Signification of Planets

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Planet Key Significations of Planet Physiology/Disease

Sun - Surya

Self (Soul) Sun signifies the Atman, the Self of all beings, ego, the empirical
self, body, general health, father, courage, power, vitality, sense of
individuality, consciousness, creative intelligence, dignity, nobility, godliness,
royalty, authority, government, organising power, personal magnetism, radiance,
charisma, victory, honour, pride, ambition, leadership, inspiration, enthusiasm,
zest, courage,creativity, general success, reliability, stability, personality,
character, grace, generosity, respect for elders, doctoring capacity, places of
worship, temples, town halls, palaces, forests, mountains, hillsides.

Male, Fire, Bilious, Pitta, Bones, Sattva, Agni, Shiva. Rama avatar. Rigveda,
Vedanta, Samkhya, King, Kshatriya, East,22nd year.

When afflicted it signifies arrogance, wavering temperament, hauty, proud, jealous,

over ambitious, irritable, angry, self-opinionated, dominating nature,
extravagance, obstacles and difficulties, immoral and spiteful. Head, Brain, Right
eye, Bile, Organ of voice, Physical heart, Arteries, Veins
fever, cholera, blood pressure...

Diseases associated with Pitta

Moon - Chandra

Mind (Manas) Moon signifies mind (manas), mother, feelings, emotions, moods,
fancies, desires, imagination, softness, vision, charming eyes, image, memory,
passion, charm, feminine tendencies, motherliness, motherly love, protection,
nourishment, growth, childhood, women, romance, amusement, pleasures, celebrations,
singing, laughter, fertility, vegetation, herbs, grains, agriculture,
changeability, adaptability, flexibility, public opinion, common sense, popularity,
politeness, manners, sensitivity, tenderness, juicy fruits, liquids, sweetmeats,
milk, water, watery places, rivers, oceans, seamen, fishermen, journeys, travelling
agents, restaurants, popular resorts, bathing places, bathrooms, nurseries.

Female, Water, Windy/Phlegmatic, Vata/Kapha, Blood, Sattva, Varuna, Parvati.

Krishna avatar. Samaveda, Purana, Smriti. Queen. Vaishya, North-west, 24th year.

When afflicted it signifies unsteadiness, changeability, lack of mental balance,

menstral troubles, poor abilities, delays, obstacles, rumour-monger, extravagance,
moodiness, pessimism and melancholy. Face, Lungs, Lymph, Left eye, Glands,
Tonsils, Womb, Breasts, Blood circulation, Stomach, Kidneys
phthysis, cold, cough, lunacy, colics.
Mars - Mangala

Energy (Action) Mars signifies energy, strength, siblings (younger),

independence, initiative, motivation, determination, ambition, endurance, courage,
force of character, manliness, power, impatience, zeal, enthusiasm, passion,
pioneering, adventure, sports, competition, frankness, high thinking,
resourcefulness, management, research, technology, laboratories, chemistry,
mathematics, logic, difference of opinion, antagonism, litigation, argument,
misunderstanding, anger, aggression, fascism, war, weapons, soldiers, police,
wounds, accidents, operations, surgeons, engineers, dentists, fires (in the
kitchen), combustion engines, machines, kitchen, bakery, fortification, desert,
mountains, landed property.

Male, Fire, Bilious, Pitta, Marrow, Tamas, Subrahmanya. Narasimha avatar (Man-lion
incarnation), Dhanurveda, Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Commander in chief, Kshatriya, South,
28th year.

When afflicted it signifies rashness, short temper, aggressive temperament,

cunning, thievish nature, scoundral, sexual malpractices, impulsive desires,
fanaticism, stubborn and untrustworthy. Bile, Muscles, Sinews, Nose, Digestive
fire, Reproductive organs, Intestine
dysentry, piles, typhoid, pox, boils, accident...

Diseases associated with Pitta.

Mercury - Budha

Intellect (Speech) Intellect, speech, maternal uncle, blood relatives,

friend, intelligence, language, dexterity in speech, learning, teaching, education,
science, medicine, philosophy, explanation, understanding, rationality,
discrimination, interpretatation, curiosity, inquisitiveness, scrutiny, study,
analysis, memory, logic, calculation, measurement, mathematics, communication,
publicity, journalism, writing, literature, books, magazines, newspapers,
advertisements, telephone, radio, television, computers, skills, inventions,
ingenuity, refinement, adaptability, artistic taste, architecture, sculptures,
humour, jokes, tricks, imitation, adolescent nature, play, poetry, duplicity,
multiplicity, swiftness, sports, short travels, friend, mediator, co-ordinator,
mixture, transaction, distribution, commerce, business, trade, accountancy,
auditing, diplomacy, politics, playgrounds, gardens, libraries, schools, post
offices, palatial buildings.

Neuter, Earth, Mixed humour, V/P/K, Skin, Rajas, Vishnu, Buddha avatar, Yajurveda,
Shiksha, Karma Mimamsa, Crown prince, Vaishya. Earth. North, 32nd year.

When afflicted it signifies mischieviousness, cunningness, conceit, boastful,

untruthful, deception and mischief-monger, slander, legal and religious troubles,
contentions, poor judgement. Tongue, Bronchial tube, Bowels, Sensorium, Nerve
centres, Gastric juice, Hands
epilepsy, loss of memory or speech, dyspepsia, vertigo.
Jupiter - Guru

Knowledge Health, wealth, wisdom, philosophy, science, religion, knowledge,

elder sibling, children, brahmin, higher education, meditation, yagya, dharma,
honour, merit, fame, virtue, truthfulness, morality, ethics, righteousness, law,
justice, politics, optimism, positivity, progress, future, expansion, holiness,
divinity, broad outlook, idealism, aspiration, helpfulness, opportunity, solution
to problems, support of nature, divine grace, fortune, abundance, prosperity,
success, journeys, pilgrimage, spirituality, charity, generosity, devotion,
compassion, medicine, governmental favour, husband, guru, guide, religious leader,
healer, bank, treasure-house, capitalism, catholicism, church, university.

Male, Ether, Phlegmatic, Kapha, Fat, Sattva, Indra, Vamana avatar (Dwarf
incarnation). Vyakarana, Brahmana, Pratishakhya. Minister. Brahmin, North-east,
16th year.

When afflicted it signifies over optimistic, extravagant, careless, gambling,

misjudgement, misfortune, law suits, lack of compassion, frivolous. Liver, Ears,
Navel, Hips, Physical development, Palate, Throat
dyspepsia, cough, cold, phthysis, sinus congestion, asthma, allergies, thrombosis,

Diseases associated with Kapha (diabetes etc..)

Venus - Sukra

Spouse (Love) Love, beauty, harmony, spouse, lover, romance, marriage,

partnership, refinement, style, elegance, charm, peace, joy, happiness,delight,
fortune, good luck, virtue, amiability, purity, sincerity, honesty, gentleness,
affection, kindness, sensitivity, female qualities, womanliness, curly hair,
attraction, lustre, splendour, vanity, glamour, cosmetics, fashion, flowers,
scents, perfumes, silk, art, dance, music, singing, drama, theatre, cinema, poetry,
literature, painting, wealth, comforts, luxuries, gems, jewellery, conveyances,
horses, elephants, friendship, co-operation, devotion, sexual pleasures, seduction,
potency, procreation, hedonism, beauty shop, hotel, bedroom.

Female, Water, Phlegmatic/Windy, Kapha/Vata, Semen/Ovula, Rajas, Indrani, Lakshmi.

Parashurama avatar. Gandharvaveda, Chandas, Itihasa. Minister, Brahmin, South-east,
25th year.

When afflicted it signifies lack of affection, little appreciation of beauty, ill-

reputation, scandal, loss of conveyances and luxury items. Reproductine organs,
Kidneys, Fluids, Secretion, Emission.
venereal disease, asthma, diabetes, phthysis, cough, cold.
Saturn - Sani

Grief (Death) Perfection, introspection, conscience, discipline, asceticism,

servant, detachment, yoga, contemplation, meditation, inner silence, transcendence,
gateway to enlightenment, inner guru, philosophy, metaphysics, religion, judaism,
monasteries, grief, depression, patience, endurance, persistence, responsibility,
seriousness, sense of duty, slowness, retardation, obstacles, problems,
frustration, separating influence, coolness, contraction, caution, suspicion,
reservation, exploration, discovery, invention, science, suffering, long-term or
chronic situation, time, the past, servant, labourer, communism, protestantism,
anything mechanical, factories, oil, coal, mining industries, agriculture.

Neuter, Air, Windy, Vata, Muscles, Tamas, Shiva, Yama, Kurma avatar (Tortoise
incarnation), Sthapatyaveda, Yoga, Nirukta, Servant, Shudra, West, 36th year.

When afflicted it signifies fearful, slow, skeptical, melancholic, indifferent,

callous, incompetent, cruel. Knees, Feet, Legs, Gall bladder, Respiritory system,
gout, indigestion, dyspepsia, rheumatism, rickets, insanity, consumption...

Diseases associated with vata.

North Node - Rahu
Seizer (Eclipse) Worldliness, materialism, paternal grandparents, transformation,
sudden changes, excitement, alertness, intelligence, exoteric knowledge, glamour,
fame, illusion, deception, fear, suspicion, phobia, uproar, riots, revolts,
rebellion, insanity, deformation, sophistication, science, technology, psychology,
psychiatry, metaphysics, initiation, destination, reincarnation, separation,
distraction, disturbance, dividedness, obstacles, roughness, passion, lust, greed,
confusion, drugs, addiction, inconsistency, sneakiness, cheating, theft, robbery,
speculation, gambling, deterioration, fakeness, disguise, strangeness, foreigners,
invasion, inundation, evacuation, epidemic, hiccup, noise, radio, electronic
gadgets, high technology, black magic, sorcery, dilapidated places, waste
materials, garbage, slums.

Windy, Vata, Tamas, Durga, Varaha avatar (Boar incarnation). Atharvaveda, Jyotish,
Planetary army, Outcaste, South-west, 42nd year.

When afflicted it signifies compulsive behaviour, hedonistic tendency, change of

residence. Alimentary canal, Excretory system
indigestion, gas accumulation in stomach or intestines, skin disease, insect bite,
hiccough, swelling.
South Node - Ketu

Moksha (Secrecy) Spirituality, secrecy, maternal grandparents, enlightenment and

apparent obstacles on the way to enlightenment, complete knowledge, indolence,
seclusion, eccentricity, renunciation, asceticism, mysticism, esoteric knowledge,
psychic abilities, abstraction, sublimation, transformation, separation,
dividedness, kundalini, uncontrollable mass of energy, electricity, brightness,
flame, lamp, television, apparition, witchcraft, intrigues, suspicion, corruption,
scandals, excesses, hectic situations, sudden events, any unusual or striking
phenomenon, unexpected changes, accidental incidents, panic, poison, epidemics,
fever, intestinal worms, hindrances, handicaps, stammering, falling star, comet,
spark, smoke..

Windy, Vata, Tamas, Ganesha, Meena avatar (Fish incarnation), Ayurveda, Upanishad,
Aranyaka, Planetary Army, Mixed caste, South-west, 48th year.

When afflicted it signifies worries, suspicious nature of mind, hidden

difficulties, unforeseen circumstances, impediments, insanity, amputation.
Nervous system, Spine
poisoning, plague, consumption, fever, wounds, snake bite.

Copyright Wendy Vasicek

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