Book 1

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Timeline Duration Completed

Get familiarized with set the usage of lego parts 15 24-May

meet with seniors to get an idea 7 30-May
prioritize project ideas 8 5-Jun
select and justify project with team members 10 10-Jun
Gather parts requirements (Get parts of robot) 18 14-Jun
prepare the required documents for project (Proposal) 20 16-Jun
Conduct project kickoff meeting 10 31-May
Conduct project brainstorming meeting 7 1-Jun
Develop problem statement 18 5-Jun
develop projects objectives 14 6-Jun
see constraints of project 15 12-Jun
each group member gives an idea 17 13-Jun
select best idea or combine ideas to form a better solution for the project 18 30-Jun

Select the software for prsentation purpose 15-Jul 18 30-Jul

Presentation material by each group member 25-Jul 19 12-Aug
test people for presentation 30-Jul 16 15-Aug
make the project lego model 2-Aug 14 20-Aug

26-Jun select best idea or combine ideas to form a better solution for the project
each group member gives an idea
see constraints of project
28-Jun develop projects objectives
29-Jun Develop problem statement
30-Jun Conduct project brainstorming meeting
1-Jul Conduct project kickoff meeting
prepare the required documents for project (Proposal)
Gather parts requirements (Get parts of robot)
3-Jul select and justify project with team members
prioritize project ideas
meet with seniors to get an idea
Get familiarized with set the usage of lego parts
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000
Duration Date


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