Other Activities: W.E.F. 1995. The Website of NPPA

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Petrochemical Industry sary facilities, qualitative produc- applied in Tea/Coffee and

(i) Petrochemical industry is a new tion of medicinal products etc. Spices. This will solve the pro-
introduction in Indian Industry (ii) Pharmaceutical Research and blems created due to chemical
Sector w.e.f. 1970 and in this Development Programme pesticides, causing harm to
sector, a fast development appea- (PRDP)Infact, PRDP is only a human health.
red in the decades of 1980 and regional programme for pharma- Other Activities
1990, as far as, synthetic fibre, industry, which came into exis-
tence w.e.f. 1997-98. The NPPA Public Sector Enterprises
polymer, synthetic detergents,
plastics etc. are considered. The (National Pharma Price-fixation HOCL (Hindustan Organic
utility of petrochemical products corporation) was also established Chemical Ltd. Est. in 1960), HIL
is increasing fast in all the sectors in 1997. The DPCO (Drug Price (Hindustan Insecticides Ltd.-
of daily use of life e.g., clothes, Control Order) came in force 1954 Est.), IDPL (Indian Drugs
home-manufacturing, manufac- w.e.f. 1995. The website of NPPA and Pharmaceuticals Ltd.-1961,
turing, furniture, automobiles, (on 11 Jan., 1999) was started as regularised), HAL (Hindustan
home-affairs/items, toys, agricul- www.nppaindi.nic.in and is Antibiotics Ltd.-Pimpari, Pune,
ture, horticulture, irrigation, available for price information of Est. 1954), etc. are doing their
packing, medical tools etc. medicines. good job in manufacturing
(ii) There are 5 neptha and 3 gas (iii) Neem ProjectThis Neem Pharma -Products etc.
based cracker complexes in the Project has been started for the Joint Sector Enterprises
country, having per year joint development of environment
RDPL (Rajasthan Drugs and
capacity of 25 million tonne of safe/eco-friendly pesticides with
Pharmaceuticals w.e.f. 1978),
ethylene. the joint efforts of UNDP (United
ODCL (Orissa Drugs and
(iii) There has been an increasing Nations Development Program-
Chemicals Ltd. w.e.f., 1979) etc.
trend in production of major me)/UNIDO (United Nations
are also engaged in their fields.
petrochemicals to the extent of Industrial Development Organi-
increase by 461% in 2005-06 over zation). This Indigenous Pro- Autonomous Institutes
2001-02. gramme Development and Pro- (i) CIPET (Central Institute of
(iv) The statewise production of duction of Neem based products Plastic Engineering and Techno-
petrochemicals remained as in the form of Environment logy) with its corporate office at
below (figure), in which Gujarat friendly Insecticides. The objec- Chennai (Tamil Nadu)is an
showed the maximum ( 5 8 % ) tive of this project isto provide auto-nomous institute, having 12
share, while it was lowest Tamil eco-friendly - favourable / bio- centres in all in India v i z . ,
Nadu (3%). These are shown in degradable pesticides to the far- Ahmedabad, Lucknow, Hydera-
fig. 2. mers as well as to promote Neem bad, Bhubaneshwar, Bhopal
based products, processing and (for plastic u s e in agriculture),
promotional use, particularly in Imphal (plastic use in water
wasteland for development, and management), Amritsar, Mysore,
also to generate rural employ- Hazipur (Patna), Chungsara
ment, particularly for women. (Guwahati) and Haldia (West
Obviously, in the year 1999, WR Bengal). This CIPET provides
Grace Company of America Training/Diploma/PG Diploma
(USA) got the patent; but later on courses in plastic technology etc.
in 2003, on complaint filed by (ii) NIPER (National Pharmaceuti-
Gujarat 58% India in European court, the cal Education and Research
court gave a verdict in favour of Institute) Maholi (Punjab) w.e.f.,
Maharashtra 18% India, a great success to our 1998 Est. with 99 crore Rs. on 130
West Bengal 12% Indian Scientist. At present, in acre land near Chandigarh is
India, this project is in working also imparting PG / MS
U. P. 4% at two places i.e., oneNeem (Pharma)/M (Pharma)/M. Tech.
Tamil Nadu 3% Peeth (West Bengal) through (Pharma), M.B.A. (Pharma) and
Vivekanand Bio-technology Ph. D. programmes.
Others 5% Institute and secondat Nagpur
(iii) IPFT (Institute of Pesticides
Fig. 2. Statewise share in production of (Maharashtra) through Neem
Formulation Technology)at
major petrochemicals Organization. In the first in-
Gurgaon Est. in 1991 (Haryana)
stance, encouring results have
Research and Development (R been obtained with the use of
with the co-operation of UNDP/
& D) UNIDO and completed its 14
Neem based pesticides parti-
years successfully.
(i) Inspite of late introduction of cularly in vegetables like tomato,
The Website of Chemical and
Indian Pharma Companies in and other vegetables. The first-
Petrochemicals Deptt.
Research and Development (R step was over on 31st March,
& D), there has been a tremen- 2005 and in second stepthese www.chemicals.gov.in
dous growth in low-cost, neces- Neem based products will be P.Darpan

PD/August/2007/271 Self-respect is the fruit of discipline; the sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself.

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