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Surgical and Nonsurgical Management

of Gallstones
VASANTHA K. KONDAMUDI, MD, The Brooklyn Hospital Center, Brooklyn, New York

Cholelithiasis, or gallstones, is one of the most common and costly of all the gastrointestinal diseases. The incidence
of gallstones increases with age. At-risk populations include persons with diabetes mellitus, persons who are obese,
women, rapid weight cyclers, and patients on hormone therapy or taking oral contraceptives. Most patients are
asymptomatic; gallstones are discovered incidentally during ultrasonography or other imaging of the abdomen.
Asymptomatic patients have a low annual rate of developing symptoms (about 2% per year). Once symptoms appear,
the usual presentation of uncomplicated gallstones is biliary colic, caused by the intermittent obstruction of the
cystic duct by a stone. The pain is characteristically steady, is usually moderate to severe in intensity, is located in
the epigastrium or right upper quadrant of the abdomen, lasts one to five hours, and gradually subsides. If pain per-
sists with the onset of fever or high white blood cell count, it should raise suspicion for complications such as acute
cholecystitis, gallstone pancreatitis, and ascending cholangitis. Ultrasonography is the best initial imaging study for
most patients, although additional imaging studies may be indicated. The management of acute biliary colic mainly
involves pain control with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or narcotic pain relievers. Oral dissolution therapy
is usually minimally successful and used only if the patient cannot undergo surgery. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
remains the surgical choice for symptomatic and complicated gallstones, with a shorter hospital stay and shorter
convalescence period than open cholecystectomy. Percutaneous cholecystostomy is an alternative for patients who
are critically ill with gallbladder empyema and sepsis. (Am Fam Physician. 2014;89(10):795-802. Copyright 2014
American Academy of Family Physicians.)

CME This content con- holelithiasis, or gallstones, is one which patients develop symptomatic gall-
forms to AAFP criteria for of the most common and costly stones is low, approximately 2% per year.2,4
continuing medical educa-
tion (CME). See CME Quiz of all the gastrointestinal dis-
Questions on p. 792. eases.1 Gallstones are solid calculi History and Physical Examination
Author disclosure: No rel-
formed by precipitation of supersaturated Patients typically present with biliary colic,
evant financial affiliations. bile composed of cholesterol monohydrate described as acute onset of pain in the right
crystals or by black pigment of polymer- upper quadrant of the abdomen or epigas-
See editorial on p. 779.

ized calcium bilirubinate.2 In the United trium (dermatomes T8/9) caused by brief
Patient information:

States, more than 80% of gallstones contain impaction of the gallstone in the neck of the
A handout on this topic,
written by the authors of
cholesterol as their major component. Over gallbladder. The pain is characteristically
this article, is available the past two decades, much has been learned steady and is usually moderate to severe in
at about the epidemiology of this condition intensity. It typically starts abruptly with-
afp/2014/0515/p795-s1. and its risk factors2 (Table 13). Gallstones out fluctuations, is not relieved with a bowel
are associated with high-calorie diets, type movement, and reaches a peak within one
2 diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, hyperin- hour. The pain tends to resolve gradually
sulinism, obesity, and metabolic syndrome.2 over one to five hours as the stone dislodges;
if it lasts longer, suspicion for complications
Diagnosis should be raised. More than 90% of patients
Gallstones are often discovered inciden- presenting with a first episode of biliary colic
tally during ultrasonography or computed have recurrent pain within 10 years (two-
tomography of the abdomen. Only 10% to thirds of those within two years).2,3
20% of asymptomatic patients will even- After an episode, physical examination
tually become symptomatic within five to findings are usually normal, with the pos-
20 years of diagnosis. The average rate at sible exception of residual upper abdominal

May 15, 2014

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Table 1. Risk Factors for Gallstones

Family history, female sex, increasing age, specific races
(e.g., Chilean Indians, Mexican Americans, Pima Indians) Patients with gallstone pancreatitis, caused by obstruc-
Dietary tion at the level of the sphincter of Oddi, typically pres-
Diet high in calories and refined carbohydrates, low in fiber ent with epigastric pain and increased amylase and lipase
and unsaturated fats; total parenteral nutrition
Low-grade physical activity, pregnancy and multiparity, Diagnostic Testing
prolonged fasting, rapid weight loss
Associated conditions
Alcoholic cirrhosis, bariatric surgery, diabetes mellitus, Table 4 summarizes the tests used to diagnose gall-
dyslipidemia, estrogen therapy or use of oral contraceptives, stones.12-22 The recommended initial imaging study for
gallbladder or intestinal stasis, hyperinsulinism, metabolic most patients with suspected gallstones or a complica-
syndrome, obesity*
tion of gallstones is abdominal ultrasonography. It is
*Obesity defined as body mass index greater than 30 kg per m2.
inexpensive, has no associated radiation exposure, and
Adapted from Portincasa P, Moschetta A, Palasciano G. Cholesterol
is highly sensitive for detection of gallstones.12-14 Com-
gallstone disease. Lancet. Copyright 2006;368(9531):234, with per- puted tomography should be considered in patients with
mission from Elsevier. negative or equivocal ultrasonography results or if com-
plications of gallstones are suspected.13,14
A hepatobiliary iminodiacetic acid (HIDA) scan is a
tenderness.3 Table 2 summarizes the accuracy of clinical functional study that evaluates for cystic duct obstruc-
examination findings in patients with suspected gall- tion. It is useful for the diagnosis of acute cholecysti-
stones or acute cholecystitis.5,6 tis. Normal gallbladder visualization excludes acute


Patients with gallstones are often seen for Table 2. Accuracy of Clinical Findings for the Diagnosis
complications; the signs and symptoms are of Gallstones and Acute Cholecystitis
summarized in Table 3.7-9 Acute cholecystitis
Positive Negative
is an inflammation of the gallbladder caused likelihood likelihood Sensitivity Specificity
by gallstones blocking the cystic duct. It Clinical finding ratio ratio (%) (%)
should be suspected in patients with fever,
leukocytosis, right upper quadrant mass,
Biliary colic 3.6 0.84 21 94
persistent pain, a mild elevation of bilirubin
Radiating pain 1.6 0.62 62 61
levels, or Murphy sign (inspiratory arrest
Use of analgesics 1.6 0.38 80 51
during deep right upper quadrant palpa-
Fat intolerance 1.3 0.83 43 68
tion). It generally follows food intake and
Tenderness of upper 1.3 0.73 62 53
often occurs in patients with prior attacks of abdomen
biliary colic.7 Food intolerance 1.2 0.86 51 57
Choledocholithiasis refers to gallstones Upper abdominal pain 1.2 0.74 68 43
that have migrated from the gallbladder Acute cholecystitis
into the common bile duct, most often via Murphy sign* (general 5.0 0.4 65 87
the cystic duct. Common duct stones can be population)
asymptomatic or can lead to complications Chills 2.6 0.9 13 95
such as gallstone pancreatitis or acute chol- Right upper quadrant 2.5 0.28 81 67
angitis. Ascending cholangitis is character-
Murphy sign* (older 2.3 0.66 48 79
ized by fever, jaundice, and abdominal pain
(Charcot triad); the addition of altered men- Palpable gallbladder 2.0 0.99 2 99
tation and hypotension is known as Reyn- Fever 1.8 0.81 35 80
olds pentad. Both develop as a result of stasis Right upper quadrant 1.7 0.43 77 54
of bile and bacterial infection in the biliary tenderness
tract, and should be promptly addressed
with intravenous antibiotics and endo- *Inspiratory arrest during deep right upper quadrant palpation.

scopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography Information from references 5 and 6.

(ERCP) to clear the duct.8,10,11

796 American Family Physician Volume 89, Number 10 May 15, 2014
Table 3. Complications of Gallstones

Diagnosis Pain site and character of pain Recommended diagnostic tests Laboratory tests

Acute cholecystitis Right upper quadrant pain that is steady Ultrasonography or hepatobiliary Elevated white blood cell level
and lasts longer than six hours, right iminodiacetic acid scan; may be present
upper quadrant tenderness, fever, computed tomography if
chills, and Murphy sign* complications suspected
Obstructive cholangitis Right upper quadrant pain, exquisitely Endoscopic retrograde Leukocytosis, elevated liver
secondary to tender right upper quadrant, fever, cholangiopancreatography enzyme levels
choledocholithiasis jaundice
Gallstone pancreatitis Epigastric pain, diffuse and constant Endoscopic retrograde Elevated amylase and lipase
cholangiopancreatography levels

*Inspiratory arrest during deep right upper quadrant palpation.

Information from references 7 through 9.

Table 4. Diagnostic Studies for Gallstones and Complications of Gallstones

Diagnostic study Accuracy Comment

Ultrasonography High specificity (> 98%) and Inexpensive; noninvasive; first-line test for patients with
sensitivity (> 95%) for identifying suspected gallstones or acute cholecystitis; provides anatomic
gallstones; false-negative rate of information, such as presence of polyps, common bile duct
1% to 4% diameter, and parenchymal hepatic abnormalities
Hepatobiliary iminodiacetic High sensitivity (97%) and specificity Useful to visualize the biliary tree and to assess liver and
acid scan (77%) for the diagnosis of acute gallbladder function; can diagnose or rule out biliary dyskinesia
cholecystitis; normal findings Hepatobiliary iminodiacetic acid is normally taken up by the liver
virtually rule out acute cholecystitis and excreted into bile, where it fills the gallbladder and can
be detected with a gamma camera; failure of hepatobiliary
iminodiacetic acid to fill the gallbladder at two hours after
injection is indicative of cystic duct obstruction
Magnetic resonance High sensitivity (97%) and specificity Noninvasive; can identify gallstones anywhere in the biliary tract
cholangiopancreatography (98%) for identifying gallstones Reserved for cases in which choledocholithiasis is suspected
Computed tomography Sensitivity of 79% and specificity of Superior to ultrasonography in visualizing the biliary tree
100% for identifying gallstones and distal common bile duct, but higher cost and radiation
exposure make it a second-line option to ultrasonography
Endoscopic retrograde Sensitivity of 85% to 87% and In studies was 94% effective for stone removal
cholangiopancreatography specificity of 100% for determining Diagnostic and therapeutic; usually performed in conjunction with
normal biliary system, bile duct endoscopic retrograde sphincterotomy and gallstone extraction
obstruction, and choledocholithiasis
Plain abdominal radiography Useful for excluding other causes of acute abdominal pain
(e.g., intestinal obstruction, visceral perforation, renal stones,
chronic calcific pancreatitis)

NOTE: Studies are listed in order of preference.

Information from references 12 through 22.

cholecystitis with an accuracy of 99%.12 A variant of (MRCP) is a noninvasive study with high sensitivity
the study, known as a cholecystokinin-HIDA scan, and specificity for the detection of gallstones. According
can be used in the elective setting to assess gallblad- to the 2010 American College of Radiology guidelines,
der contractility and calculate an ejection fraction. A magnetic resonance imaging is recommended as a sec-
cholecystokinin-HIDA scan is helpful in patients with ondary imaging study if ultrasonography does not result
suspected gallstones, but who have normal findings on in a clear diagnosis of acute cholecystitis or gallstones.14
ultrasonography and workup for their symptoms (e.g., Choledocholithiasis is found in 6% to 12% of patients
upper endoscopy, upper gastrointestinal series, negative with gallstones; it increases the risk of recurrent symp-
Helicobacter pylori serology). toms, pancreatitis, and cholangitis.13 It should be sus-
Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography pected in any patient with a common bile duct stone on

May 15, 2014 Volume 89, Number 10 American Family Physician797

ultrasonography, symptoms of ascending cholangitis, ultrasonography, or preoperative ERCP.23 Endoscopic

a bilirubin level higher than 4 mg per dL (68.4 mol ultrasonography has accuracy similar to MRCP, but is
per L), or dilated common bile duct (greater than 6 mm) more invasive.13 ERCP is invasive, with 4% to 10% of
on ultrasonography.8 The presence of any of the previ- patients experiencing hemorrhage, acute pancreatitis,
ously mentioned signs or symptoms warrants additional acute cholangitis, or perforation.24 An advantage of
biliary imaging; options include MRCP, endoscopic ERCP is in its potentially therapeutic nature, enabling
stone extraction, placement of stents, and
biopsy of any diagnosed lesion that might
Management of Gallstones become evident during the study.25
Gallstones identified

Laboratory studies recommended for

patients with suspected complications of
gallstones include a complete blood count
Yes No and measurement of hepatic transaminase,
total bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, amy-
Medical management Indications for
(nonsteroidal anti- surgical treatment? lase, and lipase levels. Although patients
inflammatory drugs, with acute cholecystitis often have mild
narcotic pain relievers) leukocytosis, the absence of leukocytosis
Yes No does not exclude this diagnosis. Abnor-
Complications? Elective LC Clinical follow-up* mal findings on liver function testing also
occur in patients with cholecystitis, as well
as in patients with cholangitis. Elevated
Yes No amylase and lipase levels, or abnormal
Choledocholithiasis: Candidate for surgery? findings on liver function testing raise sus-
ERCP and LC picion for gallstone pancreatitis. A high
Acute cholecystitis: white blood cell count may indicate a gan-
LC within 72 hours Yes No
grenous or perforated gallbladder, or the
Pancreatitis: LC before
discharge LC with Mild symptoms, small/ presence of other pathology.11,13
or without radiolucent stones, good
ERCP gallbladder function? Treatment
Although the natural history of gallstones
Yes No is generally benign, the physician must
decide whether treatment is needed. When
Oral dissolution therapy Large pigmented or
or extracorporeal shock radiopaque gallstones? considering gallstones, it is helpful to cat-
wave therapy (both with egorize patients into the following groups:
high recurrence risk) those with incidentally detected, asymp-
Yes No tomatic gallstones; with symptomatic
Clinical management, Clinical gallstones; with atypical symptoms and
emergency LC follow-up* gallstones on imaging; and with typical
symptoms but no gallstones on imaging. A
*Exceptions to expectant management include patients with calcification of the gall- suggested approach to the management of
bladder, hemolytic anemia, or large gallstones (greater than 3 cm); patients with small
gallstones and gallbladder dysmotility; patients who are morbidly obese and undergo-
gallstones is shown in Figure 1.4
ing bariatric surgery; patients planning to have a transplant; and Native Americans. Expectant management is the best
approach for patients with incidentally
detected, asymptomatic gallstones.4,26,27
Figure 1. Algorithm for the suggested approach to management of However, even in these patients, cholecys-
gallstones. (ERCP = endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography;
tectomy may be indicated in certain cir-
LC = laparoscopic cholecystectomy.)
cumstances, such as in patients planning to
Adapted with permission from Portincasa P, Ciaula AD, Bonfrate L, Wang DQ. Therapy of
gallstone disease: what it was, what it is, what it will be. World J Gastrointest Pharmacol Ther. have a transplant and patients with hemo-
2012;3(2):9. lytic anemia (Table 5).4,28-30

798 American Family Physician Volume 89, Number 10 May 15, 2014

Prophylactic treatment, usually with laparoscopic expectant management is also a valid alternative. For
cholecystectomy, should be recommended for patients example, in one study of 69 adults with symptomatic
with biliary-type symptoms or those with complications gallstones treated expectantly, only 35 required chole-
of gallstones, because these patients are likely to have cystectomy after a median follow-up of 5.6 years.27
recurrent and more severe symptoms. In a Cochrane review of laparoscopic cholecystectomy
For patients with gallstones on imaging but atypical vs. open cholecystectomy, laparoscopic surgery was sim-
symptoms, other common gastrointestinal diagnoses ilar to the open procedure in complication rates and sur-
should be considered, such as peptic ulcer disease, gastro- gical time, but resulted in a shorter hospital stay (three
esophageal reflux disease, or irritable bowel syndrome. fewer days; 95% confidence interval, 2.3 to 3.9 days) and
Finally, for patients presenting with symptoms highly shorter convalescence period (22 fewer days; 95% confi-
suggestive of gallstones but without gallstones on imag- dence interval, 8 to 37 days).34
ing, a cholecystokinin-HIDA scan should be considered. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the most commonly
In up to 20% of the patients with symptoms typical of performed abdominal surgery in industrialized coun-
biliary colic, no gallstones are seen on imaging, possibly tries, with almost 900,000 procedures performed annu-
because of small size or stone composition.3 Although ally in Europe and the United States.34,35 The rate of
such patients may be treated expectantly, studies indi- conversions to laparotomy for uninflamed gallbladder
cate that laparoscopic cholecystectomy may be beneficial disease ranges from 2% to 15%, and in cases of acute
in those with long-standing symptoms of biliary-type cholecystitis, from 6% to 35%.35 Factors that increase
colic in the absence of identified gallstones who have a the risk of conversion to open cholecystectomy include
reduced gallbladder ejection fraction and reproducible male sex, age 60 years or older, previous upper abdomi-
symptoms with the injection of cholecystokinin.31 nal surgery, thickened gallbladder wall on ultrasonog-
raphy, and acute cholecystitis.36,37 Table 6 provides the
PAIN CONTROL indications and contraindications for laparoscopic
Treatment of acute biliary colic primarily involves pain cholecystectomy.35
control with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Antibiotic prophylaxis is not required in low-
(NSAIDs) or narcotic pain relievers. risk patients undergoing elective laparoscopic
NSAIDs are preferred for most patients
because they are equally effective with fewer
adverse effects. A randomized controlled Table 5. Exceptions to Expectant Management in Persons
trial of 324 patients given intravenous ketor- with Asymptomatic Gallstones
olac or meperidine (Demerol) found that
both medications were similarly effective at Patient population Comment
relieving pain, but that patients receiving an
NSAID had fewer adverse effects.32 Calcification of the gallbladder High risk of gallbladder cancer
(porcelain gallbladder)
Another option for pain control is anti-
Hemolytic anemia (e.g., sickle High risk of forming calcium bilirubinate
spasmodic agents (e.g., scopolamine), which cell disease) gallstones because of chronic hemolysis;
are thought to relax and relieve the spasms of may become symptomatic, with recurrent
the gallbladder. However, comparison stud- episodes of abdominal pain
ies have shown that NSAIDs provide faster Large gallstones (greater Higher risk of gallbladder cancer
than 3 cm)
and more effective pain relief.33 The patient
Morbidly obese undergoing High risk of becoming symptomatic during
should fast as part of the conservative man- bariatric surgery rapid weight loss
agement of biliary colic and to avoid the Native Americans Higher risk of gallbladder cancer compared
release of endogenous cholecystokinin. with general population
Planning to have a transplant Immunosuppressive therapy mutes
SURGICAL TREATMENT symptoms and blunts the ability to fight
a septic infection; cholecystectomy is a
Patients with symptomatic gallstones can be
consideration in this subgroup
divided into two categories: those who have
Small gallstones and Higher risk of pancreatitis
simple biliary colic and those with compli- gallbladder dysmotility
cations. Cholecystectomy, usually laparo-
scopic, is recommended for most patients Information from references 4, and 28 through 30.
with symptomatic gallstones.34 However,

May 15, 2014 Volume 89, Number 10 American Family Physician799


Table 6. Indications and Contraindications When surgery is to be avoided, extracorporeal shock wave
for Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy lithotripsy is a noninvasive therapeutic alternative for
symptomatic patients. Although serious adverse effects
Indications (e.g., biliary pancreatitis, liver hematoma) are rare, limi-
Acute cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia, complications related tations of the procedure include stone recurrence. Also,
to common bile duct stones, gallstones (symptomatic or
complete ductal clearance is not always achieved because
asymptomatic [Table 5])
of the size or position of the stones.42 However, recent
Absolute: gallbladder cancer, inability to tolerate general
studies demonstrated usefulness of extracorporeal shock
anesthesia, uncontrolled coagulopathy wave lithotripsy for large pancreatic and common bile
Relative*: advanced cirrhosis/liver failure, coagulopathy, duct stones followed by ERCP, with results comparable
peritonitis, previous upper abdominal surgeries, septic shock, to those of surgery with regard to pain relief and duct
severe acute peritonitis clearance.43
*May require special care and preparation of the patient and care- NEW SURGICAL TECHNIQUES
ful assessment of risks vs. benefits.
Information from reference 35. As laparoscopic techniques evolve, physicians continue
to try to make surgery as minimally invasive as possible.
One such procedure is called single incision laparoscopic
cholecystectomy, but it may reduce the incidence of surgery, totally transumbilical single-port surgery,
wound infection in high-risk patients (i.e., those older laparoendoscopic single-site surgery, or single incision
than 60 years; patients with diabetes mellitus, acute colic multiport laparoendoscopic surgery. A 2013 systematic
within 30 days of surgery, jaundice, acute cholecystitis, review comparing single incision laparoscopic surgery
or cholangitis).38,39 Antibiotic prophylaxis should be with standard laparoscopic cholecystectomy found no
limited to a single preoperative dose of intravenous advantage with single incision laparoscopic surgery and
cefazolin, 1 g given within one hour of skin excision.40 concluded that such a procedure cannot be routinely
recommended outside of clinical trials.44
ORAL DISSOLUTION THERAPY The second type of procedure is called natural ori-
For asymptomatic pigmented or calcified gallstones, fice transluminal endoscopic surgery, an approach
no medical therapy aside from pain control is rec- that makes use of one of the bodys existing orifices for
ommended. For cholesterol-containing
gallstones, litholysis with oral agents is a his-
torical option that is less often used in todays
clinical practice. Symptomatic patients who Evidence
are not candidates for surgery or those who Clinical recommendation rating References
have small gallstones (5 mm or smaller) in a Ultrasonography is an appropriate initial imaging C 14
functioning gallbladder with a patent cystic study in persons with suspected gallstones or
duct are candidates for dissolution therapy. complications of gallstones.
Options include oral ursodeoxycholic acid Expectant management is the best approach B 4, 26, 27
for patients with incidentally detected,
(ursodiol [Actigall]) and chenodeoxycholic asymptomatic gallstones.
acid.4,41 Both agents decrease hepatic secre- Laparoscopic cholecystectomy remains the A 34
tion of biliary cholesterol, cause formation standard treatment for gallstones.
of unsaturated bile, and promote dissolution Antibiotic prophylaxis is not required in low-risk A 38, 39
of cholesterol crystals and gallstones. After patients undergoing elective laparoscopic
six to 12 months of therapy, it may eventu- cholecystectomy.
When indicated, laparoscopic cholecystectomy C 47
ally result in dissolution of small gallstones,
can be safely performed during any trimester
but with a recurrence rate of more than 50%. of pregnancy.
Oral dissolution has several disadvantages,
including the lengthy time frame of obser- A = consistent, good-quality patient-oriented evidence; B = inconsistent or limited-
quality patient-oriented evidence; C = consensus, disease-oriented evidence, usual
vation (up to two years). Fewer than 10%
practice, expert opinion, or case series. For information about the SORT evidence
of patients with symptomatic gallstones are rating system, go to
candidates for this therapy.4,41

800 American Family Physician Volume 89, Number 10 May 15, 2014

abdominal access. In the case of cholecystectomy, the hypertension. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the pro-
most common access is transvaginal. This procedure cedure of choice for those with Child-Pugh class A and
is currently hampered by the unavailability of suitable B cirrhosis.52
instrumentation.45 Studies are currently underway and
Data Sources: A search of the Cochrane database, PubMed, DARE, and
long-term outcomes are forthcoming. National Guideline Clearinghouse was performed using the key terms
gallstones, cholelithiasis, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, cholelithiasis
Special Populations and hepatic cirrhosis, and pregnancy and cholelithiasis. Search dates:
PREGNANCY December 1 through 20, 2010, and March through April 2014.
In pregnant women with symptomatic gallstones, the
initial management is supportive care, which is usually The Authors
successful.46 Because NSAIDs are generally not recom- SHERLY ABRAHAM, MD, is the director of the Family Medicine Residency
mended in pregnancy, pain control can be achieved with Program at The Brooklyn (NY) Hospital Center.
intravenous administration of meperidine. Ursodeoxy- HAIDY G. RIVERO, MD, is a junior attending at The Brooklyn Hospital
cholic acid has been administered in pregnant patients Center.
to manage intrahepatic cholestasis, but the safety and IRINA V. ERLIKH, MD, is an associate director in the Family Medicine Resi-
effectiveness of treating gallstones during pregnancy dency Program at The Brooklyn Hospital Center.
have not been evaluated (U.S. Food and Drug Admin-
LARRY F. GRIFFITH, MD, is an associate director in the Department of Sur-
istration pregnancy category B). Chenodeoxycholic acid gery Residency Program at The Brooklyn Hospital Center.
should not be used in pregnant patients (U.S. Food and
VASANTHA K. KONDAMUDI, MD, is the chair of family medicine and chief
Drug Administration pregnancy category X). Surgery is quality officer in the Department of Family Medicine at The Brooklyn Hos-
usually reserved for patients with recurrent or intracta- pital Center.
ble biliary pain or those who have complications related
Address correspondence to Sherly Abraham, MD, The Brooklyn Hospi-
to gallstones. When surgery is indicated, the laparo- tal Center, 121 Dekalb Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11201 (e-mail: sha9035@nyp.
scopic approach is preferred, and has been used safely org). Reprints are not available from the authors.
in all trimesters.47
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802 American Family Physician Volume 89, Number 10 May 15, 2014

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