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The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 1
Imagine a world where your life isnt dominated by the things you carry.

The freedom that comes from a closet that contains a handful of stylish clothes.
One nice pair of shoes.

You have the freedom of an uncluttered schedule. So you can pursue your dreams.

Imagine if you could work from anywhere, and move whenever you pleased.

Imagine if you didnt have to do housework every single weekend. You would never
forget where your glasses are, because you know where everything is instictively.

This world exists, you just have to go find it.

I firmly believe that being minimalist is the answer to many of your questions.
I know this because it is the life I live every day.

This e-book is my minimalist story.

I hope that it helps you find the answers.

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 2
In July 2009, I quit my job and moved across the country to Portland. I had everything I owned on

HOW THIS ALL my back and $3000 in my bank account.

I had no plan, no job lined up. It was the middle of the Great Recession. Everyone told me that I
shouldnt do it, that itd be impossible. Id fail and end up bankrupt, hanging out under the Inter-
state with Portlands large, hippy homeless community.

But I didnt fail, I thrived. This is the story of my minimalist success. It wasnt easy, but it was pos-

Since then, Ive found that I can live wherever I want. Ive been to Seattle, Chicago, and back to
Brooklyn. Im planning to head out to Berkeley in May.

This e-book is about how I live this life.

The secret is that being minimalist opens a lot of doors automatically.

You just have to free up the mind-space from sorting your stamp collection and hauling around the
boxes full of books youve already read. When you do, you start to realize that every person on this
planet can be much freer than they are, they just have to let themselves take the journey.

There were only three primary choices I made to leave my job.

1, I had to have less than 100 things.

2, I had to give up consumerism and cook all of my own food.

3, I had to learn to work on the Internet.

The first two are covered comprehensively in this e-book. The 3rd is another story completely, and
perhaps my next e-book will be on the topic.

This e-book is a chronicle of my minimalist philosophy for success. Within, I go over in great detail
my minimalist philosophy towards life. I hope youll give it a read.

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 3
Everett Bogue is the blogger behind Far Beyond The Stars, where he
writes about being minimalist and living a creative life.

He was the photo editor of New York Magazines blogs from 2006-

He has lived in Brooklyn, NY; Portland, OR, and Chicago, IL over the
last four months. Hes hes holed up for the winter in Brooklyn with his
cute girlfriend and her special cat, Lola. Hell be in SF Bay in May.

He has less than 75 things.


The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 4

There are many reasons, and not everyone follows the same path or ends up with the
same outcome.

If youre reading this, theres probably a good chance youve answered some of these
questions for yourself already.

Here are a few reasons that you might decide to become a minimalist.

Youre unhappy with your job.

You want to travel.

Youre stressed and cant find time.

You want to follow your passion.

Youve bought everything you ever needed, but youre still not happy.

There are of course more reasons, these are just some of the most common ones. I
became a minimalist for a combination of these reasons.

Being minimalist helped me leave my unsatisfying job. It helped me move across the
country with very little money. It helped me lose 20 pounds. Im calmer now, and
more in control of my destiny.

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 5
Being minimalist is having the flexibility to do what you want, when you wish to
do it.
Think about it. If you wanted to, could you do these things:

Could you fly to Peru next Friday?

Could you start your own company?
Could you relocate to Vancouver next week?
Could you cope if you lost your job?

There are people who are free to do these things. When these people want to make
change, they do...

You can be one of them by becoming minimalist.

I dont believe you should just be minimalist for the sake of being minimalist. The
philosophy has to have another reason, and its important to write that down.

Think of something impossible, an objective that youve always wanted to achieve,

but that everyone told you was impractical. Make that your goal for next year.

Write that goal down.

When I quit my job and flew to Portland, OR, it was easy because I could carry
all of my stuff. I lived a sustainable life, so surviving on $3,000 for three months
wasnt difficult.

Many people are trapped in their own lives by their stuff. But the reality is, we dont
need most of it anymore.

Despite what they might tell you on television news, we live in an age of abun-

You can have everything you ever wanted, its down at the corner store. Its im-
portant to recognize that you can have everything that you want, but if you limit
yourself to the essentials you will open a world of possibilities for yourself. You can
live anywhere, you can work anywhere.

It doesnt matter who you are, the possibilities are open if you get rid of the physical,
mental, and emotional stuff.

You can be free. You can do the impossible.

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 6

There are a number of reasons that being minimalist is an advantageous
lifestyle to adopt and well go over many of those in the coming pages. For
the moment Id like to explain the three pillars of being minimalist.

These are the three primary reasons that I adopted a minimalist lifestyle.
They all have far reaching implications in your life, as well as to the planet

Sustainability. Balance.

We all know the world is dying, Al Gore made that clear enough. We all hope Many people are frantically running around the streets of America trying to get
for a legislative change from our governments to cap carbon emissions, but its things done. These people are Tweeting and phoning, theyre stressed out and con-
just not coming. If we dont do something, our children will inherit a danger- suming. Theyre fat and theyre sad, and they dont know what the problem is.
ous world without ice caps.
Balance is an element that weve lost in the modern age. I believe one of the pri-
Im not sure what the world will look like in 50 to 100 years, but I do know its mary keys to a happy human being is living a balanced lifestyle. This is a lifestyle
not going to look like the one we have now. Its going to be much warmer and without sacrifices, without compromises. Its a life where you arent forced, obli-
it will be much harder to grow food or go to the beach. gated, or otherwise enticed to work 70 hours a week.

We can sit back on our couches and do nothing or we can choose to adopt a Being minimalist is a way to achieve balance in your life. By limiting yourself in life
lifestyle which is sustainable. Being minimalist is one way you can do it. Im to what is absolutely essential to your existence, youll have more time for yourself.
not claiming its the only way, and I know this lifestyle isnt for everyone, but by Youll have more time to exercise and cook beautiful dinners again. Youll be able to
adopting it, you will fundamentally change the impact you have on this earth. focus on career goals that matter and not simply banging out the next widget.

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 7

Many people in this world are being told to sit down, shut up, and pay their
mortgages. This is no way to live. What happened to freedom for all? You might be
asking this question. Well, the answer is simple.

Youve been convinced you need all of these things in your life, but you dont.

Its a big conspiracy to keep the factories churning. That flat screen TV you bought?
Theres a 3D version coming out thats better. You have a choice, you can rush out and
buy a 3D flat screen, or you can opt out. Destroy your television, have more time.

Maybe you dont buy flat screen TVs, I know I dont. Transpose this theory to any
consumption that you regularly do. I almost guarantee that youre spending
outrageous amounts of money on something in your life that you dont need.

I used to spend tons of money on two things, alcohol and clothes. I was a New Yorker,
I had to act the part. Id go out to bars and do the sweet talk with B-list celebrity jour-
nalists and friends who were trying to get laid. At times in my life I would spend three
or four nights a week out on the town, racking up $80 bar bills.

Finally, I said enough. I want freedom. Maybe you do, too?

So stop spending. Take a serious look at your finances and see what you can cut.

Start setting goals. The best way to stop spending is to realize that you want to do
something with your life. I wanted to work for myself and live anywhere I wanted. So I
set goals. I would stop spending, and start thinking about my plans.

And then I jumped. I just quit one day, with $3000 in the bank. I said enough with
this system, I want out. I want to live a free life and I want to work for myself.

And you know what, it wasnt that hard. I flew halfway across the country, embraced
being minimalist fully, and started living.

Being minimalist is about the decision to stop spending and start living a free life.

Will you join me?

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 8
In my first couple of weeks in Portland, I did a lot of reading. I didnt have much
of a schedule, so I felt the best use of my brain was to read as many books as

One of the books I read during this time was Leo Babautas A Simple Guide to A
Minimalist Life.

While this e-book owes a great debt to Leos many years of minimalist practice,
I hope these two books can complement each other.

Leos book is simply brilliant. In it he lays down the terms of becoming a

minimalist in his signature, uncomplicated prose. He covers the fundamentals
of living without tons of crap in your life in a very basic way.

Because of this reason, I chose to leave out many of the more basic decisions
that you need to have more freedom in your life.

If you havent read Leos book yet, and are very new to the idea of being
minimalist, I hope that youll choose to read it now.

A Simple Guide to a Minimalist Life is the fundamental text regarding

minimalist philosophy. Its only $9.95 and 50% of that goes to support my own

Thank you. CLICK HERE


The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 9

Ive always had very few possessions, but being a minimalist isnt just about by with little, and I started to realize that I didnt need to be making as much money
what you carry with you. Its your entire engagement with the world. I spent (and spending as much money) as I was in New York. I hope by writing this I can
the last three years in New York living with very few possessions, but I admit- help a few more people achieve this state of being.
tedly did spend a lot of money. New York is like that, it sucks you in and spits
you out without your wallet. I gradually began to stop consuming and started living.

Theres a moment when everything changes, when you cant turn back. Minimalism is like the secret room that no one wants you to know about, and how
peaceful it is. Were all bombarded by advertising every day, claiming that we need one
I think there was a tipping point, when I figured out just how rewarding this more thing, that well be happier if we just buy more. Its not hard to understand how
life would be. Living day to day, place to place, consuming the minimum, exist- were conditioned to want to spend, but its hard reversing the work of (rough estima-
ing a little bit on the fringes. I enjoy watching the busy people running around, tion) hundreds of billions of dollars of corporate spending to make us want just one
frantically trying to support their overextended lifestyles, smiling, and then more thing.
going back home and writing a little. Trying to help spread a little more knowl-
edge about where Ive been, where you can go. The rewards are infinite though. Freedom cant be bought, it can only be found.

I think the moment when I couldnt go back came when I started meeting Its sitting right here, youve just got to slowly work your way backwards from the
people who were living this way, at the minimum, traveling here and there, grand buildup of possessions and spending and join us on the minimalist path.
making their living doing new and exciting things. I saw how they could get

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 10
Leo Babauta is the blogger behind Zen Habits and Mnmlist. Hes the author of
The Power of Less and A Simple Guide to a Minimalist Life.

Tammy Strobel is the blogger behind Rowdy Kittens. Shes self-employed and lives a
simple car-free life in Portland, OR. Shes the author of Simply Car-free: How to Pedel
Towards Financial Freedom and a Healthier Life.

Colin Wright is the blogger behind Exile Lifestyle and runs a sustainable design com-
pany. He has less than 70 things and moves to a new country every 4 months.

David Damron is the blogger behind The Minimalist Path and Life Excursion. Hes
the author of two e-books, Project M-31: Simplify Your Life in 31 Days and 7 Steps to
a Minimalist Life. MEET THE
Adam Baker is the blogger behind Man Vs. Debt. He moved from Indiana all the way
to Thailand, via New Zealand, with his wife and daughter, and got rid of all his crap
while paying off his debt.
Im not the only minimalist in the world. Theres a growing community
Chris Baskind is an eco-writer and blogger behind More Minimal. He bikes all over of amazing individuals who subscribe to the idea of living with less.
Pensacola, FL.

Karol Gajda is a perpetual traveler and blogger behind Ridiculously Extraordinary.

He lives out of a single bag while working from anywhere.

Jules Clancy is a minimalist chef, and the blogger behind Stone Soup: Minimalist
Home Cooking.

Joshua Becker is the blogger behind Becoming Minimalist. Hes the author of Sim-
plify: 7 Guiding Principles to Help Anyone Declutter Their Home and Life.

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 11
We spend so much of our lives buying stuff.

Why do we need to? What is this really accomplishing?

By relinquishing consumerism, well discover peace, happiness, and freedom.

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 12
People cant relate to a group larger than 150 individuals. Beyond that When I flew to Portland in August 09, home was with me. When I
point, you start to see heads shaking and Oh! I remember your face, got on the train to Chicago, home was with me.
but your name escapes me. This is called Dunbars law.
100 things makes a lot of sense when you think about the evolution
I believe this number also applies to stuff. of the human race. Up until 100 years ago, most of us couldnt afford
more than 100 things, so we never developed the mental capacity to
Once you get past 150 things, you start to lose your glasses. You dont handle owning that many objects.
remember what is in that box anymore, unless its labeled and you
look at it. We developed the need to have massive houses full of stuff when facto-
ries began to overproduce they needed us to buy more, so we did.
I put this theory into practice in July of last year. I simply gave away
everything I owned, until I had 100 things. Imagine how many objects a hunter/gatherer in the bush has to deal
with? A lot less. This leaves valuable brain power for getting the work
I noticed the changes immediately. I not only knew where everything done.
was (my second pair of red underwear, dirty; underneath my grey v-
neck, also dirty), I also noticed I didnt have to worry anymore. When you have 100 things, you no longer spend every weekend do-
ing housework. Instead, you can spend that time educating yourself,
Because I could associate properly with all of my objects, I wasnt launching new business strategies, reading a good book, or lying in the
constantly expending effort cleaning them, or trying not to lose them. grass at the park.

I also could fit everything into a backpack, changing my definition of The possibilities are limitless. You only have to stop buying and give
home. My home was anywhere me and my stuff at any given time. most of it away.

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 13


I have a solid one-month rule for everything I own. In addition to the I then give the items to someone who would find them useful, I donate
100-things rule, this means that I have to use everything I own at least them to an organization who can use the items. If all else fails, I recycle or
once a month. discard the item.

If it doesnt get used at least once a month, it goes in an outbox. This is a little extreme for some people, but I think its worth contemplat-
Depending on how much stuff I have at any given time, the outbox is ing. What would pass this test if you were to ask this of every object you
either a real box or a mental list that I have. own?

When I have time, I take a look at the box and I ask myself some serious I know some people who have a piano in their living room that they havent
questions: used in 10 years. In fact, they never learned how to play the piano. How
much freer would their lives have been if they had decided they didnt need
Will I use this next month? it?
What purpose does it serve in my life?
Do I need this professionally? I know some people who have three non-functional cars in their backyards.
Does anyone I know need this more than me?
Can I get another one of these in three years if I discover I need I know some people who keep all of their college textbooks, even though
one again? they are never going to pick them up again.
Do I use this seasonally?
After 30 seconds of deliberation. They either stay or they go.
Theyre either useful or they are not.

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 14
Heres one sure-fire way to stop spending money.

Put every single purchase that you make on a 30-day waiting list. Put
anything that costs more than $20 on this list.

You can do this for everything but food, because youll be dead in 30
days if you do.

Most people buy things because they think they need it now, when
usually the need has more to do with the environment that theyre in.
Theyve succumbed to what the advertisers want them to buy in that

By adopting a 30-day waiting list, youll realize what you actually need
(which isnt much).

Youll defeat the advertisers once and for all.

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 15

1, Somewhere, probably in the United States, someone has an idea; theyll
make a Useless Object and itll make them rich!

2, They sketch it out, they mull over it. They send the idea to their friends.
Hey, thats a good idea! I bet a bunch people would buy that and youd make

3, They get a few made at a factory in the U.S. They seem to look good!
Many people have too much stuff. Were faced with endless choices in modern They work perfectly at doing the useless thing that they do. Good!
society and the most common choice is yes, lets have another. Another plastic
knickknack, another candle holder, another footrest, another little, cute bowl to 4, They send their sample over to a factory in China, or another Asian coun-
put your keys in. try, and the factory sends a note back. Yes, well make that for ten cents per
Useless Object! They make five million of them.
Take a break from this e-book for a second and look around whatever room in
your house youre in. What do you see that you havent used in a month? In six 5, Stores in America spend endless amounts of money and resources bring-
months? In a year? ing these Useless Objects into American stores, where American consumers
spend their hard-earned cash buying these Useless Objects because they
If youre in a coffee shop, take a look inside your bag. What have you been carry- think they will make them happy. Either that or an American consumer
ing around for a month that you havent used? buys it for their friend because they think that itll make them happy.

Ive known people who bring back a bag of little useless objects every day when Thats the basic life cycle of the thing you havent used in a months life.
they come home. Why did you buy these things? I asked them. For someday, Insert the real name of your object where I put Useless Object.
they replied. What use is someday if youve forgotten you even purchased the
thing? The only solution to this is to stop buying. Stop indulging that little voice
in the back of your head saying to you that one more object will make you
Think about the life cycle of your average, inexpensive, mostly useless object for happy. It wont. Youll be happy for fifteen minutes and then youll go back
a second. to being sad.

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 16
Reflect on the true

cost of
People feel that just because they spent money on an object, they have to
keep carrying it with them. The problem is that over time the cost of an
item becomes greater.

The longer you live with an item, the longer you have to provide for it.

If you have 1,000 items, you need a big house. If you have 10,000 items,
you need an even bigger house, and probably some storage, too. What if you
only needed a house with one room, how much less would you spend on
your living situation?

Considering the true cost of every item in your life can make you realize just
how much youre responsible for and just how much you are holding back
your life by not taking this opportunity to slim down your belongings.

Imagine if you had a life where you could put everything you own on your
back and just leave.

You would have many more options than you do now.

You could live anywhere. You could work from anywhere.

The possibilities are infinite, why not try it? Or at least think about it.

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 17
There are infinite options for the modern consumer. As a minimalist, how do you decide who
to support?

Weve all been to a Walmart or a Target, a dollar store, or visited

We can buy whatever we want, and much of what I write about is how to avoid buying. But
the truth is that sometimes we need to buy things. We need clothes, we need to live some-
where, we need to eat.

Ive contemplated this topic endlessly, as it has many complexities, many of which I will have
to leave to you to debate with yourself.

There will be exceptions. In some cases you may not have a choice as to what to buy (toilet

But with a little consideration, I believe a minimalist can stick with their values and support
the right people when it is necessary to consume.

The secret to minimalist consumption is simple; support the artists.

Now, Im not speaking about artists as painters or sculptors. There are artists who do these
things and for those of us who buy paintings, we would like them to come from an artist. You
can also get a painting from a non-artistits said that 60% of the worlds paintings come
from a single village in China. These people arent artists, they are factory workers.

Id like to argue that there are artists all around us creating many fine things. An artist is
someone who is creating something that they are passionate about.

You vote with every dollar you spend. Do you vote mega-corporation or independant artist?

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 18
I buy my produce at an organic market instead of a generic grocery store chain,
because I know they care about their product. Even if the costs are higher. Artists create
I purchased my computer from Apple because I know theyve designed a product
what we can
believe in
that works best for what I do. Even though it costs more.

I buy from indie writers like Leo Babauta because I know he is passionate about his
writing and he actually knows what he is talking about.

Do you think Coca-Cola or Ikea has artists working for them? Probably. But most of
their stuff is cheaply made in another country by machine.

That bookcase is $24, but does it have a soul behind it? No.

I realize this makes the decision to purchase anything infinitely harder, but thats
the decision we need to make if were going to support what really matters.

Artists give something that matters. That art might be a muffin that the lady at the
coffee shop woke up early that morning to bake. That art might be the blog post
that you read this morning that you know the writer put some thought intoso
that he was creating art that made a difference.

You probably think finding art is hard, but its becoming so much easier. Have you
been to

Next time you buy a new coffee cup, consider buying one that was handmade. Con-
sider passing on Bed, Bath and Beyond and getting a hand-knit blanket from the
woman with the shop down the street.

Next time you think about buying another bottle of Yellowtail wine, consider in-
stead supporting a small wine seller from the Columbia or Willamette Valleys.

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 19
Next time you consider buying stock imagery from a micro agency, consider instead sup-
porting an artist on Flickr.

Next time you need to buy a dress, dont go to Forever 21. Have Brooklyn fashion de-
signer Anjia Jalac hand-make one for you.

Next time you buy a bike, dont get one from Schwinn. Consider having one made for
you by Fast Boy Cycles.

Next time you buy coffee, skip Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts and order beans from
Intelligencia or Stumptown roasteries.

The options are available. But if you vote with the few dollars you minimalists spend
this year, I promise theyll become more common.

Imagine how amazing it would be to tell the story behind everything you owned if it was
created by an artist.

Were just coming off of two centuries of a factory dominated society, its only natural
that the options might be harder to find.

The point is that it doesnt have to be that way forever.

You can support an artist with every purchase you make, you just have to make the
choice to do it.

We can support each other by buying from each other and not from a corporate ma-
chine. The tools exist to make this happen, we just have to learn to use them.

By purchasing this e-book, youre supporting an independant artist. Thank you.

The time to support artists is now.

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 20
The age of
Despite recession, the national deficit, and everything else you can imagine, we still have access
to a lot.

We have running water. In most places you can buy bulk quantities of everything that you need
at the corner Costco.

And yet were still complaining. One throw rug isnt enough! I want seventeen for $3.99!
Therein lies the problem.

We can have everything, so people buy everything. They get addicted to another $2.99 or
$159.99 gadget every month. It doesnt matter which income demographic youre in. There is a
scalable economy to match your desire to buy more crap.

In Portland, theres a Salvation Army outlet store referred to by the local thrifters called the
bins. You can buy anything you want for $1.49 a pound. Theyll even weigh your cart.

I went twice, while I was in Portland, and every time there were hordes of low-income people
piling their carts high with junk. A lot of the stuff at the bins is garbage. These people have ac-
cess to it, so rather than buy a nice towel at Target for $10, theyre buying seventeen disgusting
third hand towels for $20. Its not logical, but they still do it.

I bought a scarf that I found, it was nice and only ended up costing 49 cents.

This same situation also applies to 5th Avenue in Manhattan. For a very short time, I worked
at the Apple Store on 59th Street. Rich old ladies would walk in from the Upper East Side and
purchase twelve MacBook Pros. Just because they had the money, not because they needed all
of those computers.

Absurd, but true.

We need to realize that we have access to everything instantaneously. If we need something, we

can go out and get it. We dont need seventeen third-hand towels in our closet. We dont need
twelve MacBook Pros, just in case we happen to need them.

I know youre not doing absurd things like this, but think about it on a smaller scale. Buy things
you need for now, for the important projects that youre working on. Dont buy things for some-
day just because you happen to have just received a paycheck.

It doesnt matter whether your paycheck was $120,000 or $350. The same over-consumption
binge can apply, if you let it.

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 21
What if you traveled with

Can you imagine what it would be like to simply fly from New York to If it was an emergency; sleeping bag, tent, any food available in my
Chicago with just a satchel bag? area, water bottle.

I think its important to regularly reflect about which of the things you Less urgent situations; Id bring my laptop.
carry with you are essential. Which possessions do you absolutely need?
Obviously this is a rather small list, but I actually dont own many
Think about how easy it would be to move if you had only the essentials. more things than this.
How easy it would be to go on vacation. How easy it would be to change
your job, because you wouldnt need to pay for a huge house or rent a Think about what you would bring with you if you had to leave now.
large apartment anymore. Make a list. Maybe even pack a bag and see how heavy it would be.
Consider if you had to walk 50 to 100 miles with that bag. Does it
Im living this life, and I think you can too. still seem doable?

What would you bring with you, if you had to leave now? This is a good mental list to have ready to go, you never know...

Say, in a hypothetical situation, you wanted or needed to leave your house You also never know when you might want to set off on an adven-
at this exact moment. What would you bring with you? You have to go ture, and these are always more fun when youre not dragging two
right now! Theres no time to sit around and mull over the decision. rolling suitcases and a backpack with you.

Heres my list: What would you bring with you? Think about it.

5 shirts, 5 pairs of underwear, 5 pairs of socks, 1 pair of jeans. Suitable

jacket for overnight weather at my destination. iPhone, iPhone charger.
Cash, credit cards, and ID.

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 22
From an early age youve been indoctrinated into a society that values things above people.

We are what we own, or so youve been told.

They all told you that you wanted the two-car garage. They told you to fill one side with
stuff you couldnt fit inside your house. Indeed, one-quarter of all Americans have a two-
car garage in this condition.

The stuff just sits there. You walk by it and wish that it would disappear. Secretly you wish
someone would burn your two-car garage down, so you wont have to make the decision to
get rid of that clutter.

We find so many ways to keep us from reaching our potential. Stuff is just one of those
ways. We dont want to deal with the harsh reality of our lives, the fact that we havent re-
ally done anything important.

So we refocus all of our attention on the endless burden of re-sorting our stamp collection.

A friend of mine, the Brooklyn hip-hop artist D.O.V. of Verbal Graffiti, repeatedly loses his
life work every couple of years. In 2003, his house burned down. In 2009, his laptop was
stolen from his living room without a trace, containing years of un-backed-up recordings.

The loss is always devastating to him. He tells himself that this is the end of his career and
hell never make another beat again.

But this wasnt the case, there were no devastating repercussions. Six months after the
loss of his computer he had a new album on the streets. He has another one half finished
already. Youre HINDERING YOUR
The beats werent on his computer, they were in him. By clearing away all the years of junk
on his computerall of the beats that never had any potential, but he continued to mess POTENTIAL
withhe was able to free himself to create a new album.

A clean slate can be a powerful drive to create.

What if you were able to harness this ability for a lifetime?

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 23
Forgo the biggest Many people make two very big purchases in their lives that are incredibly expen-
sive, and completely unnecessary, if you position yourself correctly in the world.

(The Minimalist Secret)
1, a house.
2, a car.

You might have one or the other, or both.

In many places you need a car to get around. Thats understandable.

But consider this; what if you lived in a place where a car isnt necessary? Biker-
friendly cities are becoming easier to find. Brooklyn and Portland are both covered
with bike lanes. A bike can cost around $150. A helmet is a little extra, but necessary.

If you buy a bike, youll be healthier, live longer, and people will instantly think
youre cooler.
This is the minimalist secret.
Houses are another problem entirely. Theyre very expensive and can tie an owner
You probably already knew this, deep down in your heart somewhere, but down for their entire life if not purchased properlylike if you dont have enough
society makes every effort to bang this one out of you. They tell you to sit money to afford onewhich is most of us.
down, shut up and buy these two things.
The housing bust has proven that a house isnt necessarily the best investment. I
Almost everyone in society makes this fatal choice. They spend the rest of know many people who are trapped by their mortgages in terrible areas where they
their lives paying for making it. need a car to get around. This is a very expensive way to live.

This choice infinitely restricts their freedom for either their immediate The alternative is a small apartment. Most cities have these for a fraction of the price
future, or for at least long enough that they cant recover before theyre too of a home. If you live in a nice apartment, you can move whenever you wish, your
old to have any hope. costs are minimal, and your landlord will fix most of problems for you.

Never buy a McMansion or a Hummer.

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 24

The path to a minimalist life is not an easy one. Ive found that my own life, my journey through minimal-
ist living has a cyclical pattern. Some years I have more stuff, others Ive purged everything.

Not everyone needs to take being minimalist to the extreme that I am right now. Youll find that some
areas of your life really could use some simplification, while others may need to just be left alone.

Paring down my life to just the basic essentials for my own survival didnt happen overnight though, it
took a concerted effort to keep from gathering more stuff. I also have had to let some things go.

Being minimalist has its rewards.

1, Less organizing. If you have no things, you dont have to move them around.
2, Less expensive. When I wanted to move to Portland, all I did was hop on a plane.
3, I can live a more organic life. I can spend each day doing exactly what I want, without having to
feed the junk that surrounds me.
4, I need less space. I can basically live anywhere. My room right now costs mostly nothing and it
doubles as a yoga studio because I have nothing in it except a newly acquired bed.

But for those readers who are investigating the possibility of becoming more minimal, how can you go
about making these changes?

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1, Clear one surface.

Whether its your kitchen counter-top, your sofa, or your living-room floor. Pick
one surface and clear it! Take every miscellaneous item off that surface and find
it a homea home is a place where an object is supposed to be, like a drawer, or
a closet. The best place for homes is out of sight.

Ask yourself, when you pick up each object individually, Do I need this? If the
answer is yes, put it away somewhere. If the answer is no, find out a way to get
that object out of your life. Recycle it, donate it, gift it, throw it out.

2, Eliminate one obligation.

Take a look at your schedule, is there anything that you absolutely hate doing
but you continue to do? This can be anything for many different people.

Maybe youre watching a television show that you really dont like anymore. This
show is eating an hour of your life right there, for nothing. Cut it out of your
life. Or maybe youre helping your friends with all of their computer problems.
Make it known that you dont enjoy installing printer drivers and helping people
remove their viruses anymore.

By eliminating obligations, you free up your time to accomplish things that are
actually important to you. I use my free time these days to study yoga and read

10 simple
books on yoga.

3, Walk slower.

Buddhists call this practice walking meditation. Ive become a huge fan of ways to be MORE
walking everywhere slower. Everyone in modern society is rushing somewhere,
but where are they rushing to? Id love it if I had the answer.

Rushing does the opposite of getting you to your destination faster. In fact, by
rushing you make mistakes, you can hurt yourself, youll stress yourself out. All
of these problems accumulate until youre not a very effective person anymore.
Slow down and youll notice that your productivity will improve.

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 26
4, Remove five things from your life.

Identify five objects that you dont use, or dont need, or are just over-compli-
cating your life, and get rid of them! So many people keep things around just
in case, and in most cases they never use them for anything. For myself I keep a
one-month rule. If I dont use an object at least once a month, I dont need it at

5, Clear your email box.

Inbox Zero is a powerful state to achieve. If you have tons of unread messages,
theyll weigh heavily on your mind. Take a moment and clear out that inbox.
Heres what I usually do: throw anything that you havent read thats at least a
week old. People will email again if its important. Now, delete anything that
is junk, or useless, like newsletters. Unsubscribe from as many newsletters of
these as possible. Everyone signs you up for their newsletter, but do you actually
read any of them? If its not important it shouldnt be coming to your email box.
Next, deal with any important emails from this week, one at a time until theyre
all taken care of.

6, Un-friend one person.

People can be bothersome, and everyone has that one friend that they wish they
never had to talk to againwhether this person is constantly asking for advice,
or asking for favors, or just being annoying. Take a moment to block this person
on every service that you have. Un-friend on Facebook, remove from Linkedin,
block their g-chat name, send their emails to the trash, make a
commitment not to answer if they call.

Good, now you dont have to deal with this person anymore.

For some people this will be really hard, but you have to understand that your
time is valuable, and there will always be people who want to take up most of
yours. If you surround yourself with people you love, youll love being surround-
ed by people.

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 27
7, Make one important decision.

Youve been putting it off, I know. Theres got to be one thing that youve yet to
say yes or no to. Whether its dinner on Friday with your best friend, or finishing
a project at work. Make the decision now to either do it or not. Call and cancel
with your friend, or bang through that project.

8, Spend an hour in silence.

Silence is important, it gives you time to reflect on your life, what youre doing
right, what youre doing wrong. Important answers can come to you in the space
between doing. Lock yourself in a room, step out on the front porch, or go sit
in a coffee shop and stare out the window. Answers will come to you. The most
important thing is to not do anything.

9, Get yourself off one online social network.

People think they need to be a part of everything, but its important that you
maintain your connection with the service thats connecting you with people. If
Facebook is eating up too much of your time, get off of it! If you havent checked
your profile on Yelp in awhile, consider getting off that service. The less social
networking you do on the Internet, the more time youll have to accomplish
important things.

10, Do one thing that you really love.

Being minimalist isnt about doing nothing, its about finding time to do whats
important to you. By getting rid of all your clutter, youll find that you spend less
time maintaining your existence and youll have more time to do what you really
enjoy doing. So ask yourself now; whats the most important thing to me? Now
answer it. Then do it.

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 28
Have a
I used to live in Bushwick, Brooklyn, in an old red school house with 10 artists.

We had one of those free-standing fire pits made of metal. We burned a lot of scrap

wood and a couch once. Wed sit around the fire pit and tell stories. This was our
moment to check in, drink wine and whiskey, and see how everyone was doing.

One of my roommates was moving out. She had two black garbage bags full of a diary
she had printed years ago.

This was material that pained her every time she read it. Every word self-absorbed,
and yet meaningless to everyone but herself.

Yet it all seemed so permanent to her. She had to carry this diary with her everywhere
she went. She couldnt let go.

I said burn it.

We took it out on the roof one snowy day last January; we threw a few boards on top
of it and lit a match. It took thirty minutes to burn through all of the pages slowly.
The ash mixed with the snow. The diary that seemed so permanent, was instead so

Everything is fragile. Every decision you make is a matter of life and death of an
outcome. The thing is, you can choose which destination you want to arrive at. Do
you want to continue to haul 30 pounds of paper through your lifea painful diary
recording a breakup you had years ago?

I said no. You dont want to carry that. You can certainly choose to, but thats like a
duckling choosing to have her wings amputated. Youll never fly south for the winter.

Youll never be able to move on to the next relationship because youre still hauling
your old one along with you in two black garbage bags.

Consider burning it all, you might just enjoy it.

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 29
Why you need to
just jump

Sometimes youre sitting in a job you hate, living in a place you hate, and you cant
figure out why youre so impossibly miserable.

In these moments, its time to just jump. Save up $1500 to $3000, and go hang-glid-

I know to some of you the thought of leaving everything behind is terrifying, youve
worked so hard to get entrenched in your job. You spent so long making your apart-
ment look just perfect.

But youre still unhappy.

What youre missing is the sense of adventure.

What youre giving into is an unjustified fear that wont go away.

You have to prove to yourself that that fear is unjustified. Because it really is. The world
isnt as hard as they make it seem on TV. One of the easiest ways you can waste your life
is by spending it in mediocrity. Not moving, unchanging, settled down and waiting for
something to happen.

In these moments you have to jump. Dont think about it, just leave it all behind. These
moments are rare, but they are exceptional.

Leave it all behind and see what comes next.

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 30
Sometimes it isnt enough to just get rid of one thing at a time.

Theres just too much stuff and you will spend the next 15 years making sure it all
gets dealt with.

In this case you need to burn it all. You really do.

Im a big fan of simple little steps, Ive said that before many times. But sometimes
15,000 simple little steps is going to keep you from ever finishing.

There are moments when destroying your lifes work can be the best thing you ever

When burning the contents of your closet will liberate you.

When dumping all of your friends and finding new ones is the best decision you ever
could make.

This is a last resort and not a decision to take lightly. But if youre stuck so hard in a
place where you cant even breathe, this might be the only option. The last resort.

It might take you 100 years to clear a path up this cliff and progress to the next
level or you can just jump and soar.

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 31
The most successful people find ways to optimize their time.

They dont get distracted by the unimportant.

This chapter will train you in the skills necessary to achieve minimalist success.

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 32

Face it, there are too many people.
Society watched in horror as both parents began working 60 hours a week
Across the world there are highways jam-packed with commuters. and Joey started smoking pot in the livingroom and playing Wii.
Whenever I take the subway when Im in New York, Im frightened by
the thousands of sad faces all rushing from one job to the next. Gas This wasnt the dream we asked for.
costs nearly $3 a gallon as Im writing this and its not getting any
cheaper. Global warming is another problem all together. With the fall of Detroit, many people are asking, what now? Our schools
are still teaching our kids that the right thing to do is to sit down and shut
Becoming minimalist is one solution to these problems. Weve decided up, their cushy factory job is coming.
to opt out, to say enough. Weve decided to become the model citizens
of a sustainable generation. These jobs are not coming. For many of us, there are no jobs anymore, at
least as they were defined by the last couple of generations.
Some minimalists grow their own food, others refuse to own a car,
others have less than 100 possessions. Over the last few years, Ive watched as many of my friends have struggled
with this question. Many are frustrated. They send hundreds of resumes to
Many minimalists, including myself, have chosen to opt out of the anonymous Career Builder and Craigslist listings and no one hears back.
factory system that has dominated our culture for the last 200 years. This leads to a lot of pain and more frustration.
These people work for themselves, and the Internet makes it all
possible. The first reaction, for many, is to sit back and wait for the government to fix
this problem. This is one answer, but Obama has his hands full just trying
We need a new American Dream. to get us healthcare, juggle two wars, and bail out the banks.

In the middle of the last century, there was a huge movement for Some people want the government to make them stop eating junk food,
everyone to adopt this idea of the American family. The single-family but is that really their responsibility? No.
home. The station wagon. The drive-in movie. The take-out burger.
Dad went to work at the factory and Mom made little Joey a peanut We have to take matters into our own hands and change society from the
butter and jelly sandwich. ground up.

The Great Recession has destroyed the last remnants of that dream. Becoming minimalist is one way to accomplish this.

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 33
Why you havent done

with your
life (yet)

Tick tock tick tock.

Youre getting older; I know I am.

The sense of self-preservation is in direct defiance of our true meaning; to do great

work at some point in our lives.

To create a legacy project.

Something worth remembering.

The only problem is that you havent started yet. Instead youre shopping, youre
making one more payment on your student loan. You would have moved, but you
have the destinct impression that its just too late.

Well, Im here to tell you its not too late.

But you have to start somewhere, and the best way to start is to begin clearing
away the distractions. You need to focus on the important or itll all be a waste.

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 34
Americans work too much. Did you know that the average American worker spends 47.1 hours
at the office per week? Some even work up to 70 hours. Thats insane, were killing ourselves. No
wonder we never have time to cook breakfast and dinner, let alone exercise and spend time with
our families.

The Great Recession has exacerbated this problem because people are afraid theyll be laid off if
they dont spend extra hours on the job.

The problem with the delayed gratification of retirement.

The worst part about this whole equation is that were expected to slave away our youth for a far-

THE ULTIMATE GUIDE off goal of someday retiring to a nice beach somewhere when we hit our 70s.

Ive got some news; you probably wont make it to 70 working 70 hours a week.
TO The MINIMALIST Now, Im not saying you should quit working. Everyone needs to work in order to make money to

survive. But an outrageous amount of time at the office is a good sign that you are working in a
fear-based environment.

Its time to start working less.

The best time to start working less was five years ago, if you missed that opportunity the time to
start is now.

Youre afraid youre not good enough, so you end up working long hours to prove to yourself and
your employer that youre being useful. This is the opposite of what your approach to work should
be. You need to prove to yourself and your employer that youre so useful that they cant survive
without you, and in order to do that, you and they need to value yourself enough to let you go
home at a decent time of day.

But the truth is, you are good enough. Your employer needs you to do your job because what you
do is valuable. If what you do isnt valuable, then you need to go work for a company that youre
passionate about.

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 35
Ive been self-employed since August, but before that I did a three-year stint at a magazine office in
New York. While I was there, I developed a number of strategies to take control of my work schedule.
I hope youll find these strategies useful and apply them to your own work life.

These tips apply whether youre working in an office or from your living room.

While I might be working from anywhere these days, I wouldnt be here without the solid work ethic
I developed while I was working at the magazine.

You are probably in more danger of overworking when youre self-employed than when youre
working in an office, because all of the money you make hinges on your ability to bring in the cash.

Be aware of your freelance work schedule, because if left unmonitored, the flexibility can be more
dangerous than any day job.

If you get yourself fired, its your fault, not mine.

Any of the suggestions below can be abused. You have to approach the modification of your work
schedule with a decisive, yet conscious attitude. The idea behind most of these suggestions is to do
your job better, make yourself indispensable, and go home at a decent hour.

Do not use these suggestions to be a slacker and not accomplish what youre paid to do at your job
this approach can be a one-way ticket to a pink slip if youre not conscious of how others are perceiv-
ing what youre trying to achieve.

Be aware of your surroundings. Dont do all of these suggestions at the same time. Be sure to retreat
if your colleagues (and especially your boss) get defensive.

Use these tips wisely and youll be working thirty hours a week in no time, use them poorly and youll
be working 0 hours a week in no time. I am in no way responsible if you lose your job, if you blow
Why it doesnt matter whether
your cover, or act inappropriately. youre self-employed or
The warning being said, Ive put all of these techniques into play in both an office and working from
home, and Ive had huge success with all of them.
an office drone

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 36
1, You can probably do your job in less time than you do.
21 ways to take control
There is this prevailing idea that you need to do your job for 8 hours a day.
The problem with this mentality is that you stretch your daily tasks until
they fit into those 8 hours. I know some people who fill their down time
of your job
idly surfing Myspace or blogs. That might be wasted time and you could be
going home earlier. Make a list of all of the tasks you have to do on a regular
day. Now estimate how long it takes you to do those tasks. Cut each of these
estimates by 25% and try to make everything fit. Now youre only working 6
hours a day! Hurray!

2, Set a go-home time.

Projects will always land at your desk at 4:59pm. This is an inevitability,

because colleagues will spend a day working on a problem and then present
it to you right before they go home for the night. By setting a go-home time
people will start to understand that they cant keep you longer, so theyll give
you stuff earlier that they need done. You have to make the decision that
work can wait until tomorrow.

3, Make yourself indispensable.

One of the best ways to work less is to make yourself so important to your
workplace that they just cant do anything without you. You do this by being
remarkable, by being awesome, by being so effective and intelligent at your
job that no one can do anything close to the level of work that you achieve.
Does this sound difficult? Its really much easier than you think. The secret
is focusing on what is important to succeeding at your job.

4, Become a leader.

No one questions when the boss takes a two-hour lunch break or goes home
at 5pm. This is because theyre a leader, and you need to become one too if
youre going to escape workplace monotony. Start taking the lead on proj-
ects, make decisions quickly and show initiative. People will start to look up
to you; they will let you work less because they know when you are working
youre doing a remarkable job.

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 37
5, Learn to delegate.

One of the most important skills anyone can learn is the ability to let other
people do work for you. If you have people working under you, learn to trust
them to do their jobs. There are endless tasks that would be better done by
someone who isnt you. Outsource stupid, repetitive tasks to an
intern or a less experienced employee. Give yourself time to work on the
hard problems. The important thing is to concentrate on the work that you
have to do, and let everyone else concentrate on the work that they have to
do. If you cant trust someone who works under you to do their job, then
maybe you should get someone else to do that job.

6, Eliminate unnecessary tasks.

Every job has stupid tasks that someone assigned someone to do once a
week, five years ago, and they just keep doing them. Make a list of stupid
tasks you do and try to either automate them, delegate them, or simply
stop doing them. Maybe no one will notice, maybe you didnt have to do it

7, Learn to live on less.

Many people work too much because they live unsustainable lifestyles. They
have two mortgages and two cars, they eat out every night and then go
drinking, and pretty soon they need to make $100,000 a year to sustain the
lifestyle. By learning to live on less, you will be able to work less. If you only
need $2,000 a month to survive, you only need to make $24,000 a year,
and that can free you for a world of other opportunities which will inevita-
bly grow to provide much more than a dead-end job ever will.

8, There will always be tomorrow.

Most jobs have projects that will take months or years to achieve. Recognize
that you will be working on a task for a very long time, but that you need
to take time off to rest and recuperate before the next day. Everyone needs
balance or else youll burn yourself out. So go home at 5pm, come back at
9am, and youll start over with working. The project wont go anywhere
overnight, trust me.

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 38
9, Refuse to put out fires.

There will always be colleagues who have problems that Have to be dealt with now!
Its an emergency! Dont buy into this, nothing is an emergency. Just tell them you ac-
knowledge their problem, but youre very busy right now and need to finish your cur-
rent project. Check in two hours later and I bet that most emergencies have been dealt
with by those who started them. If you run around solving other peoples problems all
day, you wont get anything done on your own projects.

10, Isolate yourself.

Lock yourself in your office and dont come out until your work is done. When people
call, tell them to drop you an email and youll reply when you have time. If people are
constantly dropping by your desk to ask questions or have idle chit-chat, youre not
getting work done. Questions should be asked via email. Small talk is for the bar, after
work, once a week. If you have a cubicle, put headphones on.

11, Avoid meetings like the plague.

Meetings are endless time suckers. No one ever accomplishes anything at meetings, so
stop going to them. People hold meetings because they dont know what to do, they
have no ideas, so they rely on other people to develop them. If something important
needs to be discussed, thats great, call a meeting. But meeting every day to go over
TPS reports is useless; there are better ways to approach workplace optimization than
disrupting everyones schedule so they can sit on their Blackberries and zone out as
everyone else talks.

12, Take the initiative on important projects.

Learn to be a leader when important projects come your way. Be discriminatory on

which projects you are willing to take on and which you will simply refuse. In most
offices there will be ideas pitched that just must be completed which are in reality
just dead ends. Avoid these projects. When you see a project that will lead to amazing
results, dedicate all of your available time to making these results a reality.

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 39
13, Let unimportant projects die.

Like the above, but different. Dont get involved with projects that are stupid. Let stupid
people do these projects and focus on the ones that will lead to results. No one ever got
promoted for finishing a stupid project that no one cares about.

14, Dont associate with the water cooler gang.

Do you know the guys who stand around the water cooler, bitching and moaning about
how hard life is? They always find a way to shoot down your idea or tell you that its
impossible. Stop talking to these people. They are everywhere and they are mostly useless.
These are usually corporate lifers, or people who are just so sick and tired of themselves
and their job that all they can do is be negative. Cut these people out of your life.

15, Stay positive.

Being optimistic can do a world of good in many situations. When youre discussing a
remarkable projectone that everyone thinks is going to bomband youre willing to go
out on a limb and be optimisticpeople will start to see you as a natural leader. Dont be
a downer when people come to you with ideas that just wont work; point them in a direc-
tion that will help them succeed.

16, Dont check email every five minutes.

Sitting at your computer and hitting the send/receive button is pointless. By checking
email every five minutes you are disrupting your ability to concentrate on the task at hand.
Set four specific times a day when you check and respond to email, the rest of the time you
must be on radio silence working on remarkable projects.

17, Stop using voicemail on your work phone.

Checking work phone voicemail is a ten minute process, so just stop using it. People
should be using email to ask you questions, not spending time talking to you on the
phone. Go ahead and put a voicemail message up saying that you dont usually respond to
voicemail messages in a timely manner and request that an email message be sent instead.

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 40
18, Im too busy to do that right now.

This is the best defense against any lame project that comes your way. Just say
youre too busy, youre overwhelmed, youre on deadline, you cant help right
now, but you can in a day or two. Most projects will go away in a day or two,
or go to someone else. Be sure to differentiate between awesome projects and
lame ones though; you dont want to use this excuse for things you really can
make a difference with.

19, Give yourself 20% of your work time for your own projects.

Have you heard of Googles famous 80/20 workplace rule? Well, let me give a
quick rundown if you havent. Google lets its employees work on their own pet
projects for 20% of their time. Gmail was born out of this philosophy. Make it
a priority to give yourself this time to work on your own projects at work, even
if your boss isnt down with the idea. Youll give birth some really awesome
ideas during this time.

20, Gradually transition to working from home.

Some people see huge productivity boosts when they work from home. When
I was working at the magazine, I eventually transitioned into working from
home for half the day. I was working on a blog network, so this just seemed
natural to let the employees work from home during the morning (in their PJs,
heh). I was able to do so much more during that time at home than I was at
work and I was also able to sit in the kitchen, make breakfast, and sip cof-
fee while I was doing it. Convince your boss to give you a 3-week trial period
where you work from home one day a week, then show your boss that you
got 200% more work done during that time. Maybe theyll let you work from
home permanently?

21, If you hate your job

Can you honestly say that you like your job? A lot of people are working dead-
end jobs, because they think they have to. Just stop, if you can. Make the
decision now to transition into a new field, or start your own business from
home in your spare time. You spend half of your life at work and its not worth
hating yourself for half of your life. You can do better; you can do anything.

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 41
HOW TO compensate a
The pay you receive from the work you do should have no correlation with how much time you spend

Over the average work week, we can observe countless people mortgaging their time for someone elses
gain. They feel sad about this, but they arent entirely sure what has gone wrong with the situation.

The minimalist work week is not about spending 40 hours a week busying yourself with busy work.

Its about spending a small amount of well-used time on powerful work that pays off dividends.

All work is not created equal and a minimalist understands this. Wed rather be reading a book, or
traveling to a new place, than pushing a button at Starbucks.

Recognize the work you have the capacity to do that is worth $500 or $1000 for an hour of important
work. Earning $1000 from one hour is worth far more than 40 hours of $15.

If you spend each hour working for that $1000 hour, youll eventually start doing many of them in a
row. That is the magic of a minimalist approach to work.

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 42
The world is an unstable place. Chances are that even if you have a safe and
secure job now, economic instability will get to you eventually. How to survive the
The factory system that dominated the United States is beginning to decline. Great Recession
The fact that youre reading this book is proof of that. People are beginning to
realize that upgrading their flat screen TV isnt going to make them happier.
(if it ever ends.)
Many people thought it was quite stupid of me to quit my well-paying, safe,
and secure job. During a recession of all times!

Theyre waking up to the fact that stuff does not equal happiness, and they are
compensating by decluttering and living simpler lives. People are working less
and pursuing projects that are important to them.

Did you ever dream of being an artist? Now is the time.

Being minimalist has taught me much about how to survive in any economic The last secret is even simpler: you dont need anything else.
climate. Allow me to share a few of these secrets with you.
Shopping will not make you happier.
Realize you only need two things.
Be okay with having one pair of good clean jeans. Five T-shirts. You dont have
The first is food. The second is shelter. to upgrade to the next new gadget right away, your old phone makes calls just as
well as the next one.
Food doesnt have to be expensive. Indeed, fresh vegetables and their associates
can be pretty cheap. Stop eating out all of the time, start learning to cook good The people who are having trouble in this recession arent changing their spend-
food. ing habits. These are the people who have lost their jobs and cant support them-
selves. They just keep buying and buying and they dont realize that a simpler
Shelter doesnt have to be expensive either. Many people buy homes with far life is healthier, better, and most importantly, sustainable.
more rooms than they have people. Rent a simple house with just enough
space. Youll see more of your family, youll have less rooms to fill with junk, If you live your life like this, you can survive any recession. If you begin to live
and youll spend more time outside enjoying your life. this way you can get through the rest of this one intact.

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In the modern age weve managed to find hundreds of thousands of ways to use
as much time as possible.

Weve come to a point where people cannot slow down. When they do, it is un-
comfortable for them to sit still.

Its impossible for some people to dwell in the present moment without fiddling
with a distraction.

We think we need to be constantly connected. We think we need to answer every

email as soon as it arrives or society will leave us behind.

We think we need to madly dash from the subway, to the coffee shop (red-eye
please), to the office every single day or someone will think were not valuable

None of this is true. In fact, its becoming readily apparent that the people who
decide to opt out of this system of constant stimulation are far more effective
people than the ones who are constantly plugged into the matrix.

Right now, in this moment, we need to reclaim our time.

Some of the most effective people I know, such as Leo Babauta and Tim Ferriss,
have realized that being constantly connected is counter-productive. Theyve both
written in great length in their books, The Power of Less and The 4-Hour Work-
week, how blockading your time can generate far more intrinsic worth than by

The reason for this is simple; if youre constantly connected, youre also constantly
reacting. Every single request that comes in needs to be answered immediately.
This means youre dividing your time between the important projects youre
working on and little, stupid things that come in.

For instance, I may get two @evbogue requests on Twitter in the time I take to
write this. They will be simple questions or requests to promote things. If I
answered all of these requests immediately, I wouldnt have written these last
couple of paragraphs.

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 44
14 ways to save your
valuable time
Alternatively, if I wait until an hour from now, my work on this story will be done. Ill be
able to answer 5 @evbogue tweets and any emails, all at once.

Constantly flailing from one activity to the next is only making our lives less valuable.

Time is probably the most valuable asset that we have left in this world, and it is rightfully

This is the moment to take a stand; regain your valuable time.

1, Set dedicated work hours.

Many people let their work hours extend into every odd hour of the day. Freelance web
workers, like myself, can fall into this trap even easier than someone who works at an
office. Theres always something else to do, and never enough time to do it all. Set specific
times when you will work on work, and stick with them. For instance, today Im working
from 1pm to 5pm. After that time, Im going to go enjoy the lovely weather and read Seth
Godins new book, Linchpin.

2, Pretend youre not here.

Lock the door, dont let anyone in. Hide under the desk. This is easier if you work from
anywhere or have your own office, but there are many ways to pretend youre not here. Be

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 45
3, Answer emails decisively.

Dont sit at your computer hitting the send/receive button over and over and over again.
Work is not about how many emails you can reply to, it never has been. Work is about
thinking about unique solutions to problems, unless youre a widget maker, which many
of us arent anymore because all of those jobs are now in China. You need dedicated time
to work on solutions, you cant do this if youre constantly waiting for a new email to
come in your box.

4, Make dedicated Twitter time.

Just like email, stop hitting the update button on Twitter. Trust me, it does no one any
good if you stay constantly up to date on the fifty 140-character messages that flew into
your box in the last 30 seconds. Actually, while Im on this topic, dont follow 50,345
people on Twitter. I cant take seriously people who do this. There is no possible way
they will ever see my Twitter messages if theyre following that many people. Follow 150
people max. Dunbars law applies to Twitter too. Follow people who interest you, unfol-
low people who dont interest you. Its that simple.

(If you want someone to follow you on Twitter, try retweeting a few of their stories.
Thats usually the best way to get them interested in your own personal work. There are
many bots on Twitter, and its hard to tell who to follow sometimes.)

5, Refuse to put out fires.

There will always be non-urgent work emergencies, but you arent the fire department.
These fires usually drop onto your desk at 4:49pm and can take hours to deal with. Most
of the time these emergencies could have been dealt with before they became emergen-
cies if someone had just got in touch before they spiraled out of control. Make it clear
you dont deal with these. When emergencies come, unless theyre actual life-or-death
situations (these dont happen often, but recognize when they do), handle them just like
any other work request. Dont panic, just do the work. If its 5pm and youre going home,
it can wait until tomorrow.

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 46
6, Make yourself unavailable.

Some people make themselves always available at the office or online. This is a trap, because
people expect that you will be available at all times. A better approach is to avoid broadcast-
ing when youre online and when youre not. This might mean keeping your office door shut
or always keep your headphones on if you work in an open office. It might mean finding
more time to work from home so you can get important projects done.

7, Always take a day to respond to everything.

Make people assume it will take a day or two for you to get back with a request. You can
always give a better response to a question or a problem if you have time to consider it. Make
a commitment to not respond to requests for at least a day. Make your response incredibly
valuable to your client, colleague, etc. This doesnt mean that you should procrastinate, its
just a way to consciously slow down the work cycle so that everyone does better work.

8, Select two primary modes of communication.

Make a choice as to which applications youll use to communicate online. There are so many
communications platforms available that its incredibly important to select only two that you
actually use. I use Gmail and Twitter. I do use Facebook, but it forwards everything I receive
there to my Gmail. I dont check my Facebook constantly, I dont check my Wave constantly.
Think about which communications platforms you use, and consider how to opt-out of
some. If you have three email addresses, (your Yahoo, your Gmail, your AOL) consider
consolidating them into one email. Most of these services will forward, but if they dont, set
up an auto-reply that informs people who email you that you no longer check this email and
they should email you a the correct address.

9, Dont use instant messaging.

Always-on instant messaging is the ultimate enemy of firewalling your time. People expect
an instant response to an instant message and will usually become frustrated if you leave
your instant messaging on, but do not reply. Just dont use AIM, Facebook chat, Google
chat, etc. If you need to communicate with someone in real-time, consider using one of these
services on Invisible mode and contact the person youre working with.

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 47
10, Let the phone go to voicemail. 14, Only read information that contributes value.

When the phone rings, 9 times out of 10 you have no idea what the person Unsubscribe from everything that is boring or you dont have time to read.
on the other end wants from you. Its good policy to let the message go to Many people subscribe to entirely too many blogs and other methods of
voicemail and then listen to the message. Let it compost in your brain for a incoming communication. Information is so accessible in this day in age, I
bit and then give them a call back. This will give you time to consider a promise you that you wont run out. Consider each and every blog feed that
proper response to the problem, and not act in a reactionary manner. youre subscribed to, does it contribute value to your life? If youre just read-
Respond once youve finished whatever youre working on. Again, Im not ing it because you always have, maybe consider unsubscribing to these blogs.
advocating procrastination, just having the ability to respond decisively. I used to check the front page of the New York Times constantly, just out of
habit. I eventually realized that this wasnt helping me. The news would still
11, Hire an assistant (or an intern). be there tomorrow, you dont have to constantly stay up to date. Which blogs
are you subscribed to out of obligation instead of their actual usefulness?
In this economy, its pretty easy to find someone who can be your first line of
defense. Timothy Ferriss has an entire chapter in his book about out-sourc-
ing all of your boring tasks to India; maybe this can work for you. I dont
personally have anyone working for me, but I also have a very manageable
workload. If you find yourself either doing a lot of remedial tasks that dont
challenge you, it can be a good idea to hire someone to do them for you. Ob-
viously, this only works if these tasks produce more value for your business
than the assistant costs. If they dont, consider whether it is necessary for you
to complete them at all.

12, Take a timeout.

Go for a walk in the park. Take an hour lunch break. There are a million
ways you can disconnect and I feel strongly that you should do this more
than you are now. Leave your cell phone at home. Take a moment and think
about your favorite way to take a break and then find a way to implement it.

13, Take your work out of the office.

If you cant get any work done in the office, consider doing it at a coffeeshop
or at home. This obviously depends a lot on the type of work that you do and
the freedom that you have to do it. I often find that a change of location can
increase my productivity.

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ON High-Impact INCOME

The difference between high-impact and low-impact income. This is a minimalist way of working. I spend most of my time do-
ing complex creative tasks. Seth Godin refers to this as emotional
The most common way of working, and the one that most people labor.
choose, is low-impact.
I read a lot of books. I research better ways to help my audience. I
You trade an hour of your time for a little bit of money. After a try out new tools. I make all of the calls on which stories run and
day, youre a little older, but youve made enough money to pay which dont.
your electric bill.
To generate high-impact money, you have to create something
These jobs are very common. In most cases the employees are that is actually valuable. There are no buttons to push. There is
highly replaceable and the pay is just enough to survive. no boss to blame the failures on. You are responsible for your own
Ive worked a few of these jobs, up until before I wrote this e-
book. At that point, I decided to break out of the 9-5 and start Actions that generate high-impact income may not pay off im-
exploring new ways to make a living. mediately, the key is that they are scalable in the future. Your 40
hour week today, might bring in $1000 in three months. Your one
So far the decision to do this has been very rewarding. hour workday might bring in $1000 because of work you did in
the past.
How I chose to create a high-impact minimalist business.
I dont recommend this way of working for everyone. Its much
I decided early on that I wanted to start earning a high-impact easier to just sit down and be told what to do. Its so much harder
living. This is the opposite of the direct trade of time for money. to trek through the woods, searching for your legacy project.
The results are a lot less tangible, but far more rewarding.
But, as I said, eventually the rewards are greater.

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 49
Here are 8 ways to pursue high impact income. 6, Watch your metrics (but not too much.)

1, Explore uncharted territory. At some point you have to check to see if youre making any progress. Find a way
to measure your high-impact income. I do this by tracking your blog visitors and
High-impact income doesnt come from well-trodden paths. No one can book sales, but this will change depending on what youre doing. The trick is not
give you the magic combination which will lead you to success. You have to to check all day long though.
trust your instincts, your heart, and travel to uncharted territory.
7, Learn when to quit.
2, Follow your passion.
If a project isnt working after a month or two, you need to be able to kill it, or at
Everyone has their one super power. This is the one thing that they are so least approach it from a new angle. Obviously this depends a lot on the business.
much better at than everyone else. You need to put all of your resources into I stop writing about subjects that dont resonate with people, and direct my at-
that passion. We are witnessing a point in time when everything is changing. tention towards ones that do. This is about refocusing on what works, and killing
You have the power to build and market the one thing you always wanted to what doesnt. Dont cling to a topic you love if no one cares about it.
create. Focus on that, nothing else.
8, Dont stop doing the work.
3, Ignore everybody.
No matter how much temporary success you may achieve, or how much failure
Theres no payday if you follow everyone else. You cant ask your mom or you are forced to endure, dont stop working. Its so easy to just give up, and
your best friend for permission before you start exploring uncharted territory believe me, many people will tell you that you should. Youre going to fail, go
in search of high-impact income. Why? Because no one has done this before. do something that is normal. Dont stop, dont give up. Do what you have to do
They wont be able to consult their past experiences to tell you if it will work. until you find success. Eventually youll get there, trust me.
If you wait until you get approval from all of society before you take a risk,
youll be waiting a long time.

4, Focus on your priorities.

When you pursue high-impact income, there will be tasks that yield more
than others. Focus on the important moves, and spend less time with unim-
portant ones. For instance: I know that my writing only works with insanely
helpful content. I spend 80% of my time developing helpful content. Every-
thing else can wait until I have awesome content for the week.

5, Minimize your expenses.

You cannot start your own high-impact business if you still spend like youre
working a low-impact 9-5. Eventually you will earn a lot more money, but
for now you dont. You need two things: food and shelter. All else can wait
until your first payday.

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DONT LISTEN TO Many people I meet have a story about someone they know who failed.

ANYONE People love to tell me these stories. Maybe youve heard them, too?

Theres the one about the girl who moved across the country and couldnt find a
job and now its so hard for her.

Or that one boy who decided he was going to be a musician and went to New York
and he works retail and its so hard for him.

Everyone knows someone like this. They keep this persons story ready to go, and
take aim at your dreams with him or her as evidence. Look at this person, they
couldnt do it, you cant either.

Then theres the story about some mythical creature that puts in the long hours
for their company, and now theyre set for life.

No one seems to know anyone like this and yet theyre all so sure this is reality.

Where are these set for life people? I want to meet one, please. Have one of them
send me a postcard.

Everyone I know who is doing well right now has their own established
remarkable reputation.

The most common variety of person I encounter is settled for life. They gave up
long ago and now they drag out that story every time I tell them Im moving again
to prove that I cant do it again.

Heres my view of realityyou can do anything you want to, as long as youre
willing to sacrifice your ability to undermine yourself.

There are no failures, only the people who choose to use other brave people as a
defense against their own settled mediocrity.

Dont listen to anyones fail stories. They just keep them in their back pocket to
defend their decision to be scared, to stay put, to not change.

You can move anywhere and do anything if youre willing to trade secure
normality for knowing that youre doing something awesome.

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We all want some more happiness.

Buying more stuff isnt the way to find it.

Being minimalist is one way to search.

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Most people assume that money is the fundamental incentive for them to achieve
happiness. The idea is that if you spend all of your time working incredibly hard in a
difficult field, eventually youll have enough money and be happy.

The problem is that people are so good at spending exactly what they earn. The more they
work, the more they shop, the more they own.

does not equal
Its the endless consumerist cycle, and once youre in, youre in.

How do you begin to spend less than you earn?

Heres one strategy that I believe can work.

happiness 1, Put it all somewhere very safe. Give yourself a budget that only consists of housing and
cooking food at home. Do not go over this budget. Do not go to the mall. Do not go
shopping in Soho. Buy all of your own groceriesget fresh vegetables, theyre what youre
supposed to be eatingand cook at home.

2, Invest everything in something you really care about. Not stuff, instead focus on your
legacy project. What will people remember you for? Put your money into the art you
create. What do you want to do with your life? Think about that, because all of your
money should be going there. Watching DVDs and playing Xbox isnt what you want to do
with your life, I guarantee you.

When were employed in a 9 to 5, its easy to fall into the mindset that says oh, were done
now. I can go home and watch Lost. Stop watching 3 hours of TV, invest your money in
making something that is worth your time.

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Were living in a society that is rapidly evolving to point where we wont have to live in any
one specific place. Im currently working on a website for a woman in New York. Last year I
illustrated for a company in San Francisco. Im working on a magazine with
colleagues in New York, Mumbai, and Peru.

It doesnt matter where you live anymore.

It used to be that humans had to wake up every morning and go into a place where they could
communicate with other humans in order to get things done. But now, communication has
evolved to the point that people, who choose to, can interact with everyone all over the world.

Minimalism is the ultimate freedom from being tied to a place or location.

How often you move around is simply restricted by how much you choose to build up your
collection of junk in any one area. Many people are still renting large homes and then slowly
filling them up with stuff that they dont necessarily use.

This makes it impossible for them to achieve this dream, this reality of existing without the
need to be in any one place at any one time.

In broad strokes, this is how to achieve this dream:

Limit your belongings to only the things that you can carry. The absolute essentials.
Start interacting with the Internet as a source of doing business.
Start moving around. Just get on a plane and see where you end up.

Easy, right? Well, its not that easy, but its a goal you can achieve. Its made possible by the
technological advances of the last ten years.

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 54
Minimalism and

Think about this:

Meditation is about taking your thoughts, sitting with them, and simpli-
fying them until they no longer trouble you. Until your mind can sit still,
you can release all of that psychobabble that the inside of your brain is
constantly engaged in and let it all go.

This is why Buddhist monks renounce their possessions, so the brothers

can meditate without worrying if they need to dust their television set off,
or if they need organize their closet.

If you begin to live simpler, your mind will become calmer.

With less worry, youll get more done.

Youll accomplish more and feel more fulfilled.

By aspiring to live an existence at the minimum level, we open a path for

ourselves to achieve greatness and also to be free.

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16 Simple Ways to Clear
Your Mind
Mind clutter is one of the biggest obstacles that I encounter daily on the path to my goals. I
imagine you know what Im talking about, the constant chatterbox that is our human brain.

Brains are useful things, they help you do a lot of incredibly cool diately turn off whatever Im doing and begin one of these activities
stuff. But sometimes they just wont shut up. Theres a lot going on below.
most of the time, so who can really blame our minds for wanting
to over-analyze everything? Except a lot of brain-clutter can be a Sometimes I will dedicate an entire day to clearing my mind. I will
problem when youre trying to accomplish anything. mark a day off my calendar and simply spend it meditating and reju-
venating my mind. Ive done this many times, and it can increase my
A cluttered mind can keep you from achieving your potential in minds effectiveness two-fold when I return to normal activities.
most situations.
A mind is most effective at zero.
Sometimes brains get stuck on problems. They get into a pattern
where theyre constantly trying to imagine whats going to happen to The purpose of all of these exercises is to reset your mind to zero. This is
you next, or worse, they second guess all of your actions. a place where there is no conversation.

A healthy mind will help you accomplish goals when you need it to, Part of the mind reset process is first acknowledging that you dont
an unhealthy mind will sabotage you before you even start working. need the thoughts floating around your head. For some people, the
constant background noise in their mind is comforting, but none of
In my opinion, excessive thinking is just as problematic as having an these exercises will help you if you enjoy the company of a mind that
excessive amount of things. This is one of the many reasons why I wont shut up.
find it important to employ a number of decluttering activities with
my mind. I try to engage in at least one of these activities a day. The best way to approach getting over the problem of being comforted
by a chattering mind is to recognize that there is a huge difference be-
If my mind clutter is too much at any one moment, I will acknowl- tween a conversation with yourself in your brain and actual thinking.
edge that my mind is overwhelmed. When this happens, I imme-

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Ive read a number of books on Buddhist and Yogic philosophy that teach of abol- Sit in silence.
ishing the inner conversation with yourself. I believe these authors have it right, the
mind must be quiet for actions to come to their full potential. Place a pillow on the ground somewhere in a private place, turn off the lights,
and just sit for 15 minutes. Listen to the chatter in your mind, but dont try to
The preconception that you can think through any activity before you do it is false. interact with it. Just observe your thought patterns, eventually they will begin
While there are important elements of planning, we waste untold hours second- to subside. Try sitting for a longer time when you can.
guessing ourselves with our own minds.
Take a walk.
By training the mind to rest at zero, you will become a far more effective person.
A person who deals with obstacles as they happen with a mind that is sharp and Meditation while walking is one of the best ways to calm a mind. Theres
effective. something about the repetition of moving one foot in front of the next that
is so relaxing. Go for a 30-minute walk with no destination. You will return
with a calmed mind.

16 simple ways to clear Write it down.

your mind Take your thought processes out of your pre-frontal cortex and onto the page.
Open a notebook, take a pen, and begin engaging in writing flow until you
find that the waves of thought have subsided.

Laugh it off.

Sometimes life is just silly, so have a sense of humor and embrace the insanity.
Laugh at the thoughts in your head. With any luck, youll recognize by laugh-
ing at the thoughts in your head, youll be able to realize just how silly they
are and your mind will relax.

Take deep breaths.

This is one of my all-time favorites, I do this regularly before and after any
situation that may happen. Inhale and exhale deeply 10 times. Make each
breath slow and deliberate. Your mind will be quiet by the end of the tenth

Move slower.

Make every action deliberate. Like a Zen master makes tea, you will do every-
thing that you need to do more slowly. Notice every motion you make from
start to finish, every action from beginning to end. This will focus your mind
on the task at hand and quiet the internal babbling.

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Talk to someone.

Sometimes the best way to quiet a mind is to talk over your thinking with
another person. Dont vent your frustrations to them, because thats just going
to lead to another frustrated person. Simply tell them what is going on in your
mind and maybe both of you can come up with a solution.

Throw away your to-do list.

Once in awhile the lists get too long, they become overwhelming. There are
so many steps or actions that you need to take in day-to-day life that you may
never see the end. Why not just abandon whatever it is youre doing? One of
the best skills that anyone can master is the ability to learn how to quit when
the time is right to do so. Take this moment to quit and your mind wont have
anything to worry about anymore.

Lie on the floor.

Nothing can beat a good lie on the floor. Wherever you are, just stop doing
what youre doing and fall backwards. Though be sure to take a look behind
you to make sure there is nothing you will hit. Then, stay on the floor for 15
minutes and just breathe.

Make a sandwich.

The action of deliberately preparing the bread, spreading hummus, cutting

greens, and slicing meat can be a great way to clear your mind. Be sure to take
as much time as possible making the sandwich, do not rush. By the time you
take the first bite, your mind will be silent.

Do the dishes.

Buddhist teachers love doing their dishes and with good reason. The act of
slowly cleaning one dish, washing it, and drying it, is a powerful way to focus
and calm the mind. The advent of dish-washing machines really has robbed us
of a ritual we all can use to our advantage.

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 58
Take a shower.

Step into a steaming hot shower and just bathe in the warmth. This can
be a powerful mind-clearer. Dont rush the shower, just let the water
flow over your hair and down your body. A hot shower, particularly
before going to bed, can calm even the most active mind.

Light a candle.

The flicker of candle light can be a powerful way to calm your thoughts.
Set the candle in a place near where you can sit comfortably. Take a
match, strike it, and watch the wax melt.

Listen to relaxing music.

Theres nothing like calming music to quiet your brain. Turn on

some soft music, ideally without lyrics, and observe your mind as the
thoughts fade away.

Do a yoga inversion.

Another one of the best ways to calm a mind is to turn yourself upside
down. My favorite way to do this quickly, is to slide into Sarvangasana,
or shoulder stand. In this yoga pose you support your lower back with
your hands and lift your feet over your head. This pose changes the
blood flow through the body in order to promote a healthy, quiet mind.

Let go of the problem.

In certain cases you may be plagued by something that you just cant
handle, you wont be able to find a solution, you wont be able to achieve
everything you ever wanted. Tell yourself that cant do this. Thats okay,
you tried. Make space for the next ambitious goal and let this one go.

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 59

I spoke with a person recently who described themselves as definitely-

not-minimalist about how overwhelming it is to combat a world that is
constantly calling on her to buy more and more.

She asked me how she could stop the cycle of consumerism in her own

She is a person who has been accumulating stuff an incredibly long time.
She was born in a generation that was defined by consumption and per-
petuated by the prices of items falling at an incredible rate.

She bought into one of the great American dreams.

Success was stuff, America defined it. But all of that has changed, the
Internet has transformed our society into one that is fueled on informa-
tion and ideas. We can work from anywhere, if we let ourselves see that.

Past the basic essentials that you need to live, most of the stuff we filled
our lives with doesnt matter anymore.

What people dont realize, when theyre on a ten or fifteen-year long

consumption binge, is just how difficult it is to dig yourself out from the
weight of all of this stuff.

They want to get out, they want to be free, but its overwhelming.

We can all understand this position. We all know people whove been
there, are going there. We might have been there ourselves.

So, how to take the first steps toward a minimalist existence, if you dont
know how to begin?

The Art of Being Minimalist: How to Stop Consuming and Start Living | | Page 60
Liberate yourself from the overwhelming weight of your useless pos-

I firmly believe that you cant get over stuff until you have a mindset
change. Chances are, if youre reading this, youre there already. How
do you get to this realization?

The first small choice you can make is to start to comprehend how
much stuff costs you.

It costs money to store stuff youre not using. More stuff means a big- Think about it, if you had nothing but the essentials:
ger house, if you have so much stuff you cant fit in your house, then it
means storing it. Bigger houses cost money, storing stuff costs money. You would have endless time to do what youre interested in.
Maybe take a moment and calculate how much youre spending on
your house and storage, paste this number on your wall. I guarantee it You would have so much more money to achieve your dreams.
will scare you.
You would have the freedom to move about whenever you want.
Material possessions restrict your freedom. If you wanted to move,
could you? How much would it cost to move? Think about it, if you
have one box of stuff, you could move whenever you wanted. If you
got bored of Cincinnati, you could be in Denver in no time. Just pack
a bag.

Stuff takes up your time. It takes time to sort through stuff and the
more clutter you have, the harder it is to find things. This leads to
more time being wasted. If time is money, then your stuff is putting
you into massive debt. By erasing your ties to your stuff, its like youre
paying off a massive loan that you didnt even know you had.

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Do you think this unobtainable? Its not.

I live this life, I have a backpack of stuff that I use every day. I come and
go as I please. My life costs nothing besides food and housing, wherever
I live, the rest of the money I save. I work on the Internet, I could be
anywhere. Most of all, Im happy. Its ultimate freedom and, most impor-
tantly, its possible for you, too.

This is how you start to free yourself: one thing at a time.

The first step: stop buying things.

If you find yourself contemplating buying something thats not essential,

take a breath, think about how much it actually costs. Walk away.

To begin decluttering, just take one object every day and figure out what
to do with it. Recycle it, donate it, throw it out. If you feel like you can do
two, do it. If you feel like you can throw out a box of stuff, go for it.

This will accelerate into a cascading effect. When you realize just how im-
portant it is to live a free and enjoyable life without having to worry about
possession overload, nothing can stop you.

The next step: Give it all away.

There are so many people in the world that need the things that youre
using now. They might only have money for food to feed their children.
They might not have the education that you do or the opportunities
that you had. Give the stuff you dont need to these people. Donate it to
a charitable organization or put it up for free on Craigslist or Freecycle.
Someone, somewhere, will appreciate your stuff. It might even be useful
to them.

The important part is to recognize that you dont need it anymore, and
then find the quickest way to get it all out of your life.

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Why We Need to
Ive been thinking a lot about how noise in our communication dominates
our lives.

There are so many people hitting the send/receive button at this moment,
and refreshing their Gmail constantly.

I come across people who are following 11,000 people on Twitter, and
I cant help but wonder how they do anything useful with all of those
incoming messages.

Answer: they dont.

There are some good messages out there in this dense fog of information,
but youre never going to find them if you listen to everyone.

Focus on the emails that are important.

Listen to the tweets that give you information you can use.

Filter out the rest.

We are the human curators of the digital renaissance. Its time to acknowl-
edge that and take control of our incoming information stream.

We need to learn to sit in silence, the important comes in the moments

when youre not checking email.

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7 Simple Ways to
1, Take a social network hiatus. 5, Refuse to buy anything.

Dont Tweet, Facebook, or engage with people on any social net- Take a break from consumerism and dont go shopping or eat out for
working platform that you may use. Its really fun to Tweet and hear one day. Make sure you have enough food to prepare before you start
all of the amazing people respond. Do you really want to spend all this. Leave your credit cards and cash at home if you go out.
Sunday morning glued to Tweetdeck though? Cook someone a good
breakfast instead! 6, Dont use any electricity.

2, Ignore all calls. Unplug all of the appliances and lights in your house (dont do this
to the fridge, your food will spoil.) Pretend youre no-impact man for
Dont answer the phone at all this weekend. It doesnt matter if a day, and see how it is. Youll notice that you wont have any light
its your mom or your boss calling, just choose not to pick up the after a certain hour, so either light a candle or sit in silence until its
telephone. In fact, turn it off. Go to the beach instead, if you live time for bed.
somewhere thats not as cold as it is here in New York. Otherwise,
maybe just grab a coffee and watch people walk by. 7, Dont use transportation.

3, Dont check your email. Dont take the subway, dont drive your car, dont even bike. Just walk
if you need to go anywhere. I love walking into Manhattan on week-
Just let it sit there, trust me, it will be there come Monday morning. ends to take Yoga. It makes me appreciate my surroundings so much
Too often we spend hours of our lives hitting the refresh button on more. A two hour walk somewere can be very meditative.
e-mail. Take the exact opposite approach and dont check it at all.

4, Spend a day in silence.

Just go about your day without speaking to anyone. Observe your

thoughts. Read a book. Be sure to let anyone who might be offended
know what youre doing, so they dont get mad.

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HOW TO I know a woman who wants to move to France. Shes wanted to move there for a
number of years. I asked her if she would make it there by 2020, and she wasnt sure
if that was enough time. Shell be nearly 60 in 2020.
FOCUS ON THE I told her she could do it in less than a year.

IMPORTANT Why not just go to France, if thats where you want to be?

Many people spend so much time talking about what they wish they had the will-
power to achieve. If these people spent half as long talking and more time doing the
work to get them to their goal every single day, eventually they might just get there.

Achieving your goals ultimately comes down to focusing on your priorities. However,
many people seek simply to avoid setting them.

Instead of starting a business, a person continues to work at Starbucks.

Instead of traveling the world, a person buys an SUV.

Its also important to realize when you have handicapped yourself by using a when
this happens, then Ill do this. statement. Like, if only I had a million dollars, Id
start my own business and travel the world!

Realistically youll never earn a million dollars, so youll never achieve your dream.

My biggest goal right now is to support myself by writing this e-book. This naturally
means that my daily focus is writing incredibly valuable articles in this e-book.

It is absolutely essential that you take a moment and think about what your ultimate
goal is, in this moment, and prioritize it. Make this single goal the most important
activity of every day. Even if you are working at Starbucks, your day doesnt revolve
around Starbucks. Its just where you go to work, but meanwhile your brain is think-
ing about photography.

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How to focus on your

Its okay to have other interests, but only give yourself one priority.
to achieve greater
Now, theres no reason why you cant have multiple interests (minor priorities) at any
one time, but I think its important to just focus on one overarching priority. If you
have 17 priorities its really hard to find the time to do one thing every day to further

A girl named Jane wrote to me once, listing her many priorities: writing, photogra-
phy, web design, and teaching.

She recognized that she couldnt focus on all of them at once and she is totally right.
You cant master all of these things at one time. I recommended that she pick one to Select one overall priority that you care about intrinsically.
work towards mastering, before investing too much time in the others.
Break down the priority into manageable steps that are actionable.
But it is also worth noting that she can be all of these things that she listed.
Spend at least an hour (more if you can) every day working towards it.
In fact, all of these skills compliment each other in significant ways. A web designer/
photographer/writer/teacher is a very different professional than just a photogra- Be accountable. Tell everyone youre moving to France by 2011.
pher. A photographer who cannot write will have difficulty communicating with her
subjects and gathering contacts. If she cannot design a website, she will have to pay Map your progress in the short term and what youve achieved in the longer term.
a web designer to put her work online. Teaching photography is one of the best ways
a photographer can network with clients and other photographers. Reward yourself when youve made sufficient progress.

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At various times in my own life Ive invested thousands of hours in the very same skills
Jane listed. Earlier in my life (probably between the ages of 12-16) I wanted to be a web
designer, so I built many websites. Later, I choose to concentrate on photography (18-
23), so I spent thousands of hours taking photos. This eventually led to a job as a photo
editor (21-24) where I spent thousands more hours making photos look brilliant on
stories which were published on websites.

Its perfectly acceptable to shift your priorities; I think its only natural that they will
change over time.

We are human beings, not robots, and our interests morph as we achieve various levels of

Priorities change over skill. If you force yourself to stick with one path, when you really want to change it, then
youll end up being incredibly unhappy.

Let the other priorities become less important until youve attained some level of mastery
in the first.

Ive spent many years maintaining writing as a passive activity, while I was focusing on
art directing and photography.

I didnt stress about writing. I still wrote as often as possible, but not on a schedule. Two
summers ago I filled two Moleskins with a novel, without even making it a priority. That
novel still isnt a priority, but it was a big passive step towards being a better writer, as I
was focusing on larger priorities.

Now that writing is my ultimate focus, all of that passive work behind the scenes has
come to the forefront. The pieces are fitting together and the results Im seeing are ex-

What are your priorities? How are you working towards them?

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The secret to
Let me tell you a secret, one that all of materialistic society doesnt want you
to know. Ready for it?

The first best step you can take to be happy, right here, right now, is to stop
buying useless physical objects that you think will make you happy. They
will only make you sad and you will feel more trapped by society than you
already are.

Youve been deceived by advertising and people who want to make money off
of you into this pattern thats robbing you of happiness and your wealth.

Isnt that outrageous?

To make yourself happy, the second best step you can take is to start elimi-
nating the clutter in your life. Do this until youve pared down your posses-
sions to the absolute necessities for your life.

This opens up a whole new can of worms, I know. Youre probably looking at
all of your stuff and wondering what you can do to start getting rid of things.
This isnt going to be easy, the more clutter you have, the larger the project.

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WHAT 1, Get started
Now that you know the power of being minimalist, its time to get started. Start small or just

burn down your house. You have the tools to become a minimalist, but its no good if you dont
use them.

2, Share This with 5 friends

I want you to send this e-book to five of your friends. I know you paid for it, but thats okay. I give
you permission to spread this idea to five more people for free. Just attach this e-book to an email
and send. Please dont spam people though.
(Im not keeping track, so you can share with 15 if you want.)

3, Join the minimalist Tribe

The Art of Being Minimalist is just the beginning. I write about being minimalist three days a
week on my blog Far Beyond The Stars. I hope youll sign up to receive free updates via RSS or
Email. You can follow me on Twitter too, Im @evbogue.

4, Say hello
I want you to say hello. Drop me an email at Id love to learn more about
your minimalist journey.

Thank you for reading this e-book. -Everett Bogue

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Author, Photographer, Designer: Everett Bogue

Copy editor: Chris OByrne

Additional editing: Dave White

Thanks must go out to the whole online minimalist community for their
support over the last few months, I wish I could thank you all here but the
space is too small.

Thank you to:

Leo Babauta for pioneering most of these ideas online, and for letting his
audience know about my work.

Tammy Strobel for helping with everything from the beginning.

Seth Godin, for writing Tribes and all of his other books.

My girlfriend, Alix, for putting up with me while I took off across the
country with all of my stuff on my back. I couldnt have written this e-
book without you.

This e-book is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License (details.)

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