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Number 04033, 8 March 2015

Public expenditure by By Matthew Keep

country and region

12,000 Public spending per head in countries and regions of the UK, s, 2014/15 1. Introduction: The data
2. Spending per head, 2014/15
3. Spending per head, 2010/11
to 2014/15



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Number 04033, 8 March 2015 2

Summary 3
1. Introduction: The data 4
2. Spending per head, 2014/15 4
3. Spending per head, 2010/11 to 2014/15 6
3 Public expenditure by country and region

This note gives figures on the level of public expenditure in England, Scotland, Wales and
Northern Ireland. It also gives figures for the English regions.
In 2014/15, public spending per head in the UK as a whole was 8,913. In England, it was
8,638 (3% below the UK average). This compares with:
Scotland: 10,374 (16% above the UK average)
Wales: 9,904 (11% above the UK average)
Northern Ireland 11,106 (25% above the UK average).
Among the English regions, public spending per head was lowest in the South East at
7,756 (13% below the UK average) and highest in London at 9,840 (10% higher than
the UK average).
The data shown are for public expenditure per head and are taken from HM Treasurys,
Country and regional analysis: 2015 which contains more detailed information including
spending by function (health, education etc).
Number 04033, 8 March 2015 4

1. Introduction: The data

For many types of spending, we have a good idea of how much goes to
each region or nation within the UK. This identifiable expenditure,
covers around 89% of total public spending 1 and is the focus of this
briefing. 2 The remaining 11% is regarded as benefiting the UK as a
whole and therefore is not attributed to a particular region or nation a
classic example is spending on defence.
For Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, the data include expenditure
by the devolved administrations but also spending in these countries by
UK Government departments. For example, the Department for Work
and Pensions is responsible for social security expenditure throughout
Great Britain. So, for example, DWP expenditure on social security in
Scotland is included under Scotland in the tables below.

2. Spending per head, 2014/15

Table 1 and the chart below show public expenditure per head for each
country and region. The table shows considerable variation between the
different parts of the UK. For example, public spending per head is
8,638 in England compared with 11,106 in Northern Ireland a
difference of around 2,500. Public expenditure per head in Northern
Ireland is 25% higher than the UK average, in Scotland it is 16% higher
and in Wales 11% higher. There are also differences in spending levels
between the English regions where spending per head ranges from
7,756 in the South East to 9,840 in London.
In interpreting the data, it is necessary to bear two points in mind. First,
the scope of the public sector varies between countries. For example,
water supply is in the public sector in Scotland and Northern Ireland but
in the private sector in England and Wales. Second, the figures are
intended to give a broad overview and cannot be regarded as a precise
measure. This is because it is not always easy to decide who benefits
from particular expenditure and simplifying assumptions are made in
compiling the data. Small differences in expenditure between regions
should not, therefore, be regarded as significant.

Public spending includes spending by central government, local government and
public corporations
For further information on the classification see paras 15-19 of HM Treasurys
Country and Regional Analysis November 2015
5 Public expenditure by country and region

12,000 Public spending per head in countries and regions of

the UK, s, 2014/15





Table 1
Public spending per head by country and region, 2014/15 (a)
Index: UK identifiable
per head expenditure = 100
North East 9,347 105
North West 9,197 103
Yorkshire and the Humber 8,660 97
East Midlands 8,159 92
West Midlands 8,683 97
East 7,881 88
London 9,840 110
South East 7,756 87
South West 8,295 93
England 8,638 97
Scotland 10,374 116
Wales 9,904 111
Northern Ireland 11,106 125
UK identifiable expenditure 8,913 100
Source: HM Treasury, Country and Regional Analysis Table A.2
Note: (a) identifiable public spending on services
Number 04033, 8 March 2015 6

3. Spending per head, 2010/11 to 2014/15

Tables 2 and 3 show public spending per head for each country and
region of the UK since 2010/11.
Table 2
Public spending per head by country and region, 2010/11 to 2014/15
per head in real terms (2014/15 prices)

2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15

North East 9,999 9,693 9,607 9,457 9,347

North West 9,725 9,410 9,437 9,247 9,197
Yorkshire and the Humber 9,023 8,853 8,781 8,637 8,660
East Midlands 8,450 8,247 8,253 8,155 8,159
West Midlands 9,018 8,820 8,775 8,642 8,683
East 8,364 7,996 7,947 7,935 7,881
London 10,943 10,465 10,147 9,976 9,840
South East 8,122 7,807 7,828 7,862 7,756
South West 8,468 8,333 8,326 8,341 8,295

England 9,134 8,845 8,782 8,693 8,638

Scotland 10,662 10,505 10,566 10,325 10,374
Wales 10,304 10,227 9,979 9,887 9,904
Northern Ireland 11,355 11,268 11,257 11,064 11,106

UK identifiable expenditure 9,383 9,120 9,060 8,953 8,913

Sources: HC Library based on HM Treasury, Country & Regional Analysis, Nov 2015, Table A.2
Real terms figures calculated using ONS GDP deflators (released 8 January 2016).
Note: (a) identifiable public spending on services

Table 3
Public spending per head by country and region, 2010/11 to 2014/15
Index UK = 100

2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15

North East 107 106 106 106 105

North West 104 103 104 103 103
Yorkshire and the Humber 96 97 97 96 97
East Midlands 90 90 91 91 92
West Midlands 96 97 97 97 97
East 89 88 88 89 88
London 117 115 112 111 110
South East 87 86 86 88 87
South West 90 91 92 93 93

England 97 97 97 97 97
Scotland 114 115 117 115 116
Wales 110 112 110 110 111
Northern Ireland 121 124 124 124 125

UK identifiable expenditure 100 100 100 100 100

Sources: HC Library based on HM Treasury, Country & Regional Analysis, Nov 2015, Table A.2
Real terms figures calculated using ONS GDP deflators (released 8 January 2016).
Note: (a) identifiable public spending on services
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Number 04033, 8 March
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