Foods of Celebration Lesson

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939 - Integrating Language Skills Lesson Plan M.Britton

Foods of Celebration!

Class Composition This lesson is designed for a multi-grade secondary school
reception ELL class of 15 students. Three of those students
are level one and the rest are level 2.

Big idea There are significant similarities between what and how
people celebrate across cultures

What students will know: What they will understand:

Features of celebrations from a number There are many commonalities between
of cultures, including mainstream celebrations across different cultures.
Canadian celebrations such as birthdays
and Thanksgiving.

Materials -picture of birthday cake with candles, birthday cards and
wrapped gifts or actual objects. Note, if serving actual cake,
be sure to consider dietary restrictions.

- short article with images about Thanksgiving
-graphic organizer
-projector or document camera

Lesson Plan:

1. Activate prior knowledge Ask students to share with a partner what
their favourite day of the year is and why.
Listening and speaking skills
Students can converse using L1 and L2 and
then share their answers with the whole class.

2. Students observe and make Students are shown a picture of a birthday
inferences cake with fourteen candles on it, a few
wrapped presents and a birthday card.
Listening, viewing and
speaking skills In pairs or small groups they need to discuss
what they think these items are for. Students
can discuss in L1 and L2 to help clarify for

Extend the conversation by asking what might
be in the wrapped boxes, then zero in on the

3. Students listen, observe and Ask if anyone has heard the Happy Birthday
sing in context song. Sing the song with students and
demonstrate how the cake is carried in, the
Listening, viewing and candles are blown out and a wish is made.
speaking skills

Students fill in graphic Hand out copies of the graphic organizer and
organizer project one copy on screen with the document
camera. Fill in the first entry together
Listening and speaking skills (birthday).

Put aside until after reading article about
Thanksgiving (#5 below). After reading the

Graphic Organizer

Name of Celebration: Traditional food Special meaning

Birthday candles on cake
represent each
year of life
birthday cake

Thanksgiving represents the fall

pumpkin pie

Lesson Contd

5. Students read Thanksgiving Hand out a short article about Thanksgiving
article alongside images of a traditional Thanksgiving
meal. Students skim read and highlight words
Listening, speaking, reading they recognize.

Have students echo read the article and check
for comprehension. Students work together to
match answers to what, when, where and why
questions on a handout.

As a class fill in the next entry on the previous
graphic organizer.

6. Students research own cultural Students are now asked to choose a favourite
celebration to find visuals and celebration from their own culture provide a
prepare written summary short summary of it and describe a food that is
associated with it.
Listening, speaking, reading,
viewing and writing Students may work in pairs, small groups or
individually depending on which culture they
are drawing from. Students research their
celebration on the internet to complete the
writing task:

What is the celebration called?
When does it take place ?
Where is it celebrated?
Why is it celebrated?
What food is served?
What special meaning does the food have?
Does it represent anything?

7. Students prepare written and Students must provide a visual to accompany
graphic presentations of their their presentation and may create a dual
research language text.

Students peer edit presentations and rehearse
in pairs and small groups before sharing with
the class.

8. Culminating Activity Fill in the graphic organizer with information
from their presentations. Eat cake!

9. Think pair share extension Have students think about what other features
activity celebrations around the world have in
common. (Possible answers: music, gift
giving, dance, decoration)

Language Demands -listening to presentation
-listening to instructions
-speaking in groups and when sharing with the class
-speaking during echo reading
-reading texts (article)
-reading research material online
-writing demands include completing graphic organizer
-answering questions about Thanksgiving
-writing a summary of own cultural celebration and
associated food.

Accommodations for -use visuals, gestures, repetition throughout lesson
ELLs -slow speech and allow for wait time
-group students effectively to provide support and
encourage active participation
-key words are written on board
-provide simplified written text with visuals
-allow students to use L1 to discuss and clarify ideas

Key Vocabulary birthday symbol
card song
(bolded words are presents party
CALP) cake celebration
candles represent
Thanksgiving turkey
summarize pumpkin pie

Assessment Formative

- Listen to group interactions
- Assess ability to locate and use key vocabulary
- Assess ability to use digital / on-line resources

Assessment Summative

-Final product ( written response maybe be a dual language text)
-Oral presentation of written response

Criteria for Evaluation

1 2 3 4
Activates prior knowledge X

Allows for oral discussion X

Draws upon cultural identity X

Celebrates diversity X

Encourages the use L1 to help in the X
acquisition of L2

Incorporates all four language skills X

Develops digital literacy X

Includes meaningful content X

Develops both BICS and CALP X

I feel this lesson encourages communication and the development of BICs as it
motivates students by drawing on their own cultural identity. The colourful props
and choral singing are also a bit of novelty and a non-threatening way to get
everyone involved. Ells are also given the opportunity to develop their digital
literacy and research skills and find ways to use their L1 to help acquire L2.

I would like to find ways of incorporating more CALP into the lesson and encourage
more critical thinking. I find this very challenging in a class exclusively made up of
emergent Ell learners.

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