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Questions For an entry level Scrum Master Interview

Below are some questions that an entry level scrum master may face in an interv
iew. I read them some time back on a web site and noted them down.
The author (David Bland )has given three sets of answers in the order of their c
orrectness, which is useful for self assessment.
I thought of sharing them for the use of scribd fans.

Interview your Interviewer Just how Agile is this position?

Question #1 . Can you describe your iterations?
Ans : (Agile) – 2 weeks max (Agile?) – Over 1 month (Red Flag!) – What’s an iter
Question #2. What is the team size & make up?
Ans: (Agile) – Small & cross functional (Red Flag!) – 20+ members in vertical si
los (Agile?) – Large but collaborative
Question #3. Are Product Owners available for Q&A?
Ans: (Agile) – Yes & often (Agile?) – Yes about once a week (Red Flag!) – They w
eigh in after launch
Question #4. Can you explain your code deployments?
Ans: (Agile) – Automated continuous integration (Agile?) – Frequent manual deplo
yments (Red Flag!) – Very large, infrequent batches
Question #5. Do you practice Test Driven Development?
Ans: (Agile) – Yes & Behavior Driven Development (Agile?) – Yes on the important
bits (Red Flag!) – We have QA for testing
Question #6. Can you describe your requirements documentation?
(Agile) – User Stories with INVEST model (Agile?) – Small paragraphs of requirem
ents (Red Flag!) – Large SRS documents
Question #7. How do you use project metrics?
Ans: (Agile) – Story Points for Release Planning (Agile?) – We estimate most of
our tasks (Red Flag!) – Only use MS Project with Gantt
Question #8. How often do your teams meet?
Ans: (Agile) – Daily Stand Ups (Agile?) – A couple times a week (Red Flag!) – On
ly monthly status meetings
Question #9. Do you have executive buy-in for Agile?
Ans: (Agile) – Yes and we’ve trained our teams (Agile?) – They suggested we try
it out (Red Flag!) – My boss thinks it is a fad.
Question #10. Can you explain other responsibilities for the Scrum Master?
Ans: (Agile)– Mentor, Tester, Coder, Designer (Agile?) – Also Project Manager (R
ed Flag!) – Also the Product Owner.

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