Level 1 S NVQ Certificate in Beauty Therapy Training Resource Disk Unit B3 PDF

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Level 1

Unit B3 Assist with day make-up

This unit covers the topics that learners need to know for assisting with and carrying out
basic day make-up directed and supervised by a senior therapist. This includes what is
required to perform assisted make-up applications, consultation and aercare advice. It also
stresses the importance of working safely and eectively. Health and safety and data
protection legislation covered in Unit B1 are also relevant here.
The unit is divided into four main areas of learning:
Maintain safe and eective methods of working when providing day make-up
Consult and prepare for make-up
Apply day make-up
Provide aercare advice.
The rst area uses two activity sheets on hygiene and safe and eective methods of working in a
salon, including preparing and clearing up the workstation, use of products and client
consultation. Learners are also referred to Unit B1 Prepare and maintain salon treatment work
areas for guidance on disinfecting/sterilising tools and equipment and avoiding cross-infection.
In the second area the learner should be able to carry out a consultation using appropriate
listening and questioning skills and with reference to clients dierent cultural and religious
backgrounds, age, gender and disabilities. The importance of good communications skills for
eective client consultation is covered in Unit G2 Assist with salon reception duties and
G3 Contribute to the development of eective working relationships.
This unit requires learners to identify a range of dierent skin types and conditions and to
recognise what they can and cannot treat (contra-actions and contra-indications). They must
also be able to adjust their treatment plan to suit the range of dierent clients, including
those wearing glasses or contact lenses.
The third area includes activities to help learners choose suitable products for dierent skin
types and conditions and also a PowerPoint presentation of a step-by-step make-up
application. A gap-ll activity on aercare advice will help reinforce knowledge. The
individual development plan allows learners to see what needs to be covered and can be
used for self-assessment both before and aer the topics have been delivered.
To complete the unit, learners must demonstrate in their everyday work that they have met
the standards. They must be assessed on at least three occasions, each with a dierent
client. They must practically demonstrate using questioning and visual consultation
techniques and referring to the clients record card; identifying oily, dry and combination skin
types; preparing a client by protecting the clients clothing and hair and removing any
accessories; using foundation, concealers, powder, eye products, cheek products and lip
products; and giving advice on suitable make-up products, possible contra-actions and how
to deal with them, and make-up re-application and removal techniques. Simulation is not
allowed as a means of assessment for this unit.

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Overview of resources
Resources Delivery notes Links to Level 1
Candidate Handbook
Topic 1 Working safely and effectively
Level 1, Unit B3

B3.A1 This gap-ll activity introduces learners to safe and effective methods of working in a salon. It includes setting pp130133
up the workstation for a treatment, use of products, client consultation and clearing up. This can be used as an
Maintaining safe
individual activity at the end of a session to check the learners understanding of safe and effective practice.
and effective
methods of
B3.A2 Before introducing this activity, revisit the PowerPoint presentation from Unit B1, B1.PP1 Methods of sterilising pp2021, 130131
and disinfecting. Also ask learners to look back at their work on B1.A1 Setting up for a treatment. If they
havent already completed this activity for a make-up treatment, this would be a good opportunity to do so.
products and
Assist with day make-up

cleaning equipment Demonstrate the correct way to decant products for use in a make-up application and discuss the shelf life of
products. Then ask learners to work in pairs to answer the questions on cleaning make-up products and

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equipment, avoiding cross-infection and also the shelf life of products.
Topic 2 Consultation and preparation
B3.F1 This fact sheet provides useful web addresses to help learners identify suppliers of make-up suitable for the
range of different skin colours they will come across in their work. Make sure you check the websites in advance
Selecting make-up
of the session.
for the different
ranges of skin Introduce the importance of choosing suitable make-up colours for each skin colour. Allow learners time to
colours explore the websites and ideally the make-up colour ranges themselves, if possible. Complete the session with a
group discussion on what learners have found out. This activity can be used with PowerPoint presentation
B3.PP1 Skin types and characteristics of different ethnic and client age groups to reinforce learners
B3.A3 The multiple choice questions in this activity can be used to assess learners knowledge of how to carry out a pp136141
consultation. It includes dealing with minors, contra-indications, treatment plans and the importance of
Consult and
establishing the clients skin type before a treatment. It can be used as an individual activity to assess learning
prepare for make-
after you have provided input on consultation techniques for make-up, or as a pair/small group activity to nd
out how much learners already know about consultation skills from their work on other units.

Follow up by asking learners to carry out a practice consultation in pairs or small groups if in groups of three,
the third person can comment (constructively) on the consultation skills used.

Continued overleaf

Overview of resources continued
Resources Delivery notes Links to Level 1
Candidate Handbook
B3.A4 Introduce the topic of adjusting the treatment plan to suit different clients needs, highlighting the need to act pp138139
professionally at all times and to make every clients salon experience as enjoyable as possible.
Adjusting the
Level 1, Unit B3

treatment plan Learners can work in pairs to answer the questions on how to recognise when a client is unhappy with a
suggested treatment plan, and how to adjust treatments for clients with regard to cultural/religious factors,
gender, age and disability. Allow learners plenty of time to consider the topics and complete the activity sheet.

Hold a group discussion on learners thoughts and ask them to suggest any other ideas that were not included
on the activity sheet. Role-plays of working with different types of clients would be a good way of reinforcing
the learning from this activity.
Topic 3 Make-up application
B3.A5 This activity asks learners to consider whether contra-indications such as conjunctivitis, eczema and cold sores pp140141
Assist with day make-up

would prevent or restrict make-up treatments. Learners need to explain their decisions. They are also asked to
link key skin concerns, e.g. sensitive skin, dark circles or broken capillaries, to treatments they should carry out

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and skin concerns
before or during a make-up application.
B3.A6 This activity helps learners identify how to choose different make-up products for white/Caucasian skin under
different conditions. This covers selecting the correct concealers, compact/loose powder, how and when to use
Choosing suitable
cream blushers and eyeshadows, pearlised/frosted colours, foundations and lipsticks.
B3.A7 This activity can be used as individual work to assess or reinforce the learners understanding of the order of pp144151
application in a make-up treatment.
Step-by-step make-
up application

B3.F2 This fact sheet helps learners to correct some of the most common mistakes made when applying make-up. It
could be handed out (and perhaps laminated) to learners for guidance before they start make-up applications
Correcting make-up
for the rst time.

Topic 4 Aftercare advice

B3.A8 Use this gap-ll activity to reinforce or assess learners knowledge about the appropriate aftercare advice to give pp152153
clients who have had a make-up service. Learners work individually on the activity, lling in the gaps with the
Aftercare advice
appropriate words.

Continued overleaf

Overview of resources continued
Resources Delivery notes Links to Level 1
Candidate Handbook
Additional resources
B3.A9 This can be used as a group activity to explore the need to apply make-up differently if a client is wearing
Level 1, Unit B3

glasses or contact lenses. It asks learners to consider factors such as colour/size of frames and lens colour/type
Make-up for clients
and to state how they would adjust the make-up accordingly.
with glasses or
contact lenses
B3.A10 This word search can be used as a revision tool for learners to work on individually to assess their knowledge at pp128155
the end of the topic, either at the beginning or end of a session.
Revision word
B3 To assess their knowledge learners can use the interactive quiz covering learning from Unit B3 for revision pp128155
Assist with day make-up

purposes, designed to be completed individually by learners (e.g. via a VLE).

knowledge check

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B3.PP1 This PowerPoint presentation introduces learners to the key range of skin types and their characteristics: white/
Caucasian, black, Asian, Oriental, mixed and Mediterranean/Latino. It looks at skin colour undertones, ageing
Skin types and
and what concerns each skin type may have. It also covers key points that learners need to address when dealing
characteristics of
with clients in different age groups, from minors to over-55s.
different ethnic
and client age
B3.PP2 This PowerPoint is a step-by-step guide to make-up application. It can be used to help learners with their make- pp144151
up treatment technique and application routine while they work.
Step-by-step make-
up application

B3.PP3 This PowerPoint explains what the primary, secondary and tertiary colours are and why it is useful to know
about them when applying make-up for example, when choosing a concealer for redness or for a yellowish
skin, choosing different colours that will complement each other, and choosing warm or cool tones to suit a
clients skin type.
B3.IDP Learners should complete their individual development plan to assess prior knowledge at the beginning of the pp128155
course, and at the end of the delivery to check their knowledge prior to assessment.

Scheme of work
Session(s) Learning outcomes Activities and resources Links to key skills
Learners will be able to demonstrate Learners should complete their independent development plan B3.IDP to IOLP:
knowledge of how to work safely and assess prior knowledge. Discuss how the learners will work safely and LP1.1
maintain effective hygiene in the salon. maintain effective hygiene in the salon.

Use the gap-ll activity sheet B3.A1 as an individual exercise to check the Comms:
learners understanding of how to work safely and effectively when C1.2
1 providing day make-up.

Learners will understand how to use and Ask learners to complete activity sheet B3.A2 in pairs or small groups work to C1.3
clean make-up products and equipment and check their knowledge of how to clean make-up equipment such as brushes
will be able identify methods of reducing and palettes. They are also asked about avoiding cross-infection and about
cross-infection. the shelf life of make-up products.
Level 1, Unit B3 Assist with day make-up

Learners will be able to demonstrate Explain what precautions and documentation are needed when dealing with Comms:
knowledge of consultation and preparation, minors, e.g. parental consent. Then learners can work on activity sheet B3.A3 C1.2

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including what to consider when treating a in pairs or small groups for research or to assess/reinforce learning that has
minor. taken place.
Learners will be able to identify contra- Learners could work in pairs or small groups on activity sheet B3.A5 to assess C1.2
indications and their effects on treatment their knowledge of contra-indications and how to deal them and other skin
plans. concerns.
Learners will be able to identify the range of Use PowerPoint presentation B3.PP1 to introduce the various skin
client skin colours and types and research characteristics and colours from different ethnic and age groups.
products available for the different ethnic Comms:
Use fact sheet B3.F1 to stimulate discussion on skin colours and the different
groups. C1.3
products available. As an extension activity ask the learners to use the
websites listed to research and, if possible, buy make-up for the different
3 skin ranges. Check in advance that the websites are still valid. This would also
be useful for activity sheet B3.A6.

Learners will understand how to adjust a Ask learners to work on activity sheet B3.A4 in pairs or small groups. They C1.1
treatment plan to suit a range of different could role-play the scenario of a client unhappy with a suggested treatment C1.2
clients. plan. Use this to help them cater to clients with different ethnic and cultural
backgrounds, gender, ages and disabilities.

Continued overleaf

Scheme of work continued
Session(s) Learning outcomes Activities and resources Links to key skills
Learners will be able to identify the Introduce the learners to different products and colours for various skin Comms:
products most suitable for a range of types. Have them work on activity sheet B3.A6, perhaps in conjunction with C1.3
different client skin tones and types. fact sheet B3.F1. They could practise selecting the right products and colours
for each other.
Use PowerPoint presentation B3.PP3 to introduce the primary, secondary
and tertiary colour wheels and to encourage learners to think about how
colours work together when applying make-up.
Learners will be able to identify the correct Use PowerPoint presentation B3.PP2 to introduce the make-up routine step Comms:
order of make-up application. by step; learners can work practically through the presentation. Then use C1.2
5 activity sheet B3.A7 as individual work to assess or reinforce their
understanding of the order of applying make-up.
Level 1, Unit B3 Assist with day make-up

Learners will be able to demonstrate a Introduce techniques for correcting minor mistakes made in make-up
make-up application and use simple applications and how to rectify them. Learners can practise using techniques

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6 techniques to correct mistakes. for correction where applicable and/or use fact sheet B3.F2 during the
session to help them rectify a problem if it occurs. This can be used as paired
or small group work.
Learners will be able to demonstrate Use the gap-ll activity sheet B3.A8 as an individual exercise to reinforce or Comms:
understanding of the importance of assess learners knowledge of what sort of aftercare advice should be given, C1.2
aftercare advice. including how to deal with an allergic reaction, and the importance of
Learners will recognise different techniques Discuss the need for using different techniques for clients wearing contact C1.3
required when applying make-up to clients lenses or glasses and then use activity sheet B3.A9 as a group exercise to look
with contact lenses or glasses. at ways of balancing the make-up in such cases.
Learners will be able to revise their Learners can use the quiz and word search activity sheet B3.A10 to recap Comms:
knowledge of the unit in preparation for aspects of the unit and also complete the interactive knowledge check C1.2
8 assessment. electronically (e.g. via a VLE). Learners could also revisit B3.IDP to identify IOLP:
areas they need to revise before assessment. LP1.3

Level 1, Unit B3 Assist with day make-up

Unit B3

Individual development plan

What you must know I dont know it I know it but I know and
and dont dont understand it
understand it understand it well
Organisational and legal requirements
1. Your responsibilities under relevant health
and safety legislation
2. The importance of not discriminating against
clients with illnesses and disabilities and why
(e.g. Disability Discrimination Act)
3. Why minors should not be given treatments
without informed and signed parental or
guardian consent
4. Why it is important when treating minors
under 16 years of age to have a parent or
guardian present
5. Your responsibilities and reasons for
maintaining your own personal hygiene,
protection and appearance according to
accepted industry and organisational
6. How to complete the client records used in
your salon and the importance of and reasons
for keeping records of treatments and gaining
client signatures
7. The importance of the correct storage of
client records in accordance with the Data
Protection Act
8. Your salon service times for completing day
make-up and the importance of completing
the application in a commercially viable time
9. The salon pricing structure
How to work safely and effectively when assisting with providing day make-up
10. How to effectively set up the work area and
safely position equipment and materials for
day make-up application
11. The necessary environmental conditions for
day make-up application (including lighting,
heating, ventilation and general comfort) and
why these are important
12. The different types of sterilising and
disinfecting equipment and chemicals

Continued overleaf

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Level 1, Unit B3 Assist with day make-up

Individual development plan continued

What you must know I dont know it I know it but I know and
and dont dont understand it
understand it understand it well
13. How to disinfect tools and equipment for day
make-up application
14. The differences between sterilising and
15. How to prepare yourself for carrying out day
make-up application
16. The importance of and reasons for
disinfecting hands and how to do this
17. Why it is important to maintain standards of
hygiene and the principles for avoiding cross-
18. How to prepare and position the client for
day make-up application
19. How to avoid potential discomfort and injury
to yourself and the risks of poor positioning
of clients
20. How to minimise and dispose of waste from
21. The condition in which the work area should
be left and why this is important
Client consultation and treatment planning
22. How to use effective consultation techniques
when communicating with clients from
different cultural and religious backgrounds,
age, disabilities and gender for this treatment
23. The questioning and listening skills you need
in order to nd out information
24. How to give effective advice and
recommendations to clients
25. How to interpret negative and positive body
language and why this is important
26. The importance of questioning clients to
establish any contra-indications to day make-
27. Why it is important to record client responses
to questioning
28. Why is it important to encourage and allow
time for clients to ask questions
29. The importance of and reasons for not
naming specic contra-indications when
encouraging clients to seek medical advice

Continued overleaf

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Level 1, Unit B3 Assist with day make-up

Individual development plan continued

What you must know I dont know it I know it but I know and
and dont dont understand it
understand it understand it well
30. The legal signicance of client questioning
and of recording the clients responses
31. How to use the consultation techniques in the
range to establish clients needs
Anatomy and physiology
32. The basic skin structure (epidermis, dermis)
33. The basic function of the skin (protection,
temperature control and sensitivity)
34. How to recognise the skin types listed in the
35. The skin characteristics and skin types of
different ethnic and client age groups
36. How to recognise the following basic skin
conditions: sensitive, comedone, milia,
dehydrated, broken capillaries, pustules,
papules, open pores, dark circles
Contra-indications and contra-actions
37. The types of conditions and disorders that
may contra-indicate the treatment and why
(e.g. cold sores, conjunctivitis, open cuts and
abrasions, swelling, skin irritation) and how to
recognise them
38. The types of conditions and disorders that
may restrict the treatment and why (e.g.
healed eczema and psoriasis, redness,
bruising, skin irritation) and how to recognise
39. Possible contra-actions which may occur
during the make-up treatment and how to
deal with them (e.g. excessive perspiration,
adverse skin reaction, watery eyes, excessive
Make-up application
40. How to cleanse, tone and moisturise the skin
41. The different types of powder, foundation,
eye products, cheek products and lip products
available and how to use and apply them
42. How to match and apply make-up products to
different skin types and conditions
43. The reasons why make-up should be applied
in suitable sequences

Continued overleaf

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Level 1, Unit B3 Assist with day make-up

Individual development plan continued

What you must know I dont know it I know it but I know and
and dont dont understand it
understand it understand it well
44. The possible consequences of applying
unsuitable make-up products to certain skin
types and conditions
45. How to disguise minor skin imperfections
using make-up
Aftercare advice for clients
46. Make-up products for home use that will
benet the client and those to avoid and why
47. The contra-actions that could occur after
make-up application and how to deal with
48. Re-application techniques suitable for the
49. Make-up removal techniques suitable for the

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Level 1, Unit B3 Assist with day make-up

B3.F1 Fact sheet 1

Selecting make-up for the dierent ranges of skin colours

When preparing for a make-up application, it is very important to consider the characteristics
of dierent ethnic skin types. There are many dierent skin colours and tones, so you must
choose the right make-up to suit your individual client.
The websites below will help you to research or buy make-up for dierent skin colour
ranges. Visit them if you can, and make notes on the dierent ranges.

1. For Mediterranean/Latino skin tones an 4. For Asian skin tones a warm brown and
olive range red range
http://www.pureskincosmetics.co.uk http://www.bobbibrown.co.uk

2. For Oriental skin tones a yellow range 5. For black skin tones a brown range
including blue and black

3. For white/Caucasian skin tones a pink

and blue range

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Level 1, Unit B3 Assist with day make-up

B3.F2 Fact sheet 2

Correcting make-up mistakes

When you are learning how to apply make-up you are bound to make a few mistakes.
Knowing how to correct your mistakes as you go along will allow you to complete the
make-up application without having to start again from scratch.

What should you do if

you have applied the wrong colour of foundation?

If you have only just put it on, it can be xed by blending in another colour, but if the
powder is on, you need to take it o and reapply.

you have applied the wrong colour of blusher or it is in the wrong place?
Just gently wipe it away with dry cotton wool, and then reapply the right one in the right

you have smudged the mascara?

Use a damp cotton bud to li the mascara from the skin and reapply any other make-up
which may have been removed in doing so.

your eyeliner or lipliner is not applied well?

Use a damp cotton bud and retrace over the eyeliner or lipliner to remove it. Change cotton
buds regularly if required to stop the make-up smudging. Reapply any make-up removed
and then redraw the line.

the foundation colours that you have dont exactly match the skin tone?

Mix the foundation colours together on the palette.

the client does not like the shade of lip colour?

Blot the lipstick with tissue to remove any excess; this will be enough if you need to reapply
a darker colour, but if you want to apply a lighter colour, you may also need to remove the
remaining lipstick using the end of a cotton bud with a little bit of cleanser on it.

the client would like a more dramatic eect?

You can use darker shades; add more colour to give depth to the colours already used.

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Level 1, Unit B3 Assist with day make-up

B3.A1 Activity sheet 1

Maintaining safe and eective methods of working

Complete the paragraphs below using words from the following list.

equipment tidy spatula contamination

fatigue disposable position clutter

sharpened product powder cross-infection

disinfecting spillage yellow suitable

consultation sensitivity test dispose

Setting up
When you arrive at the salon you should set up the workstation ready for the make-up application. This will
involve the trolley and your hands and ensuring all the tools and are sterilised
and ready for use. You must all the products so that they are easy to reach this minimises
and risk of injury.

Use of products
All products must be used in such a way as to minimise . For example, lipsticks must be
scraped onto a before use, and must be scraped out onto a tissue or palette
before use. All pencils should be just before use. The best way to avoid of
mascara and liquid eyeliners is to use a mascara wand and disposable liquid eyeliner brushes.

Before you can start the treatment you must ensure it is for your client. Check the record card
for known allergies and make sure that a has been carried out 24 hours prior to
the treatment if the client has any known allergies. If the client had a reaction to the sensitivity test, do not
use that . During the , check for contra-indications.

During the treatment

Keep the workstation as you work. If you open products, make sure you close them again as
soon as possible to prevent . This is an eective method of helping to keep the treatments cost

Clearing up
On completion of the treatment you will need to of any waste materials used. Most can go in
the general waste, but any materials that have come into contact with body uids will need to be disposed of
in the contaminated waste bags, which are in colour. Wipe down the workstation and clear it
of any , ready for further treatments.

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Level 1, Unit B3 Assist with day make-up

B3.A1 Activity sheet 1 solution

Maintaining safe and eective methods of working

Complete the paragraphs below using words from the following list.

equipment tidy spatula contamination

fatigue disposable position clutter

sharpened product powder cross-infection

disinfecting spillage yellow suitable

consultation sensitivity test dispose

Setting up
When you arrive at the salon you should set up the workstation ready for the make-up application. This will
involve disinfecting the trolley and your hands and ensuring all the tools and equipment are sterilised and
ready for use. You must position all the products so that they are easy to reach this minimises fatigue and
risk of injury.

Use of products
All products must be used in such a way as to minimise cross-infection. For example, lipsticks must be
scraped onto a spatula before use, and powder must be scraped out onto a tissue or palette before use. All
pencils should be sharpened just before use. The best way to avoid contamination of mascara and liquid
eyeliners is to use a disposable mascara wand and disposable liquid eyeliner brushes.

Before you can start the treatment you must ensure it is suitable for your client. Check the record card for
known allergies and make sure that a sensitivity test has been carried out 24 hours prior to the treatment if
the client has any known allergies. If the client had a reaction to the sensitivity test, do not use that product.
During the consultation, check for contra-indications.

During the treatment

Keep the workstation tidy as you work. If you open products, make sure you close them again as soon as
possible to prevent spillage. This is an eective method of helping to keep the treatments cost eective.

Clearing up
On completion of the treatment you will need to dispose of any waste materials used. Most can go in the
general waste, but any materials that have come into contact with body uids will need to be disposed of in
the contaminated waste bags, which are yellow in colour. Wipe down the workstation and clear it of any
clutter, ready for further treatments.

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Level 1, Unit B3 Assist with day make-up

B3.A2 Activity sheet 2

Maintaining products and cleaning equipment

Check your understanding of how to use and clean make-up products and equipment by
answering the questions below.
1. How should brushes and sponges be cleaned aer use?

2. How should make-up palettes be cleaned aer use?

3. How do you avoid cross-infection when using the following make-up products?

Eyeliners, lip pencils and eyebrow pencils


Pressed powders

Continued overleaf

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Level 1, Unit B3 Assist with day make-up

B3.A2 continued

Liquid eyeliners

4. How long do these cosmetics last?

A product containing no preservatives

A product that has to meet European standards

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Level 1, Unit B3 Assist with day make-up

B3.A2 Activity sheet 2 solution

Maintaining products and cleaning equipment

1. How should brushes and sponges be cleaned aer use?
They need to be cleaned in hot, soapy water. Hair shampoo is oen a good type of

soap solution that can be worked into the bres of the hair. The soap/shampoo

should then be rinsed away thoroughly as if you were washing your own hair. Once

the brushes have been washed they should be reshaped and treated with an alcohol

solution or brush cleaner before allowing them to air dry naturally. Aer washing,

sponges should be soaked for at least an hour in a suitable disinfectant.

2. How should make-up palettes be cleaned aer use?

They should be scrubbed clean to remove any waxy deposits.

3. How do you avoid cross-infection when using the following make-up products?

Eyeliners, lip pencils and eyebrow pencils

These should be sharpened just before use to expose a new surface.

Lipsticks should be scraped o onto a spatula and then applied with a disposable

lip brush.

Pressed powders
These should be transferred to a palette and applied to the skin with clean


Continued overleaf

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Level 1, Unit B3 Assist with day make-up

B3.A2 continued

Mascara should be applied to each eye with a new disposable mascara wand

Liquid eyeliners

Liquid eyeliner should be applied to each eye with a new disposable liquid

eyeliner brush.

4. How long do these cosmetics last?

A product containing no preservatives

The shelf life of a product which contains no preservatives should be stamped

with an expiry date if it is less than six months.

A product that has to meet European standards

Products that have to meet European standards have a shelf life of about

30 months.

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Level 1, Unit B3 Assist with day make-up

B3.A3 Activity sheet 3

Consult and prepare for make-up

Make sure that you know how to carry out a consultation with a make-up client by
answering the questions below. Check you have selected the correct number of answers for
each question.

1. Which three of the following methods of consultation should you use to identify your
clients needs for the make-up application? Choose three answers.
Verbal ask questions both open and closed 
Ask closed questions only avoid open questions or the client will talk for
too long 
Visual inspection look at the skin and check the record card 
Manual feel the skin to nd out about the texture and tone 
Written answers ask the client to write down their answers to your questions 
Negative body language make sure you keep your arms folded and avoid eye

2. At what age is someone considered to be a minor for salon treatments?

Choose one answer.
Under 14 
Under 16 
Under 18 
Under 21 

3. If a client is a minor what do you need to ensure? Choose one answer.

That written consent is obtained from the client and from their parent/guardian
over the phone 
That written consent is obtained from the parent/guardian and the
parent/guardian is present throughout the treatment 
That the parent/guardian is not present during the treatment 
That the minor must only be treated during school hours 

Continued overleaf

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Level 1, Unit B3 Assist with day make-up

B3.A3 continued
4. If a client had a contra-indication to the treatment how would you inform them?
Choose two answers.
By shouting it out in a loud voice 
By telling them to leave the salon immediately so no one else catches it 
By diagnosing the contra-indication and recommending the treatment they
should use 
Calmly and in a way that would not cause alarm 
Without reference to a specic medical condition 

5. Why is it important to write down a treatment plan before starting a treatment? Choose
one answer.
So that you can use exactly the same treatment on your next client 
So that both you and the client are aware of what you have agreed before
commencing the treatment 
So that you look good to the client and they write a good comment on the
feedback form 
So that you can take it home to show your parents and friends aer the

6. Why do you need to accurately identify the clients skin type before commencing the
make-up application? Choose two answers.
So you know what cleansing, toning and moisturising products to use 
To make it look as if you know what you are talking about 
So you can tell the client exactly what she is doing wrong in her current
skin care regime 
So you know what type of foundation is best suited for the skin type 
So you can advise the client on which nail products to use 

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Level 1, Unit B3 Assist with day make-up

B3.A3 Activity sheet 3 solution

Consult and prepare for make-up

Make sure that you know how to carry out a consultation with a make-up client by
answering the questions below. Check you have selected the correct number of answers for
each question.

1. Which three of the following methods of consultation should you use to identify your
clients needs for the make-up application? Choose three answers.
Verbal ask questions both open and closed
Ask closed questions only avoid open questions or the client will talk
for too long 
Visual inspection look at the skin and check the record card
Manual feel the skin to nd out about the texture and tone
Written answers ask the client to write down their answers to your questions 
Negative body language make sure you keep your arms folded and
avoid eye contact 

2. At what age is someone considered to be a minor for salon treatments? Choose one
Under 14 
Under 16
Under 18 
Under 21 

3. If a client is a minor what do you need to ensure? Choose one answer.

That written consent is obtained from the client and from their
parent/guardian over the phone 
That written consent is obtained from the parent/guardian and the
parent/guardian is present throughout the treatment
That the parent/guardian is not present during the treatment 
That the minor must only be treated during school hours 

Continued overleaf

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Level 1, Unit B3 Assist with day make-up

B3.A3 continued
4. If a client had a contra-indication to the treatment how would you inform them? Choose
two answers.
By shouting it out in a loud voice 
By telling them to leave the salon immediately so no one else catches it 
By diagnosing the contra-indication and recommending the treatment they
should use 
Calmly and in a way that would not cause alarm
Without reference to a specic medical condition

5. Why is it important to write down a treatment plan before starting a treatment? Choose
one answer.
So that you can use exactly the same treatment on your next client 
So that both you and the client are aware of what you have agreed before
commencing the treatment
So that you look good to the client and they write a good comment on the
feedback form 
So that you can take it home to show your parents and friends aer the

6. Why do you need to accurately identify the clients skin type before commencing the
make-up application? Choose two answers.
So you know what cleansing, toning and moisturising products to use
To make it look as if you know what you are talking about 
So you can tell the client exactly what she is doing wrong in her current
skin care regime 
So you know what type of foundation is best suited for the skin type
So you can advise the client on which nail products to use 

Pearson Education 2010 Printing and photocopying permitted 22

Level 1, Unit B3 Assist with day make-up

B3.A4 Activity sheet 4

Adjusting the treatment plan

Work in pairs or small groups to answer the questions below. Whoever the client you are
working with, always remember that it is your job to behave professionally at all times and
to try to make every clients experience in the salon as enjoyable as possible.
1. If a client is unhappy with the suggested make-up plan, but doesnt come out and say
so, what signs might you pick up from their body language or from the way they speak
that they arent happy? Complete the spider diagram below with your ideas.

clients arms are


Signs your client is


Remember that some of your clients might have a dierent cultural or religious background
from you. Others may have mature skin; some clients might have a disability; and you
might also have some male clients. You will have to adapt your treatment to suit each of
your clients needs and circumstances.

Continued overleaf

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Level 1, Unit B3 Assist with day make-up

B3.A4 continued
2. Match the adaptations listed on the right to the four groups of clients on the le by
drawing linking lines.

Choose non-pearlised colours as pearlised colours will dene

the lines in the clients skin.

Clients with cultural or

religious differences
If your client has learning difculties, remember to always
talk to the client and also conrm information with the
support worker accompanying them.

You may have to carry out the make-up application in a

private room in line with the clients religious beliefs.

When applying foundation, you must be careful not to drag

Clients with mature
the skin, as the skin is likely to be more wrinkled and the
contours will have dropped.

You need to consider the type of body language and any

questioning you use, so that is does not appear irtatious.

You may have to use different products; for example, for a

vegan or a vegetarian, the products would have to be
carefully identied as containing no animal derivatives.
Clients with

You will probably need to use sponges to remove the

cleanser instead of cotton wool (as cotton wool might catch
on beard stubble).

You may have to redraw the contour lines of the lips as these
may have become thinner.

Male clients If your client has a mobility problem, you will need to work
around this for example, you might apply your clients
make-up while they are sitting in their wheelchair rather
than on the treatment couch.

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Level 1, Unit B3 Assist with day make-up

B3.A4 Activity sheet 4 solution

Adjusting the treatment plan

Work in pairs or small groups to answer the questions below. Whoever the client you are
working with, always remember that it is your job to behave professionally at all times and
to try to make every clients experience in the salon as enjoyable as possible.
1. If a client is unhappy with the suggested make-up plan, but doesnt come out and say
so, what signs might you pick up from their body language or from the way they speak
that they arent happy? Complete the spider diagram below with your ideas.

clients arms are


client is giving only

Signs your client is client is frowning,
closed answers (yes/no)
unhappy not smiling
to your questions

client is speaking very clients tone of

little voice is sharp

Remember that some of your clients might have a dierent cultural or religious background
from you. Others may have mature skin; some clients might have a disability; and you
might also have some male clients. You will have to adapt your treatment to suit each of
your clients needs and circumstances.

Continued overleaf

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Level 1, Unit B3 Assist with day make-up

B3.A4 continued
2. Match the adaptations listed on the right to the four groups of clients on the le by
drawing linking lines.

Choose non-pearlised colours as pearlised colours will dene

the lines in the clients skin.

Clients with cultural or

religious differences
If your client has learning difculties, remember to always
talk to the client and also conrm information with the
support worker accompanying them.

You may have to carry out the make-up application in a

private room in line with the clients religious beliefs.

When applying foundation, you must be careful not to drag

Clients with mature
the skin, as the skin is likely to be more wrinkled and the
contours will have dropped.

You need to consider the type of body language and any

questioning you use, so that is does not appear irtatious.

You may have to use different products; for example, for a

vegan or a vegetarian, the products would have to be
carefully identied as containing no animal derivatives.
Clients with

You will probably need to use sponges to remove the

cleanser instead of cotton wool (as cotton wool might catch
on beard stubble).

You may have to redraw the contour lines of the lips as these
may have become thinner.

Male clients If your client has a mobility problem, you will need to work
around this for example, you might apply your clients
make-up while they are sitting in their wheelchair rather
than on the treatment couch.

Pearson Education 2010 Printing and photocopying permitted 26

Level 1, Unit B3 Assist with day make-up

B3.A5 Activity sheet 5

Contra-indications and skin concerns

1. Look at the following contra-indications to make-up application and their descriptions.
Decide whether each of the contra-indications restricts or prevents treatment. Write each
one in the correct part of the table below. Briey explain your reasons.

Open cuts and abrasions: areas where the skin has become damaged and therefore is tender to the
touch. A scab may be forming.
Conjunctivitis: an eye condition that causes eyes to become watery, red and swollen and causes pus.
Eczema and psoriasis: two conditions which cause the skin to be extremely dry. The skin might be red
and aky, patchy or scaly.
Skin irritation: the skin looks red in colour.
Cold sores: small blisters which are oen found on the lips, cheeks or nose area.
Swelling: an area that has increased in size. It might be linked to bruising and could be painful if

Prevents treatment Restricts treatment

Continued overleaf

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Level 1, Unit B3 Assist with day make-up

B3.A5 continued
2. Match each of the skin concerns (le) below to the treatment you should carry out
either prior to or during a make-up application (right). Draw lines linking your answers.

Advise the client to come in for facials prior to make-up applications to

Dry skin
help balance the skin, and use a mousse-based foundation.

Make sure a sensitivity test has been carried out prior to the make-up
Sensitive skin application to prevent the unnecessary occurrence of skin reactions to

Make sure the skin is well moisturised prior to make-up application,

advise the client to come in for a facial or to do an exfoliation treatment
Oily skin at home to help. Use a foundation that contains a high quantity of oils,
for example a cream-based foundation; avoid drying products. It might
be a good idea to use cream eyeshadows and cream blushers.

Advise the client to come in for facials prior to make-up application to

Dark circles help the problem, use liquid-, oil- and water-based foundations and
avoid drying products.

Do not overtreat the skin, and use a green corrective concealer to reduce
Dehydrated skin
the red colour prior to foundation application.

Advise the client to drink plenty of water to reduce the appearance of

Broken capillaries these, and use a concealer two shades lighter to the foundation to
reduce their appearance during make-up application.

Advise the client to come in for facials prior to make-up application to

Combination skin reduce the signs of comedones, papules and pustules, and use a matt
moisturiser and water-based foundation.

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Level 1, Unit B3 Assist with day make-up

B3.A5 Activity sheet 5 solution

Contra-indications and skin concerns

Look at the following contra-indications to make-up application and their descriptions.
Decide whether each of the contra-indications restricts or prevents treatment. Write each
one in the correct part of the table below. Briey explain your reasons.

Open cuts and abrasions: areas where the skin has become damaged and therefore is tender to the
touch. A scab may be forming.
Conjunctivitis: an eye condition that causes eyes to become watery, red and swollen and causes pus.
Eczema and psoriasis: two conditions which cause the skin to be extremely dry. The skin might be red
and aky, patchy or scaly.
Skin irritation: the skin looks red in colour.
Cold sores: small blisters which are oen found on the lips, cheeks or nose area.
Swelling: an area that has increased in size. It might be linked to bruising and could be painful if

Prevents treatment Restricts treatment

Conjunctivitis highly contagious Cuts and abrasions they could become infected, so
the areas should be avoided
Cold sores highly contagious
Swelling the area might be painful to touch, so the
area should be avoided

Skin irritation touching the area might aggravate the


Eczema and psoriasis depending on the severity, the

skin might be prone to infection

Continued overleaf

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Level 1, Unit B3 Assist with day make-up

B3.A5 continued
1. Match each of the skin concerns (le) to the treatment you should carry out either prior
to or during a make-up application (right). Draw lines linking your answers.

Advise the client to come in for facials prior to make-up applications to

Dry skin
help balance the skin, and use a mousse-based foundation.

Make sure a sensitivity test has been carried out prior to the make-up
Sensitive skin application to prevent the unnecessary occurrence of skin reactions to

Make sure the skin is well moisturised prior to make-up application,

advise the client to come in for a facial or to do an exfoliation treatment
Oily skin at home to help. Use a foundation that contains a high quantity of oils,
for example a cream-based foundation; avoid drying products. It might
be a good idea to use cream eyeshadows and cream blushers.

Advise the client to come in for facials prior to make-up application to

Dark circles help the problem; use liquid-, oil- and water-based foundations and
avoid drying products.

Do not overtreat the skin, and use a green corrective concealer to reduce
Dehydrated skin
the red colour prior to foundation application.

Advise the client to drink plenty of water to reduce the appearance of

Broken capillaries these, and use a concealer two shades lighter to the foundation to
reduce their appearance during make-up application.

Advise the client to come in for facials prior to make-up application to

Combination skin reduce the signs of comedones, papules and pustules, and use a matt
moisturiser and water-based foundation.

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Level 1, Unit B3 Assist with day make-up

B3.A6 Activity sheet 6

Choosing suitable make-up

1. Match the concealer types for white/Caucasian skin listed below to the skin concerns they should be
used for by drawing linking lines.

Concealer Skin concern

Green Sallow complexion

Peach Redness of the skin

Mauve Dark circles under the eyes

2. When should you use a loose powder?

3. When should you use a compact powder?

4. Should cream blusher and eyeshadow be used before or aer loose powder application? Explain why.

5. Which age group is it best not to apply pearlised or frosted colours to?

6. Which type of foundation would be best for dry skin, and which type would be best for oily skin?

7. What kind of lipstick should be used on a client with dry lips?

Pearson Education 2010 Printing and photocopying permitted 31

Level 1, Unit B3 Assist with day make-up

B3.A6 Activity sheet 6 solution

Choosing suitable make-up

1. Match the concealer types for white/Caucasian skin listed below to the skin concerns they should be
used for by drawing linking lines.

Concealer Skin concern

Green Sallow complexion

Peach Redness of the skin

Mauve Dark circles under the eyes

2. When should you use a loose powder?

Aer the foundation is applied

3. When should you use a compact powder?

To touch up a make-up aer both foundation and loose powder have been applied to reduce shine

4. Should cream blusher and eyeshadow be used before or aer loose powder application? Explain why.

They should be used before loose powder, otherwise the cream would clog with the loose powder.

5. Which age group is it best not to apply pearlised or frosted colours to?

Over 55 as it will emphasis the ne lines and wrinkles

Continued overleaf

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Level 1, Unit B3 Assist with day make-up

B3.A6 continued
6. Which type of foundation would be best for dry skin, and which type would be best for oily skin?

For clients with dry skin, a cream-based foundation is best. For clients with oily skin, a water-based,

less rich foundation is best.

7. What kind of lipstick should be used on a client with dry lips?

For a client with dry lips, apply a rich moisturising lipstick.

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Level 1, Unit B3 Assist with day make-up

B3.A7 Activity sheet 7

Step-by-step make-up application

Rearrange the steps in a make-up application to form a ow chart showing the correct order.

Apply blusher

Apply loose powder

Apply eye shadow then eyeliner

Apply concealer

Apply lip pencil and lip products

Apply foundation

Apply mascara and eyebrow pencil

Pearson Education 2010 Printing and photocopying permitted 34

Level 1, Unit B3 Assist with day make-up

B3.A7 Activity sheet 7 solution

Step-by-step make-up application

Rearrange the steps in a make-up application to form a ow chart showing the correct order.

Apply foundation

Apply concealer

Apply loose powder

Apply blusher

Apply eye shadow then eyeliner

Apply mascara and eyebrow pencil

Apply lip pencil and lip products

Pearson Education 2010 Printing and photocopying permitted 35

Level 1, Unit B3 Assist with day make-up

B3.A8 Activity sheet 8

Aercare advice
Show your understanding of appropriate aercare advice to give clients aer a make-up
application by selecting the correct words to complete the gaps in the passage below.

individual allergic suitable dry

moisturisers spray avoid techniques

type soothe contra-action removal

reapply refresh colours cotton wool

maximum doctor subside

It is important to give your client aercare advice aer a make-up application so that the
client can gain the eect from the treatment received. You must give the
aercare advice that is suitable for the client. Think about your clients skin
type and advise them on skin preparations, cleansers, toners
and . You should also advise them on the that suit their skin
tone and on the cosmetics suitable for their skin . It is also helpful to tell the
client which types of cosmetics to for example, if the client has
skin, it would be better for her not to use much powder. Tell the client about appropriate
make-up application for them to try at home, and advise them on how
to their make-up during the day or evening for example, they could use a
ne water , apply pressed powder and lip colour. Advise your
client on the correct of make-up as well. You should also inform the client of
what to do if they have a . In the case of an reaction, for
example, the client should remove all make-up products and the skin with
damp and soothing lotion such as calamine lotion if necessary. If the reaction
does not within 24 hours, the client should contact their .

Pearson Education 2010 Printing and photocopying permitted 36

Level 1, Unit B3 Assist with day make-up

B3.A8 Activity sheet 8 solution

Aercare advice
Show your understanding of appropriate aercare advice to give clients aer a make-up
application by selecting the correct words to complete the gaps in the passage below.

individual allergic suitable dry

moisturisers spray avoid techniques

type soothe contra-action removal

reapply refresh colours cotton wool

maximum doctor subside

It is important to give your client aercare advice aer a make-up application so that the
client can gain the maximum eect from the treatment received. You must give the
aercare advice that is suitable for the individual client. Think about your clients skin type
and advise them on suitable skin preparations, cleansers, toners and moisturisers. You
should also advise them on the colours that suit their skin tone and on the cosmetics
suitable for their skin type. It is also helpful to tell the client which types of cosmetics to
avoid for example, if the client has dry skin, it would be better for her not to use much
powder. Tell the client about appropriate make-up application techniques for them to try at
home, and advise them on how to refresh their make-up during the day or evening for
example, they could use a ne water spray, apply pressed powder and reapply lip colour.
Advise your client on the correct removal of make-up as well. You should also inform the
client of what to do if they have a contra-action. In the case of an allergic reaction, for
example, the client should remove all make-up products and soothe the skin with damp
cotton wool and soothing lotion such as calamine lotion if necessary. If the reaction does
not subside within 24 hours, the client should contact their doctor.

Pearson Education 2010 Printing and photocopying permitted 37

Level 1, Unit B3 Assist with day make-up

B3.A9 Activity sheet 9

Make-up for clients with glasses or contact lenses

If you are carrying out a make-up treatment on a client who wears glasses or contact lenses
this will aect how you plan the treatment. This is to prevent the make-up looking
unbalanced. You will need to consult your client about whether they are wearing contact
lenses or, if they are wearing glasses, whether they are for long or short sight.
Factors you should consider are:
colour of the frame
size of the frame
lens type
contact lenses.
Look at the table below and write down what you could do to balance the make-up for the
dierent frames and lenses.

Frames How can you balance the make-up?

Heavy frames

Light frames

Coloured frames

For short-sight make the eyes look smaller

For long-sight make the eyes look bigger

Tinted may change the colour of the make-up

How should you work on a client who is happy to keep their contact lenses in during the
make-up treatment?

Pearson Education 2010 Printing and photocopying permitted 38

Level 1, Unit B3 Assist with day make-up

B3.A9 Activity sheet 9 solution

Make-up for clients with glasses or contact lenses

If you are carrying out a make-up treatment on a client who wears glasses or contact lenses
this will aect how you plan the treatment. This is to prevent the make-up looking
unbalanced. You will need to consult your client about whether they are wearing contact
lenses or, if they are wearing glasses, whether they are for long or short sight.
Factors you should consider are:
colour of the frame
size of the frame
lens type
contact lenses.
Look at the table below and write down what you could do to balance the make-up for the
dierent frames and lenses.

Frames How can you balance the make-up?

Heavy frames Use strong lip colours and eye make-up to
balance the facial features
Light frames Use soft colours, eyeliners and mascara

Coloured frames Use colours that complement the colour

of the frames
For short-sight make the eyes look smaller Use light or bright colours to make the
eyes appear bigger
For long-sight make the eyes look bigger Use neutral or darker shades to prevent
the eyes looking too prominent
Tinted may change the colour of the make-up Check what the colours look like through
the tinted lenses

How should you work on a client who is happy to keep their contact lenses in during the
make-up treatment?

Work gently around the eye area

Avoid heavy creams and oils as they may smear the lenses

Make sure the clients eyes are closed when applying eyeshadows to prevent dust getting in the eyes

Use a mascara without alcohol or bres as these can irritate the eyes

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Level 1, Unit B3 Assist with day make-up

B3.A10 Activity sheet 10

Revision word search

Answer the following questions and then look for the words in the grid on the next page.

1. What make-up is used to set foundation?

2. What corrective colour should be used to even out a red complexion?

3. What tool should you use to apply lipstick?

4. What should you put on the client to protect their clothes?

5. What product should you use to remove traces of old make-up and
prepare the skin for the new application?

6. What type of questions do you use to conrm information about the

clients wishes?

7. What term do we use for a condition that might prevent a treatment

or require the treatment to be adapted?

8. Sitting and standing straight are examples of good .

This will help minimise fatigue and injury.

9. What type of foundation is best suited to oily skin?

10. Where do you write down all the details about a clients treatment?

11. What product is used to enhance the shape of the eyebrows?

12. If the client is a minor the written consent must have the parent
or guardians .

13. What product is used to enhance the cheeks?

14. What do you use to show the client the nished results of the

15. Aer the treatment the work area should be le clean
and .

Continued overleaf

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Level 1, Unit B3 Assist with day make-up

B3.A10 continued


Pearson Education 2010 Printing and photocopying permitted 41

Level 1, Unit B3 Assist with day make-up

B3.A10 Activity sheet 10 solution

Revision word search

Answer the following questions and then look for the words in the grid on the next page.

1. What make-up is used to set foundation? Loose powder

2. What corrective colour should be used to even out a red

complexion? Green

3. What tool should you use to apply lipstick? Brush

4. What should you put on the client to protect their clothes? Gown

5. What product should you use to remove traces of old make-up

and prepare the skin for the new application? Cleanser

6. What type of questions do you use to conrm information about

the clients wishes? Closed

7. What term do we use for a condition that might prevent a

treatment or require the treatment to be adapted? Contra-indication

8. Sitting and standing straight are examples of good . posture

This will help minimise fatigue and injury

9. What type of foundation is best suited to oily skin? Water-based

10. Where do you write down all the details about a clients treatment? Record card

11. What product is used to enhance the shape of the eyebrows? Eyebrow pencil

12. If the client is a minor the written consent must have the
parent or guardians . signature

13. What product is used to enhance the cheeks? Blusher

14. What do you use to show the client the nished results of
the make-up? Mirror

15. Aer the treatment the work area should be le clean
and . tidy
Continued overleaf

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Level 1, Unit B3 Assist with day make-up

B3.A10 continued


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