DR. MARK HYMAN - Simplifying Weight Loss.

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Simplifying Weight Loss

By Kelli Miller Stacy

he New York Times bestselling balance and help fight off obesity,
T author Dr. Mark Hytnati wants to
reprogratn the way Americans eat
heart disease, and other illnesses.
"Food is more than calories, it is
and think about food. His latest information," says Dr. Hyman.
hook, Ultrametabolism: The Simple "Eating the right food will 'turn on'
Plan for Automatic Weight Loss gene messages that promote health
(2006, Scrihner), dispels long-held and cause weight loss almost auto-
myths about carbohydrates, calo- matically."
ries, and fats. On the other hand, the wrong
The book also offers a novel pre- foods wreak metabolic havoc that
scription for individualized weight can make you gain weight, feel tired,
loss that does not involve traditional or ache all over. What is right for one
dieting. It promises that if you person, however, can be totally
choose the right foods and supple- wrong for another. That is why so
ments for your body, you will awaken many "one size fits all" fad diets fail.
your fat-burning DNA and never Each one of us is genetically pro-
struggle with your weight again. Dr. grammed to react to food and sup-
Hyman's recommendations pro- plements in a unique way. Some
"Eating the right food mote lifelong wellness, an important bodies simply cannot run on certain
objective shared hy the Life foods, just as a gasoline-powered car
will 'turn on' gene Extension Foundation. will not run if you put diesel in its
messages that promote "Life Extension magazine Is a tank. However, cars come with a set
great resource for people who want of maintenance instructions; people
health and cause do not.
to promote their longevity," notes Dr.
weight loss almost Hyman. "The organization carefully Weight management, then, has
automatically." evaluates the changes that affect long been a game of chance. Rarely
adults and their health, and bases does a person maintain weight loss
nutritional advice on an individual's for an extended period of time. In
specific needs." fact, less than 6% of those who try to
The human body is a complex lose weight actually succeed in drop-
biological machine that requires cer- ping pounds and keeping them off.'
tain nutrients to keep it in optimal "It is not about counting calories,
working order. The proper foods carbs, or fat grams. It is about under-
keep your body's metabolism in standing how your body works and


Lactose intolerance is a good medicine, and looked at the body
example of the nutrigenomics as a whole, using principles of
principle. Certain people have a functional medicine. Functional
DNA alteration that makes them medicine, which can also be
unable to digest lactose. thought of as systems medicine, is
"Nutrigenomics aUows us to a fast-growing field of science that
reprogram otir genetics based on takes into consideration a per-
the input we provide," says Dr. son's entire picture of health.
Hyman. "Dietary input, lifestyle Instead of doling out prescrip-
input, supplements, and medica- tions for symptoms here and
tions all affect our biochemistry, there, doctors who practice func-
our gene function, from moment tional medicine look for and
to moment. Otir genes turn on treat the underlying causes of dis-
messages of health and disease, ease, while providing the raw
and weight gain or weight loss." materials for optimal function.
"1 never really tell people to go
Funcfioruil Merlicine on a diet," he explains. "I say,
using that information to extend 'Here is what is out of balance,
your life," says Dr. Hyman, a faculty Dr. Hyman did not set out to here's what you need to fix that,
member at Georgetown Univer- become a weight-loss expert. and here's what your body needs
sity's Center for Mind-Body However, during his nearly 10 to thrive,' and then the weight
Medicine and the Institute for years as medical co-director at the loss is really accidental, or
Functional Medicine. prestigious Canyon Ranch health automatic."
The Ultrametabolism approach resort in Lenox, MA, he was rou- Popular fad diets usually look
is based on the revolutionary field tinely confronted with patients at one underlying cause of weight
of nutrigenomics. the science of who simply could not lose weight, gain and obesity. For example, the
how food affects our genes and, despite trying every diet plan, pill, Atkins and South Beach diets
ultimately, our health.- Dr. Hyman and surgery available. focus on the relationship between
has translated this science into "I was the doctor of last resort," sugar and insulin levels. Dr.
strategies you can customize for he says. "I always call myself the Hyman's approach is the first sci-
long-term health and wellness. 'accidental weight-loss doctor' ence-based program that looks at
The unraveling of the human because it was never my intention every cause of weight gain and
genome helped usher in the era of to tackle obesity." metabolic distress, and explains
nutrigenomics, which is based on He combined the best of exactly how to tailor the program
several key points: conventional and alternative to fit each person's needs.

1. The impact of diet on an indi-

vidual's health greatly depends
on his or her genetic blueprint.
2. Improper diets can, in most
cases, be risk factors for chronic
3. Specific dietary chemicals
and nutrients can alter gene
4. Many genes are controlled by
our diets.
5. A genetically sound diet can
optimize health, which could
have a beneficial impact on the
aging process.^


Seven Keys to Weight Loss middle. Chronically high levels of
cortisol make you less sensitive to
If your body does not break leptin, so your appetite is increased
down, or metabolize, food quickly and you gain weight. Some people
enough, you gain weight. Figuring have a genetic defect that makes it
out what is dragging your metabo- impossible to process cortisol
lism down is essential to successful properly.
weight loss. Persistent stress can also cause
There are seven major causes of insomnia, which throws your nor-
a slow metabolism, all of which can mal circadian rhythm and appetite
be identified and treated. Dr. hormones off balance. This leads to
Hyman considers each cause a further weight gain.
"key" that, when understood, can Specific medical tests can deter-
open the door to optimal health. mine whether you have an overac-
"Not only will you experience tive or underactive stress response.
effortless weight loss and create a Cortisol levels can be detected in
healthy metabolism, you will urine, blood, and saliva. A blood the cause of inflammation. The
address the underlying causes of test can reveal if you have abnormal levels can be elevated in patients
chronic disease," says Dr. Hyman. levels of the growth hormone with metabolic syndrome, insulin
"This will mean a new feeling of life insulin-like growth factor-1, or IGF- resistance, food allergies, and a
and energy." 1. Stress and high levels of cortisol host of other diseases. People with
lead to reduced IGF-1 levels. high hs-CRP levels typically have
1. Control your appetite. problems losing weight.
The body produces hormones 3. Control inflammation. Blood tests can also be used to
and brain chemicals that make you Inflammation increases with check for environmental and food
feel full or hungry. For example, the weight gain, and weight gain allergies, gluten allergies, and
hormone leptin regulates your promotes inflammation. The result celiac sprue disease. Getting to the
metabolism. Low levels of leptin is a vicious cycle of metabohc root of the inflammation can help
can make you feel hungry.' Ghrelin, lethargy and increased insulin you determine how to adjust your
a hormone found primarily in the resistance.^ Medical evidence diet so you shed pounds and
stomach, stimulates the appetite.' suggests that obesity-related keep them off.
When the appetite-regulating insulin resistance may be due, in
hormones are out of balance, you part, to chronic inflammation.* 4. Prevent oxidative stress.
overeat and gain weight. Blood tests According to Dr. Hyman, sugar While oxygen is essential to life,
to measure insulin, glucose is the greatest inflammatory the wrong kind of oxygen can cause
tolerance, and fats (such as triglyc- substance in our diet, but trans fats cellular damage. Oxygen molecules
erides and high-density lipopro- are not far behind. Trans fats like to have a partner. Oxidative
tein) in your blood can belp reveal promote inflammation by blocking stress occurs when a pair of oxygen
appetite problems. the receptors that normally switch molectiles is split in two. The lone
your metabolism on and off. oxygen molecule becomes a highly
2. Subdue stress. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in cer- reactive, unstable molecule called a
Stress can take a tremendous toll tain fish and fish oil capsules, are free radical. Free radicals damage
on your overall health. It can good fats that help these receptors DNA, promote wrinkles, and throw
increase body fat even if you eat function properly. Food allergens a kink into normal metabolic
well and get regular exercise. When such as gluten can also promote processes, promoting weight gain
you are stressed, the body produces inflammation. and diabetes. Antioxidants, found
a hormone called cortisol. This The high-sensitivity C-reactive in colorful plant foods, teas, red
increases your blood sugar and protein (hs-CRP) blood test is the wine, cocoa, and many supple-
insulin levels, slows fat burning, best method for measuring the ments, help reduce the number of
and increases inflammation, body's general level of inflamma- free radicals in the body and help
leading to weight gain around the tion. It does not, however, identify restore a healthy metabolism.


Boosting Life Expectancy

For the first time in history,

humans are facing a potential
decline in life expectancy.
Researchers reporting in the
New England Journal of Medicine
attribute the potential decline to
America's obesity epidemic.'
Studies conducted by the US
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention estimate that 112,000
Americans die each year as a direct
result of obesity." Dr. Hyman
blames the food, drug, and health-
care industries for ignoring what he
calls a "treatable, preventable, and
completely reversible problem."
"The industry is not given incen-
tives to promote health," says Dr.
5. Turn calories into energy. Supplement Your Diet Hyman. "It is profiting from poor
You will not lose weight sitting diets, fllness, and obesity."'
around on the sofa. The best way to Most Americans lack one or Ultrametabolism taps into years
turbocharge your metabolism is to more essential vitamins or miner- of medical research that has never
get moving. Physical activity has a als. Dr. Hyman recommends that been translated into clinical prac-
positive impact on how fast cells everyone take the following supple- tice. Dr. Hyman's new paradigm for
turn food into energy. ments daily: automatic weight loss has put per-
sonalized medicine within every-
6. Check your thyroid. A multivitamin and one's reach.
Your thyroid gland is the master mineral combination According to Dr. Hyman, this
metabolic regulator. An underac- Calcium citrate means that "people can take advan-
tive thyroid slows down your (800-1200 mg/day) tage of the medicine of the future,
metabolism. What you eat, what Magnesium amino acid right now."
you breathe, and how you handle chelate (400-600 mg/day)
stress all affect thyroid function. A Vitamin D3 (400-800 IU/day) Por more information
simple blood test can tell you if you An omega-3 fish ofl visit www.drhyman.com.
have a sluggish thyroid. supplement from a Ultrametabolism retails for $15.35.
reputable company that Life Extension members pay only
7. Detoxify your liver. certifies purity; $11.51. To order.
Toxins from food and the it should provide at least call 1-800-544-4440 or
environment can make you fat. 300 mg of eicosapentaenoic visit www. lifeextension. com.
Toxins may come in the form of acid (EPA) and 200 mg
medication, bacteria, industrial of docosahexaenoic (DHA)
chemicals, and heavy metals such acid per capsule.
as mercury. These pollutants can
damage or block the signals that As shown in the chart of recom-
control your appetite. You can mended food sources and supple-
detoxify your body with the right ments on the following page,
balance of protein, fats, fiber, further supplementation depends
vitamins, minerals, and phyto- on which key best suits you.
nutrients found in plant foods.

(//frdAfefd/;o//5/77 Recommended Food Sources and Supplements


CONTROL APPETITE Ginseng; green tea; Lipoic acid; gamma-linolenic acid (GLA);
fenugreek; cinnamon P G r fiber blend

SUBOUE STRESS Ginseng; rhodiola; Siberian ginseng; Vitamin B complex; magnesium;

ashwagandha; iicorice vitamin C;zinc

REOUCE INFLAMMATION Capsaicin (from cayenne pepper); green tea; Probiotics {iactobaciHus acidophilus,
ginger; quercetin (from fruit and Bitidobacterium bifidum); bromelain and
vegetable rinds); turmeric; cocoa proteolytic enzymes; antioxidants

PREVENT OXIDATIVE STRESS Ginkgo; ginger; green tea polyphenols; grape seed N-acetylcysteine; lipoic acid;
extract; milk thistle; rosemary; turmeric coenzyme QIO

TURN CALORIES INTO ENERGY Alt colorful fruits and vegetables; N-acetylcysteine; lipoic acid; coenzyme QIO;
essential fatty acids from wild fish; acetyl-L-carnitine; nicotinamide adenine
seaweed; nuts; seeds dinucleotide (NADH); creatine powder;
aspartic acid; D-ribose

FORTIFY YOUR THYROIO Seaweed; sea vegetables; Vitamin E; vitamin A; selenium;

sardines; salmon iodine; vitamin D;zinc

SUPPORT LIVER DETOXIFICATION Dandelion; broccoli; collard greens; Probiotics {Lactobacillus acidophilus,
kale; watercress; Bifidobacterium bifiduin]\ vitamin C with
pomegranate; green tea mineral ascorbates; N-acetylcysteine;
lipoic acid; taurine; glycine; bioflavonoids
(quercetin, grape seed extract, rutin)


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