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Validating ETL Patterns

Feasibility Using Alloy Porto Polytechnic

Bruno Oliveira and Orlando Belo
University of Minho

Independent Encapsulates the logic
Critical Data Warehouse component Influence data schemas used from each other for its physical mapping

Strongly influenced by Managed by

ETL Processes Business Requirements Patterns approach

Designed to map Supports both

Error-prone Complex Can change Can evolve standard ETL conceptual and logical
procedures ETL representation

Pattern components specification

throwable component represents pattern error strategies

Data Quality Exception

Data Integration
Pattern Core Slowly Changing
() Pattern Log Log Level FATAL, INFO,
core component represents pattern strategy for problem solution log component represents pattern event tracking

Each component encapsulates all pattern rules to support operational requirements and the logic behind

ETL meta model for patterns definition using Alloy

Pattern instance generated by the Alloy Engine
abstract sig Pattern{
coreComponent:one PatternCore,
throwableComponent: set Throwable,
logComponent: set Log}
fact consistentPattern {(...)}
abstract sig Extract, Transform, Load extends PatternCore{}(...)
sig DCI extends Transform{(...)}

The Alloy facts enforces several constraints to guarantee the patterns consistency;
The predicates embody the notion of consistent patterns;
the Alloy Analyser is used to simulate instances that conform to the specification or to check for the
correctness of concrete instances.

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