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PLU. (A) 434. 4010 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT 1974 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT) REGULATIONS 2009 ARRANGEMENT OF REGULATIONS Regulation 1. Citation 2. Interpretation 3. Application 4, Obligation to notify the Director General 5. Design and construction of industrial effluent treatment system 6. Compliance with speeifi¢ations of inciustrial effiuent treatment system 7. Monitoring of discharge of indus‘rial effluent or mixed effluent 8. Proper eperation of industiial effluent treatment system 9, Performance monitoring of effluent treatment system 10, Competent person 11, Acceptable conditions for the discharge of industrial effluent other than parameter of chemical oxygen demand (COD) 12, Acceptable conditions for the discharge of industrial effluent, for parameter of chemical oxygen demand (COD) 13, Acceptable conditions for the discharge of mixed effluent for parameter of chemical oxygen demand (COD) 14, Best management practice for the discharge of industrial effluent or mixed effluent for other parameters 15, Licence to contravene the acceptable conditions for the discharge of industrial effluent or mixed effluent 16, Methods of analysis and sampling of industrial effluent or mixed effluent 17. Point of discharge of indnstrial effluent or mixed effluent 18, Prohibition against industrial effluent or mixed effluent discharge through by-pass 19, Dilution of industrial effluent or mixed effluent 20. Spill, accidental discharge or leakage of industrial effluent or mixed effluent 40 P.U. (A) 434. Regulation 21. 22, Prohibition against discharge of industrial effluent or mixed effluent containing certain substances Making changes that alte: quality of industrial effluent or mixed effluent Restriction on discharge and disposal of sludge Reporting changes in information furnished for purpose of application of licence Display of licence Continuance of existing conditions and restrictions in case of change in occupancy Maintenance of record Personnel training Owner or oécupier to render assistance during inspection Prohi a order Licence fee Penalty Revocation, transitional and savings provision Fist Scepute SzcoND ScuepuLe Tain ScHEDULE Four ScHEDULE Fiera ScHeute: Sperm ScHEDULE Sevesta SenepuLe Etouti SoHeDuLe, ivr ScHEDULE ‘Tent ScuepuLe ELeventit SCHEDULE Twetrn SCHEDULE Tuunreenra SCHEDULE PLU. (A) 434. 4012 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT 1974 Exvmowventat. Quatrry (INpusTRIAL EFFLUENT) REGULATIONS 2009 Is exercise of the powers conferred by sections 21,24, 25 and 51 of the Environmental Quality Act 1974 [Act 127], the Minister, after consultation with the Environmental Quality Council, makes the following regulations: Citation 1, These regulations may be cited as the Environmental Quality (Industrial Effluent) Regulations 2009. Interpretation 2. In these Regulations— “best management practices” means practical, structural or non-structural ‘methods for the purpose of preventing or reducing the discharge of industrial effluent or mixed effluent containing con'aminants; “industrial effluent” means any wast? :n the form of liquid or wastewater generated from manufacturing process including the treatment of water for ‘water supply or any activity occurring at any industrial premises; “mixed effluent” means any waste in the form of liquid or wastewater containing both industrial effluent and sewage: “sludge” means any deposit of particulate matter settled from any liquid, including deposit resulting from physical, chemical, biological or other treatment of water or industrial effluent or mixed effluent; “professional engineer” has the same mezning assigned to it in the Registration of Engineers Act 1967 [Act 138]; “sewage” means any liquid waste or wastewater discharge containing human, animal, domestic, or putrescible matter in suspension or solution, and includes liquids containing chemicals in solution either in the raw, treated or partially tweated form; “licence” means a licence referred to in regulation 15 pursuant to subsection 25(1) of the Act; “parameter” means chemical oxygen demand or any of the factors shown in the first column of the Fifth Schedule or in the Ninth Schedule; “authorized officer” means any officer appointed under section 3 of the Act or any other officer to whom the Director General has delegated his power under section 49 of the Act; “batch discharge” means any controlled discharge of a discrete volume of industrial effluent or mixed effluent; 4013 P.U. (A) 434. “Jicensed premises” means premises occupied by a person who is the holder of a licence issued in respect of the premises; and “industrial effluent treatment system” means any facility including the effluent collection system, designed and constructed for the purpose of reducing the potential of the industrial effluent or mixed effluent to cause pollution Application 3. These Regulations shall apply 1@ any premises which discharge or release industrial effluent or mixed effluent, onfo or into any soil, or into inland waters or Malaysian waters, other than the premises as specified in the First Schedule. Obligation to notify the Director General 4. (1) No person shall, without prior written notification to the Director General— (a) carry out any work on any premises that may result in a new source of discharge of industrial effluent or mixed effluent; (6) construct on any land, bailding or facility designed or used for a purpose that may cause the Jand or building or facility to result in ‘2 new source of discharge of industrial effluent or mixed effluent: (c) make or cause or permit to be made any change of, to, or in any plant, machine, or equipment used or installed at the premises that causes a material change in the quantity or quality of the discharge or release from an existing source; or (d) carry out upgrading work of an existing industrial effluent treatment system that may result in a material change in the quantity or quality of the discharge or release (2) The written notification to carry out any Work, construction, or upgrading, or to make any change referred to in subregulation (1) shall be submitted to the Director General in the form as specified in the Second Schedule within thirty days before the work or construction or upgrading commences. Design and construction of industrial effluent treatment system 5. (1) An owner or occupiée of premises shall conduct any design and construction of the industrial effluent treatment system to collect and treat the industrial effiuent or mixed effluent generated within the premises in strict compliance with the specifications as specified in the Guidance Document on the Design and Operation of Industrial Effluent Treatment System issued by the Department of Environment. PLU. (A) 434. 4014 (2) An owner or occupier of the premises shall appoint a professional engineer to undertake the design and supervision of the construction of the industrial effluent treatment system and che work performed shall meet the satisfaction of the Director General. (3) An owner or occupier of the premises and the professional engineer referred to in subregulation (2) shall provide a written declaration, in a form as specified in the Third Schedule, certifying that the design and construction of the industrial effluent treatment system have complied with the specifications referred to in subregulation (1). (A) As-built drawings that show the placement of any works or structures that form part of the industrial effluent treatment system shall be submitted to the Director General not later than, thirty days from the date the premises commences operation. (5) In this regulation, “as-built drawings? means any engineering drawing that shows the placement of facilities as measured after a work is completed. Compliance with specifications of industrial effluent treatment system 6. (1) No person shall operate any industrial effluent treatment system unless it complies with the specifications as spezified in subregulation 5(1). (2) The Director General may issue a directive to the owner or occupier of a premises who does not comply with subregulation (1) requiring him to repair, alter, replace or install any additicnal equipment or instruments oF to conduct performance monitoring of industrial effluent treatment system at his ‘own expense, in any manner as the Director General may determine in such directive. ‘Monitoring of discharge of industrial effluent or mixed effluent 7. (1) An owner or occupier of a premises that discharges industtial effluent or mixed effluent onto or into any soil, or into any inland waters or Malaysian waters shall, at his own expense— (a) monitor the concentration of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and any parameter as specified in the Fifth Schedule: and (6) install flow-meters, sampling, monitoring and recording equipment, (2) The owner or occupier of the premises shall maintain a record of industrial effluent or mixed effluent discharge monitoring data in the form as specified in the Tenth Schedule. (3) The owner or occupier of the prenlises shall submit the first record of industrial effluent or mixed effluent discharge monitoring data to the Director Geucial within thiety days after the date uf Koning ints upesativss of Usese Regulations and the subsequent records shall be submitted within thirty days after the end of the calendar month for the report of the previous month. 4015 P.U. (A) 434. (4) The record of industrial effluent or mixed effluent discharge shall also be made available for inspection by any authorized officer. Proper operation of industrial effluent treatment system 8. (1) An owner or occupier of a premises shall operate and maintain industrial ‘effluent treatment system in accordance with sound engineering practice for the treatment of the industrial effiuent or mixed effluent and ensure that all components of the industrial effluent treatment system are in good working condition. (2) In this regulation, “sound engineering, practice” means the manner by Which effluent treatment system is operated where the operational characteristics ntained within the normal range of values commonly used for the treatment of industrial effluent of ttixed effluent. Performance monitoring of effluent treatment system 9. (1) An owner or occupier of a premises shall — (a) conduct performance monitoring of the components of the effluent treatment system in the manner as specitied sn the Guidance Document ‘0a Performance Monitoring of Industrial Effluent Treatment Systems issued by Department of Environment; and (6). equip himself or itself with facilities, relevant equipment or instraments for the purpose of conducting performance monitoring referred to in paragraph (a). (2) In this regulation, “performance monitoring” means the routine monitoring of certain characteristics to provide an indication that.a treatment process is fimetional and capable of treating she industrial effluent or mixed effluent. Competent person 10. (1) The operation of an industrial effluent treatment system shall be supervised by a competent person. (2) A competent person shall be any person who has been certified by the Director General that he is duly qualified to supervise the operation of an industrial effluent treatment system. (3) An owner or occupier of # premises shall ensure that a competent person is on duty at any time the industrial effluent treatment system is in operation, PLU. (A) 434. 4016 Acceptable conditions for the discharge of industrial effluent other than parameter of chemical oxygen demand (COD) LL. (1) No person shall discharge industrial effiuent which contains any parameter in concentration greater than the limits of— (a) Standard A, as shown in the third columa of the Fifth Schedule, into any inland waters within the catchment areas as specified in the Sixth Schedule; or (®) Standard B, as shown in the fourth column of the Fifth Schedule, into any other inland waters or Maleysian waters. (2) Where two or more of the metals specified as parameters (xii) to (xvi) as specified in the Fifth Schedule, pursuant (0 subregulation (1), are present in the industrial effluent or mixed effluent, the concentration of these metals shall not be greater than— (a) 0.5 milligrammes per litre in total, where Standard A is applicable; (b) 3.0 milligrammes per litre in total, and 1.0 milligramme per litre in total for soluble forms, where Standard B is applicable. (3) Where Standard B is applicable and when both phenol and free chlorine are prosont in the came industrial effluent, the concentration of phenol individually, shall not be greater than 0,2 milligrammes per litre and the concentration of free chlorine individually, shall not be greater than 1 milligramme per litre Acceptable conditions for the discharge of industrial effluent for parameter of chemical oxygen demand (COD) 12. Inselation to any trade or industry as specified in the Seventh Schedule, No person shall discharge industrial effluent which contains COD in concentration greater than the limits of — (a) Standard A, as shown in the thisd coltimn of the Seventh Schedule, into any inland waters within the catchment areas as specified in the Sixth Schedule; or (b) Standard B, as shown in the fourth column of the Seventh Schedule, into any other inland waters or Malaysian waters. Acceptable conditions for the discharge of mixed effluent for parameter ‘of chemical oxygen demand (COD) 13, No person shall discharge mixed effluent which contains COD is concentration greater than the limits of = (a) Standard A, a2 shown in the second column of the Eighth Schedule, into any inland waters within the catchment areas as specified in the Sixth Schedule; or 4017 P.U. (A) 434. () Standard B, as shown in the third column of the Eighth Schedule, into aay other inland waters or Malaysian waters, Best management practice for the discharge of industrial effluent or mixed effluent for other parameters 14, An owner or occupier of a premises shall adopt the best management practice for discharge of any industrial effluent or mixed effluent for any parameter as specified in the Ninth Schedule. Licence to contravene the acceptable con industrial effluent or mixed effluent jons for the discharge of 15. (1) Any person may apply for a licence under subsection 25(1) of the Act to contravene the acceptable cenditions of discharge of industrial effluent or mixed effluent as specified in regulations 11, 12 and 13. (2) An application for a licence shall be made in accordance with the procedures as specified in the Environmental Quality (Licensing) Regulations 1977 [P.U. (A) 198/197] and shall be accompanied by— (a) a report on industrial effluent characterization study in a format a8 specified in the Guidance Document on Industrial Effluent Characterization Study issued by Department of Environment; and (b) a licence and effluent-related licence fee as specified in regulation 31 ‘Methods of analysis and sampling of industrial effluent or mixed effluent 16. (1) An authorized officer may carry out an in-siti#or ex-situ analysis of industrial effluent or mixed effluent using any instruments approved by the Director General (2) An analysis of any industrial effluent or mixed effluent discharged or released onto or into any soil, of into any inland waters or Malaysian waters shall be carried out in accordanee with the methods contained in the publications as specified in the Fonrth Schedule, (3) The analysis of the industrial effluent or mixed effluent referred to in subregulation (1) shall be based ox grab samples (4) In this rogulation— (a) “ex-situ analysis” means the analysis conducted on an industrial effluent or mixed effluent sample that has been semoved from ite Iocation and condueted at the different site from the site the sample was taken: PLU. (A) 434. 4018 (6) “in-situ analysis” means the analysis conducted on an industrial effluent or mixed effluent sample that has not been removed from its location or conducted at the site where the sample was taken; and (c) “grab sample” means a discrete individual sample taken within a period of time of less than fifteon minutes. Point of discharge of industrial effluen: or mixed effluent 17. (1) The point of discharge of industrial effluent or mixed effluent shall comply with the specifications as specified in the Eleventh Schedule and shall be clearly indicated by the owner or oceupier of a premises on the Tayout plans or engineering drawings certified by a professional engineer. (2) An owner or occupier of the premises shall submit to the Director General the layout plans or engineering d-awings referred to in subregulation (1) thirty days before the premises commence operation, (@) Where an ownét or occupier of the premises proposes to make any alteration or change to the location of position of the point of discharge or design of the ontlet at the point of discharge of industrial effluent or mixed effluent, he or it shall notify the Director General within thirty days prior to the making of sueh alteration or change. Prohibition against industrial effluent or mixed effluent discharge through by-pass 18. (1) No person shall discharge or cause or permit'to be discharged. any industrial effluent or mixed effluent onto of into any soil, of into any inland waters or Malaysian waters through a by-pass. (2) In this regulation, “by-pass” means any diversion of industrial effluent or mixed effluent from any portion of an industrial effluent treatment system. Dilution of industrial effluent or mixed effluent 19. (1) No person shall dilute, or catise or permit to be diluted, any industrial effluent or mixed effluent, whether raw cr treated at any time or point after it is produced at any premises, (2) Industrial effluent or mixed effluent becomes diluted when it undergoes 4 process to make it less concentrated by adding water or other liquids from external sources other than liquids or materials used for treating the industrial effluent or mixed effluent. 4019 P.U. (A) 434. Spill, accidental discharge or leakage of industrial effluent or mixed effluent 20. (1) In the event of the occurrence of any spill, accidental discharge or Teakage of any industrial effluent or mixed effluent which either directly or indirectly gains or may gain access onto of into any soil, or into any inland waters or Malaysian waters, the owner oF occupier of the premises shall immediately and not more than six hours from the time of the occurrence inform the Director General of the occurrence, (2) An owner or occupier of thé premises shall, to every reasonable extent, contain, cleanse or abate the spill, accidental discharge or leakage or recover the industrial effinent or mixed effuent discharged in a manner that satisfies the Director General. (3) The Director General may in any particular case, if he considers it necessary to do so, specify the manner in which the spill, accidental discharge or leakage is to be contained, cleansed or abated and the owner or occupier of the premises shall comply with such specification. (4) The Director General shall cetermine any damage caused by any spill, accidental discharge or leakage an¢ may recover all costs and expenses from the owner or occupier of the premises. (5) Whete the Director General undertakes to cleanse of abate the spill, accidental discharge or leakage, he shall determine the full costs and expenses incurred and may recover such costs and expenses from the owner or occupier of the premises in accordance with the provisions of section 47 of the Act. Prohibition against discharge of industrial effluent or mixed effluent containing certain substances 21. No person shall discharge or cause or permit the discharge of any industrial effluent or mixed effluent containing any of the following substances onto or into any soil, or into any inland waters or Malaysian waters: (a) any inflammable solvent; (6) any tar or other liquids immiscible with water; (c) sawdust or wood waste; or (d) sludges. Making changes that alter quality of industrial effluent or mixed effluent 22. (1) The holder of a licence shall not make, or cause or permit to be made, fay changes to the promises or in the manner of running, using, maintaining or operating the premises or in ary operation or process carried out at the premises, which cause, or is intended of is likely to cause, a material increase PLU. (A) 434. 4020 jn the quantity or quality of industrial effluent or mixed effluent, or both discharged from the premises, unless prior written permission of the Director General has been obtained for the change (2) For the purpose of subregulation (1), changes to licensed premises include— (a) any change in the construction, structure or arrangement of the premises or any building serving the premises; (®) any change in the construction, structure, arrangement, alignment, direction or condition of any channeling device, system, or facility serving the premises; and (c) any change of, to, or in any plant, machine or equipment used or installed at the premises. Restriction on discharge or disposal of sludge 23. (1) No person shall dischatge, or cause or permit the discharge or disposal of any sludge generated from any production or manufacturing process, any industrial effluent treatment system or water treatment plant onto or into any soil, or surface of any land, or into any inland waters or Malaysian waters Without the prior written permission of the Director General (2) In this regulation, “water treatment plant” means any facility used or constructed for the treatment of water for domestic or industrial purpose. Reporting changes in information furnished for purpose of application of licence 24. Am applicant for a licence or for the renewal or tfafisfer of such licence shall, within seven days of the oceurrerce of any material change in any information furnished in his application oc furnished in writing pursuant to a request by the Director General under subsection 11(2) of the Act, give the Director General a report in writing of the change Display of licence 25. The holder of a licence shall display his licence, together with every document forming part of the licence, in a conspicuous place in the principal building of the premises. Continuance of existing conditions and restrii ‘occupancy, ions in case of change in 26. Where a person becomes the occupier of any licensed premises in Succession 9 another person who holds am unexpired Hieence in respect of such premises, then— (a) for a period of fourteen days after the change in oceupaney; or 4021 P.U. (A) 434. (6) where the new occupier applies within the period specified in paragraph (a) for the transfer of the licence to him, for the petiod from the change in occupancy until the final determination of his application, the conditions and restrictions of the licence shall be binding on the new occupier and shall be observed by tim, notwithstanding that he is not yet the holder of the licence or that the licence may, during the period as specified in paragraph (a) or (b), as the ease may be, have expired, Maintenance of record 27. (1) An owner or occupier of a premises equipped with the industrial ¢’ffiuent treatment system shall mainain records of the manufacturing processes, operation, maintenance and performance monitoring of the industrial effluent treatment system, (2) The records under subregulation (1) shall be made available for inspection by the authorized officer. Personnel training 28. Anowner or occupier of a premises— (a) shall ensure that his or its employees attend training on environmental requirements and the best management practices in the operation and maintenance of industrial effluent treatment system before they begin work: (b) shall ensure that the training for his or its employees include retraining on updates for new, revised and existing fequirements and procedures: and (c) shall maintain records of training which shall include the training date, name and position of employee, training provider and a brief description of the training content. Owner or occupier to render assistance during inspection 29. An owner or occupier of a premises shall provide the Director General or any authorized officer every reasonable assistance and facility available at the premises, including Jabour, equipment, appliances and instruments that the Director General or anthorized officer may require for the purpose of inspection, Prohibition order 30. (1) In the event of any undesirable occurrence as listed in the Twelfth Schedule, the Director General may issue a prohibition order to an owner or the oceupier of a premises prohibiting the further operation of an industrial PLU. (A) 434. 4022 plant or process absolutely or conditionally for such period as the Director General may direct or until remedial measures as directed by the Director General have been complied with (2) For the purpose of subregulation (1), a copy of the Director General's prohibition order shall be posted in a conspicuous place in the vieinity of the facility to which the said prohibition orde: refers and No person shall operate such industrial plant or process with effect from the date of the prohibition order until the prohibition order is withdrawn, (3) Where a prohibition order has bem issued to an owner or occupier of any premises prohibiting the further operation of an industrial plant or process, the Director General or any authorized officer shall render such industrial plant or process inoperative by any means/as the Director General or authorized officer may determine. Licence fee 31. (1) The fee for a licence shall be five hundred ringgit and an additional effluent-related licence fee computed in accordance with the method as specified in the Thirteenth Schedule, (2) The fee fora licence and the additional cffluent-related licence of five hundred ringgit shall accompany the application. (3) If the Director General refuses to approve the application for a licenc® and the additional effluent-related licence, only the effluent-related licence fee shall be refunded. (A) The fee for transfer of licence shall be one hmndred ringgit. Penalty 32, Any person who contravenes regulations 4, 5)6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29 and 30 shall be guilty of an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a finie not exceeding one hundred thousand ringgit or to a term of imprisonment for a period not exceeding five years or to both and to a further fine not exceeding one thousand ringgit a day for every day that the offence is contimed after the notice by the Director General requiring him to cease the act Regulations shall, after the date of the ‘coming into operation of these Regulations, be/dealt with under the revoked Regulations and for such purposes it shall be treated. as if these Regulation have not been made (3) All licences issued and written permission granted under the revoked Regulations shall, after the date of the coming into operation of these Regulations, ‘continue to remain in full force and effect until the licence expires, is amended, suspended or cancelled or the written permission expires or is revoked under the revoked Regulations and for such purposes it shall be treated as if these Regulation have not heen made (4) The provisions of the revoked Regulations relating to the acceptable conditions for discharge of effluent shallleontinne to apply until twelve months after the date of the coming into operation of these Regulations where on the date of the coming into operation of these Regulations— (a) any work on any constrvction of any industrial effluent treatment system has not commenced within twelve months from date of the issuance of the written permission for its construction immediately betore the date of the coming into operation ot these Kegulation; (6) any work on any construction of any industrial effluent treatment system has commenced dut has not been completed immediately before the date of the coming into operation of these Regulations; (c) any work on any constriction of any industrial effluent treatment system has been completed but has not begun its operation before the date of the coming into operation of these Regulations. (5) Where on the date of the coming into operation of these Regulations, any premises is discharging industrial effluent or mixed effluent into any inland waters which is not specified as a catchment arca under the revoked Regulations immediately before the date of the coming into operation of these Regulations, the provisions of the revoked Regulations relating to acceptable conditions for discharge of effluent shall continue to apply to such effluent until twelve months after the dat: of the coming into operation of these Regulations. (© Any proceeding, whether civil or criminal, commenced under the revoked Regulations and are pendirg on the date of the coming into operation of these Regulations shall, on the Wate of the coming into operation of these Regulations, be continued and conclided under the revoked Regulations and for such purposes it shall he treaied as if these Regulatinn have not heen made, PLU. (A) 434. 4024 First Somoute, (Regulation 3) LIST OF PREMISES TO WHICH THESE REGULATIONS Do NOT APPLY 1. Processing of ei: palm fruit or oil-palm fresh fuit bunchés into efude palm oil, whether 35, an intermediate of final product Processing of antral ber in tclnically specie form, latex form inchuding prevuleanised ‘or the form of mochfied and special purpose rutber, conventional sheet, skim erepe or scrap suber 3. Mining activities 4. Processing, mamafseturing, washing of servciny of any other products or goods that produce tngstrialefflvent or mixed effluent of less then 60 cubic meters per day 5. Processing, mannfacraing, washing or sevieiny of any other products or goods that produce incustrial effluent or mixed effivent of which does not contain oil and etease o those contaminants listed as parameters (¥) (0 (Av) inthe first column of the Fifth Sebedule 6. Processing, manufacturing, washing or servicirg of any other products or goods where the total load of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD, 2t 20°C) or suspended solids or both. shall, not exceed 6 kilogrammes per day (concentraton of 100 mllgrammes per lire) Senyn Srientn r [Subregulatioa 4(2)] NOTIFICATION FOR NEW OR ALTERED SOURCES OF DISCHARGE OF INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT OR MIXED EFFLUENT Please tick ( ¥/) in appropriate box New construction Paragraph 4(1)(a) of (b) Change of equipment or machinery-Pargrapa 41}(o) Upgrading of industiat effluent treatment system Paraprap 4(1)/d) fo ‘A. IDENTIFICATION 1. @ Name of owner or occupier (Gi) TWentification card number. Git) Address of owner or occupier (69) Telephone number Fax number (Name ofcompany: (i) Compsny registration number: (Please atach eerificate of repistration of Sompany) (wu Acaress of company (iv) “Telephone number: Fax munber: 4025 P.U. (A) 434. 3G) Name of premises: (Gi) Address of premises: (i), Telephone number Fax number (0) Latitede degree, snanstee second: Longitude: degtee. suinutes second: B, OPERATIONAL INFORMATION 4. Proposed commencement date of concruction of premises or upgrading work: Proposed date of occupation/ase of presses or the date of the premises hae been eccupied ‘used of complstion of uperading work 6. Ifthe notification is to increase the eapacity of industrial effluent treatment system, please state the teae00" 7. Schedule of operation (©) Number of shite per day: average axis Gi) Hour of operation: ce ANSTO sain: (68) Nummer af aparaning dag’ par wast por minathy par yanr 8. List of saw materils/chemicals * ‘temiName Unit of quantity Quanity pee month 9. List of products * emName ‘Unit of quantity ‘Quantity per month 10. Deseribe in detail the prodisction procssses and attach felevant flow diagrams (Please use attachment sf necessary) |. Has clesner production concept been considered in the proposal? Please give detail ©. INFORMATION ON WATER SUPPLY AND CONSUMPTION 12. Woter use Somice Average quantity, viper day @ Potable water PLU. (A) 434. 4026 8. 44. 15 (8) Process water (i) Boitor food water Ge) Cooling water (9) Others 1s the water wrested before wee? Yes No (Pleste uo (0) i appropiate box) yes, please describe the methed of managing the sludge generated™ (Please vse attachment if ecessay) D. INFORMATION ON INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT ‘TREATMENT SYSTEM AND EFFLUENT DISPOSAL Submit the following information* ( Production process flow thart showing yoins of industrial effluent or mixed effluent generation and flow rate: (is) (a) lndostia Esfnsat Charntenization Study (IECS) Report based on the Gnidelines ‘on Industrial Effluent Characterization Study or information from secondary sources, and () in the case of aotfiestoe to upgnde the eapacity of treatment systom, IECS ‘report shall include overall asessment of the causes contributing fo the faire ff the existing treatment eyatem to comply with the discharge standard) (Gi), Deseription of the indusiil effluent treatment technologies proposed iv) Design basis and calculations of proposed industrial effluent eatient system: (©) Calculation and summary of mass balance and block disgram showing the efficiency of unit operations and unit processes foc every treated parameter: (0%) Detailed engineering drawings of treatment aystem (layout, cross seetion, plan view 1nd side view) including process and instrumentation (P&I) diagram and drainage fyatem layout certified by 2 professional engineer preferably in the discipline of Environmental Engineering, Chemical Engineer or Civil Engineering with experience in the treatment of indastial efflents cr mined effivent: (vi) #Factory layout plan showing final industrial event or mixed effluent discharge point nasked “X", List of major equipment of industil afent weatmenteystem inclnding let of space ‘pats or stand by equipment such a8 punp. pif meterjere. Document or catalogue of felevant equipment should be submitted (Gx). Proposed measure or plas io'ensurecomlinvous compliance including peried involving maintenance work taking into consideration the requirements at the design and operational stages; (Proposed implementation schedule forthe construction of industrial effluent treatment system, (si) Peafonmame pusnauter fr the indus effucal wt (xii) Consultanlcontractor's appointinent ltr Srom the premises 4 (All plans shall be an AL size) 4027 P.U. (A) 434. 16. Indusval effluent or mixed effluent discharge (©) Watercourse, (] “ype of watecourse Raver or steam: [7] Pont] Lake [7] sea oo sping (J we (J [Name of the watercourse: Specify if other than the above Gi) Sewer [Name and address of Antsy [Name aud address of the sewage stmt plant (ii) Recycle or reuse [] Percentage of proces water recyeled Gv) Others: [_] specify: (Plante use attachment if nsosssnry) 17. Moae-ana charac ste of effivent atscnarged @ Mode of industrial effluent of mined effluent discharged (o) Batch discharge =] Discharge frequency times per day) times per week ‘ines per month Discharge quantity i per day so! por week sn per month “Tame of discharge (6) Coatiavous discharge [_] (anny of continuo eine diecharge ‘Average quantityfnnaximum quantity sper hour J sper dy t sper month Do per your: J PLU. (A) 434. 4028 G2) Quality of effluent discharged ot ein RY eta® Bee tes (1) Temperature °© @) pl valve @) BOD, a 20°C @) cop () Suspended solids (©) Mercury © Cadmnivm (8) Chromium, Hexavalent 0) Arsenic (10) Cyanide a) Lead (12) Chromium, Trivalent (13) Copper (1) Manganese (9) Nicket a9) Tia a) Zine (18) Boros (19) ron (20) Phonot| 1) Atunsiniom (22) Barina 23) Ot and Grease 4 Cobate 23) Silver (26) Fluoride (as (27) Formaldehyde 08) Motybdenuin (09) Chloride (20) Chlorine (Free) @1) Selenium (2) Sulphide 9) Sulphate G1 Cotoue 5) Ammoniacal Nitrogen (36) Nitsate Nitrogen, 4029 P.U. (A) 434. G7) Phosphate (as P) (8) Detergents, Anionic 69) Beryllium 40) Vanadium (41) Polychlorinated Bipheayls (22) Pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, nsecticides, rodenticides, funigants or any other biocides or any other chlosnated hydrocarbons (43) Any substance that either ay itself or in combination or by reaction with other ‘waste may give rise to any gas, fume or edour or substance Which causes oF is Likely to cause pollstion ** Tnformation obtained fro Tidasrrial Een Characterization Stuy CTECS) a8 por item 1501) 18, State whother any inflammable solvent, tar or other liquids imniseble with water are used ‘generated in the prodaction process: E, SLUDGE PRODUCTION AND DISPOSAL 19. Sludge gansiatad from the production and industrial effluent treatment unit operations and ‘unit processes ‘Types of sludge Source Ayerage quantity (chemicatficlopicat) metric tons per day 20, Deaseribe the proposed method of elude storage or disposal F PERFORMANCE MONITORING PROGRAMME FOR INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT TREATMENT SYSTEM 21, Describe using additional attachment the detailed proposal om performance monitoring programe for each major ait process ind unit operation chiding information oa squpmient Competent perton, frequency, location, parameter, normal range of values of oper parameters and implementation methos G DECLARATION 1 **the owner or occupier or authorized agent of the owner or occupier heteby declre that all the information piven in this application 1 to the best of my knowledge and belief tte and correct, PLU. (A) 434. 4030 Date: Signature of owner or goeupier ‘of authorized agent *** “eloghoae amber Fal ane entity cad number: Fax number: Designation Official seal or stamp of the company ‘Delete whichever i not applicable ‘Tramp ScHEDULE [Subregulatioa 5(3)] WRITTEN DECLARATION ON DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT TREATMENT SYSTEM. [Name of premises Adress of premises File number of Departuent of Environment (if applicable) ‘Telephone number: Fax aumber ‘We, the undersigned hereby deelage thatthe industial effluent weatment system has been designed sad constracedn st compliance wh he mit recuements ad specications pected in the Guidance Docurmeat on the Design sad Operation of Industral Eiiuent Treatment sssued by the Departnent of Environment (Gienatare of the owner (Gipratze of te Engine responsibie for becupter ofa premises) Tor he tweatment process desea) Date Da: Westy card amber eatty cad number: * Daciplne:chemicalleairoamenta cba (please specif). BEM. sepistation nunber {fib sooctnl Jes PAS ef thal conpoceas) Date: Date Weosity card number Weetty card number Discipline: eid Discipline: mechanical BEM registration number BEM. repisation nunber: (Sipnature of the Engineer responsible {or the design of eloctical and electronic components Date Identity card number Discipline: electzical {SEM reputation number: Note BEM stands for Board of Engineers, Malaysit Delete whichever is aot applicable 4031 P.U. (A) 434. Fovarn Screpute, [Subregulation 16(2)] METHODS OF ANALYSIS OF INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT OR MIXED EFFLUENT. 1. The 21* edition of “Standard Methods for the/ Examination of Water and, Wastewater" ‘published jointly by the American Puslic Health Associaton, the American Water Works ‘Association and the Water Environment Federation of the United States of Amenica; of “Code of Federal Repulations, Tile 49, Chapter 1, Subchapter D. part 136” published by the Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration, United States of America Firs Scxepu® [Paragraph 11()(a)] ACCEPTABLE CONDITIONS FOR DISCHARGE OF INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT OR MIXED EFFLUENT OF STANDARDS A AND B. Parameter Unie Sadat A 5 a Q @ 4), Tensperstore ca “0 40 pH Nalue - 6090 35.90 BOD, st 20 bol 20 30 Swspénded Solids pol 50 100 Moresry sae ‘00s 05 Gadi mei oot 00 hromiun, Hexavate ei 005 005 Comsuen, Tavalent ell 020 10 Assenie ell 005 010 Cyanide sell 0.5 010 Lend sae 010 os Coppee sae 020 10 Manganese sao 020 10 Nickel sail 0.20 10 Tia yl 020 to Zine amg 20 20 Boron mg/L 10 40 Tron (Fe), me/L 10 50 Siker ner a1 10 ‘Auniuen me 0 b Selenium mg 002 05 Bonn mall 10 2 Frode baelk 20 50 Fovraldehyde saaik 10 20 Prenat saaik ooo 10 Free Chlorine sag/L 10 2 Selphise gl as0 050 Oil and Grease nal 10 io “Amumcniaeal Niteogen sail 10 20 > Catone DMI 100 “ADMI-American Dye Manufacturers Instiute PLU. (A) 434. 4032 Snare Sommer [Paragraph 11(1)(a), Regulations 12 and 13) LIST OF CATCHMENT AREAS WHERE STANDARD A APPLIES 1. The catchment areas referred to in these Regulations shal be the areas upstream of surface or above subsurface water supply intakes, forthe purpose of human consumption inchuding drinking water For the purpose ofthese Regulations, the water supply stake points shal include the public water supply stakes specified below (1) The State of Johor Location of Water Nane of Rivert Water Supply Intake ‘Reservoir Well ‘Scheme @ oe ® Longitude Latitude (East) (North) 102" 40" 12" 3° 39 29" Se. Moar Segamat 102" 93°37 P3HST Se Seeamat Segamat 102° 08' 10" 28°02" «Se. Jaxseh Sepamat 102" 0310" 2° 28° 028) Sp. Jansen Sepamat 102° 39° 579) 2° 25°29" Sp. Jementah Sepamat 102" 49°55" 2° 2001" Sg. Maar ‘Mose roo as f° 18 Se. Mase Muar 102" 48°40" 3° 14" 59" Sp, Moe Muar 102" 44 56" 2 12 OF” Sg. Maar ‘Mose 102 403" 2 104" Sg. Mae ‘Mose 103° 05°03 5909" Se. Sembrong/Sp. | Batu Pahat Bekok Transt 103° 32° 24" 1203" Sg. Kabang Kluang 1036 26°55 2° 05127" Se. Kahan Kinng 103" 40° 14 2°39" 159" ——Labone Damm Messing 103° 4731" 30°22" Conggoke Dama Mersing 103° 39° 2313" Se. Lenggor Mersing wos su om 28 an Se. Sedili Besar Mersing 103" 51 16" 1627" Bekas Lombong > Messing 104 02" 52 15938" Sp. Gemabur Kota Tinggi 103° 49°50" 19 49" SOY Sp. Patopah Kota Tinggi 103" 43°19" ABO" Se. Linge Kota Tingsi 103 40°05" 484" Se. Savon Kota Tingei 103° 40° 05 148 Se. Sayong Kota Tinggi 103° 35°28" 1° S128" Sg. Pengo Kota Tinggi 104" 08' 08" «1° 44" 39" Sp. Sei Kecsl Kota Tinget Location of Water Intake Longitude (East) 104 17 13" 103 46" Sa 103 27° 09" 103 54°43" 103 sor 14 os 21S 103° LV or" ose 17°47" 103° 03" 10" 1o# 03 12" 103° os: 57 102" 44°03 02" 44°05" 102° 44°05 102° sa" 09" tox" 50°17 102° 49" 59" 103° 0371 103° 52°24" 103° 39°40 tose a4 14 lose 4424" a Lativude (Worth) 13230" ve ae a7 we ayy 1 33:2) 1 as oF Pov 158) ras > 0057" 2° 00" 54" sz 33" > 104s 2 10" 48 210: 48" 2 3ror ar 2 30:55" >» 28 01" 1a 42: 1 33:30" 1 3:30" 13500" (2) ‘The State of Pahang Location of Water Intake Longitude (East) 102° 27° 00 a Latiude (North) 4000" 3° 26°00 3° 30" 00" 44 45" 3° 4F 00" 3° 38 00" 4033 Name of River! ReservoirWell Q Lebam Dam Sp. door Sp. Pontian Besse Layang Dam Sp, Jotior Sp. Semibrong ‘Sembrong Dam Sp. Bent Se. Bekok Transt Sp. Bekok Transf Sp. Sembrong Se. Muar Se Muar Se. Moar Tedang Ram Se. Segamat Se. Segamat Se. Segamat Sp. danse Se. Jouor Sp. Skudai Pulai Damn Sp. Tebeas Name of River! Reservoir/Well ® Se. Pahang Se. Pahang Se. Pahang Se. Jempol Sg. Jempot Se. Liut P.U. (A) 434. Worer Supply ‘Scheme o Kota Tinggi Kota Tinggi Johor Bakes Johor Bane Johor Bahn Ktuang ‘tuang Kuang Batu Pahat Batu Pabat [Batu Pabat Muar Muar Moar Sepamat Segaat Segamat Sepamat PUB Singapura PUB Singapore PUB Singapara PUB Singapura Water Supply ‘Scheme o Batu Savar Bukit Kestau Chenor ‘Ute Jempol Jenga 37 Kg, New Zealand PLU. (A) 434. Location of Water Longitude (East) 102° 39° 00" 102" 40° 00" 102° 56°00" 192° 59° 00" 102" 32! 48" 102" S27" 103° 23° 00" 103° 10° 00" 103° 26° 09 103° 23°30" 103° 19° 00" 101" 53° 00" 101" 43° 00" 101" 49° 00% 101" 5800" 101°49° 00" 102" 01 00" tole Si 30" 101" 98° 00 102° 00° 00" 1018 48° 30" tor 47-45" 103° 29° 36" 103° 26° 33° 10 30" 19 00" 30 00" 33°00" 22 00" 26 00" > 04" 24 30" Tnucke «@ Latitude (North) 3° 40° 00" 3 4700" 3° 20 00 oo" 3 oro og 3° 3015" 3° 33°00" 3° 08! 00 3° 30! 5 3° 35" 00" 3 109" 3° a4! 09 2" 56 00° 3° 55! 00 41909" 3° a2! 9 Bas 4 3° 44 30 3° 46 00" 3° 44 00" #1307 ww ars 3° 31" 00" 18 00" 18°00 24" 00" 2° 45! 00 2° 30' 00" 93 on 3 14 30" 4034 Se. Se Se Se Se Se Se Se. Nane of Riveré Reservour Well e Jenpol Jee Mentiga Kerang Ae Keratuag Pebang Pabsang Ground Water Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se. Se Se Pang Pohang Blue Hijau cmasts Kelot Jeli Penang Biut al Kelaw ‘Tee Koyan Ground Water Empargan Sg. Anak Enda Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Semantan ‘Teniang Bea Pehsng Ker Paling Semantan ‘Teniang Water Supply ‘Scheme @ Simpang Jengka Se. Jerk Pomp Howes ii Pala Rumbel Aur Keratuag Ke. Mengkasar [LepaciPulau Manis Nenast Pecamy Sele Bulut Bukit Fraser Pump House cheisth Done Kuala Medang Pump House Lema law Raub Se. Chalit Pomp, House Se. Kaw ‘Teeae Se. Koyan Pump Howse Rompia Taji Air Seladang Bukit Damar Bukit Mandi Bera CCharuk Puting Jenderak Utara Lubule Kawab Meatakals ‘Toang (Bars) Location of Water Intake Longitude (East) 101° 55°00" 101° sy ao" 102" 03°00" 101° 53°00" 102° 07 10" 101° 54°00 01° 24" 10" 101 23°50" 01° 24° 20 ol" 2140" 101825 3" 102° 11" 00 102° 24° 42 28 00" 19°00" 102° 31 48 02 33°42 102° 16:00 102° LV 00" 01" 58°00" 101° 9°00 102° o» 10 102" oY 00 102° 08°00 103" oo 103° 21° 00 103" 12°00 a Lativude (Worth) 3° 29°00" 5° 20:00" 3° 26-00" 3 4r 00" 3 15 20" 3° 39.00" 3° 33/0 Par 4 3400 #27 00 4 2435" Part a0 58 00 4° oF 06 3° 5300 4035 Se Se. Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se. Se Se. Se Se Name of River! ReservoirWell Q Bemus ens ‘Temeloug Balu ‘Gapo Penjaring Kelaw Bertam Perlong, asia Bestam Luehut Ten Ringlet ‘Toangkap, Cheka Pahang Tekam Retang Tekan “Tekam Tela Jet Lipis Jeli Lipis Merapoh “Teoma Sabor Ute Riw P.U. (A) 434. Worer Supply ‘Scheme o Be 4, Ta KL) Bentoug Janda Bak Karak Larah Bite Se, Gapoi Se. Pejoring Se, Serie Baincang, ula Tela Lutok Tamang “Takong Empangen Bernam Valley “Takong Empangan Habu ‘Takong Empanzan Ke Raja “Takong Empangen Ringlet “Takong Empangen Tringlep Bam Bala ‘Bam Embun Jenga $15, Padang Piol Spo Tekan Sp. Tekam Utara Mela Br 9 Halt Benta Bhkie Betong Kuala Lipis Merapoh Pump Howse ‘Sp. Temas Pump Fouse ‘Alor Baw Pomp Howse Bam Sp. Ular Bukit Goh, PLU. (A) 434. Location of Water Tnucke @ Longitude Latitude (East) (North) 1s 1534" 494 103" 15°00" 3° 15°00" 103° 6°00" 3° 33! 00 103° 12° 00" 103° 13°00 103° 21° 00" 103° 02' 00" @) The State of Kelantan Location of Water Tncke o Longitude Latitude (East) (North) 102° 1040" 6 06 50" 102" 1640" 6" 03207 102" 1740) 6° 09" 40" 102" 1415" 6 03" 507 102" 16°19 08307 rox 1644" 05" 18 102" 15°57" 03" 53 rox 15°03" a a tore 15°38" 0512 rox 16 agy 6 aw aL” rors 1544" 0420" 102" 17 08 wos 3 102° 05' 20" 102" 10°20" 6 10°00" 102" 11°50 6 OT 07 1028 09" 28" 6° 02" SO” 4036 Nane of Riveré Reservour Well ® Se. Kvantan Se. Kraataa’ Se. Lepae Se. Krantan Se: Berkslah Se. Kuantan, Se. Kvantan Name of River! ReservourWell @ Keg. Puteh Wellfeld Kobang Kenan Wellield engin Chep: Wolltod Pinta Geng Wellield ‘Te Mas Weiltelé Khang Kerian Welt Keg. Seribong Welfeld Ke. Caicha Wells Kg. Pisie Hor Weilisld Ke. Pasir Tambo Welltold Kg. Pés. Peayadat Wellfeld ‘eg. Kenals Wellfielé Waksé Bhare Wallick Wakat Bhar Wellfeld Keg. Sedar Wellfield Se. Kelantan Water Supply ‘Scheme @ Bokit Ubi/Ke. Kobat Ke. Padang ‘Lepac Hic Pasir Kernadi Paya Bungor Semambu Se. Lembing Water Supply ‘Scheme o Kampong Patel Kubang Kerian Pengkalan Chep Pinu Geog ‘Tanjong Mas Chicka Chicka Chicka Chics hich Chicha hich Wakaf Bhara Wakat Bharw Keg. Sedat Kel Location of Water Intake a Longitude Laniude (East) (Worth) 101° 58°00 © or a lor os 31" ONT 102° 207 40 ona 102° 23°10 5° 00 50" 102° 24° 00 ons 102° 24 50 5° 4904 102° 13°08 sarap 102° 13-40" 5° 2820" 102° 12 20" se 29°30" 102° 08 40" SPN SO" 102° 05° 4315 53°50 102° 09" 20" 5° 478200" 102" 0545" 553150" 10125830" 5° So 00" tox 05°30" 541 00" Toi 5x25" 5° 46:40" tole so-so" 5° 4200" lor sto 5° 29°20" 102° 0900" 5° 18°20" 102° o# 14" 5° 04 50" lor 18.29" 5740" 102° o 39" 5° 0850" 102° 1036" 53°56" Wor sym 50°35" oie 47°25 #5401" (4) The State of Pettis Location of Water Tntake ® Longitude Latitude ‘ast (North) 100" 09" 14" 2004 loo Ie sy 6 25S 4037 Name of River! ReservoirWell Q Ranta: Panyaag. Wollfield Se, Kelantan Ke, Chap Wallfela Kg. Chap Wellfeld Istamat Wellfield ‘Sg Rasas) Sp. Kelantan Se. Lebie Sp. Lebir Se. Kelantan Se. Muring Sp. Kelantan Se. Hegor Se. ledok Se. Kerila Se. Lanas Sp. erga Sp. Terang Se. Stong Sp. Galas Se. Lebir Sg, Nengaist Se. Cik SeoKeui Se. Betis Name of River! Reservoir Well, e@ ‘Anak Sungai Telaa Gee Satta P.U. (A) 434. Worer Supply ‘Scheme ® anton Panjang Lema Ke, Chap Ke. Chap Ielawat Wakaf Boout “Tualang Pai Mani Uri Kg. Bandar Kemmubu Kemahang Bukit Remah Bendang Nyior Bam Gajeh uals Tiga Air Lanas seh ‘Kuala Balah Stong Laman Kasten Anne Bertam Barn ike Se. Keuil Panggung Lalat Water Supply ‘Scheme @ ‘Temsan Ara Arww PLU. (A) 434. Loca Longitude (East) 100° 19° 00" 100° 12° 00" 100° 1200" 100 14° 30" ion of Water Inicke ” Latitude (orth) 6 31 25" 6° 42 40" 6° 3400" 6 39 15" (©) The State of Kedah Location of Water Longitude (East) to 25° 48.3 100° 97 348 00° 36° 56.0" 100" 41180" 100" 45" 10 5° 100° 29° 247 10" 43° 538" 100° 26 6.2" 100° 38° 43.4 100° 2947.3" 100° 29° 59.6" 100° 37138" 100° 26 28.3" 100" 24° 54." too a1 378 100° 30° 24.5" 100° 30° 24.5" 10" 29° 47.3" 100° 2959.6" 100" 37138" 100° 2628.3" 100" 24° 54.1 100° 29° 47.9 100° 29° 59.6" 100° 3713.8" Iniake i) Lanitude (orth) © 12-20, 19 it ou 6° 20 6 oy 535 6° 09 oy 5°54 34 oe 5°49 548) say sean 34 vt 5°39 5 a0 5°40 5° 30 5°43 5s 5°28 4038 Name of River! ReservowrWell 2 Telaga Gerek Songai Rasa Empongan Timah Tasoh ‘Telaga Gerck ‘Name of River’ Reservoir Well @ Ter NADA Utara Sg, Padang Tesap Kuala Nerang, Se. Aining Sg. Mada Ter. MADA Selatan Se. Mada Se. Temin Se. Mada Se. Ma Se. Mada Se. Mada Gang Jers Gunvag Terai Se. Chepie Se. Mada Se. Mada Se. Kent Gunung Inas| Gunvag Inne ‘Kuala Keo Se. Mada Se. Sedimn Se. Kalim, Water Supply ‘Scheme 8 Felda Chuping Wang Keli “Tamah Tasoh Semadong. Water Supply ‘Scheme 8 ‘lor Star sites ata Nerang Padang Sana Nami Butit Jenn Lb Mesh hanglooo Tenet Pinang Tungeal Pinang Tungeel Jeaiang Topas Metbok sik Kuli Hi-Tech Bukit Selatan Bating Baling Baling ala Ket elo Kanan Mating Bitan Se. Uhr Location of Water Intake Longitude 100" 100° 100° 100° 100° 100" 100" (East) 26-283" 29473" 291 59.6" arse" 26 28.3" 24 54. 10" @ Laniude (North) 5° 08 18.0" oe D0 asa oy ana" 6° 21 09.4" © 1516 m4 6 20126» (6) The State of Perak Location of Water Tniake ay Longitude Late (ast) ork) 100° 51s" 4 5625" too" S708" 4 4 08" WoO S33" ay 04" 100° S123 43617" re Woe 04 tora aT ae Tole 04 19" 59°00 Wor i 4s" 54°40" Hoe o op" 5° 42°36" 101° og 20" Se ase 33" wor os ur 52 101° ov 02 5°38) lor os'03" 5°38 wor avo" 33 wore 43505048 woe os 4s" 5° 2 aa wore oy n° 18°35" Tore oy ai" se an ay 100° 57°38" 065) 100° 28°38 sons 4039 Name of Rivert Reservoir Well, e Se. Exim Se Raga Se. Melaka Empangan Malut ‘Sp, Teluk Bajar Ter MADA, rau ‘Mads Canal. (Aree Canal) Name of Ruver! Reservoir/ell Q Se. Biong Sp. Perse Se. Kangsar Se. Guar Se. Kerbau Sp. Bembaa Se. Kuch Se. Kerbau Se. Kuak Sp. Semanges Se. Kuak Se. Kejang Se Betok, Sp. Perak Tasek “Temengeor Sp. Perse - Thee Bersia Se. Perak Se. Pulau Se. Ibol Se. Lenggong "Terusan Besar P.U. (A) 434. Water Supply ‘Scheme eo Lobuk Buntar Langkawi Langkaws Langkawi olay Tuba Langkawi Se. Bare ‘Water Supply ‘Scheme , Sauk ots Laaia Kish Padang Rengas Manone Se Siput Se. Siput Felda Lasah Perlop T Pengkalan Hole Pengkalan Hila Lepang Nenesing Kian Intan Ke, Jong Pulau Banding G v ‘Air Ganda Lawin Kinayat Sumpitan Lenggong nian Bass PLU. (A) 434. Location of Water Longitude (East) 100° 39° 06" 100° 46" 15" 100" 46° 15" 100° 46° 29" 100° 46° 16" 100" 45°53" 100° 49°23" 100° 5125" 100" 52" 30" 100 50° 30 100" 49° 58" 100" 45125" 100" 42! 56" 100° 46: 07" 100" 46° 10" 100° 46:13" 100" 4445" 101" 094i 101° 10°38 101s 02" 42" 100" 5457 roe 12 08" 100 53" 00" 100° 53°00 100° 54°12 100" 47°09 100° 47° 07" 100° 56" 11" ol" 19°40 tore 2145" roe 3148" ol" 16° 101" 25° 39" 101" 25° 39" 101" 30°28" Tnucke @ Latitude (North) se a7" 5° 1s 40" 5° 09" 10" 5° 00055 > 4 4ean 437 a8 4° 318 4 36132" #4847" 4848 are 02! og xn as #917 4° 40" 07" 4 1919" 4 8 19" 40° ear 4°32 20" 4 11 07 #1 3s #1 OF sans: 3° 50! 38" vs my 35330 Nane of Riveré Reservour Well 2 ‘Teruem Selinsing Se Se Se Se, Se Se. Se. Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se. Se Se Se. Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se. Se Se Se. Se Se Se Se Renting Anak Renting Buta Toph Tp Ac Terjun Sepotels Selama ‘lian Gunna Ax Hit Koray “Terong Wing Nrior Punt Lint Belub Rumpar Pabst ‘Tapa Perak Kits Pesae Peeak Perak Lichin Bemuas Perak By. Padang Who Behrang Stogkeat Tolak “Telak ‘Tusone Gelinting Water Supply ‘Scheme @ ‘Gonung Semanggol siping Headworke ‘Taiping Headworks ‘Taiping Headworks ‘Taping Headworks “Taiping Headworks Sungai Bayor Selaina Kelian Gunung, Sela Baw Kusav “Tesong Air Teun ‘Ais Terjun Air Teun ‘Aic Koning Aic Koning Se. Kampar Se. Palai Se. Tapa Solian Tde6 Shah Th Uta Kinta ‘Teint Kepayang Ke. Palo BB Seri Iskandar Benuas ‘Beruae Kampung Gajab Bukit Teroh Bukit Tero Se. Dara Felda Gunung Besout ‘Trolak Selatan ‘Trolak Timor Felde Sp. Kish, Tg. Matin Proton cry) (7) The State of Penang Location of Water ‘intake a Longitude Latitude (East) (Worth) 100° 16 4 100° 15° 5° 2400" 100" 1658" 5° 26°25" 100° 5°26 53" 100° 100° oo" 14 4" 53652" 100" Laas" 5° 2655" too 144sy Sa aD too 144s" Se a 2)" 100° 17°32 100° 17°28" 100° 327 3" 100° seat" loo" 137" SP aT 28" 100" 1549" 5° 2633" 100" 1340" 5° 28 16" 4041 Name of River! ‘Reservoir/Well Q Se. Air Hit Sg. Air Itam (S¢. Trp) Se. Air Teun Sg. Batu Ferringhi Se. Bat Feringh ‘Sg. Bate Feringhi Se. Batu Feringhi Se. Batu Feringhi Sp. Bam Fersinghi Sp. Bam Feringhi Highlands Highlands Se. Kecil Sp. Kecil Sp. Klesa ‘Talian Kvasa Se leas ‘9p. Pinang sara Se, Pinang Barat P.U. (A) 434. Water Supply ‘Scheme o Polav Pinang alae Pinay for olam Ast, Air Iam Pulau Pinang, Palas Pinang, Pulau Pinaag for ‘Kola Air Guilemard and Kolam Air Baa Fersinghi ulaw Pinaag for KKolain Air Guilemard and Kolam Air Bata Feringht Pulau Pinang, for Kolam Ait Guilemand and Kolama Air Bata Fersinght Palau Pinang, for Kolam Ait Guilemard aad Kola Ait Bata Fersinghi Balas Pinang for Kola Ait Guilemand aad Kolin Air Bate Fersinghi alas Pinang for ‘Kolam Air Guilemard and Kolam Ait Batu Feringhi Pulaw Pinang, Bekalan for Kolar Ai. Air Terjua Palav Pinang, alae Pinang for KKolam Air Guilemard and Kolam Air Bata Fersinghi Palas Pinang, Pulau Pinang for Kolam Air Guilemard and Kolam Air Bata Ferringht ‘paisa Yanan, Bekalan for Kolan ‘Air Balik Pulau PLU. (A) 434. Longitude 100° 100° 100" 100" 100" 100° 100° 100" 100° 100" 100° 100" 100" 100" 100° 100" Location of Water (East) wie 16" 1645" 145s" 151" 303" 2» 29 17 00" war 1435 34 00" 32 00 1300 Tnucke @ Latitude (North) 5° 2815 oman" 24! 55) 097 5° 09007 3° 261 30 (8) The State of Selangor Longitude ior ior ior ior ior aoe Location of Water (East) ow 45" 40°08" oy sar 26! 48" 25! 30" 3542 Tntake @ Latitude (North) 3° 43! 48" 327 Se 3° 40! 30 3 a 8 3°37 30 3 38! 54" 4042 Nane of Riveré Reservour Well ® ‘Auk Sg. Sebel 3Ve Se. Sin Anak Sg, Tats Kota Air Tiger Hill Empargan Air tam Se. Kolin Se. Mada Kola Air Bukit BerapilSg Menghuang Kola Air Cherok Tok Kan Kolin Air Bukit Panchor Se. Aic Put Se. Batu Ferringhit Se. Bato Feringhi Se. Kecil Hil Simpang Hante Empargan Teluk Bahang Name of River! Rerervor/Well ® Se. Bema Se. Bstang Kali Se. Drsua Se. Beam Se. Tenet Se. Inet Water Supply ‘Scheme @ Palau Pinang olan Pinang, olan Pinan Palau Pinang for Bukit Bendera area Polau Pinang for Kolam Ave Air Tam Seberang Perai Utara Seberang Perai Utara Seberang Perai ‘Tengah Seberang Perai Tengah Seberang Perai Selatan Palau Pinang Air Him Pulau Pinang Polay Pinang Bate Ferringhi Seberang Perai Selatan Seberang Perai Selatan Plan Pinang. Water Supply ‘Scheme ® Sabak Berar Hulu Selangor Hulu Selangor Hulu Selangor Hulu Selangor Hol Selangor 4043 P.U. (A) 434. Location of Water Name of River! Worer Supply Intake ReservoirWell ‘Scheme a. Q o Longitude Lativude (East) (Worth) Woe 4y 30" 3° 3642" Se. Garacht Huly Selangor wore a aor a8 Sp. Darah, Han Selangor 101" 26°48" 24°00" Sp. Selangow/S. | Kuala Selangor Tings 01° 25°20 ¥ 2 Se. Selangor! Kuala Selangor Empangan Sp. Tinggi Tol 25°20" 23°20" Sp. Selangor! Kuala Selangor Empangan Sp. Tingei Tol 25°20" 20" Sp. Selangor! Kuala Selangor Fmpangan Se. Tingei 11s 30" 430" Bp, Sire uals Selangor Tole 4 10" 16 05" Se BatwEmpangan— Gombak Baw 101° 40° 00% 3° 17 OO Sp. Kanching Gombak Tole 44°00" 3° 18°30" Se, Gombak Gombak 01° 36°50 Se. Bolob, Gombak 101244 18 Sp. Rompot Gombe 101° 37°36) Sp. Keroh Gombak 101" 33°00" Se. Paso Gombiak 101° 48" 06" Sp. Ampang Gombe 101" 29°00" Se. Subang! Keine Empangan Subang oie 47°18" Sp. Langatl Hala Langat Empangan Langat 101" 46°36" Se. Langatl Hulu Langat Enpangan Langat oie 4712" Se. Sorat Halt Langat 101" 53°25" Se. Lolo Hulu Langat oie 5315 Sp. Bangsoon Hala Langat lol 43°36 Se. Klanp/Empangati Kuala Lumpur ‘lang Gates 01° 40°48 Se. Langat! Kuala Lagat Empangan Langat lol 43°05 Se. Labu Sepang ois 44°20 Sp. Semenyiy Sepang Exupaugan Semenyil Batang BerjumtalSg. Kuala Selangor Selangor 101° 26 205" 3.29102" Batang Berjumtai/Sg. Kuala Selangor Selangor Ile 387.7" 3° 4030.4" —_RasalSp. Selangor Kuala Selangor Tole 252 15.9" PLU. (A) 434. Location of Water Tnucke Longitude (East) tole 44° 10" 101s 42" 50" 101" 48° 10" roe 41 56" 101° 20°05 101" 26°48" tore 3142" 101? 23°54" 101s 41 30" 101" 44° 00" 102" 44° 00" 1018 36' 10" 101" 40° 18" 101 37° 36" 10" 30° 48" roe 42005" 101" 40°48" 101" 46°36 101" 50° 18" 1018 50° 24" Tor" 43°48" 101° 40° 00" 1018 45° 05" 101" 26° 48" 10? 26°48 ror 4712" 10? 25°40" 1018 45° 36" 102° 45°36" owe 4730 tole 4 10" ol" 28°48 @ Latitude (North) 2 53307 oe 5328" 3 09 15 4 3° 40" 50 3 a4 30 or 2 6 3°40 30 3 36 3 18030 3° 17 068 32 39! 05" 3 16 24" 4 i 3° 34" 05" 247 05 3 50:48 3° 02! 36 ye 344 36" 31748 3 17 3 18! 00" 3° 24" 09 3° 20" 06 3° 05 48 3381S 3 16" #116) 3 0 4: 31705 3° 10 op Se. Se Se Se Se, Se Se. Se. Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se. Se Se Se. Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Nane of Riveré Reservour Well ® Seamenyib Semengih Anpang Batang Kali Bean Bernama Dusah Dasua Gorachi Gombak Gombak Int Kepong, Kerol Kubo Lib Lingat Lingat Lalo Pagsoon Pes Rengkap Resaput Selangor Selangor Seat Tengi Empargan Klang Gates Empargan Klang Gate Empargan Se Langs (discharge into $2. Langa) Empangan Sp. Bato Empargan Tasik Saban Water Supply ‘Scheme @ Sepang, Sepang. Gombak Hulu Selangor Sabak Berna Hulu Selangor ‘Hulu Selangor ‘Hulu Selangor Kala Selangor Gombak Gombak Hin Selangor Gombak Se. Kerot, Kuala Selangor Sepang, Kuala Langat Hou Langat ‘Hold Laiigat Holo Langa Gombak Goma Gombe Kuala Selangor Kuala Selangor Hulu Langat ‘Huo Selangor Kala Luar Gombak Hola Langat| Gombake Kelang 4045 () The State of Sarawake Location of Water Name of River! ‘intake ‘Reservoir/Well a g Longitude (East) ure 52:47" Se. Batang Rajans ure 5220" Sp. Bateng Rajang 110° 1642" Se. Sarawak Kirt 110° 16 44" Sg) Sarawak Kisi 110° 16 35 Sg. Sarswak Kit ww Sp Sarawak’ Kiri 30" 1° 34°52" Empangan Matang ry 13633" Sp. Cina 3 ‘Sebubat Basia Intake Se. Li 114° 02 038 Se. Like 114" 06 05" Se. Lik 114" oF 58" Se. Lik 114907, 40" Se. Bakoug, 114° 5810" Se. Berawan us? 02! 27" Se. Pendarsan 1128 29:45" Sp. Keat 110° 08! 47» Sp. Sarawak Kana 09" 514 Se. 110° 28 50” Se 10° 24° 03" Se Av 4a" ATA" Sg. Soba Bosse ov 30" Se, Siniawaa, 3b 10" 1°08 14" Sp, Batang Undap 25° 007 1 06 Se. Dor 37 10 rir Se. Dor 495i" P00 Se. Batang Ab 3813) 10753") Sp. Marup 2305" Se, Seterap 10:16" Sp. Smgoke 50°05" 1° OF 26" Se. Lemanak Lr" 32:16 roe 31 Sp. Stumbin 113° 00: 35 se. Sita 113° 0632" Se. Sibiu P.U. (A) 434. Water Supply ‘Scheme o Sibe Sibu Batu Kitang, Kuching Batu Kitang, Kuching ‘Bama Kitang, Kuching Fam Kiting, Kuching ‘Matang. Kuching Matang, Kuching Matang, Kuching Min Min Min Min Bori Limbang Limbang Bako Kuching Kuching Kuching ‘Siburan, Tepab and Beratok Sematan Kuching Sri Aman Metugu Skeang Lubuk Ante Engkilt Panto Lingga Lubuk Ant LDS StumbinrBijat Bale Bintuhe PLU. (A) 434. Location of Water Tnucke Longitude (East) LLLP 02 09" 111° 07 00" LIP 2357" 1 12 19" ue 17 15° 1 19 34 ue 40 LLLP 30 05" 111* 40" 45" ne 5415 unt 1542 11s 23°11 11a 55°48" 115° 19°17" 115° 16°15" 110° 33945" 10° 3708 110" 47°61 110° 30°21 110° 40°00 110 37°01" 110° 56°06" 110 21°18" 110° 45°58" 110° 48°26 113° 16°08" Luge 51°32 1136 20°49 113 4249" 4705" anise 56 42" 19°06) 2 LL 06" 15° @ Latitude (North) 1 39°38" 1 10°00" 39" 12 P38 or" 138 39" Paras 2° 04 54" 2 01 35° sys oar * 00" 54 4249134" #4930 4° 50:32) 447 08" 10945" 1 08 03" 1 22 03 0553" Pio 30! 30 3108" word: 33" 36 03" 04" 3° 06 43 pes 3 15130" 3° 09" 58 3° 04" 08" 3° 04" 087 3° 09" 5: 4 1040" 3° 45" 56 3° 58°02 4046 Se. Se Se Se Se, Se Se. Se. Se Se Se. Se Se Se Se Se. Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se. Se Se Nane of Riveré Reservour Well 2 Meludam Betang Layse Ober Damit Unda Sebelak, Bintangor Bintangor Jalan Joka Kenubong Gaya Menuane. Butang Trusan Baang Trusan Seong Siayara Malanjok. Kayan Batang Kerang, Nonok Sebayan Sha Sebangan Krang Sebangat Sip Kish Betang Kemiena Jelaang, Ground Water Se, Se Se Aup Koyan Bitang Baram ‘Batang Baran, Kesjopil Bakong Water Supply ‘Scheme @ ‘Meludaca Betong Debak Beladin Pass Betong Bintangor Sarikei Palen Solan Selalang Lawas Lubai Tengah Truss Sundar Setian Triboh Simunjan “Terblkaie Gedong Samarahan Sebuyan “Tebadia Sebangan, Balai Ringin Sebauh Taw Labaag ‘Toban Bitola Bintan Bakan Misi Long Lama Beluw Location of Water Intake Longitude (East) 113° 47:02" 112° 0 26 112° 39109" 112° 2928" on 19" on 40" LLL? 58 30" 1 18 20" 112° 09 08" 112" 5615" om 5m 12 393" 112° 09 05" Me 43) 10 AL1° 50°28" 11° 21°36" 111" 30 42 111° 23°32" me 1512 111° 35 08 ure 27 5a" 11° 27 50" (10) Federal Territory of Labuan a Lativude (Worth) 3° 44°00" > 46:08" 3 0047" » 20 28" 2 52 26" rand 1 5308: 2 5518" 2 0051 may 33 1° 49°08: 2 56:17" 2 0557" > 50)05" Pao 2» 0516" Pe h 2 2505" 24 48" P04 49" wars 2 3000" Location of Water Intake Longitude (East) 115° Lr 00" 113° 10° 00" 115° 13:00" 113° 12159" a (Worth) 5 21,00" 19°09" 5° 19°00" sist 4047 Se Se Se Se Se Se Se. Se. Se Se Se Se Se Se se Se, Se se Se. Name of River! ReservoirWell Q Nish Kanowit Moksh Ut Mokab Kanowit Bawang Assan Ngcmial Kabab Neerah Bauang Rejang Belaga Batang Bale Suyung [Batang Mula Lasai Dagan Nagar Setwan Becar Mabon Muara Serdang, Ground Water Se Se Batang Fesioreng Dao Ground Watse Se, Se Se, Se Name of River! Reservour Well ® Kina Benuwa Kina Benuwa Kina Benuwa Kina Benuwa P.U. (A) 434. Worer Supply ‘Scheme ° Niah, Subis Kanowsit ‘Ulu Moab Ne. Sekuau Mactan Sibu Ne. Jaga Ne. Tada Ne, Nennguia Koapit Belaga Ne. Entawat Balingan ‘Mk ean Ket uals Balingian Ke. Tan Semup alot Mam Daro Sai Water Supply ‘Scheme o Emapangan Air Bukit Kuda [Empangan Air Sungai Pagar Enupangan Air Kerupang PLU. (A) 434. 4048 Location of Water Nane of River! Water Supply Tnucke Reservour Well ‘Scheme © 2 ® Longitude Latitude (East) (North) LIS® 14°59" SP 17°36" —_Telaga Tiub Borehole No. Alo Lise 1s Or S17 27" Telaga Tin Boren No.M LS" 15°02" S179" Telaga Tiub Borehole Noo B use 15°19 S17) 20" Telaga Tin Borehole No AJL 26" S124" Telia Taub Rorehle No. M1 se 15°34 5°17 38" Telaga\Tiu Borehole No. B33 115° 15°20" PAD Telaga Tiub Borehole No AL 15° 15°16 5 19 0: ‘Telaga Tiub Borehole No W5 1s" 5" ° 53) Telaga Thub Borehole No. A20 use 15:08 5° 10°16" Telaga Tia Borehole No. B24 usa5'01" ° 10 OW" Telaga Thub Borehole No. 10 115° 1459 5° 10°30" Telaga Tin Borehole No W4 48 ° 1845" Telaga Tiub Borehole No W3 115° 14°26" SP 19" SI" Tolaga Thub Borehole No B27 115" 14°26" 5° 1952" Telaga Thub Borehole No Ald 11S 1413" 5° 1936" Telaga Thub Boreholl No. All, 115" 14°29" 5° 19 18" Telags Taub Borehole No Als 1s 38" hg" ‘Telaga Tiub Borehole No. B 26 115° 14°33" 5° 19" 05 Tolaga Thub Borehole No WI 115" 1439" 1912" Telaga Tiub Borehole No B25 115° 14°40" 5° 18°56" TelagaThub Borehole No. W2 Lise 4a" Se 188 28" Location of Water Intake Longitude (East) 115° 1428" 113" 13 09" 115" 4 46" a Lativude (Worth) 5° 1828" sr 5° 18 00 (AL) The State of Sabah, Location of Water ‘Intake Longitude (East) 116° 09: 24.2" M16" 10 162 119700. 33.0 416° 00° 00.1" 11S 56! 51.9" 115" 56° 116° 0% 12.5" 6 14 343" 116" 16: 09.9" 16° 14 143" M16" 1356.6" use 1755.7" Mo" 1343.2" 118° 06: 49.7" 18° 06: 47.9" 118° 06: 29.0" 118" 06: 12.9" se 3151.5" 118" 04 41.3" se 0845.1" 118° 08 49.1" 118° 0407.6" Us 04 141" 118° 04 19.8" a, Lativude (North) 555214" Sosa 476" > aoa" 5° 41 06.6" 5 4 529" 5°42 50.2" sean aa" © 08 49.9" © 07 549" @ 09. © 08 249" @ un 204" © 1026.1" 5°58 142" 5° 51 22.0" ses aa" 5 50 276 5° st 216" 51 707 5° 4958.8" 5° 50041" 5° 50 36.7" 5° 5045.5" 5° 50575" 4049 Name of River! ReservoirWell Q ‘elaga Tivb Borehole No. AIS ‘Telaga Tinb Borehole No. B22 ‘Telaga Tiub Borehole No Als Name of River! Reservoir/Well @ Se. Moyes, Empangan Babagon se. Moyo Se. Papar Sp. Papar Se. Papar Se. Papar Se. Twaran, Se. Twaran, Sp. Twaran Se. Tuaran Se. Damit Se. Tuaran) Boreholes Boreholes Borehole Boreholes Borsholes Boreholes Boreholes Boreholes Borcholes Pond Boreholes P.U. (A) 434. Worer Supply ‘Scheme o Water Supply ‘Scheme o Penampang Penampang Penampang Papar Papae Papat ‘Tamparol Taran Taaren Sandakaa, Sandal Sandakaa, Sandakaa Sandakaa, Sandakaa, Sandakaa, Sandan PLU. (A) 434. Location of Water Longitude (East) 11S O4 3.8" 1196 08° 03.6" 118° 03° 012" 118° 02415" 118° 02" 46.4" 118° 0230.8" L1S® 02° 265" L1S® 0224.3" 119 02" 116" 118" OV 448" LS" OV 56.1" 11g 01" 352° 118 oF 118° OV 192" 118 04 421" 117° 50,413 117°33' 00" 117 524839 LTP 53° 522" 117° 4631.7" 118° 10° 09.6" 118° 13° 280" 11g 49° 508" 11s" 14347" Luge 11 044 116" 08° 488" 116° 10° 01.6" 116° 20° 04.4" 115* 56° 06.0" LS® 55° 01.8" 116° 25° 30.4" 116 18" 12.6" 115° 46° 109" 1s* 34375" List 48° 04.4" 24" Tnucke «@ Latitude (North) 5°50 4s 5S 50! 365" 5° 50! 24.9" 5° 50 13.6" 5° 50" 00.0" 3° a9 579" 5° 491342" 5° 49: 20.8" 5# 49" 50.1" 5° 5018.7" 5493930 s¢49.301" 5° 4995.5" 5° 48 53.9" 5°51" 160" 5° 2907.2" 5°53 00" 4 1947.0" 4 21 00.4" 4 20 100" 3° 0 a 5° 06 01.2 4 281523 4°35 109" 5° 22 39.9" 5° 2618.0" Sean 49.6" 5° 061 58.7" 4 5338.8" s* 02! OLS" 5° 08! 38.2" 5° 20" 36.2" 5° 06! 31.0" 6 56-205" 4050 Nane of Riveré Reservour Well e Boretnes Borsbiles Pond Borehnes Borsines Pond Borcholes Boscholes onsiles Boreboes Boreboes Borsbiles Borehves Boreboes Borebes Sg. Riabatangan Se. Moanad Se. Tawa Se. Tova Se. Moret Empangan Sepagaya Sp. Sepama Se. Teng Se. Kalumpang Sp. Kalampang Se. Linwan Se. Beyayo Sp. Tendata Se. Padas Se. Padas Sp. Panawan Se. Seok Sp. Palas Se Takiton Se. Mombaut Enmpaygan Pinangsoo Water Supply ‘Scheme @ Sadakan Sandakan Sandakan Sandakan Sandakan Sandakan Sandakan Sandakan, Sandan Sandakan Sandakan, Sandan Sandakan Sandakan Sandakan Kinabatangan Beluraa Tawan Tawan Tawa Lahad Data Labia Data Labad Dats Semporna Konak Reinga Keningas ‘Taobunan Teno Team Pensiangan Sook Beaufort Sipitang Kudat Loca Longitude (East) 116° 447 56.6" nee 4a 54.1 117 oF 50." 116° 26: 05.4" 16° 3743.4" 117° 06 00 116° 59° 00° 116° 50° 09° (12) The State o Loca Longitude (east) 408" 21" 20" 103° 2918" 1030" 20 103° 19: dor 103" 11 50° 103° 03 50" 103° 0540" 103° og 35° 103 02 45" 102° 58°05" 10s" Ly 15" 102° 30°00" 102 49°00" 102" 43°00" 102° 49° 42" 102 sy 42" on of Water Intake a Lativude (Worth) 6 28 oLt" ea sna 4045.1" oar a8" 5°57 16.19 537 00" 5° 16:00" 512 00" 1 Terengganu ion of Water Iniake ay Latinude (Worth) 4°40 40" ea ea ry 06 35" 5° 15°55" sara 5° 04 30" #59 5 09) 50 5° 38 05" 5° 05) 00 5° 31500 4051 Name of River! ReservoirWell Q Se. Banda Sp. Pengapunya Se. Bengkoka Sp. Tempasuk Sp, Linage Se Maliau Se. Milian Se. Melikep Name of Rover! ReservoirWell Q Loji Air Bukit Bak Loji Air Serdang Loji Air Tepus Loji Air Bukit Sah Lojt Air Cherul Loji Air Kepong Loji Air Bukit Losone Loji Air Kuala Berg Loji Air Gusiang Loji Air Telemong Loji Ai Jerangas Lojt Ait Bukit Bunga (aew and old) Loji Air Palan erhentian Se, Seti Sp. Chalole Se. Nerus P.U. (A) 434. Worer Supply ‘Scheme @ ots Mardy KKots Mada Bas ‘Kota Belud Rana Tepid ‘Tongod ‘Tongod Water Supply ‘Scheme @ Dangun Dungun Dangun Kémaman Kemaman Kuala Terenggan ‘Kuala Terenggann Hil Terenggane ‘Hula Terenggams Hy Terenggane Ha Terenggam Besut Best Sein Seti Sein PLU. (A) 434. (13) The State of [Negeri Sembilan Location of Water Intake @ Longitude Lanitude (East) (North) 102" 20°32" 2° 34" 06" 102" 4 180" 28 38h 3 yoo" 3221" 3° 38823 102" 21° 10" 40 4" 102" 23°49 2° 36! 16 102" 03°17 2° 39" 40 102" 34 18" ° 381 59° 102" 14 79" 102" 14 20" 10s aw 102" 0 astm 102" 24.000" 48 102" 0.1 26.4" roe 55° 045 Tol" 59° 434 101° 00° 14.3" 102" 14.784 101° 50.000" 102° 56.927 102° 03' 59° 102" 13°04." 102 06' 40.0 102" 13°36" 2 43.00 aw 24H 25" 2 a ash rar Paws 1 56" 06" 2 as an 2° 4533" 2 a8 25 24 14 236 1 ox se 13a" 3° 04 31 3° 040: om 573 4052 Nane of Riveré Reservor!Well @ Empangan Gemescheh Se. Mase Se: Mane Se. Dingt “Telaga Tiub Bukit Rokaa Se. Berngin Empargan Bato Hamper Se. Jeat Se, Moar Se. Mase Sg. Betang Terachi Empargan talang/Se Must Se. Mase Se. Muze Se. Mase Hotan Simpan Berenbun Se. Broga Se. Batang Benar Empangan Sg, Terip Se. Mihang Se. NgoiNgoi Se. Linggi Se. Kesnia Se. Tine Se. Kinaboi Se, Perang Water Supply ‘Scheme @ Gemenche Geinas Bara Pasir Besar Dangi Baru Bukit Rokas Pedas Baru Pedas Lama Felda Kepis Bokit Plah Koala Pils Uta Bend Ast falang Koala Jelat Bahan Bora Jempal Panta Brogs Teap Loji Rawatan Air Se. Tecip Mahane Neoi-Ngoi Lingai Kala Klawang Lakai elds Titi Donan Tawar 4053 (14) ‘The State of Melaka Location of Water Name of River! ‘intake ‘Reservoir/Well a g Longitude Latitude (East) (Worth) 21755" Sp. Melaka Empangaa Dusiaa Tunggal Se. Melaka Se. Batang Melaka P1600" SB Kesang Deis’ Sp Kesang 22635" Empangan Jus 102° 35 2423" Empangan Asahan Wor 4502" P10" Sp Muar SeveNtH SCHEDULE (Regulation 12) P.U. (A) 434. Water Supply ‘Scheme o Jasin, Molaka Tengah fd Alor Gajsh ‘Melaka Tengah, Alor Gan and Jasin Melaka Tengah, Alor Gajab and Tasin Alor Gajah. Masjid ‘Tanah and Lubuk Cina Basin Jasin and Merlin Alor Gajah, Masjid ‘Tanah and Luu Cina ‘Asahan, Sispang, ‘Bekob, Nyafse and Duke Seas ‘Melaka Tengah, Alor Gayab ad Tain ACCEPTABLE CONDITIONS FOR DISCHARGE OF INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT CONTAINING CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND (COD) FOR SPECIFIC TRADE OR INDUSTRY SECTOR o ® Tradefindustry sit (a) Pulp and paper industry © pulp sul mer Gi) paper mill (recycled) g/L (i) plp aad paper sill ell @ ® Standard Standard A B 80 350 0 250 30 300 PLU. (A) 434. 4054 (6) Teatile industry mg 89 250 (©) Fermentation and Aisilery industry mg/L 400 400 (@) Other industries mg, 80 200 Eicura ScxepuLe (Regulation 13) ACCEPTABLE CONDITIONS FOR DISCHARGE OF MIXED EFFLUENT CONTAINING CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND (COD) a @ @ Unit Standaré > Standard A B gL 80 200 ‘Ninr# ScHEDULE (Regulation 14) LIST OF PARAMETERS FOR DISCHARGE OF INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT OR MIXED EFFLUENT WHICH BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE TO BE ADOPTED @ Nitrate Nitrogen (i) Solphate Gil) Chloride Go) Cobalt (©) Deteigent, Anionic (0) Molybdenum (i) Phosphate (as P) (ei) Polychlorinated Biphonyls (x) Beryliom (®) Vamdion (si) Pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, rOcenseides,fumigants or any other biocides or any other eblorinated hydrocarbons (sil) Any substance that either By itself or in combination o by reaction with other waste may give rise to any gas, Rue or odour or substance Which causes or 18 Likely fo eatce pollation (sil) Total Organic Carbon (aay) Whole Ettivent Loxseny (WEL) (9) Dioxin Gv) Endo ne disemptors 4055 P.U. (A) 434. ‘Tevt ScHEDULE {Subregulation 7(2)] MONTHLY INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT OR MIXED EFFLUENT, DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT SECTION IDENTIFICATION. 1. G@ Name and address of premises Telephone number: Fox mmber Gi) File reference avmber (if applicabl) [Name and adres of accredited analytical laboratory ‘Telephone number: Fex avmaber (i) Naiie OF analyst: 3. @ Reporting year: (i) Reporting month: SECTION It INFORMATION ON INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT OR MIXED EFFLUENT 4. @ Flowratet Minima sd, Maxims wd Gi) Quality of efflvent discharged (uni in mg/L) Paramcter*** First Week Second Wesk» Third Week Date Date Date Temperature pH Value BOD, at > cop Suspended Solids Mercury Cadeaiun PLU. (A) 434. 4056 Parameters First Week Second Week Third Week Fourth Week: Date: Date. Date Date: ‘Chromium, Hexavalent Arsenic Cyanide Lead Chromines, Tivalent Copper Manganese Nickel Ta Zine Boron Iron Silver Alun Seleninmm Barium Fluoride Formataenyce Phenol Free Chlorine Solphide Oil and Grease (hexane extract) Amaoaineal Nitrogen Colour** * The flowrate and concentration of industrial effluent Gf) mixed effluent at the point of discharge as determined sn accordance withthe sampling proveduce and method of analysis fas speciied in regulation 16 © ADME unit © Choose only the significant parameters 4057 P.U. (A) 434. SECTION IIL DECLARATION 1 hereby declare that al! information given in this form is 1 the best of my knowledge and belie! cue and correct ature of responsible person Name Designation: a Date (Affix official seal or stamp of the company) ELEVENTH SCHEDULE [Subregulation 17€1)] SPECIFICATIONS OF POINT OF DISHARGE OF INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT OR MIXED EFFLUENT 1. The discharge point is located within the boundary of the pretises, immediately after the inal vait operation or wait process ofthe industrial effluent treatment systema. ‘The location ofthe discharge point is easily ccessible and docs aot pote any safety hazards to personnel performing site inspectios or effluent sampling. 3. The indostral effluent or to Facilitate effluent sap od effluent is discharged through a pipe, éonduit or channel 4. The diseharge point is physically idewiied fy installing a metal Mesttication sign which sends "Final Discharge Point ‘The discharge point ands suorounding sfe properly maintained to be fre from any cbstrvction that may pose difficulty or hazards during site inspection or eflvent sampling ‘Tweurrs Screpue [Subregulation 30(1)] LIST OF UNDESIRABLE OCCURRENCES |. Polfution cases that sesiously threaten the envisonmeat or public heslth and safety which ‘warrant immediate halt. PLU. (A) 434. 4058 Premises that experience industrial disaster such as fire, explosion and the like which may [pose serions risk fo the envicoament or the puslie inthe vicinity 3... Serious environmental pollotion which gives isto frequent complaints and upon investigation, the complaints are found to be justified and the premises age flouting the directives of the Director General 4. Premises which frequently commit similar offences despite having Deen subject to various legal actions by the Director General such 2s notices, dsectives. compounds or court 5. Polluion cases which cause serious negative dappacts to aquatic life and there is evidence indicating that the premises do not make sifficient effort to overcome the pollution problem. 66. Serious environmental pollution with wide coverage in the mass media and there is evidence sndseating thatthe pollunion occurred as a sesult of absence, aon-operation or maltunctoaing, of industrial effluent treatment system sn the premises 7. Premises which discharge untreated or partially teated industrial eflvent or mixed effluent for which discharge industrial efflant or mixic efflvent through a by-pass and based on measurements or analysis of industrial effivent or mixed effivent quality using in-sine methods, there is evidence indicating thatthe industrial efivent or mixed effluent is grossly son-compliant, Tureen SeuepuLe [Subregulation 31(1)] METHOD OF COMPUTING EFFLUENT-RELATED LICENCE FEE Paranetir Fee per kg of contaminant Fee per kg of coutaminaat Giseharged ato inland wats discharged onto any soi or into 4 specified ie paragraph othr inland water el @ BOD, 206 RMO50 M005 (a) Meretry M2500 i) Cadniom M2500, (Gs), Ghromium, Hexavalent RM 25000, (2), Chromium, Tavalest RM 2500.00 RM 25000 (a) Arsenic RM 250000 RM 25000 M2500 00 M2500 BM 501.00 M2500, RM 250100 RM 25000 RM 2301.00 RM 25000 RM 2500 00 RM 25000, RM 2500 00 M2500 RM 250100 M2500 4059 P.U. (A) 434. Parameter Fee per kg. of contaminant Fee per kg of contaminant sseharged into inland Waters discharged onto any sol oriato se specified in parpraph other anand waters aye) (ee) Seleasom RM 2500.00 (e) Basan RM 250.00) Ge) Fluonde RM 250000 | (esi). Formaldehyde RM 2500.00, (vit) Zine RM.2500,00| (ais) Boron RM500.00 (a) roa RM 500.00 (2x) Phenol RM 500.00 (esu) Sulfide RM 500.00, (exis) Oil and Grease M500 00 (ovbexane exraed) RM 500.00 (xiv) Ammoniaal Nitrogen RM500.00| Made 12 October 2009 TAS(S) 91/110/919/026; PN@PU?)280/X10) Datux Douctas Uccan Eunas Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment Hays Pca @ ‘Sea a eel Tas amar augur ech nl oh dens tn inp laa bec Smee pee cml dren dn May eth ena bi i kena rk a! Sey sata dps Pekan Sel May Brad eta pd re ag

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