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Know your right skill based career

Name: Vijayasri
This report will help you understand where your interest lies. On
Email Id:
N/A basis of it; this report gives you recommendation on career sector
Mobile No: 7893736141
N/A for choosing a skill based career

Date of Test: Jul 22, 2016 Choosing a skilling course and career based on the
recommendation in this report will increase your likelihood of being
more successful and doing better in your course, job and career

You can also take this report to a career counselor and discuss it in

Your Interest Type

50% 17% 17% 12% 12%

Social (S) Artistic (A) Realistic (R) Conventional (C) Investigative (I)

What Is Interest Type?

Take a moment to ask, "What do I enjoy?"

"Interests" are those activities you do for fun or enjoyment, including what you like to read, the TV shows and movies
you like to watch, events you like to attend, and the kind of people you admire and like to be with.

Interest is important in choosing a career or occupation because interest keeps you motivated and engaged in your work.
Since work takes up most of your time during a day and week, if you have no interest in what you are doing, you will most
likely become unhappy and unproductive.

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Know your right skill based career

Interest Type
Lets see what your interest type says:

Social (S) Conventional (C)

This type of people likes to This type of people likes to
You are
work with people. They like You are
work with data facts,
to help others. They like to numbers, and files. They
50% teach them, take care of 12% like to organize information
Social them, cure them, cure them Conventional to help things run smoothly.
of illnesses or help them They like to carry out
get along with each other. business and clerical
projects in structured ways
paying attention to detail.

Artistic (A) Realistic (R)

This type of people likes to This type of people likes to
You are
use their imagination and You are
work with things such as
creativity. They like to work tools, machines, vehicles,
17% in the arts, music, writing, 17% materials, food, plants or
Artistic or entertaining. Realistic animals. They like to make,
build, or fix things. They
like to be physically active.

Investigative (I)
This type of people likes to
You are
observe, investigate and
analyze. They like to work
12% with ideas, concepts and
Investigative theories and use what they
learn to design things and
solve problems.

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Know your right skill based career

Suggested Career Sectors As Per Your Interest

1 Education / Skill Development

It is expected that the incremental human resource requirement for teachers and
trainers would be about 5.8 million teachers by 2022. This would translate to an
average requirement to train about 415,000 teachers and trainers annually. The current
67 capacity of teacher training institutes is about 160,000 only.
% Motivation Level
0 100
Visit for more details:

2 Tourism, Hospitality & Travel Hotel Related

The total market size of Indian tourism and hospitality sector currently is about US$
117.7 billion and is expected to touch US$ 418.9 billion by 2022. In the past few years
the real growth has come from within the domestic sector as around 30 million Indians
50 travel within the country in a year. Hotels are an important component of the tourism
% Motivation Level product.
0 100

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3 Designing & Animation

Artists and designers both create visual compositions using a shared knowledge base,
but their reasons for doing so are entirely different. The designers job isnt to invent
something new, but to communicate something that already exists, for a purpose. The
33 most renowned (and successful) works of art today are those that establish the
% Motivation Level strongest emotional bond between the artist and their audience.
0 100

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4 Media & Entertainment

Media animation and entertainment- The Rs 83, 000 crore (US$ 13.23 billion)-Indian
Media and Entertainment (M&E) industry is making high growth strides. The sector has
been largely driven by increasing digitization and higher internet usage over the last
33 decade. Internet has almost become a mainstream media for entertainment for most of
% Motivation Level the people.
0 100

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