull out

the most important
things. It doesnt
populate on its own.
- Concise info on the
different medical
problems the patient
has and how you are
going to manage them
in your care.

- Ex: ASA Classification = ASA III

o Significant Medical Problems: Diabetes type II, ex smoker, hx of alcoholism, high
o Medical consult needed? Y
o Any recommendations for medical management? Y
Details; monitor vitals at every visit, monitor blood sugar control, AM apts
preferable, ensure pt eats before apts and follow up on HgbA1c periodically
8-14-15: Reviewed med consult from MD. Last HgbA1c 7.2 (7-8-15) on
oral medications for DM management.
Ask patient did you eat? Did you take your medicine?
If patient on Coumadin; what is the INR?
Medical emergency can happen at any time. Need to know patients medical
history and how to treat them safely. So you need to ask the patient all these
things and then where are you going to document it? In your progress notes
(part of the ATEN of your progress notes).
- Dont use cleared for dental care from medical provider. You are the provider. You make the
decision is it safe to provide care.
- For every problem listed, if there is any recommendation for medical management it must be
listed. Put the date of the consult and any information gleaned from the consult goes here too.
o You cannot treat your patient until you hear back. If you dont hear back, contact office
and make sure they received it.
o No patient should be appointed unless consult is sent back; sometimes they send back a
consult that doesnt answer the questions we have, so the consult must be reviewed and
approved (sometimes have to send another) before seeing patient.
o If medical consult pending you can send a letter to patient informing them you are
unable to contact their doctor (sometimes they can call and get them to contact you)
Dental Hx tab

- Another important form to fill out


- Dont normally fill this out, but if patient has abnormal occlusion it is good to document it in this

Radiographic Findings

- What you took, why you took it, and what you saw; put this in your progress note AND
radiographic findings tab
- Dont do findings tooth by tooth; instead scroll to the bottom and under the tab Any Other
Radiographic Variations from Normal if you click Y, there will be a popup box and that is where
you put the info.
o List the radiograph you are reviewing, date they were taken, and who you reviewed
them with
o Presence or absence of bone loss, pathology, periapical radiolucency

- So document in progress notes, but also

expected to put in the radiographic findings tab
- Even if took radiograph and everything looks great, must still document that you read the film
(just say WNL)
- What you took, why you took it and what you saw, no matter what!
- Any radiograph taken must be reviewed with faculty and anything noted must be put in
- Do not put anything in differential diagnosis
- Do not delete anything previously listed; just add to it.

this button can show history of all forms.

Anything you put in your forms, your patients can potentially have access to. Be OBJECTIVE.

ADJRQ (Adjustment Request Form); if requesting educational waiver or redo a restoration.


- Click OK
- Double click Please fill in the following spreadsheet:
- Redo; if you did a procedure and it failed
- Redress: if you planned
to do post and core and charged
them, but then faculty says you
should extract.

- Narrative justification
for fee adjustment; explain why you want the fee waiver.

- Once done filling everything out, click on the running man

o Status: INITIAL
o Click ellipses, search for faculty and hit OK

Im going to talk to my clinic director about that and Ill get back to you. NEVER TALK FINANCES WITH
THEM, NEVER SAY OH YEAH WE WILL DO THAT FOR FREE. You need to fill out the form and then discuss
it with Dr. Sree and then you can decide how to talk to the patient.

- If you are doing a REDO; patient is in the chair and having pain, do this process, send it to Dr.
Sree, but before treating patient, come talk to Dr. Sree. If appropriate she will tell you.
- Dr. Sree is usually in her office or in clinic. Ask PCCs if you cant find her.
- If you have a patient in pain, you do not let the patient walk in pain, you dont want them leaving
here in pain. If they come in with a filling out, Dr. Sree is busy, we always take care of the patient,
wont just let them go. Talk to your faculty.

Caries Risk Assessment and Perio Risk Assessment (to be discussed in operative and perio courses)

- When initially treat patient

- When do OHM
- Phase I re-eval, Phase II re-eval
- ^^all these things you will add a new one of these forms.

- Click and select the forms from the dropdown form

- If patient has no active or history of periodontitis, you want to list it first under
risk/management. Dont list it again under active
periodontitis! It is one or the other. Either they have
active or no active, and risk/management is chosen

Whenever you do a phase 1 or phase 2 re-eval:

- 3 forms to be filled out; click on and select the individual forms from dropdown menu:
o Periodontal risk assessment
o Caries risk assessment
o Assessment treatment outcome form
- However; Dont need to do a separate periodontal risk assessment form when doing periodic re-
eval because built into assessment of treatment outcome.

- Scroll down to Summary of Treatment
o Answer the questions; if
treatment plan has not been
completed, youll be able to fill
out an explanation as you
answer the remaining
questions.(When it asks are any
answers to any questions above
No, a popup shows up and
you can fill it out Example
more caries identified at phase
1 re-eval appointment
- Your faculty will approve this form chairside.

Whatever you are doing for your patient you HAVE TO HAVE A SIGNED PLANNED TX PLAN FOR THAT
PATIENT. Or you will pay out of pocket, so it has to be signed. It serves as both consent (IF YOU DONT
HAVE IT, IT IS CONSIDERED ASSAULT) and financial guarantee.

OMFR imaging request form

- Request a radiograph and faculty has to approve

- Click in forms tab

- Dropdown OMFRAD
- Have to fill out Selection criteria (signs and symptoms) to justify why you want to take it.
- Fill in faculty, your number, selection criteria, image requested
- Cant take a radiograph unless approved form

RPD Design Form

- Cannot treatment plan an RPD without an approved form here.

Screening form (SCRN)

- When a patient is initially screened, faculty or resident fills out a screening form that provides
basic info of a patients potential needs, assigned clinic, and any comments.
Every visit, the medical alerts have to be reviewed with the
patients to see if any changes. Right click the medical alert on
upper right hand side and click update medical alerts. Must
be done every single visit.

- Review everything; click review box: review medical

problems, review allergies.

- Alerts, problems, allergies need to be reviewed.
- 3Rs to be reviewed

Medications tab under Medical History

- Shows up for older patients, but for

new patients, to add medications, go to
the medication tab that is up higher.
- So the medication tab on the first line!

- Then click
- Then click AxiUm eRx
- It will bring you to a new window.
- First add allergies Manage Allergies in orange
- If dont find the drug under common allergies, you can search for it.
- Add pharmacy
o Hit [Change] next to Pharmacy
- Manage Meds in the orange at the top

- Ask for consent to review med hx

- Click on Med Hx

- And it will pull from the database for prescription history. Send a medical consult.
- Prescribe; click prescribe in the orange at top.
o Common drugs are listed under Favorites.
o Enter in details
o Get faculty signature and press send, and it will send to the pharmacy.
- When you add medications and send prescriptions they will show up in axium

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