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Carolans ELA 8
Policies Reminder
January 2017

Naturally, students who are absent will miss information, discussions, and assignments. It is the students
responsibility to request any work they missed. Students should consult the website and other students or
their teacher. Please come to office hours (THURS) to make up work and receive missed instruction.
Except under extreme circumstances, makeup work is due within two class meetings from the date of the
students return. However, student absences will not delay the deadlines of major assignments and

Grading/Late Work
Each six weeks grade will be determined by the content and quality of the work produced and by the
fulfillment of the reading and writing assignments. The polished pieces will be graded on content,
process, and mechanics and will be weighted. Students will also receive grades based on participation in
class discussions, group assignments, projects, and presentations. Each six weeks students may turn in
one assignment one class day late without penalty. The eighth grade magnet program late work policy
states that work turned in late will receive a 50% deduction. Late work will not be accepted after
three school days.

You may not print your assignments in class. Homework should be complete when you walk in my
door. If you have extenuating circumstances (ie: do not own a printer) come see me to set up a
process/system AHEAD OF TIME to get printed assignments to me. I do NOT accept assignments via

Students may NOT eat in my classroom. This has become a distraction and a pest issue. Water only.
Cell Phones/Devices
Cell phones and devices may only be out and on WITH SPECIFIC TEACHER PERMISSION per
Kealing rules.

Chant to yourselves now: Double spaced, 12 point font, Times New Roman
I will deduct points for papers that are not in MLA format and that do not follow standards of academic
If you are turning in handwritten work for a grade for any reason, it must be NEAT and LEGIBLE. If it is
not, I will hand it back to you to be completed properly and I will take a 20% deduction from your grade.
Take pride in your work and ideas!!
All schoolwork should have your first and last name in the upper right hand corner as well as the class
period that you have ELA. If there is no name on it I cannot grade it and it will be considered late work.

Student Signature___________________________________________________Date________________

Parent Signature____________________________________________________Date________________

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