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As we acquire more knowledge, things do not become more comprehensible, but more complex

and mysterious.

45 min

SO, stop being STUBBERN and try to paraphrase it Commented [DM1]: I know I am getting on your nerves, but I
am trying my best )

When I say avoid using SOMEI mean something like this..change the structure of your sentence so you dont have
to use some Commented [DM2]: I have not used even one fucking some
word ) in this essay
Third support???? Commented [DM3]: I cannot finish an essay with 3 supports in
30 min.

This topic raises the controversial issue of whether the more knowledge we learn through
times, subjects become more comprehensible or complex and mysterious. Indisputably, there
are issues in sciences which remained mystery and needs to be scrutinized. Nevertheless, if the
authors statement was true, there were no accomplishments in todays new modern world.
People who have spent their life investigating on new matters have been frustrated. Thus, I
generally disagree with the opinion that the more people get educated, the more issues
become vague and imperceptible.

First and foremost, Although complexity of issues is undeniable in the world, but almost
everything we are using today in our lives such as cars, computers, etc. were at first so difficult
to design or even imagine. Facilities and equipments which exists nowadays, are because of
the people who proved perseverance pays off. To illustrate, let us look at the example of the
inventor of the light bulb who has tried thousands of times of experiments to make one. If the
complexity and mysteriousness of the problem had conquered him, there were not any light
bulbs today.

Furthermore, acquiring knowledge is the main purpose of establishing schools and institutions.
They exists based on the fact that people should learn new matters step by step to be educated
and by getting to the higher levels they would have the knowledge to solve the complex issues.
If there were no achievements in confronting with the enigmatic problems in the world, all of
these schools should have been closed many years ago. For instance, students in engineering
majors will spend many years in universities to become an engineer. About hundred years ago
no one could imagine walking on the moon and it was a mystery that what is happening outside
of the earth. Therefore, with the knowledge of these engineers who came from schools, human
could have created space shuttles.

However, undoubtedly the knowledge we have acquired from thousands of years could have
not help us to understand all the problems and there are still matters which remained complex
and mystery. For example, human do not have the ability to travel to the world beyond our
solar system.
In conclusion, the author concluded that the complexity and mysteriousness of the universe is
an indisputable fact which with more knowledge, human cannot get more understanding of the
problems. Although there are exceptions in world problems which proves the authors
statement, with perseverance and hard works nothing is impossible and it only needs time to
reveal secrets and to overcome the complexity.

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