Jrotc Let 3 Syllabus 2017-18 Kenwood High School

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Clarksville-Montgomery County School System (C-MCSS)

Kenwood High School (KHS)

COURSE SYLLABUS: Army Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (JROTC) Leadership,
Education & Training (LET3) School Year 2017-2018.
Primary Instructor, Senior Army Instructor LET 3&4 Colonel James Baker, US Army (Retired),
james.baker@cmcss.net, 931-905-7900 ext. 2279
Army Instructor LET 2, Chief Warrant Officer-Five Steven Mellar, US Army (Retired),
steven.mellar@cmcss, 931-905-7900 ext. 2283.

Army Instructor LET 1 Sergeant First Class Stephone Duncan, US Army (Retired),
stephone.duncan@cmcss.net, 931-905-7900 ext. 2292.

C-MCSS STS-M001, Student Conduct
C-MCSS THC-A002, Technology Acceptable Usage Policy
C-MCSS Strategic Work Overview 2017-2018
CCR 145-2, JROTC Organization, Administration, Operations, Training and Support
CCR 145-8-3, JROTC Program of Accreditation
CCR 670-1, Uniform Insignia: Uniform Wear and Appearance
DAI Office SY 2017-2018 Action Plan

COURSE DESCRIPTION: The Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) is a voluntary
program that teaches high school students (also known as Cadets) the value of citizenship,
leadership, service to the community, personal responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment,
while instilling in them self-esteem, teamwork, and self-discipline. The mission statement
reflects the overall meaning and purpose of JROTC, which is To Motivate Young People to be
Better Citizens by preparing high school students for responsible leadership roles while making
them aware of their rights, responsibilities, and privileges as American citizens. The program
promotes graduation from high school by providing curriculum, Leadership Education and
Training (LET), and rewarding opportunities that will benefit the student, community, and nation
in the present and future. JROTC is a four year program that builds upon the previous years
accomplishments. Freshman = LET1 Cadet. Sophomores = LET2. Juniors =LET3. Seniors
COURSE GOALS AND EXPEXCTATIONS: LET 3 Cadets (Juniors) will have opportunities
to learn the following skills and increase their knowledge in:
Basic Command and Staff Principles (Management)
Leadership Strategies
Leading Others

Presentation Skills
Managing Conflict
Career Planning
ACT/SAT Preparation
Planning Skills and Social Responsibility
Financial Planning
Improving Computer Skills
Critical Thinking in Citizenship
Develop and Improve Study Skills
Develop and Improve Communication Skills
Use Conflict Resolution Techniques
Conduct Drill and Ceremony
Wear and Maintain JROTC Uniform
Actively Involved in Service Learning Project
Improve Their Citizenship Skills
Compete in JROTC Leadership and Academic Bowl (JLAB)
Participate in Shiloh Cadet Ride
Participate in: Service to Community, JROTC Fundraising Events, Veterans Day Parade,
Academic Improvement Programs, Military Ball, Cadet Challenge, etc.
Wear the JROTC Uniform during weekly Uniform Inspections and other official events
Participate in classroom activities, discussions, tests, and presentations
Participate in Physical Training activities
Maintain Cadet Portfolio

Communication: Effective communication is the key to success in this program. Cadets

will be given numerous and redundant methods to communicate with Instructors and Cadets.
The following are examples of these communication methods:
Calendar: The KHS Army JROTC Calendar is located on the KHS Army JROTC website; Co-
Curricular events, Special Events, and Uniform Inspection days are posted on this calendar. The
Battalion S3 is responsible for maintaining this calendar. This calendar is also posted on Google
Curriculum Training Schedule: Each LET Instructor develops and maintains their Annual
Master Training Schedule. Monthly and Weekly Training Schedules are published by Instructors
and posted on Google Classroom.
Event Calendar/Schedule: The Battalion S3 is responsible for publishing, updating, and
maintaining this weekly calendar/schedule. It will be posted in Google Classroom. Under
Operations Calendar.
Google Classroom: JROTC information is maintained and updated in Google Classroom.
Classroom: During each class period Cadets are given updated JROTC information and are
expected to record that information.
Cadet Chain of Command: Every Cadet will be placed in a military style Chain of Command.
The Chain of Command is responsible for ensuring all Cadets within their chain of command

have the ability to receive JROTC information and important updates, (phone call, text, twitter,
email, messenger, Skype, Group Chat, personal delivery, etc,). Each Cadet has the opportunity to
move up the chain of command based on their performance in JROTC.
Bulletin Boards: There are numerous bulletin boards that are available for Cadets to see updated
JROTC information. Each Let level class leader will ensure their bulletin boards are updated.
Examples of these bulletin boards are: Battalion Bulletin Board Battalion Command Team
maintains information important to the entire organization. Company Bulletin Board Company
Command Team maintains information important for their particular Company. Co Curricular
Teams the Team Captain is responsible for maintaining information for that team.
Public Address System: As needed, JROTC information will be announced by a school
administrator over the PA system.
Power School: Cadets, parents, guardians, etc. will be able to keep track of grades and
assignment performance in Power School.
Mentoring: Cadets will be mentored by their LET Instructors and their Cadet Chain of
Phone: On a case by case basis, Instructors will contact Parents/Guardians to discuss Cadet
PROGRAM OF INSTRUCTION This program of instruction (POI) focuses on the
development of better citizens by building skills in leadership, citizenship, life success,
geography, cultural awareness, wellness, and fitness in a structured interactive environment. The
JROTC program is a cooperative effort on the part of the Army, Clarksville-Montgomery County
School System and Kenwood High School to provide high school students with opportunities to
become well-rounded citizens. Satisfactory completion of the program can lead to advanced
placement credit in the Senior ROTC program at participating colleges or advanced rank in the
Armed Forces. Several components of the course have been identified for college credit that is
awarded to Cadets upon successful completion of the specified requirements. In addition, several
components have been identified to meet high school graduation requirements while gaining
leadership skills through the program. These program outcomes describe what JROTC Cadets
will know and be able to do upon successful completion of the JROTC program. These outcomes
also provide documentation for growth and development of the student and program for re-
accreditation purposes, school visitors, parents, and the community.

Leadership Education and Training (LET3) Textbook
Student Handout (LET3) Workbook
Cadet Reference Guide
C-MCSS JROTC Web Site (all books and Cadet resources are available digitally)

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - All KHA Army JROTC Cadets will be issued a laptop
computer with accoutrements, and a district email address. Computers, accoutrements, and email

addresses will be provided by C-MCSS Technology Department. C-MCSS uses a Childrens
Internet Protection Act (CIPA) compliant solution to prevent student access to materials the
district deems harmful and to block internet access to inappropriate sites. Accountability,
maintenance, network security, and usage agreements will be outlined by C-MCSS Technology
Acceptable Usage Policy. JROTC does not provide or maintain student computers or email
service, however, JROTC does provide a very limited number of computers that are located in
the classroom for student use. Kenwood High School is also equipped with wireless fidelity
(WiFi) for faculty and for student use when permitted by a teacher. JROTC Cadets will often be
required to use Information Technology (IT) in various forms to store, study, retrieve, present,
transmit and manipulate data and information during the performance of their school work.
Usage of Information Technology in the classroom, such as student computers, will be allowed
only by Instructor permission. Use of cellular phones, smart phones, and personal computers are
not permitted in the JROTC classroom. Please be familiar with C-MCSS Technology Acceptable
Usage Policy. Students and parents will be required to sign a Student Code of Conduct and
Agreement of Internet Usage that acknowledges awareness and concurrence of aforementioned
policies. Refer to C-MCSS SY 2017-18 Student Conduct; Rights, Responsibilities, Rules, Due
Process Procedures- STS-M001.

WEEKLY SCHEDULE - A schedule of classes and training will be posted and updated
through various communication venues. Typical weekly schedule is below.
Monday Health & Physical Education/Leadership Development/Process Improvement
Tuesday JROTC Curriculum
Wednesday JROTC Curriculum
Thursday Uniform Inspection / Drill & Ceremony Lab/ Leadership Development
Friday Health & Physical Education/Leadership Development

GRADING JROTC courses consist of classroom instruction and activities outside of the
classroom. The grading scale is the same as other classes at Kenwood High School. (93-100 A,
85-92 B, 75-84 C, 70-74 D, 69 Below F) Graded topics include, but are not limited to the
following. JROTC grading is a straight line grading without weights. It is in compliance with
KHS Grading Procedures. The 1st 9 weeks grade = 40% of the semester grade. The 2nd 9 weeks
grade = 40% of the semester grade. The Semester Exam = 20% of the semester grade. The 2nd
semester grading procedure matches the 1st semester formula. We also use the standard five
grading areas found in Powerschool: Classwork, Assessment, Homework, Other, and Projects.
Each are is worth 20%. This ensures that our Cadets are well rounded and participate in all areas
of the JROTC Program. Cadets may also compete for promotion to higher rank and positions of
greater responsibilities. Cadets that are doing well in all areas of JROTC and Academics will
have a better chance for promotions. Cadets may also earn promotion points by participating in
the following Co-Curricular activities after school: Drill Team, Color Guard Team, Raider Team,
and the Leadership/Academic Bowls we compete in. The Air Rifle Team is not open to LET 1s.
Classwork. In order to earn classwork points, Cadets are expected to accomplish the following:
Be on time and prepared to participate in all assigned/directed events for the class period; Recite
the Pledge of Allegiance, the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution and the Cadet Creed; be in the
proper uniform; uphold the principles of the Seven Army Values, the Cadet Creed and the C-
MCSS Student Code of Conduct; when placed in a leadership position lead; when placed in a
subordinate position follow. Cadets also earn points by participating in the Physical Education
days and wearing a PE uniform.
Assessment. Cadets are also given the opportunity to demonstrate the knowledge and skills they
have acquired during assessments. Assessments are given during classroom instruction, at the
end of units, and as required by the instructor to ensure learning objectives are met.
Homework. There are times when the class period is not long enough for Cadets to complete
their learning activities or the instructor wants the Cadet to begin class with a base of knowledge
prior to the beginning of the lesson. In these cases Cadets will be expected to complete work
outside of class, also known as Homework.
Other. Uniform Inspection Day is every Thursday unless otherwise directed by the instructors.
Uniform Inspection Make-up Day is at the discretion of the instructors, but for planning
purposes- Tuesdays will be make-up days. Cadets can make-up points caused by excused
absences by wearing their uniform on the designated make-up day. It usually takes the entire
month of August to get all the uniforms fitted, tailored, and dry cleaned therefore, typically
Uniform Inspection Days will begin the first Thursday after Labor Day.
Project. Cadets will also have opportunities to be involved in numerous projects. The Army
JROTC projects are very well planned to ensure Cadets learn about themselves, their peers, and
their community. The JROTC Mission is to Motivate Young People to be Better Citizens we
use Service Learning Projects and Community Service to teach our Cadets how to give back to:
give back to their community, help meet needs in the community, and be an example of giving to


Uniforms and Standards: Cadets will be issued the cadet version of the Army Service
Uniform (ASU) and accoutrements necessary for weekly inspections, Drill competitions, and
parades. These uniforms are provided at no cost to the Cadet. Select Cadets will be issued Army
Combat Uniform (ACU) and accoutrements necessary for Raider events and JROTC Cadet
Leadership Challenge (JCLC). Instructions for how to properly wear the uniform are described in
Cadet Reference Guide and CCR 670-1. Cadets will be responsible for maintaining their
uniforms and accessories. Cadets who lose or damage uniforms will be required to pay for lost or
damaged items. Cadets will properly wear their uniforms [ASU] during weekly inspections;
typically Thursdays. In the event a Cadet misses an inspection, due to absence, that Cadet is
required to wear the uniform on the next non-physical education day; usually Tuesdays and
Wednesdays. Cadets will not earn points if they do not wear their uniform on inspection day.
Grooming standards for JROTC Cadets are derived and modified from Army Uniform
Standards. Please reference to CCR 670-1 and CCR145-2 for details.
Hair Styles. Many hairstyles are acceptable, as long as they are neat and conservative.
Hair will be neatly groomed. The length and bulk of hair will not be excessive or present a

ragged, unkempt, or extreme appearance. Hair will not fall over the eyebrows or extend below
the bottom edge of the collar. Lines or designs will not be cut into the hair or scalp. If dyes, tints,
or bleaches are used, colors used must be natural to human hair and not present an extreme
appearance. Applied hair colors which are prohibited include, but are not limited to, purple, blue,
pink, green, orange, bright red, fluorescent, neon, or any other colors that might be suggested by
someone under the influence of illegal substances. It is the responsibility of instructors to use
good judgement in determining if applied colors are acceptable, based upon the overall effect on
Cadets appearance.
Male Cadets Sideburns will be neatly trimmed. The base will not be flared and will be a
clean-shaven, horizontal line. Sideburns will not extend below the lowest part of the exterior ear
opening. The face will be clean-shaven, except for permitted mustaches. Males are not
authorized to wear braids, cornrows, or dreadlocks (unkempt, twisted, matted, individual parts of
hair) or ear rings or facial jewelry while in uniform. Hair that is clipped closely or shaved to the
scalp is authorized.
Female Cadets - Hairstyles will not interfere with proper wearing of the headgear. Hair
holding ornaments (barrettes, pins, clips), if used, must be transparent or similar in color to hair,
and will be inconspicuously placed. Beads or similar ornamental items are not authorized.
Females may wear braids or cornrows as long as the braided style is conservative and the braids
and cornrows lie snugly over the head. Hair will not fall over the eyebrows or extend below the
bottom edge of the collar. No facial jewelry or faddish nail colors while in uniform. Only
conservative earrings and neutral colored nail polish allowed in uniform.

Wellness and Physical Training All Cadets are required to actively participate in
Physical Education twice a week; usually Mondays and Fridays, and wear appropriate PE attire.
Exceptions are for Cadets who provide a doctors note that excuses the Cadet from performing
physical activities, or a note from a parent that details a temporary condition that excludes the
Cadet from performing physical activities. Cadets who are present for PE, but not wearing
appropriate PE attire and do not participate and will not receive PE credit that day. JROTC PE
uniforms are not issued to Cadets, therefore appropriate PE attire should consist of:
Summer/Spring (warmer weather) black athletic shorts and athletic T-shirt, socks,
athletic shoes (sneakers for outdoor training, and non-scuff soles for indoor training). Athletic T-
shirts such as Nike, Under Armor, Jockey, Fruit of the Loom, etc. may be white, gray, or tan. T-
shirts with advertisements and themes are NOT unauthorized. Army PT shirts and shorts are
authorized for wear.
Fall/Winter (cooler weather) athletic sweat pants, athletic jacket, sweatshirt or pull-
over, socks, athletic shoes (sneakers for outdoor training, and non-scuff sole for indoor training).
Please note that athletic shorts and athletic T-shirts may be worn during indoor training events.
Academics Kenwood High School offers every student a model classroom that consists of a
variety of resources and superior instruction. The academic scope, focus and content of instruction for
JROTC Cadets are sequential using the Four-Phase Lesson Plan: Inquire, Gather, Process, and Apply
Phases. Learning is blended with a mixture of technology and traditional classroom instruction. This
blended learning combines classroom learning with online learning, in which every Cadet can, in part,
control the time, pace, and place of their learning. Assignments including authentic assessments,

exercises, quizzes and tests will be used to challenge and assess the Cadets academic progress.
Presentations, research papers and a variety of reports will be assigned to enhance Cadets' research,
reading, presentation and writing skills. Class attendance contributes significantly to academic success.
Cadets who attend classes regularly tend to earn higher grades and have higher passing rates in other
courses. If a Cadet is absent for any reason, they are responsible for all missed work and for contacting
the instructor promptly. Cadets are expected to do their own work unless advised that collaboration is
acceptable; e.g. small-groups. This means that Cadets may use facts from other sources if re-written in
the Cadets own words. Anytime a Cadet quotes from another source or paraphrase substantially, the
Cadet must reference the source used. Cadets are expected to do their own work. JROTC complies with
INS-A023, C-MCSS Grading System Policy, which describes grades and calculations.

Behavior and Conduct - JROTC is a voluntary program, therefore the behavior and
conduct of every Cadet will be above and beyond school standards; refer to STS-M001, C-
MCSS Student Conduct. Military courtesy and discipline are a template for proper behavior and
conduct with the JROTC program. The Cadet Creed is the shared beliefs that summarizes
JROTCs core tenets. Failure to abide by school standards and JROTCs core tenets is grounds
for disenrollment from the JROTC program. Situations that may lead to disenrollment are:
Non-productive student/cadet, (not wearing the JROTC uniform).
Demonstrate ineptitude for leadership training indicated by a general lack of adaptability.
Fail to keep an acceptable standard of academic achievement, conduct, appearance, or
Exhibits undesirable character traits such as lying, cheating or stealing, unauthorized
possession of illegal drugs or substances, or exhibits an indifference to and lack of interest in
citizenship and leadership training.

Extra-Curricular / Co-Curricular Activities - The following JROTC activities are available to

any Cadet who desires to participate:
Drill Team: Precision exhibition and non-exhibition marching competitive team.
Color Guard: Formal presentations of the US Flag and other colors.
Air Rifle Team: Air rifle marksmanship competed among other schools in the district, a
varsity lettered sport, (not open to LET 1s).
Raider Team: Physically demanding activity that promotes team building and team
JLAB Team: Competes in academic and leadership testing.
Parade: Kenwood High School JROTC participates in Clarksvilles Veterans Day
Military Ball: An annual, formal function that is planned and attended by Cadets. Male
Cadets wear formal uniforms, while female Cadets may wear a formal dress. Cadets may bring
a guest.
Annual Awards Ceremony: An annual event where Cadets are recognized for their

Please return this form back to your JROTC Instructor NLT 18 AUG 2017.


251 East Pine Mountain Road
Clarksville, Tennessee 37042
Phone: 931.905.7900

Please print all information below:

Cadet Name: __________________________________________________________________

Last Name, First Name M.I.

Parent/Guardians Name: _______________________________________________________

Last Name First Name

Parent/Guardians Address: _____________________________________________________

Parent/Guardians Contact Information in which you prefer to be contacted:

Home: ___________________ Cell: _________________ E-mail: _______________________

JROTC Period: ________________________ JROTC Instructor: ______________________

I understand that, if I owe a debt to the United States Government related to the
loss, damage, or destruction of individual clothing, I consent to the notification of
the debt to my parent or guardian and notification of the debt, together with a
request to my educational institution that my grades and transcript be withheld
pending payment of the debt.

Cadet/Student Signature: __________________________________ Date: ________________

Parent/Guardians Signature: _______________________________ Date: _______________

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