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Updated as of 9 August 2017

By David H. Shinn
Adjunct Professor, Elliott School of International Affairs
George Washington University

I began this bibliography in 2006 and update it regularly. It now contains 234
pages. Most of the entries are in English. Names of mainland Chinese and Ethiopian
authors are alphabetized in accordance with the custom used in their countries. The URL
citations for those entries that have them may no longer be valid as the URLs tend to
migrate or disappear with annoying frequency. Typing the title of the item in quotes in a
Google search will usually locate it.

Aarsether, Aslaug. (2011) Chinese Colonialism or South-South Cooperation? The Case of

Chinese Resources for Infrastructure Contracts in Angola. MA thesis, University of
Bergen. See at
Accessed 12 January 2017.

Abdenur, Adriana Erthal. (2015) China in Africa, Viewed from Brazil, The Journal of
Asian Studies, 74 (2), 257-267.

Abdulai, David N. (2017) Chinese Investment in Africa: How African Countries Can
Position Themselves. New York: Routledge.

Abegunrin, Layi. (1983-1984) Soviet and Chinese Military Involvement in Southern

Africa, Current Bibliography in African Affairs, 16 (3), pp. 195-206.

Abraham, Saji. (2015) Chinas Role in the Indian Ocean: Its Implications on Indias
National Security. New Delhi: Vij Books.

Abu Taleb, Hassan. (2008) China and the Middle East: The Primacy of Economic
Objectives, El-Syassa El-Dawliya, issue 174 (October). See at Accessed 1
April 2009.

Acadmie Europenne de Gopolitique. (2011) Chinafrique, Avez-Vous Dit? Outre-

Terre: Revue Europenne de Gopolitique, no. 30 (full issue devoted to China-Africa

Achberger, Jessica Lynn. (2012) Forward with the Nation: Zambia, China, and the
West, 1960-1970, PhD dissertation, University of Texas. See at
2 Accessed 1 January


ACP Observatory on Migration. (2012) South-South Extraregional Migration: An

Overview of Emerging Trends, Background Note. See at www.acpmigration- Accessed 26 November 2012.

Adams, Carlton Jama. (2015) Structure and Agency: Africana Immigrants in China,
The Journal of Pan African Studies, 7 (10), May, pp. 85-108.

Adebayo, Kudus. (2015) Tokunbo and Chinco Economies in Nigeria: Rethinking

Encounters and Continuities in Local Economic Transformations, African East-Asian
Affairs, issue 2/3 (December), pp. 80-101.

Adekunle, Bamidele and Monika Korzun. (2017) Trading with China: How Can Africa
Benefit? in Negotiating South-South Trade Agreements: Economic Opportunities and
Policy Directions for Africa, Gbadebo Odularu and Bamidele Adekunle (eds.). New York:
Springer, pp. 35-47.

Adel, Abderrezak, Thierry Pairault, and Fatiha Talahite (eds.). (2017) La Chine en
Algrie: Approches Socio-conomiques. Paris: MA ditrions-ESKA.

Ademola, Oyejide Titiloye, Abiodun-S. Bankole and Adeolu O. Adewuyi. (2009) China-
Africa Trade Relations: Insights from AERC Scoping Studies, The European Journal of
Development Research, 21 (4), pp. 485-505.

Adie, W.A.C. (1962) China, Russia, and the Third World, The China Quarterly, no. 11
(July-September), pp. 200-213.

__________. (1964) China and Africa Today, Race and Class, 5 (4), pp. 3-25.

__________. (1964) Chou En-lai on Safari, The China Quarterly, no. 18 (April-June),
pp. 174-194.

__________. (1970-1971) The Communist Powers in Africa, Conflict Studies, no. 10

(December-January), pp. 1-20.

__________. (1972) China Returns to Africa, Current Scene, 10 (8), pp. 1-12.

__________. (1973) Chinas West Asian Strategies, in China and the World
Community by Ian Wilson (ed.). Sydney: Angus and Robertson, pp. 179-199.

Ado, Abdoulkadre and Zhan Su. (2016) China in Africa: A Critical Literature Review,
Critical Perspectives on International Business, 12 (1), pp. 40-60.

Afolayan, Adeshina. (2012) Challenging the Leviathan? China and the Imperative of
Empire in Africa, Turkish Journal of Politics, 3 (2) (Winter), pp. 67-85.

Africa Research Institute. (2012) Between Extremes: China and Africa, Briefing Note
1202 (October). See at
notes/docs/Between-extremes-China-and-Africa-P2E56236DQ.pdf. Accessed 22
October 2012.

African Agricultural Technology Foundation. (2010) A Study on the Relevance of

Chinese Agricultural Technologies to Smallholder Farmers in Africa. See at http://aatf- Accessed 2 February 2017.

African Center for Economic Transformation. (2009) Looking East: A Policy Brief on
Engaging China for African Policy-Makers, Vol. I: Positive Impacts and Key Challenges
with Recommendations (October). See at
content/uploads/2009/10/lookingeastv.1.pdf. Accessed 7 December 2009.

__________. (2009) Looking East: A Guide to Engaging China for Africas Policy-
Makers, Vol. II: Key Dimensions of Chinese Engagements in African Countries
(November). See at
content/uploads/2009/05/lookingeastv2.pdf. Accessed 7 December 2009.

African Development Bank. (2010) Chinese Trade and Investment Activities in Africa,
Policy Brief, vol. 1, issue 4 (29 July). See at
%20%20Investment%20Activities%20in%20Africa%2029July.pdf. Accessed 29
October 2010.

__________. (2012) Chinese Investments and Employment Creation in Algeria and

Egypt, Economic Brief. See at
%20Anglais.pdf. Accessed 31 August 2013.

African Forum and Network on Debt and Development. (2008) Mapping Chinese
Development Assistance in Africa: A Synthesis Analysis of Angola, Mozambique, Zambia
and Zimbabwe. Harare, Zimbabwe: AFRODAD. See at
Accessed 5 October 2008.

__________. (2011) Mapping Chinese Development Assistance in Africa: An Analysis of

the Experiences of Cameroon. Harare, Zimbabwe: AFRODAD. See at
africa_analysis-of cameroon1.pdf. Accessed 26 April 2014.

__________. (2011) Mapping Chinese Development Assistance in Africa: An Analysis of

the Experiences of Ethiopia. Harare, Zimbabwe: AFRODAD. See at
Accessed 26 April 2014.

African Union Commission. (2006) Meeting of the Task Force on Africas Strategic
Partnership with Emerging Powers: China, India and Brazil, Report of 11-13 September

Agency for Cooperation and Research in Development. (2016) Chinese, Brazilian and
Indian Investments in African Agriculture: Impacts, Opportunities and Concerns. See at
african-agriculture-1-1.pdf. Accessed 11 February 2017.

Agnihorti, Kamlesh Kumar. (2011) Modernisation of the Chinese Navy, Its Strategic
Expansion into the Indian Ocean Region and Likely Impact on Regional Stability,
Maritime Affairs, 7 (1), pp. 48-64.

Agubamah, Edgar. (2014) Bilateral Relations: Periscoping Nigeria and China

Relations, European Scientific Journal, 10 (14), pp. 63-70. See at Accessed 31 December

__________. (2014) China and Peacekeeping in Africa, International Journal of

Humanities and Social Science, 4 (11), September, pp. 193-197. See at Accessed 29
December 2016.

__________. (2014) Chinas Relations with West African Countries, Scottish Journal
of Arts, Social Sciences and Scientific Studies, 19 (2), pp. 90-99. See at Accessed 5 February 2017.

__________. (2014) The Darfur ad Chinas African Policy, International Journal of

Humanities and Social Science, 4 (11), September, pp. 225-230. See at Accessed 29
December 2016.

Aguilar, Renato and Andrea Goldstein. (2009) The Chinisation of Africa: The Case of
Angola, The World Economy, 32 (11), pp. 1543-1562.

Ahmed, Gaafar K. (2005) China Relations with the Middle East and North Africa,
International Review (Shanghai), (autumn). See at www.siis-org-
cn/Sh_Yj_Cms/Mgz/2008724233116XBG4.pdf. Accessed 30 December 2008.

__________. (2010) The Chinese Stance on the Darfur Conflict, SAIIA Occasional
Paper no. 67 (September). See at
pdf. Accessed 30 September 2010.

Ai Ching-Chu. (1964) Chinas Economic and Technical Aid to Other Countries, Peking
Review, 7 (34), pp. 14-18.

Aicardi de Saint-Paul, Marc. (2004) La Chine et lAfrique, Mondes et Cultures, 1 (4),

pp. 342-355.

__________. (2004) La Chine et lAfrique Entre Engagement et Intrt,

Gopolitique Africaine. See at
engagement-et-interet.html. Accessed 4 June 2008.

Aidoo, Richard. (2016) The Political Economy of Galamsey and Anti-Chinese

Sentiment in Ghana, African Studies Quarterly, 16 (3/4), December, pp. 55-72.

Aidoo, Richard and Steve Hess. (2015) Non-Interference 2.0: Chinas Evolving Foreign
Policy towards a Changing Africa, Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 1, pp. 107-138.

Ajakaiye, Olusanya. (2006) China and Africa Opportunities and Challenges,

presentation before African Union Task Force on Strategic Partnership between Africa
and the Emerging Countries of the South (11-13 September). See at
%20_Olu.pdf. Accessed 3 May 2012.

__________et al. (2009) China-Africa Economic Relations: Insights from AERC

Scoping Studies, power point presentation at the African Economic Conference,
UNECA, Addis Ababa, November 11-14. See at
from-aerc-scoping-studies/. Accessed 16 February 2010.

__________ and Raphael Kaplinsky. (2009) China in Africa: A Relationship in

Transition, European Journal of Development Research, 21 (4), pp. 479-484.

__________, Raphael Kaplinsky, Mike Morris and Felix F. NZue. (2009) Seizing
Opportunities and Confronting the Challenges of ChinaAfrica Investment Relations:
Insights from AERC Scoping Studies, African Economic Research Consortium Policy
Issues Paper no. 2 (January), pp. 1-12.

Akhidenor, Anthonia Eboseremen. (2013) Code-switching in the Conservations of the

Chinese Trading Community in Africa: The Case of Botswana, English Today, 29 (4),
pp. 30-36.

Akindele, R.A. (1985) Africa and the Great Powers, with Particular Reference to the
United States, the Soviet Union and China, Afrika Spectrum, 20 (2), pp. 125-151.

Akinrinade, Sola and Olukoya Ogen. (2008) Globalization and De-Industrialization:

South-South Neo-Liberalism and the Collapse of the Nigerian Textile Industry. The
Global South, 2 (2), pp. 159-170.

Akurang-Parry, Kwabena O. (2001) We Cast About for a Remedy: Chinese Labor and
African Opposition in the Gold Coast, 1874-1914, International Journal of African
Historical Studies, 34 (2), pp. 365-384.

Alao, Abiodun. (2010) Banking in Nigeria and Chinese Economic Diplomacy in

Africa, SAIIA Occasional Paper no. 65 (July), pp. 1-12. See at
f. Accessed 26 August 2010.

__________. (2010) Chinese Business Interests and Banking in Nigeria, SAIIA Policy
Briefing no. 20 (July), pp. 1-4. See at
Accessed 26 August 2010.

__________. (2011) Nigeria and the BRICs: Diplomatic, Trade, Cultural and Military
Relations, SAIIA Occasional Paper no. 101 (November), pp. 1-31. See at
20111129.pdf. Accessed 1 May 2012.

__________. (2014) China and Zimbabwe: The Context and Contents of a Complex
Relationship, SAIIA Occasional Paper 202 (October), pp. 1-26.

Albright, David Edward. (1975) The Soviet Union, Communist China, and Ghana,
1955-1966. PhD diss., Columbia University.

Alcorn, Ted. (2015) New Orientation for Chinas Health Assistance to Africa, The
Lancet, 386 (10011), pp. 2379-2380.

Alden, Chris. (2001) Solving South Africas Chinese Puzzle: Democratic Foreign
Policy-Making and the Two Chinas Question, in South Africas Foreign Policy:
Dilemmas of a New Democracy by Jim Broderick, Gary Burford, and Gordon Freer
(eds.). Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK: Palgrave.

__________. (2005) China in Africa, Survival, 47 (3), pp. 147-163.

__________. (2005) Red Star, Black Gold, Review of African Political Economy, 32
(104/5), pp. 415-419.

__________. (2006) China and Africa: Special Report, CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets
(September), pp. 1-27.

__________. (2006) Through African Eyes: Representations of China on the African

Continent, paper presented at SciPo/Fudan/LSE Conference (October). See at
africa/Chris_Alden_Through_African_Eyes.pdf. Accessed 22 February 2016.

__________. (2007) China in Africa. London: Zed Books.

__________. (2007) Emerging Countries as New ODA Players in LDCs: The Case of
China and Africa, Institut du Dveloppement Durable et des Relations Internationales,
Gouvernance Mondiale paper no.1, pp. 1-14. See at Accessed 15
December 2008.

__________. (2008) South Africa and China: Forging Africas Strategic Partnership,
China Brief, 8 (13), pp. 9-11.

__________. (2011) The Changing Dynamics of Chinas Engagement in Africa,

Journal of African Development, 13 (1 & 2), pp. 177-196.

__________. (2012) China and Africa: A Distant Mirror of Latin America. Columbia
Internacional, no. 75 (June), pp. 19-47.

__________. (2013) China and the Long March into African Agriculture, Cahiers
Agricultures, 22 (1), pp. 16-21.

__________ and Ana Cristina Alves. (2008) History and Identity in the Construction of
Chinas Africa Policy, Review of African Political Economy, 35 (115), pp. 43-58.

__________. (2009) China and Africas Natural Resources: The Challenges and
Implications for Development and Governance, Occasional Paper no. 41 (September),
South African Institute of International Affairs, pp. 1-26.

__________. (2009) Paving the Way for the Next Stage in China-Africa Relations,
Pambazuka News (26 November). See at Accessed 30 November 2009.

__________. (2014) Seeking Security in Africa: Chinas Evolving Approach to the

African Peace and Security Architecture, Norwegian Peacebuilding Resource Centre
Report (March), pp. 1-9.

__________ and Ana Ying Chen. (2009) SAIIA Occasional Paper no. 30 (April),
Chinese Development Co-operation in Africa: The Case of Tembisas Friendship Town,
pp. 1-14. See at
430_en.pdf. Accessed 3 May 2012.

__________ and Christopher R. Hughes. (2009) Harmony and Discord in Chinas Africa
Strategy: Some Implications for Foreign Policy, The China Quarterly, no. 199
(September), pp. 563-584.

__________ and Daniel Large. (2011) Chinas Exceptionalism and the Challenges of
Delivering Difference in Africa, Journal of Contemporary China, 20 (68), January, pp.

__________ and Daniel Large. (2015) On Becoming a Norms Maker: Chinese Foreign
Policy, Norms Evolution and the Challenges of Security in Africa, The China Quarterly,
221 (March), pp. 123-142.

__________ and Faten Aggad-Clerx. (2012) Chinese Investments and Employment

Creation in Algeria and Egypt, African Development Bank Economic Brief. See at
%20Anglais.pdf. Accessed 21 February 2015.

__________ and Garth Shelton. (1999) Camarades, Parias et Homme dAffaires: Mise
en Perspective des Relations entre lAfrique du Sud et la Chine, Politique Africaine, no
76 (December), pp. 18-29.

__________ and Martyn Davies. (2006) Chinese Multinational Corporations in Africa,

unpublished paper presented at China-Africa workshop in Hong Kong on 11-12
November, pp. 1-11. See at
africa/papers/Chris_Alden_Chinese_Multinational_Corporations.pdf. Accessed 13 April

__________. (2006) A Profile of the Operations of Chinese Multinationals in Africa,

South African Journal of International Affairs, 13 (1), pp. 83-96.

__________ and Riaan Meyer. (2010) Unveiling the Diversity of Chinese Finance in
Africa, Pambazuka News (11 February). See at Accessed 11 February 2010.

__________ and Srgio Chichava (eds). (2014) China and Mozambique: From
Comrades to Capitalists. Auckland Park, South Africa: Fanele.

__________, Daniel Large, and Ricardo Soares de Oliveira. (2008) China Returns to
Africa: A Rising Power and a Continent Embrace. London: Hurst and Company.

__________, Daniel Large, and Ricardo Soares de Oliveira. (2008) China Returns to
Africa: Anatomy of an Expansive Engagement. Documento de Trabajo Working Paper
51, Real Instituto Elcano, pp. 1-19.

__________ and Yu-Shan Wu. (2014) South Africa and China: The Making of a
Partnership, SAIIA Occasional Paper 199 (August), pp. 1-39.

Alden, Chris and Yu-Shan Wu. (2016) South African Foreign Policy and China:
Converging Visions, Competing Interests, Contested Identities, Commonwealth and
Comparative Politics, 54 (2), pp. 203-231.

Alden, Chris and Ana Cristina Alves. (2017) Chinas Regional Forum Diplomacy in the
Developing World: Socialisation and the Sinosphere, Journal of Contemporary China,
26 (103), pp. 151-165.

Alemayehu Geda. (2006) The Impact of China and India on Africa: Trade, FDI and the
African Manufacturing Sector Issues and Challenges, African Economic Research
Consortium, paper no. ADWP-03 (September), pp. 1-15. See at Accessed 24 March 2008.

__________. (2008) Scoping Study on the Chinese Relations with Sub-Saharan Africa:
The Case of Ethiopia, AERC Scoping Study. See at
Accessed 12 March 2012.

__________ and Atnafu G. Meskel. (2008) China and Indias Growth Surge: Is It a
Curse or Blessing for Africa? The Case of Manufactured Exports, African Development
Review, 20 (2), pp. 247-272.

__________ and Atnafu G. Meskel. (2009) Impact of China-Africa Investment

Relations: Case Study of Ethiopia, AERC Study (January), pp. 1-31. See at Accessed 2 April 2014.

__________, Solomon Mosisa, and Matias Assefa. (2013) To Be or Not to Be: Dilemma
of Africas Economic Engagement with China and Other Emerging Economies, Africa
Review, 5 (2), pp. 118-138.

Alessi, Christopher and Stephanie Hanson. (2012) Expanding China-Africa Oil Ties,
Council on Foreign Relations (8 February). See at
africa-oil-ties/p9775. Accessed 16 February 2012.

Alexeeva, Olga V. (2013) Un aspect mconnu de la coopration Chine-Afrique: la

communaut africaine en RPC, Monde Chinois, no. 33, pp. 67-76.

Ali, Ali Abdalla. (2006) The Sudanese-Chinese Relations before and after Oil. Khartoum:
National Centre for Scientific Research.

Ali, Shimelse and Nida Jafrani. (2012) Chinas Growing Role in Africa: Myths and
Facts, International Economics Bulletin (9 February). See at
facts/9j55. Accessed 14 February 2012.

Allen, Kenneth. (2005) Chinas Foreign Military Relations: 2003-2004, Chinese

Military Update, 2 (5), pp. 3-7.

__________ and Eric A. McVadon. (1999) Chinas Foreign Military Relations. The
Henry L. Stimson Center. See at Accessed 11
April 2008.

__________ and Eva Baguma. (2012) China-Uganda Relations: Closer Is Not

Necessarily Better, China Brief, 12 (24) 14 December, pp. 12-16.

Alterman, Jon B. and John W. Garver. (2008) The Vital Triangle: China, the United
States, and the Middle East. Washington: Center for Strategic and International Studies.

Altorfer-Ong, Alicia. (2009) Tanzanian Freedom and Chinese Friendship in 1965:

Laying the Tracks for the TanZam Rail Link, Cold War Studies Program, London School
of Economics.

___________. (2010) They Came as Brothers, Not Masters: Chinese Experts in

Tanzania in the 1960s and 1970s, Journal Fr Entwicklungspolitik, 26 (3), pp. 73-94.
See at
Tanzania-in-the-1960s-and-1970.pdf. Accessed 9 January 2017.

Aluko, Olajide (ed.). (1977) The Foreign Policies of African States. London: Hodder and

Alvarenga, Daniel, Johanna Jansson, and Sanusha Naidu. (2007) China and India in
Africa: An Analysis of Unfolding Relations, in Southern Africa and Challenges for
Mozambique: Papers Presented at the Inaugural Conference of the Institute for Social
and Economic Studies, Instituto de Estudos Sociais e Econmicos. See at Accessed
8 January 2017.

Alves, Ana Cristina. (2006) Emerging Postcolonial Solidarities: Chinas New Economic
Diplomacy towards Subsaharan Africa, unpublished paper presented to the 16th Biennial
Conference of the Asian Studies Association of Australia on 26-29 June. See at
Cristina-ASAA2006.pdf. Accessed 26 September 2008.

__________. (2008) China and Gabon: A Growing Resource Partnership, SAIIA

China in Africa Policy Report no. 4. See at Accessed
15 January 2010.

__________. (2008) Chinas Lusophone Connection, SAIIA China in Africa Policy

Report no. 2. See at Accessed
15 January 2010.

__________. (2010) A Brief Analysis of Chinas Oil Interests in Angola, The China
Monitor (August), 4-10.

__________. (2010) The Oil Factor in Sino-Angolan Relations at the Start of the 21st
Century, SAIIA Occasional Paper no. 55. See at
df. Accessed 31 March 2010.

__________. (2011) Chinese Banking Interests in Mozambique, SAIIA Policy Briefing

no. 37 (November). See at
Accessed 18 December 2011.

__________. (2011) Chinese Economic and Trade Co-operation Zones in Africa: The
Case of Mauritius, SAIIA Occasional Paper no. 74 (January). See at
df. Accessed 8 February 2011.

__________. (2012) Chinese Economic and Trade Co-operation Zones in Africa: Facing
the Challenges, SAIIA Policy Briefing no. 51 (June). See at
Accessed 21 October 2012.

__________. (2013) Chinas Economic Statecraft and African Mineral Resources:

Changing Modes of Engagement, SAIIA Occasional Paper no. 131 (January). See at
_20130201.pdf. Accessed 19 February 2013.

__________. (2013) Chinas Win-win Cooperation: Unpacking the Impact of

Infrastructure-for-resources Deals in Africa, South African Journal of International
Affairs, 20 (2), pp. 207-226.

__________. (2013) Chinese Economic Statecraft: A Comparative Study of Chinas Oil-

backed Loans in Angola and Brazil, Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 42 (1), pp. 99-

__________. (2013) Chinas Win-Win Cooperation: Unpacking the Impact of

Infrastructure-for-resources Deals in Africa, South African Journal of International
Affairs, 20 (2), pp. 207-226.

__________ and Antnio Vasconcelos de Saldanha. (2007) The Growing Relevance of

Africa in Chinese Foreign Policy: The Case of Portuguese Speaking Countries, in A
Portrait of State-of-the-Art Research at the Technical University of Lisbon by Manuel
Seabra Pereira (ed.). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, pp. 183-196.

Alves, Philip. (2006) Engaging Asias Biggest Tiger: Exploring the Contours of a SACU-
China Trade Deal. South African Institute of International Affairs Trade Policy Report
No. 14, pp. 1- 55. See at Accessed 12
March 2009.

Amadhila, Nelago. (2012) Grassroots Perceptions of China in Namibia: Effects on

Domestic Politics and Foreign Policy, The China Monitor, Issue 2 (November), pp. 17-

Amanor, Kojo Sebastian. (2013) Chinese and Brazilian Cooperation with African
Agriculture: The Case of Ghana, China and Brazil in African Agriculture Working Paper
052, Future Agricultures. See at
and-brazil-in-africa-new-papers. Accessed 15 March 2013.

__________. (2013) Expanding Agri-business China and Brazil in Ghanaian

Agriculture, IDS Bulletin, 44 (4), pp. 80-90.

__________ and Srgio Chichava. (2016) South-South Cooperation, Agribusiness, and African
Agricultural Development: Brazil and China in Ghana and Mozambique, World Development,
81, pp. 13-23.

Amin, Julius. (2013) A Foreign Policy of Pragmatism: Cameroons Relations with China.
Social Science Research Network. Dayton, Ohio: University of Dayton.

__________. (2015) Sino-Cameroon Relations: A Foreign Policy of Pragmatism,

African Studies Review, 58 (3), December, pp. 171-189.

Amnesty International. (2006) Peoples Republic of China: Sustaining Conflict and

Human Rights Abuses. The Flow of Arms Accelerates. See at]. Accessed 29
March 2008.

__________. (2006) Sudan/China: Appeal by Amnesty International to the Chinese

Government on the Occasion of the China-Africa Summit for Development and
Cooperation, (1 November). See at
Accessed 11 April 2008.

__________. (2007) Sudan: Arms Continuing To Fuel Serious Human Rights Violations
in Darfur, (8 May). See at
Accessed 11 April 2008.

__________. (2014) Chinas Trade in Tools of Torture and Repression, Omega

Research Foundation. See at Accessed 29 September 2014.

Amoah, Lloyd G. Adu. (2016) China, Architecture and Ghanas Spaces: Concrete Signs
of a Soft Chinese Imperium? Journal of Asian and African Studies, 51 (2), pp. 238-255.

Amosu, Akwe. (2007) China in Africa: Its (Still) the Governance, Stupid. Foreign
Policy in Focus, 9 March Discussion Paper. See at Accessed
21 March 2008.

Ampiah, Kweku. (2007) Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon? China and Africa: Engaging
the Worlds Next Superpower, concept paper for conference hosted by the Centre for
Conflict Resolution in Cape Town, South Africa, pp. 1-10. See at
Accessed 26 March 2008.

__________ and Sanusha Naidu (eds.). (2008) Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon? Africa
and China. Scottsville, South Africa: University of KwaZulu-Natal Press.

Amupanda, Job Shipululo. (2016) Deng Xiaoping and the Chinese Developmental State:
Lessons for Namibia, Strategic Review for Southern Africa, 38 (2), pp. 53-76. See at
pp53-76.zp104536.pdf. Accessed 31 December 2016.

Amusa, Kafayat, Nara Monkam, and Nicola Viegi. (2016) The Political and Economic
Dynamics of Foreign Aid: A Case Study of United States and Chinese Aid to Sub-Sahara
Africa, Economic Research Southern Africa working paper 595 (April). See at
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An Yanjun and Zhang Yue. (2006) An Inventory of Current China-African Relations,

International Strategic Studies (Beijing), 4 (82), pp. 54-60.

An Yongyu. (2002) China-Africa Political and Economic Cooperation: Retrospect and

Prospect, Foreign Affairs Journal, no. 66 (December), pp. 7-22.

__________. (2007) Common Effort Should Be Made for Africa, unpublished paper
delivered 13 March in Beijing at Third Dialogue on US-China Relations in a Global
Context sponsored by China Institute of International Affairs and George Washington

Ancharaz, Vinaye Dey. (2008) David V. Goliath: Mauritius Facing Up to China, report
prepared for the African Economic Research Consortium (January). See at Accessed 13
January 2009.

__________. (2009) Mauritius: Benefiting from Chinas Rise, The China Monitor
(April), pp. 4-9.

__________. (2011) Chinas Challenge to Indias Economic Hegemony over Mauritius:

A Tale of Two Giants and a Pigmy, Journal of African Development, 13 (1 & 2), pp.

__________. (2013) Can Chinese SEZs Spur Industrial Development in Africa?

Bridges Africa, 2 (6), pp. 4-8.

__________and Baboo M. Nowbutsing. (2010) Impact of China-Africa Investment

Relations: An In-Depth Case Study of Mauritius, AERC study (May), pp. 1-53. See at
cases/MauritiusInvestmentRelations.pdf. Accessed 3 May 2012.

__________. (2010) The Impact of China-Africa Investment Relations: The Case of

Mauritius, Policy Brief, issue 6 (November), pp. 1-4. See at Accessed 8
May 2012.

__________ and Verena Tandrayen-Ragoobur. (2010) Impact of China-Africa Trade

Relations: An In-Depth Case Study of Mauritius, AERC study (February), pp. 1-61. See
Chinatradestudy.pdf. Accessed 3 May 2012.

__________. (2010) The Impact of China-Africa Trade Relations: The Case of

Mauritius, Policy Brief, issue 7 (November), pp. 1-5. See at Accessed 24
May 2012.

Aning, Kwesi and Delphine Lecoutre. (2008) Chinas Ventures in Africa, African
Security Review, 17 (1), pp. 39-50.

Anonymous. (1964) China, the Arab World and Africa: A Factual Survey 1959-1964,
special China issue of The Mizan Newsletter, 6 (5), pp. 1-56.

__________. (1974) At Banquet Welcoming President Boumediene and Joint

Communique, Peking Review, 17 (10), pp. 6-11.

__________. (2006) Afrique: Que Veut la Chine? Jeune Afrique, 47 (2392), pp. 43-69.

__________. (2009) Taming the Dragon? Defining Africas Interests at the Forum on
China-Africa Co-operation (FOCAC), Policy Advisory Group Seminar Report of the
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15 Accessed
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Anseeuw, Ward, Jean-Jacques Gabas, and Bruno Losch. (2014) Africas Employment
Challenge and the Role of Agriculture: Is China a Player? A Review of Chinese
Initiatives in Rural Africa, Development Policy Research Unit policy brief, December.
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