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, i;..,

2. bedroom
3r {!,r
3. door
4. bathroom
5. kitchen
6. floor
7. dining area
iLJ"jl 4AJi,

Listen and point. Take turns. Dictate to your partner. Take turns.
A: Point to the kitchen. A: Write kitchen.
B: Point to the living room. B: Was that k-i-t-c-h-e-n?
A: Point to the basement. A: Yes, that's right, kitchen.

8. attic

9. kids'bedroom
-jGj-=\'l ae. i-4_5a

10. baby's room

3r;.i1 *!J.Jl +3 ;
11. window
J'L]"- l;-:.?L

12. living room

*,, .i"Ji ,Jt-.,
13. basement
JJLLL / J=F! ,j,'

14. garage
:lF j :

Ways to give locations Pair practice. Make new conversations.

l'm home. A:Where's the man?
I'm in the kitchen. B: He's in the attic. Where's the teenager?
I'm on the roof. A:5he3 in the laundry room. 47
gJ-;L ,1e 'r''r'11

l?-rqen apr. NOrrnLtgnr

H 2 ) unit.
AFartment For Rent $550. W/D Abbreviations
2 bdrm 2ba city apt Water incl,
!3strlfrffi!#}lGffis rr i?Y'''i:t'"d Unlurn $unny kit oo!, fitne
F650i mo center. Cl(
West Rentals
'l Bedroom
]s-2345 Util incl
$850lmo shoppi ng.
all mgr
Call mqr eves 21 9-993-4
5900 I Month t For Reni 2-555-2368
Call for info: id city apt
Dover Aptl kit = kitchen
818-555-4949 Jor unit, 1-3 8R.
w*i al Plaza Hr

1. lnternet listing 2. classified ad util = utilities

$Jijll ,,1" 6$ Jjilt cr_r i+s .j:>r^.-)rJ incl = included
rTlO = lTlOflth

furn = furnished
unfurn = unfurnished
mgr = manager
eves = evenings

3. furnished apartment 4. unfurnished apartment

i-iy;e" +i; a.i9;u ;c ih.i

5. utilities

Renting an Apartment ;&i Jt+'iisl

A. Callthe manager. B. Ask about the features. C. Submit an application.

.qiJpiJl / 1r.ilL,lgii .cil;;^Jl iJe Ji*l .rirL lJ!

D. Sign the rental agreement. E. Pay the first and last month's rent. F. Move in.
rL-Yl $e ,l,! oi .J..-Vtr JJYI +_xll ,r1r:j i$ .ii"&lt crl! dlli:

More vocabulary Ask your classmates. Share the answers.

lease: a monthly or yearly rental agreement 1. How did you find your home?
redecorate: to change the paint and furniture in a home 2. Do you like to paint or arrange furniture?
48 move out: to pack and leave a home 3. Does gas or electricity cost more for you?
l, .r. '.a 7",!1. 11.:;]i-r'-il

Buying a HOUSe ,,.1.,_+"r*r ;i...,i

@ t'.

G. Meet with a realtor. H. Look at houses. l. Make an offer.

-lise ';''.".."'" l-" ij.:li:'": -., t., ,-,,, i*;-i,i.; "'r*;* ej3't

,':::';i'" 5**
^ .

J. Get a loan. K. Take ownership. L. Make a mortgage payment.

. -_,.:,., .ii '.1
r.1,.i::: ".i".i"i"ii ..Jo ,-]'.*rn1 y' o13ig .61isJ1 ;;_ii a"-i: ;"i,-o;

Moving ln .i;:",I! 1,j1 r,jiUiTi

M. Pack. N. Unpack. O. Put the utilities in your name.

Lll ,,r '- . r li.?
; l.,tt .-d',"du <*"u +""L11 as';jj ,!s"-d rJ,Lr

Q. Arrange the furniture. R. Meet the neighbors.

,.:=,rj'tr ! i.r..,;l
" yil ,5Lii ",j ;!'rl":

Ways to ask about a home's features Role play. Talk to an apartment manager.
Are uti I ities i ncl u ded? A: Hi. l'm calling about the apartment.
ls the kitchen large and sunnyT B: OK. lt's unfurnished and rent is 5800 a month.
Are the neighbors quiet? Az Are utilities included? 49

1. apartment building 2. fire escape 3. playground 4. roof garden

ij6- iJt@/ .!fi Cq, ,-!_,Jl .t- rl+jll ,
J- e.t-Jt *.lc ass

EntranCe cj.r.ll Lobby 3ait



5. intercom / speaker 7. vacancy sign 9. elevator 1 l. mailboxes
(r;Jil)A1r Jt*:l.Lb 411-i liL:4ii) l'l+U cr,.tt ^
6. tenant 8. manager/ 10. stairs / stairway
gSL-/ superintendent
e J. / J)t*
^i'r". u1,i," / ;:a
Basement (el+lt) g'irl-lrl/ sliJl JJJI

I2. washer 14. big-screen TV 16. security gate 18. parking space
ijt^"i ;-r+5 .i.il .':i
;9 iri$ ct l ql:+ ;_.,11+Jl e-iy-eJ gts"
13. dryer 15. pooltable 17. storage locker 19. security camera
a-ii* 1:1\! alyLt rJ-A' ;J'l.l 1;u15

Grammar Point: there is / there are Look at the pictures.

singular: there isplural: there are Describe the apartment building.
There is a recreation room in the basement. A: There's d pooltable in the recreation room.
50 There are mailboxes in the tobby. B: There are parking spaces in the garage.

20. balcony 22. swimming pool 24. alley

LrS! / ast^: Asli,.,
eLa / e.u Jl.AJ
21. courtyard 23. trash bin
;lrJl a,* / o1.! 7;- a-lL, a-;* / l!)*{- rle3

Hallway 631-l-'.ll Rental office ;;;i-i!l','i<o

25. emergency exit 26. trash chute 27. landlord 28. lease / rental agreement
a ,l ^LIi f/z .i. ^ .rLG..ll qr"ui .i-ii ,j\\Jl , ,_L- _,1++)l ri'
An Apartment Entryway ,i;tt r_lir.


29. smoke detector 31. buzzer 33. door chain
a:-::i , i.':is ,Lr slr\t;Li .i_!-L
30. key 32. peephole 34. dead-bolt lock
lii' !J* rj.e /.-,Sl :.i
e *.1j evi.!&
More vocabulary Role play. Talk to a landlord.
upstairs: the floor(s) above you A: ts there a swimming pool in this complex? I
downstairs: the floor(s) below you B; Yes, there is.lt's near the courtyard. !
fire exit: another name for emergency exit A: ls there...? 51

gS*Jl iilii. CSt i

1. the city / an urban area 2. the suburbs 3. a small town / a village 4. the country / a rural area
L;.:-;i!- / b-rJl (ssi ell) 4isLll !-p /;;*;*;'tt a.u ijil"t^ /, irjt

5. condominium / condo 6. townhouse 7. mobile home

,;\,\"i +i^r a-+:. *S .-+ Js.s'$

8. college dormitory / dorm 9. farm 10. ranch

!i).t11 JSL* \-,r-y ; tS a-,r_X

11. senior housing 12. nursing home 13. shelter

J+Jr..1sL* r_;,J.I.+ kl
More vocabulary Think about it. Discuss.
co-op: an apartment building owned by residents 1. What's good and bad about these places to live?
duplex a house divided into two homes 2. How are small towns different from cities?
52 two-story house: a house with two floors 3. How do shelters help people in need?
suis d;;

FrOnt Yard and HOuSe rjl:"11., .r*toYt rtjlilt Front Porch 4Jit-{yl (iJlJill) a^iJ*.ill

1. mailbox 4. gutter 7. garage door 10. storm door 13. porch light
+'r$ c!:'1 ^ +j,,-x zl sil *L
! J' ( , ^lr*il tt-) ,nt'+! (t-llrsll) 4rl,jil C1+*
2. front walk 5. chimney 8. driveway 1 1. front door 14. doorbell
.,,,JI \iilt * i:-r" elFl'P g-Ul +Lr +Ui .,'-l+
3. steps 6. satellite dish 9. gate 12. doorknob 15. screen door
e:j c)u / ,",.tl'iL,.}M !lr rtr.il (irsi; i :,i (ssL) ,,l!- !L

Backyard o.ilill rtJiJl

16. patio 19. patio furniture 22. sprinkler 25. compost pile A. take a nap
liltll ,ljdl s-a GJ*J. eli! qir*ll ot$ll 51ii alxi *,!" lL* L;S -t r"..!-
ilN SL

17. grill 20. flower bed 23. hammock 26. lawn e. elraen
"il-!j t.Pi o::- 6..:$ a::+; as5;t I
i-i,-::i; 4qd1 j,J-r
18. sliding glass door 21. hose 24. garbage can 27. vegetable garden
d>. .r-. la-, .:q e:t-> ci)-{- eLoJ rf 1; u:: ;11'"


1. cabinet 8. dishwasher 15. toaster oven 22. counter

s ^* iJL^c ;5Jl ,:+J;;s 6 \. ;i ^ / nljt .il3U
2. shelf 9. refrigerator 16. pot 23. drawer
e$ -'td t:_rl+ / 6;i
3. paper towels 10. freezer 17. teakettle 24. pan
c!-r: ,}rl- JIJ / 4+Xll ,J-i r'i'."'r\l 6 *- , cL;:,] :l -u / L)Lc 6)'lL / i F-it
4. sink 11. coffeemaker 18. stove 25. electric mixer
*S '" *6 nL-
I *-!:+S .t)l.:

5. dish rack 12. blender ts. u;rner 26. food processor

; r* L'i. ^ ,,,i -!; .:)rSUl $:sr jks
6. toaster 13. microwave 20. oven 27. cutting board
(Jr-i) j$Jla* c-+::_S+ rJ_p tJ'F Cilii: 4-j
7. garbage disposal 14. electric can opener 21. broiler 28. mixing bowl
s[\gll , :t sl eLcj 4J!J+S t l" ,-15 11.L L\i \\ ill LL ,

Ways to talk about location using on and in Pair practice. Make ndw conversations.
Use on for the counter, shelf, burner, stove, and A: move the blender.
i cutting board. lt's on the counter. Use in for the Bz Sure. Do you want it in the cabinet?
54 1

dishwasher, oven, sink, and drawer. Put it in the sink.
A: No, put it on the counter.
rtr.L Aif

1. dish / plate 7. coffee mug 13. salt and pepper shakers 19. fan
g* / &t _H5;r$ JL'ji Jlilsilr elJl tiJi a-;-r
2. bowl 8. dining room chair 14. sugar bowl 20. platter
iJil Ll, ,,
Lll 6J+s c-JS Js.Jl ,uJ l,t
L "rS v,

3. fork 9. dining room table 15. creamer 21. serving bowl

asyj i;i- / elrtll ;J+- 4lJU ,.,,1-\\ eul lsj 1,ilti ajl L\,,,
4. knife 10. napkin 16. teapot 22. hutch
,iS- irl- 4lb +u &:i LrJJl+!rajr}
5. spoon 1 1. placemat 17. tray 23. vase
iiJ j,JJl .',-r c;i LJ!. u;i1., iJi 4++- C,F-)
6. teacup 12. tablecloth 18. light fixture 24. buffet
cL,ill ,v. ,1-i aljttll Ljji)i^ 6JU,J 4+SJ! / cr&. e * ,; -iio/a*t

Ways to make requests at the table Role play. Request item3at the table,
May I havelhc;ageL b9w!? A: What do you need?
Would you pas thr rr"o*rr, please? B: Coutd thave a coffee mug?
Could I have a coffee muo? A: Certainly. And would you... 55
{Alrdt} u*jJd!

.:r:::.iiji.i:,4:i attirir::rir! r-

1. love seat 7. DVD player 13. fireplace 19. coffee table

a3j-r; +9S / +!;i 4-{9-r .s=+l ** .!: -:l' " ,,- -L:-
DEi I .: -
/ rJ"l"u ;-r*,6
2. throw pillow 8. stereo system 14. end table 20. candle
4JiJ r{n ;Jd j
-c-r- j'++
4jr[+ ,cl a#_,*" a] tth ;*;
3. basket 9. painting 15. floor lamp 21. candle holder
4l- {*:d 4-d ,-*jll ;lru
--;;i -"*
4. houseplant 10. wall 16. drapes 22. armchair / easy chair
*rJ! -s JjL'/;l rr r;rJ* I ;,iri,.. ,: ,r-la

5. entertainment center 1 1. mantle 17. window 23. magazine holder

n-i!rJ a+J ^' oit3j J- i;1i:"'l1):1 iJl sl J!'r:: / ;jL ":)L., ::i;arl $ta
6. TV (television) '12. fire screen 18. sofa / couch 24. carpet
JJi )s!i (:Lilt ',+.'*) -\E +:-.X -i;j. jlL- +1;! / +:s i:l.g

Use the new words. More vocabulary

Look at pages 44-45. Name the things in the room. light bulb: the light inside a lamp
A: There's gll/. lampshade: the part of the lamp that covers the light bulb
B: There's a carpet. sofa cushions: the pillows that are part of the sofa
pL^- It

4gii !@;;:#:oi@

1. hamper 8. faucet 15. towel rack 22. medicine cabinet

(J+GX d!-) ou).ll 4l- a"sl- , ;.i,l-i. / l"-rs ilt- a;3.:1
-) 9:
2. bathtub 9. hot water 16. bath towel 23. toothbrush
(+!; .u=;vt ,:- .iil- eL" i1--i-X ii-jii^ gu-i;i.t;
3. soap dish 10. cold water 17. hand towel 24. toothbrush holder
g-9L* r* :;L eL .r. irr..r"
--y Jull oUJ$r ctjt

4. soap 11. grab bar 18. mirror 25. sink

,J91- ,rl.,. iill , ,j. :t 6i-x
5. rubber mat 12. tile 19. toilet paper 26. wastebasket
4+u.ir^,i iuu+ cjL,ii! / .t)L c$ir ci_,_r s)1"{- iL
6. washcloth 13. showerhead 20. toilet brush 27. scale
; !i* 4iiii" / 4tJB diJl d"iJ ,',rlld1 iu-)i
7. drain 14. shower curtain 21. toilet 28. bath mat
ac\/bLJl dr .rl--x / c$li
r.!l 1-
- JrJr J$
aLe; +.^
More vocabulary Ask your classmates. Share tlie answers.
stalt shower: a shower without a bathtub 1. ls your toothbrush on the sink or in the medicine cabinet?
half bath: a bathroom with no shower or tub 2. Do you have a bathtub or a shower?
linen closet: a closet for towels and sheets 3. Do you have a shower curtain or a shower door? 57
rdl i-iP

l-:Ij]+lll:t+ll il,:. r ir:r

:il::l: I

1. dresser / bureau 8. mini-blinds 15. blanket 22. rug

zl ,ll )6;l
\! uL tul s ; 'd- i..,j- ,i L-r* ,rU- 4$tl+ i:6-
2. drawer 9. bed 16. quilt 23. night table / nightstand
ijt-l -rfr:.:S / a-rd- 4lJU
',::t+ / 6;i .il-p / -r,.p
3. photos 10. headboard 17. dust ruffle 24. alarm clock
a+l_.rt_s._f lJ- -P;Jl s"11 LJJX i,jl-.i-::s.'is 4+j^

4. picture frame 11. pillow 18. bed frame 25. lamp

jlrjillJ*JrUJ rl5- / trL-J ; "Jl ;.:cLA (;rFrri) CL,*
5. closet 12. fitted sheet 19. box spring 26. lampshade
tuJF / ulJl al*k f")L" _r>Jl, ",-., d_r,j .:rri* cL-Jl a.+-*j rj i+
6. full-length mirror 13. flat sheet 20. mattress 2T.lightswitch
Jul {LlS;l_F .Fly / +j-x ei":11 CUu

7. curtains 14. pillowcase 21. wood floor 28. outlet

rilji- ils. / ;rL-J u+S a..-ll i-GJj Jlrili sL

Look at the pictures. Ask your classmates. Share the answers.

Describe the bedroom. 1. Do you prefer a hard or a soft mattress?
A: There's a lamp on the nightstand. 2. Do you prefer mini-blinds or curtains?
58 B: There's a mirror in the closet. 3. How many pillows do you like on your bed?
JlilYl p_r li_r

I ll ffi



Furniture and Accessories crl;13*sl3 &Ei Toys and Games uLr.d9,r.J

l[. changing table 7. baby monitor 12. ball 18. dollhouse

-Jl _u\ J_-il iJJu !)sleil a.iglJi;lll ;JS cr-:,I .-+
Z changing pad 8. wallpaper 13. coloring book 19. blocks
;j -;Lir l*+ijl;rLJ JjL.!,,: .r-A':]iS c,!,S^
3- crib 9. bunk beds 14. crayons 20. cradle
_.=-;.)il;;- (6:.:-x *x-x) garl6 4i*-x;tji .Xi l(j

,4. bumper pad 10. safety rail 15. stuffed animals 21. doll
;i i-tti9 rrLl eLi ', 'i :i i;"i* d!lrl-;1s i*:
5. mobile 1 1. bedspread 16. toy chest
';-e ;;ljr irJ .-i.']ii /,r_p j,r- .r'JJl .3r'r' ^
6- chest of drawers 17. puzzle
- ;:i .a1.1 11ra -F

Pair practice. Make conversations. Think about it. Discuss.

A: Where's the changing pad? 1. Which toys help children learn? How?
B: It's on the changing table. 2. Which toys are good for older and younger children?
3. What safety features does this room need? Why? 59
4$$dl *'rs'"#t

-a::'.! ql

A. dust the furniture F. make the bed K. scrub the sink P. change the sheets
--i'_ ;c *irl1 $;i i F*J ': il-:t;"i.tL rjlEii jtrl4)LJr
"r:rJl ,h,Ai

B. recycle the newspapers G. put away the toys L. empty the trash Q. take out the garbage
+.1 lr-*i*'-ttl .g*Jl :ru qig" d *Elri &"e* ;)r-gJl .l* &lq L'*rll #"&
C. clean the oven H. vacuum the carpet M. wash the dishes
,;;slt *L.&X 4iqr4sjl fudsJq :L*-jl g*,is* ;y"Jt ,i jlr-L)l ;L*ir
D. mop the floor l. wash the windows N. dry the dishes
i+-:";lt gru Jr +r d".,e jr+:"t *tlJi / d$*i
E. polish the furniture J. sweep the floor O. wipe the counter
:uli &;s LJLJq:i+;rYl d";si r.r.a,nll tu

a---- ---
I Pair practice. Make new conversat:ons. Ask your classmates. Share the answers.
A: Let's clean this place. First, I'll sweep the floor. 1. Who does the housework in your home?
B: I'll mop the floor when you finish. 2. How often do you wash the windows?
60 3. When should kids start to do housework?
, i.,B:ll1 grlrji



1l - feather duster 9. rags 17. dustpan

:r:tl a*iuJ L 6.t L ,,' r 4!!A5t-i /t Lg-, )s- a-Ls,ll itLil / -i:_rB
2- necycling bin 10. vacuum cleaner 18. cleanser
r .'-S lLJl .:r)-g.ll oie e urrd a."rs. r!1". ' il^t.
3- oven cleaner 11. vacuum cleaner attachments 19. sponge
,;rt jJ.u 4-.:!J+<ll i.".Sll erti* 4+l-]
"[. rubber gloves 12. vacuum cleaner bag 20. scrub brush
I -j^ $ljtli 4,il!J+Sll a-lsJl r,5 JLr e*;uJ
5. steel-wool soap pads 13. stepladder 21. dishwashing liquid
:j:til\ CIL Ct! :':.L -, ! i,,
JLlhYr J.@
' ',
6" sponge mop t +. gtass cleaner 22. dish towel
:_:ri .l ;i-."q gl+j ..-Ui" -, t a,,
gttult. 66 a-l:_53

7. bucket / pail 15. squeegee 23. disinfectant wipes

'-o/ J: ((r+litu) 4il1L 4-LL ;;,i-L.!pL^
8. furniture polish 16. broom 24. trash bags
- '\,r
i-"is. / a.$. cl)-4- Lj"l,t<i

Ways to ask for something Pair practice. Make new coiiversations. l

Please hand me the squeegee. Az Please hand me the sponge mop.

Can you get me the broom? B: Hereyou go. Doyou need the bucket?
I need the sponoe mop. A: Yes, please. Can you get me the rubber gloves, too? 61
ted*!3 Jj.r.cJl d5l,:'r

1. The water heater is not working. 6. The lock is broken. 1 1. locksmith

.jc; Y
'LJl ;L- .J9"S4 JEll
,, ...f
--l ^ ^

2. The power is out. 7. The steps are broken. t z. carpinter

P &!r 9.J!
-t *Sll ,Lll sS. q-- 'il
'9v ' :t+,
3. The roof is leaking. 8. roofer 1 3. fuse box
r. t .r 1 itll , ;;-i
eJ,-i _jr -rl (sljlill) +\+r+Sll 2r1 .-Jl ,!rrr.-
4. The tile is cracked. 9. electrician 14. gas meter
.,3.:i.ir .t)tJt iL *s ;l;Jl :lrc
5. The window is broken. 10. repair person
.i-.1j-454 i$trll eL-J -tL" / dL-;

i More vocabulary Pair practice. Make new conversations.

fix: to repair something that is broken A: The faucet is leaking.
pests: termites, fleas, rats, etc. B: Let's callthe plumber. He can fix it.
62 exterminate: to kill household pests
tg-)t-!s cjjj^ll CFL.L

15. The furnace is broken.

6. The pipes are frozen.
20. plumber

21. exterminator
25. fleas
('"'ir l-;c) .i c;r
26. cockroaches / roaches
;!+. !."1d1 gl u:iJl ;lLl
!5-{ !-.-sj.,J-i,i (_x:l_r) )jsy
'il7. The faucet
is dripping. 22. termites 27. rals
.-Jri6 / Lil'l L!r-11 (r",'eri .11 cl;a:16 (r.rlr5) i;r;
18. The sink is overflowing. 23. ants 28. mice*
..rj.l*o / Ct.L,*_rJt (.J^) &' (.tt-rs) -.rG
'fi9. The toilet is stopped up.

24. bedbugs i

:3r*r (c_,_Jl;jll) u-L;'Jt (t:*) l* xNote: one mouse, two mice l

Ways to ask about repairs Role play. Talk to a repair person.
How much wittthis repair cost? A: Can you fix the rooft
When can you begin? B: Yes, but it willtake two weeks.
How long will the repair take? A: How much willthe repair cost?
1. roommates 3. music 5. noise 7. rules f. invitation
Li,: eGiJ jrl$ :i*r; /;p-r
2. party 4. D) 6. irritated 8. mess A. dance
ili.. (+B +.) nlil J.-Yl .Fj:* 6*-. i 6Ue" l4Lil ,',"-! ,

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