Eruv Laws Sephardic-E

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Sephardic Rabbinical Council


Rabbi Saul J Kassin, Chief Rabbi

Commonly asked questions about the Mehisot Erub being built by the Sephardic
Rabbinical Council for the Sephardic community in Brooklyn.
The following responses were prepared by Rabbi Ronald Barry summarizing the Sephardic
Rabbinical Councils research and work on the Mehisot Erub.

What does an Erub accomplish and what exampled by the famous story of Rabbenu
importance does it play in promoting Asher in early 14th century Spain.
Sabbath observance?
Throughout the past 2 millennia numerous
Carrying from ones home to an outdoor erubin for towns and sections of cities are
public area or vice versa, or within a public documented, both in the Ashkenazic and
area is prohibited on the Sabbath. An Erub is a Sephardic communities. Today there are
Halachic solution for neighbors to pool erubin for entire cities and neighborhoods
resources permitting carrying outside their throughout Israel and the Diaspora. There are
homes. It was applied to large sections of perhaps 100 Erubin in American cities and
cities and towns and to entire cities. It helps to many are in the planning stages.
reduce hardship to observant families, the
elderly, and the infirm as well as helping to What are the requirements for building an
remove Sabbath desecration by the less Erub in a modern city?
Requirements for an Erub in application to a
The Torah prohibition of carrying on the modern city include:
Sabbath is a very serious one and transgression (1) determining that the area is not a
of it by the general public is not uncommon. Biblical public domain,
Traditionally the Rabbinic position has always (2) physically enclosing the area with
been that saving people from such a serious sin walls and doorways,
with a Halachically acceptable Erub overrides (3) acquiring the area from municipal
all other considerations. Sabbath observance authorities for Erub purposes,
is the foundation of Jewish belief, practice, (4) pooling resources together via a shared
continuity and redemption. Creating food item, and
institutions such as an Erub to facilitate (5) no unenclosed disqualifying area
Sabbath observance is of the highest within the boundaries.
What methods of enclosure are effective for
How ancient is the tradition of creating an Erub?
Erubin and how mainstream is it to
Judaism? The classical enclosure is that of a walled city.
Our Sages have also considered doorway
The Talmud relates a story way back to King openings - Surat Hapetah to be walls if they
Solomon that upon the establishment of the have two side posts and a string (any minimal
concept of Erubin, Hashem responded with lintel) that crosses directly above the top of the
encouragement and praise. Gaonim and side posts. When the majority of a long wall is
Rishonim following the Talmudic tradition the Surat Hapetah (doorway opening format)
required localities to establish and maintain type, some hold that it is not as acceptable.
an Erub even to the extent of threatening The more acceptable type has the majority of
opponents with excommunication, as its length as a solid wall.
How many walls are required to make an 600,000 people do not pass through every day
Erub enclosure that meets even the strict is not a Biblical public domain. This would
view and removes any question of Biblical preclude almost any street or city from being a
prohibition? public domain and remove a major problem
for erubin planners. Most Ashkenazic Rabbis
An enclosure that removes any Biblical and some Sephardic Rabbis relied upon this
prohibition, is called a Mehisot Erub. It opinion to construct erubin even in cities with
includes three walls with wide streets that are straight (Mefulash) from
(1) the majority of each wall being an opening to opening.
actual wall
(2) the minority may be a Surat Hapetah Which of the two opinions do we follow as
(poles and strings) wall while the fourth side the Halacha?
may be entirely a Surat Hapetah (poles and
strings) wall. Normally when Shulhan Aruch has a general
opinion followed by one of some say the
What is the legal definition of a public Halacha would go like the first opinion. But
domain and how must an area be enclosed since elsewhere in Shulhan Aruch the second
to convert it to be considered a private opinion that nowadays there is no reshut
domain and allow carrying? harabim is stated and used as a possible
explanation, it may indicate that the Shulhan
Shulhan Aruch states two different definitions Aruch is going like the second opinion. As a
of what constitutes Reshut Harabim - a public result we have a controversy in interpretation,
domain where carrying on Shabbat is with most Poskim going by the second
Biblically prohibited. opinion. We must note that, due to this
question, a significant segment of Sephardic
The main opinion defines a Reshut Harabim Poskim prescribe for Bnei Torah not to
(public domain) to be streets that have all of personally carry within an erub that only meets
the following conditions, and if it lacks one the secondary opinions criteria and when
condition an Erub can be effective to permit relying on another leniency when the walls are
carrying. mostly made of the Surat Hapetah (poles and
(1) 16 amot or more wide (24+ feet), strings) type.
(2) no roof above it,
(3) no wall around it, and Are we permitted to carry without any type
(4) Mefulash the street runs in a straight of wall enclosure if the area lacks one of the
line from gate to gate: factors of a Biblical Reshut Harabim
(a) even if it is enclosed with a wall if the (public domain)?
street runs straight (Mefulash) from gate to
gate the gates must be closed at night, No, as there is a Rabbinic prohibition on
(b) and some say that even if the gates are carrying in a Carmelit which is an area that
not actually closed at night but are capable is missing qualifications of a Biblical Reshut
of being closed (not permanently sunk into Harabim (public domain). In order to be
the ground). considered a private domain in which carrying
is permitted all five of the requirements of an
Under this definition for an Erub to be Erub for a modern city (listed above) must be
effective for a city with wide streets you would met including a wall enclosure.
need either (a) walls around the city and gates
at the entrances, or (b) the street endings do What is this Mehisot Erub that you have
not run in a straight line (Mefulash), then walls planned for our Brooklyn neighborhoods?
around the city without gates would suffice.
Our Mehisot Erub is the preferred type of
(2) The second opinion in Shulhan Aruch enclosure that meets even the strict view and
states, some say that any street in which removes any questions of both Biblical and
Rabbinic prohibitions. The vast majority of 3 Erubin experts who have studied our Mehisot
sides being actual walls and the minority being Erub have declared it to be a Bet Yosef
Surat Hapetah (poles and strings), with the Mehisot Erub, in which carrying is permitted
fourth side being mostly Surat Hapetah (poles even for our strict and G-d fearing members.
and strings). Due to the fact that our Brooklyn
streets endings do not meet the definition of Does the Rabbinical Council endorse it and
Mefulash and do not run in a straight line, how reliable will this Mehisot Erub be?
gates closed at night are not required. As an
enhancement we have added Delatot (gates) Our Sephardic Rabbinical Council members
that are closed on occasion. unanimously deciding to embark upon this
holy project for our Brooklyn community and
(For the scholarly reasoning of this approach, after almost 6 years of research, planning and
the following elucidates the details of this implementation, we proclaim that this Mehisot
ruling. Brooklyn streets, although wide, are Erub is being built with the highest Halachic
lacking any main street that goes straight from standards for the members of our Sephardic
one end of town to the other end without a Syrian, Egyptian and Lebanese communities in
detour or significant curve. Also no street our Brooklyn neighborhoods.
connects straight through from one town to
another town since Brooklyn is surrounded by We received permission from the appropriate
water on 3 sides. This meets the authorities and have been granted the domain
straightforward definition of Maran Bet Yosef from the city as prescribed in the laws of
of not being Mefulash, which then makes a Erubin. Erub communal matsot will be
Mehisot enclosure effective without officially designated.
necessitating gates closed every night. Even We have consulted with former and current
the section of Ocean Parkway that is within Sephardic chief rabbis in Israel, and have
our erub borders curves sufficiently at Avenue received their blessings and Halachic approval
W to be considered not Mefulash according to of our efforts to build a Mehisot Erub for our
the writings of Porat Yosef Rosh Yeshiva Brooklyn Sephardic community, - some given
Rabbi BenSion Abba Shaul ZL. It is clear verbally, some in letter format and in addition
that according to our Sephardic Poskim our some referring to their supportive writings on
streets are not Mefulash and, along with our the subject. These will be posted on the Erub
Mehisot, remove any question of being a website upon completion. The actual
public domain. Maran Bet Yosef clearly states construction of our Mehisot Erub is being
that if it is not Mefulash even only on one side, constructed under rabbinic supervision of
then Delatot (gates) closed at night are not experts in the field of Erubin.
required. As an enhancement we have added
Delatot that are closed on occasion.) What upkeep and maintenance will be
provided to ensure the Erubs continuity?
Why do you call it a Bet Yosef Mehisot Erub?
The Sephardic Brooklyn Community Erub,
Although the majority of the Poskim have Ltd has been founded to maintain the upkeep
approved Erubin whose perimeter is entirely and ongoing supervision and checking of our
Surat Hapetah (poles and strings) even in Mehisot Erub. They have contracted for
streets that are very wide, (see Rabbi Obadia weekly checking by an eminent Talmid
Yosefs recent responsa permitting the Deal Hacham, well versed in the intricacies of
Erub and one in Los Angeles, Ca.) such as in erubin, and for maintenance of the Erub upon
Israel, Syria and Egypt, etc., we have taken its completion. As weather conditions and
steps to establish this Erub with Halachic other natural and manmade problems may
enhancements including that (1) the vast cause any erub to fail, and although any
majority of the perimeter is made up of actual problem will be addressed and fixed promptly,
walls, (2) the gaps are closed with Surat it is possible that on occasion the Erub will
Hapetah, (3) gates are added.
be down. As such an Erub hotline number walls and with a minority portion of each that
718-375-ERUB (718-375-3782) has been uses Surat Hapetah to close off any breaches,
established for members to call and confirm with the entire fourth side utilizing Surat
that the Erub is in force. A website, Hapetah, it is acceptable even according to the is being set up with more stringent view of Rambam.
details with email notification to subscribers.
How does the 1970s responsa of Rabbi
What communal financial support is Moshe Feinstein ZL regarding Brooklyn
necessary for the project to become a apply to our Mehisot Erub for the
reality? Sephardic community?
We began this endeavor being assured by As we stated in the previous answer, our
many community members that once the Mehisot Erub meets the criterion of the main
project is well on its way they would be opinion in Maran Shulhan Aruch. The 600,000
forthcoming with the funds necessary to cover opinion is the lenient opinion which was
costs and ensure its future maintenance. We invoked to take the lenient approach in wide
urgently need funds now to cover the outlay streets where a majority of actual walls was
and to secure the ongoing upkeep. We have not possible. It should not, and does not, apply
agreed to take the responsible approach to when weve met the standard of Shulhan
initiate its completion only after funds to cover Aruchs main and strict opinion of what
three years of upkeep are raised in advance in constitutes a public domain and the strict view
order to guarantee the Erubs permanence. of what constitutes an enclosure. Actually
Your timely and generous support is essential Rabbi Moshe Feinstein ZL writes that he
for the successful completion of this project. initiated and approved an Erub for Seagate,
We look forward to your kind and sustained though it is part of Brooklyn, as it had actual
support and encouragement. Your tax-exempt fences on 3 sides and used Surat Hapetah for
donations should be sent to Sephardic most of the 4th side and included gates.
Brooklyn Community Erub, Ltd. 583
Kings Highway Brooklyn, NY 11223-2046 Although it would not affect a Mehisot
Erub, can you explain further about the
How is it possible to build an Erub in a 600,000 opinion since it is invoked whenever
populous borough like Brooklyn? an Erub is planned, especially in Brooklyn?
The secondary opinion in Shulhan Aruch that It is important to clarify and correct what the
a public domain has an additional requirement masses have heard about the secondary
of having 600,000 people traveling on that opinion of 600,000 in Maran Shulhan Aruch
street every day was relied upon to be lenient which standard Ashkenazic Halacha relies
in constructing Surat Hapetah Erubin (poles & upon. A goodly number of Sephardic Poskim
strings) in cities with a wide main street that is also rely upon this some straightaway and
Mefulash (straight). It is not a criterion for our some as a Safek (doubt) within the two
Mehisot Erub which is effective according to opinions in Maran Shulhan Aruch. Marans
the main opinion in Shulhan Aruch, and which definition here of a public domain is precise,
can assuredly be relied upon even for our strict while the stringencies of some Ashkenazic
and G-d fearing members. Poskim including Rabbi Moshe Feinstein ZL
clearly depart from Marans codified
The Mehisot type of Erub has been established definition. Maran, speaking of the streets that
in certain other North American cities where are defined as a public domain, states, And
they were able to accomplish it, such as some say that any (street) which 600,000
Toronto, Canada, West Rogers Park, Chicago, people do not traverse every day is not a
San Fernando Valley, CA and the new Los Reshut Harabim (public domain).
Angeles Erub. Where you have three actual Accordingly, a street must meet all 3 of the

following conditions to be a Reshut Harabim common knowledge now that Brooklyns
(public domain): census population decreased significantly from
(1) daily occurrence every day, a high of about 2.75 million in the 1950s and
(2) referring to a single main street, and 1960s to 2.3 million throughout 1980s and
(3) involving 600,000 or more people in 1990s and 2.45 million in 2000.
actuality, not just an assumption of
600,000 people. Can you explain why our Sephardic
Rabbinical Council rabbis have decided to
Rabbi Moshe Feinstein ZLs opinion on make a Mehisot Erub now, although our
Brooklyn departs from Marans standards by community rabbis of the previous
defining a Reshut Harabim (public domain) as: generation did not, and may have not been
in favor of doing so?
(1) even an occasional occurrence and not
requiring it to be a daily occurrence, The problems involved with having no
(2) combining together the entire Mehisot Erub in Brooklyn have become
population in all the streets of the city greater, and the circumstances in our
to make up the 600,000 people, community have changed dramatically,
(3) even if 600,000 people being there is enabling the building of a proper Erub for our
only an assumption, while in actuality Brooklyn Sephardic community.
it may be less.
(4) Additionally he counts people inside Several years ago our sister community in
vehicles, which many Poskim disagree Deal NJ, serving the Brooklyn community for
with including Rabbi Obadia Yosef, the summer and experiencing a similar
shlita. situation with the identical population
constructed an Erub with the approval of our
Nevertheless Rabbi Moshe Feinstein ZL was rabbis and the Sephardic Chief Rabbinate in
lenient on Erubin elsewhere, such as in Kew Israel. Current and former Chief Rabbis, when
Garden Hills, Queens and Detroit, Michigan visiting our community, observed for
based on his reasoning that only in cities with themselves the serious problem of carrying on
close to 3 million people must you assume that Shabbat in our Sephardic Brooklyn and Deal
there are 600,000 people in all the streets. He communities and continuously urged the
holds that this is similar to Israels sojourn in community rabbis to construct a proper Erub.
the desert where 600,000 men are in the streets The problem has become larger with the
with about 5 times that number in the tents. At immigration from Syria ten years ago, as they
the time of his writing Rabbi Feinstein had Erubin in Syria, and people were used to
assumed 600,000 people in all the streets of carrying on Shabbat without restriction. In
Brooklyn because at the time there was a fact, many continue to do so here. Also, many
population of 2.7 million people. Plus, in those more people got used to carrying in the
days there were thousands of visitors on summer with the Deal Erub and return to
summer weekends to Coney Island Beaches, Brooklyn with confusion and great difficulty
bringing the assumed population in all on Shabbat. Lastly, there are many people who
Brooklyn streets to 600,000 on a hot summer traditionally keep much of Torah and mitsvot
day. and are unable to abide by the prohibition of
carrying on Shabbat. This fact was the
As much of his reasoning here and above was compelling reason for the establishment of the
unconventional, he clearly stated more than concept of Erubin in the first place by our wise
once in his Teshubot that he did not make this Sages of old.
a clear cut Pesak for Brooklyn and only wrote
down his opinion since there was a rumor that Our Sephardic community is expanding
he was the Rabbi who gave the approval to the westward, with people purchasing homes and
Flatbush Erub. It is interesting to note that its several major community institutions building
in that area which is outside the borders of any such concern. Today we can count
even the Flatbush (Surat Hapetah) Erub. hundreds of Erubin in cities around the world.
People there are presented with major On a sociological level, our rabbis were
hardships for young families, the elderly and battling much more serious matters that
the infirm, and without any Erub coverage threatened the future of our community, in
upon which to rely even under extreme addition to the myriad of communal concerns
circumstances. Our Mehisot Erub borders will the rabbis had in administering to an entire
include that area as well and will alleviate this community. The concern for an Erub was
situation. dwarfed by major community survival issues
such as intermarriage, unity as a community,
New Circumstances Enable Halakhically working on Shabbat by a majority of the
Approved Mehisot Erub community who were in retail businesses, or
working for American companies with a six
Our community rabbis of the previous day workweek that included Saturdays with no
generation may have been reluctant or unable Sunday substitution option. It is
to involve themselves in constructing an Erub understandable for our Rabbis to strive for the
in Brooklyn due to worries and concerns that greater issues that would ensure our future as a
do not apply to our Mehisot Erub under Jewish community and they were extremely
present conditions. These include the difficulty successful in their approach as witnessed by
in the past of getting permission from city what our community is today.
authorities, doing the actual construction, and
maintaining the Erub. Today there are in And finally some of our previous generation
existence numerous Erubin built with city rabbis may have been reluctant to rely upon an
permission, including many here in various Erub that is entirely made up of Surat Hapetah
Brooklyn neighborhoods, with reliable Erubin (poles and strings). Our Mehitsot Erub is being
Rabbinical experts and committees who on a constructed with actual walls or fences for the
weekly basis check and repair the Erubin. overwhelming majority of its perimeter, and as
such there no longer exist grounds for
Actually we heard independently from Mr opposition based on this point.
Sam Catton and Mr Al Azar that their rabbi
Haham Matloub Abadi ZL prior to WWII Rumors have it that there will be opposition
spent a year working on an Erub for Brooklyn to the Erub. Is active opposition to
which he considered Halachically doable, but establishing a Mehisot Erub for our
abandoned it due to circumstances out of his Brooklyn Sephardic Community
control. His reported writings on the subject justifiable?
are missing and therefore have not been
published. We can learn from a very revealing responsa
of the greatness of Rabbi Moshe Feinstein
Another concern was that if an Erub was built ZL, who had Halachically disapproved of the
here at home in Brooklyn, family members Manhattan Erub. He was asked if it should be
would get used to carrying on Shabbat and opposed and protested against.
would continue to carry when they go away to
a city where there is no Erub. Chief Rabbi His response was that, although it may create
Eliyahu Bakshi-Doron, shlita, in his Deal Erub confusion for some, he wrote that it is not for
Teshubah with support from other major us to protest those who are lenient, and it will
poskim, dismisses this concern. In brief, he be permitted to carry there according to certain
writes that we may not add such new decrees. opinions. He repeated that those Rabbis who
Additionally, as most of the places that our established it are also great and capable rabbis,
families go away to already have Erubin that who have determined that an Erub is
are relied upon to carry, such as Deal, Miami, appropriate and Halachically effective and as
and all Israeli cities, there should no longer be such, we may not protest it.
In addition we have shown above that our community magazines such as the Sephardic
Mehisot Erub is being done with extra Image.
strictness to appeal even to the very strict and
G-d fearing members of our community. Please note that carrying will only be
permitted within the map borders as outlined
How soon do you expect to complete the in the official Erub map that will be included
project and carrying be permitted? with the guidelines. Actual perimeter walls
may vary outwards at some locations. Also,
We are working diligently to try to complete it the Erub does not make it permissible to
within a short period of time, hopefully this engage in outdoor activities that violate the
Spring 2003. If the funds are forthcoming, spirit of Shabbat.
with weather and other conditions permitting,
we hope to succeed with G-Ds help. It is our fervent prayer that the Al-mighty bless
Announcements will be made in the this holy endeavor with success and that it be a
synagogues upon its completion with source of great blessing to our community and
guidelines given at that time, and in Klal Yisrael. 2003 Sephardic Brooklyn Community Erub, Ltd.

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