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Contents and This course offers what I think is a basic framework for integrated knowledge.
objective It has broken down a traditional curriculum into thematic sections human
factors, pre-design, building circulation, structural design, materials, and
building systems. For each of these I have put together what I think
practitioners need to know, given some technical background, and some case
studies that reveal how these aspects have been integrated into well-known
or admirable designs. I have included the basic reference information that I
think is needed at the desk, and suggested where students or practitioners
can go for deeper resources. My intent has been to focus on the breadth of
technical knowledge required, following Vitruvius admonition that all
architects must be educated in a wide variety of fields, or in todays clich,
that designers must be jacks of all trades, if not masters of any.

1st, 2nd and 3rd In order to satisfy the users requirements and to tackle the complexity of
Lesson ensuing topics, it is necessary to consider the building as a complex system
that can be analyzed in different ways, coordinated by the same method
depending upon aims to be attained. This formulation is endowed with a
methodological valence because it allows a thorough analysis, evaluation of
interactions among its constitutive parts, simultaneous study of the effects of
the solicitations concerning both the building and the user and a comparison
of the ensuing results, a rational explanation of choices and, at the same time,
it comprehensively takes into account the Building System.

Examination of data relative to the environmental context, of the influence of

phenomena and of relative consequences on the building, and analysis of
users and their reactions, constitutes the first phase of the adopted
methodology; expression of users requirements and specification of the
Building System constitutes the second phase; evaluation of the relationships
among Building System specifications, and, consequently, identification of
planning priorities, leads to the choice of technological solutions and to
verification of their performances and constitutes the third phase.

Anthropometrics and ergonomics data give designers an idea of how to start a

project. No building can be properly conceived without a basic idea of how
people will be using it. It is necessary to translate a list of requirements into a

Master Eco-construction et management des projets Page 1

immobiliers en Afrique
strategy for form (architectural, landscape, engineering, etc.). As such,
architects typically rely on several graphic conventions to help spatialize a
program/brief. While these may give the appearance of objective problem
solving, they should be approached with great caution. Ideally, these
exercises should be seen as ways of questioning and understanding the data
in the program/brief. It is very rare that a satisfactory form will emerge solely
out of a diagramming process more often this process will help us
understand the problem in spatial terms, and our concepts will emerge from
this understanding. It is important to remember, too, that program/brief
analysis is an inside out method of strategizing.

4th and 5th Lesson These lessons focus the attention on buildings materials such as: wood,
masonry, steel, concrete.

6th and 7th Lesson These lessons focus the attention on building components such as: envelope,
enclosure systems, curtain walls, interior finishes.

8th Lesson This lesson focuses on conceiving the building safety; a prime responsibility of
architects is that of designing out dangerous conditions. Local building codes
are very important . Building codes are ordinances adopted into law by
municipalities, countries, states, or nations that typically prescribe various
parameters of building performance.
Accessible design disabled design, and handicapped-accessible are all
problematic terms, as they imply a special effort being made for users of
wheelchairs and other disability-specific equipment or components.

9th and 10th Most decisions affecting the energy use of a building happen during
Lesson schematic design. The basic form and siting of a building determines most of
its efficiency potential and trying to make changes to overall shape or location
late in project development is difficult or impossible.
Passive ventilation, active ventilation, acoustic, illumination, plumbing and
electrical and data services are the main topics treated in the Building
services lessons.

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