ME 3560 Fluid Mechanics: Chapter III. Elementary Fluid Dynamics - The Bernoulli Equation

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ME3560 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2017

ME 3560 Fluid Mechanics

Chapter III. Elementary Fluid
Dynamics The Bernoulli Equation

Chapter III. Bernoulli Equation
ME3560 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2017

3.1 Newtons Second Law

A fluid particle can experience acceleration or deceleration as it moves
from one location to another. This motion is ruled by Newton's second
law of motion:
F ma
Assuming that the flow is inviscid under a steady state process, the
governing equations for a particle of fluid immersed in the flow will be
deducted next.
3.2 F = ma along a Streamline
Streamlines are lines that
are tangent to the velocity
vector everywhere in the

Chapter III. Bernoulli Equation
ME3560 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2017

V ds 0 (ui vj wk) (dxi dyj dzk) 0
(vdz wdy)i ( wdx udz) j (udy vdx)k 0
dx dy dz Differential Equation Representing

u v w Streamlines in 3D.
Consider an infinitesimally small
fluid particle of size sny.
Unit vectors along and normal to
the streamline are and .
Steady flow, Newton's second law
along the streamline direction is
Fs mas mV
Fs V
Chapter III. Bernoulli Equation
ME3560 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2017

The weight on the particle is W = V,

(= g).
The component of the weight in the
direction of the streamline is
Ws W sin V sin
In general, for steady flow, p=p(s, n).
If the pressure at the center of the
particle is p.
Its average value on the two end faces
perpendicular to the streamline are
p + ps and p ps. ps
The 1 term in a Taylor series expansion for p is:
s 2
If Fps is the net pressure force on the particle in sdirection:
Fps ( p ps ) n y ( p ps ) n y 2 ps n y
ps ps
Fps s n y V
s s
Chapter III. Bernoulli Equation
ME3560 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2017

The net force acting in the streamline direction on the particle is

F W s Fps

Thus, from the equation obtained previously: Fs V
And the previous expression: s
p V
sin V as
s s
This equation can be rearranged and
integrated as follows.
Notice that sin = dz/ds and that
VdV/ds = d(V2)/ds.
On the streamline n is const. (dn = 0):
dp=(p/s)ds+(p/n)dn = (p/s) ds.
Hence, along a given streamline:
p(s, n) = p(s) and p/s = dp/ds.

Chapter III. Bernoulli Equation

ME3560 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2017
Thus the equation: p V
sin V as
Can be presented as: s s
dz d p 1 d (V 2 ) 1
; dp d (V 2 ) dz 0 (on a streamline)
ds d s 2 ds 2
dp V 2
2 gz C (along a streamline)
In general it is not possible to integrate the pressure term because the
density may not be constant.
To complete the integral the relation between and p must be known.
For steady, inviscid, incompressible flow, the Bernoulli Equation is
obtained: 1
p V z constantalong streamline

This equation is valid when: (1) viscous effects are assumed negligible,
(2) the flow is assumed to be steady, (3) the flow is assumed to be
incompressible, (4) the equation is applicable along a streamline.
Chapter III. Bernoulli Equation
ME3560 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2017

3.3 F = ma Normal to a Streamline

In this section we will consider
application of Newton's second law
in a direction normal to the
Consider the force balance on the
fluid particle shown:
Considering components in the
normal direction, n, and writing
Newton's second law in this
direction as
mV 2
VV 2

F n


Chapter III. Bernoulli Equation

ME3560 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2017

Assuming steady state flow, normal acceleration an = V2/R, where R is

the local radius of curvature of the streamlines.
an is due to the change in direction of the particle's velocity as it moves
along a curved path.
Assume that the only forces of importance are pressure and gravity. The
component of the weight (gravity force) in the normal direction is
Wn W cos V cos
If the pressure at the center of the
particle is p, then using a Taylor series
expansion: p n
Fpn p s y
n 2
p n p
p s y Fpn V
n 2
Chapter III. Bernoulli Equation
ME3560 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2017
Thus, the net force acting in the normal direction on the particle is:
Fn Wn Fpn cos n V
Then, by combining the previous eqn. with
mV 2
VV 2

Fn R R
The equation of motion along the normal direction is found (notice that
cos = dz/dn): dz p V 2

dn n R
That is, a change in the direction of flow of a fluid particle (i.e., a
curved path, R< ) is accomplished by the appropriate combination of
pressure gradient and particle weight normal to the streamline. A larger
speed or density or a smaller radius of curvature of the motion requires a
larger force unbalance to produce the motion.

Chapter III. Bernoulli Equation

ME3560 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2017
Neglecting gravity (commonly done for gas flows) or if the flow is in a
horizontal (dz/dn = 0) plane, the previous eqn. becomes p V 2
n R
This indicates that the pressure increases with distance away from the
center of curvature (p/n is negative since V2/R is positivethe
positive n direction points toward the inside of the curved streamline).
Multiply the previous eqn. by dn, and noticing that p/n = dp/dn if s is
constant, the integral 2across the streamline (in the n direction) is:
dp V

dn gz const.across the streamline
To complete the indicated integrations, it is necessary to know how the
density varies with pressure and how the fluid speed and radius of
curvature vary with n. For incompressible flow = const. Still it is
necessary to know the relation between V and R with n[V = V(s, n) and
R= R(s, n)]. Thus, the final form of Newton's second law applied across
the streamlines for steady, inviscid, incompressible flow is
p dn z constant across the streamline
Chapter III. Bernoulli Equation R
ME3560 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2017

3.5 Static, Stagnation, Dynamic, and Total Pressure

From Bernoullis Equation:
p V 2 z constantalong streamline
p, is the actual thermodynamic
pressure (static pressure) of the
fluid as it flows. To measure its
value, one could move along with
the fluid, thus being static relative
to the moving fluid.
Or by drilling a hole in a flat surface and fasten a piezometer tube as
indicated by the location of point (3).
The pressure in the flowing fluid at (1) is p1 = h3-1 + p3, the same as if
the fluid were static. From the manometer relations: p3 = h4-3. Thus,
since h3-1+ h4-3= h it follows that p1 = h.

Chapter III. Bernoulli Equation

ME3560 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2017
From Bernoullis Equation:
p V 2 z constantalong streamline
The term z, is the hydrostatic
pressure. It is not actually a pressure
but does represent the change in
pressure possible due to potential
energy variations of the fluid as a
result of elevation changes.
The term V2/2, is the dynamic pressure.
Its interpretation can be seen in the figure by considering the pressure at
the end of a small tube inserted into the flow and pointing upstream.
After the initial transient motion has died out, the liquid will fill the tube
to a height of H as shown. The fluid in the tube, including that at its tip,
(2), will be stationary. That is, V2= 0, or point (2) is a stagnation point.

Chapter III. Bernoulli Equation

ME3560 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2017
Applying the Bernoulli equation
between points (1) and (2), (V2= 0)
and z1 = z2: 1
p2 p1 V1

The pressure at the stagnation point
is greater than the static pressure, p1,
by an amount V2/2, the dynamic
There is a stagnation point on any
stationary body that is placed into a
flowing fluid. Some of the fluid flows over and some
under the object. The dividing line (or
surface for two-dimensional flows) is termed
the stagnation streamline and terminates at the
stagnation point on the body. For symmetrical
objects (such as a baseball) the stagnation point
is clearly at the tip or front of the object.
Chapter III. Bernoulli Equation
ME3560 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2017

3.6 Examples of Use of the Bernoulli Equation

Between any two points, (1) and (2), on a streamline in steady, inviscid,
incompressible flow the Bernoulli equation can be applied in the form
1 1
p1 V1 z1 p 2 V22 z 2

2 2
If 5 of the 6 variables are known, the remaining one can be determined.
Frequently, it is necessary to introduce other equations (continuity, etc.)
3.6.1 Free Jets
When a jet of liquid of diameter
d flows from the nozzle with
velocity V. Bernoullis equation
gives: 1
h V

The fluid leaves as a free jet
(p2 = 0) V 2gh
Chapter III. Bernoulli Equation
ME3560 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2017

3.6.3 Flowrate Measurement

Several devices using principles involved in
the Bernoulli equation have been developed to
measure fluid velocities and flowrates.
The Pitot-static tube is an example.
Other examples are flowrate meters, for pipes
and channels.
The flowrate in a pipe can be measured using:
the orifice meter, the nozzle meter, and the
Venturi meter.
1 1
Application of Bernoullis equation results in: p1 V12 p2 V22
Which when combined with the mass 2 2
conservation equation: Q V1 A1 V2 A2
2( p1 p2 )
Q A2
[1 ( A2 / A1 ) 2 ]
Chapter III. Bernoulli Equation

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