Criteria For Ranking Master Teacher

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Basic Requirements

1. Service Records (prepared by the Records Section and signed by the OA)2. Latest appointment3. Performance Rating
for the ast 2 years(prepared by the service records)!. " ass#$ntermediate Program for the ast 2 years%. "ertification
&nder oath of the schoo head that the candidate is act&a y teaching'. ranscript of Records ith SO or R*+. PR"
icense or certification of good standing iss&ed by the said agency,.

Leaders i! "#tentia$s and Acc#m!$is ment

- A c aims for a criteria sho& d be s&pported by a certification &nder oath signed by the schoo head#s&pervisor
and corroborated by % other personne invo ved in the activity.

Criteri#n A % Intr#duced an& #' t e '#$$#(in) ( ic as *een ad#!ted #r used *& t esc ##$+district+di,isi#n

3. $ncome enerating Pro/ects1.Approved proposa and rite &p signed by the AS0S2."ertification#other doc&ments
sho ing here income generated as &sed# inancia statementsigned by the principa 3."ertification of the schoo
head#teachers ho adopted the materia s!."ertification for being the proponent of an income generating pro/ect for 2
consec&tive years corroborated by % teachers and d& y notari ed.

Criteri#n B- Ser,ed as su* ect c##rdinat#r #r /rade C airman '#r at $east 0 &ears

2. Adviser of $nterests " &bs1.0esignation signed by S4 or PS0S2."LASS#$ntermediate program ith teaching oad on
the S5 being c aimed3.Action P an approved by S4#PS0S!.Accomp ishment Report attested by the principa

Criteri#n C- Ser,ed as c airman #' a s!ecia$ c#mmittee

1. "redited for c&rric& &m#instr&ctiona materia s are- mod& es g&ide man&a s esson p an or6sheet
e7ercises or6boo6s


1.8emorand&m on the organi ation of the specia committee signed by the S4#PS0S2."ertification for serving as
chairman corroborated by % teachers and d& y notari ed3.Pro/ect proposa signed by S4#PS0S!.Action P an signed by
the S4#PS0S%."opy of the o&tp&ts c&rric& &m#instr&ctiona materia s or prepared program'.9rite &p of
accomp ishment signed by S4#PS0S

Criteri#n D- Initiated #r eaded #r !artici!ated in an educati#na$ researc

1.Letter re:&est to the AS0S to cond&ct an action research2.Approved research proposa and rite &p#research report
signed by AS0S

Criteri#n E- C##rdinat#r #' c#mmunit& !r# ect #r acti,it& #r #' a !r#)ram O' an#t er a)enc& #r c##rdinat#r #' rura$ ser,ice
im!r#,ement acti,it& 1'eedin)2 nutriti#n2 a)r#-industria$ 'air '#r at $east 0 &ears3

1.0esignation signed by S4#PS0S2."ertification as coordinator of the pro/ect for at east 2 years signed by the barangay
chairman#officia s3.Action P an approved by S4#other agencies!.0istrict#Schoo 8emo#Programs here candidates is
named as coordinator %.Report of accomp ishment attested by S4 or PS0S same s#y ith the action p an'.Samp e
evidences of accomp ishment as indicated in the action p an and report of accomp ishment for the s#y &pon hich the
candidate is c aiming+.A ards of recognition#appreciation signed by sponsoring agency

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