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Averrhoa bilimbi L.
Huang gua shu

Scientific names Common names

Averrhoa bilimbi L. Iba (C. Bis., P. Bis., Sul., Tag.)
Ibag (Mbo.)
Ibe (Yak.)
Kamias (Tag.)
Kolonanas (Tag.)
Kolonauas (Tag.)
Kalamias (Tag.)
Kalingiwa (Bis.)
Kiling-iba (Bik.)
Pias (Ilk.)
Puis (Ig.)
Bilimibi (Engl.)
Bilimbi tree (Engl.)
Cucumber tree (Engl.)
Tree sorrel (Engl.)
Huang gua shu (Chin.)

Other vernacular names

CHINESE: Ma hu gua, Xiang yang tao.
CREOLE: Bimbling plum, Blimblin.
FRENCH : Carambolier bilimbi, Cornichon des Indes, Zibeline.
GERMAN : Bilimbinaum, Gurkenbaum.
HINDI: Bilimbi.
JAPANESE: Birinbi, Nagabanogorenshi.
KHMER: Tralong tong.
MALAY : Belimbing asam, Belimbing besu, Belimbing buloh, Belimbing wuluh.
RUSSIAN: Bilimbi.
SPANISH : Grosella china, Pepino de Indias, Mimbro, Vinagrillo.
THAI: Tling pling, Kaling pring.
VIETNAMESE : Kh? ng?t , Kh? tu.
Kamias is a small tree, growing 5 to 12 meters high. Leaves are pinnate, 20 to 60 centimeters long, with
hairy rachis and leaflets. Leaflets are opposite, 10 to 17 pairs, oblong, 5 to 10 centimeters in length.
Panicles growing from the trunk and larger branches are hairy, 15 centimeters long or less. Flowers are
about 1.5 centimeters long, and slightly fragrant. Fruit is green and edible, about 4 centimeters long,
subcylindric, or with 5 obscure, broad, rounded, longitudinal lobes.
- Cultivated and semi-cultivated throughout the Philippines.
- Introduced from tropical America.
- Now pantropic.

Parts utilized
Leaves, fruit, juice.

Study on volatile components of fruits showed 6 mg/kg of total volatile compounds; 62 compounds were
identified, nonanal and (Z)-3-hexenol were dominant.
Fruit contains potassium oxalate.
Chemical constituents include amino acids, citric acid, cyanidin-3-O-b-D-glucoside, phenolics,
potassium ion, sugars, and vitamin A. Fruit extracts yield flavonoids, saponins, and triterpenoid. Bark
yields alkaloids, saponins, and flavonoids. (15)
100 gms of edible portion yields: Thiamine, 0.010 mg; ascorbic acid, 15.6 mg; moisture, 94.2-94.7 g;
protein, 0.61 g; fiber, 0.6 g; ash, 0.31-0,4 g; calcium, 3.4 g; phosphorus, 11.1mg; iron, 1.01mg, carotene,
0.035mg; riboflavin, 0.030 mg, niacin, 0.030mg. (15)
The oxalic acid in bilimbi ranged between 10.5 and 14.7 mg/g in green fruit and 8.45 to 10.8 mg/g in
ripe fruit, levels comparable to those reported from tea leaves. (see study below) (20)
Considered antibacterial, astringent, antiscorbutic, febrifuge, antidiabetic, stomachic, refrigerant.
Fruit considered astringent, refrigerant, and stomachic.
Studies haves shown antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, cytotoxic, antioxidant, antifertility, and
antibacterial activities.

- Eaten raw.
- Prepared as a relish and food flavoring.
- Made into sweets and jams; used in making pickles.
Skin diseases, especially with pruritus: Reduce the leaves to a paste and apply tolerably warm to areas
of affected skin.
Fruit juice used as eye drops.
Post-partum and rectal inflammation: Infusion of leaves.
Mumps, acne, and localized rheumatic complaints: Paste of leaves applied to affected areas.
Warm paste of leaves also used for pruritus.
Used for boils, piles, rheumatism, cough, hypertension, whooping cough, mumps and pimples.
Cough and thrush: Infusion of flowers, 40 grams to a pint of boiling water, 4 glasses of tea daily.
For fevers, fruit made into syrup used as a cooling drink.
The fruit has been used for a variety of maladies: beriberi, cough, prevention of scurvy.
Infusion of leaves also drank as a protective tonic after childbirth.
In Malaysia, leaves are used for venereal diseases.
In Java, a conserve of fruit used for beriberi, biliousness, coughs.
In Indonesia, leaves used for boils, diabetes, mumps, fever.
In French Guyana, fruit decoction or syrup use for hepatitis, diarrhea, fever and other inflammatory
Stain remover: Because of high oxalic acid content, fruit used to remove stains from clothing and for
washing hands, removing rust and stains from metal blades. (18)
Hypoglycemic / Hypotriglyceridemic / Anti-Atherogenic / Anti-Lipid Peroxidative: Effects of
Averrhoa bilimbi leaf extract on blood glucose and lipids in streptozotocin-diabetic rats: Study showed
that AB extract has hypoglycemic, hypotriglyceridemic, anti-lipid peroxidative and anti-atherogenic
properties in STZ-diabetic rats. (1)
Antioxidant / Antimicrobial Activities: The scavenging of NO by the extract of AC fruits was
dependent on concentration and stage of ripening. Extracts showed antimicrobial activity against E coli,
Salmonella typhi, staph aureus and bacillus cereus. (3)
Phytochemicals / Antimicrobial: Phytochemical screening of fruit extracts yielded flavonoids,
saponins and triterpenoids but no alkaloids. The chloroform and methanol fruit extracts were active
against Aeromonas hydrophilia, E coli, K pneumonia, S cerrevisiae, S aureus, Strep agalactiae and B
subtilis. In conclusion, AB fruits possess potential
antibacterial activities that warrants further studies. (4)
Anti-Diabetic: Study showed the aqueous fraction
was more potent than the butanol fraction in the
amelioration of hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia in a
high fat diet-fed STZ diabetic rats and suggests the AF
as the potential source for isolation of the active
principle for oral antidiabetic therapy. (5)
Antibacterial: Study of the aqueous extract of AB
leaves and fruits showed antibacterial activity against
Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The
antibacterial activity could be associated with the
presence of bioactive compounds of the flavonoids
type, like luteolin and apigenin. The results suggest
further studies to isolate and identify the responsible
compounds. (7)
Anti-Hyperlipidemic: Study showed the fruit and its
water extract, but not the alcohol and hexane extracts,
to have remarkable antihypercholesterolemic activity.
Results suggest the fruit can be used as a dietary
ingredient to treat hyperlipidemia. (8)
Hepatoprotective / Antioxidant: Study of a
methanolic extract of leaves in carbon tetrachloride
intoxicated rats showed significant inhibition of biochemical alterations, comparable to the standard drug.
Antifertility: Study in mice showed the kamias fruit as a potential source of antifertility drug. A butanol
fraction of the ethanol extract exhibited a higher reduction in fertility rate. The activity may be due to
either or both of the steroidal glucosides and potassium oxalate constituents. (11)
Antidiabetic Properties: Study evaluated the antidiabetic activity of ABe in STZ-induced diabetic
Sprague-Dawley rats. ABe increased glucose tolerance in OGTT testing and showed potent
hypoglycemic, hypotriglyceridemic, and anti-lipid peroxidative and anti-atherogenic activities. (12)
Cytotoxic Activity / Fruits: Study evaluated a crude methanolic extract of fruit and its various fractions
for in vitro cytotoxic potential using the brine shrimp lethality bioassay. Results showed a significant
cytotoxic potential and a potential source for the isolation of active principle/s for cancer therapy. (13)
Anticoagulant Activity: Study evaluated an ethanolic extract for anticoagulant activity in diabetic male
wistar rats. The high level of oxalic acid in A. bilimbi could provide the anticoagulant effect since oxalic
acid is a metal cation chelator. Oxalate presumbly binds to blood calcium, removing calcium ions from
the blood, and inhibiting the clotting process. (16)
Natural Source of Ethylene for Ripening Bananas: Study showed bilimbi fruits produced relatively
high amounts of ethylene which effectively induced the ripening of mature green 'Saba' bananas. Results
suggest a natural source of ethylene for Saba ripening. (17)
Acute Oxalate Nephropathy Attributed to A. bilimbi Fruit Juice: Study reports a series of 10 cases
from five Keral hospitals who developed acute oxalate nephropathy and acute renal failure after intake of
Irumban puli fruit juice. Seven of the patients required hemodialysis. (19)
Oxalic Acid Content: Study determined the range of oxalic acid and total free acid in carambola and
bilimbi. Oxalic acid is a food toxicant which may decrease the availability of dietary calcium by forming
poorly absorbed calcium oxalate complex. The oxalic acid in bilimbi ranged between 10.5 and 14.7 mg/g
in green fruit and 8.45 to 10.8 mg/g in ripe fruit, levels comparable to those reported from tea leaves. The
oxalic acid levels in bilimbi were higher than csrambola. (20)
Radical Scavenging / Phenolic Content: Study investigated a methanolic extract and various solvent
soluble fractions for free radical scavenging activity and phenolic content. Extractives yielded significsnt
phenolic compounds. Crude methanolic extract exhibited significant DPPH free radical scavenging
activity. (21)

Seasonal fruiting.

Last Update September 2014

Photos Godofredo Stuart / StuartXchange

IMAGE SOURCE / File:Averrhoa bilimbi Blanco1.138.png / Flora de Filipinas / Franciso Manuel Blanco (OSA), 1880-1883 /
Public Domain / Wikipedia
Additional Sources and Suggested Readings
Effects of Averrhoa bilimbi leaf extract on blood glucose and lipids in streptozotocin-diabetic rats / P.
Pushparaj, C. H. Tan and B. K. H. Tan / Journal of Ethnopharmacology / doi:10.1016/S0378-
Herbal and Traditional Medicine / Averrhoa bilimbi / Lester Packer
Antioxidant And Antimicrobial Activities Of Averrhoa carambola L. Fruits
Phytochemical screening and antimicrobial efficacy of extracts from Averrhoa bilimbi (Oxalidaceace) fruits
against human pathogenic bacteria / Nurul Huda Bt. Abdul Wahab et al / Pharmacognosy Journal / Vol 1.
Issue 1. June 2009
Antidiabetic activity of the semipurified fractions of Averrhoa bilimbi in high fat diet fedstreptozotocin
induced diabetic rats / Benny Kwong Huat Tan et al / Life Sciences / Volume 76, Issue 24, 29 April 2005,
Pages 2827-2839 / doi:10.1016/j.lfs.2004.10.051
Volatile Components of Averrhoa bilimbi L. Fruit Grown in Cuba / Journal of Essential Oil Research: JEOR,
May/Jun 2004 by Pino, Jorge A, Marbot, Rolando, Bello, Avillo
In vitro antibacterial activity of AB leaves and fruit extracts / Z. A. Zakaria, H. Zaiton et al /International
Journal of Tropical Medicine 2(3):96-100. 2007
Studies on the Antihyperlipidemic Properties of Averrhoa bilimbi Fruit in Rats / Savithri Ambili et al / Planta
Med 2009; 75(1): 55-58 / DOI: 10.1055/s-0028-1088361
INDUCED HEPATIC DAMAGE IN RATS / Nagmoti et al. / Pharmacologyonline 3: 1-6 (2010)
Preliminary studies on the antiferility activity of Averrhoa bilimbi L. / C L Herrera, P M Cuasay et al /
Philippine Journal of Science, 1986
Evaluation of the Anti-Diabetic Properties of Averrhoa bilimbi in Animals with Experimental Diabetes
Mellitus/ Thesis / Peters Natesan Pushparaj / 2004
Sorting Averrhoa names / Authorised by Prof. Snow Barlow / Maintained by: Michel H. Porcher /
MULTILINGUAL MULTISCRIPT PLANT NAME DATABASE / Copyright 1997 - 2000 The University of
Preliminary cytotoxic activity of different extracts of Averrhoa bilimbi (fruits )/ Md. Ramjan Ali, Marjan
Hossain, Jannatul Ferdous Runa, *Md. Hasanuzzaman / International Current Pharmaceutical Journal,
February 2013, 2(3): 83-84
BILIMBI / K. Ashok Kumar, SK. Gousia, Anupama, M. And J. Naveena Lavanya Latha. / International
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science Research 2013; 3(4): 136-139
Anticoagulant Activity of Averrhoa bilimbi Linn in Normal and Alloxan- Induced Diabetic Rats / Nurafifah
Daud, Harita Hashim* and Nurdiana Samsulrizal / The Open Conference Proceedings Journal, 2013, 4,
(Suppl-2, M6) 21-26 21
Fruits of Bilimbi (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) as a New Natural Source of Ethylene for Ripening of 'Saba' Banana
(Musa balbisiana BBB) / Gloria D. Masilungan* and Wella L. Absulio / PHILIPP AGRIC SCIENTIST, Vol.
95 No. 4, 406410 December 2012
Effectiveness of Kamias as an Alternative Stain Remover / Grade 8 Investigatory Project / Patricia Mae
Acute oxalate nephropathy due to 'Averrhoa bilimbi' fruit juice ingestion / Bakul, G.; Unni, V. N.;
Seethaleksmy, N. V.; Mathew, A.; Rajesh, R.; Kurien, G.; Rajesh, J.; Jayaraj, P. M.; Kishore, D. S.; Jose,
P. P. / Indian Journal of Nephrology, 2013, Vol 23, Issue 4, pp 297-300.
OXALIC ACID CONTENT OF CARAMBOLA AND BILIMBI / J. Joseph and G. Mendonca / Jan 1991 / The
Archives of The Rare Fruit Council of Australia
Evaluation of total phenolic content, free radical scavenging activity and phytochemical screening of
different extracts of Averrhoa bilimbi (fruits) / *Md. Hasanuzzaman, Md. Ramjan Ali, Marjan Hossain,
Sourov Kuri, Mohammad Safiqul Islam /

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