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July 26, 2017


TO: Hearing Panel of the NCAA Division I Committee on Infractions.

FROM: Stephanie Hannah and Michael Sheridan.

SUBJECT: Amendment to the July 21, 2017, enforcement written reply University of
Mississippi, Case No. 00561.

Pursuant to the Office of the Committees on Infractions Internal Operating Procedure 3-12-3, the
NCAA enforcement staff respectfully submits this errata memorandum regarding the enforcement
written reply issued July 21, 2017, to the University of Mississippi.

After the issuance of the enforcement written reply, the enforcement staff discovered that during
the final styling of the document a cell in the chart found in Allegation No. 14 on Page No. 65 was
inadvertently shifted, causing a row to be deleted and other cells in that column to also shift.
Attached is the page from the enforcement written reply that includes the corrected chart and
should replace Page No. 65 of the original document provided July 21, 2017..

The enforcement staff apologizes for this error. Please let us know if you have any questions.



cc: Mr. Henry Gimenez

Mr. Mike Glazier
Mr. Brian Kappel
Mr. Bruse Loyd
Mr. Jesse Mitchell III
Mr. Richard Phillips
Mr. William Quin II
Mr. Chris Vaughn
Mr. Trey Watkins
Mr. W.G. Watkins
Selected NCAA Staff Members
Case No. 00561
July 21, 2017
Page No. 65

institution secret and then announced it publicly one month later.303 He decommitted from the institution

, and signed with February 4, 2015.304

visited the institution approximately 10 times between March 2014, and January 2015.

He was accompanied by , his mother, and ( his

stepfather, on his first visit. accompanied on his fall of 2014 unofficial visits and official paid

visit and ( his cousin, and also accompanied him on the unofficial visit

in late November 2014. The table below lists confirmed visit dates and respective companions.305

Confirmed Visits &

Confirmed Visits Yes No No No
Unofficial 1: 3/ /14 - 3/ /14 No Yes No No No
Unofficial 2: 4/ /14 - 4/ /14 No No No No
Camp: 6/ /14 - 6/ /14 No No No No
Camp: 7/ /14 - 7/ /14 No Yes No No No
Unofficial 3: 8/ /14 - 8/ /14 No Yes No No
Unofficial 4: 9/ /14 - 9/ /14 No Yes No No
Unofficial 5: 10/ /14 - 10/ /14 No Yes No No
Unofficial 6: 10/ /14 - 11/ /14 No Yes Yes No Yes No
Unofficial 7: 11/ /14 - 11/ /14 No Yes No Yes No Yes
Official Paid: 1/ /15 - 1/ /15 No Yes No No

and his companions provided credible and reliable information concerning their receipt of free

meals, transportation and/or lodging on these occasions. The enforcement staff also directs the hearing

panel to its review of the factual information in Allegation No. 16 concerning Farrar's lack of credibility

and requests the panel to consider those facts when assessing Farrar's denials.

b. Arya Keyes (Keyes), then representative of the institution's athletics interests.

Keyes is from Raleigh, Mississippi, and is a cousin of a former football student-athlete at the institution.

Despite significant efforts by the institution and enforcement staff, Keyes declined to cooperate with the

FI274, Page No. 27; and FI284, Page Nos. 57 and 58.
FI241, Page Nos. 22 and 78; FI265, Page No. 82; and FI274, Page No. 28.
FI244, Page Nos. 5 through 15; FI245; FI246, Page Nos. 6 through 9; FI262; and FI266, Page Nos. 8 through 10.

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