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Shri Ganeshaya Namah |

Charts, Signs & Planets

Neptune - Signifies creative periods. Uranus -

indicate unusual events. Saturn - Reveals
structure in your life. Jupiter - Is about
opportunity and your beliefs. Mars - Shows how
you use your energy. Venus - Is about pleasure
and relationships. Mercury - Shows how well
you are communicating. The Sun - 'Highlights'
the quality of other events.


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What is Astrology?

The study of the positions and aspects of celestial bodies is of the belief that they
have an influence on the course of natural earthly occurrences and human affairs
.This study of how events on earth correspond to the positions and movements of
these planetary bodies is known as astrology.

These bodies included are the sun, moon, planets and stars. Depending on the
position of these astronomical bodies at the exact moment of a person's birth,
these bodies and their movements reflect that person's destiny & day to day life
activities. The knowledge of the person's character and their relation to the bodies
enables us to predict a person's destiny. This prediction is not limited to one
person. A prediction could be for an individual, group or nation. Individuals life
depends upon Desh (Country), Kaal (Year of Birth) & Patra (Individual's Strength &
Financial Powers) .Let us see how these astronomical bodies affect us.

Pluto - Denotes life changing events.

Neptune - Signifies creative periods.

Uranus - Can indicate unusual events.

Saturn - Reveals structure in your life.

Jupiter - Is about opportunity and your beliefs.

Mars - Shows how you use your energy.

Venus - Is about pleasure and relationships.

Mercury - Shows how well you are communicating.

The Sun - 'Highlights' the quality of other events.

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History of Astrology

Astrology is an ancient practice that different civilizations seemed to develop

independently. In as early as 3000 BC, Astrology was created. The Chaldeans
created the original form of Astrology. The Chaldeans lived in Babylonia.
Currently, this location is Iraq. The Chinese were practicing astrology by 2000 BC.
Other varieties formed in ancient India. Astrology also stemmed to the Mayans of
Central America. By 500s BC, Astrology had spread to Greece. The Greeks
adopted the symbols from the Babylonians. In Greece, philosophers such as
Pythagoras and Plato incorporated it into their study of religion and astronomy.
Astrology was widely practiced in Europe through the middle Ages, despite the
rejection of the Christian leaders (including Augustine). One objection of the
Christian leaders was that Astrology challenged the fate vs. free will argument.
Other great minds disagreed with the Truth behind Astrology some felt the
Astrology was created to set up a system to control and manipulate a culture.
These opposing minds stress that there are no scientific facts to prove that
Astrologer's methods are valid. Astrology has come in and out of popularity
throughout history. Today, Astrology is followed more widely than ever before.
Astrology has become much more assessable by 900 phone numbers. These 900
numbers enable caller to talk to live Astrologers, who forecast their personalized

The stars and planets have always inspired a sense of wonder. Many cultures look
skyward and see the face of the divine there. There's a cosmic dance on the grand
scale, and one on the intimate scale, going on for each of us. Astrology is the
study of patterns and relationships -- of planets in motion, our birth chart, synastry
with others, the make-up of elements -- and using that knowledge as a tool to find

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Divisional charts known as Varga charts, Amsha charts, sub-charts, and D-

charts create horoscope & predictions of an Individual. A horoscope is a diagram
of the heavenly bodies showing the relative positions of the sun, moon, stars, and
planets at a given time. An individual's chart shows the position of the planets in
relation to the earth and the stars at his or her birth. A horoscope is illustrated by a
circle. This circle is known as the ecliptic. The ecliptic is the plane on which the
earth orbits around the sun in a year. It is divided into twelve sections, called the
signs of the Zodiac. The Zodiac divides the calendar year into 12 sections, and
then each section is represented by a sign. The signs of the zodiac include Aries,
Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and
Pisces. I assign every planet (including the sun and moon) with a particular sign of
the Zodiac. This relationship depends on where that planet appears on the ecliptic
at the time for which the horoscope is cast. Each planet or sign represents basic
human drives, and each sign represents a set of human characteristics. Each of
the 12 signs of the zodiac is believed to be associated with definite aspects of
character, temperament, physiology, and aptitudes. Each sign of the Zodiac has a
corresponding stone, metal, and symbol.

When experts designate a person as a certain sign--a Leo or Pisces, for example--
they are referring to the individual's sun sign. In other words, it is the sign that the
sun occupied at the time of the person's birth. To make an individual's horoscope,
the one must know the exact correct date of birth, time and place of his birth

When an expert cast a horoscope its based on a special view of the universe.
This view involves four elements: the earth, the planets, the stars and the houses.
This form of Astrology was created by the Chaldeans. This from was passed down
through civilizations and is still in existence today. The following describes the four
elements of horoscopes: The Four Elements: Fire, Earth, Air and Water

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Fire Signs

The fire signs are Aries , Leo , and Sagittarius

Earth signs

Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn

The air signs are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius

Water signs

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Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio , and Pisces

The Earth

The earth is considered the centre of the solar system, when forecasting a
horoscope. Therefore, all heavenly bodies in relation to the earth can reveal a
person's character and future.

The Planets

The sun and moon are considered planets in Astrology.

The planets could be complimentary or inimical to an individual. The Navagraha

could give harmony or misery to the individual as per its movements. One has to
take propitiatory actions to counter the ill effects for the particular planet (s) and
its/their Lords (Gods); such direct appeals to the concerned planets and their
Lords will give quick and timely results. Let us have Adipati Lords of different

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1. Surya (Sun) - The Sun is the most powerful living God - whom everyone can
see, perceive and pray. Though he is visible, he also has been presented in a
variety of forms. Lord of this planet is God Siva

2. Chandra (Moon) - The Moon is a lovable God - Pleasing to the children as well
as elders, universally appealing to everyone whatever may be the religion.
Goddess Parvathi rules the planet.

3. Mangal (Mars) - Mars is regarded as a God of martial character, red in every

aspect. Even the Romans held him as their Guru. He is the Son of Earth and is
ruled by Lord Karthikeya.

4. Budh (Mercury) - Mercury is considered as the greatest among the wise. This
Devata bestows wisdom and wealth on his devotees. He is ruled by Lord Maha

5. Brihaspati (Jupiter) - is the Guru (Jupiter). He results in a cure from ailments

and helps one to ward off his/her sins and gives strength, valour, longevity, etc. He
grants the boon of fatherhood to the childless, good education (Vidya). He is ruled
by Lord Dakshinamurthy.

6. Sukra (Venus) - Venus is the bestower of long life, wealth, happiness, children,
property and good education. He is ruled by Goddess Mahalakshmi.

7. Shani (Saturn) - Saturn is generally known to affect one adversely on

occasions when he occupies certain positions in one's horoscope. A prayer to him,
especially on Saturdays, is said to mitigate the hardships one will have to face
during these periods. Saniswara is considered equally a best tower of all benefits
to the devotees who pray sincerely to him. He is ruled by Lord Yama.

8. Rahu - is instrumental in strengthening one's power and converting even an

enemy into a friend. He is ruled by Goddess Durga.

9. Ketu - brings prosperity to the devotee's family. He grants good health, wealth,
cattle and all around prosperity. He is ruled by Lord Ganesha and Indra.

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Rahu & Ketu are two psycho-magnetic zones opposite each other, on our Moon's
orbit path around Earth. They reside where the Moon's path intersects the plane
of the ecliptic, called the "rashi chakra" ["circle of signs"].Rahu is the "North Node
of the Moon" = Dragon's Head Ketu is the "South Node of the Moon" = Dragon's

Uranus, Neptune and Pluto

The outer planets

The mysteriously fluorescent outermost planets of our solar system - Uranus,

Neptune and Pluto - together represent a border between traditional and modern
astrology. Just as their status and importance in astrology is a little unclear, the
energy of these planets allows unexplored and mysterious areas to enter into our
minds. Classical astrology did not know of the three outer planets, and could
hence not incorporate them into their astrological thinking. Modern astrologers
adhering to the old school, who believe traditional astrology to be more correct and
insightful than its modern counterpart, may try to downplay the importance of the
outer planets. Nevertheless, most astrologers find great yet subtle energies
coming from the outer planets to the bed of our narrow psyches and minds. Their
purpose is to expand, bewilder, transform and transfix our beings and minds. What
they have in common is the capacity for changing and expanding consciousness
in different ways. This is most apparent when the outer planets form close aspects
with luminaries or personal planets and make up aspect configurations. Typical
characterizations of the outer planets follow lines as shown below.


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The desire for freedom, independence, and originality Extraordinary or unique

qualities crossing the line sudden events, surprises. Personal fearlessness and
potential for creative originality Ones attitude to ideals and new age thinking .The
unexpected Potential for change, revolution and reform Annihilation and
rebuilding. Breaking new ground. Disorder and disruption. Inventive spheres of the
psyche. Erratic behaviour, callousness, coldness, non-emotionality. Far reaching
ideas, progressive, intuitive science. Humanitarian perspectives, technology, the
space-age, speed, occultism.


Imagination and fantasy. Mysterious and spiritual energies. Higher truth. The flow
of inspiration, images, symbols and creation. The most subtle, sensitive and/or
vague aspects of the psyche. The potential for empathy, sacrifice, martyr/saviour
complexes. Death of Ego. The Collective unconscious, unconscious
impressions/intuitions. Transcending time, space, rationality logic. Dreaming and
sleeping, daydreaming, sleep-walking. Glamorization, illusion and disillusion.
Magic, poetry, music, ESP, sances, the supernatural, mind reading, oceans,
wine, drugs. Vague, insincere, vacillating, evaporating states. Psychological
danger and insanity. Poison and confusion, lack of confidence and stability.
Passive resistance.


Intense, deeply seated emotions and states of being. Energies of obsession and
dedication. The Id and the unconscious will. Death, resurrection and rebirth.
Sexuality in its primitive yet profound forms. Primal, animal forces. Orgasm and
sexual climax. Suggestion, hypnosis, magnetism, psychotherapy. Personal

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transformation and inner growth. Evolutionary power. Unending stamina and

overcoming obstacles. Energy reserves in the soul and psyche. Deep analysis,
Power, manipulation and abuse. Traumas, emotional and psychic scars, suffering.
Panic and paralysis, paranoia. Volcanoes, earthquakes, floods.

The Zodiac

The Zodiac is a band of stars that encircles the earth. These stars are divided into
12 equal parts called signs. Each sign of the Zodiac has certain characteristics,
which are determined by a particular planet and other factors.

The Houses

The earth is divided into 12 parts, called houses. These houses represent
characteristics of an individual's life. Astrologers believe houses determine how
planets and the signs influence individuals lifestyle

Zodiac Signs

Aries (21 March-20 April)

Taurus (21 April-21 May)
Gemini (22 May-21 June)
Cancer (22 June-22 July)
Leo (23 July-22 August)
Virgo (23 August-21 September)
Libra (22 September-22 October)
Scorpio (23 October-21 November)
Sagittarius (22 November-21 December)
Capricorn (22 December-20 January)
Aquarius (21 January-19 February)
Pisces (20 February-20 March)

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