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Writing Prompt #7

Sharif Brown

UWRT 1104 - Writing & Inquiry in Academic Context/Studio

Professor Raymond

July, 2017
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In my experience in this writing class, Ive learned a lot. During my research for

the Multi-Modal project I had to collaborate with my colleagues in creating a

presentation. Coming into this course I had high expectations of myself especially

coming from an AP English class. Coming in I wanted to expand as a writer and

develop a certain style. Writing narratives in the class, I enjoyed sharing my personal

experiences. Reflecting and responding to my peers and their personal experiences,

learning more about the people who I would be spending the next six weeks with and

the next 4 years.

As the semester started I was feeling good about the class. Believing because of

all the writing I was completing I was doing something productive, and becoming better

as a writer. As the artifact and the genealogy project were introduced, I was ready to

dive in and explore the origins of my family name, and where I come from. As the weeks

went on I seemed to be in control of my grade in the class. Still completing a lot of

writing, but slowly being a bit lazy and careless about due dates but I could see myself

becoming a better writer.

Half way through the semester, I felt myself become lazy. I started to dread

completing assignments late at night, and meeting 11:59 deadlines. During the

semester there was a point where the course, wasnt my first priority. Still completing a

lot of writing, but slowly being a bit lazy and careless about due dates but I could see

myself becoming a better writer.

Towards the end of the semester the workload begins to pile up, and Im just

ready to get it over with. Starting with my e-portfolio and how everything from the

semester has to come together to make one big project. Fortunately for me Ive kept all
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my work for the portfolio in a folder on Google Drive. Using my rhetorical knowledge

throughout the semester I was able to grasp new information on other topics, learning

from others presentation and also learning from my own, being able to elaborate on

everything learned in this semester.

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