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Example Calculation of p-y Curve in Sand for Laterally Loaded Pile

Reference: "COM624P - Laterally Loaded Pile Analysis Program for the Microcomputer, Version 2.0"
by S.-T. Wang and L. C. Reese, Report No. FHWA-SA-91-048, FHWA, June 1993.

Determine p-y curve for sand at depth of 720 in. shown in Figs. 42 and 43 on the next page


Static loading
Pile diameter, b = 48 in.
Constant of subgrade reaction, nh = 80 pci
Depth below bearing level, x = 720 in.
From Fig. 42: = 29 degrees = 0.506145 radians
Effective unit weight below g.w.t, ' = 57.5 pcf = 0.033275 pci


Follow steps shown on pp. 341-347, referring to Fig. 3.11 on p. 342 for definition of
terminology and general shape of p-y curves.

=/2= 14.5 degrees = 0.253073 radians

= 45o + / 2 = 59.5 degrees = 1.038471 radians
Ko = 0.4
Ka = tan2(45o - / 2) = 0.34697403

Compute p s as the smaller of p st and p sd (Eqs. 3.31 and 3.32 on p. 341)

Calculate pst as follows:

K 0 x tan sin tan

p st = x + ( b + x tan tan ) + K 0 x tan ( tan sin tan ) K a b
tan( ) cos tan( )

Term1 = 241.19859
Term2 = 1049.3949
Term3 = 107.07073
Term4 = -16.65475
'x= 23.958333
pst = 33,087 lb/in.

Calculate psd as follows: psd = Ka bx( tan 8 1) + K0bx tan tan 4

Term1 = 27131.025
Term2 = 2117.9508
psd = 29,249 lb/in.

Use lower of two values for ps, so ps = 29,249 lb/in.

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Calculate ultimate values of p and y at point u

x/b= 15
From Fig. 3.12, p. 344: As = 0.88
pu = As ps = 25,739 lb/in.
yu = 3b / 80 = 1.80 in.

Calculate ultimate values of p and y at point m

From Fig. 3.13, p. 345: Bs = 0.50

pm = Bs ps = 14,624 lb/in.
ym = b / 60 = 0.80 in.

Establish the initial straight line portion of the p-y curve

p = (nh x) y
nh x = 57,600 psi

Establish the parabolic section of the p-y curve

p = C y1/n
Slope of line between points m and u = (pu - pm) / (yu - ym) = 11,115 psi
Power of the parabolic section, n = pm / (m ym) = 1.6447
Coefficient, C = pm / ym = 16,750

Determine point k where initial straight line portion intersects parabola

yk = (C / (nh x))n/n-1 = 0.04281 in.

From straight line, pk = (nh x) yk = 2,466 lb/in.
From parabola, pk = C yk1/n = 2,466 lb/in. - checks

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All required information is now available to draw the p-y curve as shown in Fig. 43.

The following data points will be used to draw the p-y curve (shown on the next sheet):

y p
(in.) (lb/in.) Location
0 0
0.00856 493.2
0.0171 986.4
0.0257 1,480
0.0343 1,973
0.0385 2,219
0.0428 2,466 (yk, pk)
0.119 4,580
0.194 6,185
0.346 8,781
0.497 10,951
0.649 12,873
0.724 13,767
0.800 14,624 (ym, pm)
0.9 15,736
1.0 16,847
1.2 19,070
1.4 21,293
1.6 23,516
1.7 24,628
1.75 25,183
1.76 25,295
1.77 25,406
1.78 25,517
1.79 25,628
1.80 25,739 (yu, pu)
1.81 25,739
1.82 25,739
1.83 25,739
1.84 25,739
1.85 25,739
1.90 25,739
2.00 25,739
2.20 25,739
2.40 25,739
2.60 25,739
2.80 25,739
3.00 25,739

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(yu, pu)

p (lb/in.)

15000 (ym, pm)



(yk, pk)

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
y (in.)

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