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JULY 2017

Skills and Talent Identification Engagement - Buliisa1

As one of the avenues of ensuring national participation, the National Oil and Gas Policy for
Uganda 2008 envisage the use of the
countrys oil and gas resources to contribute
to early achievement of poverty eradication
and create lasting value to society.
Specifically, national participation focuses
on provision of goods and services by the
countrys entrepreneurs as an avenue to
achieve the desired value creation in the
country from the investments in the sector.
LC 5 Chairperson Hon. Kinnene Kenneth

In this respect, BAPENECO convened a one day stakeholders engagement meeting aimed at
sharing a deeper appreciation of the notion local content and profiling the key skills and talents
available as a means of engagement for the available and future opportunities in the oil and gas and
related industry in Buliisa District.

Specific Objectives
To share the current needs for local talent, skills and business identification
To share on approaches to identification of the local talent, skills and businesses in Buliisa
Develop recommendable action points in regard to securing local content prioritization and
advocacy in the oil and gas sector for Bunyoro region

The sharing meeting was attended by
participants from a cross section of
stakeholders. These included the academia,
District Local Government political and
Technical leaders, representatives from the
media, Civil Society organisations, Private
sector/business associations, some
BAPENECO members, representation
from Participants listening to the 1st session on local content from the
facilitator Bbiira Kiwanuka Nassa
religious leaders, Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom officials, and
other actors in the development sector.
Skills and Talent Identification Engagement - Buliisa2
Meeting Dates and Venues
The meeting took place 27th April, 2017 at Buliisa District Community Hall

Themes Key Issues Responsibility
Role of Shared with participants on local content in connection Mr. Businge
BAPENECO with the Bunyoro Albertine Petroleum Network on Michael
in the region Environmental Conservation (BAPENECO).
and Local Explored the need for actors to work together
Noted that as BAPENECO, they create meaningful
sustainable platform for stakeholders to shape the
development process that also positively influence the
conservation and environmental issues in the region
The country was approaching the development stage with
opportunities that the region must harness
Noted that most of the issues would be generated by them
as participants
Noted that the skills available and not available were not
Shared the purpose of the engagement meeting to include
the profiling of skills and talents noting that BAPNECO
would also share the outcomes with the stakeholder for
sustained meaningful future utilization for advocacy
Official Thanked BAPENECO for bringing together different The district LC5,
opening stakeholders to this important meeting at the Buliisa Mr. Kinene
District headquarters.
He noted that as a region, there was too much talking and
less action, Mr. Kinene therefore urged BAPENECO to
concentrate on the local people and the upcoming
companies to be sub contracted.
He cautioned graduates should stop being addicted to
white color jobs and thus focus on the vocational jobs as
Mr. Kinene noted that the communities were financially
illiterate. He therefore emphasized the need to help them

Skills and Talent Identification Engagement - Buliisa3

on how to use money more especial in the context of their
district (Buliisa) He compared the previous compensation
process where he gave an example of the Hoima -
Buseruka- Kaiso- Tonya road that most of the people
where compensated but not traceable in terms livelihoods
He further noted that Local Content will require different
stakeholders if locals are to benefit
He therefore challenged actors to emphasize issues of
value chain as one of the avenues of leaving no one
behind, the need to work with other actors providing
community empowerment
Mr. Kinene challenged participants on the getting of value
through the use of the oil developments such as roads and
he cautioned against the notion of quality of goods and
services from locals as a scape-goat for denying locals
opportunity to participate in the oil and gas sector.
He called upon efforts and government to build the local
company capacity to meaningfully participate in the sector
opportunities and asked BAPENECO to emphasize sub-
contracting of services while engaging with government
As a district, they were also trying to manage expectations
from all circles

Mr. Bbiira Kiwanuka Nassa explained the meaning of the term local content to the participants and
in simple terms he explained it as follows;
The contribution made by our people at different phases of the valve chain production,
distribution, inventory management and marketing.
Local content seeks to achieve the following
1. Job creation for our people
2. Valve addition
3. Technology Transfer
4. Promotion of local companies
5. Development of infrastructure durable roads, railways and schools.
Explained the aim of local content as to improve on the local ownership through delivery of
inclusive growth, socio-economic transformation and lasting impacts.

Skills and Talent Identification Engagement - Buliisa4

The Skills/Talent Identification
Bbiira employed the use of intriguing and challenging but simple questions in line with the local
content and skills. This created positively informative reflection on each of the themes of
discussion. The facilitator kept guiding the discussion with shared understanding and appreciation
of the skills, talents and efforts to harness local content.

Specifically, the following skill were shared and identified

Themes Key Skills and Milestones Remarks
Available Skills that Drivers These skills are still
facilitate the district Catering skills inadequate and those
Community mobilization and community engagement
to benefit from the Available conservation who have them are
oil and gas Welders not certified
The district has very
New initiatives being put in place
Public relations few resident skills.
Available Technical institutions for example, Kirama Vocational The district has no
institutions School and the newly established Mukitale Vocational accredited
enhancing local School in Biiso vocational institution
capacity to tap into Secondary schools though some sub counties have no though some skills

the local content secondary schools enhancement was

Primary schools
opportunities being started
Unique current The need to add more vocation skills and skills centres The oil and gas
needs for the local Improved hotel services in terms of capacity and quality sector needs were
Embark on skilling projects that prepare communities for
talent and skills not well known by
available and future opportunities
Conservation of the environment for enhanced broad all the participants
Documentation of illegal ownership of land
Certification of schools and skilling centre
Improve on secondary schools laboratories as a means of
enhancing science and vocational schools foundation
Foster awareness on the opportunities and skills
Widen and deepen the stakeholders understanding of the
notion standard as used in the petroleum value chain
Key available Water transport (engine boats along the waters especially Most businesses and
businesses across the lake) skilled people
positioning Buliisa Informal sector business projects in most areas in Buliisa focused on providing
Skills and Talent Identification Engagement - Buliisa5
to harness local Hotels (Kabalega Inn, Quarter View, Biiso Guest House, their skills and
content Albert Nile Hotel etc) services largely to
opportunities Schools that are preparing communities to harness local the International Oil
Content opportunities Companies not to
Biiso FM Radio that is disseminating information
the local market
including opportunities from oil and gas
Healthy facilities with a fairly good district hospital
An increasing number of mechanics
An emerging financial engines such as Mobile money
shops, Stanbic Bank, HOFOKAM, etc
Pubs and theatres
Informal sector businesses like saloons, food joints among
Actions necessary Map oil and gas related facilities Most actions needed
to enhance skills Capacity Building for local firms and enterprises national political
Addressing the community, business and stakeholders
and talent will
mindset and attitudes about the opportunities and the
enhancement for
extractive sector
effective local Enhance venture financing for business starters The notion local
participation in oil The need to digest and localize the National/Local content is still
and gas processes Content notion among local district stakeholders foreign to the
Focus on sub-contracting and partnerships as a way of
understanding of the
building the capacity of local companies
Empower the locals socially and economically
Should make other companies to start joining its trainings stakeholders
Addressing the issue of quality production. For instance
the move from many to quality few cattle by improving
on the cattle breads
Link to the local businesses, talents, skills to governments
and private company opportunities
Major challenges Most students have low capacity in their skills of training The district has
hindering the local like nurses, drivers and social workers limited sharing and
skills, talents Inadequate schools in Buliisa district with some sub common

development and counties lacking a single secondary school like Ngwedo understanding of the
No certification of the skilled local people
skills Poor and few quality sand standard hotels challenges and how
transformation. Lack of awareness of the skills needed and how to acquire to address the
them challenges in the
General lack of appreciation of the skills available by
skills and needs of

Skills and Talent Identification Engagement - Buliisa6

skilled people thus not venturing in the opportunities the sector
Buliisa district Daily market in place with a culture of trade among the Individual efforts by
preparedness to tap rural population being frustrated by
the opportunities in Education institutions are in place with a promising future the nature
Individual efforts including acquisition of further studies
the local content?
and skills, establishment of business empires among other
Buliisa has formed a business community association with
over 50 registered member
Major Upcoming new hotels for accommodation facilities and Most development
prospects/initiatives other cafeteria services partners are still
to better position New associations growing like the business association investing with a
Fertile land that support agronomic practices
the district is to Opening of roads and proposed tarmacking of major roads local perspective
participate in the that shall open the area for production thus less prospecting
local content The district has a growing population of educated people and aligning to the
Environmental specialists
opportunities? sector needs
Enhanced community information flow (Biiso FM)

Closing Remarks by the Chief Administrative Officer

The CAO closed the training where he emphasized the participants to;
Overcome the challenges that are
coming in the area
Tasked participants to utilize the ready
market which is in place to improve on
their livelihoods through participating
in the local content
Called upon stakeholders to invest in
mindset changing
Asked everybody to work hard to build
Finally he thanked Bunyoro Albertine
Petroleum Network on Environmental

The CAO Buliisa giving closing Remarks

Conservation (BAPENECO) for the work they are doing towards the district and the effort
they have put in to train them on their local content.

Skills and Talent Identification Engagement - Buliisa7

Annex 1: Key Questions that guided discussion during the flow of the meeting
a. What skills are available to enable the district this district benefit from the oil and gas?
b. What institutions are enhancing local capacity to tap into the local content opportunities?
c. What are the unique current needs for the local talent and skills?
d. What are the key businesses are available to harness local content?
e. What should be done to enhance local participation in oil and gas processes?
f. Identify the major challenges hindering the local content development and skills
g. How prepared is Buliisa district to tap the opportunities in the local content?
h. What prospects/initiatives better positions this district is to participate in the local content

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