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Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

Entrance test paper for Ph.D. admission in CISTS
December 2, 2015

Time : 3 hrs Marks : 70

Note: e question paper consists of 3 parts. While the questions in Part-A and Part-C
are compulsory, you may choose to answer any two questions from Part-B.

Part - A (20 marks)

Read the following verse and answer the following questions:

1. Write individual sentences separately.

2. Mentioning how many words are there in each sentence, tag them as either--noun,
adjective, adverb and verb.
3. Explain in detail, with justication, the case-endings in the word .
4. Identify the voice in each sentence.
5. Rewrite all the sentences by changing their voice.

Part - B (2 10 = 20 marks)

1. Write a detailed note on Indo-European language family. State what are the stages
of historical development in Indo-Aryan language family.
2. Some scholars opine: e aesthetic experience of is dominated by
the sentiment of love. What is your take on this? Justify your answer by quoting
and analysing what Bharata has to say on this issue.
3. Take the second sentence from the above quoted verse and demonstrate how ,
and schools of thought will advocate the verbal cognition of it.
4. Write down Maxwell's equations in both the integral and dierential forms (in
free space), associating each of them to a fundamental law in electromagnetics.
By doing some mathematical manipulations on them, one could obtain equations
for the electric and magnetic elds that resemble the wave equation. Derive these
equations, and explain why in this particular form they turned out to be a big
revelation in physics in the laer half of the 19th century.
5. Starting from the expression for the energy stored in electric and magnetic elds,
arrive at the Poynting's theorem. Explain its signicance.

6. In order to obtain the true position (called the ) of the planets, the Indian
astronomers apply two corrections namely manda and siighra. With appropriate
diagrams, explain these two corrections, and point out their signicance using
modern astronomical parlance.

Part - C (2 15 = 30 marks)

1. Write an essay (in about 20 sentences) in Sanskrit on any of the following topics:

(a) India and its cultural diversity

(b) e problem of corruption in India measures to eradicate it

2. Write a detailed note on the topic of research that you would like to pursue for
presenting your doctoral dissertation at IIT Bombay.

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