10 Years

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Glencree a place and an ideal

Glencree Centre for Reconciliation was founded in

1974 as a response to violent conflict in Irish
society, in the conviction that there must be a
better way than violence and vandalism, intolerance
and sectarianism.

The Centre works to discover and promote the

conditions for a just and peaceful society. It
seeks to uncover and encourage in the people of
Ireland the moral and physical resources to
transcend the politics and economics of violence,
pollution and greed and to reconstruct an island
where young and old can live in security and hope.
A spirit of Christian commitment to this ideal
inspired the foundation of the Centre and continues
to motivate its varied activities of peace
training, peace making and the respectful use of
natural resources. It welcomes members and fellow
workers from any religious faith and from none,
from Ireland and abroad and from all social and
political traditions compatible with the aims of
the Centre.

Glencree is a place and an ideal. It stands for

tolerance and justice; for an Ireland where
individuals and families, small groups and large,
can find the space and the environment to live and
work together with dignity and mutual respect.

What the Taoiseach has said
T he work of reconciliation is
the greatest single challenge
that faces this generation in
Ireland. As each of the last ten
years has gone by, the task has
become more daunting, more
complex and more
heartbreaking.... Too many
young Irish men and women
have sought relief in escapism or
have yielded to a blind urge for
violent revenge. Too many of
my own generation have yielded
to a weary fatalism
"If we fail to confront the crisis
of Northern Ireland, it will
inexorably worsen and fester.
"Until we all seek to
understand this crisis, we will
not be able to act intelligently
and effectively for peace. The
effort of understanding will
require a willingness on our part,
on the part of both sections of
the community in Northern
Ireland and on the part of the
British to reject a good deal of
our own cherished mythology as
well as the mythology of others.
It will require a readiness to
contemplate difficult, expensive
and probably painful options
and it will require a commitment
to give to this problem and to its
solution a priority above all
other issues.
From a speech by the Taoiseach, Dr. Garret FitzGerald, T.D.
at the opening of a Glencree exhibition in May 1983.

Glencree - a beacon of hope
Dr. A. J. F. O'Reilly, Chairman of the
Glencree Development Committee sends us
this message on our tenth anniversary.
COMMENTING on the Anglo-Irish Treaty of 1921 and
partition, a British author wrote, "So the Irish
won in a way, but they lost too, for they never
made friends with themselves." That observation was
penned many years ago, but it is as true today as
it was fifty years ago.
Glencree is one of those little beacons of hope
that light up an otherwise turbulent, ungenerous
sea. We have to learn the American lesson that
compromise is the distinction of the intelligent
man and not a synonym for surrender - or if it does
mean surrender, it is surrender of a positive type
to the forces of general good.
Glencree is all about creating space ... space for
the mind, space for the spirit, space for the soul.
It is a crossroads for tribes to meet. Properly
used, it is a supermarket for low-cost generosity
and high-quality Christianity.
Stop and shop at Glencree! You'll find the
Christian message of peace alive and well and
prospering there, thanks to your generosity.

Ten Years...
F orgiveness is a catalyst creating the
atmosphere necessary for a fresh start
and a new beginning.
- Martin Luther King
AFTER a particularly horrifying
outbreak of bombing in Belfast in THE work goes on. There is a
1972 a number of people met in continuous
Dublin to protest against the programme of North-South
atrocities being carried out in exchange, peace
their name and an ecumenical studies and conflict resolution
service to voice concern for the courses for secondary schools,
people of Northern Ireland was farm education for primary
later held in Christ Church schools and inner city children
Cathedral. and local and international work-
Concern was not enough, however
and the organisation known as Hundreds of families from
Working For Peace considered troubled areas in the North have
injustice and social problems to come to Glencree for holidays or
be at the root of the conflict. shelter and community leaders,
The various peace groups involved politicians and trade unionists
soon realised that reconciliation of all persuasions have taken
was the key and that what was part in seminars and conferences.
needed was a common base from
which to spearhead an effective All this activity and the
and non-violent approach to the practical effort entailed must
urgent issues both north and surely have some stronger motive
south. force if the ideals
andaspirations of Glencree are to
In February of the following year reach out and influence the
the old Glencree barracks were hearts and minds of those to whom
made available by the Government the concept of reconciliation is
and in a generous act of faith, as yet unknown - or even
bankers Guinness and Mahon unacceptable.
approved an overdraft of 47,000
for the work of renovation to be There is of course this motive
undertaken. force and it springs from the
Christian belief which permeates
May 1975 saw the opening of the everything to do with the Centre
Glencree Centre for and which was what fired the
Reconciliation, which has been enthusiasm of the founders over
the scene of important events and ten years ago.
projects during the ensuing
decade. They are too numerous to FROM its earliest days Glencree
detail here, but they have been has been inspired by and
wide-ranging in their scope, affiliated to Corrymeela, the
including the fields of Christian peace community in Co.
education, Antrim which is twenty years old
recreation, fund-raising, work this year. Joint projects with
camps and holidays and hosting Corrymeela are an ongoing feature
the flow of visitors to the of our co-operation.
Centre in the beautiful and
peaceful valley of Glencree has There is also an affiliation with
been rewarding for all concerned. the Cross of Nails Community, a

special honour for an and develop with your help and
organisation so young as the kind of vision that started
Glencree. Other Cross of Nails off the whole glorious cycle of
centres are in the United States, peace and reconciliation in our
Dresden, Berlin, Taize and time.
See what is meant by the stronger
motive force and the Christian

Glencree since 1974 has initiated

an annual Peace Week during which
there are lectures, seminars,
exhibitions and street drama and
always an ecumenical service.
Distinguished preachers over the
years have included the Rev.
Michael Quoist from France and
Bishop Helder Camara of Brazil.
During the last ten years there
have been many seminars and the
extent of the concept of peace
and reconciliation can be gauged
by the variety of subjects
covered. These range from
political (Irish neutrality, the
politics of forgiveness and
U.D.I. for Northern Ireland),
economic (unemployment and
renewable energy), religious
(minority religions), social
(pluralism, sexism in education
and prison sentences).

AMONG the more significant of

recent conferences was that held
jointly with Corryrneela in
Queen's University, Belfast.
Political scientists, historians
and other experts came from
Europe and the United States to
give their views on alternative
models of political cooperation
and their papers were afterwards
published in book form. The book
was subsequently presented by
Glencree as their submission to
the New Ireland Forum,
which used it extensively as a
source of reference.

From a valley in the Wicklow

Hills where peace is being
nurtured flows hope into a world
of strife. In apparently small
ways and practical day-to-day
human contact and in the broad
sweep of ideological influence,
things are being made to happen.
Elsewhere in this booklet we tell
you what is happening in Glencree
now and how the work will grow

The Glencree Centre and
The Rev. Alan Martin of the Abbey
Presbyterian Church, Dublin, a former
Chairman of the Glencree Council and the
Rev. Denis Green, s. m., of Mount Saint
Mary's, Dublin, a Glencree Council member,
reaffirm the Christian presence at
For Christians the Centre is an ecumenical
effort to bridge divisions, they say. It is also
a place to work with men and women whose faith
or church membership is not explicit, or who
have no religious faith or church.
THE Glencree Centre for growth and reconciliation.
Reconciliation is not a This process persists
church-affiliated despite violence and
community, but Christian injustice. God's active
motivation was strong among presence in the world is
the founders and finds a part of that Good News
place in the latest declared through Jesus
statement of identity. Christ and accepted with
the gift of faith in him.
In the course of history The Centre was established
the Church has been at a time when long
involved in violence or has standing divisions in
become petrified in its Ireland had burst into
organisation or expression renewed destructiveness.
of faith. Still, it has The opposed forces feed on
also persistently aspired each other, for the hopes
and tried to be a place and of one side represent the
sign of new beginnings and fears of the other. In
of peace. Glencree Christians see the
conflict as a judgment we
The Christian presence at have brought on ourselves
Glencree draws attention to by worshipping the false
God's hidden involvement in god of sectarian interests
the human race. In the and the Catholic/Protestant
dialogue and communion divide is used by some to
through which individuals underpin and justify these
and communities develop, interests.
God is drawing mankind to

"He is the peace between towards forgiveness and
us." peace.
ALL this runs counter to Thus for Christians the
the purpose of God revealed Centre is an ecumenical
in Jesus Christ. He revered effort to bridge divisions
the mission God gave his within the Church and it is
people, respected the Law also a place to work with
and worshipped with fellow men and women whose faith
Jews, yet he refused to or church membership is not
identify with any of the explicit, or who have no
religious or political religious faith or church.
groups of the day. They We believe that where there
were representative of the is goodwill there God is
kind of divisions the human secretly at work. We
race splits into at any acknowledge too that often
period. rejection of the
institutional Church or
Rather than side with any difficulty in believing
of them he accepted death comes from that very
at their hands. We believe Christian exclusiveness,
God showed his acceptance privilege or religiosity
of Jesus by raising him which Jesus himself
from death. So, concerning rejected and which rejected
the hostility between Jews him. We know Jesus has
and pagans, the New opened the Kingdom of God
Testament says, "He is the and with him we too want to
peace between us and has be open to all. It is our
made the two into one and belief that the work of
broken down the barrier reconciliation is so
which used to keep them central to the faith, "that
apart ... to create one only what is said about and
single New Man in himself suffered in the service of
out of the two of them and reconciliation can be
by restoring peace through therefore truly described
the cross, to unite them as Christian." (Moltmann)
both in a single body and
reconcile them with God. In
his own person he killed
the hostility."
(Eph. 2114-16)
A sign of the power of
RECONCILED to God by our
faith in Jesus Christ, we
are to be reconciled to
each other and to be agents
of reconciliation.
Christians in Glencree want
to be a sign of the power
of Christ and his Spirit
and to work with others

From prejudice to understanding
By Geoffrey Corry, Chairman, Glencree Centre
for Reconciliation.
BELFAST is miles closer to Getting out of the city and
Dublin than Cork - nearer going to
than Limerick or Galway or a new place with out-of-
Sligo, but many Dubliners the-ordinary experiences
feel it is more distant are the very stuff for
both in physical terms as breaking down barriers and
well as in the mind. getting everyone to rope in
together. Hard necked boys
One of the ways Glencree from city life would have
has tried to develop been slagged right out of
greater contact and it back home if it were
communication between North known that they had made
and South has been through bread. At Glencree there is
a variety of youth exchange no question that this is a
schemes. These tend to be s issy activity.
weekend visits and involve
youth clubs, peace corps, MORE recently, the
unemployed youth and North/South link programme
trainees. Every effort is provides a weekend exchange
made to mix the groups so which opens with a getting-
that there is a balanced to-know-you session on the
cross section of Friday night. On Saturday
Protestants and Catholics, morning the groups do work
Northerners and projects around the Centre
Southerners, girls and and on Saturday afternoon
boys. This of course is not they visit a local
always possible because of neighbourhood in Dublin to
last-minute changes, bombs see the many new social
going off, groups afraid to problems faced by young
travel, parents putting people, for example, "joy-
pressures on the young riding", unemployment, some
people and other genuine drugs problems and poverty.
fears. On Saturday night an
Of great attraction for all opportunity is provided for
who come to the Glencree the young people to talk
Centre are the farm life about each other's
and the variety of work situation and to express
around the place. They vary their feelings about
according to the time of things. On Sunday morning
year and can range from there is time to do a
cutting turf on the number of things before the
mountains, milking the evaluation.
cows, building walls,
making bread and so on. A very encouraging aspect

of all this is the teaching us the hard way;
friendships made which, if we have to learn new ways
sustained, invariably lead of resolving conflict
to a change in opinions, a between groups and of
softening of attitudes and forming a healthy respect
the desire to come together for each other.
again. At the end of a
successful weekend, a
typical comment might be,
"I can look at both sides
of the story now," or "I
realise now that the
troubles are not only about
Catholics versus
Protestants," or "The
Southerners do not want to
take over Northern
Building on these contacts,
ex- changes and
friendships, many of us
have a bigger vision. By
opening up channels of
communication between
groups divided by conflict
and the events of violence,
we can restore to people
the possibility of doing
some- thing to resolve
their own situation of
becoming increasingly
sensitive to how they have
been numbed by the
Conflict of all kinds -
ideological, economic,
cultural and racial -is
going to play a bigger part
in the lives of all of us
because of the pace of
change and the greater
inter-mixing of people.
The most important skill
for people today is the
ability to resolve a
conflict, yet we Irish tend
to be better at taking one
particular side or
conviction and rigidly
holding on to it. The daily
violence and barbaric
incidents are clearly

Divided in life, they are remembered in
Two significant walks of remembrance in Dublin.

ON the Sunday before St. In 1983 Lieutenant-General

Patrick's Day during Peace Sean Collins-Powell, nephew
Week of 1981 and again in of the late Michael
1983 there was a walk of Collins, accompanied by
remembrance through the Lieutenant-Colonel Derek
streets of Dublin and along Boydell, OBE, President
the way wreaths of Southern Ireland Area Royal
shamrocks were laid at British Legion and other
points of historic members of the Legion
importance to commemorate joined the gathering at the
Irish men and women of all war memorial in the
traditions. cathedral, then took part
Before the start of the in the walk of remembrance.
walk from St. Patrick's The wreaths were laid by
Cathedral, the walkers who Sean Lemass's grandson,
numbered several hundreds Sean O'Connor, Chris
assembled at the memorial O'Malley, grandson of Kevin
there to commemorate the O'Higgins and actor Cyril
dead of two world wars and Cusack, who read the
the words, "Though they oration at the GPO.
were divided in life, let
us remember them together In participating in a
in death," were recited. symbolic walk of this kind,
The walk then proceeded Glencree was emphasising
down the hill and over the the need for forgiveness.
Liffey to the Four Courts Very little has been done
where those who died on to heal the scars of the
both sides of the Civil War Civil
were remembered. The final War, the major political
visit was to the G.P.O. parties remain its captives
where those killed in 1916 and seldom do they find
in the struggle for all-part-y opportunities to
national independence, by remind people of the things
the bombs of 1974 and by that hold all of us
violence North and South together.
were remembered.
The wreaths were laid in WHILE time allows us to
1981 by Nobel prizewinner forget these past divisions
Sean MacBride, Una and is itself a natural
O'Higgins O'Malley, form of forgiveness,
daughter of memories linger on and we
the late Kevin O'Higgins can never fully escape from
and actress Siobhan the brutalities and
McKenna. imperfections of the past.
Through such a walk of

remembrance, forgiveness
can provide a way to
remember the past so that
it does not overshadow the
present, but can allow a
new future to emerge from

Peace comes to a valley
GLENCREE has been a Lynch, a truly great man of
battleground for warring faith and vision.
factions since the twelfth
century, but it was not It was a tough life for
until the Rising of 1798 them and visitors to the
that what is now the Centre today who observe
Reconciliation Centre made the fertile land
its first appearance as the surrounding it may remember
new military barracks of those boys who under the
the time to deal with the direction of the great
insurgents. The Military Father Lynch relentlessly
Road (nowadays known and cut the turf and removed
loved by motorists and the tons and tons of
walkers) was built at about stones.
the same time.
AS well as cultivating the
During the Rising some land the boys learnt useful
11,000 Catholic and trades to equip them for
Protestant people in Co. adult life and Father Lynch
Wicklow lost their farms, also taught some of them to
cottages and livestock. play the fife, believing
Peace gradually returned to that music would be good
the countryside when the for their characters. Very
Rising ceased and then soon they were giving
began the long weary task concerts for charity and
of repairing farms and singing in their choir.
land. The army barracks
were of no further use to By 1860 about 100 boys were
the military and the being cared for in Glencree
buildings lay empty and and they were making their
neglected for over fifty own clothes, growing their
years, a grim reminder of own food and building their
past turmoil. own furniture. Glencree
Reformatory continued to
In 1859 appear signs of rehabilitate boys from all
human concern and building over Ireland for another
for the future in the eighty years until 1940
valley instead of death and when the staff of twenty-
destruction and with the two and the 250 boys were
coming of the moved to a more spacious
Oblate Fathers to Glencree school in Daingean.
the first seeds of
reconciliation may be said The building was empty
to have been sown. The again, but not for long and
military barracks were during the Second World War
taken over by the Fathers it was occupied by recruits
for the housing and to the Civilian
training of delinquent boys Construction Corps who cut
in the charge of one Father turf, improved the mountain

roads and helped the doors to study groups
farmers. concerned with the nature
of conflict, the politics
At the end of 1945 the of forgiveness and those in
Irish Red Cross Society need of shelter from the
invited 200 *French storms of the new violence
children for a 3-month stay of our time.
in Ireland the following
summer and for the next few Glencree draws the needy
years the old walls of the into the healing peace of
reformatory echoed to the the valley and from the
laughter of refugee Centre emanates the moral
children from war-torn strength of non-violent
Europe. action and the necessity to
recognise how destructive
TEN years ago with the violence can be.
formation of the Glencree These are concepts which
Centre for Reconciliation can and must be heeded.
the building entered yet
another phase and now it is [*Web Editors note:
a meeting place for people The invitation was
of all classes and creeds given to the French
north and south; it Sisters of Charity,
combines the work of who brought displaced
practical reconciliation German and Polish
with the study of conflict children to Glencree
particularly in relation to while awaiting foster
Ireland. placement with Irish
A few hundred yards from
the gate of the Centre the
German war cemetery lies in
an old quarry beside the
Glencree River and the
spirit of peace and
forgiveness pervaded the
valley more than ever when
in 1983 the Irish, British
and Germans prayed together
in an ecumenical service on
Armistice Day in memory of
the German dead there.
The story of the Valley is
full of sound and fury, but
the fury has gone now and
the sound nowadays is that
of voices in friendship.
The great buildings which
have served their various
purposes as military
stronghold, youth training
centre and children's
refuge now fling wide their

Glencree today [1985]
Our aims activities and projects to
To convince people that develop an awareness in
violence is destructive of senior schoolchildren of
the ends it seeks to their attitudes.
achieve -ideological, Training opportunities for youth
industrial or social. leaders and community
To show the moral development workers.
strength of non-violent Family holidays and rest for
action and what it can victims of violence North
achieve. and South, for battered
To provide an opportunity wives and for inner city
for people to meet, talk children.
and listen more easily and
more honestly than is often Farm education
possible. Parties of children from
To lend active support to primary schools in Dublin
non- violent movements come for a day to see the
trying to fight injustice hill farm in action. They
and to improve the quality see the cows being milked;
of life in our society. they bake bread and hunt
To provide a programme of for gold treasure in the
peace education and mountains and rivers.
research of international
quality and value. Volunteers: They cultivate the
garden which provides
vegetables for the Centre
Our activities all the year round. They
Seminars and conferences on non- also experiment with poly
violence, pluralism, tunnels for forcing
integration through horticultural produce and
education, community with cheese-making in the
development, Christian dairy section where, it is
renewal, North-South hoped, some young people
dialogue. will be employed full-time.
International work camps from
June to September and Energy conservation
weekend camps during the rest The Pelton wheel, which was
of the year, each camp built in the late 19th
providing opportunities for century by the Oblate
discussion and Fathers, has been
understanding. reactivated and now
Voluntary labour on the farm, generates almost enough
in the garden and in the electricity to heat and
kitchen, restoring the light the Centre.
building, craftwork. Electricity for the farm is
Schools programme: 4-day generated by the windmill.
residential courses
including simulation games,
discussions, group

Glencree ten years on

An anniversary message from the Rev.Ray

Davey, founder of the Corrymeela
Community in Northern Ireland.
AS one who took part in the small and at times
opening ceremony, it is now insignificant, should they
a pleasure to greet continue to exist? Are they
Glencree on having really necessary? Do they
completed its first decade. perform any useful function
When one surveys the rise at all? I would offer three
and fall of so many responses to these
different peace groups and questions:
indeed peace initiatives,
the very fact of having 1. Every one of us in this
survived for that time and country is very much aware
to be still in operation is of how much importance in
a significant fact, for our society is given to the
there is no doubt that the various signs, symbols and
roles that both Corrymeela emblems that are
and Glencree have been and continually being brought
are attempting to play are to our attention. Alas,
like continually walking many of them are divisive,
against the winds and threatening and
storms that we all know so provocative. Nonetheless we
well on our northern and cannot abolish the use of
western coastlines. such indicators.
They range on the one hand After all, they are really
from cynicism and the shorthand way of
scepticism to unconcealed promoting our understanding
sectarianism and the tragic of the sort of society we
and bloody shortcuts of the want in the future or some
men of violence. Perhaps cause that is especially
even more significant is important to us. It is
that unnumbered body of therefore of paramount
people who have opted out importance that we have
of any effort or obligation positive and creative signs
to work for peace and and symbols to inspire and
retreated into the private encourage. I am sure that
life and just don't want to is why such places and such
know about anything else. efforts and indeed such
visions as both Glencree
There is, nonetheless, a and Corrymeela are so
real question to be faced important. They are a sign
by such bodies as Glencree that a great number of
and Corrymeela. Why, people from different
although their efforts are traditions and outlooks can

live and work together. are".
They are (if I may use an
image from the cinema 3. Places like Glencree and
world) "previews" of the Corrymeela are needed to
sort of society we must challenge us that we do not
have. This reminds me of succumb to apathy or
the old age pensioner who despair and that we take up
visited Corrymeela for the the search for
first time and was heard to reconciliation and healing.
say, "This place is right. We are challenged to see
This is what we should have that in spite of our deep
had fifty years ago". political, social and
cultural differences, the
2. Not only are the two foundations of our common
Centres signs, they are Christian faith go deeper
also channels through which still. We are indeed part
all sorts of people with of the one Christian family
different skills, and have the one Lord and
experience and concerns can Master. If we go beyond lip
find an outlet for their service and take His way
longing to do something to and His life seriously, a
help to build a better new dynamic can be released
society. The tragedy and in our country that will
yet the hope is that in break down the ancient
this country both North and barriers of hate and fear
South there is a vast and create new structures
reservoir of untapped and a new country.
energy, idealism and
vision. Corrymeela and
Glencree have at least
begun the process of
harnessing these incredible
I am reminded of the lady
who said to me after she
had heard me speak about
the work of Corrymeela,
"You know you are lucky.
You've got something you
can do about the
situation". I was quick to
respond that Corrymeela was
available for anyone who
wanted to be involved and
in fact like Glencree,
needs far more backing and
support if its work is to
develop. It is indeed an
idea for everyone who wants
to take it up. As one of
our early posters said,
"Corrymeela begins where you

Searching for new political
by Geoffrey Corry
A number of leading experts part of partition,
in political science Westminster politicians
accepted an invitation from like Lloyd George saw it as
Glencree and Corrymeela to the best possible
present papers on models of arrangement in the
political co-operation at a circumstances, but many
study conference in Belfast things have changed since
in March 1981. World then and new forms of
authorities such as government have been tried.
Professor Bernard Crick
from London, Professor
Arend Lijphart from Above all it has been found
California and Professor A. that where a society is
P. Frognier from Louvain deeply divided by
gave fresh insights into religious, ideological,
how other countries and cultural or ethnic
regions have found ways of divisions, partition is
cooperating to overcome unlikely to be a workable
historic divisions. and lasting solution.
The conference was attended THE models explored at the
by over 100 participants, conference included systems
representative of civil such as federation,
servants from the two confederation,
governments and other consociational democracy
leaders of public opinion, and condominium, all of
including politicians. The which rely on a number of
papers were subsequently principles involving
published in hardback and coalition, power-sharing,
paperback editions. the mutual veto,
proportionality and
This initiative contributed autonomy within certain
to getting new thinking territories.
going in the search for new
political structures in the One of the chastening
deeply divided society of experiences of the Belfast
Northern Ireland. Like many conference, however was
other trouble spots in the that a prerequisite for any
world (Cyprus, Lebanon, Sri new Ireland was the need
Lanka and South Africa) the for a political will to
Westminster model of respect others and to find
democracy (normally known solutions based on mutual
as majority rule) has not understanding.
worked very well in Professor Charles Carter
Northern Ireland. When it wrote later, "Without
was introduced in 1921 as goodwill, no arrangement -

however cunningly balanced
- stands any chance."
Any new structure or
political solution will
come only as a result of a
slow process of building
respect and understanding
and the commitment of those
involved to continue to
talk, no matter what
differences may emerge.

Dimensions of reconciliation
The first decade
THE various "dimensions" of Expression Corporelle
reconciliation have been (1979); hospitality to
represented in the individuals suffering from
undertakings of Glencree violence etcetera; farm
since the beginning. Of days for young children
course these areas of (1982-84).
reconciliation overlap.
What benefits the INTERPERSONAL dimension:
individual benefits his Glencree community building
interpersonal (at intervals and ongoing
relationships; what aims at for resident community);
improving interpersonal local work camps (frequent
relationships will benefit weekends); hospitality to
the individual and the Sunday and other visitors
group to which he belongs. (ongoing); youth group
A happier relationship with meetings (town house);
the environment, a more Women Together.
respectful use of it
rebounds to the good of INTERGROUP dimension:
people and our whole Revolutionary Violence and
society. Social Change (seminar);
national symposium on non-
We list some of Glencree's violence (3- day seminar);
activities. Our records are Roots of Violence
not complete at present; in (seminar); Gandhi and Non-
particular we have no Violence (day workshop);
records in our office of peace study groups and
that very busy first year residential peace study
and not much from 1975. courses for schools;
Beginnings are like that. Pluralism (group meetings
People are too busy to file and three seminars);
away records for future Christianity and Communism
historians, but the (seminar); Religious
founders are alive and well Minorities in Ireland
and we shall be able to (seminar); Towards an
recover the first years Interdenominational
from their memory and Christian Community
correspondence. (seminar); Politics of
Forgiveness (2-day
Formation of the workshop); Alternative
INDIVIDUAL: Models of Political Co-
Days and weekends for Operation in a Divided
Christian prayer and Society (seminar); Irish
commitment groups; youth Neutrality (debates);
and community leadership North-South work camps;
courses; arts and crafts Northern holiday groups,
activities; peace study young people, families and
circle (1977-78,1983-84); old-age pensioners; Role of

Voluntary Service
International in Northern
Ireland (weekend);
Negotiated Independence for
Northern Ireland (seminar);
intergroup activities at
Glencree House, Belfast;
occasional shared
activities with Corrymeela;
international cultural
exchange; international
conference of peace groups;
international work camps;
Christian Movement for
Peace (work camp); Policy
for Primary Education
(workshop); Integration
Through Education
(workshop); Recreation For
What? Stereotypes and
Inequalities in Education
(workshop); relating people
to environment; city farms
project (1978/1979);
activity connected with
Glencree farm and garden
(resident community, work
campers and children);
Renewable Energy for
Employment (seminar).

A venture like Glencree Centre relies on the generosity and
goodwill of many people, companies and organisations.
During the first ten years support has come in different
ways - voluntary help, covenants, donations and gifts in
kind. Government grants for capital and on-going projects
represent a considerable contribution. Glencree gratefully
acknowledges these and the many individual supporters, too
numerous to mention, including:

Allied Irish Banks Ireland-Germany Deutscher

Algemeine Bank Nederland Frauenrung E.V., West
(Ireland) Germany
Ansbacher & Co. Heifer Project
Bank of Ireland International, U.S.A.
Guinness & Mahon Society of Ireland in
Ulster Bank Florida, U.S.A.
Hibernian Insurance Co. Co-Operation North
New Ireland Assurance Co. E.E.C.
American Irish Foundation Belton Engineering Works
Ford Foundation Brooks Watson Group
Heinz Foundation P. J. Carroll & Co.
Ireland Fund Cement-Roadstone Holdings
Smurfit Foundation James Crean
Glorney Charitable Ernst & Whinney
Foundation FitzWilton
Joseph Rank Benevolent A. Guinness Son & Co.
Trust Independent Newspapers
British Council of Churches Irish Distillers
Community of the Cross of McDonagh & Boland
Nails Coventry Cathedral Jos. McCullough & Partners
Church Women United, U.S.A. MacMahon Power Hunter & Co.
Inter-Church Emergency Fund Johnson Bros.
of Ireland Maguire & Paterson
Methodist Relief Fund Sales Placement
Presbyterian Church Stokes Kennedy Crowley &
Association, Monterey, Co.
U.S.A. Superquinn
Presbyterian Association Tayto
Trust Fund, Ireland Tennant & Ruttle
Society of Jesus, Dublin T.M.G. Group
Women's World Day of Unilever
Prayer, Waterford Ironfounders
Mr. E. Michael Booth, the late Mr. Frederick Brownlee, Mrs.
Ann Bush, Mr. Andrew Devane, Mr. John Featherstone, Miss
Katherine Howard, Mr. Liam T. Lysaght, Mr. Joseph P.
McGough, Mr. Matthew J. Minch, Dr. A. J. F. O'Reilly, Dr.
Brendan O'Regan, Mr. Thornas Roche, Mr. Kenneth Rohan, Dr.
T. K. Whitaker.
Voluntary women's organisations affiliated to the Women's
Voluntary Emergency Service.

Glencree 1974/1975
Foundation Council Mr. Geoffrey Corry
Development Council
Miss Rachel Bewley
Miss Gay Brocklesby Dr. A. J. F. O'Reilly
Mr. Pauric Cannon (Chairman)
Mr. Patrick Collins Mr. E. Michael Booth
The Rev. Dennis Cooke Mr. Andrew Devane
The Rev. Shaun Curran Mr. Richard George
The Rev. John Morrow Mr. J. J. Hayes
Mr. Brian Nelson Mr. Howard E. Kilroy
Mrs. Una O'Higgins O'Malley Mr. Joseph P. McGough
Dr. lvo O'Sullivan Mr. P. J. Moriarty
Miss Eithne Russell Mr. K. P. O'Reilly-Hyland
Mrs. Renee Rutledge Mr. Feargal Quinn
Mr. Thomas Sayers Mr. Richard G. Tennant
Lady Wicklow Dr. T. K. Whitaker
Affiliated Organisations Liaison Committee
1974 Mr. George P. McVitty
Ballyfermot Peace Corps (Chairman)
Friends' Peace Cornmittee Mrs. Judith King (Honorary
Irish School of Ecumenics Secretary)
Pax Christi Lady Wicklow
Peace Point Mrs. Judy Hayes
Southern Movement for Peace Mr. John Kelly
Voluntary Service
International Patrons
Women's Voluntary Emergency Mr. Colm Barnes,
Service Mrs. Rita Childers,
Working For Peace Mrs. Sheila Conroy,
Dr. Jerome Dempsey,
Chairmen of Council from Sir Robin Kinahan,
1974 Mr. Donal Nevin,
Mr. Brian Nelson Dr. Brendan O'Regan,
Lady Wicklow Dr. John Robb,
Mrs. Judy Hayes Dr. Trevor West,
The Rev. Alan Martin Dr. James White,
The Rev. Michael Sweetman Dr. T. K. Whitaker
Published by: Glencree Centre for Reconciliation. Editor: Caroline Mitchell. Cover photograph: Ann Egan.


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