1 Be: Present Simple (1) (I Am, I'm Not)

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1 Be : Present Simple (1) (I am, Im not)

1. Hera are some examples of be in the Present Simple :

This is my brother. Hes ten years old.
Im a student. These are my book.
They arent at home. They are at the theatre.

2. We form the present simple of be like this :

Full Form Short Form
I am Im
Singular You are Youre
He/she/it is Hes/Shes/Its
We are Were
Plural You are Youre
They are Theyre

Full Form Short Form
I am not Im not
Singular You are not You arent
He/She/It is not He/She/Isnt
We are not We arent
Plural You are not You arent
They are not They arent
3. In speech, we usually use the short forms :
Shes my sister. Hes my brother
Im from Italy. Theyre Indonesian.

4. We use be :
To say who we are :
Im Fahdiansyah and this is my friend Rahman. Were from Indonesian.
Im Janet and these are my sisters. This is Angel and this is Sandra. Angel and Sandra are

To talk about the weather :

Its cold today.
Its a beautiful day.
Its usually hot here.
It isnt very warm today.

To talk about the time :

Its ten oclock.
Its half past four.
Youre late.

To talk about places :

Ciracas is in the east of Jakarta.
John and Taylor are in Japan.

To talk about peoples ages :

My sister is twenty five years old.
Moazzam is two years old.

A. Marisa is from Australia. She is writing about herself and her family. Put full forms of be in the
I am a student from Australia. My father a teacher. My mother . (not) Australian.
She . From Canada. I twenty years old. I have two brother. My oldest brother his name .
Fariz. He .. (not) a student. And another one his name .. Faraz. They .. very lovable person.
B. Now fill these gaps. This time, use short forms of be, as in the examples.

I m a doctor.
I m not (not) a bank manager.

1. She .. (not) a teacher.

2. He a student.
3. They at home.
4. They . (not) in the park.

C. Choose words from the box to put in the gaps.

Hes Shes Theyre Its (3x)

Are is we isnt

- My parents live in Scotland. Theyre teachers.
1. New York . In England. . In America.
2. Azhar . From Indonesia. . Indonesian.
3. My sister is a doctor. thirty years old.
4. . Six oclock! .. are late.
5. . Very cold today. Lets stay at home.
D. Look at the pictures. These people are saying who they are. Write sentences, choosing the correct
jobs from the box, as in the example.
2 Be : Present Simple (2) (Am I? Are you...?)
1. We use be :
To talk about how we feel :
Im happy. Theyre sad.
Theyre bored. Shes tired.
Were hungry. Im thirsty.
He isnt afraid. Theyre cold.

To say hello :
Rifky : Hello. How are you ?
Rizka : Im fine thanks. How are you ?

To apologize :
Marry : Im sorry Im late.
John : It doesnt matter.

To describe things :
It isnt expensive. Its cheap.
Its an old film. It isnt very good.
These photos are bad.

2. We often use there+be (ex : there is, there are) to talk about where things are :

Singular : theres a supermarket in this street.

There is a telephone in the flat.
Plural : there are some good cafs in the center of the town.

We also use there+be to talk about when things happen :

There is a bus to Jakarta at 6 oclock.
There are taxis, but there arent any buses on Sunday.
There isnt another train to Bogor today.
3. We form question with be in the Present Simple like this :


Singular Am I
Are you + late?
Is he/she/it
Plural Are we
Are they + late?

Here all questions with all the forms of be :

Am I late for the film?
Are you twenty years old?
Is he at home now?
Is she Malaysian or Indonesian?
Is it time to go home?
Are we ready to leave?
Are you both at university?
Are they in Rawamangun today?

A. Use there+be to say what we can and cannot find in the town of Smallwood
(A cinema : ) There is a cinema.
(A river) There isnt a river.
(Restaurants: 10) There are ten restaurants.
(Any museums) There arent any museums.
1. (A castle) . a castle.
2. (Bakers shop: 2) two bakers shop.
3. (A zoo: ) . a zoo.
4. (Banks: 6) six banks.
5. (A luxury hotel: ) a luxury hotel.
6. (A theatre) . a theatre.
7. (Newsagents: 6) .. six newsagents.
8. (Many tourist) . many tourist.
B. Write questions by putting the words in brackets () in the correct order.

(thirsty-you-are) : Are you thirsty?

1. (A Manager-you-are) :
2. (The child-bored-are) :
3. (is-afraid-Hamdika) :
4. (Diny-tired-is) :
5. (are-you-how) :
6. (Hot today-it-is) :
7. (he-Indian-is) :
8. (They-from Bandung-are) :

C. Write questions using the words in brackets () and a form of be.

1. (you/Spanish) Are you Spanish ? No, Im French.
2. (you/thirsty) . ? No, Im hungry.
3. (wahyu/your brother) .. ? No, wahyu is my nephew.
4. (I/late) ? No, youre on time.
5. (Messi/a basketball player) . ? No, hes a footballer.
6. (you/sad) . ? No, Im happy.
7. (she/ at cinema .. ? No, shes at theatre.
8. (your Grandma/twenty years old) .. ? No, shes eighty years old.

D. Put forms of be in these conversations,

Ganang : This Linda, my friend.
Fahmi : Hello, Linda. . you a collage?
Linda : No, I .. a student. I school at 64 Jakarta Senior High School

Fauziah : How are you, Septiani?

Septiani : I fine, thanks.
Fauziah : you in bad condition today?
Septiani : Yes. . There a clinic near here?
Fauziah : Yes. There a clinic in Dasinakpati Street. The medication is good and it
not very expensive.
3 Present Simple (1) (I know, I dont know)

1. We form Present Simple like this :


Singular I know.
You know.
He/She/It knows.
Plural We know
You know
They know

- I know the answer

- She starts work at 9.30.
We add s after He/She/It :
I start -> he starts I live -> she lives
If a verb ends in ch, -o, -sh, or ss, we add es after he/she/it :

I watch -> he watches you do -> he does

They go -> it goes we wash -> she washes

If a verb ends in a consonant (b, c, d, etc.) + y (ex : study), we use ies after he/she/it :
I study -> he studies bird fly -> caterpillar flies

2. Now look at these examples of negative :

I dont like that music.
He doesnt listen to classical music.

Full form Short form
I do not know. I dont know.
You do not understand. You dont understand.
He/she/it does not lie. he/she/it doesnt lie.
We do not stop we dont stop
They do not meet they dont meet

3. We use the present simple :

To talk about things that happen regularly :

Monday Tuesday Wednesday

(He plays football every day)
To talk about facts :
She comes from China. (=she is Chinese)
We sell online product.
Fedi doesnt speak English.

A. Add s or es to the verbs in the sentence if it necessary. If it not necessary, put a tick () in the
He work s in a bank.
They live in Singapore.

1. I watch TV every day.

2. Aminah go to work by Trans Jakarta.
3. The film finish . at nine oclock.
4. We play . basketball every weekend.
5. They go . on holiday in October.
6. Maria do ... her homework every night.
7. We starts .. Work at 8.30.

B. Now finish these sentences using a verb from the box. Use each verb once. Remember to add s
or es if necessary.
Fly study finish eat
Sell smoke drink live
1. Hamdika eats toast for breakfast.
2. I . coffee three times a day.
3. My brother . a new language every year.
4. She . to New York once a month.
5. One direction in London.
6. Fedi . work at six oclock.
7. I . phone in online shop.
8. Taslim . Two cigarettes a day.

C. Write these sentences, using the negative form of the Present Simple.
1. (He/not/live/in Jogja) He doesnt live in jogja
2. (Arlen/not/work/in a bank) ..
3. (I/not/play/pokemon game) ..
4. (We/not/speak/Malay) ..
5. (You/not/listen/to me!) ..
6. (My car/not/work) ..
7. (I/not/drink/beer) ..
8. (Fedi/not/eat/meat) ..
9. (Indri/not/listen/to the music) ..
10. (You/not/understand/me) ..

D. Put in the verbs from the box, in the Present Simple. Use each verb once.
Leave starts arrive get watch work
Brush eat have like go stop
Interviewer : How do you starts the day, fedi?
Fedi : Well, I get up at six oclock. I get washed and dressed, and I .. Breakfast at
seven oclock. After I breakfast, I my teeth. I .. to work at eight oclock.
Interviewer : When do you get to work?
Fedi : I usually ... at my office at about half past eight. First, I a cup of
coffee, and then I .. work at 8.45 am.
Interviewer : Where do you work?
Fedi : I . In a bank. I am a teller. I my job, its very interesting.
Interviewer : When do you eat lunch?
Fedi : I .. work and I have lunch at one oclock. I a cup of tea at half past
Interviewer : When do you finish work?
Fedi : I the office at six oclock. I eat dinner when I get home. Then I
. TV for an hour or two.
E. Use the table of write facts about Rahman. A tick () means that something is true. A cross (x)
means that something is not true. Use the verbs in brackets.
1 2 3 4 5
From Indonesia () In a hospital (x) In a flat (x) Indonesian () Comic Pman (x)
From Brunei (x) In a bank () In a house () Malay (x) Comic Conan ()

1. (Come) He comes from Indonesia He doesnt come from Brunei.

2. (Work) He in a hospital. He in a bank.
3. (Live) He in a flat. He . in a house.
4. (Speak) .. ..
5. (Read) .. ..
4 Present Simple (2) (Do you drive?)

1. We use the simple present :

To talk about feelings :
She loves football.
Agung wants a new note book.
I dont want a cup of tea, thanks.
He feels sick.

I dont like pop music. I like rock music.

To talk about thoughts :
I think hes angry
I dont think she likes her new job.
I dont know the answer
I think, he doesnt understand me.

2. We form Present Simple question like this :

Singular Do I/you
Does he/she/it know?
Plural Do We
Do you know?
Do They

Note that we put do before I/you/we/they:

- Do you speak English?
- Do you work in the town centre?
- Do they feel mad?
- Do I know the problem?
We put does before he/she/it:
- Does he drive to work?
- Does fedi enjoy the show?
- Does maria play the guitar?
Note that we say:
Does he walk? (Not Does he walks?)


A. Write sentences about Fahdiansyah. ( = like, = love, x = not like, xx = hate)

1. (tennis x) He doesnt like tennis.
2. (music ) He loves music.
3. (tea ) He..
4. (films ) He..
5. (spicy xx) He..
6. (his job ) He..
7. (waiting x ) He..
8. (holidays ) He..

B. Put the words form the box in the correct from in the gaps. Use the Present Simple. Use each verb
Like not know love feel
Think not like want not understand

1. She thinks that films are fantastic! She loves films.

2. I sick. Can I have a glass of water please?
3. I dont know the answer because I the questions.
4. I Rahman is tired. He works too hard.
5. We that new painting. We think its terrible!
6. They thirsty. They something to drink.
7. I your bike. Its very nice. Was it expensive?
C. This is an interview with Fatmi Rochmayanti and her husband, Romi. Write the questions, using the
ideas from the box.

Like films read books listen to the radio play golf watch TV Play a
musical instrument smoke go to the market drive motorcycle Like pop music
drink coffee live in Pekalongan like cats Speak any foreign languages

1. Do you live in Pekalongan ? - Yes, I live in centre Pekalongan.
2. Does Romi play golf ? - No, but He plays volleyball.
3. ? - Yes, I speak English.
4. ? - Yes, I almost like all the program on TV.
5. ? - Yes, he like listen to the radio.
6. ? - No, but he loves dogs.
7. ? - No, I dont like films.
8. ? - Yes, he has two cups in the morning.
9. ? - No, I prefer jazz music.
10. ? - No, but I have a car.
11. ? - Yes, I read one book every week.
12. ? - No, he doesnt like cigarettes.

D. You are on holiday, and you are in a Tourist Information Centre. Ask questions using the table below.
Do you stop at the railway station?
Does the sports centre finish before eleven p.m.?
All the banks starts here?
The number 38 bus sell maps of the city?
The restaurant change tourist money into pounds?
The concert sell souvenirs?
The sightseeing tour have a swimming pool
The museum serve typical English food?
1. Do you sell maps of the city?
2. . The sports centre .. ?
3. ?
4. ?
5. ?
6. ?
7. ?
8. ?
5 Present Continuous (1) (Im eating)

1. We form Present continuous like this :

Be + -ing FORM
I am eating

Here are the forms of the Present Continuous

Full form Short from Full Form Short Form
I am eating. Im eating. I am not eating. Im not eating
You are sitting. Youre sitting. You are not sitting. You arent sitting.
He/she/it waiting. Hes waiting. He/she/it not waiting. He isnt waiting.
We are sitting. Were sitting. We are not sitting. We arent sitting.
They are drinking. Theyre drinking. They are not drinking. They arent drinking.

2. To make the-ing form, we add ing to the verb :

Listen -> listening play -> playing
Work -> working read -> reading

3. But notice this irregular spellings :

Win -> winning shop -> shopping swim -> swimming dance -> dancing
shine -> shining get -> getting sit ->sitting travel ->travelling write -> writing

4. We use the Present Continuous :

To talk about things that are happening now. And To talk about things that are happening around
now, but not exactly at the moment we speak.
What are you Im learning
The bus is coming doing these day? Spanish
A. Write out the sentences below. Put the verbs in the positive or negative forms of the Present
Continuous. Use short forms.
1. I (not/work) at the tutor private now. I (study) education at National University of Jakarta.
Im not working at the tutor private now. Im studying education at National University of
2. Look! He (not/work). He (listen) to the music.

3. She (not/read) newspaper. She (write) a letter.

4. You (watch) the TV. You (not/listen) to me!

5. We (win) the match. But we (not/play) well.

6. They (not/get) ready. They (play) music.

7. I (study) Chinese, but I (not/learn) very fast.

B. Look at these pictures.

1 2 3

4 5

1. (Rahman/eat/breakfast) (x) Rahman isnt eating breakfast.

(Rahman/sleep) () Rahman is sleeping.
2. (They /work) ( )
(They/sit/ in the garden) ( )
3. (Hamdika/learn/ Japanese) ( )
(Hamdika/study/music) ( )
4. (Fahdiansyah and I/play/chess) ( )
(Fahdiansyah and I/play/card) ( )
5. (He/spend/ a day at the garden) ( )
(The sun/shine) ( )

C. Finish the postcard using the words in brackets () in the Present Continuous. Use full form (ex :
Jenny and I are Staying (stay) here for a week.
The Sun .. (Shine) and its very hot.
We .. (Sit) on the beach,
And I . (Drink) an orange juice.
We . (not/swim) because were both tired.
We . (Watch) the shore on the beach at the moment.
It is we (Travel). I hope next time you will accompanied us travelling

Jim and Jenny

6 Present Continuous (2) (Am I winning?)

1. Look at these questions :

- Are you enjoying the show, Bahri?
- Is he watching the concert at the moment?
- Are they sparring hard?

2. We form Present Continuous questions like this :

Singular Am I
Are You Winning?
Is He/she/it
Plural Are We
Are You Winning?
Are They

3. Here are three common Present Continuous questions. They all mean How are you? :
- Hows it going?
- How are you getting on?
- How are you doing?

4. In English, we cannot say :

Im liking tennis.
Im knowing your sister.
We should say:
I like tennis.
I know your sister.
We do not usually use this verbs in the Present Continuous:
Like know hate love understanding believe mean remember want

5. Think and have

We cannot say:
Im thinking its good.
We say:
I think its good. ( = in my opinion, its good.)
But we can say :
Shes thinking about the film we saw. ( = the film is in her mind now.)
We cannot say:
Im having a ticket.
We say:
I have a ticket. ( = I possess a ticket.)
But we can say:
Im having breakfast. ( = Im eating breakfast.)

A. Make questions by putting the words in the brackets ( ) in the right order.
1. (enjoying-your work-you-are-?) = Are you enjoying your work?
2. (she-having-lunch-is-?) =
3. (you-are-feeling sick-?) =
4. (playing football-are-they-?) =
5. (relaxing-are-you-?) =
6. (the cat-sleeping-is-?) =
7. (the sun-is-shinning-?) =
8. (he-is-coming-to the cinema-?) =
9. (listening-are-they-?) =
10. (eating-at the moment-she-is-?) =

B. Make questions and answers, use the Present Continuous.

1. (She/work/in London this year?) - (No, she/study/in London)
Is she working in London this year? - No, she is studying in London
2. (You/study/Finance at the moment?) - (Yes, I/study/very/hard)
3. (Rahman/wash/now?) - (Yes, He/have/a bath)
4. (They/live/in Madrid?) - (Yes, they/learn/Spanish)
5. (The students/listen/to the announcement) - (No, they/listen/the music)
6. (Agung/sing/in a group this year?) - (No, he/sing/in a wedding party)
C. Put a tick () next to a correct sentence, and cross (x) next to a wrong sentence.
1. She is liking pop music. (x) 7. Rahman is having a lunch. ( )
2. He is learning French. () 8. She is eating chocolate. ( )
3. We are enjoying the movie. ( ) 9. I am feeling sick. ( )
4. They are loving Ice cream. ( ) 10. Huge is meaning big ( )
5. She is believing he is right. ( ) 11. Hamdika is knowing Tirra ( )
6. Dika is thinking about me. ( ) 12. Janet is hatting rock music ( )

D. Complete this conversation. Use the verbs in brackets ( ) in the Present Continuous.
Anggi: Hi Agus! What are you doing?
Agus: Im going (I/go) to the bank. So, what are you doing?
Anggi: (I/shop). (I/look) for a new tennis racquet.
Agus: Oh I see. By the way where is Rendi? Do you know?
Anggi: Yes, He isnt in Jakarta at the moment. (He/work)in Bandung for a month.
Agus: What (He/do) in Bandung?
Anggi: (He/sing) in a night club.
Agus: I Hope He will coming back soon.
7 Present Simple (I work) or Present Continuous (Im working)
1. Compare the Present Simple and the Present Continuous :

Present Simple Present Continuous

We use the Present Simple to talk about we use the Present Continuous for things that
regular or usual things : are happening now (temporary things) :
- She works in a school. Shes teacher. - My brother is working in Pekalongan this month.
- Lim speaks Indonesian and Chinese. - Tom is speaking on the telephone at the moment.
- I go to the campus every day. - Peter : where are you going pan?
Pan : Im going to the supermarket.

It rains a lot in a year. Its raining now!

Monday Saturday Sunday

Usually, I play Baseball.. But today Im playing football

Joe : what does Taslim do? Bill : what is Tom doing this week?
Nia : He is a Security. Sara : He is hiking in papandayan.

2. We do not usually use these verbs in the Present Continuous :

Like hate love want think (=believe) know mean remember understand

Fahdiansyah : Do you like this book? (Not Are you liking this book?)
Habibah : Yes, I think its good. (Not Yes, Im thinking its good.)
A. Put the words in the brackets in the Present Simple or Present Continuous.
1. Peter : What are you doing? (you/do)?
2. John : I (finish) my homework.
3. Dika : How (your sister/travel) to work every day?
4. Indri : She (take) the bus.
5. Rajib : what (you/eat)?
6. Fandy : An apple. Its delicious! I (love) apples.
7. Bibah : Look! It (Rain)
8. Novi : It (come) every year in my country.
9. Sila : What (Rangga/do)?
10. Sari : I (think) hes an actor.

B. Write sentences. Use the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

1. (Ambar usually/work/at the office, but this week she/work/at home)
Ambar Usually works at the office, but this week she is working at home.
2. (you/not/eat/very much at the party. Are you ill?
3. (I/take/the bus to work this week, but usually I/walk)
4. (I/study/Japanese this year. Its very difficult.)
5. (Sheldon/watch/the television at the moment?)
6. (I/not/remember/the name of the flat)
7. (Farida/speak/three languages)
8. (The sun/shine/, Its a beautiful day!)
8 Be: Past Simple (I was, they were)

1. We form the Past Simple of be like this :

Singular I was
You were
He/she/it was
Plural We/you/they were

Full form Short form
Singular I was not wasnt
You were not werent
He/she/it was not wasnt
Plural We/you/they were not werent

Singular Was I
Were you right?
Was he/she.it
Plural were we/they/you right?

Here are some examples with was and were:

- I was in Garut last week.
- We were at home yesterday evening.
- They werent late this morning.
- Was it a good movie?

2. We use was/were when we are talking about the past. Look at the examples:
Was/were + facts about the past :
John F. Kennedy was an American president.
Our first house was in the north of town.
A : were your answers correct?
B : No, they were all wrong!
Paula wasnt the first person at the class.
Was/were + place and time:
We were in Jakarta in August.
She wasnt at home last night.
Elda and Vandu werent in Depok at the weekend. They were in Bogor.
Sheldon and Jan were here at six oclock.
Ika was in forum AISEC in Malaysia in this month.

Was/were + adjective (ex: cold, tired):

It was cold yesterday.
We were tired after play the game.
The Trasnjakarta was late again this morning.
A : were your exam easy?
B : the first exam was easy, but the second one wasnt.

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