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1. Routinary Activities

1.1 Greetings
1.2 Classroom management
1.3 Checking of attendance

2. Motivation
Teachers Activity Students Activity

Ok class, What is JAVA? Student answer:

(Pick Students to Answer) Java is the preferred language for

meeting many organizations
Thank you class, All of your answer enterprise programming needs.
are correct. Java is a high-level
programming language originally Java is a general-purpose computer
developed by Sun Microsystems and programming language that is
released in 1995. Java runs on a concurrent, class-based, object-
variety of platforms, such as oriented and specifically designed to
Windows, Mac OS, and the various have as few implementation
versions of UNIX. dependencies as possible

Answers may vary.

B. Presentation of the Lesson

Teachers Activity Students Activity

1. What is Java application? Sir, Java application is a computer
program that executes when you
use the java command to launch
the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

2. What is Computer hardware? Computer hardware is the

collection of physical parts of a
computer system.
3. What is Computer software? Computer software is a set of
instructions and associated
documentation that tells a
computer what to do or how to
perform a task or it can mean all
the software on a computer,
including the applications and the
operating system.
1. What is Data Hierarchy? Data hierarchy refers to the
systematic organization of data,
often in a hierarchical form.
*Attached is a lecture for this lesson*

C. Activity
Group Activity: The students will be divided into 4 groups,
each group composed of 8-9 members and theyll
summarize the importance of using JAVA High Level
Programming in business and education.

D. Generalization

Ask at least two students to give their ideas on what they have
learned and understand on the lesson.

1. The syntax rules of Java are based on the syntax of C and C++.
Hence, the beginners find it easier to learn and use Java within
a shorter amount of time. At the same time, Java is a
concurrent, class-based and object-oriented programming
language. As Java supports common object-oriented
programming (OOP) concepts like inheritance, polymorphism,
abstraction and encapsulation, it becomes easier for
programmers to make the applications modular, extensible and
scalable. Also, the developers can take advantage of certain
Java libraries to implement the object-oriented design
principles more efficiently.
2. Using Java API classes and methods instead of writing your
own versions can improve program performance, because
theyre carefully written to perform efficiently. This also
shortens program development time.
3. Programmers write instructions in various programming
languages, some directly understandable by computers and
others requiring intermediate translation steps.

E. Evaluation
Direction: Read the following questions and write the answer to
the space provided.

________1. Software systems that make using computers more
convenient for users, application developers
and system administrators.
________2. The kernel is the core of the most popular open-
source, freely distributed, full that, when executed,
causes the computer to behave in a predetermined
________3. The tools and documentation developers use to
program applications.
________4. A machine language dependent can be used on only
one type of computer.
________5. Allows the programmer to write code and eventually
run the code.


A. (1-10)Enumerate the Programming Languages

B. (11-15)Various Logical unit in Computer Organization

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