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Chapter 7

Metal-Ceramic Alloys

I. Porcelain Supported by Metal porcelain. Otherwise, the casting will distort

during the firing of the porcelain. It is recom-
These alloys are frequently called porce-
mended that the fusing range of the alloy be
lain-fuse-to-metal alloys or, simply, PFM
65-150oC above the fusion temperature of the
alloys. Metal-ceramic alloys is the pre-
porcelain. Recall that alloys usually have a
ferred term that will be used in this chapter.
melting range, rather than a melting point (a
The porcelains that will be applied to these
single temperature at which melting occurs).
alloys will be described in Chapter 8.
To increase the melting range of gold-based
Porcelain has good and bad qualities as a alloys, high melting point metals such as plat-
restorative material: inum and palladium are added to the alloy.
Nickel-based, cobalt-based and palladium-
good: 1. Matches the color and translucence
based alloys have high melting ranges by
of enamel
virtue of the melting temperatures of nickel,
2. Well-tolerated by soft tissue cobalt and palladium, respectively.
bad: 1. Difficult to form acceptable mar- Porcelains for veneering metal-ceramic
gins alloys typically fuse between 1000 and 1050oC.
All metal-ceramic alloys are designed to have
2. Very brittle subject to fracture in
higher fusing temperature ranges than the
ADA gold casting alloys. This is so the alloy
The two bad characteristics can be over- will not flow at the fusion temperature of
come by fusing the porcelain to a metal coping. porcelain. Because of this, investments that
The metal supports the porcelain, increasing will not break down at high temperature (e.g.,
its resistance to fracture. Secondly, the coping phosphate-bonded investments) and heating
is cast using lost-wax casting techniques, techniques that can achieve high temperatures
which can produce a crown whose margins (e.g., gas-oxygen flames and induction melting)
closely fit the prepared tooth. are required.
Metal-ceramic crowns and bridges make up Bonding to Porcelain
an increasing percentage of all crowns and
Dental porcelains are glass ceramics that
bridges placed by dentists. One reason for this
consist of crystalline filler particles (quartz,
is that high speed handpieces make prepara-
alumina, or leucite) which are embedded in a
tion of teeth for full crowns easier than in the
feldspathic glass matrix (see Chapter 8 for
past. (Note: this is not conservative den-
more on this). This matrix extends throughout
tistry.) Consequently, fewer 3/4 crowns are
the porcelain; it is present at the porcelain's
being placed. Also, the esthetics of metal-
surface, but is not confined to the surface.
ceramic crowns and bridges are highly accept-
able to patients. The process of bonding porcelain to
the metal coping. The dental technician
II. Desirable Properties of Metal-ceramic
applies a slurry of porcelain particles and
water to the At high temperature, porcelain
High Melting Range particles (the frit) sinter together because this
Alloys which will be covered by porcelain glassy matrix partially melts. Particles that
must melt above the fusion temperature of
Metal-Ceramic Alloys
Oral Biomaterials - Chapter 7

are in contact with one another will be welded The bonding discussed in the preceding is
together by the glassy silica matrix. chemical, but it is believed that mechanical
interlocking also plays a role in the bonding
Oxides at the alloy surface. As a general
between some alloys and porcelains. At high
rule, silica glass will not bond to alloys unless
magnification, many porcelain-alloy interfaces
the alloy is covered with a metal oxide.
are found to be very irregular, perhaps, be-
Oxide-free alloys will not bond to porcelain,
cause of selective dissolution of some alloy
probably because the covalent bonding of the
phases by the glassy porcelain. The irregular
glass is incompatible with the metallic bonding
interface may interlock the porcelain and the
of the alloy. Successful porcelain-metal bonds
can be formed if the alloy is covered with a
naturally occurring surface oxide (e.g., this Compatible Thermal Expansion With
occurs in Ni-Cr alloys) or if a surface metal Porcelain
oxide is produced by adding a small amount (1
The thermal expansion of the metal and
%) of oxide former (e.g., Sn, In, or Fe) to the
porcelain must be compatible. Bonds between
alloy. At high temperature, the oxide former
porcelain and metal formed at high tempera-
diffuses to the alloy's surface, where it reacts
ture will break if the metal and porcelain
with oxygen in the atmosphere to produce the
shrink at greatly different rates as they cool.
surface metal oxide.
Ideally the rates of contraction of the metal
Bonding mechanisms. At the former and porcelain should be equal or, also accept-
alloy surface, the feldspathic glass of the por- ably, the metal should contract at a slightly
celain matrix will be in nearly continuous con- higher rate than the porcelain. The latter con-
tact with the base metal oxide. Since the feld- dition places the metal side of the joint in ten-
spathic glass is primarily an oxide of silicon, it sion and the porcelain side in compression.
is chemically similar to the base metal oxide. Since the porcelain is much stronger in com-
The oxides can diffuse (either by interdiffusion pression than in tension, this strengthens the
of two viscous liquid oxides or by interdiffusion porcelain/metal joint. Reversing the thermal
of silicon and base metal atoms between two contractions, so that the metal is placed in
solid oxides) into one another. The diffusion is tension and the porcelain in tension, is likely
possible because the two oxides are chemically to produce porcelain fracture or delamination.
similar and, therefore, are able to mutually
No Discoloration
dissolve in one another. Note that normally
there will be little diffusion between an oxide- A metal-ceramic alloy should not discolor
free alloy surface and the silicate glass in den- the porcelain. Types III and IV ADA casting
tal porcelain. Because the alloy exhibits alloys cannot be veneered with porcelain.
metallic bonding and the silicate glass cova- These gold casting alloys all contain copper,
lent bonding, metals and glasses exhibit little which will react with porcelain to form blue or
mutual solubility. blue-green reaction products at the porcelain-
metal interface. Gold-based alloys that con-
For successful bonding, the bond must be
taining silver also discolor many porcelains.
strong at both the metal/metal oxide interface
Porcelain on these silver-containing alloys
and the metal oxide/porcelain interface.
takes on a very light green tint. Recently,
Selection of the proper oxide former ensures
porcelains that resist such "greening" have
that the metal oxide adheres to the underlying
become available. These porcelains contain
alloy (not all will).

Metal-Ceramic Alloys
Oral Biomaterials - Chapter 7

less sodium than the porcelains tra-

Ta ble 1
ditionally used on metal-ceramic ADA Classification of Metal-Ceramic Alloys
Cla ssifica tio n Weig ht %
Sag Resistance
Hig h Noble Au + Pt g rou p > 90
A metal-ceramic alloy should
resist sag at high temperatures. Sag Mediu m Noble 90 > Au + Pt g rou p > 90
is distortion of the alloy under the
Low Noble Au + Pt g rou p
stress produced by its own weight,
which occurs at high temperature Base Metal Au + Pt g rou p = 0
during the fusing of the porcelain
onto the metal. If the sag resistance
(e.g., the metal's high temperature rigidi- Ta ble 2
ty) is inadequate, long span bridges can- Composition s of
not be placed on the casts from which Typical Metal-cera mic Alloy s of Ty pe
they were prepared.
Co mpo sitio n Oxi de
III. Classification of Metal-ceramic Ty pe (wt. %) Fo rmer
Alloys High Noble
The first metal-ceramic alloys intro- Au-Pd-Pt 75-98% Au Fe, Sn , In
duced during the 1960s were highly
noble gold-platinum-palladium alloys. Au-Pd 50-60% Au Sn, In
35-40% Pd
The cost of gold and other precious met-
als has lead to increased use of base met-
als in crown and bridge alloys. The Me diu m Noble
American Dental Association classifies Au-Pd-Ag 50-60% Au Sn, In
metal-ceramic alloys as shown in Table 25-30% Pd
1. Here "Pt group" means either plat- 10-15% Ag
inum or palladium. Pd-Cu 70-80% Pd Cu ?
5-15% Cu
As was the case for the ADA's classifi- Ga, Au
cation of bare-metal alloys (see Handout
No. 8), the classification in the Table is
Lo w Noble
not very useful for understanding the
properties of metal-ceramic alloys. Its Pd-Ag 50-65% Pd Sn or In
primary use is to classify the alloys 30-40% Ag
according to cost.
Ba se Meta l
In Table 2 and in Section IV and V to
follow, crown and bridge alloys for porce- Ni-Cr 70-85% Ni Cr, Be
9-20% Cr
lain application are classified according
to the principal elements found in each Co-Cr 65-70% Co Cr
alloy. Section IV deals with noble metal- 25-27% Cr
ceramic alloys and Section V with base
metal metal-ceramic alloys.

Metal-Ceramic Alloys
Oral Biomaterials - Chapter 7

IV. Noble Metal-ceramic Alloys cost per dental unit. They are corrosion resist-
ant and can be ground, polished and bur-
High Gold (Gold-Platinum-Palladium)
nished. These alloys are slightly more rigid
and sag less than High Gold metal-ceramic
These contain between 75 and 98% gold. alloys. The main advantage of these alloys is
Because of their high density (18 to 19 g/cc) that they are gold-like alloys that cost only
and high precious metal content, these are the 60% as much as the High Gold alloys. Their
most expensive metal-ceramic alloys per den- main disadvantage is that, under some condi-
tal unit (e.g., per coping or pontic). Most of tions, the silver in these alloys can cause the
these alloys are yellow-gold. This color is par- porcelain to discolor.
ticularly pleasing under porcelain. The high
Gold-Palladium Alloys
noble metal content of these alloys makes
them very resistant to tarnish and corrosion. These are similar to Au-Pd-Ag metal-ceram-
The platinum and palladium in these alloys ic alloys, except that the silver has been re-
push their melting temperatures well above moved to prevent greening of the porcelain.
the fusion temperature of porcelain. These They contain 40-59-0% gold and 3-40% palladi-
alloys contain iron (in the older alloys), tin, or um. The elimination of silver reduces the
indium to produce the oxide film which is thermal expansion of these alloys. The reduc-
apparently prerequisite to bonding between tion leads to a thermal expansion incompati-
the metal and porcelain. bility with some high thermal expansion
porcelains. Alloy manufacturers readily admit
Most of these alloys are more ductile, softer,
this incompatibility and list incompatible
and weaker than other metal-ceramic alloys.
porcelains for their alloy.
Consequently, these alloys are easier to grind,
polish and burnish than other metal-ceramic These silver-free alloys have largely sup-
alloys. planted the Au-Pd-Ag alloys in the U.S. mar-
ket. Like the Au-Pd-Ag alloys, they are 60% of
Negative factors associated with these
the cost of the High Gold alloys.
alloys include their cost, lack of rigidity (low
elastic modulus) and lack of sag resistance. Palladium-Silver Alloys
The cost for the alloys alone (not including the
These alloys contain no gold. Typical for-
dental technician's labor) is about $50 per pon-
mulations would include 50 to 65% palladium,
tic or $28 per coping. If a long-span bridge is
30 to 40% silver, and 4 to 10% base metals (tin
not rigid, flexing of the bridge can cause the
or indium). The low density of these alloys (10
bond between the metal and the porcelain to
to 11 g/cm) and the absence of gold makes
fail or the porcelain itself to fracture. As men-
these the least expensive of the precious metal
tioned above, sag of a long-span bridge can
alloys. They are only 14% of the cost of the
cause it not to fit over the prepared teeth.
High Gold alloys. These alloys have the high-
Gold-Palladium-Silver Alloys est sag resistance of the precious metal-
ceramic alloys.
These alloys contain between 50 and 60%
gold and between 20 and 30% palladium. Unless special procedures are followed,
Again, tin and indium are added to promote these alloys will tint most porcelains green.
bonding. The lower gold content and lower Recent studies show that silver from the alloy
density (13 to 14 g/cc, because there is less of can diffuse through the porcelain to the metal
the dense gold) of these alloys decreases the surface. This explains why the greenish tint is
Metal-Ceramic Alloys
Oral Biomaterials - Chapter 7

usually most striking where the porcelain is chromium. The remaining 5% of the available
thin. Here diffusing silver atoms rapidly base metal alloys are iron-chromium and
reaches the surface. More research is needed cobalt-chromium, both of which contain 12 to
on mechanism of greening. As was mentioned 15% chromium. Beryllium is added to many of
earlier, there are now porcelains on the mar- these alloys to improve their castability and to
ket that resist greening. control surface oxide thickness (see below).

It is also possible to prevent greening by Advantages

painting a layer of colloidal gold on the alloy.
Because these alloys do not contain precious
After firing, a thin layer of gold forms on the
elements, they are very much cheaper than
surface of the casting. This gold layer reduces
other metal-ceramic alloys. Other advantages
the concentration of silver available to diffuse
of nickel-chromium alloys include their high
into the porcelain. Other manufacturers rec-
resistance to sag and their high rigidity (high
ommend a ceramic conditioner. Such condi-
elastic modulus).
tioners are also fired onto the alloy beneath
the porcelain. They are thought to act as a Disadvantages
barrier to silver diffusion. The colloidal gold
The nickel-chromium alloys are very hard
and ceramic conditioners share the disadvan-
and strong. As a result, grinding and polish-
tage that both require an additional firing
ing are difficult. In addition, casting proce-
dures for these alloys (see section IV) are often
Porcelain furnaces that have been used to not as refined as for noble metal alloys.
fire porcelain on Ag-Pd alloys become contami- Consequently, some experimentation may be
nated with silver. Subsequently, even silver- required in order to consistently obtain suc-
free alloys fired in these furnaces will have cessful castings.
green-tinted porcelain. Fortunately, this can
Bonding to Porcelain
be prevented by placing a graphite block near
the alloy being fired. The graphite produces a Indium, tin, or iron must be added to noble
local reducing atmosphere near the alloy. alloys to produce a chemical bond between
metal and porcelain. Without these additional
Palladium-Copper Alloys
elements, alloys of gold, platinum and palladi-
In the early 1980s, alloys with 70 to 80% um would not form the transitional oxides that
palladium and up to 15% copper were intro- are necessary for bonding.
duced. Some of these alloys also contain tiny
Role of chromium. There is no need to
amounts of gold and up to 8% gallium. Recall
add oxide-forming elements to nickel-chromi-
that copper in gold-containing alloys turns
um alloys. Chromium in these alloys oxidizes
porcelains blue or blue-green. Copper in Pd-
very readily (much more readily than nickel),
Cu does not discolor dental porcelains. Their
forming chromium oxide (Cr2O3). In the
principal advantage is that unlike the Pd-Ag
mouth, this chromium oxide protects the alloy
alloys, they do not turn porcelain green.
from further chemical attack. The alloy sur-
V. Base Metal Alloys (Nickel-Chromium face resists tarnish because of this protection.
Alloys) Unfortunately, at the high temperatures
where porcelain is fired, the chromium oxide
Over 95% of the base metal alloys are nick-
can grow too thick. Such a thick oxide may be
el-chromium alloys. Most contain between 70
brittle and, as a result, porcelain may not
and 85% nickel and between 9 and 20%
adhere to such surfaces. In addition, thick
Metal-Ceramic Alloys
Oral Biomaterials - Chapter 7

chromium oxide layers are dark green or gray. and sandblasting, which may increase
This color may show through the porcelain, mechanical bonding by roughening the surface
producing a poor color match with natural of the alloy.
To reduce the thickness of the chromium
Nickel dust. The nickel and beryllium in
oxide, small amounts of elements that oxidize
nickel-chromium alloys are potentially haz-
more readily than chromium are added to the
ardous. Long-term exposure to nickel dust has
alloy. These form thin surface oxides, which
lead to cancers of the lung and nasal passages.
act as a barrier between oxygen and chromi-
However, such long-term exposure has been
um, thereby, decreasing the amount of chromi-
observed only in the nickel industry where the
um oxide and chromium, thereby, decreasing
quantity and persistence of the exposure
the amount of chromium oxide that forms.
would be expected to be much greater than
Therefore, the elements aluminum, molybde-
that encountered in dental laboratories.
num and beryllium are added to some nickel-
chromium alloys to reduce the thickness of the Nickel allergies. A substantial percentage
chromium oxides. Beryllium is the most effec- of patients are allergic to nickel. Such aller-
tive of these elements for this purpose. Other gies are sometimes missed by dentists. In
manufacturers suggest that the thickness of some patients, nickel allergy manifests itself
the oxide be reduced by sandblasting the as swollen and reddened soft tissues in the
oxide. mouth. In other patients, there is no evidence
of intraoral reaction. Instead, nickel alloys
Aside from minimizing the thickness of
can produce dermatitis at sites distant from
chromium oxides, there is no general rule for
the prosthesis (e.g., inside the elbow or in the
achieving bonding between nickel-chromium
arm pit). In the U.S., up to 12% of women
alloys and porcelain. In some alloys, interme-
tested and a growing percentage of men are
diary oxides, which affect the transition from
allergic to nickel. Before nickel-chromium
the alloy (metallic structure) to the porcelain
crowns and bridges are placed, patients should
(glassy structure), are apparently formed. For
be asked if they have experienced rashes when
a particular alloy, these transition oxides may
wearing nickel plated jewelry.
include one or more of the following: chromi-
um oxide (Cr2O3), nickel oxide (NiO), berylli- Beryllium. Beryllium, which is added in
um oxide (BeO), and complex nickel-chromium small quantities to some nickel-chromium
oxides. alloys, is a hazard to laboratory personnel who
can breathe in the dust during grinding or the
Mechanical retention of porcelain.
fumes during casting. Exposure to very small
Other nickel-chromium alloys appear to relay
quantities of beryllium can produce contact
wholly or, at least partially, on mechanical
dermatitis, ulcers, corneal burns, and respira-
bonding to achieve adhesion between porcelain
tory diseases. Symptoms of acute berylliosis
and metal. Many alloy manufacturers achieve
may include pulmonary dysfunction, conges-
bonding through trial and error experimenta-
tive heart failure, and spleen and liver
tion. It is important that dental laboratories
follow the alloy manufacturer's procedures
exactly. Procedures that may or may not be Fortunately, berylliosis has yet to be docu-
used include preoxidation treatments, which mented in a dental setting. Nevertheless,
produce an oxide before porcelain is applied, avoidance of grinding dust (proper masks) and

Metal-Ceramic Alloys
Oral Biomaterials - Chapter 7

casting fumes (adequate venting) seems pru- alloys tends to restrict the alloy ingots to their
dent. There is no evidence that beryllium in original shapes. The correct casting tempera-
crowns and bridges is harmful to the patient. ture is recognized by noting when the ingots
begin to "slump".
VI. Techniques for Metal-Ceramic Alloys
K = c
, (4)
If heating is continued in an effort to pro-
duce spherical globules, an overheated liquid
Because of their higher fusion tempera- alloy will be cast. Such a liquid alloy will
tures, metal-ceramic alloys undergo more ther- attack the surfaces of the mold and the result-
mal contraction on cooling than do gold and ing casting will have a rough surface. In addi-
silver-palladium casting alloys. Consequently, tion, overheating the alloy can cause low melt-
investments for metal-ceramic alloys must be ing point elements in the alloy to evaporate.
expanded more than investments for gold and Loss of such elements can affect bonding of
silver-palladium casting alloys. Also because porcelain to the alloy. The oxide scale can
of the higher melting range of metal-ceramic also cause one to under heat the melt. The
alloys, gypsum-bonded investments cannot be oxide scale may be lowing white-hot, but the
used. Instead, phosphate-bonded investments alloy below may be considerably cooler.
are used. Because under heated alloy is relatively vis-
cous, castings are likely to be incomplete.
These investments are heated to tempera-
tures between 700oC and 950oC. (A specific Another property specific to palladium-sil-
temperature will be recommended by the alloy ver alloys and nickel-chromium alloys is their
manufacturer). There are two reasons for low density. To achieve sufficient casting
using these high temperatures: (1) the high
copper pressures, arms of centrifugal casting
temperatures increase the thermal expansion machines may need to be wound one or two
of the investment, and (2) the high tempera- more extra turns. the extra spring tension
tures are necessary so that alloy will remain will produce higher rotational velocities and,
fluid when in contact with the walls of the consequently, will increase the casting pres-
mold. Fluidity is a problem because of the sure.
high fusion temperatures of metal- ceramic
Cleaning Castings
alloys; they quickly become viscous at lower
disorderedViscous liquid
temperatures. ordered
alloy may have Metal-ceramic alloys should not be pickled.
difficulty flowing into fine chambers of the Acids may selectively dissolve base metals
mold cavity. which are important in achieving bonding to
porcelain. Generally, it is recommended that
the alloys be cleaned by sandblasting. Sand-
Metal-ceramic alloys are usually cast with a blasting may also be necessary for freeing the
gas-oxygen torch or with an induction casting castings from phosphate-bonded investments.
machine. The melting characteristics of all This is particularly true for nickel-chromium
the metal-ceramic alloys except the nickel- alloys, most of which form surface oxides
chromium alloys are fairly similar to those of which interact with the investment.
gold and silver-palladium casting alloys. That a
= 1+ 2 ,
VII. Behavioral
max (5)
is, the alloys will pool into single circular glob- b
ules. Most nickel-chromium alloys, on the From a list of choices, you will be able to
other hand, do not coalesce into circular glob- select:
ules. The relatively thick oxide scale on the
Metal-Ceramic Alloys
Oral Biomaterials - Chapter 7

13. the reason why metal-ceramic alloys

should not begin to melt at too low a tem-
1. the effect of the relative thermal contrac-
tion of metal and porcelain on the bonding
of metal to porcelain. 14. elements that are typically included in
gold-based metal-ceramic alloys in order to
2. the purpose of adding iron, tin and indium
raise the alloy's melting range.
to noble metal-ceramic alloys.
15. correct statements about the relative ease
3. the effect of copper in metal-ceramic alloys
of grinding Ni-Cr and Co-Cr metal- ceram-
on the color of porcelain.
ic alloys as compared to other metal-
4. the effect of silver in metal-ceramic alloys ceramic alloys.
on the color of many dental porcelains;
16. correct statements about why the high
ways of preventing porcelain greening due
elastic modulus of Ni-Cr is an advantage
to silver in the alloy.
when making crowns or fixed partial den-
5. the recommended fusion temperatures of tures.
metal-ceramic alloys.
You will be able to select the correct defini-
6. two reasons for adding beryllium to Ni-Cr tion or description of the following terms, or,
alloys. given the definition or description, select the
correct term.
7. potential hazards to laboratory personnel
and to patients associated with Ni and Be metal-ceramic alloy
in Ni-Cr alloys.
PFM alloy
8. two reasons why investments for metal-
sag resistance
ceramic alloys are heated to higher tem-
peratures than investments for gold and
silver-palladium casting alloys.

9. the difference between the appearance of

liquid gold alloys that are ready to cast
and of liquid nickel-chromium alloys that
are ready to cast.

10. the recommendations for pickling and

cleaning metal-ceramic alloys and the
rationale for these recommendations.

11. correct statements about the influence of

beryllium, aluminum, and molybdenum on
the formation of chromium oxide on nick-
el-chromium alloys.

12. a correct definition of sag resistance and

the relative resistances of High Gold, Pd-
Ag, and Ni-Cr metal-ceramic alloys.

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