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Date Time From Message

2010- 07:18:53 True Blood in
enter the room
08-09 AM Dallas
2010- 07:18:59 True Blood in
08-09 AM Dallas
2010- 07:19:41
sookiebontemps enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:19:50
Cavalavalier enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:19:52
sookiebontemps hey DALLAS!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:19:56
Fae Fire enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:19:57
Cavalavalier Hello!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:20:04
Lisnoe enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:20:15
Harley Dickerson enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:20:17
Lisnoe Howdy!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:20:19 True Blood in
Hey Sook
08-09 AM Dallas
2010- 07:20:21
Fae Fire HI Dallas
08-09 AM
2010- 07:20:21
Harley Dickerson HEY!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:20:29 True Blood in
hey everyone ...
08-09 AM Dallas
2010- 07:20:30
Guest7611 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:20:33 I loved the Bonding between Bill and Jessica, it was
08-09 AM way over due
2010- 07:20:43 True Blood in
Loved it too Cav
08-09 AM Dallas
2010- 07:20:49 Harley Dickerson Sam just got a better subplot!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:20:50
Lisnoe Me too!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:21:00
Pamspumps enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:21:16
Merlottes HR Dept. enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:21:21
Fae Fire Finaly Bill acts Like a Maker
08-09 AM
2010- 07:21:22
Guest7628 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:21:30 True Blood in
well where is everyone
08-09 AM Dallas
2010- 07:21:31
Guest7629 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:21:36 What would consider about the Bill and Sookie sex
08-09 AM scence?
2010- 07:21:39 True Blood in
someone round up the twitterverse
08-09 AM Dallas
2010- 07:21:45
Guest7636 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:21:45
Pamspumps yowza!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:21:46
Guest7634 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:21:49
Guest7635 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:21:51
Guest7634 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:21:57 True Blood in
pams !!
08-09 AM Dallas
2010- 07:22:07
Guest7636 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:22:27
Guest7629 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:22:30
Guest7644 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:22:37 Fae Fire Eric doing Man on Man Sex!!!!!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:22:37
Guest7646 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:22:40 I need a tissue to wipe the saliva from my mouth. I
08-09 AM am panting like one of Pavlov's dogs
2010- 07:22:42
TerreEssa enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:22:43
Guest7644 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:22:44
Marleneemm enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:22:46 True Blood in that scene was because Anna and Stephen wanted to
08-09 AM Dallas do it ;-)
2010- 07:22:48
Guest7647 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:22:54
Harley Dickerson Really?
08-09 AM
2010- 07:22:54 True Blood in
08-09 AM Dallas
I was glad to see Bill and Sookie hook
2010- 07:22:55
Lisnoe up...relationships are complicated, especially with a
08-09 AM
2010- 07:23:03
greeneyegirl enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:23:05
Guest7647 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:23:10
greeneyegirl Howdy Dallas
08-09 AM
2010- 07:23:11 And are they really going to drag Layfette into the
08-09 AM witch's couldren..
2010- 07:23:15
TruebieDoobyDoo enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:23:20 True Blood in
Hey geg!!
08-09 AM Dallas
2010- 07:23:21
ChoChoMojo enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:23:29 I feel the bloodlust seeping out of my tv- looking
08-09 AM for an outlet!!
2010- 07:23:29
Guest7663 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:23:30 Sookie was definitely calling the shots in that
08-09 AM to speak
2010- 07:23:35 True Blood in
I know Fae -wow!
08-09 AM Dallas
2010- 07:23:36 How does Stephen not get EXCITED in a sene like
Fae Fire
08-09 AM that?
2010- 07:23:37
TerreEssa The word 'witch' was officially mentioned, by Ruby
08-09 AM
2010- 07:23:38 I loved the show!! OMG what an epsidoe!! I'm in
08-09 AM 7th heaven!
2010- 07:23:45 True Blood in
yes it was
08-09 AM Dallas
2010- 07:23:45
Guest7672 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:23:50
Marleneemm quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:23:57
08-09 AM
2010- 07:23:59
sookiebontemps quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:24:04
Lisnoe Enjoyed this episode much more than last weeks
08-09 AM
2010- 07:24:05 True Blood in
agree marlene
08-09 AM Dallas
2010- 07:24:06
Harley Dickerson how does anybody not get excited
08-09 AM
2010- 07:24:08
sookiebontemps enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:24:16 True Blood in
yep Harley
08-09 AM Dallas
2010- 07:24:17
1EvilJessica enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:24:18
Pamspumps I'm excited!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:24:28
TruebieDoobyDoo but RIP Talbot. Loved him!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:24:29
Fae Fire Malcon is going to be a Powerful witch, right?
08-09 AM
2010- 07:24:35
greeneyegirl Truby doo
08-09 AM
2010- 07:24:42
sookiebontemps hello everyone!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:24:42 True Blood in
Hey Truebie
08-09 AM Dallas
2010- 07:24:53
Guest7663 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:24:58
ChoChoMojo SOOOKIE *tackle hugs*
08-09 AM
2010- 07:24:59
Lisnoe quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:25:00 I SO knew Jessica kicks @SS :) :D or errrr would :)
08-09 AM :D
2010- 07:25:03
Marleneemm enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:25:05
TruebieDoobyDoo Hey, Dallas!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:25:09
Pamspumps I loved the way Sookie kicked some ass
08-09 AM
2010- 07:25:14
Tiera Graham enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:25:15
greeneyegirl hey Sookie
08-09 AM
2010- 07:25:15 True Blood in
she sure did
08-09 AM Dallas
2010- 07:25:16
Fae Fire Tonight was setting us up fpor the final episode
08-09 AM
2010- 07:25:18
TruebieDoobyDoo GEG!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:25:20
Harley Dickerson Heck yes Pam
08-09 AM
2010- 07:25:26
TruebieDoobyDoo SOOOOOOOKIE!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:25:28
Tiera Graham OMg i loved this ep!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:25:28
Marleneemm quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:25:29
sookiebontemps hey questa and geg!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:25:31 True Blood in
well we have 4 more to go
08-09 AM Dallas
2010- 07:25:33
Marleneemm enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:25:36 True Blood in
we are 2/3 through
08-09 AM Dallas
2010- 07:25:41
Harley Dickerson only 4
08-09 AM
2010- 07:25:41
Guest7672 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:25:41
Tiera Graham Rene and Franklin back from the dead!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:25:49
Pamspumps all the homophobes will be screaming over that one
08-09 AM
2010- 07:25:50
Tiera Graham i missed Rene's accent!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:25:51
sookiebontemps TruebieDooby!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:25:51
Fae Fire Jason needs a better story line
08-09 AM
2010- 07:25:53 True Blood in
Yes Rene was excellent
08-09 AM Dallas
2010- 07:25:57 I wouldve LOVED to have seen Sookie use the
08-09 AM light on them weres
2010- 07:26:05
Pamspumps Jason is about to step into a whirlwind
08-09 AM
2010- 07:26:07
1EvilJessica *(L)
08-09 AM
2010- 07:26:09
TruebieDoobyDoo Welcome back!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:26:20
ChoChoMojo That was one intense ending, LOL
08-09 AM
2010- 07:26:23
Fae Fire Why did Sookie NOT use her Fae Fire?
08-09 AM
2010- 07:26:25
sookiebontemps Thanks!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:26:25
TerreEssa Awesome Jason acting this week w/ Crystal
08-09 AM
2010- 07:26:37
1EvilJessica Im wondering that myself Fae :)
08-09 AM
2010- 07:26:45 people who havent read the books are probably
Harley Dickerson
08-09 AM going nuts
2010- 07:26:50
Pamspumps her fairy fire is hit or miss- no control over it
08-09 AM
2010- 07:26:52 i loved thath there were two seperate man-man
Tiera Graham
08-09 AM hook ups back-to-back
Tonights episode, got me fast forward thinking
2010- 07:26:56
Cavalavalier about next season, can't wait to se what thay are
08-09 AM
going to do with layfette, Jesus, and holly...
2010- 07:26:57
TruebieDoobyDoo I don't think she can control it yet
08-09 AM
2010- 07:26:58
1EvilJessica Oohh yaa thas right
08-09 AM
2010- 07:27:01
Tiera Graham this ep was bloody goodness!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:27:01 True Blood in
the accent he got from those audio tapes
08-09 AM Dallas
2010- 07:27:08
Fae Fire I am reading her latest book now
08-09 AM
2010- 07:27:20 True Blood in
ok starting show
08-09 AM Dallas
2010- 07:27:26 True Blood in
sound check in a minute please
08-09 AM Dallas
2010- 07:27:34
Harley Dickerson quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:27:36
ChoChoMojo quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:27:38 True Blood in
jeremy will watch for troll and i will zap them
08-09 AM Dallas
2010- 07:27:44
1EvilJessica so much for running an getting food
08-09 AM
2010- 07:27:54 Pamspumps "you killed my cooter"- best line of the night
08-09 AM
2010- 07:28:05
Cavalavalier quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:28:05
Pamspumps quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:28:13
TerreEssa "Sookie ... are you brain damaged"? 2nd best line
08-09 AM
2010- 07:28:14
TruebieDoobyDoo Better than "take off your clothes"?
08-09 AM
2010- 07:28:22
Tiera Graham Tommy was fiesty this week too. i always liked him
08-09 AM
2010- 07:28:22
Fae Fire quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:28:26
1EvilJessica vamp speeds for food
08-09 AM
2010- 07:28:33
greeneyegirl i second that Pam
08-09 AM
2010- 07:28:36
Fae Fire enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:28:38
txladyjane enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:28:38
ChoChoMojo enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:28:50
ChoChoMojo quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:28:53
Harley Dickerson enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:28:55
txladyjane howdy all
08-09 AM
2010- 07:28:55
Cavalavalier enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:28:57
Fae Fire quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:29:00
ChoChoMojo enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:29:01
Guest7726 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:29:02 Pamspumps enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:29:04
Lisnoe enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:29:06
Guest7726 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:29:08 How much fun was the Bill playin Mr. Miyagi to
08-09 AM Jess. Wax on Jess-son
2010- 07:29:12
TruebieDoobyDoo Got sound
08-09 AM
2010- 07:29:12
Fae Fire enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:29:15
Guest7731 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:29:17
Fae Fire quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:29:17
ChoChoMojo quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:29:24
Pamspumps wax off
08-09 AM
2010- 07:29:25
ChoChoMojo enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:29:25
Guest7738 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:29:29
TruebieDoobyDoo wait- it rolled to last week, LOL
08-09 AM
2010- 07:29:36
Pamspumps quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:29:40
ChoChoMojo quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:29:40
Fae Fire enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:29:42
Pamspumps enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:29:48
Guest7742 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:29:58
Harley Dickerson quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:29:58 Harley Dickerson enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:29:59
ChoChoMojo enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:30:09
ChoChoMojo quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:30:11
Guest7753 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:30:14
Pamspumps quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:30:15
Lisnoe quit the room
08-09 AM
how bout whatever Eric said about "Ive been
looking for you for 1000 years" and when he
2010- 07:30:15
Tiera Graham kneeled i was shocked and bawling laughing. that
08-09 AM
was a huge shocker from the trailer fake-out. i was
expecting Eric to kill Russell then.
2010- 07:30:16
Guest7731 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:30:18
Cavalavalier quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:30:24 True Blood in
sound ??
08-09 AM Dallas
2010- 07:30:27
Guest7758 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:30:27
ChoChoMojo enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:30:29 True Blood in
08-09 AM Dallas
2010- 07:30:30
Lisnoe enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:30:30
Pamspumps enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:30:32
Tiera Graham lol Truebie
08-09 AM
2010- 07:30:34
Cavalavalier enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:30:34
ChoChoMojo Sound
08-09 AM
2010- 07:30:37
Pamspumps sound
08-09 AM
2010- 07:30:38
Guest7759 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:30:40
Cavalavalier sound
08-09 AM
2010- 07:30:40
ChoChoMojo check!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:30:41
Guest7742 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:30:42 True Blood in
Thanks Guys !!!
08-09 AM Dallas
2010- 07:30:45
Lisnoe sound!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:30:52
txladyjane quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:30:52
Guest7646 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:30:55 Hope our newest employee stays awhile. The life
Merlottes HR Dept.
08-09 AM insurance company isn't too happy.
2010- 07:31:04
TerreEssa quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:31:05
lafemmetopaz enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:31:05
sabby77 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:31:06
1EvilJessica quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:31:06
Guest7771 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:31:06
Guest7769 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:31:10
Guest7635 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:31:11
tbsookie enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:31:13
Guest7753 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:31:15
Guest7778 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:31:15
Liras enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:31:15
Guest7780 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:31:16
lafemmetopaz quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:31:16
lafemmetopaz enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:31:17
1EvilJessica enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:31:20
Guest7773 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:31:21
Guest7786 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:31:21
txladyjane enter the room
08-09 AM
Eric killing Talbot inadvertantly saved Bill's life...I
2010- 07:31:22
Cavalavalier wonder, if Eric knew that, how he would feel about
08-09 AM
it. LOL
2010- 07:31:23
Liras yay!!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:31:26
TerreEssa enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:31:28
Marleneemm quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:31:29
Liras chatroom's open
08-09 AM
2010- 07:31:29
lafemmetopaz Peeps
08-09 AM
2010- 07:31:29
Guest7789 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:31:31
greeneyegirl quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:31:31
robi enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:31:31 greeneyegirl enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:31:33
Marleneemm enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:31:34
Harley Dickerson quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:31:34
Harley Dickerson enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:31:35
1EvilJessica quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:31:38
Tiera Graham right Cavalavier
08-09 AM
2010- 07:31:38
Pamspumps speechless!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:31:39
tbsookie Hi ya'll
08-09 AM
2010- 07:31:44
sabby77 OMG this was my favorite episode this season!!!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:31:53
lafemmetopaz really sabby?
08-09 AM
2010- 07:31:55
TruebieDoobyDoo quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:31:56
TruebieDoobyDoo enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:31:58
txladyjane I think it was the best of all of them
08-09 AM
2010- 07:31:59
Fae Fire Has the show started? I am not picking it up?
08-09 AM
2010- 07:32:09
Guest7789 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:32:10
Pamspumps I am loving trueblood tonight long time
08-09 AM
2010- 07:32:11
txladyjane reboot Fae
08-09 AM
2010- 07:32:13
sabby77 yes!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:32:14 Trust Bill? Not trust Bill? I just don't know, but I do
08-09 AM think he really does love Sookie...
2010- 07:32:15 lafemmetopaz why was it so great for you guys
08-09 AM
2010- 07:32:21
Guest7803 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:32:22
Harley Dickerson not trust bill
08-09 AM
2010- 07:32:23
Guest7805 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:32:23
txladyjane or refresh even
08-09 AM
2010- 07:32:25
lafemmetopaz Love is not enough
08-09 AM
2010- 07:32:27
Marleneemm Fae fire: No sound either.
08-09 AM
2010- 07:32:37
Fae Fire Did I see Franklin back in the preview?
08-09 AM
2010- 07:32:37
robi Made it! Darn password issues!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:32:38
lafemmetopaz He almost killed her. and wow
08-09 AM
2010- 07:32:38
Guest7816 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:32:55
lafemmetopaz quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:32:57
JeremyOfKansas enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:32:59
Marleneemm quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:32:59
Marleneemm enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:32:59
Pamspumps postmortem was hillarious
08-09 AM
2010- 07:33:04
Harley Dickerson it was
08-09 AM
2010- 07:33:05
JeremyOfKansas Hello beautiful people!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:33:05
Liras i think you did Fae Fire
08-09 AM
2010- 07:33:07 sookiebontemps Robi!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:33:08
Guest7825 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:33:09
lafemmetopaz enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:33:10
08-09 AM
2010- 07:33:12
JeremyOfKansas OMG
08-09 AM
2010- 07:33:12
robi HEY SOOK!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:33:15
JeremyOfKansas DALLAS
08-09 AM
2010- 07:33:17
JeremyOfKansas WITCH!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:33:21
Liras ahhah
08-09 AM
2010- 07:33:22
lafemmetopaz hey Dallas
08-09 AM
2010- 07:33:23
Liras Holly?
08-09 AM
2010- 07:33:23
JeremyOfKansas WITCH!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:33:24
Guest7758 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:33:24
Guest7826 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:33:27
Guest7826 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:33:28
sookiebontemps hey!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:33:29
JeremyOfKansas <3
08-09 AM
2010- 07:33:34
TruebieDoobyDoo HEY!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:33:34
robi I was excited to see Holly
08-09 AM
2010- 07:33:40 Guest7825 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:33:43
Harley Dickerson AHHHHHH
08-09 AM
2010- 07:33:43
robi interested in where that is going
08-09 AM
2010- 07:33:45
txladyjane howdy Dallas
08-09 AM
2010- 07:33:45
Guest7832 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:33:45
Pamspumps hello
08-09 AM
great for me: it was just delicious. the pacing and
2010- 07:33:47 the OMGodric moments and there was a lot of stuff
Tiera Graham
08-09 AM that even the bookies like me were freaking out
2010- 07:33:48
Liras :)
08-09 AM
I love how unusal pretty she looked, I like it when
2010- 07:33:49
JeremyOfKansas folks are on there that look NORMAL. In reference
08-09 AM
to Holly.
2010- 07:33:49
tbsookie I'm here
08-09 AM
2010- 07:33:52
Marleneemm JOK: SAw Hollty
08-09 AM
2010- 07:33:52
1EvilJessica enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:33:56
JeremyOfKansas <3 Holyl.
08-09 AM
2010- 07:33:56
Guest7840 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:33:57
Harley Dickerson i got mentioned!!!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:33:58
TruebieDoobyDoo *waves*
08-09 AM
2010- 07:33:59
JeremyOfKansas Holly*
08-09 AM
2010- 07:34:05
sabby77 that sex scene was incredible lol
08-09 AM
2010- 07:34:06
Harley Dickerson :_)
08-09 AM
2010- 07:34:07
Guest7844 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:34:07
Cavalavalier Thanks! herhehe
08-09 AM
2010- 07:34:09 GGRRRrrrr Im SO going to throw this computer
08-09 AM out da window
2010- 07:34:15
robi *tips hat to harley*
08-09 AM
2010- 07:34:16
ChoChoMojo No time!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:34:16
txladyjane all the sex was GREAT
08-09 AM
2010- 07:34:21 sabby so it was the sex scene that made it the best
08-09 AM episode of the season for you
2010- 07:34:23
1EvilJessica no vamp speed :P
08-09 AM
2010- 07:34:31
Lisnoe I'm glad that Bill is finally mentoring Jessica
08-09 AM
2010- 07:34:31
Harley Dickerson aw jeez i forgot my water
08-09 AM
2010- 07:34:32 What was Pam talking about when she said after
Fae Fire
08-09 AM 1000 years it was ending in the preview
2010- 07:34:34 Show was great~ looking forward to next weeks
08-09 AM show!
2010- 07:34:36
JeremyOfKansas Eric+Talbot=HAWT.
08-09 AM
2010- 07:34:36
sabby77 lol i think so!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:34:38
Pamspumps Bloodlust FTW!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:34:39 i really wanna stop chatting and go watch the ep
Tiera Graham
08-09 AM again. but i'm retraining myself
2010- 07:34:44
1EvilJessica YES! so am I
08-09 AM
2010- 07:34:51
1EvilJessica I's gotta say it's about bloody time
08-09 AM
2010- 07:34:54
Pamspumps "take your clothes off"
08-09 AM
2010- 07:34:56
lafemmetopaz wow I didn't think it was that great
08-09 AM
2010- 07:34:57
TruebieDoobyDoo RIP Talbot
08-09 AM
2010- 07:34:57 shhh D...on my way to make my plate
08-09 AM right back
2010- 07:35:04 I was waiting for Bill to say "I can't be with Sookie,
08-09 AM Jessica! I nearly killed her!"
2010- 07:35:06
1EvilJessica lol
08-09 AM
2010- 07:35:11
tbsookie My first time here....glad i came.
08-09 AM
2010- 07:35:15
lafemmetopaz it was a decent episode but kind of sad at the end
08-09 AM
2010- 07:35:15
Harley Dickerson pshhh
08-09 AM
2010- 07:35:18
Harley Dickerson children
08-09 AM
2010- 07:35:20
Liras hmmm is that all of the peopl that are going to die?
08-09 AM
2010- 07:35:24
TruebieDoobyDoo Hi, TBSookie
08-09 AM
2010- 07:35:30
Liras cause that was like .....4
08-09 AM
2010- 07:35:34 I was disappointed that Sookie didnt shoot Debbie :
08-09 AM (
2010- 07:35:36
Pamspumps sound?
08-09 AM
2010- 07:35:43
Pamspumps back
08-09 AM
2010- 07:35:49
sookiebontemps So was I, Cav
08-09 AM
2010- 07:35:50
JeremyOfKansas It was sad at theend- but that's okay.
08-09 AM
2010- 07:35:52 Dallas :NO SOUND don't know why Am in the
08-09 AM chat look for "0459"
2010- 07:35:55
JeremyOfKansas This isg oing to be a great season.
08-09 AM
2010- 07:35:56 perhaps we will see another Sookie/Debbie
08-09 AM showdown?
2010- 07:36:01
Guest7860 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:36:03 i wonder... are Bill and Sookie together again. or
Tiera Graham
08-09 AM was that a reunion hook up?
2010- 07:36:04
Lisnoe Me too Cav
08-09 AM
2010- 07:36:08
ChoChoMojo Sad at the end?
08-09 AM
We're going to have the vampire king, holly is
2010- 07:36:10
JeremyOfKansas here(hello, witch!), werewolves. This is going to be
08-09 AM
2010- 07:36:14
Guest7874 enter the room
08-09 AM
Lafatte is going to be a powerful witch and make
2010- 07:36:19
Fae Fire Eric loose his memory on the last show to set us up
08-09 AM
for next year
2010- 07:36:22 Tirea, I'm under the impression she ends up with
08-09 AM Eric somehow.
2010- 07:36:23
TruebieDoobyDoo I think together- for now.
08-09 AM
2010- 07:36:23
Cavalavalier I was looking forward to it.
08-09 AM
2010- 07:36:25 Wonderful show~ not going to cry over talbot's
08-09 AM death
2010- 07:36:26
Liras i think Jason might need to leave Ctystal alone :/
08-09 AM
2010- 07:36:26
lafemmetopaz yes sad ...
08-09 AM
2010- 07:36:28
Harley Dickerson LUV MARK
08-09 AM
2010- 07:36:35
Liras *crystal
08-09 AM
Lafayette has some hoodoo power in him(not to be
2010- 07:36:40
JeremyOfKansas confused with real world hoodoo), but he's got a set
08-09 AM
in the story.
2010- 07:36:42
Harley Dickerson he wont liras
08-09 AM
2010- 07:36:45
Marleneemm High Mark!! Love your column
08-09 AM
2010- 07:36:47
Lisnoe OOOO Fae Fire...good prediction
08-09 AM
Sookie was sounding like a textbook abused
2010- 07:36:50
Tiera Graham girlfriend in this ep. "it wasn't his fault" stuff.
08-09 AM
making excuses. like Crystal
2010- 07:36:54 Crystal be needing rescue! Press 1 if you want to be
08-09 AM rescued by Jason!
2010- 07:36:55
Liras i know Harley but he should
08-09 AM
2010- 07:36:57
TruebieDoobyDoo I love TDF! That's how I afford most shows!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:37:05
Guest7778 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:37:06
ChoChoMojo Last scene was Sook and Bill THAT wasn't sad. :-)
08-09 AM
2010- 07:37:06
Guest7778 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:37:07
Harley Dickerson 1
08-09 AM
2010- 07:37:07
Guest7778 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:37:07
Guest7778 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:37:08
Tiera Graham 1
08-09 AM
he almost killed her, she talked about how their
2010- 07:37:09
lafemmetopaz relationship is bad for her and yet she subcumbed to
08-09 AM
her feelings
2010- 07:37:21
Guest7778 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:37:28
lafemmetopaz Tara's remark about the country songs are so true
08-09 AM
2010- 07:37:28 TrueBlood can open any doors~ and help with
08-09 AM conversations in any business
2010- 07:37:29
JeremyOfKansas 1
08-09 AM
2010- 07:37:31
Fae Fire I want more Faries NOW
08-09 AM
2010- 07:37:34
Guest7892 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:37:37
Liras ahhaha
08-09 AM
2010- 07:37:38
Cavalavalier Hello
08-09 AM
2010- 07:37:38
JeremyOfKansas I want more witches- NOW.
08-09 AM
2010- 07:37:41
TruebieDoobyDoo what's with all the 1's?
08-09 AM
2010- 07:37:42
JeremyOfKansas Witches>Faeries.
08-09 AM
2010- 07:37:42
Harley Dickerson !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:37:42
Marleneemm We love mark
08-09 AM
OOhhh speakin of the Sookie and Bill hookup can
2010- 07:37:43
1EvilJessica someone tell me what song was playing and who
08-09 AM
sung it?
2010- 07:37:43
Harley Dickerson !!!!!!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:37:46
Harley Dickerson omg
08-09 AM
2010- 07:37:47 And when was the last time Sookie worked at
08-09 AM Merlott's?
2010- 07:37:48
tbsookie Hi Mark
08-09 AM
2010- 07:37:53
Harley Dickerson faints
08-09 AM
2010- 07:37:56
Fae Fire Me to with the witches also
08-09 AM
2010- 07:38:01
Liras Sookie hasn't worked at Merlottes for like 4 or 3 das
08-09 AM
2010- 07:38:04 Liras *days
08-09 AM
2010- 07:38:05
1EvilJessica I (L)ed that song at the end
08-09 AM
2010- 07:38:20
rclaurel enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:38:20 Does anyone else feel odd when they see Rogue's
08-09 AM titty's?
2010- 07:38:22
robi Dallas in shock? Holy Hell!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:38:23
CryGaia enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:38:24
Harley Dickerson 1eviljessica it was amazing
08-09 AM
2010- 07:38:34
1EvilJessica yes I concur :)
08-09 AM
2010- 07:38:36
Marleneemm he writes great columns~ Dallas you're toung tied .
08-09 AM
2010- 07:38:37
txladyjane (L)
08-09 AM
2010- 07:38:40
Tiera Graham quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:38:41
Tiera Graham enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:38:41
Harley Dickerson of course the music is always great
08-09 AM
2010- 07:38:44
Fae Fire Never seen a bad tit
08-09 AM
2010- 07:38:44
TruebieDoobyDoo I agree!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:38:45
Liras Jessica rocked tonight
08-09 AM
2010- 07:38:45
ChoChoMojo I AGREE!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:38:48
Guest7816 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:38:53
JeremyOfKansas Jessica= AWESOME.
08-09 AM
2010- 07:38:56 Guest7906 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:38:57
Pamspumps the whole show rocked
08-09 AM
2010- 07:38:57
Liras i like how she smiled when she was the were
08-09 AM
2010- 07:38:58
Lisnoe This season has really been intense
08-09 AM
2010- 07:38:59
TruebieDoobyDoo Every episode better than the one before
08-09 AM
2010- 07:38:59
Marleneemm Narj: YOUR RIGHT this is BEST SEASON !!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:39:00
JeremyOfKansas I am so happy to see the mfurther develop her.
08-09 AM
2010- 07:39:01 I think Dallas should play that song at the of
08-09 AM tonights show
2010- 07:39:06
Fae Fire I am starting to love jessica
08-09 AM
2010- 07:39:07
sabby77 i agree as well best season!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:39:08
golden_grahams enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:39:13
Lisnoe Though I am still bored with Arlene
08-09 AM
2010- 07:39:14
JeremyOfKansas COOTER LAWL!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:39:19
TerreEssa I think i liked all plot lines this ep!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:39:20
Guest7832 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:39:23
Marleneemm Wonderful how they tied up some loose ends
08-09 AM
2010- 07:39:31 i am to blame for addicing 6 people to the show-
08-09 AM great season for them to join
2010- 07:39:34
Liras ahha
08-09 AM
2010- 07:39:38
08-09 AM
2010- 07:39:38 riverdragon169 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:39:39
Harley Dickerson !!!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:39:45 I knew Jess was jus a lil firecracker waiting to bust
08-09 AM out :) :D
2010- 07:39:49
Fae Fire I hear Allen Ball asked Alsied to be a regular
08-09 AM
2010- 07:39:50 I was nervous they were gonna kill Jess there for a
08-09 AM moment!
2010- 07:39:50
Harley Dickerson wrote that down
08-09 AM
2010- 07:39:50
Liras seemed like he was her pet
08-09 AM
2010- 07:39:51
Israelite Heritage enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:39:53
Tiera Graham sheesh i suck. i was listening to last week's blog!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:39:56
golden_grahams quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:40:00
1EvilJessica LOL ya not the only one Cho
08-09 AM
2010- 07:40:05
Harley Dickerson bill has valley girl moment
08-09 AM
2010- 07:40:08
Marleneemm Bill and Anna were HOTTTTTTTTTTT
08-09 AM
2010- 07:40:09
Israelite Heritage quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:40:11
Guest7906 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:40:13
Pamspumps campiness reminds me of BTVS
08-09 AM
2010- 07:40:13
ChoChoMojo !!!!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:40:16
sabby77 lol
08-09 AM
2010- 07:40:18
ihearteric enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:40:20 ChoChoMojo NO kidding!!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:40:23
08-09 AM
2010- 07:40:30
Pamspumps yum
08-09 AM
2010- 07:40:30
ChoChoMojo LOL
08-09 AM
That scene was a redo of Anna's Trick O Treat
2010- 07:40:31
robi scene...want she a werewolf i that one? Anyways,
08-09 AM
simialr.. but rocked it!
2010- 07:40:33
1EvilJessica LMAO
08-09 AM
2010- 07:40:34
Israelite Heritage enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:40:35
Israelite Heritage quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:40:36
Lisnoe Date night! ha
08-09 AM
2010- 07:40:38 Where will Eric hide now that he killed Rullell's
Fae Fire
08-09 AM littet pet boy
2010- 07:40:39
tbsookie OMG Eric Talbot
08-09 AM
2010- 07:40:46
Marleneemm Who cares about Talbot??
08-09 AM
2010- 07:40:49
ChoChoMojo Alcide!!!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:40:50
TruebieDoobyDoo Village bicycle
08-09 AM
2010- 07:40:53
Cavalavalier Truebie-I agree, Eric Talbolt scence two thumbs up
08-09 AM
2010- 07:40:53 Bill looked so sad in the beginning of the ep! OMG
Tiera Graham
08-09 AM i felt so sorry for him.
2010- 07:40:57
1EvilJessica maybe it was a goodbye ***? :S
08-09 AM
2010- 07:41:01
Liras he is Fae Fire
08-09 AM
2010- 07:41:01
Pamspumps I want to do it
08-09 AM
2010- 07:41:02
TruebieDoobyDoo I know, right, Cav
08-09 AM
2010- 07:41:08
Harley Dickerson werewolves tigers and vamps ohmy
08-09 AM
2010- 07:41:14
Fae Fire Alcied, Thanks for the correct spelling
08-09 AM
2010- 07:41:14
Pamspumps Sookie has lost her light
08-09 AM
2010- 07:41:44
Guest7949 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:41:49 ok i can't not go and rewatch the ep. now. plus i
Tiera Graham
08-09 AM gotta get some z's. night!
This epsiode is going to give Bill's Babes hope for
2010- 07:41:52
Marleneemm who ends up with Sookie~ But don't count ERIC
08-09 AM
2010- 07:41:52
Tiera Graham quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:42:02
Fae Fire Sookie has her light (Fire) in a preview
08-09 AM
2010- 07:42:05
sabby77 i want to see some panthers
08-09 AM
2010- 07:42:23
Cavalavalier It was definetly intense
08-09 AM
2010- 07:42:26
Liras quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:42:26
Pamspumps light= her sweet southern spirit
08-09 AM
2010- 07:42:26
Liras enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:42:31
Guest7949 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:42:34
Harley Dickerson not talbot and eric
08-09 AM
2010- 07:42:34
DamienQuarles enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:42:35
Fae Fire Yes Why do the panthers not shift?
08-09 AM
2010- 07:42:38 Marleneemm Eric is still going to be in her life~ SOOKIE WIll
08-09 AM make up her mind by end of season
Did any other slash chicks in here(not that I am
2010- 07:42:50
JeremyOfKansas one) scream when Erik NEARLY did it with
08-09 AM
Talbot? Press 1?!
2010- 07:42:57
Pamspumps 1
08-09 AM
2010- 07:42:59
Liras 1
08-09 AM
2010- 07:43:01
TruebieDoobyDoo With a little carnality thrown in
08-09 AM
2010- 07:43:01
Harley Dickerson 1
08-09 AM
2010- 07:43:04
Guest7967 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:43:05
JeremyOfKansas <3 you all baby's.
08-09 AM
2010- 07:43:09
Pamspumps dark sex
08-09 AM
2010- 07:43:09
Lisnoe 1
08-09 AM
2010- 07:43:12
Marleneemm 1
08-09 AM
2010- 07:43:12
Fae Fire Eric will not remember who he is at seasons end
08-09 AM
2010- 07:43:14 i was like "ohh an Eric strip came
08-09 AM early"
2010- 07:43:16 This is a great look at it..hunted is definately the
08-09 AM theme
2010- 07:43:19
DamienQuarles quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:43:25
Cavalavalier 1
08-09 AM
2010- 07:43:33
Marleneemm fae fire: YOU're RIGHT
08-09 AM
2010- 07:43:33 I need to brew a pot of cofee, and put some baily's
08-09 AM in it.
2010- 07:43:40 Press 1 if you are drinking alcohol right now! If
08-09 AM your not- GET SOME!
2010- 07:43:43
Pamspumps ill take a cup
08-09 AM
2010- 07:43:45
TruebieDoobyDoo LMAO Thriller
08-09 AM
2010- 07:43:46
JeremyOfKansas But only if your of the correct age! :)
08-09 AM
2010- 07:43:47
Fae Fire Eric, Christmas & a Happy New year all in one
08-09 AM
2010- 07:43:47
sabby77 i need to watch this episode again!!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:43:50
Cavalavalier Can not wait for that-Fae Fire
08-09 AM
2010- 07:43:58
JeremyOfKansas Faerie Fire! PEW PEW PEW!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:44:01 It had a hint of Horror Movie ties in...but I was
08-09 AM waiting for the Tara "Psycho" scene...sob. HA!
2010- 07:44:01
Marleneemm Things are heating up~ Can't miss anything
08-09 AM
2010- 07:44:04
Lisnoe wishig I could press 1
08-09 AM
2010- 07:44:10
Fae Fire 1+1+1
08-09 AM
2010- 07:44:20
Harley Dickerson 1
08-09 AM
2010- 07:44:25
rclaurel quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:44:33
Lisnoe Hungry like a wolf!!!!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:44:34
Guest7977 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:44:35
Guest7978 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:44:36
Harley Dickerson aren't they hybrids?
08-09 AM
2010- 07:44:36
ChoChoMojo Love their glowing eyes
08-09 AM
2010- 07:44:41 my hubby started to do the psycho sound in the
08-09 AM Tara shower scene! lol
2010- 07:44:48
Guest7977 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:44:49 Tara has got to stay away from Franklin~ he maybe
08-09 AM dead???
2010- 07:44:51 I was wonderin if Franklin was gonna come after
08-09 AM Tara for bashing his head in :S
On the "fan Night" it was said the scene with Debi
2010- 07:44:57
robi kicking in the door, the wolves got a bit too excited
08-09 AM
on set...
2010- 07:45:04
TruebieDoobyDoo I think we'll see Franklin again next week
08-09 AM
2010- 07:45:05
Guest7982 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:45:16
Lisnoe i think Franklin's coming but needs time to heal
08-09 AM
2010- 07:45:17
Cavalavalier Jessica Looked a little over hungry..
08-09 AM
2010- 07:45:19
riverdragon169 Franklin has to come back!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:45:28 Loved Laffy's mom~ and Laffy tonight ~ also love
08-09 AM Jesus.
2010- 07:45:34 since Jessica took alot of the were's
08-09 AM something going to happen to her?
2010- 07:45:37
Guest7988 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:45:38
Guest7988 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:45:50
Marleneemm real wolved are COOL~ CGI wolves are not
08-09 AM
2010- 07:45:51
Liras yay no Joe Lee in his dingy undies
08-09 AM
2010- 07:45:51
Harley Dickerson probably not
08-09 AM
2010- 07:45:54 RIP Patrick Swayze's brother. Jess is such an
08-09 AM animal.
2010- 07:45:55 What about the comment about Franklin's brains on
Fae Fire
08-09 AM the sheets. Is he dead?
2010- 07:45:56 Lisnoe Interesting question Liras? I wonder?
08-09 AM
I think I heard that the ones w actors are but aren't
2010- 07:46:00
robi the howlin ones without actors in scenes real? Not
08-09 AM
sure if I remember that right
2010- 07:46:00
sabby77 poor tara she's traumatized
08-09 AM
2010- 07:46:07
Harley Dickerson but hey who knows?
08-09 AM
2010- 07:46:16
1EvilJessica I knew that, Mark!! :P
08-09 AM
2010- 07:46:20
Marleneemm Tommy has got to stay away from Jessica
08-09 AM
2010- 07:46:27
TruebieDoobyDoo When hasn't Tara been traumatized?
08-09 AM
2010- 07:46:28
Liras why MAreneemm?
08-09 AM
2010- 07:46:31
Cavalavalier Franklin is not dead
08-09 AM
2010- 07:46:39
Fae Fire Little Swazey is a bit on the UGLEY side
08-09 AM
2010- 07:46:42
Harley Dickerson and yummy
08-09 AM
2010- 07:46:42
08-09 AM
WAS?! Who is with me?
2010- 07:46:42
1EvilJessica lol I want to see them 2 together
08-09 AM
2010- 07:46:42 Tommy's kind of creepy...since when is he Tommy
08-09 AM Merlotte?
2010- 07:46:44
Liras i agree with TrubieDoobyDoo
08-09 AM
so was sookie.. yet she still couldn't help it with
2010- 07:46:45
lafemmetopaz Bill. That's the sad part, he almost killed her and she
08-09 AM
still likes the danger and can't stay from it
2010- 07:46:54
Guest8008 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:47:00
Lisnoe Bill and Sookie make-up sex
08-09 AM
2010- 07:47:01
Pamspumps Alcide was so sweet tonight
08-09 AM
2010- 07:47:07 Tommym if he gets to close to Jessica will get hurt~
08-09 AM Hoyt can stomp him
2010- 07:47:13 yea like when he said "i don't take order from
08-09 AM vamps"
2010- 07:47:20
Harley Dickerson I so was hoping for them to kiss
08-09 AM
2010- 07:47:22
Pamspumps he has a husky voice on the show
08-09 AM
2010- 07:47:25
ChoChoMojo Alcide sure was
08-09 AM
2010- 07:47:26
Fae Fire YESSSSS Make up Sex with Bill!!!!!!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:47:30 Followed closely by the scenes with Bill and Jessica
08-09 AM as second favorite
2010- 07:47:31 since Tommy can shift he could probably kick
08-09 AM Hoyt's ass
2010- 07:47:33 LInsoe: Tommy has to "Earn" the name
2010- 07:47:44
TruebieDoobyDoo Alcide is sex on a cracker. Or milk bone.
08-09 AM
2010- 07:47:51
JeremyOfKansas Anyone else think Tommy= edible?
08-09 AM
2010- 07:47:53
Guest7982 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:47:56
ChoChoMojo LOL
08-09 AM
2010- 07:47:58
1EvilJessica thats what I was thinking Lisnoe
08-09 AM
2010- 07:47:59 I suspect he'll get into a relationship with Jessica.
08-09 AM He's into her!
2010- 07:48:00
Marleneemm HOYT's 6'5 ~ What is Tommy 5'6"???
08-09 AM
2010- 07:48:12 He's quick to brag to Hoyt wasn't he...not liking
08-09 AM Tommy or trusting him
2010- 07:48:16 wow, I still can't believe I"m the only one that so
08-09 AM how disturbing that was between Sookie and Bill
2010- 07:48:20
Harley Dickerson more hoyt
08-09 AM
2010- 07:48:21
Guest8033 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:48:24
Fae Fire Tommy will look good naked
08-09 AM
2010- 07:48:28
Pamspumps shifters have supernatural strength
08-09 AM
2010- 07:48:30 Wonder if it's all a scam being run by Tommy and
08-09 AM his parents
2010- 07:48:41
Guest8038 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:48:43
Guest7978 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:48:50 JOK:Tommy may be into Jessica but he's biting off
08-09 AM more than he can chew
2010- 07:48:57
Fae Fire Lisnoe: Could be
08-09 AM
Was anyone really surpirised that Sams mother
2010- 07:49:07
Cavalavalier asked him for money then complained about the
08-09 AM
2010- 07:49:07
lafemmetopaz whatever to hoyt
08-09 AM
2010- 07:49:11
Lisnoe Good one Marleneemm
08-09 AM
2010- 07:49:11
Marleneemm Avalanche~ I agree.
08-09 AM
2010- 07:49:14
Harley Dickerson no
08-09 AM
2010- 07:49:21
BillohBill1 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:49:21
Harley Dickerson whateve??
08-09 AM
2010- 07:49:26
Guest8033 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:49:32
Guest7803 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:49:35 lafemmetopaz I'm not a hoyt fan
08-09 AM
2010- 07:49:37 I thought Allen Ball said that Tommy & Jessica will
Fae Fire
08-09 AM get together this season
2010- 07:49:38
Harley Dickerson y?
08-09 AM
2010- 07:49:38
Guest8038 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:49:39 WOOOOHOOOOO Vampire Bill was shreddin' hat
08-09 AM pootang!!!
2010- 07:49:44
sookiebontemps LOL, MK.
08-09 AM
2010- 07:49:47
ChoChoMojo LOL BoB
08-09 AM
2010- 07:49:48
TruebieDoobyDoo Fae Fire is whispering
08-09 AM
2010- 07:49:52
Guest8053 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:49:55 You can spot good film work~~ and Alan Ball's got
08-09 AM wonderful people working for him
2010- 07:49:57
TruebieDoobyDoo BOB!!!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:49:57 Hoyt has been looking pretty trim lately...or maybe
08-09 AM it's the new haircut
2010- 07:49:59
Pamspumps Sookie was shredding Bill
08-09 AM
2010- 07:50:01
BillohBill1 SOOKIE! *runs and tackles you*
08-09 AM
2010- 07:50:05
sookiebontemps OOF
08-09 AM
2010- 07:50:08
ChoChoMojo I beat you too it!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:50:11
sookiebontemps That's 2x tonight.
08-09 AM
2010- 07:50:15
sookiebontemps First Questa, now you, MK!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:50:18
ChoChoMojo I tackled first!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:50:19 Marleneemm Linsoe:Jim Parrack has lost weight
08-09 AM
if hoyt and jessica end up together I think they
2010- 07:50:22
1EvilJessica should do a scene where we see what she will do to
08-09 AM
Hoyt since they are different
2010- 07:50:23
Harley Dickerson I think its the hair
08-09 AM
2010- 07:50:24
BillohBill1 LOL Sook! The Belles will always love you!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:50:29
Guest8053 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:50:36
Marleneemm Sookie and Jason really close this season
08-09 AM
2010- 07:50:37
BillohBill1 I have laundry to do, LOL had to check in here first.
08-09 AM
2010- 07:50:47
BillohBill1 Jason to Sookie: Are ya brain damaged? LOL
08-09 AM
2010- 07:50:47
TruebieDoobyDoo I was hopin you'd show up, MK
08-09 AM
2010- 07:50:47 I feel bad for Jessica. Forever cursed with the
08-09 AM hymem. Or however you spell it. :(
2010- 07:50:49
ChoChoMojo "laundry"
08-09 AM
2010- 07:50:49
TES2008 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:50:50
sookiebontemps HAHA, well thank you, MK.
08-09 AM
2010- 07:50:54
robi Sook, watch it BoB's on Fire! HA! Howdie BoB
08-09 AM
2010- 07:50:55 Would love to see a flashback between Gran &
08-09 AM Sookie
2010- 07:50:58
1EvilJessica well hello bob :) and thnx for checking in
08-09 AM
2010- 07:51:14
BillohBill1 Evil Jessica *waves* Doobs! ROBIIIIIII!!!!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:51:33
1EvilJessica *waves back*
08-09 AM
2010- 07:51:34
Fae Fire quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:51:40
08-09 AM
2010- 07:51:44
Pamspumps yes
08-09 AM
2010- 07:51:45 Oh, hell. Just remembered that Hadley was on
08-09 AM tonight. SOOOO much in tonight's epi.
2010- 07:51:45
BillohBill1 yay FOR eRIC, i THINK.
08-09 AM
2010- 07:51:48 Mark: YOU maybe the only one who's not bored
08-09 AM with the Mickens
2010- 07:51:48
Guest8092 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:51:49
Fae Fire enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:51:50
ChoChoMojo Yes!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:51:52
sabby77 yes im tired of the ***!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:51:52
Harley Dickerson GO MARK!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:51:55
1EvilJessica yes, it jus keeps getting better and better! :)
08-09 AM
2010- 07:51:55
BillohBill1 Except poor Talbot.
08-09 AM
2010- 07:51:57
Guest8092 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:51:57
TerreEssa awesome op!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:51:57
Cavalavalier good one dallas
08-09 AM
2010- 07:51:57
robi I did like this one..but have reservations
08-09 AM
2010- 07:52:00
JeremyOfKansas So- what do you all think is in store for Lafeyette?
08-09 AM
2010- 07:52:02
Guest8102 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:52:08
Fae Fire quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:52:08
Guest8102 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:52:12 Wondering what's going to happen to Eric when
08-09 AM Russell comes after him?
2010- 07:52:25 I want to know whose blood was in the huge jar
08-09 AM Russell was holding.
2010- 07:52:26 I kinda wish Eric had the common vampire decency
08-09 AM to nail him before staking him. :(
2010- 07:52:27
Pamspumps It's all so visceral this season
08-09 AM
2010- 07:52:29 Should be interesting for Eric, but I trust Eric is
08-09 AM ready for him.
2010- 07:52:29
Fae Fire enter the room
08-09 AM
I think Lafayette will have some dificulties getting
2010- 07:52:35
robi out of "dealing" specially since the dealers are in a
08-09 AM
2010- 07:52:39
TruebieDoobyDoo BoB- How hot was the Bill/Jess fight club
08-09 AM
2010- 07:52:46
Harley Dickerson probablytalbots blood
08-09 AM
2010- 07:52:52
Pamspumps it grabs you in your gut and swishes it around
08-09 AM
2010- 07:52:54
Harley Dickerson like an urn
08-09 AM
2010- 07:52:55
sookiebontemps Truebie: I thought we'd entered the Matrix.
08-09 AM
2010- 07:52:59 It will be intresting because usually Eric always
08-09 AM comes out on top
2010- 07:52:59 Yes, don't Bill and Jessica know not to wrestle in
08-09 AM the house Sheesh!
2010- 07:52:59 Linsoe: Wonderful question about Russell~ but he's
08-09 AM going to die just like Talbot.
2010- 07:53:03
sookiebontemps Harley, I think you're right.
08-09 AM
2010- 07:53:09 Sookiebontemps: I'm guessing Talbot's but don't
08-09 AM know how Russell gets it?
2010- 07:53:13 KimmieTex enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:53:14
Fae Fire Russell needs to die like Maryann did
08-09 AM
2010- 07:53:16
Marleneemm GUS.
08-09 AM
2010- 07:53:18
sookiebontemps Well, I don't think Talbot's dead.
08-09 AM
2010- 07:53:22 is it like if you pass the 1,000 bench mark as a
08-09 AM vampire you can fly?
2010- 07:53:22
BillohBill1 Hey, maybe it's Talbot's blood in that glass?
08-09 AM
2010- 07:53:23
JeremyOfKansas That was his brother? how sad. :(
08-09 AM
2010- 07:53:24
TES2008 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:53:29 If you were Eric, how on earth would you plan to
08-09 AM kill Russel??
2010- 07:53:30
TruebieDoobyDoo I know. With a bit of Inception thrown in
08-09 AM
2010- 07:53:30
1EvilJessica lol ohhh but its OH SO much fun, Bob! :) :D (6)
08-09 AM
2010- 07:53:32
riverdragon169 Gus
08-09 AM
2010- 07:53:33 I would like to meet the Authority, maybe Eric willl
08-09 AM have them on his side
2010- 07:53:35
Harley Dickerson yup
08-09 AM
2010- 07:53:38
TruebieDoobyDoo Yep. Don Swayze
08-09 AM
2010- 07:53:39
wgmdlulz enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:53:47
sookiebontemps Cav: I think the Authority is Nan/AVL.
08-09 AM
2010- 07:53:48 Was worried Bill and Jessica was going to get
08-09 AM sexual...gag!
2010- 07:53:49
Guest8143 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:53:53 VampireDream enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:53:55 Do you guys think the guy who was eating the deer
08-09 AM on the floorin Htshot looked like Jason?
2010- 07:53:56
ChoChoMojo Ewwwww
08-09 AM
2010- 07:53:59
Harley Dickerson oh yea
08-09 AM
2010- 07:54:02 Eric may have to play in the Authority to deal w
08-09 AM Russell
2010- 07:54:05
Fae Fire Who the hell is the Athority???
08-09 AM
2010- 07:54:07 Dallas ~ No Don does't look like Patrick~ Patrick
08-09 AM had the looks
2010- 07:54:08
08-09 AM
2010- 07:54:16
Lisnoe Glad to see they didn't go there with Bill and Jess
08-09 AM
2010- 07:54:23
BillohBill1 Agree'd Lisnoe
08-09 AM
2010- 07:54:26 The Hotshot guy w/ the deer reminded me of the
08-09 AM guy in Sookie's sink last season
2010- 07:54:26
robi BLAH on the Rene scene
08-09 AM
2010- 07:54:32
lafemmetopaz Hey Mrs Newlin is on Mad Men
08-09 AM
2010- 07:54:33
1EvilJessica lol
08-09 AM
2010- 07:54:36
BillohBill1 Oh Rene! YUCK!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:54:39
Guest7611 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:54:45
BillohBill1 LOL Lafemme
08-09 AM
2010- 07:54:49
Dr. Girlfriend enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:54:51
Lisnoe Arlene story = boring!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:54:53 Harley Dickerson rene=creep
08-09 AM
2010- 07:54:54
BillohBill1 Hang on you guys, going to swap out laundry.
08-09 AM
2010- 07:54:55
lafemmetopaz she is... she was on episode 1
08-09 AM
2010- 07:55:00
1EvilJessica :::: puts fingers in a cross:::: at Rene
08-09 AM
2010- 07:55:06
ihearteric quit the room
08-09 AM
sookie: I think that Nan is apart of it but I remember
2010- 07:55:06
Cavalavalier when Eric was fighting for Godric "he is older htan
08-09 AM
you and deserves your recpect"
2010- 07:55:07 Interesting that she fantasized Rene w/ the Cajun
08-09 AM accent
2010- 07:55:11 Was shocked that Rene showed up~ now wonder if
08-09 AM he's going to show up again
2010- 07:55:12 Lisnoe: *whispers* I agree. Wouldn't miss it if it
08-09 AM weren't there. . .even though I liked Terry singing.
2010- 07:55:21 Brit Eklund plays Eric's mom in the Viking
08-09 AM Flashback scene
2010- 07:55:24
Guest8181 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:55:29
wgmdlulz quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:55:29
Harley Dickerson terry had a great voice
08-09 AM
2010- 07:55:30 Truebie: She hasn't heard Rene speak without the
08-09 AM cajun accent.
2010- 07:55:32 3 things is how Allen Ball does things. Remember 6
Fae Fire
08-09 AM feet under?
2010- 07:55:32
Konstantin4Abilen enter the room
08-09 AM
I'm curiosu to see more about Nan Flannagan(I still
2010- 07:55:38
JeremyOfKansas see Amy's sister from Judging Amy when I see her),
08-09 AM
I can't wait to know more about the Authority.
2010- 07:55:39
TruebieDoobyDoo Good point
08-09 AM
2010- 07:55:40 Then she answered with something along the lines
08-09 AM of "Don't meess with me I am on TV"
2010- 07:55:44
Marleneemm Lftz: Brit looks wonderful.
08-09 AM
2010- 07:55:45
sabby77 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:55:59
Guest8181 quit the room
08-09 AM
nah when she mentioned him in the first episode
about Tara dating a serrial killer and not being ther
2010- 07:56:02
Liras only one. after she said that and found out she was
08-09 AM
pregnant i was like "it's Rene's" no doubt in my
2010- 07:56:05
sabby77 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:56:12
08-09 AM
2010- 07:56:17
TerreEssa Arlene's superstitcious
08-09 AM
2010- 07:56:17
Pamspumps Dallas= wikipedia for Trueblood
08-09 AM
2010- 07:56:18 Who know maybe Terry willl make a wonderful
08-09 AM dad.
2010- 07:56:18
Fae Fire The athority will Kill Russell in the end?
08-09 AM
2010- 07:56:20
ChoChoMojo I do too Robi
08-09 AM
2010- 07:56:24
Lisnoe Who hasn't dated a serial killer?
08-09 AM
2010- 07:56:36 i like how Terry was singing to the baby. he's
08-09 AM sweet :)
2010- 07:56:44
Harley Dickerson psssh wiki ain't got nuthing on dallas
08-09 AM
2010- 07:56:46
JeremyOfKansas Is the Authority even in the book folks?
08-09 AM
2010- 07:56:48
ChoChoMojo Love Terry :)
08-09 AM
2010- 07:56:54 Robi - I agree, Debbie is probably off in her trailer
08-09 AM lickin' her wounds her
2010- 07:56:57
sookiebontemps JOK: No.
08-09 AM
2010- 07:57:03
TruebieDoobyDoo No, Jeremy
08-09 AM
2010- 07:57:04
JeremyOfKansas Hmm, want to know where they take this.
08-09 AM
2010- 07:57:07
sookiebontemps There are vampire judges.
08-09 AM
2010- 07:57:07 A serial killer is about the only thing that I have not
Fae Fire
08-09 AM dated. (That I know of)
2010- 07:57:08
riverdragon169 not in the books
08-09 AM
2010- 07:57:20
sabby77 sookie: y havent u been on twitter!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:57:21
sookiebontemps At one point, Bill serves as a "judge"
08-09 AM
2010- 07:57:23 Ooohhhh, it would be SO interesting if Arlene gives
08-09 AM birth to one of these creatures/monsters
2010- 07:57:31 That means I see a "falling downs the stairs"
08-09 AM sequence
2010- 07:57:33
KimmieTex Momma was smart
08-09 AM
2010- 07:57:37
TruebieDoobyDoo Holly
08-09 AM
2010- 07:57:40
riverdragon169 holly
08-09 AM
2010- 07:57:41
Harley Dickerson holly
08-09 AM
2010- 07:57:42
Lisnoe No, Holly
08-09 AM
2010- 07:57:43
KimmieTex Holly
08-09 AM
2010- 07:57:48
Guest7759 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:57:49
sookiebontemps Sabby: No longer tweeting.
08-09 AM
2010- 07:57:49
Fae Fire Shalie is a WITCH
08-09 AM
2010- 07:57:54
Harley Dickerson shes a witch
08-09 AM
2010- 07:57:55
1EvilJessica I say Holly reads minds
08-09 AM
2010- 07:57:55
robi Kimmie? Is that you? OMG
08-09 AM
2010- 07:57:59 Arlene should get to know this saying : YOu have
08-09 AM to be cleaner that Caeasr's wife~ when in politics
2010- 07:58:02 What was Jason seeing when he went into that back
Dr. Girlfriend
08-09 AM room in Hotshot? Gross
2010- 07:58:04 Arlene to Sam" This is Holly, dont sleep with her"
08-09 AM My fav line of the night
2010- 07:58:05
ChoChoMojo I miss you on Twitter Sook :(
08-09 AM
2010- 07:58:05
sookiebontemps KIM!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:58:10
Lisnoe Crystal Meth!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:58:13
sookiebontemps Miss y'all, too, Questa.
08-09 AM
2010- 07:58:15
Harley Dickerson ohhhhhhh
08-09 AM
2010- 07:58:17
Lisnoe Holly!!!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:58:20
Marleneemm jesus maybe a witch~ hope not.
08-09 AM
2010- 07:58:23
Pamspumps "you killed my Cooter"
08-09 AM
2010- 07:58:33
Harley Dickerson or a wiccan
08-09 AM
2010- 07:58:33
Fae Fire Juses is a witch
08-09 AM
2010- 07:58:34
Guest8272 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:58:42
Marleneemm wiccan.
08-09 AM
2010- 07:58:43
1EvilJessica a wizard?
08-09 AM
2010- 07:58:45
Lisnoe I think so too Marleneemm
08-09 AM
2010- 07:58:53
Pamspumps Holly is Wiccan in the book?
08-09 AM
2010- 07:58:54
Guest8274 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:58:56
Dr. Girlfriend Maybe Jesus will be a good witch/wizard
08-09 AM
2010- 07:58:56
TerreEssa whats the diff btw a wiccan and a warlock?
08-09 AM
2010- 07:58:59
lafemmetopaz where does Jesus say he's from in the show
08-09 AM
2010- 07:59:00
riverdragon169 excited about the witches!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:59:01
Fae Fire No such thing as a wizzard
08-09 AM
Jesus= santeria practitioner. If he's worshipping
2010- 07:59:01 those gods on Lafeytte's altar he wouldn't be a
08-09 AM Wiccan- not in our real world sense. Maybe they
are redefining the religion.
2010- 07:59:02
Harley Dickerson yea shes a wiccan
08-09 AM
2010- 07:59:04 I don;t think you can write of Layfette having some
08-09 AM connection in the witch lineup
2010- 07:59:05
wgmdlulz enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:59:14 Wiccan= relgiious practioner, Warlock= male witch
08-09 AM or(in the real world term) a betrayer.
2010- 07:59:14
wgmdlulz quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:59:20
Lisnoe There you go Dallas
08-09 AM
2010- 07:59:28
Marleneemm know the actress ~ have seen her before.
08-09 AM
Technically in the real world a Warlock would not
2010- 07:59:31 be used to describe a male practitioner of
08-09 AM witchcraft, technically witch is a gender neutral
term in neo-pagan religions.
2010- 07:59:35 Pamspumps wiccans are about being tuned into the earth
08-09 AM
2010- 07:59:35
TerreEssa wiccan/warlock/wizard sheesh!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:59:41 I honestly don't mind being called a Warlock, I
08-09 AM think it feels better than witch.
2010- 07:59:45
BillohBill1 *vamp speeds back to desk* Here!
08-09 AM
2010- 07:59:51
Fae Fire Jermy: You are righgt
08-09 AM
2010- 07:59:51
BillohBill1 .Jesus is kind of cute
08-09 AM
2010- 07:59:55
Guest8272 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 07:59:55
Harley Dickerson ohhhhhh
08-09 AM
2010- 08:00:05
Harley Dickerson dallas the detective
08-09 AM
2010- 08:00:06 Wiccans in an IRL sense worship a completely
08-09 AM equal God and Goddess.
2010- 08:00:08
Guest8339 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:00:10
JeremyOfKansas <- Religious studies major.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:00:12 Things "tie people to one another"` that's what
08-09 AM TrueBlood is all about
2010- 08:00:13
Guest8274 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:00:14 Do you think Jesus is going to be the TB version of
08-09 AM Mark??
2010- 08:00:18
Fae Fire Juses is Kind of cute, but not real cute
08-09 AM
2010- 08:00:28 At least this week's episode was almost a whole
08-09 AM hour long!
2010- 08:00:36
TruebieDoobyDoo It's Mark, right?
08-09 AM
THANK YOU DALLAS!!!!!!! And do they need to
2010- 08:00:36
robi show all the scenes on the damn HBO website.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:00:38
Marleneemm Dallas: THE FANS ARE NOT DUMB!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:00:41 Fae Fire, can you enlarge your type? I can't see your
08-09 AM comments hon!
2010- 08:00:59
Harley Dickerson alan ball is gonna blow up
08-09 AM
2010- 08:01:01
Marleneemm Books & Show go HAND & HAND!!!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:01:01 ahhah in the JAson minisode they kind of brought
08-09 AM up the panters already
Fae Fire
2010- 08:01:07
Guest8339 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:01:07
Pamspumps I don't mind the spoilers :)
08-09 AM
2010- 08:01:12 Does Jesus have an influence of Laf's mom to calm
08-09 AM her down?
2010- 08:01:13
sookiebontemps HAHA, ROBI
08-09 AM
2010- 08:01:21
TruebieDoobyDoo You are small but mighty, Fae Fire
08-09 AM
2010- 08:01:24
08-09 AM
2010- 08:01:26
Konstantin4Abilen love dem vamps!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:01:32 im tryin to read em...on book 3 now and having a
08-09 AM hard time concentrating enough to read em
2010- 08:01:35
Guest8445 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:01:44
Lisnoe Maybe Jesus casts a spell on Laf's mom?
08-09 AM
2010- 08:01:46
08-09 AM
2010- 08:01:51
Guest8445 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:01:57 Harley Dickerson oh yes
08-09 AM
at the Comic-con he was basically comunicating
2010- 08:01:58
Liras with book readers when he was talking about
08-09 AM
season 4
2010- 08:01:58 Pam- I do not mind the spoilers either, just gets me
08-09 AM that more worked up to see the next episode
2010- 08:02:05
sookiebontemps Books on the shelf, TV on the stand.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:02:05
Konstantin4Abilen quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:02:05
TerreEssa Jesus seems to have a hold on Laf's mom
08-09 AM
2010- 08:02:06
robi Im just sayin Sook, just saying
08-09 AM
2010- 08:02:07 Is magic in the books a tangible force anyone can
08-09 AM connect with, or just certain folks?
All that you're saying is what I've been saying on
2010- 08:02:09
Marleneemm HBO's chat boards~ & Non Book readers don't
08-09 AM
beleive ME
2010- 08:02:21
Guest8485 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:02:22
Guest8485 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:02:25
Harley Dickerson anyone i think jeremy
08-09 AM
2010- 08:02:25
BillohBill1 LOL Sookie
08-09 AM
2010- 08:02:28
Pamspumps The books add to the experience of Trueblood
08-09 AM
2010- 08:02:29
Liras and look at Jessica...and Bubba
08-09 AM
2010- 08:02:30
sookiebontemps Truth, MK.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:02:30 I enjoy the spoilers and how the previews on HBO
08-09 AM are edited so that I am left guessing
2010- 08:02:34
Fae Fire sOOK i AGREE
08-09 AM
2010- 08:02:34
KimmieTex I love Lafayette!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:02:34
Guest8495 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:02:39
BillohBill1 I agree Sook
08-09 AM
2010- 08:02:45
robi I heart Lafayette TOOO!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:02:45
BillohBill1 Dallas jumped the shark
08-09 AM
2010- 08:02:47
sookiebontemps Pamspumps: And vice versa. Complementary.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:02:53
Marleneemm Mark: you're wrong. READ THE BOOKS.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:02:53
08-09 AM
2010- 08:02:56
Guest7892 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:02:59
ihearteric enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:03:09
sookiebontemps *ate the shark Dallas jumped*
08-09 AM
2010- 08:03:11
ChoChoMojo Oh LOST
08-09 AM
2010- 08:03:13
Harley Dickerson we still love you mark
08-09 AM
2010- 08:03:13
Marleneemm BOB:HEY BOB.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:03:21
BillohBill1 Hi Marlene!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:03:25
KimmieTex Can we get that shark fried?
08-09 AM
2010- 08:03:26
JeremyOfKansas How did Dallas jump the shark?
08-09 AM
2010- 08:03:30
sookiebontemps LOL, KIM
08-09 AM
2010- 08:03:32
ChoChoMojo I don't read spoilers myself
08-09 AM
2010- 08:03:32
Marleneemm TrueBlood is WORK
08-09 AM
2010- 08:03:32
sookiebontemps Probably.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:03:36
08-09 AM
2010- 08:03:39
robi ummmmm shark bites
08-09 AM
2010- 08:03:40
tbsookie Hi there Sookie!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:03:41
BillohBill1 OK, Bill and Jessica fighting a shark, who wins?
08-09 AM
2010- 08:03:45
TerreEssa South's best fish/shark fry
08-09 AM
2010- 08:03:46
Liras i get the TrueBlood spoilers on accident
08-09 AM
2010- 08:03:48
sookiebontemps Back atcha, Sookie.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:03:48
robi (fans scare me)
08-09 AM
2010- 08:03:49
KimmieTex I'm still craving me some fried gator, Sookie...
08-09 AM
2010- 08:03:51
ChoChoMojo Not me I miss LOST :(
08-09 AM
2010- 08:03:55
Marleneemm I'm totally OBCESSED
08-09 AM
2010- 08:03:55 And would Jess and Bill enjoy the blood, or would
08-09 AM it be like eating seafood. Discuss
2010- 08:03:58
sookiebontemps OOH, Kim. . .TRIP
08-09 AM
2010- 08:04:01 I say Jessica since she kicked some MAJOR were
08-09 AM @SS
2010- 08:04:03
1EvilJessica :)
08-09 AM
2010- 08:04:09 OMG KIMMIE! HUSH! Or I am getting on a plane
08-09 AM and we are driving...
2010- 08:04:10
KimmieTex BoB - Bill & Jessica can kick a sharks ass any day
08-09 AM
2010- 08:04:12 I can't keep myself from spoilers. If there is info, I
08-09 AM want it NOW
2010- 08:04:12 Grab Robi. We're going, Kim. I'll eat everything in
08-09 AM sight.
2010- 08:04:14
Guest8560 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:04:17
BillohBill1 TRIP? *perks ears*
08-09 AM
2010- 08:04:21
sookiebontemps LOL
08-09 AM
2010- 08:04:21
Lisnoe *giggling* Oh BOB
08-09 AM
2010- 08:04:22
KimmieTex We need a trip!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:04:24
Pamspumps Truebie0 me too
08-09 AM
2010- 08:04:30
sookiebontemps Every trip with me is like hungry hungry hippos.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:04:31
BillohBill1 I love spoilers!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:04:31
sookiebontemps Ask Kim.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:04:34
Guest8572 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:04:41
Guest8572 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:04:42 The spoilers are always different from what you
08-09 AM think is going to happen anyway!
2010- 08:04:51 Ooo mudbugs, gator bites, throw some fried
08-09 AM pickels...
2010- 08:04:52
08-09 AM
2010- 08:04:52 Haha...You always eat good when you travel with
08-09 AM Sookie &/or Dallas
2010- 08:04:53
ChoChoMojo Not me no spoilers books/shows/movies NO!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:04:53
Marleneemm I've given up on reading spoilers~ I read them ALL
08-09 AM
2010- 08:05:01
JeremyOfKansas I can't wait for more witches...
08-09 AM
2010- 08:05:02 I here ya Trubie. I enjoy the spoilers especially
08-09 AM since they are not always correct
2010- 08:05:02 Sookie, you haven't eaten with me yet. I challenge
08-09 AM you, this moment!
2010- 08:05:10
sookiebontemps MK: BRING IT
08-09 AM
2010- 08:05:12 my friends are always asking me thing about the
Harley Dickerson
08-09 AM show they are confused about
2010- 08:05:13
robi AB is genius with book vs show... GENIUS!!!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:05:19
KimmieTex Oh god, a food throw-down!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:05:21 Nothin wrong w/ mudbugs. Can't suck the heads,
08-09 AM though
2010- 08:05:27
Cavalavalier Eric!! Shower scene... can not waite
08-09 AM
2010- 08:05:28
1EvilJessica lol food fight!!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:05:28
BillohBill1 nom nom nom
08-09 AM
2010- 08:05:29
sookiebontemps Gotta suck da heads, Truebie.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:05:33
1EvilJessica :) :D (6)
08-09 AM
2010- 08:05:35
sookiebontemps ;)
08-09 AM
2010- 08:05:36
Guest8599 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:05:37
TruebieDoobyDoo Can't do it.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:05:42 OK, who would win - MK or Sook against Bill &
08-09 AM Jessica trying to eat a shark?
You know- I still maintain eric could have had the
2010- 08:05:44
JeremyOfKansas common decency to nail Talbot first before staking
08-09 AM
2010- 08:05:45 Marleneemm Harley: "I'm the informant to 4 guys who work in
08-09 AM the bank I go to
2010- 08:05:55 LOL Kimmie Sookie and I would be shark eating
08-09 AM champs
2010- 08:05:55
sookiebontemps Hmmm. . .I can pack in a lot of food.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:05:55 I"m not holding out hope on scenes from book 4 to
08-09 AM make to the show
2010- 08:06:01
08-09 AM
2010- 08:06:01
Harley Dickerson lol
08-09 AM
2010- 08:06:02
Guest8143 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:06:07
BillohBill1 Then Bill can eat me, *snorts*
08-09 AM
2010- 08:06:09
Guest8599 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:06:10
Dr. Girlfriend Jeremy: I know!! I was looking forward to that
08-09 AM
2010- 08:06:15
ChoChoMojo LOL BOB
08-09 AM
2010- 08:06:18
sabby77 i didnt like the last book that much
08-09 AM
2010- 08:06:19
ChoChoMojo greedy!!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:06:20
TerreEssa Do you guys think Alex went "sockless" w/ Talbot?
08-09 AM
2010- 08:06:21
TruebieDoobyDoo Yikes, BoB
08-09 AM
2010- 08:06:21 Alan Ball has eliminated 90% of the important
08-09 AM screnes between two characters
2010- 08:06:22 KIM: Robi just reminded me of the GP Oyster at
08-09 AM Ralph and Kacoos
2010- 08:06:24
robi Sticks tongue out at Book 4....
08-09 AM
2010- 08:06:25
TES2008 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:06:29 Lisnoe Maybe JOK Eric staked him and then nailed him?
08-09 AM (6)
2010- 08:06:29 Oh, MK would get distracted by Bill & Sookie
08-09 AM would out-eat her on the shark!
2010- 08:06:31
Guest7786 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:06:32 ive just told them to jump on the bandwagon and
Harley Dickerson
08-09 AM read the book
Lafemme! I didn't get the couch sex or the car ride
2010- 08:06:33
BillohBill1 backfrom Fangtasia I will have you whether you
08-09 AM
want to or not scene! WAH!
2010- 08:06:35
TruebieDoobyDoo MK's an amuse bouche
08-09 AM
2010- 08:06:38
JeremyOfKansas LOL Lisnoe! If only!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:06:40
sookiebontemps HAHA, well said, Kim.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:06:40
08-09 AM
2010- 08:06:43
Harley Dickerson you have dallas' blessing
08-09 AM
Lafmtz: Same here~ Shower scene has to be taken
2010- 08:06:48
08-09 AM
2010- 08:06:58
TES2008 Hi Truebies
08-09 AM
2010- 08:07:02
TES2008 Made it late.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:07:04
TruebieDoobyDoo Hiya, Tes!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:07:07
1EvilJessica hi TES :)
08-09 AM
2010- 08:07:10
Marleneemm TES: HI LADFY
08-09 AM
don't get me wrong, LOVE book 4, HATE the soap
2010- 08:07:11
robi oprah "Eric" storyline though...BUT excited about
08-09 AM
how AB goes about it
2010- 08:07:11
tbsookie Marlene- I agree
08-09 AM
2010- 08:07:12
sookiebontemps TES
08-09 AM
2010- 08:07:26
Marleneemm I can't type straight!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:07:26
TES2008 Sookiebontemps is here!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:07:29
Pamspumps layers of vamp on vamp tonight
08-09 AM
2010- 08:07:29 So she has an orgasm and rips the damn shower
08-09 AM curtain? BAH!
2010- 08:07:32
08-09 AM
2010- 08:07:34 But alan ball has eliminated important scenes to the
08-09 AM relationship between two characters
2010- 08:07:36
sookiebontemps Amazing, Tes, no?
08-09 AM
2010- 08:07:38
sookiebontemps LOL, MK!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:07:39
08-09 AM
And just as soon as we book folks think we know
2010- 08:07:42
TruebieDoobyDoo something, they change it anyway to keep us
08-09 AM
2010- 08:07:46
sookiebontemps Robi: Agreed.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:07:47
lafemmetopaz The pink spandex scene is important
08-09 AM
2010- 08:07:52 The books can give you some character
08-09 AM background, but the show is still unique onto itself
2010- 08:07:53 Dallas you giong to take a call?? If so I'm in teh
08-09 AM que~ 0459
2010- 08:08:00
Guest8560 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:08:02
JeremyOfKansas There is a Witch War?!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:08:04 ChoChoMojo I still wish the season was longer!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:08:04
JeremyOfKansas ZOMG
08-09 AM
If anyone thinks hat shower scene is all telling, then
2010- 08:08:05
BillohBill1 I give you my husband for tem minutes. He blows
08-09 AM
the shower scene off the maps! LMAO
2010- 08:08:06
benadgatemusic enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:08:07
TerreEssa not everything can work on tv
08-09 AM
2010- 08:08:14
TruebieDoobyDoo I think the pink spandex train left the station. sorry
08-09 AM
2010- 08:08:14
sookiebontemps JOK: Most amazing part of Book 4 is the witch war
08-09 AM
2010- 08:08:15
riverdragon169 pink spandex :(
08-09 AM
2010- 08:08:18
1EvilJessica but there's no Jess in the books :( :'(
08-09 AM
2010- 08:08:19
Pamspumps cho we need a full season
08-09 AM
2010- 08:08:20 We Eric fans aren't getting the shower scene next
08-09 AM season.
2010- 08:08:21
Lisnoe Yup, witch war
08-09 AM
Don't get me started people, I will bring out my
2010- 08:08:21
robi soap box and step right on up (sticks tongue out at
08-09 AM
romance novel readers)
Fae Fire
2010- 08:08:24
JeremyOfKansas I really need to read the rest of them. >_<
08-09 AM
2010- 08:08:27
lafemmetopaz I just don't hold out hope for the shower scene
08-09 AM
2010- 08:08:27
tbsookie TMI BOB1
08-09 AM
2010- 08:08:29 I read every season after SHOW ENDS ~ then I
08-09 AM read 1-4 in April
2010- 08:08:29 BillohBill1 TES!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:08:38
JeremyOfKansas What is the witch war about??
08-09 AM
2010- 08:08:38 After watching tonight's epi, I know we won't get
08-09 AM the shower scene
2010- 08:08:41
JeremyOfKansas Covens vs covens?
08-09 AM
2010- 08:08:46
Harley Dickerson 4
08-09 AM
2010- 08:08:48 Tara was dreaming about being in shower w/
08-09 AM Franklin.
2010- 08:08:49 Everyone only remembers that stupid damn shower
08-09 AM scene.....
2010- 08:08:50
Pamspumps vamps vs witch
08-09 AM
2010- 08:08:50 LOL TBsookie, well, really, it amazes me that
08-09 AM everyone lives and dies on that damn shower scene
2010- 08:08:51
Guest8667 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:08:51
08-09 AM
2010- 08:08:54
Guest8495 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:08:54
sabby77 i have to read book 4 again
08-09 AM
2010- 08:08:54
JeremyOfKansas o.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:08:54
Harley Dickerson is amazing!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:08:55
JeremyOfKansas m.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:08:57
JeremyOfKansas g.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:09:01
BillohBill1 LOL ROBI!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:09:05
Guest8675 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:09:07 ChoChoMojo Read em!!
08-09 AM
TES: Loads of ground to cover to get that shower
2010- 08:09:08
sookiebontemps scene. No real empathy/trust built between E/S to
08-09 AM
have that happen.
2010- 08:09:09 Going to Lawrence tomorrow, will buy the book
08-09 AM from Borders!
In next week's scenes, if you watch them in slow
2010- 08:09:10
TES2008 motion, you see Sookie is in the shower next week.
08-09 AM
I'm sure it's going to be Bill in the scene with her.
2010- 08:09:11
08-09 AM
2010- 08:09:12
tbsookie BOB- it wasn't horrible.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:09:14
08-09 AM
Oh and Hotshots in Book the heck are they
2010- 08:09:14
robi going to do that now that Calvin is mr meth? But
08-09 AM
*sprays the Eric fans with my hose, and rips my
2010- 08:09:17
BillohBill1 shower curtain down* There! You horny now?
08-09 AM
2010- 08:09:17
sookiebontemps TES: Happen per book.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:09:32
TruebieDoobyDoo LMFAO MK
08-09 AM
2010- 08:09:33
08-09 AM
2010- 08:09:34
ChoChoMojo LOL BOB
08-09 AM
2010- 08:09:34
sookiebontemps MK.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:09:34
Pamspumps Bob I am
08-09 AM
2010- 08:09:36
sookiebontemps LOL
08-09 AM
2010- 08:09:38
BillohBill1 LMAO
08-09 AM
2010- 08:09:39
1EvilJessica LMAO@Bob
08-09 AM
2010- 08:09:43
BillohBill1 Oh I love the Team Eric girls
08-09 AM
2010- 08:09:44
tbsookie LOL BOB
08-09 AM
2010- 08:09:44
sookiebontemps Freaking speechless, MK.
08-09 AM
Fae Fire
2010- 08:09:45
Cavalavalier LOL Bill
08-09 AM
2010- 08:09:47
KimmieTex BoB - the Eric fans have been horny for awhile
08-09 AM
2010- 08:09:47
Marleneemm Can't wait for BOOK !!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:09:47 Based on what AB said at Comicon, I'm not
08-09 AM expecting much of Eric and Sooks in the show
2010- 08:09:50 The whole Hot Shot is completely different in
08-09 AM books...
2010- 08:09:53
Liras we love you too BillohBill
08-09 AM
2010- 08:09:56
BillohBill1 LOL Kimmie!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:10:01
Pamspumps eric fans stay horny
08-09 AM
2010- 08:10:04
TruebieDoobyDoo I don't like the TB Calvin at all
08-09 AM
2010- 08:10:05
ChoChoMojo really tes?
08-09 AM
2010- 08:10:10
BillohBill1 TB Calvin is horrible
08-09 AM
2010- 08:10:11 Who knows where AB is going to take Hot Shot
08-09 AM and it's inhabitants/
2010- 08:10:13
robi Kimmie, that is true. *gags*
08-09 AM
2010- 08:10:13
08-09 AM
2010- 08:10:16
tbsookie I agree Truebie
08-09 AM
2010- 08:10:16
sookiebontemps Truebie: Not feeling Calvin the Meth Maker.
08-09 AM
Fae Fire
2010- 08:10:19
TES2008 Yes, that's my opinion.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:10:19
ChoChoMojo Because he said Bill and Sook are soulmates?
08-09 AM
2010- 08:10:21
ChoChoMojo Right
08-09 AM
2010- 08:10:21
Cavalavalier Trubie-I agree
08-09 AM
2010- 08:10:23
KimmieTex What'cha gaggin' on Robi?
08-09 AM
2010- 08:10:24
1EvilJessica are we going to talk about (the) music?
08-09 AM
2010- 08:10:24 Please god, do not let Sookie and Calvin become
08-09 AM friends, *GAGS*
2010- 08:10:25
tbsookie dont like meth Calvin
08-09 AM
2010- 08:10:36
TES2008 We'll see how I feel when Season 4 is done.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:10:40
BillohBill1 LMAO at myself
08-09 AM
2010- 08:10:41
JeremyOfKansas So why be witches and vampires waring?
08-09 AM
2010- 08:10:49 Was typing out my FanFiction~ wrote two sex
08-09 AM scenes and described Eric's house.
2010- 08:10:49
Harley Dickerson end scene
08-09 AM
2010- 08:10:50
KimmieTex Bob LMAO at you LMAO at yourself!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:10:50
TerreEssa Crystal: "I all know is how to cook" ... "meth"!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:10:51
txladyjane when Eric killed Talbot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
08-09 AM
Fae Fire
2010- 08:10:52
KimmieTex for reals
08-09 AM
Agreed Sook, Calvin would NEVER have spit on
2010- 08:10:54 Sam's floor. But we will see where that
08-09 AM goes....again, excitement that they twist the books.
How can you NOT love it?!
2010- 08:10:54
Guest8667 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:10:54
sookiebontemps JOK: you gotta read, buddy. . .
08-09 AM
2010- 08:11:00
JeremyOfKansas /cry
08-09 AM
2010- 08:11:03
robi Sex & Hunting...well said.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:11:04
sookiebontemps ROBI: Exactement.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:11:05
Pamspumps Jeremy read the book
08-09 AM
2010- 08:11:10 I'm getting there- but the walden's closed down
08-09 AM here. It was really lame. :(
2010- 08:11:10 I don't see how they could possibly play the
08-09 AM Calvin/Sookie friendship w/ this Cal
2010- 08:11:12
BillohBill1 ROBI Agree'd!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:11:16
sookiebontemps SEX and hunting. . .fun times.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:11:18
JeremyOfKansas CLosest bookstore= 30 mins to 40 mins away.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:11:21
BillohBill1 LOL Sookie
08-09 AM
2010- 08:11:26
08-09 AM
I say the socker punch or whatever you call it I
2010- 08:11:29
1EvilJessica would say the Sookie/Bill moment where they say
08-09 AM
I will say that reading about Sookie getting hurt all
2010- 08:11:37
BillohBill1 the time and seeing it, makes me feel extra bad for
08-09 AM
2010- 08:11:38 AVA Indiana enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:11:39
tbsookie JOK=
08-09 AM
2010- 08:11:40
VampireDream how about Eric and Tablot?
08-09 AM
2010- 08:11:44
Harley Dickerson sxe and hunting= best camping trip ever
08-09 AM
2010- 08:11:45
JeremyOfKansas <_<
08-09 AM
Fae Fire
2010- 08:11:46
Guest8723 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:11:46
Pamspumps bloodlust was the result of all that violence
08-09 AM
2010- 08:11:50
robi Jef....oh the love. A man after my own heart.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:11:52
benadgatemusic how about the ***ty special effects when bill cried
08-09 AM
2010- 08:11:56
sookiebontemps Sex and hunting makes for some interesting bruises.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:11:59
BillohBill1 I agree Pamspumps
08-09 AM
2010- 08:12:00
sookiebontemps WHA?
08-09 AM
2010- 08:12:03
1EvilJessica Yes, music!!! :) :D
08-09 AM
2010- 08:12:03
TruebieDoobyDoo Sex and hunting = summer camp for grownups
08-09 AM
2010- 08:12:05
BillohBill1 Sookie and Bill are now Sex buddies
08-09 AM
Trubie-You never know witht he twists and turns of
2010- 08:12:12
Cavalavalier the show, but I can't see a Cal/Sookie frindship
08-09 AM
2010- 08:12:14
1EvilJessica Jeff, tell me what the song was at the end?
08-09 AM
2010- 08:12:14
riverdragon169 Houston my neck of the woods :)
08-09 AM
2010- 08:12:15
Guest8675 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:12:17
robi I hope he talks about PJ Harvy song
08-09 AM
2010- 08:12:18
TES2008 Sookie and Bill are soulmates, BOB.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:12:19
TerreEssa Freiends with benefits
08-09 AM
2010- 08:12:25
ChoChoMojo I am wondering if Sook will regret their hookup
08-09 AM
2010- 08:12:25
BillohBill1 Oh TES, my foot
08-09 AM
Fae Fire
2010- 08:12:32
1EvilJessica it was Otep at the end?!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:12:33
tbsookie Agree 100% TES
08-09 AM
2010- 08:12:33
Liras Jef with one F?
08-09 AM
2010- 08:12:34
1EvilJessica :O
08-09 AM
2010- 08:12:36
riverdragon169 Soo surprised to hear Otep
08-09 AM
2010- 08:12:41
BillohBill1 Chocho, with a ride like that, who would regret that
08-09 AM
2010- 08:12:42
Harley Dickerson otep
08-09 AM
2010- 08:12:44
Pamspumps cho- when she cant walk the next day
08-09 AM
2010- 08:12:46
TES2008 AB said it at ComicCon, so what AB says is gospel
08-09 AM
2010- 08:12:49
Guest8723 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:12:51
1EvilJessica no wonder it soudned SO familiar!!!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:12:51
TerreEssa Eric sure did HUNT Talbot!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:12:51
ChoChoMojo I wouldn't but she will
08-09 AM
2010- 08:12:52 SEX & hunting & OUTDOORS = FOreign things
08-09 AM in strange places
2010- 08:13:02
DrainMyVein enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:13:03
BillohBill1 LOL Marlene
08-09 AM
2010- 08:13:04 Again, as an Eric fan, I don't have high hopes any
08-09 AM more.
2010- 08:13:05 Hmmm. Naked Bill. Wasn't hearing anything but
08-09 AM little birds singing
2010- 08:13:06
1EvilJessica what was the name of the song agaiN?
08-09 AM
2010- 08:13:12
ChoChoMojo LOL
08-09 AM
2010- 08:13:14
BillohBill1 Truebie, LMAO Me too
08-09 AM
2010- 08:13:15 not a fan of Otep but happy to hear a metal band on
08-09 AM TB
2010- 08:13:16 Marlene: Sex and Hunting outdoors = leaves and
08-09 AM twigs where you don't want 'em.
2010- 08:13:19
DrainMyVein Hey everyone, just got here, what a great episode!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:13:19
Pamspumps So glad my 9yr old didnt walk in on that scene
08-09 AM
2010- 08:13:20
Harley Dickerson my itunes increases every week
08-09 AM
2010- 08:13:25
Lisnoe Do still like me some naked Bill
08-09 AM
2010- 08:13:28 That song by Minnie Riperton Loooovin' you, is
08-09 AM easy//////LOL
2010- 08:13:31
TruebieDoobyDoo And poison ivy
08-09 AM
Fae Fire
08-09 AM CRAZY
2010- 08:13:34
DrainMyVein he was fine! tonight
08-09 AM
2010- 08:13:35
08-09 AM
2010- 08:13:35 i need to watch that sookie and bill scene again
08-09 AM before i go to sleep
2010- 08:13:38
sookiebontemps True, Truebie
08-09 AM
2010- 08:13:43
Marleneemm JEF: YOU"RE BAD
08-09 AM
the entire epside this time had a great soundtrack,
2010- 08:13:49
robi adn agreed, last episode, overall...not entirely a
08-09 AM
good one...but PJ at the end made up for it.
2010- 08:13:52
ChoChoMojo I wanna see it again!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:13:57
lafemmetopaz Violent Femmes. from Milwaukee
08-09 AM
2010- 08:13:58
Pamspumps That's the 1st sex we have seen in a while
08-09 AM
2010- 08:14:00
lafemmetopaz :)
08-09 AM
2010- 08:14:00
TruebieDoobyDoo YIKES
08-09 AM
2010- 08:14:01
Harley Dickerson kinda reminded me of closer
08-09 AM
2010- 08:14:03
robi This episode though...all comes together
08-09 AM
2010- 08:14:05
TES2008 Hi lafemme
08-09 AM
2010- 08:14:10
lafemmetopaz hey TES
08-09 AM
2010- 08:14:10 Does Sookiehave any Gran mementoes left after all
08-09 AM tis broken *** the last 2 seasons?
2010- 08:14:14
sookiebontemps LOL, Jef. Get behind that.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:14:16 Anyone else think that maybe Anna and Bill do it
08-09 AM for reals on set? I is alarmed. <_<
2010- 08:14:21
Pamspumps i would have sex to that song
08-09 AM
2010- 08:14:23 Lisnoe It has been a celibant season
08-09 AM
2010- 08:14:26 Their sex scene at the begining of Season 2, still
08-09 AM OMG
2010- 08:14:26 All songs are good for sex~ Depending upon the
08-09 AM mood of the couple
2010- 08:14:30
Pamspumps but i would have sex to disney
08-09 AM
2010- 08:14:30
robi Very Gay
08-09 AM
2010- 08:14:32
lafemmetopaz TES I got flack cuz I thought the sex scene was sad
08-09 AM
2010- 08:14:41
sookiebontemps Robi: The bloodball was a WTF.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:14:42
TruebieDoobyDoo Bob- Not sure she ever washed the pie plate
08-09 AM
2010- 08:14:44
08-09 AM
2010- 08:14:46
lafemmetopaz he just ate her neck and she still can't stay away
08-09 AM
2010- 08:14:46
Harley Dickerson pam if its as hot as it was tonight i would too
08-09 AM
2010- 08:14:56
BillohBill1 LOL Fae Fire, really!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:14:59
lafemmetopaz that's not a deterrent...
08-09 AM
2010- 08:15:00
TerreEssa relationships are complicated!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:15:00
TES2008 I wasn't expecting that sex scene at end, lafemme.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:15:01
JeremyOfKansas Gay= awesome.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:15:01
sabby77 yes alot of gay love
08-09 AM
2010- 08:15:03
JeremyOfKansas For reals.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:15:04 Sookie - take that sentence out of context and I
08-09 AM woudl run...hee hee
2010- 08:15:08 Marleneemm FaeFire; LOVE IT~ AND YOU Know it's real!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:15:09
TES2008 It seems out of place IMO
08-09 AM
2010- 08:15:12
sookiebontemps Yes, you would!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:15:16 Also, Press 1 if you like the federal court decision
08-09 AM about prop 8 and same-sex marriage! Press 1!!!
2010- 08:15:20
JeremyOfKansas 1
08-09 AM
2010- 08:15:22
txladyjane quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:15:22
DrainMyVein I was glad Eric Whacked Talbot
08-09 AM
2010- 08:15:27
Harley Dickerson 1
08-09 AM
2010- 08:15:27
1EvilJessica <----hopes Dallas plays Otep at the end :)
08-09 AM
2010- 08:15:28
ChoChoMojo I think that is why Sook will regret it
08-09 AM
2010- 08:15:29
BillohBill1 Drain My Vein!!!!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:15:32
Dr. Girlfriend 1
08-09 AM
2010- 08:15:33
JeremyOfKansas <3 Harley.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:15:35 I am straight but love me some vamp slash-
08-09 AM especially with Eric
2010- 08:15:35
Lisnoe 1
08-09 AM
2010- 08:15:36
JeremyOfKansas <3 Dr. Girlfriend
08-09 AM
2010- 08:15:38
TruebieDoobyDoo NOOOOO. Love Talbot
08-09 AM
2010- 08:15:40
DrainMyVein lol1
08-09 AM
2010- 08:15:41
BillohBill1 Chocho, you do have a good point
08-09 AM
2010- 08:15:48 BillohBill1 Nope, Eric had a point
08-09 AM
2010- 08:15:49
TES2008 What flak did you get, lafemme?
08-09 AM
2010- 08:15:52
08-09 AM
2010- 08:15:56
BillohBill1 Russell killed his family, an eye for an eye
08-09 AM
2010- 08:16:04
Pamspumps yep
08-09 AM
2010- 08:16:04 From the first scenes with Ann/Stephen you knew
08-09 AM they were in LOVE
2010- 08:16:06
tbsookie LOL BOB1
08-09 AM
2010- 08:16:06
DrainMyVein exactly
08-09 AM
2010- 08:16:07
Harley Dickerson more damien rice
08-09 AM
2010- 08:16:09
DrainMyVein talbot had to go
08-09 AM
2010- 08:16:14
DrainMyVein lol
08-09 AM
2010- 08:16:25
Marleneemm DMV: YES, Definately
08-09 AM
2010- 08:16:30
sookiebontemps DrainmyVein: I don't think he's final dead.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:16:30
BillohBill1 I didnt Marlene
08-09 AM
2010- 08:16:35
Liras RIP Talbot
08-09 AM
2010- 08:16:37 Loved how Eric saved his father's crown from
08-09 AM Talbot's tantrum
Fae Fire
2010- 08:16:42
JeremyOfKansas Anyone else sad that there was no franklin here? :(
08-09 AM
2010- 08:16:42
sookiebontemps I could be wrong.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:16:43
Harley Dickerson really sookie?
08-09 AM
2010- 08:16:45 Someone else said they didn't think Talbot was dead
08-09 AM either
Russell is going to arrive at his mansion with fang a
2010- 08:16:47
TES2008 popping. I don't know how Eric will get out of that
08-09 AM
2010- 08:16:53
DrainMyVein I was surprised we didn't see Franklin
08-09 AM
2010- 08:16:54
Harley Dickerson what makes you think that?
08-09 AM
2010- 08:16:55 Maybe Eic drains his blood and sends it to Russell
08-09 AM in that glass jar?
2010- 08:17:02
lafemmetopaz TES... somehow he will
08-09 AM
2010- 08:17:04 BOB: YOU COULD SEE IT~ the love was coming
08-09 AM out of their eyes!
2010- 08:17:08
Dr. Girlfriend I bet Franklin will be back
08-09 AM
2010- 08:17:08 Harley: I never believe they're dead until we see the
08-09 AM vamp explode into red goop.
2010- 08:17:12
TruebieDoobyDoo You don't think Talbot is dead?
08-09 AM
Fae Fire
2010- 08:17:17
Harley Dickerson hahaha
08-09 AM
2010- 08:17:21
lafemmetopaz maybe he'll blame Sophie Anne
08-09 AM
2010- 08:17:26 Truebie: not until I see the sticky red strands all
08-09 AM over the place.
2010- 08:17:26 Franklin's back based on upcoming scenes from
08-09 AM next week
2010- 08:17:26 Talbot= toast. There's a human hooker boy that
08-09 AM looks like him that the king of missipi takes to.
2010- 08:17:27
BillohBill1 LOL Lafemme!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:17:27 Liras fromthe spoiler Allan Ball gave the book readers
08-09 AM know Eric isn't going to die
08-09 AM THING EVER!!!
2010- 08:17:27
Dr. Girlfriend by the way Russell reacted I think talbot is dead
08-09 AM
2010- 08:17:29
JeremyOfKansas It's in teh spoilers. :
08-09 AM
2010- 08:17:30
ChoChoMojo Russell may have felt is pain
08-09 AM
Fae Fire
08-09 AM HOME?
2010- 08:17:39 <----wonders what it'll take to get Dallas to play
08-09 AM that Otep song (6)
2010- 08:17:41 unless he changes that part of the story like hoe Eric
08-09 AM staked Long Shadow and stuff
2010- 08:17:44 A vamp is not dead until they vomit blood and
08-09 AM tissue
2010- 08:17:45
sabby77 is sookie cousin a vampire in the books
08-09 AM
2010- 08:17:47
TES2008 Interesting to see that Russell can fly as well
08-09 AM
2010- 08:17:53 Wouldn't that be a kicker- If the biggest mess in
08-09 AM Talbot's house was...Talbot
2010- 08:17:58 NOTE: Gan's song played in background
08-09 AM beautiful
2010- 08:18:00 Talbot's dead~ Eric killed him with someting
08-09 AM pointed
2010- 08:18:01
Pamspumps sab- yes
08-09 AM
2010- 08:18:01
benadgatemusic wait is franklin dead
08-09 AM
2010- 08:18:03
riverdragon169 yes sabby
08-09 AM
2010- 08:18:04
ChoChoMojo LOL yeah Trub
08-09 AM
2010- 08:18:05
lafemmetopaz I think it has to do with age
08-09 AM
2010- 08:18:05 Lisnoe yes, in the books Hadley is a vamp
08-09 AM
2010- 08:18:07 Truebie/Harley: But for all you know, there could
08-09 AM be a nasty stain on Russell's rug.
2010- 08:18:08
08-09 AM
2010- 08:18:09
Harley Dickerson love seeing hadley
08-09 AM
2010- 08:18:10
JeremyOfKansas She said Faerie Fire! <34
08-09 AM
2010- 08:18:11 I have to say that actor that plays russell does a
08-09 AM bang up job
2010- 08:18:12
JeremyOfKansas <3
08-09 AM
2010- 08:18:21
BillohBill1 I agree Drain, great job
08-09 AM
2010- 08:18:28
Marleneemm JEF: What do you think of the portal
08-09 AM
2010- 08:18:30
BillohBill1 OH AND Bill said he knows what Sookie is
08-09 AM
2010- 08:18:32
ChoChoMojo LOL
08-09 AM
2010- 08:18:37
1EvilJessica LMAO@Tinkerbell pond
08-09 AM
2010- 08:18:37
ChoChoMojo Good name!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:18:37
TES2008 Denis O'Hare is a great casting choice as Russell
08-09 AM
2010- 08:18:39 But really, Bill looked confused as hell when this
08-09 AM stuff happened
Fae Fire
2010- 08:18:47
benadgatemusic denis ohare is brilliant
08-09 AM
2010- 08:18:48
ChoChoMojo That sounds fun!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:18:50
Dr. Girlfriend I love Russell I hope there is some way he can stay
08-09 AM
2010- 08:18:54 Pamspumps tra lala
08-09 AM
2010- 08:18:57
lafemmetopaz TES I really agree
08-09 AM
2010- 08:18:58 Wondering if Sookie's going to ask Bill about the
08-09 AM folder with her family's info
2010- 08:19:05 It looked like an "I can't beleive it;s butter"
08-09 AM commercial
2010- 08:19:08
BillohBill1 I know Lisnoe, they need to have a damn talk
08-09 AM
2010- 08:19:09 Can't wait for Bill & Sookie to talk about the
08-09 AM Dossier!
I think he knows what Sookie is, but it's still
2010- 08:19:10
DrainMyVein impressive that she can do what she does when they
08-09 AM
see it
2010- 08:19:11
TES2008 lafemme--what flak did you get?
08-09 AM
2010- 08:19:14
lafemmetopaz Lisnoe.. I doubt it
08-09 AM
2010- 08:19:14
benadgatemusic the fairy garden was heinous
08-09 AM
2010- 08:19:16
riverdragon169 noooo sparkle!!!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:19:17
Harley Dickerson there is no too naked in true blood
08-09 AM
2010- 08:19:17 Nope not tinkerbell fairies, but they're not a bunch
08-09 AM of hipster hippies at Coachella, either.
2010- 08:19:18
riverdragon169 lol
08-09 AM
2010- 08:19:20 The Fae reminds me of Tinkerbell too on the
08-09 AM show...I cant wait for MEAN FAIRIES!
2010- 08:19:23 I am wonder when Sookie si going to take the time
08-09 AM to clean her house
2010- 08:19:26
robi Flood
08-09 AM
2010- 08:19:27
08-09 AM
2010- 08:19:28 lafemmetopaz if he bit out her night and she still sexed him
08-09 AM
2010- 08:19:29 Read someone said the fairy scene was a Crystal
08-09 AM Lite commercial
2010- 08:19:31
Cavalavalier That mus has got to go
08-09 AM
2010- 08:19:34
BillohBill1 Fae Land = Titty land
08-09 AM
2010- 08:19:34
DrainMyVein lolol sookie needs to power wash
08-09 AM
2010- 08:19:35
lafemmetopaz I don't think she cares about the Russell said
08-09 AM
2010- 08:19:37
riverdragon169 thank you Cava
08-09 AM
2010- 08:19:39
TruebieDoobyDoo Taras Togs
08-09 AM
2010- 08:19:40
TES2008 LOL Cavalavalier. That house is really gross.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:19:43
lafemmetopaz She doesn't believe it
08-09 AM
2010- 08:19:43
riverdragon169 clean that house please!!!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:19:47
TES2008 Gran would be upset to see it that way.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:19:49
benadgatemusic i wonder if 'faes' read hipster runoff?
08-09 AM
2010- 08:19:50
Guest8848 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:19:51
Guest8848 quit the room
08-09 AM
I am OK that the characters don't look like what
2010- 08:19:55
robi they shoudl in the book...cause wasn't HOlly a goth
08-09 AM
2010- 08:20:03 With all the Vamps Sookie knows, they should
08-09 AM wash it, and vamp speed paint the darn thing
2010- 08:20:07
DrainMyVein I can't believe we are on episode 8 already
08-09 AM
2010- 08:20:07
robi Oh well, still doesn't bug me
08-09 AM
2010- 08:20:08
sabby77 word claudine in the show is not like i expected
08-09 AM
2010- 08:20:09
DrainMyVein crazy
08-09 AM
Fae Fire
2010- 08:20:10 THEY Messed up in chosing the actress~ they
08-09 AM screw up the actress is TOO SHORT
2010- 08:20:10
sookiebontemps Robi: starts out blonde, ends up goth by book 4.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:20:18 AAaawwwww I wouldve LOVED to see Holly as a
08-09 AM goth girl
2010- 08:20:23
BillohBill1 I hate the actress cast as Claudine
08-09 AM
2010- 08:20:28
ChoChoMojo Sook you have an awesome memory!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:20:29
BillohBill1 and the Holly casting is off too
08-09 AM
2010- 08:20:30 When I first saw Maryann, she reminded me of the
08-09 AM Claudine I'd had in my mind
2010- 08:20:33 My husband closed his eyes when they introduced
08-09 AM Holly.
2010- 08:20:35
sookiebontemps Questa, well. . .
08-09 AM
2010- 08:20:40
TruebieDoobyDoo well, not the naked pig, but after
08-09 AM
2010- 08:20:43 I am sure the town could have chipped in for a
08-09 AM cleaner
That is right...OH YEAH, so you think Arlene wil
2010- 08:20:46 replace her BFF.... CRAP, just read that book but
08-09 AM can't remember her friends name who works at
Merlotts too
2010- 08:20:47 the worst person true blood has ever cast is that girl
08-09 AM that was originally cast as tara
2010- 08:20:49
BillohBill1 LOL Sookie and Questa
08-09 AM
Fae Fire
2010- 08:20:59 Claudine's supposed to be 6'~ The actress cast is
08-09 AM about 5'6'
2010- 08:21:03
BillohBill1 Oh Benad agree, so glad they changed her
08-09 AM
2010- 08:21:04 I care more about the acting than how the actor
Dr. Girlfriend
08-09 AM looks. Can't tell with Claudine yet
2010- 08:21:07
sookiebontemps Robi: SHOOT! I forgot too.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:21:14 After seeing Hadley even more tonight, that actress
08-09 AM would have been the perfect Sookie LOL
2010- 08:21:14
sookiebontemps CRAP.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:21:20 Down and dirty vamps... No one tops Laurell K
08-09 AM hamilton
2010- 08:21:20
JeremyOfKansas Is Hadley an actual faerie?
08-09 AM
2010- 08:21:21
ChoChoMojo Danielle
08-09 AM
2010- 08:21:24 There is a fine line of being visual and taking it too
08-09 AM far. But they have the excuse of "dream sequence"
2010- 08:21:28
riverdragon169 Claudine should not be 5'2!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:21:30
sookiebontemps JOK: According to the book, no.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:21:32 Holly and, Holly and, Holly and DAMN I CAN"T
2010- 08:21:35 Jean Claude is the best male vamp of all time for
08-09 AM me
2010- 08:21:36 claudine looke like that chick from that crappy
08-09 AM angel- cant remember the name- series from tv
2010- 08:21:37
08-09 AM
2010- 08:21:38
Lisnoe Hadley was not a fairy
08-09 AM
2010- 08:21:41 JOK: But hell, when we meet Hadley, she isn't
08-09 AM human either.
2010- 08:21:48
TerreEssa Touched by an Angel
08-09 AM
2010- 08:21:49
Marleneemm JOK: HADLEY is HUMAN~ not FAE
08-09 AM
2010- 08:21:51
1EvilJessica soo, in the show Hadley is fae?
08-09 AM
2010- 08:21:54
ChoChoMojo Danielle was the friend right?
08-09 AM
2010- 08:21:56
sookiebontemps Someone else can spill those beans.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:22:00
TES2008 Hadley's human
08-09 AM
2010- 08:22:01
sookiebontemps Questa: THANK YOU.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:22:02
Lisnoe I don't think so Marleneemm
08-09 AM
2010- 08:22:04
TES2008 on show
08-09 AM
2010- 08:22:04
Dr. Girlfriend Pam: Touched by and Angel?
08-09 AM
2010- 08:22:09
Pamspumps jean claude from Anita Blake?
08-09 AM
2010- 08:22:13
TruebieDoobyDoo I don't like Hadley being human
08-09 AM
2010- 08:22:15
Lisnoe But who knows for sure?
08-09 AM
2010- 08:22:16
ChoChoMojo Wooh my memory isn't so bad afterall
08-09 AM
2010- 08:22:16
BillohBill1 YAY QUESTA
08-09 AM
2010- 08:22:20
lafemmetopaz Pams.. yeppers
08-09 AM
2010- 08:22:24
Harley Dickerson shotgun sookie
08-09 AM
2010- 08:22:27
lafemmetopaz that's a dark and gorgeous vampire
08-09 AM
2010- 08:22:28 Truebie: We don't really see her as she is in the
08-09 AM books, either.
2010- 08:22:31
1EvilJessica that alley cat line was the line of the night for me :)
08-09 AM
2010- 08:22:31
Pamspumps hmm no Eric is better
08-09 AM
2010- 08:22:32
BillohBill1 Sookie and her Benelli
08-09 AM
2010- 08:22:39
sookiebontemps BENELLI! *points and shoots*
08-09 AM
2010- 08:22:42
lafemmetopaz I like Eric but Jean Claude is the tops for me
08-09 AM
2010- 08:22:46
TES2008 Sooks can handle a shotgun very well.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:22:52
08-09 AM
2010- 08:22:53
TruebieDoobyDoo I know. WTF Blond, Daisy Duke Hadley
08-09 AM
2010- 08:22:59
DrainMyVein she kicked Debbies' ass, I hoped she would kill her
08-09 AM
2010- 08:23:08
BillohBill1 Me to Drain!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:23:09
Lisnoe Yes Hadley is still human in the show
08-09 AM
2010- 08:23:14
Marleneemm Book people think NON readers are Crazy.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:23:20
DrainMyVein she jumped out the window and I thought NO! LOL
08-09 AM
2010- 08:23:22
Pamspumps they r
08-09 AM
2010- 08:23:25
ChoChoMojo LOL
08-09 AM
Fae Fire
2010- 08:23:37
lafemmetopaz America has a issue with book reading
08-09 AM
2010- 08:23:39
Harley Dickerson Dallas thats going in my quote section
08-09 AM
2010- 08:23:39
ChoChoMojo Me too!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:23:41 I know many peeps who don't want to read the
08-09 AM books 'cause they don't want to be spoiled.
2010- 08:23:44 Marleene: In all fairness, TV-only viewers think
08-09 AM bookies are fascists when it comes to the storylines.
2010- 08:23:47
JeremyOfKansas I wonder what jesus has up his sleeve?
08-09 AM
2010- 08:23:51
sookiebontemps *shrugs*
08-09 AM
2010- 08:23:57
ChoChoMojo I was that way at first Tes
08-09 AM
2010- 08:23:59
benadgatemusic @jeremy lotsa DARK ENERGY o.O
08-09 AM
2010- 08:24:00
Guest8901 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:24:11
JeremyOfKansas Oh teh huage manatee- oh wait, I like it! LAWL
08-09 AM
2010- 08:24:12
riverdragon169 preach it Dallas!!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:24:15
BillohBill1 Listen to Dallas, LOL
08-09 AM
2010- 08:24:16
benadgatemusic my roommate thinks he's into wicca or voodoo
08-09 AM
2010- 08:24:17
08-09 AM
2010- 08:24:20
Harley Dickerson we know more than yoooouuuu
08-09 AM
2010- 08:24:21 reading requires the use of your brain and your
08-09 AM hands. Those books sure are heavy
2010- 08:24:22
TruebieDoobyDoo I read the books, then ignore everything but Bill
08-09 AM
2010- 08:24:25
BillohBill1 Dallas is going to need a martini
08-09 AM
I like Lafayette and Jesus together,but like
2010- 08:24:26
DrainMyVein Lafayette saying Devil in a sunday hat.. there you
08-09 AM
2010- 08:24:33
sookiebontemps MK: Buy her a margarita.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:24:35
TruebieDoobyDoo selective reading
08-09 AM
2010- 08:24:36 Marleneemm LFMTZ: Sorry , I' can't see not reading the books~
08-09 AM the books only make the show better.
2010- 08:24:46 readers get more out of it, but the
08-09 AM show still keep us guessing. THUMBS UP AB!
2010- 08:24:50
ChoChoMojo Sound like Shan Trub
08-09 AM
2010- 08:24:53
BillohBill1 Truebie, Bill isn't even in Book 4
08-09 AM
2010- 08:24:54
ChoChoMojo selective reading
08-09 AM
2010- 08:24:55 speakin of which, what is AB going to do w/
08-09 AM Claudine? are we gonna see more of her?
2010- 08:25:00
Marleneemm Dallas needs a bottle of champagne.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:25:02
robi YAY!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:25:04
robi YAY!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:25:04
TruebieDoobyDoo No, Shan really does only read the Bill parts
08-09 AM
2010- 08:25:07
robi YAY!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:25:11
Pamspumps dallas need some V
08-09 AM
2010- 08:25:11
benadgatemusic wasn't she in the preview for next week eviljessica?
08-09 AM
2010- 08:25:12
ChoChoMojo I know haha
08-09 AM
2010- 08:25:17
sabby77 lol
08-09 AM
2010- 08:25:18
JeremyOfKansas Yay! Lisa!
08-09 AM
Fae Fire
2010- 08:25:18
BillohBill1 Shan is full of it, she read all of the books
08-09 AM
2010- 08:25:20
JeremyOfKansas <3
08-09 AM
2010- 08:25:21 riverdragon169 When will we see Claude???
08-09 AM
2010- 08:25:23
1EvilJessica dont remember ben
08-09 AM
2010- 08:25:24
TruebieDoobyDoo I read the whole things, then selective forget
08-09 AM
2010- 08:25:29
Marleneemm NEVER
08-09 AM
2010- 08:25:30
TruebieDoobyDoo SOOOOOKEH
08-09 AM
2010- 08:25:34
ChoChoMojo hahah right Trub
08-09 AM
2010- 08:25:37 WHAT? LISA? WTF? SHE ISN'T REALLY
08-09 AM SOOKIE?
2010- 08:25:37
08-09 AM
2010- 08:25:39
BillohBill1 *SCREAMS*
08-09 AM
2010- 08:25:41
KimmieTex Sookie!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:25:42
Guest7874 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:25:43
Pamspumps its not me
08-09 AM
2010- 08:25:44
Cavalavalier Hello!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:25:45
riverdragon169 hello Lisa!!!
08-09 AM
Fae Fire
2010- 08:25:46
Harley Dickerson SOOKIE!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:25:47
sookiebontemps HEY!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:25:49
robi BOB...(hee hee)
08-09 AM
2010- 08:25:49
Pamspumps howdy
08-09 AM
2010- 08:25:50 KimmieTex BoB - it'll be OK
08-09 AM
2010- 08:25:54
BillohBill1 LOL Robi
08-09 AM
2010- 08:25:59
benadgatemusic just dance
08-09 AM
2010- 08:26:05
ChoChoMojo Didn't have time to write!!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:26:05
KimmieTex Can we dance?
08-09 AM
2010- 08:26:06 Sorry, I can't call her Lisa, she'll always be My
08-09 AM SBT!
2010- 08:26:08
BillohBill1 LOL
08-09 AM
2010- 08:26:11
TES2008 lafemme-you're still around?
08-09 AM
2010- 08:26:11
ChoChoMojo LOL KIM
08-09 AM
2010- 08:26:11
BillohBill1 And I told her as much!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:26:11
1EvilJessica all I saw was fairy fire ben :)
08-09 AM
2010- 08:26:13 Dallas is SPEECHLESS~ REMEMBER THE
08-09 AM DATE
2010- 08:26:16
Pamspumps SBT are you sore??
08-09 AM
2010- 08:26:17
sabby77 sookie needs to come back on twitter! :-(
08-09 AM
2010- 08:26:18
robi She is SBT. Period
08-09 AM
2010- 08:26:23
08-09 AM
2010- 08:26:26
ChoChoMojo I agree
08-09 AM
2010- 08:26:33 Me too, Bob...she made me quit calling her Sookie
08-09 AM when people started turning to look
Robi, I told Sookie, don't say you are Lisa on my
2010- 08:26:33
BillohBill1 Voice mail, I don't want to slip on Dallas' show and
08-09 AM
call you Lisa, LMAO
2010- 08:26:33
Marleneemm MICKENS.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:26:40 We need to go back and delete (edit) the into. He
08-09 AM ehee
2010- 08:26:44 I am going to go watch it again. Love me some
08-09 AM more Bill... night all
2010- 08:26:45
ChoChoMojo LOL really Kim?
08-09 AM
2010- 08:26:51 I am glad they showed us Sam's mom's dog of
08-09 AM choice!
2010- 08:26:55
DrainMyVein quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:26:55
robi Kimmie - I get soo confused!!! YOu know!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:27:06
Pamspumps I wish Eric would ask me to turn over
08-09 AM
2010- 08:27:07
1EvilJessica YES!! thank you for reminding me about that ben!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:27:08
benadgatemusic for some reason I really wanted to know
08-09 AM
2010- 08:27:09
BillohBill1 LOL Robi!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:27:14
TES2008 Yes daddy...
08-09 AM
2010- 08:27:14 Yes! ChoCho...we met some TrueBlood fans in
08-09 AM NOLA that way
2010- 08:27:16
08-09 AM
2010- 08:27:17
Harley Dickerson me too pam
08-09 AM
2010- 08:27:17
Lisnoe Night DrainMyVein
08-09 AM
2010- 08:27:24
ChoChoMojo haha that is funny
08-09 AM
2010- 08:27:29
sabby77 joe is great! team alcide
08-09 AM
2010- 08:27:30 She' say this is Lisa, and I am like yes? Can I help
08-09 AM you? LMAO
2010- 08:27:35
Marleneemm Alcide's cute~ love him love the actor.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:27:39
ChoChoMojo LOL BOB and Kim
08-09 AM
I still maintain that Eric should have nailed him
2010- 08:27:47
JeremyOfKansas canonically- and hard, so as to hurt him, then
08-09 AM
2010- 08:27:47
robi I like the conflict too.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:27:50
TES2008 Joe M is gorgeous
08-09 AM
2010- 08:27:50
Pamspumps Alcide is the bomb
08-09 AM
2010- 08:27:52
KimmieTex BoB! She should say she's a bill collector
08-09 AM
2010- 08:27:57
BillohBill1 JOK LMHO!
08-09 AM
Fae Fire
2010- 08:28:04
ChoChoMojo I like Alcide now!!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:28:04
BillohBill1 LOL Kim!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:28:08 That IS what makes teh BillvsEric stuff good, why
08-09 AM not a 3rd
2010- 08:28:10
ChoChoMojo He is a looker
08-09 AM
2010- 08:28:11
Rachel Wells enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:28:13
Pamspumps fae- bleh
08-09 AM
2010- 08:28:14
BillohBill1 Alcide is HOT!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:28:16
robi I am not either!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:28:22
sabby77 they can have babies!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:28:23 Rachel Wells quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:28:25 he's goung to warm her be up during the winter
08-09 AM too :)
HBO posters found him ~ on a website~ he even
2010- 08:28:25
Marleneemm told an interviewer that he was found by some
08-09 AM
2010- 08:28:26
Pamspumps he has the flu
08-09 AM
2010- 08:28:27 JoK I was waitin for Talbot to *receive* the
08-09 AM Gracious Plenty
2010- 08:28:29 Fae Fire--I keep saying Sookie will end up having
08-09 AM pups with Sam at the end of the books.
2010- 08:28:30 I like Alcide, but I also loved Alcide in Book 3. Not
08-09 AM since :(
2010- 08:28:39
ChoChoMojo I agree Tes
08-09 AM
2010- 08:28:45
robi I honestly, NOT a big Alcide fan
08-09 AM
2010- 08:28:47
lafemmetopaz TES.. so do I
08-09 AM
2010- 08:28:53
robi I like that they "teesed"
08-09 AM
2010- 08:28:56
KimmieTex I think Alcide is sweat-inducing
08-09 AM
2010- 08:29:00
KimmieTex He's such a sweat pea
08-09 AM
2010- 08:29:02
robi I don't think there has been enough to get there
08-09 AM
2010- 08:29:04
KimmieTex :)
08-09 AM
2010- 08:29:07 That whole steps scene, I was just staring at
08-09 AM Sookie's badly bleached eyebrows
2010- 08:29:08
robi Only a few more episodes
08-09 AM
2010- 08:29:11 All that Joe has do to is remain shirtless ~~ AND
08-09 AM SHUT UP
2010- 08:29:15
BillohBill1 Alcide can be my pool boy
08-09 AM
2010- 08:29:19 I was hoping Tara was going to share what
08-09 AM happened to her with Sam
2010- 08:29:23
lafemmetopaz Its either Eric or Sam
08-09 AM
2010- 08:29:24
08-09 AM
2010- 08:29:24
Guest7738 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:29:25
Pamspumps more naked Alcide please
08-09 AM
2010- 08:29:27
ChoChoMojo BOB you are so greedy ;-)
08-09 AM
2010- 08:29:30
KimmieTex Alcide can be my stalker
08-09 AM
2010- 08:29:31 Sometimes Sookie's eyebrows are really dark and
08-09 AM then they're gone like in last week's fairy land scene
2010- 08:29:31
BillohBill1 *cries* WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?????
08-09 AM
2010- 08:29:32
sabby77 how many books are left fot the last one
08-09 AM
2010- 08:29:35
08-09 AM
2010- 08:29:44
08-09 AM
2010- 08:29:52
Lisnoe Go back to hating Sundays
08-09 AM
2010- 08:29:56
BillohBill1 SEE! Bill didn't know what Sookie was
08-09 AM
2010- 08:29:57
Pamspumps thank god for DVR I can watch repeats all soon
08-09 AM
2010- 08:29:58 Nan's coming to Fangtasia....oh boy, that's going to
08-09 AM be bad news for Eric.
2010- 08:29:59
Marleneemm Dallas" TAKE A BREATH
08-09 AM
2010- 08:30:08
Fae Fire quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:30:08
Harley Dickerson repeat in 30
08-09 AM
2010- 08:30:09
TruebieDoobyDoo New family member? Nial?
08-09 AM
2010- 08:30:11
1EvilJessica lol breathe Dallas BREATHE
08-09 AM
2010- 08:30:13
TES2008 Four epis left.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:30:15
Pamspumps Dallas drank some V before the show
08-09 AM
2010- 08:30:15
sookiebontemps Good night everyone!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:30:18
sabby77 i cant wait
08-09 AM
2010- 08:30:18
ChoChoMojo Who's true feelings?
08-09 AM
2010- 08:30:19
TruebieDoobyDoo Night!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:30:21
JeremyOfKansas Good show!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:30:22
Guest8982 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:30:22
CryGaia quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:30:23
Cavalavalier Night Dallas
08-09 AM
2010- 08:30:23
JeremyOfKansas Terrific night folks!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:30:24
TES2008 Good night
08-09 AM
2010- 08:30:24
Lisnoe Night!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:30:25
Fae Fire enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:30:25 True Blood in
wow !!
08-09 AM Dallas
2010- 08:30:25
Marleneemm quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:30:26
Harley Dickerson night!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:30:26
lafemmetopaz quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:30:26 True Blood in
08-09 AM Dallas
2010- 08:30:26
JeremyOfKansas Shame there were no call ins!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:30:28
sookiebontemps Night Dallas!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:30:30
Guest7844 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:30:31
tbsookie quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:30:32 True Blood in
sorry so short sook
08-09 AM Dallas
2010- 08:30:32
Guest7840 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:30:32
sookiebontemps And wow is right!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:30:33
TruebieDoobyDoo sounds like Tuvan throat singing
08-09 AM
2010- 08:30:33
riverdragon169 good night all!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:30:34
Guest7771 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:30:34
Harley Dickerson show was awsome
08-09 AM
2010- 08:30:36
TES2008 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:30:39
Cavalavalier quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:30:41
sookiebontemps Hey, no worries, Dallas, I know how it goes!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:30:42
Guest7769 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:30:45
Guest8989 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:30:45
Pamspumps good night guys- see you next week
08-09 AM
2010- 08:30:45 True Blood in too longt yelling at mark about readin the effing
08-09 AM Dallas books
2010- 08:30:49
1EvilJessica AAWWwwwww it cut off an no music :( no Otep :(
08-09 AM
2010- 08:30:53
robi Good Night Peeps.
08-09 AM
2010- 08:30:53
BillohBill1 LOL Dallas1 I AGREE!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:30:54
Fae Fire quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:30:56
08-09 AM
2010- 08:30:59
Guest7773 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:31:01
Guest8982 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:31:01
sabby77 i cant hear the song!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:31:01
Guest7860 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:31:02
1EvilJessica gn robi
08-09 AM
2010- 08:31:02
ChoChoMojo Night my friends! :)
08-09 AM
2010- 08:31:03
Guest7780 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:31:03
Pamspumps agree
08-09 AM
2010- 08:31:07
Guest8989 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:31:09
08-09 AM
2010- 08:31:09
Pamspumps quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:31:14 True Blood in
eveil it wll be on the podcast and ill post it
08-09 AM Dallas
2010- 08:31:18
08-09 AM
2010- 08:31:19 True Blood in
right now
08-09 AM Dallas
2010- 08:31:21
Guest8990 enter the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:31:22
Dr. Girlfriend quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:31:27
Lisnoe No song *-)
08-09 AM
2010- 08:31:27
ChoChoMojo g'night Dallas
08-09 AM
2010- 08:31:30
1EvilJessica Swwaaeettt, thnx!! :) :D you RAKW :::giggles:::
08-09 AM
2010- 08:31:36
VampireDream quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:31:40
TruebieDoobyDoo BoB, You're such a top! Night all
08-09 AM
2010- 08:31:40
sookiebontemps quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:31:42
Guest7967 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:31:42 True Blood in
hey Bob
08-09 AM Dallas
2010- 08:31:45
robi quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:31:47
Guest8990 quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:31:47
BillohBill1 Hey Dallas!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:31:48
1EvilJessica night truebie
08-09 AM
2010- 08:31:48
benadgatemusic quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:31:50 True Blood in
thanks night all
08-09 AM Dallas
2010- 08:31:53
Lisnoe Night Dallas
08-09 AM
2010- 08:31:53
TruebieDoobyDoo Night, Jess
08-09 AM
2010- 08:31:54
ChoChoMojo quit the room
08-09 AM
2010- 08:31:55
BillohBill1 Night Dallas!
08-09 AM
2010- 08:31:58
1EvilJessica night Dallas! :)
08-09 AM
2010- 08:32:00
BillohBill1 Night John Boy
08-09 AM
2010- 08:32:03
TruebieDoobyDoo Night John Boy
08-09 AM
2010- 08:32:05
BillohBill1 Night Talbot
08-09 AM
2010- 08:32:06
sabby77 bye gn going to watch tb again
08-09 AM
2010- 08:32:06
TruebieDoobyDoo dammit MK
08-09 AM
2010- 08:32:14
08-09 AM
2010- 08:32:20
Liras TrueBlood time
08-09 AM
2010- 08:32:20
1EvilJessica LOL
08-09 AM
2010- 08:32:21
TruebieDoobyDoo *cries*
08-09 AM
2010- 08:32:21
Liras :)
08-09 AM
2010- 08:32:25
greeneyegirl bob!
08-09 AM

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